
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : لالایی Lullaby

02-02-2011, 10:06 PM
http://pic.azardl.com/images/86684544885689605282.gif (http://pic.azardl.com/)

you are my sunshine

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away


I'll always love you and make you happy,
If you will only say the same.
But if you leave me and love another,
You'll regret it all some day:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You told me once, dear, you really loved me
And no one else could come between.
But not you've left me and love another;
You have shattered all of my dreams:

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me
When I awake my poor heart pains.
So when you come back and make me happy
I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

02-02-2011, 10:07 PM
http://pic.azardl.com/images/70391764335506389267.jpg (http://pic.azardl.com/)

(from the film "Dumbo")

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine.

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Leet those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine.

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The chance to hold you.

From your head to your toes
Your not much, goodness knows
But your so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

02-02-2011, 10:07 PM
Ragtime Lullaby


by George Gershwin

Won't you play the music so the cradle can rock,
to a lullaby in ragtime.
Sleepy hands are creeping to the end of the clock,
play a lullaby in ragtime.
You can tell the sandman is on his way,
by the way that they play,
As still as the trill of a thrush in a twilight high.


So you can hear the rhythm of the ripples on the side of the boat,
as you sail away to dreamland.
High above the moon you hear a silvery note,
as the sandman takes your hand.
So rock-a-by my baby, don't you cry my baby,
sleepy-time is nigh.
Won't you rock me to a ragtime lullaby,

So rock-a-by my baby,
don't you cry my baby,
sleepy-time is nigh.
Won't you rock me to a ragtime lullaby

02-02-2011, 10:08 PM

Golden slumber

Golden slumber kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I'll sing you a lullaby.

Care you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While I o'er you watch do keep.
pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullab

02-02-2011, 10:08 PM
All the pretty little horses


Hush-a-bye don't you cry,
Go to sleep-y, little baby.
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.
Blacks and bays, dapple grays,
Coach and six white horses.
Hush-a-bye don't you cry,
Go to sleep-y, little baby

02-02-2011, 10:18 PM
When the curtain of night
Falls so gently to rest,
And hides the bright sun
On its great journey west;
Your sweet eyes will close,
And your dreams will begin,
And you'll travel to places
Where you've never been.

When the bright shining moon
And the stars are all gone,
And the sun on the clouds
Lights a rose-colored dawn;
When the night-time has passed,
And your dreaming is done,
You'll wake with a smile
That's as bright as the sun.

You'll dream of great oceans
That sparkle with light,
And millions of stars
That all twinkle at night;
And clouds piling up
In the heavens so high,
And great crystal mountains
That reach to the sky.

When the bright shining moon
And the stars are all gone,
And the sun on the clouds
Lights a rose-colored dawn;
When the night-time has passed,
And your dreaming is done,
You'll wake with a smile
That's as bright as the sun.

وقتی که پردهء شب
خیلی آروم برای خوابیدن پایین میاد،
و خورشید درخشانو
در سفر طولانی خودش به غرب
مخفی می کنه،
چشمهای شیرین تو بسته می شه
و رویاهات شروع می شه
تو سفر می کنی به جاهایی
که هیچ وقت تا حالا نرفتی

وقتی ماه روشن و درخشان
و ستاره های نفره ای و نورافشان
همگی رهسپار رفتن می شن،
و خورشید پشت ابرها
سپیدهء گلی رنگ را روشن می کنه،
وقتی شب دیگه به آخر می رسه
و خواب دیدن تو تموم می شه،
تو با یه لبخند بیدار می شی
که به درخشندگی خورشیده،
تو خواب اقیانوس های بزرگ رو می بینی
که توی نور برق می زنن،
خواب میلیون ها ستاره
که همه شون تو شب چشمک می زنن،
ابرها که روی هم انباشته می شن
در آسمونهای خیلی بلند
و کوههای بلوری بزرگ
که سر به فلک می کشن

وقتی ماه روشن و درخشان
و ستاره های نقره ای و نورافشان
همگی رهسپار رفتن می شن،
و خورشید پشت ابرها
سپیدهء گلی رنگ را روشن می کنه،
وقتی شب دیگه به آخر می رسه
و خواب دیدن تو تموم می شه،
تو با یه لبخند بیدار می شی
که به درخشندگی خورشیده...

02-02-2011, 10:20 PM

The sunset fades to crimson in the west,
And lilac shadows steal across the land.
The moon has come to put the sun to sleep,
And sleep has come to take you by the hand.

Under a fat old moon, way up high,
With a lopsided grin in a calico sky;
In a lonely sweetgum tree, by a creek that murmurs sleepily,
The nightbird sings a twilight lullaby.

The little birds have settled in their nests,
'Til morning's sunlight beckons them awake;
A breeze has stirred the rushes swaying by
The twinkling stars reflecting in the lake.

Under a fat old moon, way up high,
With a lopsided grin in a calico sky;
In a lonely sweetgum tree, by a creek that murmurs sleepily,
The nightbird sings a twilight lullaby.

The moon so big up in the eastern sky,
Bright golden as it floats above the hill,
Has sent a little gift to warm your night,
Of moonbeams dancing on your windowsill.

Under a fat old moon, way up high,
With a lopsided grin in a calico sky;
In a lonely sweetgum tree, by a creek that murmurs sleepily,
The nightbird sings a twilight lullaby.

غروب آفتاب در شفق شنگرفی غرب
کم کم ناپدبد می شود
و سایهء یاس های کبود
از روی زمین ربوده می شوند.
ماه آمده است که خورشید را به خواب بفرستد
و خواب آمده تا تو را دربربگیرد
در زیر نور ماه ِ فربه و سالخورده
که با کجخندی در آسمان چلواری
روشنی می افروزد،
بر یک درخت ِ بنهء تنها،
کنار نهری که آرام زمزمه می کند،
مرغ شب لالایی گرگ و میش می خواند
پرندگان کوچک در لانه هایشان جاگرفته اند
تا نور سپیده دم با یک اشاره
بیدارشان کند
نسیم ملایمی نیزار را
به جنبش در می آورد
ستاره های چشمک زن در برکه منعکس می شوند،
ماه در شرقی ترین سمت آسمان
رو به وسعت است.
چنان طلایی می درخشد
که گویی بر فراز تپه شناور است
هدیهء کوچکی برایت
از سوی پرتوهای ماه رقصان بر آستانهء پنجره ات
فرستاده شده است
که شبت را گرم و صمیمانه کند
در زیر نور ماه ِ فربه و سالخورده
که با کجخندی در آسمان چلواری
روشنی می افروزد،
بر یک درخت ِ بنهء تنها،
کنار نهری که آرام زمزمه می کند،
مرغ شب لالایی گرگ و میش می خوان

02-02-2011, 10:22 PM
http://forum.persiands.us/images/icons/icon1.png پاسخ : لالایی Lullaby


Mommy's Kisses

A kiss when I wake in the morning,
A kiss when I go to bed,
A kiss when I cut my finger,
A kiss when I bump my head.
A kiss when my bath is over,
A kiss before I jump in,
Oh, my Mommy is full of kisses,
That start when the day begins!

A kiss when I play with my rattle,
A kiss when I pull her hair,
She covered me over with kisses
The day I fell down the stairs.
A kiss when I give her trouble,
A kiss when I'm at my best,
Oh, there's nothing like my Mommy's kisses
Before I lay down to rest

02-02-2011, 10:22 PM
Love's Lullaby

Lullaby, baby-bye, cradled in blue,
Mother and angels keep watch over you,
Under your slumber robe, precious one, rest,
Lullaby, sleep-a-bye, in your soft nest.

Lullaby, baby-bye, soar in your dreams
Over the housetop, the mountains and streams;
Higher and higher, love, soon you will fly
Into the dreamland on love's lullaby.

Lullaby, baby-bye, cradled in blue,
Sleep on and dream on your nap-a-bye through,
In your sweet slumber love's lullaby hear:
"Lullaby, sleep-a-bye, Mother is near."

Love clothes the lily in radiant white.
Love feeds the lambkins, and guards through the night,
Love watches over each hamlet and hall,
Love never fails, but it cares for us all

02-02-2011, 10:23 PM
I See the Moon

I see the moon

The moon sees me
Under the shade of the old oak tree
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love.

Over the mountains
Over the sea
Back where my heart is longing to be
Please let the light that shines on me
Shine on the one I love

02-02-2011, 10:23 PM
My Bed is a Boat

Written By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Nurse helps me in when I embark;
She girds me in my sailor's coat
And starts me in the dark.

At night, I go on board and say
Good night to all my friends on shore;
I shut my eyes and sail away
And see and hear no more.

And sometimes things to bed I take,
As prudent sailors have to do;
Perhaps a slice of wedding cake,
Perhaps a toy or two.

All night across the dark we steer;
But when the day returns at last,
Safe in my room, beside the pier,
I find my vessel fast.

02-02-2011, 10:23 PM
Dance, Little Baby

Dance, little baby, dance up high

Never mind, baby, mother is by;
Crow and caper, caper and crow,
There, little baby, there you go;

Up to the ceiling, down to the ground,
Backwards and forwards, round and round;
Dance, little baby, and mother shall sing,
With the merry *** coral, ding-a-ding, ding

02-02-2011, 10:23 PM
Dance to Your Daddy

My little babby,
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb!

You shall have a fishy
In a little dishy,
You shall have a fishy
When the boat comes in.

Dance to your daddy,
My little babby,
Dance to your daddy,
My little lamb;

You shall have an apple,
You shall have a plum,
You shall have a rattle-basket,
When your dad comes home

02-02-2011, 10:24 PM
Dance to Your Daddy

My bonnie laddy,
Dance to your daddy,
My bonnie lamb.

You shall get a fishy,
In a little dishy,
You shall get a fishy,
When the boat comes in.

You shall get a coatie,
And a pair of breekies,
And you'll get an eggy,
And a bit of ham.

You shall get a pony,
Fit to ride for ony,
And you'll get a whippy,
For to make him gang.

Dance to your daddy,
My bonnie laddy,
Dance to your daddy,
My bonnie lamb