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    Dead Rising 2 [Region Free/ENG]


    Jaar: September 24, 2010
    Genre: Aksie (Shooter) / 3D / 3e persoon
    Ontwikkelaar: Capcom Spele Vancouver
    Publisher: Capcom Vermaak
    Vrylating uit: MARVEL
    Streek: Streek Vry
    Publication Type: lisensie
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf
    Taal: Engels
    Soort van die vertaling: Geen

    Nuus Dead Rising 2 is twee jaar na die beroemde inval van zombies in Mette. Ongelukkig het die virus nie opgehou, en het begin versprei oor die VSA. Die spel vertel oor die land waar die verspreiding van die virus het verwoestende skaal, en die meerderheid van die stede verdrinking in die helfte-dooie liggame. Plot van die spel sal ontvou in Fortune City - 'n virtuele analoog van die dobbel stad in die wêreld - Las Vegas. Dus in Dead Rising 2 jy sal verwag word om elke casino, nagklubs, zombie strippers en mees belangrik - baie meer maniere om hierdie afskuwelike wesens te vernietig.

    • Die hoofkarakter Chuck nodig is vir 'n beperkte tydperk (72 uur) haar dogter te vind gesogte' n dwelm Zombrex en konfronteer die duisende zombies, wat deur 'n dors na bloed besit is. In werklikheid, as Chuck kan nie die dwelm kry, sy enigste dogter word soveel van 'n monster, soos dit is.
    • Die belangrikste kenmerk van die spel Dead Rising 2 kan genoem word 'n heeltemal nuwe tegnologie wat jou sal toelaat om gelyktydig ontwikkelaars plek op' n skerm oor 'n duisend vyande. Die spel het 'n groot aantal wapens van massa vernietiging, en die stelsel van die kombinasie, toelaat dat die skepping van dodelike toestelle direk in die gesig van gevaar, met elke moontlike middel aan die hand.
    • En die belangrikste, vernietig duisende moontlik zombies saam met die regime van samewerkende gang.

    Quantum Theory (2010) [PAL / ENG]


    Jaar: 2010
    Genre: Shooter
    Ontwikkelaar: Tecmo KOEI
    Publisher: Tecmo
    Streek: Pal
    Publication Type: lisensie
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf (1,61 iXtreme ==> onder iXtreme 1,2-1,6 moet pleister!)
    Taal: Eng
    Soort van die vertaling: Geen


    Kwantum Teorie - 'n derde persoon skieter in' n geweldige omgewing. Die speler neem die rol van Sid - "donker held" wat groot geweer en Filion weerspannige wielded heldin, het sy swaard en pistool kan gebruik. In die verhaal van die twee metgeselle is probeer om aan die bopunt van 'n groot toring, op grond van verskillende doelwitte te bereik. Sid wil die toring te vernietig, terwyl Philena wil om te voldoen aan saam met sy pa, volgens sommige spekulasie, kan hy op die top van die toring.
    Op die oomblik is, is die kwaad in die vorm van 'n groot torings, is' n lewende, intelligente en baie vyandig ****oor die organisme.


    F1 2010 [Region Free/ENG]


    enre: Race (Karre) / Simulator / 3D
    Released: 2010
    Ontwikkelaar: Code Studios Birmingham
    Publisher: Code
    Taal (Localizer): Engels (original)
    Vrygestel van die rekenaar: geskeduleer vir September 21, 2010

    'N duik in die sjarme en lewenstyl van die loods van een van die mees opwindende sport - Formule 1 ™! Kompeteer met die amptelike bestuurders en hul spanne in die lang verwagte spel in 2010 van die International Automobile Federation (FIA) - Formule Een wêreldkampioen CHAMPIONSHIP ™.
    Kompeteer met ware racers Formule 1 ™ soos Vitaly Petrov, Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso. Jy kan 'n ware wenner van die Grand Prix van Kanada word, om deel te neem in' n dramatiese nag ras in Singapoer en neem die eerste plek op die nuwe pad, die Grand Prix van Korea.
    Behalwe die wat deelneem aan kompetisies wat jy nodig het om ten volle te integreer in die atleet se lewe - om deel te neem in die pers konferensies verhoudings te bou met die span. Al hierdie sal grootliks die spel beïnvloed - lojale borge (geld wat die kar kan verbeter), goed gekoördineerde span en nog baie meer.
    Die nuwe motor uit die Code «EGO Game Tegnologie» gee jou 'n pragtige visuele spesiale effekte, dinamiese weer verander, en absoluut ongelooflik realisties skade model. Dit alles sal nie net gevoel word in 'n spel, maar in die kompetisies met vriende op multiplayer.

    Stelsel: Streek Vry
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf (1,61 iXtreme ==> onder iXtreme 1,2-1,6 moet pleister!)


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  3. #12
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Year: 2010
    Genre: Arcade (Music) / 3D
    Developer: Neversoft Entertainment
    Publisher: Activision
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)

    Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock - the popular music series. A key feature of the game is the presence of any plot. Once the demigod of rock fought with an unknown substance, losing the bout, he was turned into stone. His guitar, with magic abilities, lost, we also have to find it. In Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock will be presented more than 90 well-known popular songs. Here are just some of them: AFI - "Dancing Through Sunday" Avenged Sevenfold - "Bat Country" Black Sabbath - "Children Of The Grave" Buzzcocks - "What Do I Get?" Children Of Bodom - "If You Want Peace ... Prepare For War" The Cure - "Fascination Street" Def Leppard - "Pour Some Sugar On Me (Live)" Dethklok - "Bloodlines" DragonForce - "Fury of the Storm" Drowning Pool - "Bodies" Foo Fighters - "No Way Back" Foreigner - "Feels Like The First Time" Jane's Addiction - "Been Caught Stealing" KISS - "Love Gun" Megadeth - "Sudden Death" Metallica & Ozzy Osbourne - "Paranoid (Live) "Muse -" Uprising "My Chemical Romance -" I'm Not Okay (I Promise) "Queen -" Bohemian Rhapsody "Rammstein -" Waidmanns Heil "The Rolling Stones -" Stray Cat Blues "Silversun Pickups -" There's No Secrets This Year "Slayer -" Chemical Warfare "ZZ Top -" Sharp Dressed Man (Live) "Listen
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  5. #13
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Front Mission Evolved [Region Free / ENG] (2010)


    Year: 2010
    Genre: Sci-Fi Shooter
    Developer: Double Helix Games
    Publisher: Square Enix
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: Eng
    Type of translation: No


    Front Mission Evolved - action with a third person. The new game is based on a familiar setting - the players are waiting for the battle of huge humanoid robots. Events of the game is working at an American studio Double Helix Games, will unfold in the distant future. In the yard - in 2171, mankind has successfully mastered the closest space, and a few skirmishes on the ground are solved by the robot, called «wanderpanzers».

    In addition to the story campaign, the game will be present with several multiplayer modes.
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  7. #14
    مدير باز نشسته
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    NBA 2K11 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: October 5, 2010
    Genre: Sport (Basketball) / 3D
    Developer: Visual Concepts
    Publisher: 2K Sports
    Release from: MARVEL
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6 Wave
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    NBA 2K11 continues the popular series of virtual basketball simulator NBA 2K, the person that he was Michael Jordan.

    In the new season, game developers will give us even more realism, a lot of teams, leagues, tournaments, championships, modes and more. In addition, NBA 2K11 will attend a special game mode «The Jordan Challenge». In this mode, you will have the unique opportunity to play for basketball legend Michael Jordan and repeat his success in the most outstanding games. «The Jordan Challenge» consists of the ten most famous game with Michael Jordan. And it's not all. You also get the chance to play for the legendary Chicago Bulls, 80's and 90's.


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  9. #15
    مدير باز نشسته
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    FIFA 11 (2010) [PAL/ENG]


    Year: September 28, 2010
    Genre: Sport (Soccer) / 3D
    Developer: EA Canada
    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Release from: LoCAL
    Region: PAL
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6 Wave
    Language: English
    Type of Translation: None (Original)

    The new part of football simulator we are waiting for not only regular perekolbashivaniya balance but also the rich possibilities for customization. With the new Creation Centre fans can create their own players and teams and share with each other.
    Individual characteristics of the players are now reflected in the game, allowing you to easily distinguish one player on the field from another. In addition, you can now enjoy the freedom of movements of athletes: a system battle for the ball in any direction within a 360-degree turns sketchy power struggle earlier versions of real, full-fledged clash of players and a new system of improved transmission suggests that their accuracy depends on how deftly managed the user with the controller, what are the chances football player and the situation on the field.Listen
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  11. #16
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (2010) [Region Free / ENG]


    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: Ninja Theory
    Publisher: Namco Bandai
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    Game events unfold Enslaved for 150 years in the future, humanity is almost extinct due to a series of devastating wars. But do not expect the game will be parched deserts and monotonous gray ruins. Nature did not die without the intervention of people opposite blossomed riotous color. The survivors returned almost to the origins of civilization and the tribes began to live in the woods. But amid the apparent idyll is still not easy - slavers captured the survivors and send them to other lands. That is how the two met the main hero game - a pretty girl and a gruff Trip Monkey - they were captured into slavery. Will play for the Monkey, and Trip is always close as a helpful co-worker. But if Trip to die, then the ward will die too, so throughout the game have to worry about the girl and keep her out of trouble. A nuisanceListen
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  13. #17
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    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (2010) [Region Free/ENG] (2 Discs)

    Year: October 5, 2010
    Genre: Action (Slasher) / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: MercurySteam Entertainment and Kojima Productions
    Publisher: Konami
    Release from: MARVEL
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English, German, Italian
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    Lord of Shadow, an action adventure, which tells of the warrior named Gabriel (Gabriel), is a member of the Brotherhood of Light "that protects the earth and the innocent people from attacking any devilry. . Game will take place in medieval Europe. Gabriel once more to be alone to confront the armies of evil and save the world from destruction. In addition to the usual swords, ax and other bladed weapons, Gabriel could use magic artifacts.

    بازی 2 تا DVD9 هستش !

    DVD 1 http://fs81.www.ex.ua/load/4397974/mvl-closa.iso DVD 2 http://fs24.www.ex.ua/load/4397879/mvl-closb.iso

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  15. #18
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    پیش فرض Fallout: New Vegas [PAL/NTSC-U/ENG]

    Fallout: New Vegas [PAL/NTSC-U/ENG]


    Year: October 19, 2010
    Genre: RPG / 3D / 1st Person
    Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
    Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
    Release from: MARVEL
    Region: PAL / NTSC-U
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6 Wave
    Language: English
    Transfer type: None

    A new chapter of the cult role-playing series, which the unfolding events in the world, post-nuclear war.

    Welcome to New Vegas - a city of dreamers and hunters for good luck. Three groups are ruthless struggle for control of this oasis in the post-apocalyptic desert. Those who are well armed and knows for sure what he wants, is quickly become famous, but end up being a lot of enemies.

    Do the hard way on a hot wasteland Mojave, go to the Hoover Dam, walk on the streets of the glittering neon of Vegas. While traveling, you will meet many colorful personalities, will take part in clashes between factions of power hungry, and fight with mutants of all stripes and sizes, and experience the unparalleled power of weapons.

    Decide who will be your ally, or by choosing the path of the hero's single, stand edinovlastnym King of New Vegas.

    Enjoy your holiday!

    • Hot Vegas. Explore the vast spaces - from the provincial small towns scattered across the Mojave Wasteland, to the magnificent shining lights of the streets of New Vegas
    • Your word. The war between competing factions will forever change the lives of the inhabitants of the city. On whose side in this conflict will take you, everything depends: who would have to meet and communicate, who will be loyal companions, and who - a sworn enemy, and of course, the final struggle for power
    • Fresh ideas. The new system of communication with partners; reputation system - remember: a backfire, and will respond, "hardcore" mode for those who are not looking for easy ways, special techniques melee
    • Call to Arms! Arsenal is twice represented in Fallout 3: Now you have more than enough funds to adequately respond to any threat. In addition, the Vault-Tec engineers have developed a new weapon system configuration that will repair and modify any dangerous "toys" in real time
    • A complete mess. Here is a huge world, you are free to choose there own path. Travel and sightseeing, fight shoulder to shoulder with those who, in your opinion, it is worth, or become a lone hero - it's your world, this is your game!


  16. #19
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    پیش فرض Rock Band 3 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Rock Band 3 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: October 26, 2010
    Genre: Arcade (Music) / 3D
    Developer: Harmonix Music Systems
    Publisher: MTV Games / Electronic Arts
    Release from: DENZEL
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6 Wave
    Language: English
    Type of Translation: None (Original)

    Rock Band 3 - the new part in a series of music games Rock Band. At this time you can play on a real MIDI keyboard, covering a range of two full octaves. In addition, it is possible to use a special MIDI guitar with seventeen frets and six strings. Moreover, for the fans full of realism with Fender released a real guitar, which can be used in the game when the PRO mode and connecting to a conventional amplifier.


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  18. #20
    مدير باز نشسته
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    پیش فرض Arcania: Gothic 4 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Arcania: Gothic 4 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: October 12, 2010
    Genre: RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: Spellbound Entertainment
    Publisher: JoWooD Productions
    Release from: DAGGER
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English
    Transfer type: None

    War covers a single island of the archipelago of the South after another, until it finally reaches the idyllic island Feshir.
    You will come into play for the new unnamed hero, whose home village was burned by King Myrtana paladins.
    Seeking revenge, your hero discovers that behind this sudden attack lurks something more than just the whim of a bored officer - an ancient and mysterious force.
    Fortunately, your character is not alone - in search of the truth he will be accompanied by a mysterious beautiful lady and an artifact from an unimaginably distant past.

    • Large living my life the game world Gothic 4, the change of day and night, the changeable weather and a variety of regions - the majestic cities, picturesque valleys, forests and deaf underground caves in the best traditions of the Risen and the entire series of games Gothic
    • Many gaming possibilities: explore the world around Arcania, join the different factions and perform myriad tasks, hunt for strange people from the local fauna, be engaged in alchemy and crafts, create your own things;
    • Wide range of weapons (swords, axes, spears, bows, crossbows) and spells (throwing fireballs, control the weather, levitation, etc.) - a skillful combination of techniques melee and magical combat success lies in the battles of Gothic 4
    • Great graphics and sound, with his head into the action;
    • User-friendly interface and easy control - even those who are not familiar with the previous games of the series, the world's Arcania will feel right at home


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