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موضوع: تاپیک آموزش های تصویری شبکه

  1. #21
    عضو سایت
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    کد PHP:
     VPN Tutorial Virtual Private Network starter
    640×480 tscc 15fps – 82kbps 176kbps 694 MB

    A VPN is a secure, private communication tunnel between `two or more devices across a public network (like the Internet). These VPN devices can be either a computer running VPN software or a special device like a VPN enabled router. It allows your home computer to be connected to your office network or can allow two home computers in different locations to connect to each over the Internet.
    Even though a VPN?s data travels across a public network like the Internet, it is secure because of very strong encryption. If anyone ?listens? to the VPN communications, they will not understand it because all the data is encrypted. In addition, VPN?s monitor their traffic in very sophisticated ways that ensure packets never get altered while traveling across the public network. Encryption and data verification is very CPU intensive.
    Administer & manage remote access connections within the VPN Console
    Configure VPN Clients to connect to the VPN Server using PPTP
    Learn how to allow remote users to connect to the LAN by configuring the VPN Server as a Remote Access Server, Secure the VPN Server by restricting Remote Authentication Protocols to MS-CHAP v.1 and v.2
    Install a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) using Mzoft Certificate Services
    Issue Machine Certificates to the VPN Clients & VPN Servers (You Need these for L2TP!)
    Create a VPN Tunnel using the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
    Monitor IPSec traffic using the IPSecmon Tool
    Configure Multiple VPN Servers to connect to each other over the Internet, forming a Site-to-Site VPN
    Create Demand Dial Interfaces (DDR) on the VPN Interfaces to enable Site-to-Site VPNs
    Direct traffic between two sites by setting up TCP/IP routes

    کد HTML:
    what is vpn

  2. #22
    عضو سایت
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    کد PHP:
     Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Video Training (DVD – ISO)
    GenreTraining English ISO 2.93 GB 

    IT professionals looking for a way to grow their careers and enhance their earnings power may want to see what our Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure training video course has to offer. This powerful Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure course has been designed with the needs of busy IT professionals in mind, and it has been designed to help you learn in an interactive and highly effective manner. Our self-paced Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure is taught by highly qualified and certified instructors who will walk you through all aspects of this powerful technology and how it can best be deployed in the modern networking environment.
    Our instructors are knowledgeable and enthusiastic, and they are eager to share their knowledge with you through what jut may be the best Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure training in the industry. This powerful Windows 2008 training course will teach you what you need to know to properly implement and configure network access, address security concerns, develop fault tolerance in your storage technologies and more. Students who complete this powerful IT training course will develop a deep understanding of the technologies most commonly used with the Windows Server 2008 operating system, as well as knowledge of IP enabled networks. Students will also learn how to keep those networks updated and secured using the best industry practices.
    Total Course Duration: 8 hours 9 minutes
    1.0 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2008
    * 1.1 Introduction
    * 1.2 Installing Windows Server 2008
    * 1.3 Server Roles and Features
    * 1.4 Initial Configuration Tasks Demo
    * 1.5 Overview of the Server Core Installation
    * 1.6 Summary
    2.0 The Domain Name System (DNS)
    * 2.1 Introduction
    * 2.2 Installing the DNS Server Role
    * 2.3 Installing the DNS Server Role Demo
    * 2.4 Configuring the DNS Server Role
    * 2.5 Configuring the DNS Server Role Demo
    * 2.6 Configuring DNS Zones
    * 2.7 Configuring DNS Zone Transfers
    * 2.8 Configuring DNS Zone Transfers Demo
    * 2.9 DNS Maintenance
    * 2.10 Summary
    3.0 Working with WINS
    * 3.1 Introduction
    * 3.2 A Look at WINS
    * 3.3 WINS Name Resolution Process
    * 3.4 Adding WINS Role Demo
    * 3.5 Summary
    4.0 Configuring and Troubleshooting DHCP
    * 4.1 Introduction
    * 4.2 The Role of DHCP
    * 4.3 Installing DHCP Server Role Demo
    * 4.4 DHCP Scopes and Options
    * 4.5 Configuring DHCP Scope Demo
    * 4.6 Managing a DHCP Database
    * 4.7 Monitoring and Troubleshooting DHCP
    * 4.8 Monitoring and Troubleshooting DHCP Demo
    * 4.9 DHCP Security
    * 4.10 Summary
    5.0 Working with IPv6 TCP/IP
    * 5.1 Introduction
    * 5.2 Exploring IPv6
    * 5.3 Configuring IPv6 Demo
    * 5.4 Coexistence with IPv6
    * 5.5 Configuring DNS Support in IPv6 Demo
    * 5.6 IPv6 Tunneling
    * 5.7 Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6
    * 5.8 Troubleshooting IPv6
    * 5.9 Summary
    6.0 Routing and Remote Access
    * 6.1 Introduction
    * 6.2 Configuring Network Access
    * 6.3 Installing Remote Access Service Demo
    * 6.4 Configuring VPN Access
    * 6.5 Overview of Network Policies
    * 6.6 Connection Manager Administration Kit
    * 6.7 Connection Manager Administration Kit Demo
    * 6.8 Troubleshooting RRAS
    * 6.9 Summary
    7.0 Network Policy Server Role Service
    * 7.1 Introduction
    * 7.2 Managing a Network Policy Server
    * 7.3 Adding the Network Policy Server Role Demo
    * 7.4 Configuring RADIUS Clients and Servers
    * 7.5 NPS Authentication
    * 7.6 Maintaining a Network Policy Server Lab
    * 7.7 Summary
    8.0 Network Access Protection
    * 8.1 Introduction
    * 8.2 Overview of Network Access Protection
    * 8.3 How NAP Works
    * 8.4 Initial Configuration of NAP Demo
    * 8.5 Configuration of NAP
    * 8.6 Maintaining NAP
    * 8.7 Summary
    9.0 Configuring IPse
    * 9.1 Introduction
    * 9.2 Overview of IPsec
    * 9.3 Configuring IPsec Settings Demo
    * 9.4 Configuring Connection Security Rules
    * 9.5 Configuring Connection Security Rules Demo
    * 9.6 Working with IPsec NAP Enforcement
    * 9.7 Summary
    10.0 Monitoring and Troubleshooting IPsec
    * 10.1 Introduction
    * 10.2 Monitoring IPsec
    * 10.3 Troubleshooting IPsec
    * 10.4 Summary
    11.0 The Distributed File System (DFS)
    * 11.1 Introduction
    * 11.2 DFS Overview
    * 11.3 Installing the DFS Services Role Demo
    * 11.4 Configuring DFS Namespaces
    * 11.5 Creating a DFS Namespace Demo
    * 11.6 High Availability of a Namespace
    * 11.7 Creating a Folder and Folder Target in DFS Demo
    * 11.8 Exploring
    * 11.9 Summary
    12.0 Configuring and Managing Storage Technologies
    * 12.1 Introduction
    * 12.2 Storage Management Overview
    * 12.3 File Server Resource Manager
    * 12.4 Configuring Quota Management
    * 12.5 Implementing File Screening
    * 12.6 Managing Storage Reports
    * 12.7 Summary
    13.0 Availability of Network Resources and Content
    * 13.1 Introduction
    * 13.2 Backing Up Data
    * 13.3 Installing the Backup Feature Demo
    * 13.4 Configuring Shadow Copies
    * 13.5 Configuring Windows Shadow Copies Demo
    * 13.6 Providing Server and Service Availability
    * 13.7 Summary
    14.0 Configuring Server Security Compliance
    * 14.1 Introduction
    * 14.2 Windows Infrastructure Security
    * 14.3 Security Configuration Wizard Demo
    * 14.4 Securing Servers with Security Templates
    * 14.5 Working with Audit Policy
    * 14.6 Windows Server Update Services
    * 14.7 Managing WSUS
    * 14.8 Summary


  3. #23
    عضو سایت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Dec 2010
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    کد PHP:
    Exchange Server 2003 on a Windows 2003 Server
    800×600 261kbps 192kbps 44100Hz 465MB 

    Introduction to Exchange Server 2003
    Duration: 2:28
    In this Video we show Introduce Exchange Server 2003 and discuss the requirements you’ll need to satisfy before installing your first server.

    Installing Exchange Server 2003
    Duration: 12:59
    In this Video we show you how to install Exchange Server 2003 on a Windows 2003 Server.

    Post Installation Configuration
    Duration: 20:32
    In this Video we show you how to create a Service Account to manage the Exchange 2003 Services and Use the Delegation of Control Wizard to assign Exchange Permissions to your Senior Administrators, Day-to-Day Administrators and Helpdesk Staff members. We then move on to discuss the steps required to install the Exchange System Management Tools on your local Workstation so you can manage your Exchange Configuration from your desk.

    Removing an Exchange Server from an Organization
    Duration: 6:06
    In this Video we show you how to remove an Exchange 2003 Server from an Exchange Organization. The removal process doesn’t always go smoothly, so with that in mind, we also demonstrate how to forcibly remove Exchange in the event something goes wrong.

    Cached Exchange Mode
    Duration: 4:03
    In this Video we show explain the Cached Exchange Mode feature of Outlook 2003. Cached Exchange Mode gives you the advantage of caching a copy of your Exchange Profile and Offline Address Book, so when your Exchange Server is not available, you can keep working.

    Internet Mail Wizard
    Duration: 4:22
    In this Video we show you how to use the Internet Mail Wizard to configure your Exchange 2003 Server to send and receive Internet Mail.

    Front End and Back End Servers
    Duration: 5:18
    In this Video we show you how to configure Front End End Exchange Servers.

    Administrative Groups
    Duration: 5:29
    In this Video we show you how to create Administrative Groups to simplify the management of your Exchange Server 2003 Organization.

    Routing Groups
    Duration: 3:48
    In this Video we show you how to create Routing Groups to manage the Communication between Exchange Servers within your Exchange Server 2003 Organization.

    Managing Policies
    Duration: 10:20
    In this Video we show you how to use Policies to Manage Mailbox, Public Folder and Server Settings.

    Managing Address Lists
    Duration: 12:22
    In this Video we show you how to Create and Manage Address Lists and Offline Address Lists.

    Managing Users, Contacts and Groups
    Duration: 12:59
    In this Video we show you how to Create and Manage Exchange Users, Contacts and Groups.

    Public Folders
    Duration: 21:04
    In this Video we show you how to Create and Manage Exchange Public Folders from the Exchange System Manager, from the Outlook Client and from Outlook Web Access. We talk about Public Folder Security, then we move on to creating new General Purpose Public Folder Trees and finish with a discussion on Replication.

    Backup and Restoring Exchange 2003
    Duration: 7:54
    In this Video we show you how to backup your Exchange Server in Case of Disaster. When the time comes, you’ll also need to know how to restore your Exchange Server as well. We show you how!

  4. #24
    عضو سایت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Dec 2010
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    کد PHP:
     CiscoWorks Training Videos 2000
    800×600 161kbps 192kbps |  44100Hz 330 MB 
    Installing CiscoWorks 2000
    Duration: 7:15
    In this video we show you how to Install CiscoWorks 2000 and the Resource Management Essentials Products.

    Client Access
    Duration: 13:43
    In this video we show you how to configure Client Access within CiscoWorks 2000. You will learn how to Create, Modify and Delete User Accounts and Configure Alternative Authentication Mechanisms for better Security.

    Configuring CiscoWorks 2000
    Duration: 13:35
    In this video we show you how to configure various CiscoWorks 2000 Administration Options. You will learn how to Backup and Restore the CiscoWorks Database, Add New Devices to CiscoWorks and much more.

    Integrating CiscoWorks 2000 with other Applications
    Duration: 8:53
    In this video we show you how Integrating CiscoWorks with other Applications works. This allows you to launch CiscoWorks from within another Network Management Application such as Tivoli Netview, HP Openview Network Node Manager and more

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  5. #25
    عضو سایت
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    کد PHP:
       Networking Professional Network Security
    640×480 43kbps |  352kbps 22050Hz 600MB

    Video 1

    Lab Setup Video

    This video is important because it lays out the scenario that you will be using throughout the video

    Video 2

    Analyzing and Applying Security Settings

    Setting up a Security Template on an individual system is a great way to configure your security settings. The benefit of this video is that you will also see how to import your Security Template to the domain controller and deploy it in your server’s organizational unit, so that it applies to all systems in this unit.

    * Security Templates

    * Security Configuration and Analysis Tool

    * Exporting and Importing Security Templates

    * Differences Between Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

    Video 3

    Securing Network Using Group Policy

    If you are looking to have your network more organized and you want to apply settings to multiple users and groups, then you need to know how to secure your network using Group Policy.

    * GPO Lockdown

    * System Services Lockdown

    * Authentication Protocols

    * Third Party Tool

    Video 4

    Installing and Configuring Software Update Services - SUS

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  6. #26
    عضو سایت
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    کد PHP:
     Cisco 642-426CCVP Video Training English WMV/WMV12500 kb/s640×48029.97 fps WMA96 kb/s44.1 KHz2 ch  11 hrs 1.87 GB 
    Are you ready for a training rocket ride? Then hang on while ace trainer Jeremy Cioara brings you the entire range of voice topics. In no time, you”ll be mending most of the common voice problems you”re likely to encounter.This training is a “best-of” series that combines all the other VoIP series into one. Jeremy provides you with practical scenarios demonstrating real world problems and solutions. He also demonstrates troubleshooting in both CallManager 4 (the Windows version) and 6 (the Linux version). Plus, he explains many concepts that fill in the gaps if you don”t have experience with some of the prerequisite information.

    What You’ll Learn:
    Video 1: IP Telephony: Cisco Certification and Getting the Most from this Series|23:08
    With every new program, there is typically an included “Read Me First” text file. In the same sense, consider this nugget the “Watch Me First” of the series. This nugget presents the strategies you can use for getting the most from the series, changes to the Cisco certification program, and the ideal lab equipment to use for the series.

    Video 2: Foundations: Troubleshooting Cisco Voice|35:55
    Moving into a realm of troubleshooting requires a big picture perspective and plan. This nugget discusses the broad areas of troubleshooting on the voice network and the systematic process used to work through the issues you may encounter.

    Video 3: Foundations: Gathering Troubleshooting Information|35:46
    Cisco includes many troubleshooting tools with the CallManager platform. In this nugget, Jeremy walks through many of the tools you have at your disposal for troubleshooting

    Video 4: Foundations: Gathering Troubleshooting Information, Part 2|37:29
    The troubleshooting tool discussion continues as you move from the 10,000 foot overview to specific focus on the Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT), CallManager trace files, and the Cisco Voice Log Translator (VLT).

    Video 5: CCM Troubleshooting: Endpoint registration|35:54
    One of the most common areas of troubleshooting in a VoIP network are the IP Telephony endpoints. Phones can become unresponsive or endlessly boot cycle. This video discusses the Cisco IP Phone boot process and expores the troubleshooting mindset necessary to solve challenges with these devices.

    Video 6: CCM Troubleshooting: Server operation|23:51
    If the CallManager servers are not stable, nothing is stable! In this nugget, Jeremy discusses the process to ensure the CallManager servers stay online and methods to continually monitor their performance.

    Video 7: CCM Troubleshooting: Security Issues|30:41
    VoIP security can be quite complex. With anything complex, a variety of troubleshooting can emerge. This nugget discusses the concepts and process behind VoIP security.

    Video 8: CCM Troubleshooting: Security Issues, Part 2|23:15
    The VoIP security realm continues as we build on the foundations laid in the previous nugget by discussing specific methods used to troubleshoot VoIP security issues.

    Video 9: CCM Troubleshooting: Database Replication|33:56
    The Cisco CallManager database is at the core of the entire VoIP network. Whether you are using Microsoft SQL Server 7.0/2000 (CallManager versions 3 and 4) or IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS – CallManager versions 5, 6, and 7), a failing database replication can cause an outage for thousands of phones. This nugget is dedicated to diagnosing and repairing database replication issues in your CallManager cluster.

    Video 10: CCM Troubleshooting: LDAP Replication|34:16
    Many people are suprised when they find out Cisco CallManager supports a user database. Why would you need a user database for IP Phones? Watch this nugget to find out! In this nugget, Jeremy discusses integration options and troubleshooting steps for a local and/or LDAP user database.

    Video 11: CCM Troubleshooting: Gateway Communication|40:16
    Our attention now turns from CallManager to gateway troubleshooting. More specifically: MGCP gateway troubleshooting. Cisco CallManager uses MGCP to gain complete control of gateways configured for MGCP. This centralizes your configuration and eases the administrative burden from your end. In this nugget, Jeremy goes WAY beyond basic MGCP configurations and pulls out Wireshark to analyze and troubleshoot CallManager to gateway communication using MGCP.

    Video 12: CCM Troubleshooting: Call Failures|42:11
    Outside of IP Phone registration issues, call routing failures are the most common troubleshooting issue you will encounter in the VoIP network. This nugget focuses around troubleshooting call routing failures in a single-site, single-cluster environment. Topics focus around CCM digit analysis, partitions and calling search spaces, translation patterns, and more.

    Video 13: CCM Troubleshooting: Call Failures, Part 2|33:25
    The call failure troubleshooting discussion moves to calls outside your cluster. In this nugget, Jeremy focuses on MGCP and H.323 gateway concepts and troubleshooting steps.

    Video 14: CCM Troubleshooting: Call Failures, Part 3|43:27
    In this final call troubleshooting nugget, you will focus on CallManager-specific troubleshooting areas. These include troubleshooting caller-id, secondary dial-tone, one-way audio, dead air, and ringback.

    Video 15: CCM Troubleshooting: Call Routing|24:32
    Just like data packets, correct routing of voice calls is essential. This nugget highlights major troubleshooting areas for CCM call routing including TEHO issues, call disconnects, and proper data to PSTN network fallback.

    Video 16: CCM Troubleshooting: Gatekeeper Communication|37:28
    H.323 Gatekeepers have the ability to simplify the network configuration and management for your VoIP environment. In this nugget, Jeremy discusses the concepts behind H.323 Gatekeepers, Gatekeeper configurations, and the troubleshooting process.

    Video 17: Network Troubleshooting: Voice Quality Issues|48:58
    Quality of Service (QoS) issues can quickly destroy a VoIP network. This nugget is dedicated to looking through key QoS requirements and configurations, along with QoS troubleshooting methods.

    Video 18: Cisco Unity: Integration Issues|47:39
    The Cisco Unity voicemail system is really the “black sheep” of the CCVP certification track since Cisco did not include any exams tailored to the Unity system. In this nugget, Jeremy goes beyond basic Unity troubleshooting to explore foundation Unity – CallManager integration, then walks through common Unity troubleshooting topics: Message Waiting Indicators (MWIs), Call Transfer issues, and Unity Subscriber settings.

    Video 19: Resources: CTI and Media Resource Troubleshooting|33:51
    New troubleshooting areas unfold as you integrate your CallManager system with outside applications and resources using Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) and media resource management. This nugget explores the functions of CTI and media resources in a CallManager cluster, then walks through troubleshooting steps.

    Video 20: A Final Word: TUC Certification Prep|05:41
    In this “Final Word” nugget, Jeremy gives some last minute test advice for those seeking to

    کد HTML:

    ccvp topology

  7. #27
    عضو سایت
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    کد PHP:
     EMC Proven ProfessionalStorage Area Network Implementation Exam  614 MB
    :  eLearning 
    EMC Proven Professional is a comprehensive education and certification program which develops and validates skills required to plan, deploy, manage, and leverage your information infrastructure

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  8. #28
    عضو سایت
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    Dec 2010
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    کد PHP:
     WINS Infrastructure Guide Training
    Concepts Video 

    When you are getting started with WINS you need to know the basic concepts in order to move forward with more detailed information. This video will provide you with a good base of knowledge so that you can benefit from the rest of the course.
    * Application Program Interface (API)
    * NetBIOS
    * NBT (NetBIOS on TCP/IP)
    * NetBIOS Name Server (NBNS)

    WINS Installation
    This is similar to how you would install DNS or DHCP and is a necessary skill to get started with WINS.

    * Installing WINS Server
    * WINS Server Properties
    * WINS Client Configuration
    * Active Registrations
    * NBTSTAT Command

    WINS Replication
    Knowing how to install a second WINS server with replication is going to enhance your ability to set up WINS on your real world network.

    * Overview
    * Capacity Planning
    * Installing WINS on 2nd Server
    * Replication Partners
    * WINS Client Configuration
    * Static Mappings
    * Deleting vs. Tombstoning
    * WINS Proxy Agent

    WINS Configuration
    You will benefit from this video by being able to see how to correctly configure WINS to suit your network needs.

    * LMHOSTS File
    * WINS Client Node Types
    * B-Node
    * P-Node
    * M-Node
    * H-Node
    * Disabling NetBIOS
    * Replication Methods

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  9. #29
    عضو سایت
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    Cisco Pix Firewall Training

    کد PHP:
    Cisco Pix Firewall Training
    GlobalNet Training’s Cisco® Firewall Specialist training boot camp is a guaranteed certification course taught by a Certified Expert Instructor 
    and includes hands-on training on Cisco 

    PIX Firewalls
    VPN Contentrators
    VPN Hardware and Software Clients
    This course also includes:

    Security Study Guides
    Security Lab Guides
    2 Test Vouchers
    Onsite Testing
    Complementary continental breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages
    Guaranteed Certification


  10. #30
    عضو سایت
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    CCNA CCNP a complete Guide

    کد PHP:
      CCNA,CCNP a complete Guide
    TSCC 46 Kbps 640 x 480 15 fps MP3 176 Kbps 500 MB
    Video Training 

    Description: Here is the one and only guide for your CCNA & CCNP certifications . This package contains PPTs ,PDFs and Videos for both CCNA and CCNP

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