Safe Technology fe-safe v6.2.01-MAGNiTUDE


Safe Technology fe-safe v6.2.01-MAGNiTUDE | 578 MB

Manycompanies use advanced finite element analysis to calculate designstresses, but the fatigue analysis is often still done by manuallypicking stress points for spread-sheet analysis. This is time consumingand unreliable because its easy to miss failure locations. Componentvalidation by fatigue testing a prototype design in the test lab istime-consuming. If the prototype fails prematurely, a costly, open-endedcycle of design-test-redesign is required. Project time-scales slip anddelivery is late.

In the automotive industry some 40% of thetotal development cost is spent making prototype parts. In the medicalindustry an unexpected failure can mean the loss of several monthslead-time over competitors.

fe-safe is a highly effective tool for fatigue analysis of Finite Element models.

Withfe-safe as an integrated part of your design process, you have theability to optimise designs and test programs, reduce prototype testtimes product recalls and warranty costs - all with increased confidencethat your product designs pass their test schedules as right firsttime?.


calculates fatigue lives at everypoint on a model, producing contour plots to reveal fatigue lives andcrack sites. Critical points need not be missed.
determines howmuch the stresses must be changed in order to achieve a target designlife showing clearly where the component is under strength, or wherematerial and weight can be saved
estimates warranty claim curves based on probabilities of failure
calculates which parts of the service duty are most damaging and which could be omitted from a fatigue test
identifies non-critical loads at significant points on a model. Inprototype testing this could mean tests using fewer loads and thereforefewer actuators

Homepage: fe-safe - durability by design

