Learn to Speak Spanish: The Complete Interactive Learning Solution

Learn to Speak Spanish: The Complete Interactive Learning Solution | 1.86 GB
It is also advisable to install on your computer keyboard Spanish
Description: A wonderful program for learning the Spanish language. Education begins with the very basics - the alphabet, first words and phrases. First, you can take a language test, after which you will recommend the section from which you'd better start learning. This course focuses on learning to communicate in Spanish, so the microphone is required. You will be asked not only to pronounce the words and phrases, and only if the right answer, you can move on (check the level of pronunciation can set yourself), but also to participate in a conversation with a virtual interlocutor.
The course is divided into several main topics:
- Basic Course
- Travel
- Business
- Daily life
In the process of learning play on one or another situation in life. The scheme is the following:
First, learn new words, check to see how they have learned, watch video of a specific topic, read the presented dialogue, listen, train it to say, we talk with a virtual interlocutor. And exercise to consolidate the new knowledge of grammar. A snack - the game for memorizing learned words.
It also presents videos in Spanish on the cultural life of the Spanish-speaking countries.
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Product Description
Spanish is quite an easy language in which to communicate at a basic level, but its complex grammar makes it surprisingly hard to speak correctly. However, this quality is well worth trying to overcome, because it is the gateway to getting by in a whole continent - Latin America.
This advanced course provides a sensible path to speaking good Spanish. It comes with precise details of grammar and vocabulary, but also allows you to tailor the course to your own needs. Possessing some of the most recent developments in software technology, the course really does allow you to practice speaking and listening to conversations as if you were in Spain. This is absolutely essential: the harsh accent of Castilian Spanish can be a shock to those who have only read through examples on the page.
The course focuses on the essentials of communication, but also includes voice recognition and playback, so that you can hone your speech, and comes with a full dictionary, course book, and personalized plan. It is designed so that you can study at your own pace, focusing on the words and situations about which you wish to learn most. These interactive features produce a program that is at once personal and comprehensive, and makes a decent standard of Spanish well within reach. However, people intending the course for use in Latin America should note that the accents are Castilian, and thus very different to what they will find in the Americas.
Product Details
Focuses on Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammer
Special Features:
Personalized Learning System, Advanced Speech Recognition, Voice Recording and playback, Progress checks, Talking dictionary, Cultural movies, Specialized Internet lessons
Extras. Information: Mount the image of the first disc (it is an installation) with Daemon Tools or other software emulator, open the INSTALL, they open the file and follow the instructions _SETUP. Images of the next disc mount, when a program requests them. Even better to mount several virtual drives, and each of them to mount the disk image. Well, who wants to can and record images on conventional CD and on-demand program to insert the appropriate disc into the drive.
IMPORTANT: when installing the program, you must disable antivirus
Registration on the Internet do not produce. Online lessons are not trying to pass.
System requirements:
- Microsoft Windows operating system 98/2000/Me/HR
- Sound card
- 300 MB of free hard disk space
- Speakers or headphones
- Microphone
- Daemon Tools or other software emulator
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