While Antigone believes in the power that emanates from within the individual, Creon professes faith in the power gained by holding office. “Power shows the man” says Creon, in his opening speech to the Chorus of elders. A certain gender bias is evident in lines such as the following: “Better, if it must happen, that a man/ should overset me./ I won’t be called weaker than womankind.”
Creon plays the game of political expediency. He is trying to restore peace and stability to Thebes and cannot allow a mere girl to defy him, as this will make him appears spineless. He had favored Eteocles against Polynices in the battle between the two brothers, as it was politically profitable for him to do so. Creon tries to justify his actions in episode four (the scene with Haemon), by stating that he must protect the interests of Thebes. Here, Sophocles deals with the relationship between father and son, and between Haemon and Antigone. Creon tries to win Haemon over to his line of thinking by introducing the idea of filial devotion. But Haemon does not fall into the trap. His love for Antigone seems greater than his concern for the state and the king. He accuses his father of acting like a dictator and succeeds in arousing Creon’s wrath