![5e003a 5e003a](http://i25.lulzimg.com/5e003a.jpg)
Applications In One DVD For Windows x86/x64 Final|2011 | 4 GB
List Included.
Acollectionof most used or must have applications in one single DVDpack .ISO Allwith updates and necessary serials, crack, or keygen tohelp you theuser, get a fresh installation, quick & running + 100%secured.
The main question is why all this
Howfrustratingis it after installing a new operating system to look forapps indifferent CDs DVDs etc or surf the net countless hours infinding theright, working application that suits your needs.
ThisDVDis organized (3.9 GB) in such a way that is user friendly . In theRootFolder [right after you open the image] you will find the mainbasefolders that will contain all other (specific) data . Every folderhasits own type of applications .
For instance in Audio Utilities you will find only audio related applications for example : Winamp
Why this DVD
Mainlybecauseits well organized , safe to use and easy to operate with . Itcontainsthe direct apps, this means they are not in archives so youwill needto do extra work when installing one product , theinstallationexecutables are waiting for you to open them right in therespectivefolder of the respected (named) application.
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