-= Version : 1.00
-= Main Author: LNTT
-= Upgrade by : Computer_Angel
-= For vBulletin: 3.8.x
* Version 1.0.0
o + Upgrade from vBRecycle v3.0.9 - vBulletin.org Forum
+ Fix cache templates (credit to mfyvie)
* Easily install & uninstall with Product Installer. *NEW
* Main Settings
o Quick active or disable recycle.*NEW
o Select default recycle.
o Auto convert normal forum => recycle forum.*NEW
o Set type move(Copy thread to destination forum, Move and leave redirect in previous forum and Move to destination forum)
* Recycle Manager
o Easily edit settings.
o Delete forum recycle.
o Unlimited recycle.
o Set default recycle.
o Select recycle for special forum.
* Empty Recycle Bin.
* Link After Moved.
o Options in showtheard, inline mod.
* Quick Create Recycle*NEW
* Scheduled Tasks Recycle*NEW
o Auto empty recycle*NEW
* Set permissions for each usergroup.
* Add "vBRecycle Options" in "Add New Forum" & "Edit Forum" *NEW
[Step 1][Upload Files]
Copy all files to their respective location:
* admincp/vbrecycle_admin.php
* images/misc/vbrecycle_lock.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_default.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_scheduledtask.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_edit.gif
* images/misc/vbrecycle_empty.gif
* includes/adminfunctions_vbrecycle.php
* includes/cron/vbrecycle_clean.php
* includes/xml/bitfield_vbrecycle.xml
* includes/xml/cpnav_vbrecycle.xml
[Step 2][Run the Product Installer]
Select product-vbrecycle***.xml.
[Installation Completed
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