Adobe Photoshop Elements v10.0 Multilingual Incl Keymaker-CORE
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Adobe Photoshop Elements v10.0 Multilingual Incl Keymaker-CORE | 1.5 GB
Adobe ? Photoshop ? Elements 10 reads Ayuda sus recuerdos to convert them all day in fantastic photos to keep you Always. Edit and create a way through them sencilla automated options, share photos with sociales1 y sus networks vein and browse all photos sus. Winner of awards for 10 years.
Gather all pictures y sus videos
Amount easily sus photographs and video clips into a multimedia center Management practical and clever.
Amount of pictures with ease
Soil with a click, lleve sus photos de la Tarjeta memory according to team su sus predetermined preferences. Also puede scan several photos at the time. Adobe ? Photoshop ? Elements divides, address and saves each photo separately automatically.
Vein all in one single place
Vela y sus photographs video clips from one single location and practice. Photos are classified them instantly closes al, y las pueden photos related to automatically grouped according to the time that the event is held.
Visually organize
Sorted encuentre y sus photos with ease thanks to them visual tags that represent people, places, pets, events y objetos. For example, lets puede immediately view them all pictures that will Heche with su perro solo hacer click on the tag that reads visual Hague assigned.
Enjoy las más recientes technologies for Windows and Mac
Aproveche functions las de la Tecnología Multi-Touch touchscreen Windows ? and Mac. Use Photoshop Elements in 10 it Windows 7 operating system. (La platform compatibility of them it depends on location).
Encuentre it to quickly search
Use las opciones intelligent search to focus on pictures that need them.
Encuentre photographs with specific objetos
¿From this we find instant contengan su table of surfing, the home of the su abuela la Eiffel Tower? Dejean to Search objetos la encuentre las photos automatically according to su content.
Please tag with faster su list of Facebook friends
Use su list of Facebook friends to tag them sus photographs of faces more quickly and so sencilla compártalas on Facebook.
Manages them with ease even more great photo libraries
Dejean that Photoshop Elements automatically detects duplicate photos on virtually identical to the pueda agruparlas remove them quickly to the needs.
Encuentre personas specific to quickly
If you just search for them in pictures salen las that specific family friends. Reconocimiento the function of people automatically identifies them people appearing in photos sus pueda encontrarlas so quickly.
Obtenga la imagen Fullscreen
Enjoy all the effects of sus photos and video clips in the Organizer it through the preview screen allows you to read full sus edit photos quickly al tiempo who view them.
Encuentre similar pictures with ease
Cuenta mejorada with one search to find pictures that have color characteristics and contents of communes.
Encuentre sus mejores photos quickly
No need hacer click on the tens to hundreds of images Buena find them. It Analyzer Automatic tag it for multimedia content for automatic manera pueda sus find photos and video clips and more interesting for mayor calidad.
Gather them photographs that complies with requirements sus
Need pictures and video clips of specific? Tan solo establezca them provisions, and will be all gathered in one? Lbum automatically intelligent.
Look for virtually cualquier manera that these
Encuentre fair means he who seeks them introduciendo Date nombres y otros labels and types of information in a Box archive search. HOGEN photographs bag them a specific day; véalas in one line of intuitive tiempo, the browsing function of Ella in one day, one week, one month a year.
Cree quickly
Speed ??up the process of production he creations teniendo sus photos, album pages and saved albums et de la mano reach in one basket it specialized project.
Searches with high precision
Obtenga quick results of complex searches thanks to them the power of visual tags. Encuentre las al instant photos in them that, for example, lets appears David, but David and Christina.
Retouching them immediately usual defects
Haga quick fixes to easily mejorar sus the appearance of photos.
Pour the repair sus al instant photos
Haga them to photographic elements in deseados desaparezcan with a ground stroke Brush it timely correction, which makes a lovely cast them into even more funds complejos. Also instant al Retouching Old Photos to the paths of imprimirlas nuevo.
Pass them up the dramatic shortcomings in seconds
Corrija sus photos so that it was seeking methods sencillos with a solo passage that you harán dientes parezcan them more white on it a blue sky adquiera intense.
Escoja it mejor result
Perform numerous ajustes usual photographic (including ajustes color, contrast and brightness) with a solo click. Later, he escoja mejor result from a group of previews ajustes.
Obtenga tones piel Reales
Ajuste them easily piel tones to obtain a more natural look, even pictures on them with little lighting.
Forget effect ojos del Rojo
Dejean Photoshop Elements that it automatically eliminates the effect of Al Rojo ojos su download pictures camera. Also remove it puede ojos Rojo effect of individual snapshots as sin siquiera touching her photo.
Corrija distortion la del objetivo
Corrija easily the distortion del objetivo de la camera on them edges of them pictures and the trapezoidal distortion to the exagera perspective.
Use las opciones automated to get spectacular results
Aproveche las opciones editing powerful but easy to use to ensure that sus Tengen pictures look extraordinary.
Get las mejores compositions with guides clippings
Get that picture parezca más cualquier interesting enérgica through them nueva guides cuts. Elija las opciones Ruler among them-thirds of the Golden Ratio to create it mejor sus setting for photographs.
Account assistance with step by step
Obtenga the results that gave them to easily guided editions. Las opciones le nueva Help to highlight et al sujeto del simulate deep field, the Add one diffused light to create an effect like the one Orton sueño; him one stock split in a fun collage of fragments.
Convierta cualquier the size without distortion
¿Some time it will change size deseado u guideline for one photo encaje in a particular frame? Ahora puede change it quickly size them pictures (and even change the orientation from horizontal to vertical and vice versa) without distorting them as essential elements the people building them.
Ajuste accurately the exposure
Ajuste it easily color, brightness and he contrasts it to one file, use the ajustes de las curves of color to achieve the perfect exposure.
Quickly select an area to perform ajustes
Haga selected in one image in an open and close the ojos so easily pueda ajustar specific areas of one photo. Make selection shape su sencilla y, then use them slider and make them ajustes needed to get one perfect merging it with the background.
Cree photos with numerous layers
Sofistique sus photos. Muestre part of one photo in photo Otras using layers of masks to control the transparency of certain areas.
Retouching la piel y Otras difumine surfaces
Difumine them quickly to the surface while mantiene them the details and edges crisp thank al the surface blur filter that works perfectly in them pictures.
Reproduzca photographic elements with ease
That ¿más pájaros in the sky he evil flower garden in it? Reproduzca photographic elements using the fast cloning HERRAMIENTAS to copy one part of the picture and agregarla to the other area.
Cree perfect pictures easily
Combine such items sencilla multiple photos to create incredible pictures and nueva.
Reproduzca easily sus favorite photographic styles
¿From that imitate a favorite photographic style, as a fascinating contrast Hermoso a loud tone of color? La combination of styles Photomerge analyzes them stylistic qualities of one picture and then automatically tells qualities apply to the other photographs.
Obtenga la exhibit perfect
¿From that capture all the details of one scene that includes illuminated and dark areas? Make one photo with flash enabled him y Otras him off flash, and exposure of the Photomerge combine them into one single instant photo with one perfect lighting.
Remove them quickly in the elements of the scene deseados
He has taken five pictures of you interested in reading it, but them both pedestrians and cars distract them he focused attention on each and every one of Ella. Use it cleaner to remove scenes Photomerge cualquier item Hague changed position from one photo to the other.
The Cree group picture perfect
No vuelva to allow a ceño fruncido the closed unos ojos deteriorate one group photo. Thanks to the function socket Photomerge Group, puede easily combine facial expressions las mejores y Lenguaje corporal him one of series of group photos to create one single perfect composition.
Diviértase creating mergers face
Aproveche la Tecnología fusion of images to match them with no problems ojos, y Otras her nose facial features of different sujetos with entertaining results. Pruébese the characteristics of facial su personaje favorite famous friend.
Cree panoramas more complete
Cree them mejores panoramas easily possible. Photomerge Panorama effective use of fusion functions for fuzzy edges Fill cuando automatically join the horizontal vertical photos.
Combine elements from different photos
Cree al nueva scenes combine elements of different catches. Separate OBJETS it quickly a background erase a background, and after a Vintage family portrait family must fall into the one friend he joins setting out its favorite singer and much more.
Mejore sus artísticamenteVolver Photos
Vintage one sus nueva dimension to photos with effects, text, graphics y otros ornaments.
Paint effects on specific areas of the picture
Tien Tan solo to paint them in 1 of 100 effects and motifs, that includes 30 options nueva, mejorar photographs to the specific areas of this. Among them are effects incluyen nuevos effect it snow, charcoal and oil pastel al.
Cree photos easily in black and white with a spectacular twist
Turn of manera sus spectacular color photos convirtiéndolas original images into elegant in black and white with all shades sus. Las preview images of large expedites and facilitates the obtaining of the results deseados.
Others provide dimension to sus Photos
Vintage depth via parallel shadows, bevel, glow effects y otros, pueden which automatically apply a cualquier item placed in one layer.
Obtenga it classic sepia tone
Vintage photos to a sus convirtiéndolas instantly classic look in photos in sepia.
Apply many effects instantly
Vintage cientos incredible filters that read Help to create photographic effects real simulate paintings, creating fluid effects on the elements and much more. Easily blend numerous effects, change y su previsualice order the results in the filter gallery.
Cuenta su story with stylized text
Type titles and labels directly on y sus photos cualquier edítelas in time. Elija easily between different fonts in the menu he sources which muestra characters for each font.
Vintage forms of instant manera
Sus decorate pictures with geometric shapes, symbols, Certifications and balloons from the integrated library.
Vintage decorative borders
Sus cropping photos with fun shapes with a solo by clicking the option in a decorative fashion with the enmárquelas cientos DISENOS of decorative frame.
HERRAMIENTAS using advanced digital photography
Ajuste the exposure of specific areas of sus las HERRAMIENTAS photographs by laboratory professionals as sobreexponer of them, and subexponer sponge. The changes in vein tiempo real cuando ajuste la range of colors from one photograph via the Histogram palette.
Cree su manera a las opciones thanks to flexible design
Perform printing custom creations (photo albums, album pages of clippings, congratulatory tarjetas y calendars) that you reflejen exactly what these.
Vintage adjustable curve and text
Photographs of the y sus CREACIONES an attractive touch to the text that it swivels in ajusta cualquier this way. Use text to delimit the form sencilla y objetos forms, the text he Haga follow that direction cualquier usted elija.
Cree albums of photos look professional
Cree photo albums quickly with flexible options that allow you to view pliegos read, organize pages and much more. Haga click button to order it for imprimirlo professionally run a encuadernado in hardcover and that it was delivered in su home. (Los services vary according to El Pais.)
Perform creation with the ease of drag and drop
Place photos in sus DISENOS adaptable, he arrástrelas to cambiarles size desplácelas y cualquier the part of the page with ease.
Empiece to quickly create
Use it step by step wizard to achieve CREACIONES photo albums and pages, cut-off tarjetas y labels for CD / DVD. Tien soil you select it kind of creation that these Tendres to obtain y su las HERRAMIENTAS disposition instructions appropriate for realizarla.
Cree in the manner that these
Perform photo CREACIONES such as this and thank them in ways basic and advanced design that reads let him choose the level of control.
Obtenga it looks perfect
Access to them options for photo editing from sus DISENOS own creativity to customize all the details to those.
Reproduzca exactly the image that in mind Tien
Customize all the elements that will design it escogido: ajuste del colors design them so that they integrate with mejor sus photos, add nuevos mejorar graphics for the theme and customize it the Vintage text effects like shadows and highlights parallel.
Vintage ornaments for the perfect page
Explore quickly cientos frames, themes, wallpapers, pictures and effects prediseñadas wool jacket illustration, that includes options nueva completely.
Use of images without quality process sus CREACIONES
Benefit from a mejor flujo of Labour using images without processing them in CREACIONES photo. Photoshop Elements automatically optimizes sin sus archives to sue them in utilizarlos DISENOS albums of photos, pages of them in albums and cuts in Others creations.
Print CREACIONES from home with ease
Admire y sus share pictures through wall calendars, greeting tarjetas y of photo albums that with print puede su home printer.
Take full advantage of it it Photo Paper
Sus quickly put pictures on packages allow you to read images printed with different pictures from su DISENOS customizable desktop printer.
Guard them with photographic CREACIONES mayor flexibility
Enjoy the flexibility to print, upload and share photographs in virtually CREACIONES cualquier place, thanks to the capacity for storing archive formats JPEG and PDF.
Su share multimedia content much shapes from one single location and practice
Different ways to share it directly from Organizer: in slide presentations, minipelículas etc..
Share photos and videos on Facebook
Share photos and videos on Facebook with ease directly from the organizer that it automatically optimizes multimedia elements for them to submit one óptima.1 Quality
Cárguelas to YouTube
Sus upload video clips to YouTube directly from him organizador.1
Share via Integrated Services Online
Ask impressions easily, tarjetas y albums, and share photos and photo CREACIONES Online. Al Teneré photos las mano, puede aquellas that load quickly gave one variety of services in línea.1 (Los services vary according to El Pais).
Cree fun minipelículas
Convierta conjunto a photo in one llamativa minipelícula. For example, lets use it to burst mode su camera to take snapshots of one sequence of action and then Photoshop Elements Dejean them to join him to create the effect of Movement. (Solo Windows).
Cuenta incredible stories with slideshows
Cree one slide show with entretenida Pies photo, and effects of panoramización acercamiento documentary style, amazing transitions, voice narration and music (solo Windows).
Vein pictures he sus TV
Take advantage of compatibility with the Windows Media Center to display pictures and slideshows on TV su (solo Windows).
Send personalized e-mails with photos
Send photos in an email to Pies themed illustration and funds. Photoshop Elements offers fun templates and optimize sus photographs to be unloaded quickly, Tengen looks amazing and the overload them Cuenta email sus friends. (Solo Windows).
Share on the Web so apasionante
Share albums on sus recuerdos Online only thank su lively selection of templates that allow you presume to read photos y sus videos to her time with music.
Dejean them that viewers lleven sus Favorite Photos
Allow viewers to download them to sus albums sharing cualquier instant read like that. Also pueden sus pay to print photos in professionally recibirlas y sus domicilios.1 (Los services vary according to El Pais).
System Requirements
* 1.6 GHz processor the faster (single-core support included)
* Microsoft ? Windows ? XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista ? Windows 7
* 1 GB RAM (2 GB for functions of high-definition video)
* 4 GB of available space on hard drive it (if you need additional free space during the installation)
* Color Screen with Video Card 16-bit color
* Screen resolution of 1024 x 576
* Screen Controller compatible with Microsoft DirectX 9
* Internet connection required to access them Teneré services based on Internet
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