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موضوع: تصاویری از اولین گوشی نوکیا با سیستم عامل مایکروسافت ویندوز موبایل 7 منتشر گردید:

  1. #1
    عضو سایت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Jan 2011
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    تصاویری از اولین گوشی نوکیا با سیستم عامل مایکروسافت ویندوز موبایل 7 منتشر گردید:

    تنها یک روز بعد از معرفی استراتژی های جدید نوکیا و همکاری آن با مایکروسافت برای تولید گوشی های ویندوز موبایل 7 ، تصاویری از اولین گوشی نوکیا که قرار است با این سیستم عامل تولید شود منتشر گردید .
    این گوشی بسیار شبیه به گوشی C7 نوکیا میباشد . هنوز نوکیا به طور رسمی این گوشی را معرفی نکرده است اما انتظار میرود در MWC این گوشی به طور رسمی معرفی شود .
    891123 2

    24 jack bauer 7

  2. 4 کاربر مقابل از king 2011 عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند.

  3. #2
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
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    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    Look what we've found! This is the first image you'll see anywhere of the early fruit of Microsoft and Nokia's budding new partnership. We have it on good authority that the technicolor phones on show are conceptual devices produced by the two companies. You shouldn't, therefore, go jumping to conclusions about retail hardware just yet, but hearts should be warmed by the familiarity of Nokia's new design -- the shape of these handsets is somewhere between its recent N8 and C7 Symbian devices and there is, as usual for Nokia, a choice of sprightly colors. The trio of keys adorning the new concept's bottom give away its Windows Phone 7 ties, but also remind us that the N8 and E7 are highly unlikely to receive any WP7 upgrade love. The best part about this whole discovery, however, might be that it confirms Steve Ballmer's assertion that the engineers of both companies have "spent a lot of time on this already." So, who else is excited about owning an Engadget-blue Microkia device


    It has been just a day after Nokia announced its extensive collaboration with Microsoft and already a Nokia concept with Windows Phone 7 was revealed. Even though it's just a prototype, the fist lovechild of the two companies looks quite promising.
    Here's a photo of the Nokia Windows Phone 7 concept, which Engadget managed to snoop out.

    Alongside the serious looking black color, there are also other flashy bright colors to choose from. And as you would imagine, at an early stage like this, the information about the hardware of the device is virtually non-existent.
    By looking from the concept phone we see that the Nokia Windows Phone 7 resembles the Nokia C7. Unfortunately, even so, there's no chance of the N8 and C7 getting a Windows Phone 7 update, because of the strict hardware requirements Microsoft has..
    Anyway, you are welcome to share your opinion on the fancy looking Nokia Windows Phone 7 concept and who knows, maybe we could run by a prototype device at MWC, so stay tuned

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    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  4. 5 کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند.

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