آموزشهاي سايت Ulead از نرمافزار Ulead Media Studio نسخههاي 7 و 8 در زير ليست شدهاند.
نگران انگليسي بودن آنها نباشيد، تقريبا به صورت تصويري توضيح داده شده است و به راحتي ميتوان متوجه منظور شد...
MediaStudio Pro 8 Tutorial
Optimize the quality of your videos using Color Correction 
بهبود كيفيت ويدئوها با استفاده از امكان
تصحيح رنگ
Color Correction allows you to improve the color balance of your videos to achieve the desired high-quality color effect.
Working with Virtual Clips 
كار با امكان
كليپهاي مجازي
Enjoy the same editing attributes for your virtual clips! All tools and filters applied to your video clips can also be used with virtual clips, such as Trimming and Ripple Editing.
Creating Custom Video Assets in Ulead PhotoImpact
تبادل طرحهاي شما بين نرمافزار فتوايمپكت و يوليد
Insert ready-made customizable theme templates - effects, titles and even transitions - into your video projects along with your own video and audio clips.
Creating your own Smart Compositor™ template using the Smart Compositor™ Designer tool
كار با ابزار طراحي آهنگساز هوشمند
Learn how to create your own Smart Compositor template by following 3 basic steps.
Creating ***** files
ساخت فايلهاي پروكسي و استفاده به عنوان نوعي تمپليت
Enable video ***** option to create ***** files for faster editing and rendering of your project.
Capturing, editing, and sharing High Definition video (HDV)
آموزش كپچر كردن و كار با ويدئوهاي با وضوح بالا يا اچ.دي
Learn how to natively capture, edit, and share HDV content from your Sony and JVC high-definition camcorders and VTRs.
Using Smart Compositor
كار با ابزار Smart Compositor
Insert ready-made customizable theme templates - effects, titles and even transitions - into your video projects along with your own video and audio clips..
MediaStudio Pro 7 Tutorials
Using the WMV-HD Plug-in 
Learn how to create high-definition slideshows and video in this popular new format.
Using the 24P Plug-in 
Learn how to capture, edit and output video originated with the Panasonic DVX-100 in 24P.
The Ulead HD Plug-in 2.0 Workflow 
Learn how MSP seamlessly captures, edits and outputs HDV from Sony or JVC devices.
Setting Playback Options for optimal real-time preview
Learn how to set the Playback Options in Video Editor for optimal real-time preview.
Creating a rolling text effect
كار با ابزار تايپ و افكتدهي به متون در يوليد مديا
Learn how to create rolling text credits, just like the ones you see at the end of movies, using MediaStudio Pro's Video Editor.
Using the DVD-VR Capture Plug-in and DVD-VR Wizard
Learn how to capture and export videos in the DVD-VR format using the DVD-VR Capture Plug-in and DVD-VR Wizard in MediaStudio Pro 7.
Creating a DV tape content list for capturing
Find out the best way to scan your DV tape and pick out the scenes you want to capture.
Using the Matrox Parhelia display board with MediaStudio Pro 7
Learn how to configure the Parhelia drivers in order to send full-screen video to an external monitor.
Using the ATI Radeon display board with MediaStudio Pro 7
Learn how to configure the ATI drivers order to send full-screen video to an external monitor.
Setting up MediaStudio Pro 7 display and performance
Learn how to configure MediaStudio Pro 7 display and performance settings in order to send full-screen video to an external monitor in real-time.
Auto Slideshow
ساخت سريع اسلايد شود با Auto Slideshow
A perfectly choreographed slideshow complete with digital effects and sound -- all in a matter of minutes! That's how easy it gets with MediaStudio Pro. Check out this tutorial and come up with a real cool multimedia presentation to burn on a CD/DVD or e-mail to family and friends!
Pixel aspect ratio management
كار با تنظيمات پروژه در يوليد
What is the aspect ratio of digital video? How do you convert between different frame sizes? Take the guess work out of managing frame aspect ratio and display your video more accurately!
Recording back to a DV device from the Timeline
Capture your video from your camcorder to the Timeline, do some snappy editing, and record it back to the camcorder in a jiffy. Save lots of time and effort by recording your video straight from the Timeline back to a DV device. With this tutorial, you can get the hang of it in no time!
علاقه مندی ها (بوک مارک ها)