HelloOX2 - One step hacking for all phone
براحتی همه گوشیها را هک کنید
اپدیت جدید برنامه هک برای تمام گوشی ها ... تست شده بروی تمام گوشیهای جدید مانند N86 , N97
فایل ضمیمه را دانلود کنید
برنامه را ساین و نصب کنید
پس از نصب برنامه HelloOX2 را اجرا کنید
HelloOX2 خودش تمام کارا رو انجام میده !!
All of you know what is this, here is an update version with abgnokia idea.
it have been tested on almost all the newest phone, N86,N97......etc
Sign it, install to your phone, just run it after installed.
HelloOX2 does all the rest for you!
Enjoy it!
HelloOX2 official website is up: http://helloox2.com
If you want to get a Signed version, please visit there!
What HelloOX does?
1. Map C:\sys\bin\ to a virtual drive
2. Unpack hacking files to the virtual drive
3. Activate the file system
7. Unmap virtual drive
4. Install root certificate
5. Install ROMPatcher
6. Optional Install Modo (an unlimited access file manager by leftup)
8. Done!
Applying installserver patch in ROMPatcher should let you install any software you want.
However, it may not works correct on some device, if it doesn't works, please use the
leftup cert&key pair included in this package to sign your apps.
All credits goes to:
GANG's brothers
and Thanks to all people who made this possible
علاقه مندی ها (بوک مارک ها)