Sky Textures - Total Textures V18


Sky Textures - Total Textures V18 | 3.72Gb

Total Textures V18 ? "Sky Textures" is a collection of high resolution panorama textures that can be applied to a sky dome and are set up ready to work within such a 3D environment. Due to their huge size (over 17,000 x 5,000) they can alternatively be used as a background pass in 3D render composites or even mapped onto a plane. They incorporate different weather conditions ranging from stormy and overcast to clear and sunny and have also been taken at different times of the day from the morning through to afternoons and sunset.
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This DVD contains 101 individual images. Each texture has been hand crafted from 100% original photography and is also of course totally flexible, meaning it can be used in many projects.
Product details
Texture format: jpeg, tiff,
Average texture resolution: 17,430 x 5,137
Interface: HTML interface providing easy browsing and map selection
Software: Compatible with all 3D software packages
Browser: Compatible with all browsers
Computer: PC and Mac compatible
Format: Texture DVD

Total Textures Licence Agreement
The contents of this Total Textures DVD are copyright 2010. This content may not be re-sold, packaged, loaned or otherwise redistributed.

The contents of this Total Textures DVD are offered royalty free when used within a work of art. You may modify them in any way you wish in order to conform to your needs, however any such modifications are still derivatives of the original image and may not be sold or distributed as your own textures (whether to be sold separately or packaged/included with any other products/files).

A typical example of what is not allowed would be to sell your own models, but to bundle them with our textures. This counts as reselling our textures and violates the license agreement.

If you are proposing to use the textures in a project such as a video game then this is acceptable as long as the textures are included in such a way that the files are not accessible by the end user.

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