black Idioms

as black as a skillet

- very black
My hands were as black as a skillet when I fin ished working on the car engine.

as black as a stack of black cats

- very black
The little boy was as black as a stack of black cats after playing outside all day.

as black as a sweep

- very dirty or black (a chimney sweep cleans chimneys and becomes very black)
My friend was as black as a sweep after he fin ished cleaning the basement.

as black as coal

- very black
My friend's cat is as black as coal.

as black as night

- very dark and black
The old house was as black as night when we entered it.

as black as pitch

- very black
My face was as black as pitch after cleaning the stove all morning.

as black as the ace of spades

- very black
The horse in the parade was as black as the ace of spades.

black and blue

- bruised
My shoulder was black and blue after I fell down the stairs.

black and white

- either good or bad, either one way or the other way, oversimplified
Our boss sees everything in black and white.

black box

- an electronic device such as a flight recorder that can be removed from an aircraft as a single package
The investigators searched for a long time in order to find the black box of the airplane.