FRC - Forced
freq - Frequency
frnt - Front
FRP - Fuel Rail Pressure
FRS - Face Recognition System FRV - First Response Vehicle
FSDI - Four-Stroke, Direct Injection
FT - Fuel Trim
FTP - Federal Test Procedure
FTP - Fuel Tank Pressure
FUDC - Federal Urban Driving Cycle
fwd - Forward
FWD - Front Wheel Drive
GA - Gage
GAWR - Gross Axle Weight Rating
GCW - Gross Combined Weight
g/cyl - Grams per Cylinder
GCWR - Gross Combined Weight Rating
GDI - Gasoline Direct Injection
GEN - Generator
GEM - Gasoline Engine Management
GEM - Generic Electronic Module
GGT - Gas Guzzler Tax
GHG - GreenHouse Gas
GISMO - Geographic Information System, Mobile
GND - Ground
GOVN - Governor Module
GPS - Global Positioning System
GS - Garage Shift
g/sec - Grams per Second
GTL - Gas To Liquid
GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight
GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
H - Hydrogen
H2O - Water
HAST - High Accelerated Stress Test
HBA - Hydraulic Brake Assist
HBU - Hub Bearing Unit
HC - Hydrocarbons
HCCI - Homogeneous-Charge, Compression Ignition
HCM - Heating Control Module
HCU - Hydraulic Control Unit
HCV - Heavy Commercial Vehicle
H/CMPR - High Compression
HD - Heavy Duty
HDC - Heavy Duty Cooling
HDGV - Heavy Duty Gasoline-fueled Vehicle
HD-UDDS - Heavy Duty Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule
HEC - Hybrid Electronic Cluster
HEDF - High Speed Electro Drive Fan (relay or circuit)
HEGO - Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen (sensor) (replaced with HO2S)
HEGOG - HEGO Ground (circuit)
HEPS - Hydraulic Electric Power Steering
HEUI - Hydraulic-actuated Electronically-controlled Unit Injector
HFC - High Fan Control
HFC - Hydraulic Fading Compensation
HFM - Hot Film Meter
HFP - High Fuel Pump
Hg - Mercury
Hi Alt - Hi Altitude
HID - High Intensity Discharge
HIS - Horizontal Impact Sensor
hist - History
HLDT - Heavy Light-Duty Truck
HLOS - Hardware Limited Operating Strategy
HO - High Output
HO2S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
hp - Horsepower
HPDI - High Pressure Direct Injection
HPL - High Pressure Liquid
HPS - Head Protection System
HPS - High Performance System
HPV - High Pressure Vapour
HRC - Headlamp Range Control
HSA - Head Side Airbag
HSC - High Swirl Combustion
HSCDS - High-Sensitivity Collision Detection System
HSDI - High-Speed Direct Injection
HSE - High-Speed Enrichment
HSEA - High Solar Energy Absorbing (glass)
HTCM - Heating-ventilation-air-conditioning Thermal Control Module
HUD - Heads Up Display
HVAC - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning
HVACM - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning Module
HVI - High Viscosity Index
HVM - Heater Vent Mondule
HW - Heated Windshield
HWFET - Highway Fuel Economy Test (driving schedule)
HYPAS - Hydraulic Power Assisted Steering
Hz - Hertz
IA - Intake Air
IABM - Integrated AirBag Module
IAC - Idle Air Control
IAFM - Integrated Air Fuel Module
IAFS - Integrated Air Fuel System
IAT - Intake Air Temperature
iATN - International Automotive Technicians Network
IBOB - Intelligent BreakOut Box
IC - Ignition Control
IC - Integrated Circuit
ICA - Injector Cam Actuation
ICC - Intelligent Cruise Control
ICCS - Integrated Chassis Control System
ICDX - Integrated Compact Disc Changer
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine
ICM - Ignition Control Module
ICP - Injection Control Pressure
ICS - Integrated Chassis System
ICWS - Intersection Collision Warning System
ID - Identification
ID - Inside Diameter
IDI - Integrated Direct Ignition
IDIS - International Dismantling Information System
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