Nik Software Photoshop Plugins Suite Complete Collection 2011


Nik Software Photoshop Plugins Suite Complete Collection 2011
8 Photoshop Plugins l Language: English l Developer: Nik Software l Platform: Windows & MacOS l | 1.01 Gb

NikSoftware Photoshop Plugins Suite ? the most complete collection ofplug-in from one of the best manufacturers of plug-ins for AdobePhotoshop. Complete Collection includes the full set of plugins forAdobe Photoshop including: Dfine, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro,Silver Efex Pro and Sharpener Pro. With these plugins you can adjust thesharpness of digital image, perform color correction, retouching,styling, get rid of any type of noise in the picture, brightness, adjustthe contrast and color saturation of individual objects or areas of thephotograph. Include Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4 for MacOS &Windows.
Set of plugins Nik Software for Adobe software for Windows:
Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4.0
Nik Software Dfine 2.107
Nik Software HDR Efex Pro 1.200
Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.005
Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2.002
Nik Software Viveza 2.004

Set of plugins Nik Software for Adobe software under MacOS:
Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4.0
Nik Software Dfine 2.108
Nik Software HDR Efex Pro 1.200
Nik Software Sharpener Pro 3.006
Nik Software Silver Efex Pro 2.001
Nik Software Viveza 2.005

NikSoftware Color Efex Pro - a large collection of photographic filtersfor Adobe Photoshop, which are designed to improve your digital photos.The package includes 52 filters and 250 different effects. They help toperform color correction, retouching and many other operations. Theinterface package is designed as plug-in DigitalFilmTools with thepossibility of increasing the window size and viewing of images beforeand after applying the selected filters and effects.

Dfine -amazing plugin for Adobe Photoshop, allows to get rid of the noise ofany type on your photos. The secret of the filter is that it helpsidentify the source of artifacts and on the basis of this informationoffers solutions to problems. In just a few mouse clicks the programwill save a photo from the noise in the automatic mode, in addition, youcan customize the settings for a more optimal result.

HDR EfexPro - tool for creating HDR (High Dynamic Range) images. Developed toassist professional and amateur photographers to quickly and easilyimprove the full range of HDR.

Nik Software Sharpener Pro -professional plugin for Adobe Photoshop, with a rich set of new featuresintroduced in the updated product, allows a huge range of tasks - frompre-sharpening files RAW, obtained from the cameras, before the finalsharpening allowing for the display technologies. Allows you to workwith 16-bit images without the need to translate them into 8-bit. Thepreview area allows you to while working to see how the picture qualitydepending on the applied effects.

Nik Software Silver Efex Pro -plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, allows artists to perform styling ofcontemporary digital images under stylish black and white pictures. Inautomatic mode, the program converts the color image to black and white.The user can perform more fine-tuning, for example, choose one of twodozen predefined styles, use the color filters and other tools.

NikSoftware Viveza - this is plug-in that extends the functionality of aset of tools for editing digital images in Adobe Photoshop. With thisapplication users can adjust the brightness, contrast and colorsaturation of individual objects or areas of the photograph. The programwill allocate the necessary objects and creates masks in the automaticmode, allowing professionals to work more productively.


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