صفحه 3 از 4 نخستنخست 1234 آخرینآخرین
نمایش نتایج: از شماره 21 تا 30 , از مجموع 31

موضوع: مخفف عبارات انگلیسی (مرجع)

  1. #21
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف K
    KRI -----"Knight-Ridder, Incorporated"
              KOC -----Knights Of Columbus
              KGE -----Knights of the Golden Eagle 
              KLC -----Knights of the Lambda Calculus
              KOV -----Knights Of the Vine
              KOU -----Knights Of Unity
              KOX -----Knights Of Xentar
              KRY -----Knights Rugby Youth
              KTO -----Knights Templar Oasis
              KAE -----Knigliches Athenum Eupen
              KCK -----Knik Canoers and Kayakers
              KIO -----Knock It Off
              KYO -----Knock Yourself Out
              KDF -----Knocked Down Flat
              KOD -----Knocked Out
              KHH -----Knockranny House Hotel
              KBF -----Knott's Berry Farm 
              KNL -----Know No Limits
              KYC -----Know Your Customer
              KYG -----Know Your Government 
              KYI -----Know Your Insect 
              KYR -----Know Your Rights
              KIS -----Knowbot Information Service
              KUU -----Knowing the Unknowable Universe
              KAW -----Knowledge Acquisition Workshop
              KIN -----Knowledge and Innovation Network
              KUW -----Knowledge and Understanding of the World
              KBT -----Knowledge Based Targeting
              KCM -----Knowledge Center Management
              KCC -----Knowledge Consistency Checker
              KDD -----Knowledge Discovery in Databases
              KEP -----Knowledge Economy Partnership 
              KEE -----Knowledge Engineering Environment
              KEL -----Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
              KEN -----Knowledge Exchange Network
              KXS -----Knowledge Exchange System
              KEX -----Knowledge Explorer
              KGH -----Knowledge Gap Hypothesis
              KIF -----Knowledge Interchange Format 
              KMN -----Knowledge Management Network
              KMO -----Knowledge Management Officer
              KNC -----Knowledge Navigation Center 
              KNE -----Knowledge Network Explorer
              KNB -----Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity
              KOJ -----Knowledge Of Jesus
              KOP -----Knowledge Oriented Policy
              KQL -----Knowledge Query Language
              KQU -----Knowledge Quest University
              KQV -----Knowledge Quest Ventures 
              KRL -----Knowledge Representation Language
              KST -----Knowledge Sharing Technology
              KSL -----Knowledge Systems Lab 
              KWX -----Knowledge Worker Exchange
              KBL -----Knowledge-Based Logistics 
              KXG -----Knowledgexchange
              KYW -----KnowYourWater.org
              KXD -----Knox D'Arcy Trust 
              KTK -----Kobenhavns Triathlon Klub 
              KOI -----Kobe-Osaka International
              KCI -----Koch Crime Institute
              KFX -----Kodak Foto-Enhancer 
              KPG -----Kodak Polychrome Graphics 
              KXF -----Kodak X-ray Film
              KNJ -----Kodaly New Jersey
              KXM -----Koeksmaestare 
              QKU -----"Koeln-Deutz, Rheinland"
              KIQ -----Koelner Initiative Qualifizierungstransfer
              KIU -----Koelner Internet Union 
              KKT -----Koelner Kuenstler Theater
              KVB -----Koelner Verkehrs-Betriebe
              KNF -----Koh-i-Noor Foundation
              KKR -----"Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts"
              KYQ -----Kokizz Y Que 
              KAF -----Kol Adonai Foundation
              KEU -----Kolding Erhvervsudvikling
              KAX -----Kollection of Archived Graphix
              KCX -----Komatsu Castex
              KUE -----Komatsu Utility Europe 
              KZA -----Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Holland Committee On  Southern Africa)
              KGB -----Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (big nasty USSR  secret people)
              KHM -----Komitor Healing Method
              KSK -----Kommando Spezialkraefte
              KTI -----Kommission fuer Technologie und Innovation 
              KZG -----Kommission fuer Zeitgeschichte
              KKE -----Kommounistiko Komma Elladas
              KBZ -----Kommunikations- und Begegnungszentrum 
              KFB -----Kommunikationsforskningsberedningen
              KED -----Kommunistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands
              KPD -----Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
              KMD -----Komodo Manchester Debugger
              KUQ -----Kompetenz und Qualifikation fuer junge Menschen 
              KZK -----Kompetenz Zentrum Kommunal
              KEG -----Kompetenzzentrum fuer Elektronischen  Geschaeftsverkehr 
              KHV -----Kona Hawaiian Village 
              KEK -----Konferenz Europaeischer Kirchen
              KDY -----Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub
              KNK -----Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
              KPN -----"Koninklijke PTT [Post, Telegraaf, Telefoon]  Nederland"
              KRC -----Koninklijke Racing Club 
              KSB -----Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van Belgie
              KZZ -----Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum 
              KAJ -----Kontaktstelle Arbeit und Jugend 
              KVP -----Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungs Proze [Siemens  process]
              KLV -----Kontrol Limitation Vitesse
              KZL -----Konzentrationslager
              KTQ -----Kooperation fuer Transparenz und Qualität 
              KKS -----Koordinierungszentrum fuer Klinische Studien
              KQY -----Koorete (language)
              KEC -----Kootenai Electric Cooperative 
              KUD -----Koperasi Unit Desa
              KLF -----Kopyright Liberation Front 
              KOR -----Korea
              KDI -----Korea Defense Intelligence
              KDM -----Korea Direct Marketing
              KEJ -----Korea Esperanto-Junularo
              KLI -----Korea Life Insurance 
              KMJ -----Korea Metal Journal
              KNX -----Korea Network Exchange
              KPX -----Korea Power Exchange 
              KQT -----Korea Quartz Technology
              KSD -----Korea Securities Depository
              KTJ -----Korea Telecom Japan 
              KTL -----Korea Testing Laboratory
              KTG -----Korea Tobacco Group
              KUT -----Korea University of Technology 
              KAL -----Korean Air Lines
              KDZ -----Korean Defense Zone
              KDX -----Korean Destroyer Experimental 
              KDH -----Korean Direct Hire
              KFA -----Korean Financial Association
              KFQ -----Korean Foundation for Quality
              KGP -----Korean Ginseng Products 
              KHL -----Korean Heritage Library
              KIA -----Korean Inferior Automobile
              KLP -----Korean Language Program 
              KLE -----Korean Linux Extension
              KMH -----Korean Multi-purpose Helicopter 
              KNR -----Korean National Railroad
              KRX -----Korean Recycler's Exchange 
              KRS -----Korean Register of Shipping 
              KSM -----Korean Service Medal
              KUP -----Korean United Pharmaceutical 
              KWV -----Korean War Veterans
              KRW -----Korean Won (currency)
              KXC -----Korean X-ray Crystallographer
              KGG -----Koreanische Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik 
              KNY -----Koreans in New York
              KNZ -----Korfball New Zealand
              KFY -----Korn-Ferry International
              KWZ -----Kornwestheimer Zeitung
              KHK -----Koronare Herzkrankheit
              KQB -----Korzh Query Builder 
              KCH -----Kosciusko Community Hospital 
              KIC -----Kosova Information Center 
              KWN -----Kosova Women's Network 
              KYE -----Kosova Young Ecologists
              KLR -----Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung 
              KRB -----Kourou Reflexe Badminton
              KMB -----Kowloon Motor Bus
              KZN -----Kozani 
              KGO -----Kozmikus Geodeziai Obszervatorium
              KFZ -----Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe 
              KWU -----"Kraftwerk Union, AG"
              KZD -----Krajowy Zjazd Delegatow 
              KTT -----Kran- und Transportdienstleistungen Thueringen
              KEH -----Krankenkasse Eintracht Heusenstamm
              KTW -----Krankentransportwagen
              KVT -----Krasnovian Variant Tank 
              KMW -----Krauss-Maffei Wegmann 
              KWG -----Kreditwesengesetz
              KJU -----Kreis Junger Unternehmer
              KJW -----Kreisjazzwerkerschaft
              KJD -----Kreisjugenddienst
              KKM -----Kreiskolbenmotor
              KLW -----Kreislaufwirtschaft 
              KKF -----Kreitman Foundation Fellowship
              KDV -----Kriegsdienstverweigerung 
              KZT -----Kriminaltechnischen Zentralstelle 
              KRK -----Krisen Reaktions Kraefte 
              KYM -----Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
              KFI -----Krishnamurti Foundation India
              KKD -----Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
              KOK -----Kristiansand Orienteringsklubb
              KRN -----Kristna Radionatet 
              KZJ -----Krivicnog Zakona Jugoslavije
              KYV -----Kriya Yoga Vigyan
              KQI -----Krogman-Quaid International (Private Investigations)
              KRJ -----"Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Architects"
              KTM -----"Kronreif und Trunkenpolz, Mattighofen (motorcycles)"
              KNP -----Kruger National Park 
              KRG -----Kruger Research Group
              KRF -----KRypton Flouride laser
              NXK -----Krysslistearkiv for Karplanter 
              KLK -----Kuala Lumpur Kepong 
              KAO -----Kuiper Airborne Observatory
              KUX -----Kukatja
              KUK -----Kultur- und Kongresszentrum 
              KKL -----Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern 
              KIZ -----Kulturinformationszentrum
              KUM -----Kulturministeriet
              KMK -----Kultusministerkonferenz
              KCN -----Kumamoto Cable Network
              KUO -----Kumukio
              KZF -----Kundenzufriedenheit
              KZI -----Kundenzufriedenheitsindex
              KFE -----Kung Fu Exchange
              KTH -----Kungl Tekniska Hoegskolan 
              KAB -----"Kunsan Air Base, Korea"
              KVS -----Kunststoff-Verband Schweiz
              KUZ -----Kunststoff-Zentrum 
              KYY -----Kuopion Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta 
              KFJ -----Kuratorium fuer Journalistenausbildung 
              KFV -----Kuratorium fuer Verkehrssicherheit
              KGM -----Kuratorium Ganzheitliches Management 
              KWJ -----Kuratorium Wiener Jugendwohnhaeuser
              KKP -----Kurdistan Komunist Partisi
              KNN -----Kurdistan National Network
              KKO -----Kurpfaelzisches Kammerorchester 
              KZE -----Kurzzeitexperten
              KWD -----Kuwaiti Dinar
              KMY -----Kvaerner Masa-Yards 
              KVV -----Kvinner Viser Vei 
              KMR -----Kwajalein Missile Range
              KGU -----Kwansei Gakuin University
              KUY -----Kwanyama
              KZP -----Kwartalnik dla Historji Zydow w Polsce
              KYA -----Kwaya
              KYK -----Kyklos
              KIR -----Kyocera Image Refinement
              KPM -----Kyocera PrintMonitor
              KBJ -----Kyoto Business Journal
              KCL -----Kyoto Common LISP
              KDK -----Kyoto Daiichi Kogaku 
              KEM -----Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing
              KJM -----Kyoto Jazz Massive 
              KMV -----Kyoto Musik Verein
              KUR -----Kyoto University Reactor 
              KGZ -----Kyrghyzstan
              KME -----Kyushu Matsushita Electric Company

    KYU -----Kyushu University

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  2. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  3. #22
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    LKI -----Labor fur Kuenstliche Intelligenz
              LZM -----Laboraoatorno Zavodyskoy Modul 
              LAQ -----Laboratorio de Analises Quimicas
              LKT -----Laboratorium fuer Kunststofftechnik
              LDQ -----Laboratory and Data Quality
              LAI -----Laboratory Audit Inspection
              LDP -----Laboratory Data Products
              LNC -----Laboratory for Neural Computation
              LQO -----Laboratory for Quantum Optics
              LEK -----Laboratory of Electron Kinetics
              LQC -----Laboratory Quality Control 
              LQI -----Laboratory Quality Initiative 
              LTC -----Laboratory Training Center
              LOF -----Lack Of Fit
              LAX -----Lacrosse
              LDH -----Lactate Dehydrogenase
              LHJ -----Ladies Home Journal
              LYH -----Lagos Youth Hostel 
              LNK -----Laisvas Nepriklausomas Kanalas
              LYP -----Lakeshore Youth Philharmonic
              LJH -----Lamar Journal of the Humanities
              LXA -----Lambda Chi Alpha 
              LKK -----Lambda Kappa Kappa
              LKZ -----Lambda Kappa Zeta
              LUK -----Lamellen und Kupplungsbau
              LAM -----Lamentations (bible)
              LFZ -----Laminar Flow Zone
              LOM -----Laminated Object Manufacture [rapid prototyping]
              LHF -----Lamp Heat Flux
              LCU -----LAN CID Utility
              LNM -----LAN Network Manager
              LZU -----Lan Zhou University
              LND -----Land
              LDU -----Land Down Under
              LNS -----Land Navigation System
              LRP -----Land Reclamation Program
              LRX -----Land Rover Exchange
              ZQZ -----Land vehicles-environmental impact
              LWU -----Land Warfare University
              LWA -----Land Withdrawal Act
              LKS -----Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
              LEJ -----Landesamt fuer Ernaehrungswirtschaft und Jagd
              LAK -----Landesapothekerkammer
              LBV -----Landesbund fuer Vogelschutz
              LGZ -----Landesgericht fuer Zivilrechtssachen
              LJV -----Landesjagdverband
              LJF -----Landesjugendkonvent
              LJO -----Landesjugendorchester 
              LKV -----Landes-Kanu-Verband
              LNV -----Landesnaturschutzverband
              LPK -----Landespressekonferenz
              LZO -----Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg
              LZG -----Landeszentrale fuer Gesundheit
              LZZ -----Landeszentrum fuer Zuwanderung
              LFG -----Landfill Gas
              LCI -----Landing Craft Infantry
              LCL -----Landing Craft Large
              LCP -----Landing Craft Personnel
              LCG -----"landing Craft, Gun "
              LCH -----"Landing Craft, Hospital"
              LCS -----"Landing Craft, Small"
              LCT -----"Landing Craft, Tank (US)"
              LHA -----Landing Helicopter Assault
              LHD -----Landing Helicopter Dock
              LPD -----Landing Personnel Dock
              LPH -----Landing Personnel Helicopter
              LSH -----Landing Ship Hospital
              LSM -----Landing Ship Medium
              LST -----Landing Ship Tank
              LSU -----Landing Ship Utility
              LVA -----Landing Vehicle Assault
              LVW -----"Landing Vehicle, Wheeled"
              LVH -----Landing Vessel-Hydrofoil
              LZA -----Landing Zone Approval
              LZL -----Landing Zone Locator
              LZQ -----Landing Zone reQuest
              LKA -----"Landing, Cargo, Assault (Ship type)"
              LJA -----Landjugendakademie
              LOZ -----Landsbond van de Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen
              LGF -----Landsgardeforeningen
              LZE -----Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Ebenrain
              LJB -----Langenthal Jura Bahn
              LCF -----Language Control Facility
              LPT -----Language Proficiency Test
              LUI -----Language User Interface
              LSQ -----Langue des Signes Quebecois
              LRF -----Lantbrukarnas riksfrbund
              LWX -----LAN-WAN Exchange
              LBY -----Lao Baptist Youth
              LNY -----Lao New Year
              LYU -----Lao Youth Union
              LJS -----Lap Joint Strength
              LYY -----Lapin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta
              LYK -----Lapin Ympaeristoekeskus
              LKO -----Lappeenrannan Kaupunginorkesteri
              LXL -----Large and Extra Large
              LBT -----Large Binocular Telescope
              LCW -----Large Caliber Weapon
              LDF -----Large Deployable Reflector [Space]
              LGL -----Large Granular Lymphocyte
              LJN -----Large Jail Network
              LMC -----Large Magellanic Cloud
              LQG -----Large Quantity Generator 
              LVQ -----Large Vehicle Quota
              LSG -----Large-Scale Geostrophic
              ZWY -----Lasalle County Genealogy Guild Library
              LBD -----Laser Beam Detector
              LDD -----Laser Designator Detector
              LEI -----Laser Enhanced Ionization
              LGB -----Laser Guided Bomb
              LGM -----Laser Guided Missiles 
              LID -----Laser Implant-Deposition
              LLS -----Laser Light Scattering
              LLT -----Laser Luminescence Tomography
              LMP -----Laser Microprobe
              LRR -----Laser Radition Receiver
              LTS -----Laser Telemetric System
              LTK -----Laser Thermal Keratoplasty
              LHM -----Laser-Hardened Materials
              LIG -----Laser-Imagery Generated
              LSF -----Laser-Saturated Fluorescence
              LSB -----LASH or SEABEE Ship
              LIM -----Last Interglacial Maximum
              LKG -----Last Known Good
              LKP -----Last Known Point
              LKU -----Last Known Use
              LNU -----Last Name Unknown
              LTT -----Last Train To...
              LTB -----Last Trunk Busy
              LYM -----Last Year's Model
              LKW -----LastKraftWagen [German: truck] 
              QYW -----Late Holocene Young Wash Deposits (geology)
              LLZ -----Late Licence Zone
              LFM -----Lateral Force Microscopy
              LAD -----Latest Arrival Date
              LQY -----Latin Quarter Youth
              LXQ -----Latin-American Extreme-Games Qualifier
              LAT -----Latitude
              LDS -----Latter Day Saints 
              LKR -----Latvijas Kristigais Radio
              LYC -----Lauderdale Yacht Club
              LWK -----Laufwasserkraftwerk
              LAU -----Launch
              LEE -----Launch Electronics Equipment
              LEU -----Launch Enable Unit
              LOW -----Launch On Warning
              LVX -----Launch Vehicle Experimental
              LZF -----Launch Zone Flag
              LNH -----Launching Nose Heavy
              LAJ -----Law And Justice
              LXJ -----Law and Justice
              LFK -----Law For Kids
              LJX -----Law Journal Extra
              LJI -----Law Journals Index
              LQR -----Law Quarterly Review
              LRK -----Law Review of Kenya 
              LRJ -----"Law, Research, and Journalism"
              LTA -----Lawn Tennis Association
              LBL -----Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 
              LMH -----Lawrence Memorial Hospital
              LRL -----Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
              LYR -----Layer
              LMI -----Layer Management Interface
              LZB -----LaZy Bugger(s)
              BVP -----Le Bureau de Vrification de la Pense
              LQF -----Le Quartier Francais
              LQJ -----Le Quotidien Jurassien
              LAA -----Lead Agency Attorney
              LZY -----Lead and Zinc Yield
              LAS -----Lead Angle Sensor -----
              LJR -----Lead Joint Runner -----
              LMW -----Lead Mobility Wing -----
              LSA -----Lead Standardization Activity -----
              LBQ -----Leader Behaviour Questionnaire -----
              LAP -----Leadership Assessment Program -----
              LNJ -----Leadership New Jersey -----
              LPR -----Leadership Potential Rating -----
              LTQ -----Leadership Through Quality -----British-Jamaican  reggae artist-poet
              LDG -----Leading -----
              LAC -----Leading AirCraftman -----
              LRM -----Leaflet Rolling Machine -----
              LFY -----Leafy -----
              LPF -----League for Programming Freedom -----
              LYI -----League for Yiddish Incorporated -----
              LCY -----League of Communists of Yugoslavia -----
              LXG -----League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
              LWV -----League of Women Voters
              LDI -----Leak Detector Indicator
              LDE -----Leak-Detection Element
              LMY -----Lean Meat Yield
              LTY -----Leaning Tower YMCA
              LNQ -----Learning Network Queensland
              LRC -----Learning Resource Center 
              LTW -----Learning Through Work
              LAL -----Leased Access Line
              LVT -----Leasehold Valuation Tribunal
              LFU -----Least Frequently Used
              LKB -----Leathercraft Knowledge Base
              LMA -----Leave Me Alone 
              LVG -----Leaving
              LEW -----Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke
              LMZ -----Leder- und Motorradclub Zuerich
              LWZ -----Lederwaren Zeitung
              LBF -----"Lee Bird Field, North Platte, Nebraska, USA "
              LUU -----Leeds University Union
              LHR -----Left Hand Rule
              LHT -----Left Hand Turn
              LLL -----Left Lower Lobe
              LLQ -----Left Lower Quadrant (medical abbreviation for area of  the abdomen)
              LMB -----Left Mouse Button
              LTX -----Left Teradyne (at) Xmas
              LTR -----Left To Right
              LUL -----Left Upper Lobe
              LUQ -----Left Upper Quadrant
              LVV -----Left Ventricular Volume
              LHG -----Left-Hand Grip
              LHP -----Left-Handed Pitcher
              LBW -----Leg Before Wicket (cricket)
              LDM -----Legacy Data Management 
              LIS -----Legacy Information System
              LEG -----Legal
              LAB -----Legal Aid Board
              LAO -----Legal Assistance Officer
              LDK -----Legal Development of Kazakstan
              LWI -----Legal Writing Institute
              LXS -----Legislative Exhibition Series
              LLO -----Legislative Liaison Officer
              LYV -----Legume Yellow Virus
              LVY -----Lehigh Valley
              LSZ -----Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmerman
              LGY -----Lehramt an Gymnasien
              LZV -----Lehrkraeftezulagenverordnung
              LKN -----Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze
              LUR -----Lehrstuhl fuer Umweltverfahrenstechnik und Recycling
              LZK -----Lehrzielkatalog
              LRZ -----Leibniz Rechenzentrum
              LDY -----Leicestershire and Derbyshire Yeomanry
              LIY -----Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry
              LAZ -----Leichtathletikzentrum
              LJZ -----Leipziger Juedische Zeitung
              LQN -----Leistungs- und Qualitaetsnachweise
              LUZ -----Leistungspruefung und Zuchtwertschaetzung
              LQH -----Leiurus Quinquestriatus Hebraeus
              LGK -----Leksell Gamma Knife
              LLK -----Lelak 
              LJQ -----Lemon Juice Quartet
              LZH -----Lempel-Ziv-Huffman Algorithm
              LZS -----Lempel-Ziv-Stac (compression scheme)
              LZW -----Lempel-Ziv-Welch (compression algorithm used in GIF  image format)
              LLU -----Lending Library Unit
              LXH -----Length by Height
              LXW -----Length by Width
              LQU -----Length of Queue Understood
              LMJ -----Leningrad Mathematical Journal 
              LVK -----Leon Vignetter Kit
              LIK -----Lernsystem Informationskompetenz
              LZI -----Lernzentrum Informatik
              LQS -----Les Quatre Saisons
              LTZ -----Less Than Zero
              LDA -----Lesson Design Approach
              LFR -----Let Freedom Ring
              LMG -----Let Me Go
              LMK -----Let Me Know
              LNL -----Let Nicaragua Live
              LGR -----Lethal Ground Range
              LYZ -----Lethal Yellowing Zone
              LGW -----Let's Go Wings
              LOC -----Letter Of Comment 
              LOO -----Letter Of Offer
              LOR -----Letter Of Request
              LOU -----Letter of Undertaking
              LQP -----Letter Quality Printer
              LBX -----Letterbox
              LBM -----Letter-Box Mode
              LUD -----Letting Us Down
              LYD -----Letting Yourself Down
              LMV -----Lettuce Mosaic Virus
              LIF -----Leukemia Inhibitory Factor
              LOQ -----Level Of Quantitation
              LZP -----Level Zero Processing
              LVR -----Lever
              LEV -----Leviticus (bible)
              LEX -----"Lewisham Extension (of Docklands Light Railway, UK)"
              LXK -----"Lexington, Kentucky"
              LZD -----Lezard Dramatique
              LUO -----Libera Universita Omosessuale
              LEY -----Liberal European Youth
              LPC -----Liberal Party of Canada
              LRY -----Liberal Religious Youth
              LLJ -----Liberation of the Lingonberry Juice
              LIJ -----Liberia Institute of Journalism
              LYJ -----Libertad Y Justicia
              LNF -----Libertarian Nation Foundation 
              LAY -----Library Association Yearbook
              LBH -----Library for the Blind and Handicapped
              LJY -----Library Journal Yearbook
              LMQ -----Library Management Quarterly
              LWW -----Library Without Walls
              LXB -----Library Xpress Base
              LXN -----Library Xpress Neo 
              LNA -----Licenced National Agent
              LPN -----Licensed Practical Nurse
              LVN -----Licensed Vocational Nurse
              STL -----Licentiate of Sacred Theology 
              LVB -----Liechtensteiner Volksblatt
              LKL -----Lietuvos Krepsino Lyga
              LEQ -----Life Effectiveness Questionaire
              LEF -----Life Extension Foundation
              LOJ -----Life Of Jamaica
              LSY -----Life Support Youth
              LUE -----"Life, the Universe and Everything"
              LLX -----Lifelong Learning Excellence
              LIO -----Lifescience Industry Organization
              LLG -----Lifetime Learners of Georgia
              LUJ -----Lift Up Jamaica
              LYO -----Lift Your Own
              LGT -----Light
              LTE -----light 
              LAF -----Light Attenuating Filter
              LHE -----Light Helicopter Experimental
              LHX -----Light Helicopter Experimental
              LIB -----Light Infantry Brigade
              LLH -----Light Lift Helicopter
              LSW -----Light Support Weapon
              LUH -----Light Utility Helicopter
              LVC -----Light Vehicle Component
              LWC -----Light Water Content
              LWP -----Light Weight Process
              LDR -----Light-Dependant Resistor
              LED -----Light-Emitting Diode
              LXE -----Lightguide eXpress Entry
              LYS -----Lighthouse Youth Services
              LWS -----Lightning Warning Set
              LTF -----Lightwave Terminating Frame
              UXC -----Lightweight Digital Facsimile Machine
              LWL -----Light-Weight Launcher
              LNR -----Ligue Nationale de Rugby
              LKQ -----Like Kind and Quality
              LJT -----Limburgs Jeugdtheater
              LTD -----LimiTeD company 
              LDO -----Limited Duty Officer
              LFI -----Limited Field Investigation
              LFQ -----Limited Flying Quality
              LIP -----Limited Installation Program
              LLC -----Limited Liability Corporation 
              LLP -----Limited Liability Payout
              LNO -----Limited Nuclear Option
              LRD -----Limited Rate Deployment
              LUT -----Limited User Test
              LVS -----Limited Visibility Study
              LWO -----Limited Weather Observation
              LMF -----Limiter-Matched Filter 
              LIR -----Limiting Infiltration Rate
              LNZ -----Limmat-Nixen Zuerich
              ZYV -----Lincoln (Illinois) Correctional Center Library
              LGH -----Lincoln General Hospital
              LBO -----Line Build-Out
              LCR -----Line Control Register
              LES -----Line Errored Seconds
              LGC -----Line Group Controller
              LIT -----Line Insulation Test
              LIU -----Line Interface Unit
              LIE -----Line Islands Experiment
              LLN -----Line Link Network
              LBI -----Line of Bearing Intersection
              LOB -----Line Of Building
              LOE -----Line Of Engagement
              LOH -----Line Overhead
              LPQ -----Line Printer Queue
              LPU -----Line Protection Unit
              LQA -----Line Quality Analysis
              LRI -----Line Replaceable Item
              LSV -----Line Status Verifier
              LTG -----Line Trunk Group 
              LVM -----Line Verification Module
              LIN -----Linear
              LFD -----Linear Finite-Difference
              LFB -----Linear Frame Buffer [ISA PC technology]
              LGQ -----Linear Gaussian Quadratic
              LKF -----Linear Kalmann Filter
              LQE -----Linear Quadratic Equation
              LRS -----Linear Referencing System
              LTO -----Linear Tape Open
              LTL -----Linear Temporal Logic
              LXF -----Linear Xenon Flash
              LMN -----Lineman
              LOD -----Lines Of Defense
              LOP -----Lines Of Position 
              LPI -----Lines Per Inch
              LFA -----Link Field Address
              LIV -----Link Integrity Verification
              LPP -----Link Peripheral Processor
              LQM -----Link Quality Monitoring
              LSL -----Link Support Layer
              LUA -----Link Uninhibit Acknowledgment
              LUM -----Link Utilization Monitor
              LTV -----Link-Temco Vought
              LUP -----Link-Up Point
              LXM -----Lintex Minerals 
              LKJ -----Linton Kwesi Johnson
              LNX -----Linux

    LGX -----LINUX

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  4. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  5. #23
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف L
    LXR -----Linux Cross-Reference
              DLX -----Linux Distribution List
              LGP -----Linux Game Publishing
              LKH -----Linux Kernal Hack
              LMX -----Linux Multiplexer
              LQT -----Linux Quebec Technologies 
              LWN -----Linux Weekly News
              LKE -----Liontrust Knowledge Economy Trust
              LPG -----Liquefied Petroleum Gas
              LIQ -----Liquid
              LCD -----Liquid Crystal Display 
              LXP -----Liquid Crystal Prototype
              LQX -----Liquid Exchange
              LHW -----Liquid Hot Water
              LHY -----Liquid HYdrogen
              LII -----Liquid Injection Incinerator
              LOX -----Liquid Oxygen eXplosive
              LRV -----Liquid Reactor Vessel
              LSK -----Liquid Sample Kit
              LSR -----Liquid Slip Ring
              LWG -----Liquid Water in Grams
              LZC -----Liquid Zone Control
              LQW -----Liquidation World
              LXC -----Liquid-ion Exchange Chromatography
              LLA -----Liquid-Level Alarm
              LNG -----Liquified Natural Gas
              LML -----Lisp Markup Language
              LOA -----List Of Abbreviations
              LOT -----List Of Tables 
              LDN -----Listed Directory Number
              LQZ -----Lithic Quartz
              LXY -----Lithium Exchange Yield
              LIH -----Lithium Hydride
              LTU -----Lithuania (440) ISO 3-letter country code
              LJU -----Lithuanian Journalist Union
              LIL -----little
              LHC -----Little Happy Creatures (from Sleaze Castle)
              LJL -----Little John Launcher
              LKC -----Little Kanawha Conference
              ZXV -----Little Rock Township Public Library
              LYB -----Littleton Youth Baseball
              LZJ -----Liturgija na Znakovnom Jeziku
              LFX -----Live Fire eXercise
              LWD -----Live Wire Danger
              LQL -----Liverpool Quiz Links
              LWH -----Liverpool Women's Hospital
              LGD -----Livestock Guardian Dog
              LPJ -----Living Presence Journal
              LWE -----Living With the Earth
              LIZ -----Lizard
              LZR -----Lizenzreglement
              LBE -----Load Bearing Equipment
              LCE -----Load Carrying Equipment
              LHZ -----Load Half and Zero
              LXD -----Load Index from Decrement
              LJM -----Lobachevskyi Journal of Mathmatics 
              LNT -----Local and National Transport
              LAN -----Local Area Network
              LBZ -----Local Brittle Zone
              LBP -----Local Broadcast Procedure
              LCB -----Local Control Box
              LCN -----Local Control Number
              LDB -----Local Data Base
              LDV -----Local Defence Volunteers
              LDC -----Local Departmental Committee
              LDT -----Local Descriptor Table
              LEA -----Local Examination Authority
              LEC -----Local Exchange Carrier 
              LXT -----Local Exchange Terminal
              LFT -----Local Fault Testing
              LGG -----Local Government Group
              LGO -----Local Government Ombudsman
              LGS -----Local Government Session
              LHU -----Local Health Unit
              LHI -----Local Heritage Initiative
              LJE -----Local Job Entry 
              LJP -----Local Job Processing
              LKD -----Local Key Distribution
              LKM -----Local Key Manager
              LMD -----Local Management Device
              LMT -----Local Mean Time
              LNP -----Local Number Portability
              LON -----Local Operating Network
              LPB -----Local Peripheral Bus
              LPW -----Local Point Warning
              LRN -----Local Range Network
              LRA -----Local Reproduction Authorized
              LSS -----Local Switching System
              LUG -----Local Users Group
              LYA -----Local Yokel Anglers
              LZX -----Local Zone Exchange
              LZT -----Local Zone Time
              LGI -----Locally Generated Income
              LTN -----Location
              LDZ -----Location Developer's Zone
              LRQ -----Location Request
              LUS -----Location Update Service
              LFW -----Loch Fyne Whiskies
              LFE -----Lockheed Furnished Equipment
              LQV -----Locus Questions in Vision
              LPY -----Log Periodic Yagi
              LAG -----Logical Address Group
              LBA -----Logical Block Address
              LGN -----Logical Group Number
              LLI -----Logical Link Identifier
              LPL -----Logical Page List
              LSN -----Logical Session Number
              LUN -----Logical Unit Number
              LUW -----Logical Unit of Work
              LSC -----Logistic Services Craft
              LRU -----Logistical Replacement Unit
              LSP -----Logistical Support Planning
              LOG -----Logistics
              LCX -----Logistics Coordination eXercise
              LFF -----Logistics Factors File
              LIA -----Logistics Integration Agency
              LRE -----Logistics Readiness Element
              LRO -----Logistics Readiness Officer
              LRG -----Logistics Review Group
              LVO -----Loire Valley Online
              LKY -----Lokoya
              LNE -----London and North-Eastern (railway)
              LBG -----London Benchmarking Group
              LBN -----London Bereavement Network
              LBC -----London Broadcasting Company
              LCC -----London County Council (defunct)
              LGU -----London Guildhall University
              LMS -----London Mathematical Society 
              LME -----London Metal Exchange
              LMR -----"London Midland Region (formerly, part of British  Rail)"
              LNI -----London Nursing Initiative 
              LOK -----London Orienteering Klubb
              LRW -----London Radio Workshop 
              LSE -----London School of Economics
              LSJ -----London School of Journalism
              LSX -----London Sustainability Exchange
              LWT -----London Weekend Television
              LWJ -----Lone Wolf James
              LBB -----Long Back Board
              LFN -----Long Fat Network
              LGV -----Long Goods Vehicle 
              LHL -----Long Haul Link (data communications)
              LIW -----Long Instruction Word 
              LLV -----Long Leg Vertical
              LRT -----Long Range Transport
              LTM -----Long Term Memory
              LWF -----Long Wave Frequency
              LWR -----Long Wavelength Redundant
              LWB -----Long Wheel Base
              LDX -----Long-Distance eXtender
              LHN -----Long-Haul Network
              LHB -----Longhorn Band
              LHK -----Lonrho Hotels Kenya
              LLF -----"Look and Learn, Fool"
              LHS -----Loop Handling System
              LIC -----Loop Insertion Cell
              LGE -----Loop- or Ground-start Exchange
              LPE -----Loop Preparation Equipment
              LPM -----Loop Preparation Machine
              LQQ -----Loop Qualification Query
              LRB -----Loop Reverse Battery
              LCO -----Loopback Command Off
              LCA -----"Loopback Command, Audio loop request"
              LCV -----"Loopback Command, Video loop request"
              LFS -----Loopback File System
              LSO -----Loopback Service Option
              ONJ -----l'Orchestre National de Jazz 
              LCJ -----Lord Chief Justice
              LJC -----Lord Jesus Christ
              LJG -----Lord Justice General
              LJJ -----Lords Justices
              LQK -----Lorenskog Quilteklubb
              LET -----Lorentz Ether Theory
              LTJ -----Lose The Jerk
              LYW -----Lose Your Way
              LDW -----Loss Damage Waiver
              LER -----Loss Exchange Ratio
              LOS -----Loss Of Signal
              LPS -----Loss Prevention Staff
              LGJ -----Lost Generation Journal
              LTI -----Lost Time Injury
              LWY -----Lost Without You
              LZN -----Lotnicze Zaklady Naukowe
              LOL -----Lots Of Love 
              OYZ -----Lotus Approach Alternate dBASE Index file
              LNN -----Lotus Notes Network
              LNW -----Louisiana and Northwest
              LBU -----Louisiana Baptist University
              LEH -----Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
              LHQ -----Louisiana Historical Quarterly
              LJW -----Louisiana Jazz World
              LYG -----Louisville Youth Group
              LUV -----love
              LVE -----love
              LCQ -----Love Comes Quickly
              LUF -----Love yoU Forever
              LYL -----Love You Lots
              LYT -----Love You Tons
              LAR -----Low Angle Reentry
              LBR -----Low Bit Rate
              LCZ -----Low Cloud Zone
              LEO -----Low Earth Orbit
              LEZ -----Low Emission Zone
              LEP -----Low Energy Particle
              LEN -----Low Entry Networking
              LFC -----Low Fan Control [See also Hawkman's Automotive  Webspace]
              LFO -----Low Frequency Orchestra 
              LFP -----Low Frequency Prediction
              LGA -----Low Gain Antenna(e)
              LHV -----Low Heating Value
              LMO -----Low Mars Orbit (NASA) 
              LNB -----Low Noise Block
              LOV -----Low Observation Visibility
              LPA -----Low Profile Additive
              LPX -----Low Profile eXtended
              LVP -----Low Vapor Pressure
              LVI -----Low Vision International
              LVD -----Low Voltage Differential
              LVJ -----Low Voltage Junction
              LVU -----Low Voltage Unit
              LWM -----Low Water Mark 
              LDL -----Low-Density Lipoprotein 
              LEB -----Low-Energy Beam
              LFL -----Lower Flammability Limit
              LHO -----Lower Hatch Open
              LCM -----Lowest Common Multiple
              LEL -----Lowest Effect Level
              LQD -----Lowest Quantity Determinable
              LUC -----Lowest Unit Charge
              LFJ -----Low-Frequency Jammer
              LIX -----Low-Intensity Xray 
              LLE -----Low-Level Earthquake
              LLW -----Low-Level Waste
              LPZ -----Low-Population Zone
              LXO -----Low-power Crystal Oscillator
              LRH -----Lowrider Haven
              LVL -----Low-Velocity Layer
              LVZ -----Low-Viscosity Zone
              LWQ -----Low-Water Quadrature
              LVF -----Loyalist Volunteer Force
              LOY -----Loyalty
              LAW -----"Lubricant, Arctic Weather"
              LUB -----Lubrication
              LMU -----Ludwig Maximilians Universitt (Mnchen) 
              LJK -----LuftJgerKorps 
              LEM -----Lunar Excursion Module
              LFH -----Lunar Far Horizon
              LFV -----Lunar Flight Vehicle
              LLR -----Lunar Laser Ranging
              LOI -----Lunar Orbit Insertion 
              LPV -----Lunar Piloted Vehicle [NASA OEXP]
              LTP -----Lunar Transient Phenomenon
              LTH -----Luteotropic Hormone
              LHH -----Lutheran Hospice of Hope
              LMM -----Lutheran Men in Mission
              LYE -----Lutheran Youth Encounter
              LYX -----Lutheran Youth Exchange
              LYF -----Lutheran Youth Fellowship
              LYQ -----Lutheran Youth of Queensland
              LBK -----Lutherska Bekaennelsekyrkan
              LXZ -----Luxembourg Zoo
              LUX -----Luxembourgeois 
              LXU -----Luxtec Corporation
              LUY -----Luyia
              LAE -----Lyman Alpha Emitter
              LAV -----Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus
              LCK -----Lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase
              LKX -----Lymphokine Extract
              LBJ -----Lyndon Baines Johnson
              LYN -----Lynx
              LSD -----LySergic acid Diethylamide

    LAH -----Lyster Army Hospital

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  6. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  7. #24
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف M
      MKE -----Mobil Knowledge Exchange
              MBL -----Mobile
              MDI -----Mobile Data Initiative
              MDM -----Mobile Depot Maintenance
              MES -----Mobile Earth Station
              MEC -----Mobile Equipment Console
              MFS -----Mobile File Sync
              MGV -----Mobile Gateway Van
              MIK -----Mobile Internet Kit
              MKG -----Mobile Knowledge Group
              MML -----Mobile Multi-Link
              MOB -----Mobile Operating Base 
              MTX -----Mobile Telephone eXchange
              MTS -----Mobile Telephone Service
              MTM -----Mobile Test Model
              MVN -----Mobile Virtual Network
              MLZ -----Mobiles Laser Zentrum 
              MGJ -----Mobilization for Global Justice
              MPM -----Mobilization Policy Model
              MBV -----Model Based Vision
              MRG -----Model Resource Group
              MUN -----Model United Nations
              MXE -----ModelSim Xilinx Edition 
              MFQ -----Modern Folk Quartet 
              MLJ -----Modern Language Journal
              MLQ -----Modern Language Quarterly
              MUH -----Modern University for the Humanities
              MTF -----Modernization Task Force
              MDZ -----Modernize
              MAS -----Modified Armament System
              MFJ -----Modified Final Judgement
              MMJ -----Modified Modular Jack
              MRF -----Modified Record File
              MCU -----Modular Component Unit
              MDE -----Modular Design Environment
              MCW -----Modulated Continuous Wave
              MIF -----Module Interconnection Facility
              MZE -----Moebel Zentral Einkauf
              MUW -----Monadnock United Way
              MON -----Monday
              MTW -----"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday"
              MAO -----Monoamine Oxidase
              MSG -----MonoSodium Glutamate
              MSP -----Mono-Sodium Phosphate
              MZD -----Montgomery Zukerman Davis marketing company
              MDY -----Month-Day-Year
              MNQ -----Moore News Quarterly
              MRA -----Moral Re-Armament
              MZK -----Moravska Zemska Knihovna (Moravian Regional Library)
              MBN -----More Bad News
              MFG -----More Friendly Garbage
              MRT -----Morning Readiness Test
              MZG -----MOS Zone Guidance
              MSU -----Moscow State University
              MFN -----Most Favored Nation
              MFU -----Most Frequently Used
              MVP -----Most Valuable Player
              MHP -----Mostly Harmless Planet
              MFZ -----Motherf***ing Zero
              MWM -----MOTIF Window Manager
              MVD -----Motion Vector Data
              MVI -----Motion Video Instructions
              MVS -----Motion Video Society
              MXJ -----Motocross Journal
              MXW -----Motocross World 
              MXZ -----Motocross Zubehoer
              MBY -----Motor Boat & Yachting (magazine)
              MBO -----Motor BurnOut
              MCE -----Motor Carrier Evaluation
              MTB -----Motor Torpedo-Boat
              MVA -----Motor Vehicle Accident
              MNZ -----"Motorcycling New Zealand, Inc."
              MHX -----Motorhandstueck Xenox
              MUZ -----Motorrad Und Zweiradwerk 
              MWS -----MotorWay Services
              ZGZ -----Moultrie-Colquitt County Library
              MDT -----Mountain Daylight Time (north America)
              MST -----Mountain Standard Time (north America)
              MGC -----Mouse Genome Conference
              MEJ -----Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes
              MQQ -----Mouvement Quebecois de la Qualite 
              MCV -----Movable Closure Valve
              MRB -----Move Right Back
              MJW -----"Move, Jump, Walk"
              MDJ -----Movement Disorders Journal
              MMO -----Movement Management Officer
              MRU -----Movement Release Unit
              MRN -----Movement Request Number
              MRZ -----Movement Restriction Zone
              MJL -----Movimiento de Juventud Lautaro
              MFA -----Moving Filter Assembly
              MWD -----Moving Window Display
              MZV -----Muellabfuhrzweckverband
              MYZ -----Muenchner Yoga-Zentrum
              MPZ -----Muggle Pride Zone
              MVH -----Mulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz
              MWH -----Mulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz
              MET -----Multibutton Electronic Telephone
              MTP -----Multicast Transport Protocol
              MZR -----Multi-cast Zone Routing
              MYX -----Multicultural Youth eXchange
              MDL -----Multi-Disciplinary Laboratory
              MFD -----Multi-Function Display
              MFK -----Multi-Function Keyboard
              MLF -----Multi-Lateral Force
              MTN -----Multilateral Trade Negotiations
              MLP -----Multi-Layer Perceptron 
              MLE -----MultiLine Entry
              MXB -----Multimedia eXension Board
              MXC -----Multimedia eXtension Connector
              MIX -----multimedia internet exchange
              MMG -----Multimedia Management Group
              MMC -----Multimedia Marketing Council
              MTZ -----Multimedia Transfer Zentrum 
              MMV -----Multi-Media Video
              MMW -----Multi-MegaWatt
              MNF -----Multi-National Force
              MNA -----Multi-Network Area
              MXL -----Multi-player Xtreme League
              MAI -----Multiple Access Interference
              MBJ -----Multiple Blinking Jammer
              MDC -----Multiple Drone Control
              MEI -----Multiple Extension Interworking
              MHF -----Multiple Hearth Furnace
              MLI -----Multiple Link Interface
              MLT -----Multiple Logical Terminals
              MPU -----Multiple Port Unit
              MPI -----Multiple Protocol Interface
              MQF -----Multiple Quantum Filter
              MQW -----Multiple Quantum Well
              MSJ -----Multiple Selective Reject 
              MSE -----Multiple Simultaneous Engagement
              MSO -----Multiple Systems Operator
              MUP -----Multiple Uniform naming convention Provider
              MVL -----Multiple Virtual Line
              MWX -----Multiple Way eXamination
              MZW -----Multiple Zone Width
              MPX -----MultiPleX
              MDX -----Multiplex Data Exchange
              MUX -----Multiplexer
              MCO -----Multiplexer Control Option
              MXU -----MultipleXer Unit
              MCN -----Multipoint Command Negating MCS
              MDS -----Multipoint Distribution Service
              MIM -----Multipoint Indicate Master
              MIZ -----Multipoint Indicate Zero-communication
              MIL -----Multipoint Indication
              MIV -----Multipoint Indication Visualization
              MJU -----Multipoint Junction Unit
              MPR -----Multi-Port Repeater
              MPL -----Multi-Position Loader
              MPA -----Multi-Purpose Additive
              MPC -----Multi-Purpose Communication
              MVQ -----Multi-resolution Vector Quantization 
              MKL -----Multi-space Karhunen-Loeve transform
              MTE -----Multisystem Test Equipment
              MUB -----Multi-Use Bearer service
              MUD -----Multi-User Dungeon
              MUG -----Multi-User Game
              MXH -----Multivariate Extended Hypergeometric 
              MWC -----Multi-Warfare Control
              MYP -----Multi-Year Procurement
              MXK -----Mundah by Keel
              MWW -----Municipal Waste Water
              MDB -----Munitions Demilitarization Building
              MEA -----Munitions Effects Assessment
              MHA -----Munitions Handling Area
              MHE -----Munitions Handling Equipment
              MHT -----Munitions Handling Trailer
              MHB -----Munitions Holding Building
              MHI -----Munitions Holding Igloo
              MUA -----Munitions Unpack Area
              MDK -----Murder Death Kill
              MCQ -----Musee de la Civilisation de Quebec 
              MNK -----Museum fuer Neue Kunst
              MOK -----Museum fuer Ostasiatische Kunst 
              MMK -----Museum Moderner Kunst 
              MCZ -----Museum of Comparative Zoology 
              MMT -----Museum of Modern Technology
              MNH -----Museum of Natural History 
              MSI -----Museum of Science and Industry
              MYI -----Museum Youth Initiative 
              MVC -----Music and Video Club
              MVM -----Music and Video Manufacturers
              MVZ -----Music and Video Zone
              MFC -----Music Feature Card
              MFP -----Music For Pleasure
              MFY -----Music for Youth 
              MYL -----Music of Your Life
              MTV -----Music Television
              MUU -----Music Union Underground
              MUJ -----Musicians Union of Japan
              MRW -----Muskegon River Watershed
              MYV -----Muskmelon Yellows Virus 
              MYG -----Muslim Youth Group 
              MBZ -----Must Be Zero
              MHJ -----Must Have Juice
              MHS -----Must Have Love 
              MZZ -----Mutual Zugzwang (chess)
              MAD -----Mutually Assured Destruction 
              MBD -----Muzzle Boresight Device
              MVV -----Muzzle Velocity Variation
              MFV -----My Funny Valentine
              MHO -----My Humble Opinion
              MLH -----My Left Hand
              MLM -----My Lovely Mummy
              MRH -----My Right Hand

    MMM -----Mysteria Mystica Maxima

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  8. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  9. #25
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

     NFA -----Name Field Address
              NRS -----Name Registration Scheme
              VIZ -----"namely, that is to say, in other words (from Latin  videlicet) "
              NIS -----Names Information Socket
              NID -----Namespace IDentifier
              NSS -----Namespace Specific String
              NJU -----Nan Jing University
              NEE -----Nano-Electrode Ensemble
              NEU -----Naphthylethyl Urea
              NUO -----Naropa University Oakland 
              NNF -----Narrowband Nebular Filter 
              NSK -----Narrowband Shift Keying
              NMI -----NASA Management Instruction 
              NRP -----NASA Resource Protection
              NIF -----NASCOM Interface Facilities 
              NDX -----NASDAQ 100 Index
              VXN -----NASDAQ 100 Volatility Index
              NKI -----Nash-Kelvinator International
              NDV -----NASP Derived Vehicle [Space]
              NZF -----Nassauische Zentralstudienfonds 
              NZI -----Nationaal Ziekenhuisinstituut 
              NAT -----National 
              NFC -----National (american) Football Conference 
              NFL -----National (american) Football League
              NAE -----National Academy of Engineering
              NAC -----National Aerobic Championship
              YXA -----National Airports Authority of India
              NAA -----National Airspace Analysis
              NAM -----National Association of Manufacturers
              NAW -----National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
              NAO -----National Audit Office
              NBY -----National Bank of Yugoslavia 
              NBA -----National Basketball Association 
              NBN -----National Black Network
              NBR -----National Breakdown Register
              NBI -----National Bridge Inventory
              NBC -----National Broadcasting Company 
              NBS -----National Bureau of Standards (renamed NIST) [US  Government] 
              NCF -----National Coaching Federation
              NCB -----National Coal Board (defunct)
              NCM -----National Coal Model
              NCY -----National Collaboration for Youth
              NCI -----National College of Ireland
              NCA -----National Command Authority
              NCH -----National Committee on Housing
              NCU -----National Communications Union 
              NCC -----National Consumer Council 
              NDT -----National Debate Tournament 
              NEA -----National Education Association (nmerican)
              NET -----National Educational Television 
              NER -----National Emissions Report
              NEP -----National Energy Plan
              NES -----National Energy Strategy
              NEC -----National Exhibition Centre 
              NFU -----National Farmer's Union
              NFB -----National Film Board (Canada)
              NFT -----National Film Theatre
              NFN -----National Fire News
              NFH -----National Fish Hatchery
              NGG -----National Gamers Guild
              NGA -----National Geographical Association
              NGL -----National Grid for Learning
              NGB -----National Guard Bureau
              NGR -----National Guard Regulation
              NHI -----National Health Insurance
              NHS -----National Health Service
              NHU -----National Hispanic University
              NHP -----National Historical Park
              NHL -----National Hockey League (ice hockey)
              NIM -----National Impact Model
              NII -----National Information Infrastructure
              NIP -----National Inspection Plan
              NIB -----National Institute of Biology
              NIJ -----National Institute of Justice
              NIH -----National Institutes of Health
              NIC -----National Insurance Contributons 
              NJI -----National Judicial Institute
              NKC -----National Kidney Center
              NKF -----National Kidney Foundation
              NKD -----National Kids Day
              NLV -----National Language Version
              NLJ -----National Law Journal
              NLC -----National Liberation Council
              NLM -----National Library of Medicine
              NLW -----National Library Week
              NLB -----National Lighthouse Board
              NMM -----National Maritime Museum
              NML -----National Media Laboratory
              NMB -----National Mediation Board
              NMD -----National Missile Defence
              NNI -----National Nanotechnology Initiative
              NNS -----National Natality Survey 
              NNR -----National Nature Reserve
              NNB -----National Needlecraft Bureau
              NNC -----National Neighborhood Coalition 
              NNG -----National Network of Grantmakers
              NNO -----National Night Out (community crime prevention  program) 
              NND -----National Number Dialing
              NOF -----National Oceanographic Facility
              NOQ -----National Online Quilters
              NPS -----National Park Service
              NSP -----National Park Service (US)
              NPN -----National Particulate Network
              NPW -----National Payroll Week
              NPL -----National Physics Laboratory 
              NPP -----National Priority Program
              NPM -----National Program Manager
              NPF -----National Provider File
              NPR -----National Public Radio (America)
              NQC -----National Quality Control
              NQF -----National Quality Forum
              NQM -----National Quality Month 
              NQS -----National Quality Standard
              NQW -----National Quality Week
              NQL -----National Quick Lube
              NQB -----National Quotation Bureau
              NRO -----National Reconnaissance Office
              NRH -----National Rehabilitation Hospital 
              NRB -----National Religious Broadcasters
              NRX -----National Research Experiment
              NRU -----National Research Universal
              NRF -----National Retail Federation 
              NRA -----National Rivers Authority 
              NSB -----National Savings Bank
              NSF -----National Science Foundation
              NSA -----National Security Agency 
              NSC -----National Security Council
              NSD -----National Security Directive 
              NSM -----National Security Medal
              NSR -----National Security Review
              NSL -----National Sedimentation Laboratory
              NSJ -----National Sojourners
              NSO -----National Standard Organization
              NSN -----National Stock Number
              NTU -----National Technological University
              NTF -----National Test Facility
              NTD -----National Theater of the Deaf
              NTW -----National Tire Wholesalers
              NTB -----National Tire Wholesalers 
              NTS -----National Transportation Statistics
              NTN -----National Trends Network
              NUJ -----National Union of Journalists
              NUM -----National Union of Mineworkers
              NUN -----National Union of Nailtechs
              NUR -----National Union of Railwaymen (defunct)
              NUS -----National Union of Students
              NUT -----National Union of Teachers 
              NUH -----National University Hospital
              NVN -----National Videotex Network
              NVQ -----National Vocational Qualification
              NVW -----National Volunteer Week
              NVF -----National Voter Fund
              NWQ -----National Water Quality
              NWS -----National Weather Service
              NWI -----National Wetlands Inventory
              NWF -----National Wildlife Federation
              NWA -----National Wrestling Alliance
              NYB -----National Youth Band
              NPD -----Nationaldemokratishce Partei Deutschlands (national  democratic party of Germany)
              NQK -----Nationale Qualitätskonferenz 
              NPZ -----Nationales Pferdezentrum
              NLU -----National-Louis University 
              NAY -----Native American Youth
              NLS -----Native Language Support
              NIU -----NATO Interface Unit
              NLA -----NATO Lot Acceptance
              NUZ -----Natur- und Umweltschutz-Zentrum
              NBO -----Natural Bond Orbital
              NDH -----Natural Draft Heat
              NGX -----Natural Gas Exchange 
              NGV -----Natural Gas Vehicle
              NHQ -----Natural Hazards Quarterly 
              NHZ -----Natural Heritage Zone
              NHM -----Natural History Museum
              NHO -----Natural Hybrid Orbital
              NMO -----Natural Magnetic Orbital
              NRC -----Natural Resources Canada 
              NEZ -----Natur-Erfahrungs-Zentrum 
              NJJ -----Naturschutzjugend Jordsand
              NQZ -----Naturschutzqualitaetsziele
              NSZ -----Naturschutzzentrum
              NAV -----Naval
              NDW -----Naval District Washington
              NEJ -----Naval Engineering Journal
              NEK -----Naval Equerry to the King
              NFO -----Naval Flight Officer
              NGF -----Naval GunFire
              NIW -----Naval Information Warfare
              NIG -----Naval Inspector General
              NLO -----Naval Liaison Officer
              NOU -----Naval Ordnance Unit 
              NPG -----Naval Post-Graduate School
              NRL -----Naval Research Laboratory
              NRR -----Naval Research Reactor 
              NUC -----Naval Undersea Center
              NWP -----Naval War Pamphlet
              NPU -----Navigation Processor Unit
              NBT -----Navigator Bombardier Training
              NVY -----Navy
              NEX -----Navy Exchange
              NUB -----Navy Uniform Board
              NWL -----Navy Warfare Library
              NWG -----Navy Working Group
              NHV -----Nea Helliniki Vivliothiki
              NFR -----Near Field Recording
              NLQ -----Near Letter Quality
              NTQ -----Near Toll Quality
              NUV -----Near Ultra-Violet
              NDE -----Near-Death Experience
              NLF -----Nearest Landing Field
              NRY -----Nearly
              NBW -----Necessary BandWidth
              NUG -----Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
              NUD -----Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis 
              NJA -----Nederlands Jazz Archief 
              NGK -----Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerk
              NJV -----Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging
              NKO -----Nederlandse Katholieke Oudervereniging
              NKV -----Nederlandse Kitesurf-Vereinigung
              NNV -----Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (The Dutch  Physical Society)
              NVJ -----Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten 
              NVZ -----Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Zwembadmedewerkers
              NVU -----Nederlandse Volks-Unie
              NZV -----Nederlandse Zeehengelsport Vereniging
              NZG -----Nederlandse Zeevogelgroep 
              NTK -----Need-To-Know
              NGZ -----Negative Grey Zone 
              NLL -----Negative Logic Level
              NDO -----Neglect of Differential Overlap
              NGT -----Negotiable
              NOW -----Negotiated Order of Withdrawal
              NTA -----Negotiated Testing Agreement
              NEH -----Nehemiah (Bible)
              QZX -----Neoforma Incorporated Equity Option
              NXE -----Neon Exodus Evangelion 
              NNJ -----Neonatal Jaundice 
              KXL -----Nepali Kurux
              NHT -----Nernst Heat Theorem
              NCV -----Nerve Conduction Velocity
              NGM -----Nested Grid Model
              YXD -----Net Accrued Dividend
              YXN -----Net Asset Value
              NBV -----Net Book Value
              NEW -----Net Explosive Weight
              NFV -----Net Future Value
              NPV -----Net Present Value
              NRI -----Net Radio Interface
              NHJ -----Netherlands Heart Journal
              NJG -----Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
              NJS -----Netlab.Cz Jabber Server 
              NXC -----Netlinx Card
              NDD -----NetWare Directory Database
              NUK -----Netwerk und Know-how
              NAG -----Network Architecture Group
              NAU -----Network Attachment Unit
              NBX -----Network Business Exchange
              NDC -----Network Data Collection
              NDL -----Network Database Language
              NDF -----Network Definition Facility
              NDU -----Network Device Utility
              NEF -----Network Element Function
              NEI -----Network Equipment Identifier
              NXL -----Network Exchange Limited
              NXW -----Network Expander
              NXU -----Network Extension Unit
              NFS -----Network File Server 
              NFD -----Network Flow Diagram 
              NIA -----Network Information Access
              NIR -----Network Information Registry
              NIO -----Network Input
              NIT -----Network Integration Test
              NJE -----Network Job Entry
              NJM -----Network Joint Management
              NKS -----Network Knowledge Server
              NMA -----Network Management Architecture
              NMC -----Network Management Center
              NMF -----Network Management Forum 
              NMX -----Network Modular Extension
              NNM -----Network Node Manager
              NNX -----Network Numbering eXchange
              NXX -----network numbering exchange
              NOC -----Network Operations Center
              NPE -----Network Planning and Engineering
              NPT -----Network Planning Tool
              NQE -----Network Queueing Environment
              NQX -----Network Queueing Extension
              NRM -----Network Reference Model
              NSG -----Network Services Group
              NSI -----"Network Solutions, Inc."
              NSE -----Network SouthEast 
              NTY -----Network Teletype
              NTE -----Network Terminal Equipment
              NTO -----Network Terminal Option
              NTP -----network time protocol 
              NTR -----Network Timing Reference
              NUA -----Network User Address
              NUI -----Network User Interface
              NVT -----Network Virtual Terminal
              NVE -----Network Visible Entity
              NWW -----Network World Wide
              NTX -----Networking and Expansion
              NWX -----Networking Index
              NNQ -----Networking North Queensland
              NJW -----Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 
              NKZ -----Neue Kronen Zeitung 
              NWZ -----Neue Wuerttembergische Zeitung 
              NZA -----Neue Zeitschrift fuer Arbeitsrecht 
              NZM -----Neue Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschaft 
              NZZ -----Neue Zeurcher Zeitung (Swiss newspaper)
              NJZ -----Neuen Juedischen Zeitung 
              NBK -----Neuer Berliner Kunstverein 
              NKQ -----Neues Kunstquartier 
              NKB -----Neurokinin B
              NLK -----Neuroleukin
              NMZ -----Neuromuskuläres Zentrum
              NPY -----Neuropeptide Y
              NFF -----Neutral File Format 
              NPH -----Neutral Protamine Hagerdorn
              NZN -----Neutral Zone Network
              NQV -----Neutraler Quartierverein
              NHW -----Neutralized High-level Waste
              NSX -----Neutron Star X-ray
              NEV -----Nevada
              NAB -----New American Bible
              NCJ -----New City Jack
              NXG -----New Cross Gate
              NEO -----New Employee Orientation
              NEB -----New English Bible 
              NED -----New English Dictionary
              NEN -----New Eyes for the Needy
              NGC -----New General Catalogue (astronomy)
              NGD -----New Generation Desktop
              NHH -----New Hampshire Hospital
              NHG -----New High German
              NIV -----New International Version (Holy Bible)
              NJD -----New Jersey Devils (NHL) 
              NJF -----New Jersey Future
              NJH -----New Jersey History
              NJL -----New Jersey Lottery
              NJN -----New Jersey News (cable news station)
              NJT -----New Jersey Transit
              NJB -----New Jerusalem Bible
              NKM -----New Kach Movement
              NKT -----New Kadampa Tradition 
              NKL -----New Keel
              NKJ -----New King James
              NKE -----New Korea Electric
              NLY -----New Life Youth
              NME -----New Musical Express
              NNP -----New National Party 
              NOS -----New Old Stock
              NOT -----New Organization Training
              NPO -----New Personnel Orientation
              NPI -----New Product Information
              NRE -----New Relationship Energy
              NSW -----New South Wales
              NTH -----New Training Helicopter
              NUU -----New Universal Union
              NUP -----New User Password
              NWY -----New Wave Youth
              NWV -----New Worker Visa
              NWD -----New World Disorder
              NWO -----New World Order
              NXO -----New X Order
              NYW -----New Yankee Workshop
              ZNY -----New York Air Route Traffic Control Center
              NYE -----New York and Erie
              NYC -----New York City
              NYD -----New York District
              NYG -----New York Giants (football team)
              NYH -----New York Hospital
              NYJ -----New York Jets
              NYL -----New York Life
              NYM -----New York Mets
              NYN -----New York Network
              NYO -----New York Office
              NYP -----New York Police
              NYQ -----New York Quarterly
              NYS -----New York State
              NYT -----New York Times
              NYU -----New York University
              NYV -----New York Volunteers (Infantry regiments) 
              NYY -----New York Yankees
              NZB -----New Zealand Bloodstock
              NZC -----New Zealand Cricket
              NZD -----New Zealand Dollar
              NZX -----New Zealand Express
              NZH -----New Zealand Herald
              NZJ -----New Zealand Journal
              NZL -----New Zealand Lamb
              NZO -----New Zealand Obese
              NZP -----New Zealand Pharmaceuticals
              NZQ -----New Zealand Quilter
              NZR -----New Zealand Rail
              NZS -----New Zealand Soccer
              NZT -----New Zealand Time
              NZU -----New Zealand University
              NZW -----New Zealand White
              NZY -----New Zealand Youth
              ZJY -----Newberry-Saluda (South Carolina) Regional Library
              NBZ -----Newbie Zone
              NGW -----Newly Generated Waste
              NOY -----Newspaper of the Year
              NPA -----Newspaper Publishers' Association 
              NIE -----Newspapers In Education
              NWJ -----Newsweek Japan
              NVP -----Newton Variational Principle
              NRT -----Newtonian Reflector Telescope
              NXY -----Nexen Incorporated
              NXT -----Next
              NGI -----Next Generation Internet
              NGN -----Next Generation Network
              NGP -----Next Generation Program
              NGY -----Next Generation Yoga 
              NHA -----Next Higher Authority
              NOK -----Next of Kin
              NXA -----Nextair
              NXS -----Nexus International

    NEY -----Neyo

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  10. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  11. #26
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف N
            NKP -----Nickel Plate
              NXR -----Nicolet X-Ray
              NTJ -----Nigeria Trade Journal
              NFE -----Night Fighting Equipment
              NFQ -----Night Frequency
              NOH -----Night Observation Helicopter
              NVB -----Night Vision Binoculars
              NVG -----Night Vision Goggles
              NVI -----Night Vision Instrument
              NVL -----Night Vision Laboratory
              NVS -----Night Vision Sight
              NVV -----Night Vision Viewfinder
              NKX -----Nikon Coolpix
              NBM -----Nil by mouth 
              NIN -----Nine Inch Nails (rock band)
              IXL -----Ninth Lancers
              NHK -----Nippon Hoso Kyokai
              NTT -----Nippon Telephone and Telegraph
              NBH -----Nitrogen Blower Heater
              NUE -----Nitrogen Use Efficiency
              NPK -----"Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium"
              NCN -----Nixdorf Communications Network
              NJX -----NJStar do***ent
              NAL -----No Action Level
              NBD -----No Big Deal
              NBG -----No Bloody Good
              NBU -----No Bloody Use
              NCD -----No Can Do
              NCR -----No Carbon Required 
              NCE -----No Change in Estimates
              NXN -----No Christian Name
              NDG -----No Damn Good
              NDQ -----No Difficult Questions
              NDZ -----No Discharge Zone
              NDM -----No Disrespect Meant
              NEL -----No Effect Level
              NXV -----No Exact Value
              NXQ -----No Excuse
              NFG -----No F***ing Good
              NFW -----No F**king Way 
              NFK -----No Flaming Kids 
              NFI -----No Friggin' Idea
              NGJ -----No Greater Joy
              NHB -----No Holds Barred 
              NKA -----No Known Allergies
              NLT -----No Later Than
              NLN -----No Longer Needed
              NMN -----No Middle Name
              NMW -----No More Work
              NNN -----No New News 
              NOB -----No Other Business
              NQY -----No Quakes Yet
              NRK -----No Quakes Yet
              NQG -----No Quarter Given
              NQA -----No Questions Asked
              NRD -----No Record of Destination
              NRN -----No Reply Necessary 
              NTM -----No Target Model
              NTZ -----No Transgression Zone
              NTL -----No Transport Layer
              NUL -----No Upper Limit
              NVD -----No Value Declared
              NWR -----NOAA Weather Radio
              NYF -----Noc Ya Flat
              OFQ -----Nociceptin (Orfanin FQ)
              NAS -----Noise Abatement Society 
              NVH -----"Noise, Vibration, and Harshness"
              NLZ -----No-Lone Zone
              NDP -----Nom De Plume
              NQO -----Nomenclatura de Química Orgánica 
              NOM -----Nominal
              NRQ -----Nominal Requirements Questionnaire
              NSU -----Nominal Service Unit
              NSY -----Nominal Service Unit 
              NBB -----Non Blow Back
              NXB -----Non X-ray Background 
              NAK -----Non-Acknowledgement
              NAF -----Non-Appropriated Fund
              NCQ -----Non-Cognitive Questionnaire
              NCZ -----Non-Combat Zone
              NCO -----Non-Commisioned Officer
              NDN -----Non-Delivery Notice
              NDI -----Non-Destructive Inspection
              NDR -----Non-Destructive Read
              NDS -----Non-Developmental Software
              NDB -----Non-Directional Beacon
              NDA -----Non-Disclosure Agreement
              NXD -----Non-Executive Director
              NXH -----Non-Exempt Hourly
              NXM -----Non-Existent Memory
              NXI -----Non-Existing Integer
              NGU -----NonGonococcal Urethritis
              NGQ -----Non-Government Quarters
              NGS -----Non-Government Standard
              NGO -----Non-Governmental Organisation
              NHR -----Non-Hierarchical Routing
              NHN -----Non-Hunting Number
              NJR -----Non-Job-Routed
              NJP -----Non-Judicial Punishment
              NKH -----Non-Ketotic Hyperglycinemia
              NQT -----Non-language Qualification Test
              NMV -----Non-Meaningful Value
              NMY -----Non-muscle Myosin
              NNT -----Non-Nodal Terminal
              NNK -----Non-Nuclear Kill
              NNL -----Non-Nuclear LANCE (Missile)
              NPB -----Non-Persistent Blood
              NPC -----Non-Player Character
              NSH -----Non-powered Space Heater
              NCT -----Nonrated Crew Trainer
              NDY -----Non-resonant Deflection Yoke
              NRZ -----Non-Return to Zero
              NRV -----Non-Review
              NTV -----Non-Tactical Vehicle
              NUQ -----Non-Uniform Quantization
              NVO -----Non-Virtual Ocean
              NVM -----Non-Volatile Memory
              NVR -----Non-Volunteer Registry
              NZK -----Norddeutschen Zentralkatalogs 
              NJC -----Nordic Journal of Computing
              NNU -----Nordic Numismatic Union
              NWK -----Nordjydsk Windsurfing Klub 
              NCS -----Norfolk Careers Service 
              NNY -----Norfolk Navy Yard
              NHE -----Normal Hydrogen Electrode
              NIX -----Normal Incidence X-ray
              NLP -----Normal Link Pulse
              NOZ -----Normal Operating Zone
              NQQ -----Normal Quantile-Quantile 
              NTC -----Normal Test Condition
              NWH -----Normal Working Hours
              NGH -----Normalized Greedy Heuristic
              NIQ -----Normalized Inhibitory Quotient 
              YVQ -----"Norman Wells, Northwest Territory"
              NCK -----Norsk Collie Klubb 
              NHY -----Norsk Hydro
              NJK -----Norsk Jernbaneklubb 
              NKK -----Norsk Kennel Klub
              NMK -----Norsk Motor Klubb
              NAX -----"North American Express Transportation, Inc."
              NVX -----North American Vaccine
              NBF -----North Bristol Feeder
              NCP -----North Celestial Pole 
              NCX -----North China Express
              NDJ -----"North Dakota, Jamestown"
              NFM -----North Finding Module
              NIZ -----North Island Zone
              QJU -----North Junin Quechua
              NKN -----North Korea Navy
              NNE -----North North-East
              NNW -----North North-West
              NVA -----North Vietnamese Army
              NWN -----North Wales Newspapers
              NZE -----North Zenith East
              NLR -----Northampton & Lamport Railway 
              NHX -----Northeast Health Experiment
              NYX -----Northern and Yorkshire eXcellence 
              NAZ -----Northern Arizona
              NIK -----Northern Ireland Korfball
              NJO -----Northern Journey Online
              NKY -----Northern Kentucky
              NMU -----Northern Michigan University
              NQN -----Northern Quarter Network
              NWT -----NorthWest Territories
              NMT -----North-West Territories
              NVC -----Northwest Vista College 
              NWC -----NorthWestern College (minnesota usa)
              NWU -----Northwestern University
              NLH -----Norwegian Library House
              NSV -----Norwich Sports Village
              NLG -----Nose Landing Gear
              NAN -----Not A Number
              NAR -----Not According to Routine
              NAI -----Not All Inclusive
              NNA -----Not aNother Acronym
              NAJ -----Not Another Joke
              NAQ -----Not Another Query
              NAP -----Not At Present
              NBL -----Not Bloody Likely
              NCW -----Not Complied With
              NEQ -----Not EQual
              NFP -----Not For Profit
              NHD -----Not Heard
              NLD -----Not in the Line of Duty
              NIY -----Not Invented Yet
              NJY -----Not Just Yarn
              NLI -----Not Logged In
              NMJ -----Not My Job
              NMP -----Not My Problem
              NMQ -----Not My Query
              NMS -----Not My Solution
              NAD -----Not on Active Duty
              NOL -----Not on Line
              NOA -----Not Operationally Assigned
              NOP -----Not Our Publication
              NPQ -----Not physically qualified (military)
              NQD -----Not Quite Dead
              NQH -----Not Quite Heroes
              NQJ -----Not Quite Justice
              NQU -----Not Quite Us
              NTG -----Not Too Good
              NWB -----Not Weight Bearing
              NYA -----Not Yet Available
              NYI -----Not Yet Implemented
              NYR -----Not Yet Returned
              NBE -----Not-Below-or-Equal
              NGE -----Not-Greater-or-Equal
              NMH -----Nothing Much Here 
              NOD -----Notice Of Deficiency
              NOE -----Notice Of Exception
              NOI -----Notice Of Inquiry
              NON -----Notice Of Noncompliance
              NOO -----Notice Of Obligation
              NOR -----Notice Of Revision
              NLE -----Not-Less-or-Equal
              NJQ -----Notorious Jazz Quartet
              NDK -----Novell Developer Kit
              NTI -----Novell Technology Institute
              NOV -----November 
              NXZ -----Nu Xi Zeta
              NXF -----Nuclear Export Factor 
              NFZ -----Nuclear Free Zone 
              NMR -----Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
              NOG -----Nuclear Ordnance Group
              NPJ -----Nuclear Plant Journal
              NUW -----Nuclear Power Plant Warning 
              NQI -----Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction
              NQR -----Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
              NST -----Nuclear Seismic Technology
              NWE -----Nuclear Weapon Effects
              NWM -----Nuclear Weapons Maintenance
              NBQ -----"Nuclear, Biológica y Química"
              NUX -----Nucleo Estudinal de Linux
              NVK -----Nucleo Estudinal de Linux 
              NXP -----Nu-Diltiaz
              NCL -----Null Convention Logic
              NRW -----Null-Reflecting Water
              NHC -----Numatec Hanford Corporation
              NNH -----Number Needed to Harm (medical)
              NNZ -----Number of Nonzeros (in a matrix)
              NCG -----Numbering Consulting Group
              NEG -----Numerical Experimentation Group
              NHF -----Numerical Hartree-Fock
              NMG -----Numerical Master Geometry
              NPX -----Numerical Processor Extension
              NUY -----Nunggubuyu
              NSQ -----Nursing Science Quarterly 
              NBJ -----Nutrition Business Journal 
              NFY -----Nutrition Fitness and Youth
              NQP -----Nutrition Quackery Prevention 
              NKW -----Nutzkraftwagen
              NXJ -----Nyadu
              NYZ -----Nyamwezi
              NYK -----Nyelvtudomanyi Koezlemenyek

    NFJ -----Nylon Flight Jacket

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  12. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  13. #27
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    MNE ---
    --M N Eight  -> Emenate
              MXN -----Mac Experts Network
              MGX -----Mac Graphics
              MJD -----Machado Joseph Disease
              MKH -----Machinefabriek Klein Hesselink 
              MZI -----Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
              MZM -----Mach-Zehnder Modulator
              MPW -----Macintosh Programmers Workshop
              MWJ -----Macintosh Weekly Journal
              YZY -----"MacKenzie, British Columbia"
              MRJ -----MacOS Run-time for Java
              MQU -----Macquarie University
              MAY -----Mad About You
              MME -----Madame (French) 
              MKU -----Madurai Kamraj University
              MOZ -----Maerkischen Oder Zeitung 
              MUI -----Magic User Interface
              MJV -----Magistral Joint Venture 
              MXV -----Magix Video
              MSZ -----Magnesia-Stabilized Zirconia
              MCD -----Magnetic Circular Dichroism
              MGF -----Magnetic Field
              MFM -----Magnetic FlowMeter
              MNX -----Magnetic Nozzle Experiment
              MRI -----Magnetic Resonance Imaging
              MTJ -----Magnetic Tunnel Junction
              MOI -----Magneto Optical Imaging
              MHD -----MagnetoHydroDynamic
              MMF -----MagnetoMotive Force
              MRX -----Magneto-Resistive Extended
              MKZ -----Magnitogorskii Kalibrovochnyi Zavod
              MLK -----Mail List Key
              MBT -----Main Battle Tank
              MDF -----Main Distribution Frame 
              MLN -----Main Listed Number
              ZXH -----Main Street Elementary School Library
              MFL -----Maintain Flight Level
              MWO -----Maintainance Work Order
              MNT -----Maintenance
              MAM -----Maintenance Assist Module
              MAV -----Maintenance Assistance Vehicle
              MCK -----Maintenance Check
              MEE -----Maintenance Engineering Evaluation
              MER -----Maintenance Evaluation Report
              MFB -----Maintenance Free Battery
              MGE -----Maintenance Ground Equipment 
              MJR -----Maintenance Job Request
              MRD -----Maintenance Requirements Do***ent
              MMZ -----Mainzer Musikalien-Zentrum 
              MZJ -----Mainzer Zeitschrift fuer Jurisprudenz 
              MAJ -----Major
              MHC -----Major Histocompatability Complex (of proteins  involved in immunity)
              MIE -----Major Item of Equipment
              MLB -----Major League Baseball
              MLY -----Major League Yardball
              MQP -----Major Qualifying Project
              MAE -----Make An Ending
              MFW -----Make the First Wave
              MQK -----Make the Quick Kill
              MYO -----Make Your Own
              MYR -----Make Your Request
              MAL -----Malachi (bible)
              MHY -----Malakoff-Humbug-Yuba Project
              MCP -----Male Chauvinist Pig 
              MNM -----Male Nurse Magazine 
              MYK -----Malmo Yacht Klubb 
              MMI -----Man
              MIO -----Man In Office
              MOY -----Man Of the Year
              MOS -----Man On the Street 
              MDN -----Managed Data Network
              MGT -----ManaGemenT (american)
              MBI -----Management By Initiative
              MBW -----Management By Walking
              MGL -----Management Guidance Letter
              MIS -----Management Information Systems 
              MPQ -----Management Performance Quality
              MPD -----Management Policy and Directives
              MRM -----Management Review Meeting
              MUR -----Management Update and Retrieval
              MGR -----Manager
              MBK -----"Managing Business Knowledge, Inc."
              MTY -----Managing To Yield 
              MBS -----Manchester Business School
              MCT -----Manchester College of Technology 
              MGS -----Manchester Grammar School 
              MCX -----Mandatory Center of Excellence
              MPN -----Mandatory Parts Number
              MNO -----Manganese Oxide
              MJQ -----Manhattan Jazz Quintet 
              MJS -----Manipulator Jettison System 
              MAN -----Manitoba
              MEN -----Manitoba Eco-Network
              MKP -----ManKind Project
              MMS -----Man-Made Substance 
              MLL -----Manned Lunar Landing
              MZQ -----Mann-Zeichen-Quotienten 
              MDV -----Manprint Domain Verification
              MNL -----Manual
              MJE -----Manual Journal Entry
              MRK -----Manual Remote Keying
              MXO -----Manually eXtended Operation
              MAT -----Manufacture And Test
              MUL -----Manufacture Under Licence
              MFX -----ManuFactured eXcellence
              MVX -----Manufacturers of Vaccines 
              MWP -----Manufacturer's Wholesale Price 
              MFT -----manufacturing
              MKF -----manufacturing failure
              MWQ -----Manufacturing Without Quality
              MSF -----"Manufacturing, Science and Finance"
              ZUQ -----Manugistics Group Equity Options
              MYS -----Man-Year-Space
              MYF -----Mapping Your Future
              MCG -----"Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy"
              MAR -----March 
              MUY -----Marginal Utility
              MZL -----Marginal-Zone Lymphoma
              MJB -----Marianische Jugendbewegung -----
              MLX -----Maricopa Learning eXchange -----
              ZMJ -----Maridjabin -----
              MMH -----Mariette Memorial Hospital -----
              MEQ -----Marine Environmental Quality -----
              MEB -----Marine Expeditionary Brigade -----
              MEF -----Marine Expeditionary Force -----
              MEU -----Marine Expeditionary Unit -----
              MEW -----Marine Expeditionary Wing -----
              VMF -----Marine Fighter Squadron -----
              MGG -----Marine Geology & Geophysics Division -----
              MJP -----Marine Jet Power -----Loop
              MSL -----Marine Sciences Laboratory -----
              MSB -----Maritime Subsidy Board -----
              MKX -----Mark Ten -----
              MKD -----Marked -----
              MKR -----Marker
              MKT -----Market
              MMQ -----Market Milk Quota
              MQN -----Market Quotation Notification
              ZXJ -----Maroa-Forsyth Junior-Senior High School Library
              MBA -----Married But Available 
              MOQ -----Married Officers' Quarters
              MWF -----Married White Female (dating)
              MEM -----Mars Excursion Module
              MVY -----Martha's Vineyard 
              MZS -----Marwell Zoological Society
              MCC -----Marylebone Cricket Club 
              MGH -----Massachusetts General Hospital
              MIT -----Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
              MYN -----Massachusetts Yoga Network
              MCR -----Master Control Room 
              MFR -----Master Facility Register
              MJA -----Master Job Authorization
              MJO -----Master Job Order
              MED -----Master of EDucation
              EDM -----Master of Education 
              MFH -----Master of FoxHounds
              LLM -----Master of Laws (legum magister)
              MSC -----Master of Science 
              MCH -----Master of Surgery (magister chirurgiae)
              MPB -----Master Planning Board
              MUT -----Master Upper Tester
              MVT -----Master Validation Table
              MMX -----Mastergroup Multiplexer
              PLT -----material abbr. for lead lanthanum titanate
              PZT -----material abbr. for lead zirconate titanate
              MAB -----Material Advisory Board
              MHN -----Material Hold Notice
              MMP -----Material Management Plan
              MFO -----Materiel Fielding Operations
              MOV -----Materiel Obligation Validation
              MRR -----Materiel Readiness Repository
              MKM -----Mathematical Knowledge Management Workshop
              MUM -----Mathematical Ulterior Motives 
              MQE -----Mathematics Qualifying Examination 
              MGA -----Matrox Graphics Adapter
              MCY -----Matsuoka-Clementi-Yoshimine Potential Function
              MOF -----Matter Of Fact
              MYJ -----"Matthaei, Young, and Jones (electronics)"
              MKO -----Mauna Kea Observatory
              MKW -----Max K. Willscher Urology Center
              MAX -----Maximum
              MXI -----MaXImum
              MXA -----MaXimum Acceleration
              MDR -----Maximum Desired Result 
              MXF -----MaXimum Frequency
              MGW -----Maximum Gross Weight
              MGQ -----Maximum Guaranteed Quantity
              MOL -----Maximum Operating Level
              MQD -----Maximum Quality Distillate 
              MXQ -----Maximum Queuing
              MRQ -----Maximum Release Quantity
              MSV -----Maximum Safe Velocity
              MSW -----Maximum Shipping Weight
              MSY -----Maximum Sustainable Yield
              MTU -----Maximum Transmission Unit
              MUF -----Maximum Usable Frequency
              MPJ -----May Present to Jury
              MKA -----Maybe Known As ....
              MNY -----Maybelline New York
              MJM -----McGill Journal of Medicine
              MIJ -----"Meaconing, Intrusion, and Jamming"
              MRE -----Meals Ready to Eat
              MHW -----Mean High Water
              MLW -----Mean Low Water
              MBG -----Mean-Bearing Grouping 
              MMR -----Measles Mumps and Rubella (vaccine)
              MQJ -----Measurement Quality Jumper
              MQO -----Measurement Quality Objective
              MTK -----Measurement Table Kit
              MOO -----Measures Of Outcome
              MCM -----Mechanical Current Meter
              MVR -----Mechanical Vapor Recompression
              MDO -----Mechanized Desert Operations
              MTR -----Mechanized Time Reporting
              MUV -----Mechanized Utility Vehicle
              MZH -----Mechatronik-Zentrum Hannover
              MII -----Media Independent Interface
              TDK -----media manufacturers
              MTG -----Media Task Group
              MVF -----Media Viability Fund
              MXM -----Media Xchange Manager
              MZT -----Media Zone Tray
              MCA -----Median Case Analysis 
              MAA -----Medical Assistance Administration
              MXS -----Medical Exchange Solutions 
              MOH -----Medical Officer of Health
              MRC -----Medical Research Council
              MWI -----Medical Waste Incinerator
              MWL -----MedicaMunicipal Waste Leachate
              YXH -----"Medicine Hat, Alberta"
              MKN -----Medienkompetenznetzwerk
              MAG -----Medium Assurance Guard
              MEO -----Medium Earth Orbit
              YTM -----Medium Harbor Tug
              MLV -----Medium Launch Vehicle
              MWB -----Medium Wheel Base
              MWV -----Medium-Wave Voices
              MZB -----Medizinische Zentralbibliothek
              MYM -----Meet Your Maker (chat)
              MEG -----Mega Evil Grin
              MCS -----MegaCycles per Second 
              MEV -----Mega-ElectronVolt
              MHZ -----Megahertz
              MWE -----MegaWatt Electric
              MZX -----Megazeux
              MHK -----"Meisterschule fuer Handwerker, Kaiserslautern"
              MSH -----Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
              MKK -----Melbourne Kyokushin Karate
              MJH -----Melissa Joan Hart
              MBQ -----Melody Boys Quartet 
              MPT -----Melting Point
              MBR -----Member
              MEP -----Member of European Parliament
              MBE -----Member of the British Empire
              MHR -----Member of the House of Representatives (in the US and  Australia)
              MJI -----Member of the Institute of Journalists
              MLA -----Member of the Legislative Assembly 
              MLC -----Member of the Legislative Council
              MPP -----Member of the Provincial Parliament
              MQG -----Member of the Quiet Group
              MVO -----Member of the Victorian Order
              MQB -----Membership Quality Board
              MOP -----Memorandum Of Policy
              MOU -----Memorandum Of Understanding
              MPO -----Memorandum Purchase Order
              MAK -----Memory AcKnowledge
              MXT -----Memory Expansion Technology 
              MMU -----Memory Management Unit
              MQH -----Memory Queue Handler
              MTD -----Memory Technology Driver
              MTH -----Memory Translator Hub
              MIB -----Men In Black
              MIY -----Men In Yellow
              MVG -----MengenVerbrauchsGuttern (German: Mass Consumption  Goods)
              MYW -----Mennonite Your Way Tours
              MSQ -----Mental Status Questionnaire
              MYU -----Mercer Youth University 
              MFE -----Mercury Film Electrode
              ZXG -----Meridian Community Unit School District Library
              MUC -----Meritorious Unit Commendation
              MUE -----Meritorious Unit Emblem
              MXG -----Merrill's Expanded Guide
              QVY -----Merrimac (Massachusetts) Public Library
              MCF -----Message ConFirmation
              MDG -----Message Design Guidelines
              MID -----Message Input Device
              MLG -----Message Level Gateway
              MQX -----Message Queue Exchange
              MQI -----Message Queuing Interface
              MQM -----Message Queuing Middleware 
              MRO -----Message Review Officer
              MWN -----Message Waiting Notification
              MUK -----Messe Und Kommunikation
              MBB -----Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm
              MZP -----Messzeitpunkten
              MAZ -----Metallaufbereitung Zwickau 
              MWA -----Meteorological Watch Advisory
              MCL -----Method Calibration Limit
              MQL -----Method Quantification Limit
              MKQ -----Methode der Kleinsten Fehlerquadrate 
              MCB -----Methodist College Belfast
              MYQ -----Methodist Youth Quest
              MXP -----Methods of Experimental Physics 
              MEK -----Methyl Ethyl Ketone
              MPK -----Methyl Propyl Ketone
              MVE -----Methyl Vinyl Ether
              MVK -----Methyl Vinyl Ketone
              MKS -----Metre-Kilogram-Second
              MPS -----Metres Per Second 
              MGM -----Metro Goldwym Mayer (film company) 
              MBC -----Metropolitan Borough Council
              MTA -----Metropolitan Toronto Area
              MKJ -----Metsaestaejaein Keskusjaerjestoe
              MNW -----METU New York
              MRY -----Meuse-Rhine-Yssel (livestock)
              MEX -----Mexico
              MZN -----Mezannine
              MIC -----Micah (bible) 
              MJK -----Michael Jackson Kids
              MJJ -----Michael Joseph Jackson
              MBU -----Michigan Beaver Union
              MBP -----Michigan Biodiversity Project
              MBM -----Michigan Board of Medicine
              MGP -----Michigan Grower Products
              MKC -----Michigan Karst Conservancy
              MNB -----Michigan National Bank
              MNG -----Michigan National Guard
              MQC -----Michigan Quality Council
              MVU -----Michigan Virtual University
              MYE -----Michigan Youth Ensemble
              MYH -----Michigan Youth Horseman Newsletter
              MYT -----Michigan Youth Theater
              MZC -----Michigan Zen Center 
              MJN -----Micro Java Network
              MXR -----Micro-beam X-Ray
              MIR -----Micro-Instruction Register
              MHH -----"Microphone, Hand-Held"
              MSA -----Microscopy Society of America
              MKB -----Microsoft Knowledge Base
              MSN -----MicroSoft Network
              WXX -----Microsoft Windows-all versions
              DOC -----microsoft word DO***ent 
              MSD -----Micro-Systems Development
              MVB -----MicroVax Business
              MWR -----MicroWave Radiometer
              MTT -----Microwave Theory and Techniques (IEEE Society)
              MNU -----MidAmerica Nazarene University
              MGU -----Midcourse Guidance Unit
              MSX -----Midcourse Space Experiment
              MHG -----MIddle High German
              MMB -----Middle Mouse Button 
              MOR -----Middle Of the Road
              MNJ -----Middletown & New Jersey Railway Company
              MTC -----Midlands Technical Centre
              MVJ -----Midsize Video Jack
              MJX -----Mid-Week Jacksonville Express 
              MCJ -----Midwest Conservative Journal
              MEH -----Midwest Express Holdings
              MYA -----Midwest Young Artists
              MZF -----Mid-west Zonal Forum
              MWU -----MidWestern University
              MWY -----Midwifery
              MUO -----Might Use Others
              MQV -----"Mighty, Quiet, Versatile"
              MZO -----Migration to Zero-Offset 
              MGZ -----Mikroskopische Gesellschaft Zuerich 
              MZU -----Mikrozensus-Zusatzerhebung 
              MJG -----Milano Jazz Gang
              MHM -----Mile High Member
              MHL -----Mile-High Limits
              MIH -----Miles In an Hour
              MPG -----Miles Per Gallon
              MPH -----Miles Per Hour 
              MPY -----Miles Per Year
              MRP -----Militarized Reconfigurable Processor
              MAU -----Military Adjustment Unit
              MAC -----Military Aircraft Command 
              MAQ -----Military Allowance for Quarters
              MBF -----Military Banking Facility 
              MDW -----Military District of Washington
              MFF -----Military Free Fall
              MGI -----Military Geographic Information
              MGO -----Military Government Officer
              MHQ -----Military HeadQuarters
              MJT -----Military Judge Team
              MJC -----Military Junior College
              MLO -----Military Liaison Officer
              MMY -----Military Man-Years
              MPV -----Military Pay Voucher
              MQS -----Military Qualification Standard
              MQT -----Military Qualifications Test
              MTI -----Military Training Instructor
              MYC -----Military Youth Corps
              MOM -----Milk Of Magnesia
              MWG -----Milky Way Galaxy
              MKY -----Milkyway Networks
              MGD -----Miller Genuine Draft (beer)
              MGK -----Milli Guvenlik Kurulu
              MAH -----Milliampere-Hour
              MCI -----Millicurie
              MJY -----Millijansky
              MWT -----Millimeter Wave Technology
              MGY -----Million Gallons per Year
              MGN -----Mils Grid North
              MMN -----Mils Magnetic North
              MQZ -----Mind the Quiet Zone
              MDU -----Mine Disposal Unit
              MNV -----Mine Neutralization Vehicle
              MIW -----MIne Warfare
              MYB -----Minerals Yearbook
              MRV -----Mini Rotary Viscometer
              MHV -----Miniature Homing Vehicle
              MKV -----Miniature Kill Vehicle
              MSR -----Miniature Satellite Receiver
              MOG -----Minicomputer Operations Group
              MDD -----MiniDisc Deck
              MDP -----MiniDisc Player
              MHU -----Minimal Household Unit 
              MLS -----Minimal Language Skills
              MAF -----Minimum Audible Field
              MDQ -----Minimum Deliverable Quantity
              MIQ -----Minimum Identifiable Quantity
              MLR -----Minimum Lending Rate
              MLD -----Minimum Lethal Dose
              MMA -----Minimum Maneuver Area
              MNC -----Minimum Necessary Change
              MQY -----Minimum Qualifying Yield 
              MRL -----Minimum Reporting Level
              MSK -----Minimum Shift Keying 
              MYY -----Minimum Yearly Yield
              MQA -----Mining Qualifications Authority
              MVW -----Minisink Valley Wrestling
              MIN -----Minister 
              MNI -----Ministerial Network International
              MZA -----Ministerium fuer Zivile Angelegenheiten 
              MWK -----Ministeriums fuer Wissenschaft und Kunst 
              MGB -----Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti (Russian-  Ministry of State Security)
              MOD -----Ministry Of Defence
              MEY -----Ministry of Education and Youth 
              MOJ -----Ministry Of Justice 
              MNR -----Ministry of Natural Resources
              MSS -----Ministry of State Security 
              MOE -----Ministry of the Environment
              MOT -----Ministry Of Transport 
              MTQ -----"Ministry of Transport, Quebec"
              MTO -----Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
              MDH -----Minnesota Department of Health
              MJF -----Minnesota Justice Foundation
              MBX -----Minority Business eXchange
              MNP -----Mirocom Networking Protocol
              MSM -----Mirror Signal Maneouvre (in driving) 
              MEL -----Misappropriation of the English Language
              MLU -----Miscellaneous Live Unit
              MUQ -----Miss Universe Queen
              MEZ -----Missile Engagement Zone
              MIP -----Missile Impact Predictor
              MIU -----Missile Interface Unit
              MIA -----Missing In Action
              MKI -----Missing Kids International
              MAW -----Mission Adaptive Wing
              MND -----Mission Need Determination
              MNS -----Mission Need Statement
              MNN -----Mission Network News
              MOC -----Mission Operation Cell
              MOW -----Mission Operations Wing
              MPE -----Mission Peculiar Equipment
              MPF -----Mission Planning Forecast
              MQR -----Mission Quality Requirements
              MTL -----Mission Tasking Letter
              MUS -----Mission Unique Software
              MRS -----Mistress (married woman title)
              MBH -----Mit Beschrnkter Haftung (with Limited Liability)
              MAP -----Mitogen Activated Protein 
              MJZ -----Mitteldeutsche Jugend Zeitung
              MWZ -----Mitwohnzentrale
              MXD -----Mixed
              MMD -----Mixed Mode Disc
              MOX -----Mixed OXide

    MZY -----Mizuya

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  14. #28
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    OGV -----Oak Glen Varsity
    OLC -----Oak Leaf Cluster
    OJW -----Oaktown Jazz Workshops
    OYS -----Oakville Yacht Squadron
    OKH -----Ober-Kommando der Heer
    OKL -----Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
    OKW -----Ober-Kommando der Wehrmacht
    OJZ -----Obersten Gerichtshofes in Zivilsachen
    OSZ -----Oberstufenzentrum
    OZD -----Oberzolldirektion
    OAK -----Object Application Kernel
    OCO -----Object Code Only
    ODE -----Object Database and Environment
    ODL -----Object Description Language
    OID -----Object IDentifier
    OMT -----Object Management Technique
    OOD -----Object Orientated Design
    OOP -----Object Orientated Program(ming)
    OOE -----Object Oriented Engineering
    OQL -----Object Query Language
    OWL -----Object Windows Library
    OWF -----Object World Frankfurt
    OAF -----Objective Award Fee
    OIS -----Objective Instrumentation System
    OOR -----Object-Oriented Requirements
    OMI -----Oblatus Mariae Immaculate (trans: Oblate of Mary Immaculate)
    OSC -----Oblatus Sancti Caroli (trans: Oblate of Saint Charles)
    OBV -----OBligated Volunteer
    OBG -----Obligation
    OZP -----Observatoire des Zones Prioritaires
    OFZ -----Obstacle Free Zone
    OPL -----Obvious Panty Line
    OUG -----OCCAM User Group
    OEV -----Occupational Exposure Values
    OHH -----Occupational Health and Hygiene
    OHU -----Occupational Health Unit
    OII -----Occupational Injury or Illness
    OOH -----Occupational Outlook Handbook
    OSH -----Occupational Safety and Health
    OTS -----Occupational Therapy Studies
    OAB -----Ocean Affairs Board
    ODP -----Ocean Drilling Program
    OEX -----Ocean Explorer
    OIB -----Ocean Island Basalt
    OMW -----Ocean Monitoring Workstation
    OPC -----Ocean Products Center
    ORI -----Ocean Research Institute
    OSN -----Ocean Science News
    OSV -----Ocean Station Vessel
    OYT -----Ocean Youth Trust
    OJU -----Oceania Judo Union
    OAC -----Oceanic Area Control
    OCT -----October
    OTX -----Ocwen Technology Xchange
    OEK -----Oda Ekonomike e Kosovs (Kosova Chamber of Commerce)
    OGQ -----Odendahl Gitarrenquartett
    OUH -----Odense University Hospital
    OVZ -----Odin von Zero
    OZE -----Odnawialne Zrodla Energii
    OHO -----Oduduwa Heritage Organization
    OAL -----OEM Abstraction Layer
    OPK -----OEM Pre-installation Kit
    OZO -----Oesterreichische Zoo Organisation
    OKV -----Oesterreichischer Kanuverband
    ORF -----Oesterreichischer Rundfunk
    OPX -----Off Premise Extension
    OCH -----Off-Campus Housing
    OJO -----Offene Jugendarbeit Overath
    OFF -----Offense
    OEW -----Offensive Electronic Warfare
    OOB -----Offensive Operations Branch
    OSO -----Offensive System Operator
    OCM -----Office Carrier Module
    OCU -----Office Channel Unit
    OCY -----Office for Children and Youth
    OIV -----Office International de la Vigne et du Vin
    OIE -----Office Internationale Epizootique (International Office of  Epizootics)
    OAR -----Office of Air and Radiation
    OAQ -----Office of Air Quality
    OCP -----Office of Civilian Personnel
    OCL -----Office of Congressional Liaisons
    ODY -----Office of Dineh Youth
    OES -----Office of Earthquake Studies
    OEO -----Office of Economic Opportunity
    OEP -----Office of Economic Preparedness
    OET -----Office of Economic Transition
    OEY -----Office of Employment and Youth
    OER -----Office of Environmental Restoration
    OFP -----Office of Fair Practice
    OFT -----Office of Fair Trading
    OFI -----Office of Financial Institutions
    OFA -----Office of Fiscal Administration
    OFB -----Office of Foreign Buildings
    OGR -----Office of Geologic Repositories
    OGH -----Office of Global Health (US CDC)
    OGP -----Office of Global Programs
    OGW -----"Office of Ground Water, US Geological Survey"
    OHE -----Office of Hanford Environment
    OHM -----Office of Hazardous Materials
    OHS -----Office of Highway Safety
    OHD -----Office of Hydrologic Development
    OIM -----Office of Industrial Mobilization
    OIP -----Office of Industrial Programs
    OIA -----Office of International Activities
    OJA -----Office of Justice Assistance
    OJJ -----Office of Juvenile Justice
    OMB -----Office of Management and Budget
    OMH -----Office of Minority Health
    OMV -----Office of Motor Vehicles
    ONR -----Office of Naval Research
    OPM -----Office of Personnel Management
    OPS -----Office of Personnel Systems
    OPI -----Office of Planning and Integration
    OPB -----Office of Plans and Budget
    OPR -----Office of Primary Responsibility
    OQC -----Office of Quality Control
    OQD -----Office of Quality Development
    OQV -----Office of Quality Verification
    OSR -----Office of Science and Research
    OST -----Office of Science and Technology (american)
    OSW -----Office of Solid Waste
    OOF -----Office Of the Future
    OGC -----Office of the General Counsel
    OIG -----Office of the Inspector General
    ORH -----Office of the Regional Hydrologist
    OUE -----Office of Undergraduate Education
    OUT -----Office of Undergraduate Transcripts
    OUD -----Office of Urban Development
    OVE -----Office of Values and Ethics
    OWI -----Office of Waste Isolation
    OWM -----Office of Waste Management
    OWP -----Office of Waste Programs
    OWQ -----Office of Water Quality
    OWC -----Office of Web Consultation
    OOY -----Office On Youth
    ORB -----Office Repeater Bay
    ORK -----Office Resource Kit
    OGO -----Officer Grade Objectives
    OMF -----Officer Master File
    OOW -----Officer Of the Watch
    OPD -----Officer Personnel Directorate
    OTC -----Officer Training Corps
    OFL -----Official
    OAG -----Official Airline Guide
    OJL -----Official Journal -Legislation
    SIC -----official supplement to NGC
    OTD -----Official Table of Distances
    OXM -----Official XBox Magazine
    OUO -----Official-Use Only
    OZA -----Officina Zaccaria Agricolmeccanica
    OGK -----Offiziersgesellschaft Kreuzlingen
    OLX -----Off-Line eXpress
    OLR -----Offline Reader
    ORW -----Off-Road Warrior
    ORZ -----Off-Roader Zubehoer
    OSJ -----Offshore Support Journal
    OQI -----Offsite Quality Inspection
    OQS -----Offsite Quality Surveillance
    OVG -----Off-site Verification Group
    OXN -----Ofloxacin
    OYU -----Ogaden Youth Union
    OUM -----Oglethorpe University Museum
    OBH -----Oh Bloody Hell
    OFH -----Oh F***ing Hell
    OFW -----Oh F***ing Well
    OMG -----Oh My God
    OYD -----Oh Yeah Designs
    OIC -----"Oh, I see!"
    OZS -----Ohavay Zion Synagogue
    ODH -----Ohio Department of Health
    OIH -----Ohio Industries for the Handicapped
    OJN -----Ohio Job Net
    OMX -----Ohio Material eXchange
    ONG -----Ohio National Guard
    ONN -----Ohio News Network
    OSU -----Ohio State University
    OUZ -----Ohio University-Zanesville
    OVH -----Ohio Veterans Home
    OVI -----Ohio Volunteer Infantry
    OWN -----Ohio Watershed Network
    OWO -----Ohio Watersheds Online
    OWU -----Ohio Wesleyan University
    OGJ -----Oil & Gas Journal
    OGB -----Oil and Gas Board
    OCB -----Oil Circuit Breaker
    OVN -----Ojai Valley News
    OUC -----Okanagan University College
    OKF -----Okinawan Karate Federation
    OKU -----OKlahoma University
    OVF -----Oklahoma Venture Forum
    OKD -----Okodia
    OOZ -----Okolnosti Osvetluje Jan Zavrel
    OHK -----Okresni Hospodarska Komora
    OKT -----Oktober
    OZI -----Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (physics)
    OAP -----Old Age Pensioner
    OBB -----Old Battleship
    OCW -----Old Cars Weekly
    OCS -----Old Church Slavonic
    ODB -----Old Dirty Bastard
    ODX -----Old Dominion X-Press
    OEA -----Old Etonian Association
    OFR -----Old FRench
    OHG -----Old High German
    OKJ -----Old King James
    OLZ -----Old Level Zero
    OMO -----Old Man Out (old brand of soap powder)
    OVJ -----Old Village Jazzband
    OWK -----Old West Kansas
    OCX -----OLE Control eXtensions
    ODG -----Oligodendroglioma
    OMQ -----Olimpiada Metropolitana de Química
    OZC -----Olympia Zen Center
    ONF -----Olympic National Forest
    OQG -----Omaha Quilters' Guild
    OXE -----Omega Chi Epsilon
    ODW -----Omega DropWindsonde
    OHI -----Omega Healthcare Investors
    OKZ -----Omega Kappa Zeta Fraternity
    OZU -----Omicron Zeta Upsilon
    OWX -----Omnia-WebX
    OAW -----On Another World
    OBZ -----On Beyond Zebra
    OTB -----On The Ball
    OTF -----On The Floor
    OTJ -----On The Job
    OJP -----On the Job Performance
    OJR -----On the Job Review
    OTE -----On Track Earnings
    ONW -----ON Watch
    OYK -----On Your Knees
    OYO -----On Your Own
    OZF -----Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds
    OBC -----On-Board Computer
    OBP -----On-Board Processing
    OWV -----Onderlinge Watersport Vereniging
    OKN -----Ondernemerskring Nieuwegein
    ODO -----One Dog's Opinion
    OEI -----One Engine Inoperative
    OEJ -----One Eyed Jack
    CXV -----One Hundred Fif****
    CXX -----One Hundred Twenty
    OKQ -----One Key Question
    OSG -----One Stop-Go
    MXX -----One Thousand Twenty
    OTO -----One Time Only
    OWY -----One Wild Youth
    OWJ -----One World Journeys
    OYR -----One Year Recall
    OYV -----One Year Volunteer
    OBW -----"OneBlueWorld, Inc."
    OCE -----One-Center Expansion
    OEH -----One-Electron Hamiltonian
    OFD -----One-Function Diagram
    OZH -----One-or-Zero Helpdesk
    OAZ -----Ones And Zeros
    OQQ -----Ongoing Questions and Queries
    OZW -----Onkologisches Zentrum Westpfalz
    OLB -----Online Bible
    OBD -----Online Bugs Database
    ODT -----Online Debugging Technique
    ODK -----Online Disk Suite (Sun Solaris Product)
    OGN -----Online Gaming Network
    OHJ -----Online Help Journal
    OIN -----Online Investor Network
    OJB -----Online Journal of Bioinformatics
    OLL -----OnLine Library
    OLM -----OnLine Monitor
    OMY -----Online Muslim Youth
    OLP -----On-Line Provisioning
    ORX -----Online Racing Extreme
    OLT -----On-Line Testing
    OLW -----On-Line World
    OZJ -----Online Zoo Journal
    OOS -----Only One Shot
    OOK -----On-Off Key
    OZB -----Onroerende-Zaakbelastingen
    ONT -----Ontario
    OAA -----Ontario Automobiel Association
    OHL -----Ontario Hockey League
    OJF -----Ontario Job Futures
    OKA -----Ontario Kinesiology Association
    OPA -----Ontario Podiatry Association
    OWD -----Ontario Women's Directorate
    OJE -----On-the-Job Evaluator
    OJT -----On-the-Job Training
    OJI -----On-the-John Interruption
    OKS -----Ontopia Knowledge Suite
    OVM -----On-Vehicle Materiel

    OOX -----Oophorectomized Rat

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  15. #29
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف O
     OAI -----Open Applications Interface
              OAD -----Open Architecture Driver
              OBI -----Open Bolt Indicator
              OBN -----Open Business Network
              OCI -----Open Circuit Interval
              OCN -----Open Computer Network
              ODA -----Open Data Application
              OEB -----Open e-Book standard
              OFX -----Open Financial eXchange
              OGF -----Open Gaming Foundation
              OGL -----Open General License
              OIW -----Open Information Warehouse
              OJV -----Open Jongeren Vereniging
              OJH -----Open Junior High School 
              OKI -----Open Knowledge Initiative
              OKR -----Open Knowledge Resource
              OME -----Open Messaging Environment
              OMJ -----Open Mind Journals
              OML -----Open Modeling Language
              OMS -----Open Music System
              ONK -----Open Nederlandse Kampioenschap
              ONA -----Open Network Architecture
              ONM -----Open Network Management
              ONP -----Open Network Provision
              ONX -----Open Node Syntax
              OOL -----Open Objects Library
              OPT -----Open Protocol Technology
              OQW -----Open Query Window
              OSI -----Open System Interconnection
              OTI -----Open Telecom Infrastructure
              OTA -----Open Test Assembly
              OUK -----Open University of Kaohsiung
              OUY -----Open University of York
              OUW -----Open University Worldwide
              OVS -----Open Video Services
              OWS -----Open Wound Surgery
              OZX -----Open Zone for Exchange
              OZL -----Openbaar Zeister Lyceum
              OVW -----OpenView Windows
              OIK -----Operaen i Kristiansund
              OEE -----Operating Equipment Efficiency 
              OLD -----Operating Level Days
              OSX -----Operating System Ten
              OYG -----Operating-Year Guidance
              OPN -----Operation
              OMM -----Operation and Maintenance Manual
              OMP -----Operation and Maintenance Phase
              ZJW -----Operation Enduring Freedom
              OEU -----Operation Eyesight Universal
              OFK -----Operation FitKids 
              OHN -----Operation Healthy Neighborhoods
              OJG -----Operation Joint Guard
              OJC -----Operation Just Cause 
              OQH -----Operation Quality Handbook
              OAE -----Operational Area Evaluation
              OCG -----Operational Coordination Group
              ODZ -----Operational Defense Zone
              OEF -----Operational Efficiency Factor
              OEG -----Operational Exposure Guide
              OGE -----Operational Ground Equipment
              OHR -----Operational Hazard Report
              OLS -----Operational Level Support
              OMR -----Operational Management Review
              ONS -----Operational Need Statement
              OPE -----Operational Proficiency Examination
              ORR -----Operational Readiness Rate
              ORT -----Operational Readiness Training
              ORC -----"Operational Research Consultants, Inc."
              ORM -----Operational Rules Model
              OSL -----Operational Safety Limit
              OSS -----Operational Support System
              OTN -----"Operational Test, Non-major"
              OTU -----Operational Training Unit
              OVT -----Operational Verification Test
              OVU -----Operational Vulnerability Update
              OCV -----Operational-Compliance Value
              OMA -----"Operations and Maintenance, Army"
              OMN -----"Operations and Maintenance, Navy"
              OCF -----Operations Control Facility
              ORO -----Operations Research Office
              ORS -----Operations Research Service
              OSE -----Operations Simulations Engineer
              OTM -----Operations Training Manual
              OTR -----Operations Training Record
              OIL -----Operator Identification Language
              OIU -----Operator Interface Unit
              ONI -----Operator Number Identification
              OQF -----Operator's Question Forum
              OQP -----Operator's Question Procedure
              OQT -----Operator's Question Time
              OQA -----Operator's Questions and Answers
              OQR -----Operator's Questions and Responses
              OGS -----Operator-to-General Support
              OTG -----Ophthalmic Trainees Group
              ORJ -----Ophthalmology Review Journal 
              OBK -----Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers
              OPW -----Opportunities & Products Warehouse
              ORY -----Opportunities and Rolemodels for Youth
              OFY -----Opportunities for Youth
              OYX -----Opportunities for Youth Exchange
              OIO -----Opportunities In Options
              OFG -----Opportunity For Growth
              OPP -----Opposite 
              OCA -----OPTEC Contracting Authority
              ONH -----Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
              OAM -----Optical Absorption Microscope 
              OBR -----Optical Beam Rider
              OBS -----Optical Boresight System
              OCR -----Optical Character Recogntion
              OXC -----Optical Cross Connect
              ODN -----Optical Data Network
              ODU -----Optical Density Unit
              ODI -----Optical Digital Imagery 
              ODD -----Optical Disk Drive
              OXJ -----Optical Experiments Journal
              OFU -----Optical Fiber Unit
              OKE -----Optical Kerr Effect
              OLA -----Optical Laboratories Association
              OLO -----Optical Local Oscillator
              ONU -----Optical Network Unit
              OPG -----Optical Parametric Generator
              OPO -----Optical Parametric Oscillator
              ORV -----Optical Retardation Velocity
              OUN -----Optical User Network
              OVD -----Optical Video Disk
              OWG -----Optical WaveGuide
              ONV -----Optics for Night Vision
              OZK -----Optik-Zentrum Konstanz
              OPZ -----Optimal Performance Zone
              OQN -----Optimal Quality Network
              OQO -----Optimal Quality Operation
              OYB -----Optimize Your Business
              ODR -----Optimized Dynamic Routing
              OVC -----Optimized Valence Configuration
              OYI -----Optimizing Your Income
              OLJ -----Optimum Learning Japanese
              OQM -----Optimum Quality Management
              OZR -----Option Zero Racing
              OAT -----Optometry Admission Test
              OBO -----Or Best Offer
              ONO -----Or Near(est) Offer
              OZY -----Or Zarua Youth
              OWB -----Oracle Warehouse Builder 
              OHX -----Oral Health
              OHW -----Oral History Workshop
              ORA -----Oral Pharangeal Airway
              OPV -----Oral Polio Vaccine
              ORU -----Oral Roberts University
              OTV -----Oral Typhoid Vaccine
              OBT -----Orange Blossom Trail
              OFS -----Orange Free States
              OJX -----Orange Juice Discography
              OPF -----Orbiter Processing Facility
              ORL -----Orbiting Research Laboratory
              OXO -----Orbiting X-ray Observatory
              OMD -----Orchestral Maneouvres in the Dark
              OYY -----Ordata Ylang
              OSM -----Order and Servants of Mary 
              OFE -----Order For Engagement
              ODC -----Order of Discalced Carmelites (look it up!) 
              OFM -----Order of Friars Minor 
              OHY -----Order of Hsu Yun
              OOJ -----Order Of Johns
              OSA -----Order of Saint Augustine 
              OSB -----Order of Saint Benedict
              OSF -----Order of Saint Francis 
              OBE -----Order of the British Empire 
              OGG -----Order of the Georges and Georgettes 
              OUF -----Order of Use File
              OXK -----Order of Xmas Knights
              OTP -----Order Transaction Processing
              OVY -----Order Validation and Yield
              ODF -----Ordering & Distribution Facility 
              OBF -----Ordering and Billing Forum
              OPH -----Orders Per Hour 
              ORD -----Ordinary 
              OLV -----Ordinary Leave
              ONC -----Ordinary National Certificate
              OND -----Ordinary National Diploma
              OXW -----Ordini per Web
              OCC -----Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatarum (trans: the Order of  Calced (Shod) Carmelites)
              OCD -----Ordo Carmelitarum Discalceatarum (trans: the Order of  Discalced (barefooted) Carmelites
              OSD -----"Ordo Sancti Dominici (trans: the Order of Saint  Dominic, Dominicans) "
              OCQ -----Ordre des Chimistes du Québec
              OIQ -----Ordre des Ingnieurs du Qubec
              ONQ -----Ordre des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec
              OOQ -----Ordre des optometristes du Quebec
              OPQ -----Ordre des pharmaciens du Quebec
              OUQ -----Ordre des Urbanistes du Qubec
              ORE -----Oregon
              OAJ -----Oregon Athletics Journal 
              OFO -----Oregon Field Ornithologists
              OFN -----Oregon Flora Newsletter
              OGI -----Oregon Graduate Institute
              OHQ -----Oregon Historical Quarterly
              OIX -----Oregon Internet Exchange
              OJM -----Oregon Jewish Museum
              OJD -----Oregon Judicial Department
              OLY -----Oregon Lutheran Youth 
              OPU -----Oregon Parents United
              OUS -----Oregon University System 
              OWW -----Organic Wash Waste
              OWT -----Organic Weather Team
              OVA -----Organic-Vapor Analyzer
              ZWO -----Organisatie voor Zuiverwetenschappelijk Onderzoek  (Netherlands)
              OAU -----Organisation of African Unity
              OAS -----Organisation of American States
              ONY -----Organisation of Native Youth
              OQZ -----Organisation Qualitaetszirkel
              OIZ -----Organisationsloesungen und Informatikloesungen  Zuerich
              OYQ -----Organismos Ydreyshs Qessalonikhs
              OZN -----Organizacija zdruzenih narodov
              OIJ -----Organizacion Iberoamericana de Juventud
              ONZ -----Organizacja Narodow Zjednoczonych
              OJQ -----Organizatat Jo Qeveritare
              JXF -----Organization by Study (art archeology)
              OQE -----Organization for Quality Education
              OYE -----Organization for Youth in Entertainment
              OJS -----Organization Jointly Shared
              ONL -----Organization Net List
              OAH -----Organization of American Historians
              OKY -----Organization of Kurdish Youth 
              OLU -----Organization of Lukumi Unity
              ODM -----Organizational Domain Modeling
              OEQ -----Organizational Effectiveness Questionnaire
              OEL -----Organizational Equipment List
              OLQ -----Organizational Leadership and Quality 
              OUI -----Organizational Unit Identifier
              OUA -----Organizational User Agent
              ORG -----Organize
              OKM -----Organizing for Knowledge Management
              OLH -----Oriental Longhair
              ONB -----Orienteering New Brunswick
              OLK -----Orientierungslauf Klub
              OAV -----Original Animation Videos
              OEM -----Original Equipment Manufacturer 
              OEN -----Original Equipment Number
              OLI -----Originating Line Information
              OXV -----Orizzontale per Verticale
              OVV -----Orlando Villa Vacations
              OHB -----Orleans HomeBuilders
              OYP -----Orleans Young Players 
              OKG -----Ornithine alpha-Keto-Glutarate 
              OXR -----Orthochromatic X-Ray
              OCJ -----Orthodox Church in Japan
              OGZ -----Orthogonal Gelfand-Zetlin (algebra)
              OPJ -----Orthogonal Persistence for Java
              ORQ -----Orthogonal Range Query 
              OVB -----Orthogonalized Valence Bond
              OTZ -----Orthopaedisch-Traumatologisches Zentrum 
              OQX -----Orthoquadrangle Index
              OGU -----Osaka Gakuin University
              OSK -----Osaka Shosen Kaisha 
              OYN -----Osaka Youth Network -----
              OBL -----Osama Bin Laden -----
              OQB -----Oscillation Quasi-Biennale -----Ylang perfume 
              OBU -----OSIS Baseline Upgrade -----
              OWR -----Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome (a hereditary blood  disorder) -----
              OMK -----Oslo Maritime Kulturvernsenter -----
              OSQ -----Oslo String Quartet -----
              OUU -----Oslo Urologiske Universitetsklinikk -----
              OVK -----Oslobodilacka Vojska Kosova -----
              OKB -----Osoboe Konstructorskoe Buro -----
              OVO -----Osservatorio Vesuviano -----
              OEZ -----Ost Europische Zeit (East European Time) -----
              OJK -----Ostdeutsche Jaehrliche Konferenz -----
              OIF -----Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation -----
              ODJ -----OsterDowJones -----
              OHZ -----Osterholz -----
              OCK -----Ostroleckie Centrum Kultury
              OWZ -----Ost-West Kooperationszentrum
              OKO -----Osuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj
              OJY -----Otaniemen Jyllaeaejaet
              OMC -----Otara Millionaire's Club 
              OKP -----Otdelny Kremlyovsky polk
              ODQ -----Other Dueling Questions
              OEC -----Other Exchange Company
              OGA -----Other Government Agency
              OIR -----Other Information Requirements
              ONE -----Other Network Entities
              OSP -----Other Service Program
              OGY -----"Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke (mathematics)"
              OBJ -----Ottawa Business Journal
              OKC -----Ottawa Kennel Club
              OYL -----Ottawa Youth for Life
              OUJ -----Oulujoki
              OZQ -----Ounces-Quantity
              OZT -----Ounce-Troy
              OXU -----Our Expanding Universe
              OFJ -----Our Family Journal
              OLG -----Our Lady of Grace School
              OVX -----Our Voices Xposed
              OUX -----Ourococcus
              OPY -----Out and Proud Youth
              OIY -----Out In York
              OOA -----Out Of Area
              OOC -----Out Of Character
              OOG -----Out Of Gauge
              OOI -----Out Of Interest
              OON -----Out Of Network
              OOO -----Out Of Order
              OOT -----Out Of Town
              OOU -----Out of Use
              OOV -----Out Of View
              OYC -----Out Year Cost
              OBM -----Outboard Motor
              OAX -----Outdoor Aluminum Planks
              OLN -----Outdoor Life Network
              ORN -----Outdoor Recreation Network
              OBX -----Outer Banks
              OGX -----Outgoing Exchange
              OGM -----Out-Going Message
              OGT -----OutGoing Trunk
              OTQ -----Out-going Trunk Queuing
              OWA -----Outlook Web Access
              OSY -----Out-of-School Youth
              OBY -----Outreach Baptist Youth
              OOM -----Outside Office Memo
              OAY -----Outstanding Airman of the Year
              OYF -----Outstanding Young Farmers
              OYJ -----Outstanding Young Journalist 
              OYM -----Outstanding Young Man 
              OYW -----Outstanding Young Wilmingtonian
              OVR -----Over
              OAO -----Over And Out
              OTH -----Over The Horizon 
              OTK -----Over The Knee
              OTT -----Over The Top
              OTW -----Over The Wall 
              OYH -----Over Your Head
              OCZ -----Overclockers (computers)
              OFV -----OverFlow Valve
              OHC -----OverHead Camshaft
              ODS -----Overhead Data Stream
              OHF -----OverHead Fire
              OGD -----Overhead Garage Door
              OHP -----OverHead Projector 
              OHT -----OverHead Transmission tower
              OHV -----OverHead Valve 
              OLF -----Over-Land Flow
              OVL -----OVerLay
              OHA -----Overseas Housing Allowance
              OQU -----Overseas Qualification Unit
              OUB -----"Overseas Union Bank, Ltd. "
              OAN -----Overshoot Amplitude Noise
              ODV -----Overspeed and Drain Valve
              OTL -----Overtime Loss 
              OWH -----Overtime Work Hours
              OBQ -----Overture for Brass Quintet
              OUV -----Over-Under Voltage 
              OVP -----Over-Voltage Protection
              OWE -----Over-Worked Excuse
              OZG -----Overzeese Zending Gemeenschap
              OMU -----Owensboro Municipal Utilities
              OXL -----Oxalate Ion
              OXQ -----Oxamniquine
              OXD -----Oxazole Dielectric
              OXZ -----Oxethazaine
              OXF -----Oxford
              OQJ -----Oxford award Quilt-lined Jacket
              OED -----Oxford English Dictionary
              OXI -----Oxford Internet
              OXP -----OXford Paper Company
              OQY -----Oxford Quilt-lined Youth-style jacket
              OUP -----Oxford University Press
              OYA -----Oxford Yacht Agency
              OKK -----Oxfordshire Kadet Karting 
              OIT -----Oxidation Induction Time
              ORP -----Oxidation-Reduction Potential
              OXB -----Oxidative Burst 
              NOX -----Oxides of Nitrogen
              OXH -----Oxon Hill
              OXA -----Oxydimethylene
              OXY -----Oxygen
              OBA -----Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
              OXX -----Oxygen Exchange
              OMZ -----Oxygen Minimization Zone
              OXS -----OXygen Sensor
              OUR -----Oxygen Utilization Rate
              OFC -----Oxygen-Free Copper
              OXT -----Oxytocin
              OZV -----Oxyzinc Varistor
              OUL -----Ozark Underground Laboratory
              OZM -----Ozeanischen Zirkulationsmodelle
              ZAO -----Ozolotepec Zapoteco (language)

    OZZ -----Ozone Zone

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  16. #30
    موسس و مدیر
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

     PBN -----Pacific Bell Network 
              PCX -----Pacific Exchange
              PJI -----Pacific Jazz Institute
              PJM -----Pacific Journal of Mathematics
              PJR -----Pacific Journalism Review
              PNW -----Pacific Northwest
              PNL -----Pacific Northwest Laboratory 
              PST -----Pacific Standard Time 
              PKG -----package
              PUF -----Package Unpack Facility 
              PXP -----Packet eXchange Protocol
              PSN -----Packet Switch Network
              PSS -----Packet Switching Service
              PVP -----Packet Video Protocol
              PHZ -----Paedagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz 
              PZB -----Paedagogische Zentralbibliothek
              PZV -----Paedagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag
              PZN -----Paedagogisches Zentrum Nationalpark
              PWT -----Page Write-Through 
              PHJ -----Paint Horse Journal
              PNO -----Pair Natural Orbital 
              PTJ -----Pakistan Textile Journal
              POK -----Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir
              PLO -----Palestine Liberation Organisation
              PIJ -----Palestine-Israel Journal
              PHG -----Palestinian Hydrology Group
              PJU -----Panamericana Union de Judo
              PZX -----Pancreatic Carcinoma Xenograft
              PTZ -----Pan-Tilt-Zoom
              PKW -----Panzer KampfWagen (German Tank)
              PZH -----PanzerHaubitze (German: armored self-propelled  howitzer)
              PJD -----Papers of Jefferson Davis
              PNG -----Papua New Guinea 
              PQW -----Parabolic Quantum Well
              PLF -----Parachute Landing Fall 
              PVH -----Paradise Valley Hospital 
              QQZ -----Paraguana (Venezuela)
              PFB -----Parallel Filter Banks 
              PVM -----Parallel Virtual Machine
              PGI -----Parameter Group Identifier 
              PVL -----Parameter Value Language
              PRE -----Para-Rescue Element 
              PMZ -----Pardon My Zinger
              PTF -----Parent Teacher Fellowship
              PTM -----Parent Teacher Meeting 
              PTA -----Parents and Teachers Association
              PLM -----Paris-Lyons-Meditteraneon (railway)
              PWS -----Parks and Wildlife Service
              PKY -----Parkway
              PJQ -----Parlement Jeunesse du Quebec
              PLP -----Parliamentary Labour Party 
              PCC -----Parochial Church Council 
              PNH -----Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
              PVQ -----Parti Vert du Quebec
              PYS -----Partial Yield Spectroscopy
              PZD -----Partial Zona Dissection
              POY -----Partially Oriented Yarn 
              PSZ -----Partially-Stabilized Zirconia 
              PIV -----Particle Image Velocimetry
              POX -----Particulate Organic Halogen
              PNV -----"Partido Nacionalista Vasco (spanish, Basque National  Party)"
              PRI -----Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Mexican
              PVZ -----Partij voor Zeeland 
              PKT -----Partition Knowledge Table 
              PKK -----Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan
              PQN -----Partner Quality Network
              PFP -----Partnership For Peace
              PSW -----Partnership for Safe Water 
              PPB -----Parts Per Billion
              PPM -----Parts Per Million
              PTH -----Part-time Hourly 
              PFS -----Pas Filtration System
              PPK -----"Pass, Punt, and Kick"
              PBK -----Passbook
              PSC -----Passed Staff College (military)
              PNR -----Passenger Name Record 
              PCV -----Passenger-Carrying Vehicle
              PWX -----Password Expiration
              PAT -----Patent 
              PNZ -----Patent- und Normenzentrum 
              PIZ -----Patentinformationszentrum
              PPW -----Patient Protective Wrap 
              PHV -----Patienten Heimversorgung
              PHF -----Patrick Henry Field 
              PBR -----Patrol Boat Reconaissance
              PBY -----"Patrol Bomber, (built by) Consolidated Aircraft  Company (WW II Catalina)"
              PCH -----"Patrol Craft, Hydrofoil "
              PGH -----"Patrol Gunboat, Hydrofoil"
              PGM -----"Patrol Gunboat, Missile "
              PHQ -----Patrol Headquarters
              PHM -----"Patrol Hydrofoil, Missile"
              WPY -----Patrol Yacht (US Coast Guard)
              PJT -----Paul Johnson Transport
              PKX -----Pawn
              PXN -----Paxillin
              PED -----Pay Entry Date
              POD -----Pay on Delivery
              PPV -----Pay Per View 
              PYU -----Payap University
              PDI -----Payload Defect Indicator 
              PMG -----PayMaster General
              PYJ -----Paz y Justicia
              PXI -----PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation
              PJO -----Peace Journalism Option
              PWJ -----Peace Winds Japan
              PKO -----PeaceKeeping Operations 
              PWN -----Peacenet World News 
              PBH -----Peak Busy Hour
              PBJ -----Peanut Butter and Jelly
              PAA -----Peer Access Approval
              PXW -----Peer Exchange Workshop
              PID -----Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
              PUJ -----Pelvi-Ureteric Junction
              PYY -----"Pendleton Yacht Yard, Islesboro, Maine"
              PJA -----Pendulum Java Applet
              PYB -----Peninsula Youth Ballet
              PFX -----Penning Fusion Experiment
              QUW -----Pennsauken (New Jersey) Free Public Library
              PJW -----Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling
              PYW -----Penn-York Wrestling
              PNJ -----Pensacola News Journal
              PUG -----Pentax Users Gallery
              PPL -----People 
              PLA -----People's Liberation Army
              PCT -----Per CenT (american abbreviation)
              PAQ -----Perceived Air Quality
              PEM -----Performance Evaluation Material 
              PHT -----"Performance Hydraulic Technologies, Inc."
              PTX -----Performance ToolboX
              PWQ -----Performance Work Quality
              PBF -----Performance-Based Fee 
              PAJ -----Performing Arts Journal
              PAU -----Performing Arts Unit
              PRS -----Performing Rights Society 
              PBQ -----Perfume Bottle Quarterly
              PCI -----Peripheral Component Interconnect 
              PDK -----Peripheral Developers Kit 
              PXU -----Peripheral Expansion Unit 
              PPD -----Peripheral Pulse Distributor 
              PXX -----Peri-Xanthenoxanthene
              PFT -----Permanent Full Time
              PPT -----Permanent Part Time
              PUS -----Permanent Under-Secretary
              PCY -----Perogative Court of York (historial term)
              PIQ -----Person in Question (who talking to or about someone  and don't want the other to know)
              PWK -----Person With Kids
              PWA -----Person With Kids 
              PAN -----Personal Account Number 
              PAB -----Personal Address Book 
              PSE -----Personal and Social Education
              PCF -----Personal Call Forwarding
              PDA -----Personal Data Assistant 
              PDW -----Personal Defense Weapon
              PEV -----Personal Electric Vehicle
              PEP -----Personal Equity Plan 
              PIN -----Personal Identification Number
              PIY -----Personal Inventory for Youth
              PMV -----Personal Mobility Vehicle
              PNC -----Personal Number Calling 
              PPO -----Personal Protection Order 
              PQV -----Personal Qualifying Volume
              PQI -----Personal Quality Inspection
              PUK -----Personal Unblocking Key 
              PUM -----Personal User Mobility 
              PZE -----Personalzeiterfassung
              PDD -----Personnel Detection Device 
              PHA -----Personnel Holding Area 
              PRD -----Personnel Resource Do***ent 
              PSQ -----Personnel Security Questionnaire
              PSO -----Personnel Services Officer 
              PPH -----Persons Per Household 
              PUR -----Persons Using Radio 
              PUT -----Persons Using Television
              PFJ -----Perspective for Java 
              PUU -----Peruvian Union University
              PGU -----Pestalozza Gymnasium Unna
              PEX -----Pesticide EXposure
              PRZ -----Pesticide Root Zone
              PSB -----Pet Shop Boys
              PWL -----Pete Waterman Limited
              PBC -----Peter Bruntnell Combination
              PNK -----Petri Net Kernel 
              PKZ -----Petroczy-Karman-Zurovec 
              PCJ -----Petroleum Company of Jamaica
              PGK -----Petroleum Geologische Kring
              PGF -----Petroleum Ground Fuels 
              PVE -----Petroleum Violation Escrow 
              PQU -----Petroquimica Uniao
              PEZ -----Pfefferminz 
              PZS -----Pflegezentrum Sonnenallee
              PUW -----Pforzheimer UhrenWerke
              PGO -----Phantom Group Orbital
              PGX -----Pharmacogenomics Group
              PLX -----"Pharmacy, Laboratory, and Radiology (X-ray) "
              PAL -----Phase Alternation Line (colour TV system in UK) 
              QXY -----Phase Angle Shift (data acquisition)
              PLL -----Phase Locked Loop 
              PSK -----Phase-Shift Keying 
              PCP -----phencyclidine 
              PKU -----phenylketonuria
              PTC -----phenylthiocarbamide
              PXE -----Phenyl-Xylylethane
              PTK -----Phi Theta Kappa (International Honor Society)
              PBU -----Philadelphia Biblical University
              PHX -----Philadelphia Exchange
              PHK -----Philadelphia Keystones (baseball)
              PNY -----Philadelphia Navy Yard
              PYM -----Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Religious Society of  Friends)
              PGB -----Philosophische Gesellschaft Bern
              PXH -----Phoenixville Hospital
              PNT -----Phone-line Network Transceiver 
              PXK -----Phosphorous and Potassium
              PSG -----PhosphoSilicate Glass 
              PNU -----Photo Net Union
              PIX -----Photographic Information eXchange 
              PLE -----Photo-Luminescence Excitation
              PLY -----Photo-Luminescence Yield 
              PBG -----Photonic Band Gap
              PXC -----Photonic Cross Connect
              PDV -----Photorealistic Data Visualization 
              PRK -----Photo-Refractive Keratectomy 
              PTD -----PhotoThermal Deflection 
              PDS -----Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
              PAG -----Phreaks Against Geeks 
              PES -----Physical Education Studies
              PEW -----Physical Education Women
              PFU -----Physical Fitness Uniform
              PHY -----Physical Layer
              PTG -----Physical Technology Group 
              PTI -----Physical Training Instructor
              PUB -----Physical Unit Block 
              PCZ -----Physically-protected Control Zone
              PDR -----Physician's Desk Reference
              PFN -----Physicians Financial News
              PFQ -----Physicians For Quality
              PHU -----Physicians' Health Update
              PBZ -----Physiologica and Biochemical Zoology
              PZU -----Physiotherapie-Zentrum Uetersen 
              PUN -----Physique in Upper Norwood
              PSM -----"Pia Societas Missionum (trans: the Religious Society  of Missions, Pallottini)"
              PYO -----Pick Your Own 
              PYP -----Pick Your Poison
              PZC -----Pickup Zone Coordinator
              PUI -----Picoscopic User Interface 
              PXT -----Picture and Text
              PLB -----Picture Level Benchmark 
              PMI -----Picture Music Industries
              PJG -----Pilot Junior Grade 
              PNF -----Pilot Not Flying 
              PVI -----Pilot-Vehicle Interface 
              PGJ -----Pin Game Journal
              PKF -----Pine Knot Farms
              PGZ -----Pioglitazone
              PVO -----Pioneer Venus Orbiter 
              PPG -----Pittsburgh Plate Glass 
              PUX -----Pittsburgh Urban Exploration
              PMQ -----Pizza Marketing Quarterly
              PBE -----Plain Both Ends 
              PEC -----Plain English Campaign 
              PPI -----Plan Position Indicator (in radar) 
              PHH -----Planar Halogenated Hydrocarbon 
              PWO -----Plane Wave Orbital 
              PFH -----Planet Field Hockey
              PFO -----Planned Facility Order 
              PFL -----Plant Fuel Load
              PHC -----Plant Health Committee 
              PAW -----Plasma Arc Welding 
              PJB -----plastic junction box
              PET -----plastic used in bottle manufacture
              PWP -----Plasticized White Phosphorous
              PRW -----Plastics and Rubber Weekly
              PAF -----Platelet Activating Factor 
              PLK -----Platform Library Kit 
              PBW -----Play By Web
              PHB -----Player's HandBook
              PSX -----PlayStation X-format
              PTO -----Please Turn Over 
              PXA -----Pleomorphic Xnthoastrocytoma
              PJH -----PLRS (Position Location Reporting System)
              PCA -----Plug-in Compliant Application 
              PIU -----Plug-In Unit 
              ZXT -----Plummer (Idaho) Public Library
              PYH -----Plymouth Youth Hockey
              PHP -----Pneumatic HydroPulse 
              PJN -----Poder Judicial de la Nacion
              PJK -----Poeldijks Jongerenkoor
              PAK -----Point And Kill
              POE -----Point Of Entry
              POI -----Point Of Information
              POP -----Point Of Presence 
              POS -----Point Of Sale
              POT -----Point Of Termination 
              POU -----Point Of Use 
              POV -----Point Of View
              PPP -----Point to Point Protocol
              PCE -----"Point, Click, Explode"
              PJC -----Pointer Justification Count 
              POZ -----Point-of-Sale Ohne Zahlungsgarantie
              PFZ -----Polar Frontal Zone
              PRL -----Polar Research Laboratory 
              PXR -----Polarized X-Ray
              PQJ -----Police de Questions Juives
              PJP -----Polish Journal of Pharmacology
              PYF -----Polish Youth Federation
              PAC -----Political Action Committee 
              PRQ -----Political Research Quarterly 
              PLS -----PoLitical Science
              PCU -----Politically Correct University
              PQT -----Politician's Question Time
              PPE -----"Politics, Philosophy and Economics"
              PJZ -----Polizei- und Justizzentrum 
              QVX -----Pollard (Massachusetts) Memorial Library
              PPZ -----Polska Partia Zielonych
              PKL -----Polski Koleje Linowe 
              PKN -----Polski Koncern Naftowy 
              PZJ -----Polski Zwiazek Jakajacych
              PZW -----Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski
              PZZ -----Polski Zwiazek Zapasniczy 
              PAH -----PolyAromatic Hydrocarbons
              PEK -----Poly-Ether-Ketone 
              PIB -----PolyIsoButylene 
              PJX -----Polyjohns Express
              PCR -----Polymerase Chain Reaction
              PZF -----Polynomial Zero-Finding
              PYV -----Polyomavirus
              PVK -----Poly-Vinyl (K)Carbazole
              PVA -----PolyVinyl Acetate 
              PVB -----PolyVinyl Butyral
              PVF -----Poly-Vinyl Fluoride 
              PVC -----PolyVinylChloride (***y plastic)
              PXV -----Polyxylylviologen
              PBI -----Poor Bloody Infantry 
              PJY -----Poorn-Jnana Yoga
              PAO -----Poppy Appeal Organiser
              PZP -----Porcine Zona Pellucida
              PJV -----Porgera Joint Venture
              PFY -----****-Free Youth
              PZK -----Porsche Zentrum Koblenz
              PBM -----Portable Bit-Map 
              PDF -----Portable Do***ent Format
              PEA -----Portable Electrical Appliance
              PGN -----Portable Game Notation
              PIH -----Portable Instrument House 
              PVR -----Portable Vehicular Ramp
              PXB -----Portable X-ray Betatron
              PCQ -----Ports Corporation of Queensland
              PCW -----Post Consumer Waste 
              PEQ -----Post Entry Quarantine 
              PGY -----Post Graduate Year
              POB -----Post Office Box
              POO -----Post Office Order
              PCK -----Postal Corporation of Kenya
              PBV -----Post-Boost Vehicle
              PLZ -----Postleitzahlen
              PMK -----Postmark
              POG -----Post-Orogenic Granitoid 
              PPS -----Post-Post-Script 
              PTR -----Post-Traumatic Recurrence
              PTS -----Post-Traumatic Stress
              PZO -----Postzeitungsdienst
              PZL -----Postzeitungsliste
              PKB -----"Pot, Kettle, Black "
              KBR -----Potassium Bromide
              KXN -----Potassium by Nitrogen
              KHP -----Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
              KOH -----Potassium Hydroxide
              KGW -----Potassium-Gadolinium Tungstate
              PLH -----Potato Leafhopper
              PVX -----Potato Virus X
              PBP -----Potbellied Pig
              PXJ -----Potential Exchange Junction
              PHE -----Potentially Harmful Element 
              PVW -----Potomac Valley Watercolorists
              PFK -----Poulet Frit au Kentucky (Canadian 
              LBS -----Pounds (weight
              PSI -----Pounds per Square Inch
              PPC -----Pour Prendre Conge (French
              PXD -----Powder X-ray Diffraction
              PAE -----Power Added Efficiency
              PMY -----Power and Motoryacht
              PER -----Power Enhancement Ratio
              PLW -----Power League Wrestling
              PQX -----Power Quest Index
              PRT -----Power Recovery Train
              PTP -----Power to The People
              PUE -----Power Up Edition
              PUQ -----Power User Questionnaire
              PWU -----Power Workers Union
              WXJ -----PowerJ Workspace file
              PMU -----PowerMeter Unit

    PTB -----Powers That Be

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

صفحه 3 از 4 نخستنخست 1234 آخرینآخرین

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