Light Map HDRLight Studio Pro V2.0 X-FORCE 2 x86 + x64 (New Links)

Light Map HDRLight Studio Pro V2.0 X-FORCE 2 x86 + x64 | 768 MB
HDR Light Studio - software for 3D-computer graphics, 3D-allows artists to rapidly design, build and customize a realistic HDRI lighting, reflections and effects. HDR Light Studio is the ideal partner for such 3D-applications like Maya, 3DS Max, Showcase, Cinema 4D, Luxology Modo, Bunkspeed HyperShot, and HyperMove, Deep Exploration, and to renders Maxwell Render, Fry Render, V-Ray, Mental Ray, and etc.
The new version improves the user interface, increased processing speed quick view, added packages HDRI Lights Packs, synthetic light and dark lighting. Extras. Info : HDR Light Studio Software Real-time Image based lighting design For all Their Advantages, HDR Images Have Serious suffered one drawback over the years: Their fixed, static nature. Getting exactly the lighting you wanted for a 3D object has always been very labour intensive: hours of trial and error, fiddling and making things yourself or the 'buy something and hope it works' approach. Effectively, you Were in the Dark. HDR Light Studio Has all That changed. It has replaced guesswork with precision. By allowing you to adjust the image-based lighting in real time, now you are able to - quite literally - see the light. You CAN Adjust and interchange a VAST array of Studio Light sources and Effects: all within the Instant, with Everything, Including distortion, handled for you. Experiment until IT's perfect, Tinker until you Have created the IDEAL lighting design to Maximise the character and dynamism of your object. Then render with one single HDRI that covers the entire light map, compatible with 99% of renderers. It can also be used to improve existing HDRI maps. HDR LIGHT STUDIO saves time, saves money, and improves quality. 9 out of the 10 largest global car manufacturers have seen the light. So have other household names.
Year / Date : 2011 Version : 2 Developer : Light Map Website Development : HDRI Lighting Design Software: HDR Light Studio Bit : 32bit +64 bit Compatibility with Vista : full compatibility with Windows 7 : complete Language : English
کد: Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part1.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part2.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part3.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part4.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part5.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part6.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part7.rar Light Studio Pro 2.0 - xforce.part8.rar
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