Default DEFT Linux 7.1 [i486]
DEFT Linux 7.1 [i486] | 2.26 GB
Linux-distro DEFT 7, designed to analyze the impact of burglary, the definition of hidden or lost data in the system, as well as to gather evidence in the investigation of computer crimes.
The distribution is based on Lubuntu 11.10 and is equipped with user-friendly graphical interface that uses components of LXDE desktop environment and optimized for easy to perform common operations performed during the investigation.
What's New Release DEFT Linux 7.1:
solved the problems associated with Hb4most, xterm, and GParted;
updated packages: bulk_extractor 1.2.0, guymager 0.6.5, iPhone Backup Analyzer 10/2012, Xplico 1.0;
new tools for the examination - UsnJrnl-parser and lslnk;
OSINT - Chrome browser with additional plug-ins for analysis;
set to collect information about the network (Host, nslookup, Dig, Nmap, Zenmap, Netcat, snmpcheck, Nbtscan, Cadaver, Traceroute, Hping3, Xprobe, Scapy, Netdiscover); Kit for information on wireless networks (Kismet); collection kit information on the web-applications (Whatweb, Cmsident, Dirbuster, Burpsuite).
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