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موضوع: دانلود نرم افزار edius

  1. #1
    عضو سایت
    تاریخ عضویت
    Mar 2010
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    دانلود نرم افزار edius

    Canopus Edius 4.61 and 5.12 In complete training materials in format PDF (06.01.2010/Eng/Rus)

    Canopus Edius 4.61 and 5.12 In complete training materials in format PDF (06.01.2010/Eng/Rus) | 2.2 GB

    Canopus Edius - one of the best professional software for video processing. It supports the processing of uncompressed video formats in SD, HD, HDV, DV, MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 real-time. The program provides the opportunity to work with an unlimited number of layers containing audio, video, data or effects. Projects created in EDIUS Pro, you can save by using your own codec Canopus HQ, which has the ability to encode with a variable bit rate.

    Content on 06.01.2010:
    * Canopus Edius 4.61 English and Russian. Full version with additional material;
    * Canopus Edius 5.12 English and Russian;
    * A complete set of training materials in PDF format in English (Edius 4.6).

    1) Canopus Edius 4.61 English and Russian. Full version with additional material:

    Year: 2008
    Version: 4.61
    Platform: Windows
    Compatibility with Vista: Yes
    Language: English and Russian
    Tabletka: present.

    System requirements:
    * Intel ® Pentium ® 4 3.0GHz CPU or faster (Intel Xeon ® 2.8GHz dual processors recommended for HD / HDV editing, Hyper-Threading supported)
    * 512MB RAM (1GB RAM recommended)
    * 800MB free disk space for the application
    * DVD-ROM drive for software installation
    * Windows ® XP Home or Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or later)
    * DirectX 9.0 or later
    * Graphics card with hardware-based DirectDraw overlay and 32-bit color display at a 1024x768 resolution (128MB of graphics memory is required when editing in HD resolution)
    * ATA100/5400rpm or faster hard disk recommended (Ultra SCSI 160 or better is required for playing two or more uncompressed video streams simultaneously)
    * One free USB port (1.1 or higher) for software protection key
    * Soundcard

    New programs:
    * Mode multikamernogo Multicam editing
    * Possibility of editing of several sequences on one time line
    * Improved management of color correction
    * A redesigned user interface
    * New window trim mode
    * Improved opportunities when working with tracks with a time-line
    * EDIUS Speed Encoder for HDV
    * Support importing and editing formats Windows Media ®
    * Support importing audio Dolby ® Digital (AC-3)
    * Support for alpha channel for Canopus HQ codec
    * New preset in the project properties: 1920 x 1080 (60i/50i)

    * Floating window interface for easy configuration of the working area (one-or Two-Mode)
    * One or two preview-windows (recorder and player)
    * Ability to save 10 interface circuits
    * Configurable button bar
    * Customizable keyboard shortcuts
    * Rename the tracks on the timeline
    * Save Settings effects
    * Recovery of references to the lost files
    * Overlay time code and sound level on video
    * Separate windows timeline, project effects, information and markers
    * Output vectorscope and waveform-monitor in real time

    Assembly on the timeline:
    * Fast and flexible installation for efficiency and productivity.
    * Unlimited number of tracks of video, audio and graphics
    * Sound waveform-monitor
    * Change the transparency of video-on markers
    * Change the level of sound and a panorama on markers
    * Lock and oklyuchenie tracks
    * Three-and four-point mounting
    * Support for all modes of editing: ripple, slip, slide, roll
    * Separate editing of video and audio
    * Voiceover sound
    * Audio mixer with the output in real time
    * Group selection of clips for moving, cutting and copying
    * Application of effects simultaneously for group of clips
    * Cutting clips on all tracks
    * Separation of video and audio
    * Jumps on the same track and between tracks
    * Tools to change the size and position the frame
    * Slow / fast playback forward and backward
    * Unlimited undo
    * Autosave feature

    * Real-time effects for unlimited creativity
    * The output of all effects in real time
    * Output graphics and titles in real time
    * Video filters in real time:
    Anti Flicker, Blend Filters, Block Color, Blur, Chrominance, Color Balance, Color Wheel, Combine Filters, Emboss, Loop Slide, Matrix, Median, Mirror, Monotone, Mosaic, Motion Blur, Old Movie / Film, Pencil Sketch, Raster Wipe , Region, Sharpness, Smooth Blur, Soft Focus, Strobe / Freeze, Tunnel Vision, Video Noise, White Balance, YUV Curve
    * Audio filters in real time:
    Delay, Graphic Equalizer, High-pass Filter, Low-pass Filter, Panpot and Balance, Parametric Equalizer, Tone Controller
    * Videokeyery in real time:
    3D picture-in-picture, chroma / luma-keying, picture-in-picture
    2D and 3D transitions in real-time (including SMPTE transitions)
    * Effects for titles in real time
    * Support for VST-plug-ins for sound (VST-plug-ins are not included)

    * Inscriber ® TitleMotion ® Pro for Canopus
    * Vertical / horizontal scrolling in real time
    * Animated titles with 3D-effects and displacement

    Working with files:[/b]
    * Grouping of media files
    * Support for nested folders
    * Detailed information about folders
    * Advanced search videos
    * Import files by dragging from Windows Explorer
    Configure aspect ratio and field order for the clip
    * Import TGA-sequence

    Supported video formats:
    * MPEG Video Stream (*. mpv; *. m2v)
    * MPEG Program Stream (*. mpg; *. mpeg; *. m2p; *. mp2)
    * MPEG Transport Stream (*. m2p; *. m2t)
    * DV, uncompressed AVI (*. avi)
    * QuickTime (*. mov)

    Supported audio formats:
    * Aiff File (*. aif; *. aiff)
    * Ogg Vorbis File (*. ogg)
    * MPEG Audio Layer-3 (*. mp3)
    * MPEG Audio Stream (*. mpa; *. m2a)

    Supported still images:
    * Inscriber (*. icg; *. ips)
    * Targa (*. tga; *. targa; *. vda; *. icb; *. vst)
    * Windows Bitmap (*. bmp; *. dib; *. rle)
    * JPEG (*. jpg; *. jpeg; *. jfif)
    * Flash Pix (*. fpx)
    * TIFF (*. tif; *. tiff)
    * Photoshop (*. psd)
    * Portable Network Graphics (*. png)
    * PICT (*. pic; *. pct; *. pict)
    * QuickTime Image (*. qtif; *. qti; *. qif)
    * Silicon Graphics Image File (*. sgi; *. rgb)
    * CompuServe GIF (*. gif)
    * Windows Meta File (*. wmf)
    * Wave File (*. wav)

    Sort videos by:
    * File Name
    * Name of the clip
    * Filesize
    * Date

    Additional features:
    * Time-lapse control at capture with DV
    * Batch capture
    * Capture directly on a time-line
    * Capturing sound
    * Automatic splitting at capture on the date and time-code
    * Import 32-bit uncompressed video with alpha channel
    * Import EDL - BVE-9100/5000 and CMX-340
    * Import of clips from the CD / DVD-ROM drive
    * DV-stream Conclusion in real time
    * Implementation timecode on export
    * Export sequence of TGA-files
    * Export in MPEG1, MPEG2, Windows Media, RealVideo, QuickTime and DivX through ProCoder Express for EDIUS
    * Writing project on DVD from the timeline
    * Hardware encoding with Canopus MVRD2200 MPEGPRO
    * Export in Canopus HD, DV and MPEG

    2) Canopus Edius 5.12 English and Russian:

    Year: 2009
    Program Version: 5.12
    Language: English and Russian
    Tablet: Is present

    System requirements:
    * Intel ® Pentium ® 4 3.0GHz CPU or faster (recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo to work with HD / HDV, support Hyper-Threading)
    * 512MB RAM (recommended 1GB RAM)
    * 800MB of free disk space for software installation
    * DVD-ROM to install
    * Windows ® Vista (Ultimate, Enterprise, Business, Home Premium / Basic), Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or later)
    * DirectX 9.0 or later
    * Graphics card with support PixelShader Model 2.0 (ie DX9-based) or hardware overlay supported by DirectDraw (tneobhodimo128MB graphics memory to work with HD resolution)
    * ATA100/5400rpm or faster hard drive (requires Ultra SCSI 160 or better for simultaneous playback of two or more streams of uncompressed video)
    * Sound card.

    * Changing any combination of SD and HD video content in real time
    * Working with different video formats, including DV, HDV, AVCHD, uncompressed, and other
    * GPU acceleration for 3D transitions
    * Fast, flexible user interface, an unlimited number of video, audio and image tracks.
    * Changes and transformations in real time: different HD / SD ratios, for example, 16:9 and 4:3; different frames in real time, for example, 60i, 50i and 24P; different resolutions such as 1920x1080, 1440x1080, 1280x720 and 720x480 ; HD / SD effects, transitions and titles
    * Support for new file formats are based, including Infinity JPEG 2000, XDCAM and XDCAM EX, P2 (DVCPRO and AVC-Intra), and GFCAM
    * Multi-camera editing of up to eight different sources simultaneously
    * High speed SD HDV and MPEG-2 export, built on dual-core technology
    * Direct-to-DVD export
    * The structure consists of filters, effects, image stabilization, titles, audio VST plug-ins, as well as DVD and Blu-Ray authoring

    Main features:
    * Installation of different HD / SD formats, including DV, HDV, AVCHD, MPEG-2, Windows Media and QuickTime, in real time.
    * Flexible user interface, an unlimited number of tracks for video, audio, titles and graphics
    * Editing and conversion in real time the different HD / SD formats (16:9 and 4:3)
    * Editing and conversion in real-time video with different frame rate 60i, 50i and 24p
    * Editing and conversion in real-time video with different resolution 1440x1080, 1280x720 and 720x480
    * HD / SD effects, keyer, transitions and titles in real time
    * The output video to DV in real time directly from the timeline
    * The possibility of mounting several sequences on one time line
    * High export HDV
    * Encoding individual segments time-line ( 'Smart Rendering'). With the support of MPEG and HDV, Segment Encoding function significantly reduces the time it takes to export the project, encoding only the edited and modified segments clips
    * DVD-authoring on the timeline
    * Quick Titler software utility for the titration, a real-time

    1. Set EDIUS 5.11, during the installation process enter the serial number 696969-GYPJP01EHNF0NWP3 (not restart)
    2. In the folder EDIUS5_UPD_v512 run SetupManagerForEDIUS - update to version 5.12 (do not restart the computer)
    3. Folder Edius_512_crk copy files pavedius.dll and pavplal.dll the folder C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 and confirm a replacement.
    4. Reboot and work in the program.
    5. Folder EDIUS_5.12_RUS run EDIUS_5.12_RUS reboot and work in the program.

    3) A complete set of training materials in PDF format in English (Edius 4.6):

    Year: 2008
    Format: PDF
    Quality: eBook (original computer)
    Number of pages: 600 +
    Language: English.

    Download: ( CopyRight By www.UpDownload.iR )


  2. کاربر مقابل از edite.movie عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  3. #2
    عضو سایت
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  4. کاربر مقابل از edite.movie عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  5. #3
    تاریخ عضویت
    Aug 2010
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    Edius 6.01 with Titlemotion Pro | 845MB
    Genre: Graphics & Design

    Grass Valley EDIUS Edit Anything. EDIUS nonlinear editing software is designed for any broadcast and postproduction environments, especially those with newer, tapeless forms of video recording and storage. No other NLE gives you so much versatility combined with sheer speed of editing.
    EDIUS supports real time editing of all popular standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) formats. Perfect for file based workflows, EDIUS offers real time, multi track, mixed format editing, compositing, chromakeying, titling, and timeline output capabilities. In addition to the standard formats supported by the EDIUS family of NLEs, EDIUS supports P2 DVCPRO, AVC Intra, XDCAM, Ikegami GF, and Canons XF format and EOS movie format. It also supports capturing from tape devices

    Featuring unrivaled real time video transcoding technology, EDIUS converts between HD and SD resolutions, aspect ratios, and frame rates all in real time. You can edit in HD and place 4:3 SD video, or mix NTSC and PAL sources, or combine them all into projects in other resolutions and frame rates without wasting a single moment on conversion or rendering.

    EDIUS features the revolutionary HQX codec for 10 bit video support. Designed with scalable technology, this innovative codec offers the highest image quality and performance available in any HD editing platform with support for alpha channel. The HQX codec not only provides superior luma and chroma sampling of HD video, but features an adjustable bit rate for increased video quality when capturing and encoding on high performance systems. By using HQX, you can also export video from other graphic software with alpha channel in 10 bit.

    EDIUS 6 offers more than 100 new features, such as 4K, 2K, and free size project support, advanced timeline workflow improvements, 16 ISO multicam support, new source browser, free shape mask filter, track matte keyer, and AVCHD exporter to name just a few. The editing engine has been tuned for better real time performance, and the enhanced Proxy Mode opens up exciting possibilities for entirely new editing workflows.

    Key Features:
    Work natively with many different video formats, such as Sonys XDCAM, Panasonics P2, Ikegamis GF, and now Canons XF format and EOS movie format
    Windows 7, XP, and Vista support
    Fast, flexible user interface, including unlimited video, audio, title, and graphics tracks
    Real time editing and conversion of different resolutions, as high as 4K/2K resolution to as low as 24x24
    Real time editing and conversion of different frame rates, such as 60p/50p, 60i/50i, and 24p
    Proxy mode workflow by switching timeline between proxy/hi res mode
    Nested timeline sequences
    GPU accelerated 3D transitions
    Real time effects, keyers, transitions, and titles
    Multicamera editing of up to 16 different sources simultaneously
    Direct to Blu ray Disc and DVD timeline export
    Export in AVCHD format to a media card
    High value software bundle includes filters, effects, image stabilization, and VST audio plug ins

    New Features in EDIUS 6 include:
    10 bit editing support
    2K/4K resolution support
    Free shape mask filter
    16 camera multicam editing
    Proxy mode workflow
    Canon XF format and EOS movie format support
    Exporting in AVCHD format to a media card

    ساحل بهانه است , رفتن رسیدن است...
    قبل از هر چیز دیگر، آماده شدن راز موفقیت است(فورد)
    در دنیا چیزی وجود ندارد که ارزش ناراحت شدن را داشته باشد
    من آینده را دوست دارم زیرا بقیه عمرم را باید در آن بگذرانم(کترینگ)
    به وسیله عزم و اراده با سستی و تنبلی به جنگید(حضرت علی (ع))
    اگر زندگی با تو سر ناسازگاری دارد تو با او سازش کن(اسپارت)

    (((Nothing Is Impossible)))

    فرمان دادم تا بدنم را بدون تابوت و موميايی به خاک بسپارند تا اجزای بدنم خاک ايران را تشکيل دهد کوروش کبير
    بگـذار سرنـوشت هـر راهی را کـه ميخواهـد برود، مـا راهمـان جداست اين ابـرهـا تـا ميتواننـد ببـارنـد، مـا چتـرمان خداست .
    کسی رو برای دوستی انتخاب کن که اونقدر قلبش بزرگ باشه که نخوای براي اينکه تو قلبش جائی داشته باشی خودت رو کوچيک کنی
    عشق خيس شدن دو دلدار در زير باران نيست...عشق اينست که من چترم را روی دلدار بگيرم واو نبيند....نبيند وهرگز نداند که چرا در زير باران خيس نشد.....

    Tonight's the night .. And it's going to happen again and again ..
    has to happen


    سعادتمند کسی است که در هجوم و مقابله با مصائب خود را نبازد (پاسکال)
    کسی که اراده قوی نداشته باشد، به زودی در مقابل مشکلات مغلوب می شود(لرد آویبوری)
    درختی به بلندی ستاره ها، با یک دانه کوچک آغاز می شود و یک سفر هزار مایلی با یک قدم کوچک(لائو)
    انسان هم میتونه دایره باشه هم یه خط راست. تو می خوای چی كار كنی؟ …تا ابد دور خودت بچرخی یا تا بی نهایت ادامه بدی؟
    ما نمي تونيم به دلمون ياد بديم كه نشكنه ولي ميتونيم به دلمون ياد بديم كه اگه شكست لبه هاي تيزش دست اوني رو كه شكستش نبره
    انسان های بزرگ به آرمان هايشان می انديشند،انسان های معمولی به آرزوهايشان و انسان هاي کوچک ديگران را می پايند.
    ابتدا تو را نادیده می گیرند، سپس مسخره ات می کنند و بعد با تو می جنگند. ولی در نهایت پیروزی از آن توست
    لحظات را طي کرديم تا به خوشبختي برسيم اما وقتي رسيديم فهميديم خوشبختي همان لحظات بود
    هرگز فکر نکن که ديگران تو را به اهدافت خواهند رساند


    وسيع باش ، و تنها ، و سر به زير ، و سخت

  6. کاربر مقابل از !INFERNAL عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  7. #4
    ناظم ارشد انجمن
    شاید من بی عیب نباشم اماتوهم نیستی...پس برو وپیش از شمارش اشتباهات من به خطاهای خودت رسیدگی کن
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    زیر ی سقف کنار عزیزترینم
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    حالت من : Relax
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    پیش فرض

    Edius 6.03 Retail


    Edius 6.03 Retail | 2.66 GB

    The new version of one of the best professional software for video processing. EDIUS supports real-time footage from almost all known formats, as well as uncompressed video. The program provides an opportunity to work with an unlimited number of layers containing audio, video, data or effects.

    Projects created in EDIUS, you can save by using your own codec Canopus HQ, which is able to encode a variable bit rate. Update contains support for new video formats and hardware support for h.264 encoding. In particular, Edius 6.03 is able to imortirovat 50p/60p material (currently supported cameras Sony / JVC).

    Work on the bugs, improvements in the update 3.6:
    Fixed a freeze when using EDIUS shuttle in VTR emulation mode.
    Fixed QuickTitler.
    Fixed behavior of current-time indicator on the timeline.
    Now, well-defined resolution and PAR QuickTime files.
    The correct import Raylight DVDProHD 720p50 files.
    Fixed incorrect mode trimming.
    Slow loading when using EDIUS network profile.
    When you capture DV / HDV video, markers are set properly.
    Now it works in mono Linear PCM created DVD.
    Thumbnail of DVD menu created in normal quality.
    Normally creates a freeze frame with a combination of: Ctrl + T in 10-bit project.
    Fixed a performance problem with the playback, if you used a sound mixer.
    Any MPEG files into EDIUS reproduced without jitter.
    Fixed problem with PDW-U1.
    Fixed problem with displaying the status after you import files.
    Correctly added to the transition by using a combination: Ctrl + P.
    Fixed an issue with the BD recording DiscBurner.
    The Up and Left work correctly when using 3wayColorCorrection.
    Now safest color correctly stored in the effect Color wheel.
    Increased speed of saving files in the project.
    Fixed a problem with the effect of TitleMixer.
    Fixed problem with decoding MP4-files recorded on the SANYO Xacti VPC-FH1.
    Improved load time of the project with a large number of XDCAM EX files to bin.
    Expanded support for hardware acceleration of video encoding using the integrated graphics processor Intel Core 2.0, in H.264, and added acceleration AVCHD files, encode video in real time for the iPhone and PSP, as well as H.264/AVC video with sizes up to 1920h1080p50 / 60.
    Support for importing files with a frame rate: 50p and 60r.

    Serial number for installation: 555 555-HYPJP015G6G0JFC3
    Before installing, read the instructions!
    Year: 2011 
    Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit 
    Language: English 
    Size: 2.66 GB

    Download from Filesonic.com:
    Download from .filesonic.com:


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