UNI-Flash Live CD/USB STEA Edition X86 (v 03.2012)


UNI-Flash Live CD/USB STEA Edition X86 (v 03.2012) | 3.08 GB

Live CD USB STEA Edition Base Live CD USB STEA Edition STEA LiveXP Originalnye build WinPE (SteaPE) based on Winbuilder Nikzzzz c multimedia.Osnovnye network support, and distinctive features in comparison with analogues

the ability to download version of the WIM-file work properly on the PC, available RAM from 128 MB, thanks to an integral part of the system and the gradual loading WIM-module features automatic adaptation of the presence of the operating system to a different amount of RAM PC hosted all the major components of the Live CD / USB ( except for startup files) in the same directory that greatly simplifies the use of an assembly consisting of a multi-system or as an emergency resuscitation system on your hard drive the PC in addition to the core OS.

For more information:

the presence of a simple scheme user customization, which allows to install and maintain! SteaPE system parameters and some basic configuration interface

For more information:
The scheme of user settings SteaPE as follows:
A. In the directory \ STEA \ SETTINGS \ MARKERS are cookies *. Ini with the names of those included tuning parameters.
To enable a specific tweak is required only to move (or copy) an appropriate marker file in the folder \ STEA \ SETTINGS \ MARKERS in the directory \ STEA \ SETTINGS.
When using SteaPE with accommodation set in Flash, of course, is just a basic and very rapid.
When used in the embodiment SteaPE CD for setup is enough to open the image in the assembly UltraISO, move the appropriate markers in the directory \ STEA \ SETTINGS, save and burn to a disc image file to a new CD.


to improve the mobility of STEA Live in the system added a full-featured support for 3G modems HUAWEI for all the major GSM operators Russia

3G Connect

The interface and the shell SteaPE standard


Features of Windows 7 USB

HELP Commands EWF

When the EWF-saves at the end of the transfer is made "pending data" on the system volume, and off the PC runs much longer than usual! Do not rush off to force PC!
For visual control of data recording is recommended to use Flash with LED indicator to access devices.

New features in the EWF in v.1203:
Two-band scheme is applied EWF - the division of the whole field of EWF to the user and system.
In user data area - profiles and user files (Users), ProgramData, catalogs and winevt prefetch, and MyProgram - directory for installing programs and utilities that are constantly writing their logs and *. Ini.
In the system - the rest of the system.
It was found convenient to polzovatelkoy of the filter off (with the possibility of inclusion and use).
With this construction and the use of EWF is removed taking care of your custom settings, and these programs - to save runs continuously full-time (normal) way.

4. Carried out additional system integration drayverpakov Mass Storage, chipsets, network cards, USB Devices;
Five. Made a modification of the system to activate the Physical Address Extension (PAE), which allowed the x86 (32-bit) system to see and use the RAM above 3 GB (theoretically available amount of RAM - 128 GB). Start Menu of Windows 7 has two options start - with the activation of PAE and the standard. As DEFAULT involved a standard startup mode;

6. Has a function of the use of "mobile" (equity) of the paging file hosted on a USB-carrier, which increased the autonomy and its own resources system. In the original version of the UNI-Flash pagefile founded in 512 MB (\ STEA \ SWAP \ pagefile.img).
If you prefer, you can delete it or replace it with 256, 1024 or 2048 MB - in the directory \ STEA \ SWAP meet the appropriate EXE-file;

7. The system added RAM-disk for use with temporary files;
Eight. Of the applications added to the system: 7-zip, ImDisk to implement RAM-disk, VHD-MGR to simplify working with VHD, Unlocker for the service.

Bonus Application for UNI-Flash - BONUS catalog
To add them into the project directory PMAGIC simply copy or extract (replacing files on-demand system) sfx-pack W7PE.exe in the directory \ STEA.
In the 1203 version made a modification of Win7 PE - VHD:
the binding to a common set of software products;
involved is common to all Windows "mobile" swap file;
returned to the system of nominal sheath - Explorer.

Win7 PE has a small feature - shutdown and restart the PC should be performed using appropriate labels placed on the taskbar next to the Start button.

Attention! Extras. Information for those who might be to embed the contents of the UNI-Flash to other multiproject or move yourself to other media or sections of HDD!
A. Objects and a migration path: directory \ STEA boot \ STLDR
Two. Home record for GRUB4DOS


HELP Installing the UNI-Flash on HDD

Addition to describing the migration of UNI-Flash on HDD

NIKZZZZ, 7sh3 for designers, scripts, ideas, tools
AZJIO of scripts, ideas, graphics and design elements
nat27, Yurkesha for drivers
AlkidZ to topic
And all named and unnamed companions - for education and science
Special! thanks for the opportunity to conty9
he had prepared to use software package for Live CD / USB



