صفحه 1 از 4 1234 آخرینآخرین
نمایش نتایج: از شماره 1 تا 10 , از مجموع 31

موضوع: مخفف عبارات انگلیسی (مرجع)

  1. #1
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
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    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    مخفف عبارات انگلیسی (مرجع)


    ANM -----Abbreviation with No Meaning
    AAI -----"Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms"
    ABD -----abdicated
    AXR -----Abdominal X-Ray
    AUJ -----Aberdeen University Journal
    AZV -----Abfallzweckverband
    AYN -----Aboriginal Youth Network
    ABT -----About
    ABV -----above
    AAB -----Above And Beyond
    ALQ -----Abraham Lincoln Quarterly
    AJM -----Abrasive Jet Machining
    AWJ -----Abrasive Water Jet
    ABR -----abridged
    AJV -----Abrupt Junction Varactor
    AWL -----Absent With Leave
    ABF -----Absolute Bloody Final (drink)
    AOF -----Absolute Open Flow
    AQU -----Absolute Quality University
    AWT -----Abstract Window Toolkit (java)
    AYV -----Abutilon Yellow Virus
    AIS -----Academic Instruction School
    AYG -----Academic Year Grant
    AZG -----Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen
    AGK -----Academy of Goju Karate
    AIB -----Academy of International Business
    AJK -----Academy of Japanese Karate
    ACC -----Accelerate
    AGP -----Accelerated Graphics Port
    ARI -----Accelerated Research Initiative
    APG -----Accelerating Population Growth
    AQL -----Acceptable Quality Level
    AUP -----Acceptable Use Policy
    ABU -----Acceptance for Beneficial Use
    AII -----Acceptance Inspection Instruction
    ATR -----Acceptance Test Report
    AHC -----Accepting Houses Committee
    AXS -----access
    ACL -----Access Control List
    ARL -----Access Rights List
    ASG -----Access Service Group
    ASR -----Access Service Request
    AUI -----Access Unit Interface
    AIU -----Accident Investigation Unit
    ADB -----Accidental Death Benefit
    APV -----Accounts Payable Voucher
    AIM -----Accuracy In Media
    AQJ -----Ace-Queen-Jack
    AQX -----Ace-Queen-Unknown
    ABE -----Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (solvent)
    AXM -----Acetoxycyclohexamide
    ACH -----Acetylcholine
    ACD -----acid citrate dextrose
    ACK -----acknowledged
    CUU -----ACM Conference on Universal Usability
    ANS -----Acorn NetStation
    AUN -----Acorn Universal Networking
    ACQ -----acquisition
    AQP -----Acquisition Quality Plan
    ALR -----Action Leakage Rate
    ASH -----Action on Smoking and Health
    ACX -----Active Control eXperts
    AGN -----Active Galactic Nucleus
    AUO -----Active User Object
    ADO -----ActiveX Data Objects
    AIJ -----Activities Implimented Jointly
    AIO -----"Activities, Interests and Opinions"
    ABH -----Actual Bodily Harm
    AGW -----Actual Gross Weight
    AGZ -----Actual Ground Zone
    ANP -----Actual Navigation Performance
    AML -----Acute Myeloid Leukemia
    AMI -----Acute Myocardial Infarction
    APU -----Acute Psychiatric Unit
    ARF -----Acute Respiratory Failure
    AUL -----Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia
    AHM -----Acutely Hazardous Materials
    AHG -----Ad Hoc Group
    ADL -----Ada design language
    QVJ -----Adams (Massachusetts) Library
    ALN -----Adaptive Learning Network
    ACS -----Additional Curates Society
    ADR -----Additional Dialogue Recording (film jargon)
    ADY -----Additional Duty
    AXC -----Additional eXtended Coverage
    AEC -----Additional Extended Coverage
    AVC -----Additional Voluntary Contributions
    AKR -----Address Key Register
    AMP -----Adenosine MonoPhosphate
    AYP -----Adequate Yearly Progress
    ABO -----Adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer
    AMF -----Adios My Friend
    ADJ -----Adjutant
    ADM -----administration
    AAJ -----Administrative Appeals Judge
    ACO -----Administrative Contract Office
    ARE -----Admiralty Research Establishment
    ARJ -----Admission Reject
    AOX -----Adsorbable Organohalogens
    ADV -----advance
    AAH -----Advanced Attack Helicopter
    AEG -----Advanced Engineering from Germany
    AXX -----Advanced Exchange Experiment
    AXV -----Advanced Experimental Vehicle
    AXL -----Advanced eXtended markup Language
    AFW -----Advanced FireWire
    AGR -----Advanced Gas-cooled (nuclear) Reactor
    AGC -----Advanced Graduate Certificate
    AIN -----Advanced Intelligent Network
    AIX -----Advanced Interactive eXecutive
    AJT -----Advanced Job Training
    AJP -----Advanced Joint Planning
    APT -----Advanced Passenger Train
    AQF -----Advanced Quick Fix
    ARS -----Advanced Righting System
    ASS -----Advanced Sensor System
    ASX -----Advanced Systems eXcellence
    ATB -----Advanced Technology Bomber
    ATX -----Advanced Technology Extended [Format]
    AVS -----Advanced Visual Systems
    AWM -----Advanced Warehouse Management
    AXF -----Advanced X-Ray Facility
    VAN -----adVANtage (tennis)
    AEL -----Adverse Effect Level
    ACY -----Advocates for Children and Youth
    AEQ -----aequalis (Latin: equal)
    AOT -----Aerosol Open Test
    AET -----"aetatis (Latin: at the end of, aged) "
    AFF -----affiliated
    AFG -----Afghanistan
    AFR -----Africa
    ANC -----African National Congress
    AVU -----African Virtual University
    ACP -----"African, Carribean and Pacific (countries) "
    AWB -----Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging (right-wing political party in  South Africa)
    ZAF -----Afrique du Sud (code ISO de pays)
    AFT -----after
    ADS -----After Dinner Speaking
    AHR -----After Heat Removal
    ARO -----After Receipt of Order
    AXY -----Aftercastle Yearbook
    AOE -----Age Of lEgends
    AFP -----Agence France-Presse
    ARH -----Agence rgionale de l'hospitalisation
    AGY -----agency
    AQW -----Agenda Quik-Writing
    AGT -----agent
    AXT -----AGETOR XML Transformation
    AXJ -----Agility Excellent Jumper
    AWF -----Aging Waste Facility
    AGD -----Agreed
    AGE -----Agricultural Engineer
    ALT -----Agricultural Lands Tribunal
    ARC -----Agricultural Research Council
    AUA -----Agricultural Unit of Account
    AKE -----Agrotikon Komma Ellados
    AHD -----Ahead
    AAL -----Aid Association for Lutherans
    ANB -----Aids to Navigation Boat
    AAK -----"Aim, Attack, Kill"
    ACM -----Air Chief-Marshall
    ADC -----Air Defence Command
    AEM -----Air Efficiency Medal
    AFB -----Air Force Base
    AFH -----Air Force Handbook
    AFM -----Air Force Medal
    AHU -----Air Handling Unit
    AJX -----Air Japan
    AKL -----Air Kilroe
    ALO -----Air Liaison Officer
    ANG -----Air National Guard
    AOA -----Air Officer in charge of Administration
    APZ -----Air Patrol Zone
    AQA -----Air Quality Assessment
    AQC -----Air Quality Control
    AQD -----Air Quality Digest
    AQG -----Air Quality Guidelines
    AQI -----Air Quality Index
    AQM -----Air Quality Monitoring
    AQS -----Air Quality Standard
    AQV -----Air Quality Valuation
    ASO -----Air Staff Officer
    AAM -----Air to Air Missile
    ATC -----Air Traffic Control
    ATA -----Air Transport Auxillary
    AVH -----Air Vehicle Handler
    AWS -----Air Warfare Course
    AWI -----Air Water Interface
    ABN -----AirBorN
    AEW -----Airborne Early Warning
    CVW -----Aircraft Carrier Air Wing
    AHV -----Aircraft Handling Vehicle
    AIK -----Aircraft Installation Kits
    AOG -----Aircraft on Ground
    ACW -----AirCraftWoman
    ACV -----Air-Cushion Vehicle
    ALW -----Air-Launched Weapon
    AQE -----Airman Qualifying Examination
    AOV -----Air-Operated Valve
    ATZ -----Airport Traffic Zone
    ARP -----Air-Raid Precautions
    ASI -----AirSpeed Indicator
    AUM -----Air-to-Underwater Missile
    AWY -----Airway
    ASK -----Akademische Software Kooperation
    AGA -----Aktiebolaget Gasackumulator (cooker)
    AHK -----Aktiv Hinten Kinematik
    ABZ -----"Al, Bill, and Zorn Manufacturing, Inc. "
    ALA -----Alabama
    AMW -----ALARA Management Worksheet
    AEH -----Alarm Event Handler
    AKJ -----"Alaska, Juneau"
    AKI -----Alaskan Independent Party
    AYX -----Alaskan Yukon Explorer
    AKY -----Albanian Kosovar Youth
    YZA -----Albany Law School Library
    AJS -----Albert John Stevens (British motor cycle manufacturer)
    AEN -----Alberta Environmental Network
    AWP -----Alberta Wheat Pool
    ALB -----albumin
    ABW -----alcohol by weight (abw)
    ATF -----"Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms"
    ALD -----Alderman
    AXH -----Alexanders Holdings
    AYS -----Alexandia (VA) Youth Soccer
    ALG -----algebra
    AKU -----Algemene Kunstzijde Unie
    AVV -----Algemene Vrijinning Vakverbond
    ALK -----alkali
    AEZ -----Alkaline Earth Zeolite
    AKD -----Alkyl Ketene Dimer
    AAW -----All Around the World
    AAO -----All At Once
    ACN -----All Concerned Notified
    AFN -----All For Nothing
    AIQ -----All Is Quiet
    AJW -----All Japan Womens wrestling
    ANA -----All Nippon Airways
    AOK -----All OK (alright)
    AOS -----All Over the Shop
    AOW -----All Over the World
    APB -----All Points Bulletin (US)
    AVT -----All Volatile Treatment
    AYB -----All Your Base
    AYW -----All Your Work
    AKH -----Allegemeines Krankenhaus
    QQH -----Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) Planning and Development  Library
    AEK -----All-Electric Kitchen [ie no gas]
    AFJ -----Alliance For Justice
    ABY -----Alliance of Baptist Youth
    ACE -----"Allied Command, Europe "
    AXP -----Allied eXercise Publication
    AHQ -----Allied HeadQuarters
    AIW -----Allied Industrial Workers
    AMG -----Allied Military Government
    AIR -----All-India Radio
    ATV -----All-Terrian Vehicle
    AUR -----All-Up Round
    AVF -----All-Volunteer Force
    AWX -----All-Weather Aircraft
    AUW -----Aloha United Way
    AXO -----Alpha Chi Omega
    AKX -----Alpha Kappa Chi
    AKK -----Alpha Kappa Kappa
    AZO -----Alpha Zeta Omega
    AAT -----Alpha-1-Anti-Trypsin (treatment for cystic fibrosis)
    ANW -----Alpha-Numeric Warning
    QOU -----al-Quds Open University
    AKA -----Also Known As
    AFU -----alt.folklore.urban [Usenet newsgroup]
    ASB -----Alternative Service Book (church of england)
    AZD -----Alternativer Zustelldienst
    AHZ -----Altherrenzirkel
    AZS -----Alumina-Zirconia-Silica
    AKS -----Aluminum-Potassium-Silicon
    AAY -----Always All Yours
    ALZ -----Alzheimer's disease
    AEU -----Amalgamated Engineering Union
    AWA -----Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd.
    AAU -----Amateur Athletic Union (america)
    APA -----Amateur Press Association
    AXG -----Amax Gold
    AZJ -----Amazonenjagd
    AWQ -----Ambient Water Quality
    AOZ -----Ambulantes Operations Zentrum
    AMD -----amend
    AOL -----America OnLine
    ARV -----American (standard) Revised Edition
    AAA -----American Academy of Advertising
    SWV -----American all-female soul performers
    ABA -----American Basketball Association
    ABL -----American Basketball League
    ABS -----American Broadcasting System
    ACJ -----American Communication Journal
    ACI -----American Concrete Institute
    AEP -----American Electrical Power
    AEV -----American Emergency Vehicles
    AEF -----American Expeditionary Forces
    AEI -----American Express International
    AFL -----American Federation of Labor
    AFS -----American Field Scholarship
    AFI -----American Film Institute
    AFC -----American Football Conference
    AHI -----American Honey Institute
    AJH -----American Jewish History
    AJI -----American Jewish Institute
    AJY -----American Jewish Youth
    AJR -----American Journalism Review (Periodical)
    AKF -----American Kidney Fund
    ALL -----American Liberty League
    AMZ -----American Maritime Zone
    AMA -----American Medical Association
    AMC -----American Motor Company
    AMX -----American Motorcross(X)
    AMS -----American Musicological Society
    AMJ -----American Muslims for Jerusalem
    ANQ -----American Notes and Queries
    AJA -----American of Japanese Ancestry
    AOU -----American Ornithologists' Union
    AOJ -----American Orthoptic Journal
    API -----American Petroleum Institute
    QQG -----American Philatelic Research Library
    APS -----American Psychological Society
    TVT -----American record company
    ASL -----American Sign Language
    ASQ -----American Society for Quality
    ASZ -----American Society of Zoologists
    ASV -----American Standard Version
    UPN -----american television network
    AUY -----American Union of Youth
    AUH -----American University Hospital
    AUK -----American University in Kyrgyzstan
    AVD -----American Vetinary Department
    AWG -----American Wire Gauge
    AWH -----American Women's Hospitals
    AYR -----American Year in Review
    AYH -----American Youth Hockey
    AYY -----American Youth Yoga
    AZL -----American Z Lines
    AZA -----American Zinc Association
    AZC -----American Zionist Council
    AZM -----American Zionist Movement
    AZY -----American Zionist Youth
    AJJ -----Americans for Justice on the Job
    ALX -----America's Learning Exchange
    MXY -----AMEX Mexico Index
    ADK -----Ammosov Delone and Krainov atomic tunnelling model
    AWK -----"Amo, Weinberger, Kernighan (programming language)"
    AMT -----amount
    AMY -----Ampere Modulated Yielding
    APK -----Amplitude Phase Keying
    AEX -----Amsterdam (stock) EXchange
    AAN -----An Amazing Night
    AFE -----Analog Front End
    AVB -----Analog Video Bandwidth
    AAD -----Analogue Analogue Digital (recording technique)
    ADD -----Analogue Digital Digital
    AQT -----Analytical Query Time
    ANE -----Anarchy 'N' Explosives
    AOH -----Ancient Order of Hibernians
    AOR -----And
    AMM -----And Much More
    AYA -----And Yet Again
    ATK -----Andrew ToolKit
    AUE -----Andrew User Environment
    AYI -----Angle of Yaw Indicator
    ASA -----Angle Side Angle
    AZB -----Angular Z-Buffer (ray-tracing algorithm)
    ANH -----"Anhang (German: appendix, of a book)"
    AGU -----Anhydroglucose Units
    AXU -----Animal Expo Unlimited
    AFO -----Animal Feeding Operations
    AHL -----Animal Health Laboratories
    ANN -----annals
    ZBX -----Annawan-Alba (Illinois) Township Library
    ADZ -----Annual Day Zero
    AGM -----Annual General Meeting
    ALF -----Annual Licence Fee
    APR -----Annual Percentage Rate
    APY -----Annual Percentage Yield
    AQQ -----Annual Qualifications Questionnaire
    AYL -----Annual Yearly Loss
    ANR -----another
    AMQ -----Another Moronic Question
    AFQ -----Answers Facts and Questions
    ANT -----antenna
    ATU -----Antenna Tuning Unit
    APH -----AntePartum Haemorrhage
    ALH -----Anterior Lobe Hormone
    AKZ -----Antiarmor Kill Zone
    ABM -----Anti-Ballistic Missle
    ABX -----Antibiotics
    ADH -----AntiDuretic Hormone
    AHF -----AntiHaemophilic Factor
    AIZ -----Anti-Imperialistische Zelle(n) (German)
    AJD -----Anti-Jam Display
    AJE -----Anti-Jam Equipment
    AJF -----Anti-Jam Frequency
    AXE -----Antique eXercise Equipment
    ASW -----AntiSubmarine Work
    ATT -----AntiTetanus Toxoid
    AVX -----AntiVirus eXpert
    ALY -----Antroposofisen Laaketie**** Yhdistyksen
    AOP -----Any Old Place
    AOB -----Any Other Business
    AQK -----Any Quick Kiss
    AOC -----Apellation d'Origine Controlee
    AKP -----Apogee Kick Planning
    APP -----apparatus
    AQY -----Apparent Quantum Yield
    ATJ -----Appendices To Journals
    ATQ -----AppleTalk Transition Queue
    AMK -----Applied Materials Korea (name of a company)
    ARM -----Applied Research Methods
    ART -----Applied Risc Technologies
    AKT -----Apprentice Knowledge Test
    ADF -----Approved Deposit Fund
    ADI -----Approved Driving Instructor
    AQR -----Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning group
    APX -----approximately
    ASU -----Arab Socialist Union
    AUZ -----Arbeitskreis Umfassende Zahnheilkunde
    AZK -----Arbeitsnehmer Zentrum Koenigswinter
    ARB -----arbitrager
    AVW -----Arbor Vitae Woodruff School
    ATN -----arc tangent
    WXK -----Archaeologie (library cataloguing)
    ABP -----Archbishop
    ANY -----Architecture New York
    AZW -----Architektur Zentrum Wien
    AZP -----Archiv fuer die Zivilistische Praxis
    AGQ -----Archives Gaies du Quebec
    AJU -----Archives Juives
    AUB -----Are yoU Bored?
    AYC -----Are You Crazy?
    RUX -----Are You Experienced?
    AYF -----Are You Finished
    RUJ -----aRe yoU Joking?
    AYK -----Are You Kidding?
    RUK -----aRe yoU Kidding?
    AAX -----Area of Absolute eXclusion
    AAZ -----Areas And Zones
    ARG -----arginine
    RXZ -----Arginine-Alanine-Proline (proteins)
    ANL -----Argonne National Laboratory
    AYE -----Argue Your End
    ALI -----Argyl Light Infantry
    ALU -----Arithmetic and Logic Unit (computing)
    ADE -----Arizona Department of Education
    AZQ -----Arizona Quarterly
    AZX -----Arizona Stock Exchange
    AJG -----Arizone Jojoba Growers
    ARK -----Arkansas
    AHP -----Arkansas Highway Police
    AHE -----Armament Handling Equipment
    ASD -----Armament Supply Department
    APO -----Armed Forces (or Army) Post Office
    AMV -----Armored Maintenance Vehicle
    AFV -----Armoured Fighting Vehicle
    AIV -----Armoured Infantry Vehicle
    APC -----Armoured Personnel Carrier
    AAC -----Army Air Corps
    AAF -----Army Air Force
    ACF -----Army Cadet Force
    AER -----Army Emergency Reserve
    AHN -----Army Health Nurse
    AKN -----Army Knowledge Network
    AKO -----Army Knowledge On-line
    ANV -----Army of Northern Virginia
    AOD -----Army Ordnance Department
    APD -----Army Pay Department
    AQB -----Army Qualifications Battery
    ASC -----Army Service Corps
    AVR -----Army Volunteer Reserve
    AWR -----Army War Reserve
    AYT -----Army Youth Team
    ARR -----arrangement
    AOO -----Art lending Of Ottawa
    AON -----Art Of Noise
    ATD -----Art Teacher's Diploma
    AID -----Artificial Insemination by Donor
    AIH -----Artificial Insemination by Husband
    AMN -----Artificial Mains Network
    AOY -----Artist of the Year
    AFY -----Arts For Youth
    AHH -----Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase (used in tobacco research)
    AZF -----As If
    AHS -----Ashland High School
    APN -----Asia Pacific Networx
    AZN -----Asian (used in singles ads)
    AXQ -----Asian Xgames Qualifier
    ASN -----asparagine
    AMB -----Asparagus Mustard Blancmange (!)
    ASP -----aspartic acid
    AHB -----Assault Helicopter Battalion
    ACZ -----Assembly Coder's Zenith
    AEO -----Assication of Exhibition Organisers
    AJQ -----Assignment and Justification Questionnaire
    AAG -----Assistant Adjutant-General
    ACG -----Assistant Chaplain-General
    ADG -----Assistant Director-General
    APM -----Assistant Provost-Marshall
    ARD -----Assistant Resident Director
    ASM -----Assistant Stage Manager
    AYM -----Assistant Yard Master
    ANJ -----Associacao Nacional de Jornais
    AND -----Associate Administrator for NAS Development
    AAS -----Associate in Applied Science
    AFA -----Associate in Fine Arts
    AGS -----Associate in General Studies
    AKC -----Associate of King's College (London)
    AIA -----Associate of the Institute of Actuaries
    AGI -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
    AIG -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
    AIC -----Associate of the Institute of Commerce
    AIE -----Associate of the Institute of Education
    AIP -----Associate of the Institute of Plumbing
    ASF -----Associate of the Institute of Shipping and Forwarded Agents
    AIL -----Associate of the Institution of Linguists
    ARA -----Associate of the Royal Academy
    ATI -----Associate of the Textile Institute
    AEB -----Associated Examining Board
    AYZ -----Associated Youth for Zion
    AKQ -----Association des Kinotherapeutes du Quebec
    ASE -----Association for Science Education
    ASJ -----Association for Scientific Journals
    APF -----Association for the Propogation of the Faith
    AAV -----Association of Avian Veterinarians
    ABI -----Association of British Insurers
    ACU -----Association of Commonwealth Universities
    AEJ -----Association of European Journalists
    AGB -----Association of Governing Boards
    AIT -----Association of Inspectors of Taxes
    AJO -----Association of Jensen Owners
    AJL -----Association of Jewish Libraries
    AKG -----Association of Kew Growers
    AME -----Association of Municipal Engineers
    AOM -----Association of Ontario Midwives
    AUT -----Association of University Teachers
    AWO -----Association of Water Officers
    AWW -----Association of Women Welders
    AYJ -----Association of Yugoslav Jews
    AZH -----Association of Zoological Horticulture
    AVY -----Association Viticole Yvorne
    AZI -----Association Zen Internationale
    APL -----Associative Programming Language
    ATE -----Associativity Test Equation
    AXN -----Assurante Experts Nederland
    APE -----Asterisk Placement Executive
    ATG -----Asterix The Gaul
    ASY -----Astounding Stories Yearbook
    AAQ -----Astronomical Association of Queensland
    AVZ -----Astronomische Vereinigung Zuerich
    APJ -----Astrophysical Journal [Space]
    ADW -----Asymptotic Distorted Wave
    ATP -----At room Temperature and Pressure
    ATM -----At The Moment
    ABG -----Aterial Blood Gas
    ATY -----Atividades Terapeuticas e Yoga
    ATL -----Atlantic
    AMR -----Atlantic Missile Range
    ANF -----Atlantic Nuclear Force
    AST -----Atlantic Standard Time
    AUU -----ATM User-to-User
    AWV -----Atmospheric Wind Velocity
    AEA -----Atomic Energy Authority
    AHW -----Atomic Hydrogen Welding
    AMU -----Atomic Mass Unit
    AWD -----Atomic Weapons Decommissioning
    AWE -----Atomic Weapons Establishment
    ATW -----ATomic Weight
    AYU -----Atomic Youth Ultrasonics
    AKW -----Atomkraftwerk
    ALE -----"Atropine, Lidocaine, Epinephrine"
    ARN -----ATS Route Network
    AFX -----Attack Fighter eXperimental
    AHX -----Attack Helicopter Experimental
    AHO -----Attack Helicopter Operations
    ARW -----Attitude Reaction Wheel
    AGO -----Attorney General of Ontario
    AGG -----Attributed Graph Grammar system
    AUD -----Audible
    ACR -----Audio Cassette Recorder
    ACA -----Audio Compression Algorithm
    AES -----Audio Engineering Society
    AJB -----Audio Junction Box
    ARU -----Audio Response Unit
    AVK -----Audio Video Kernel
    AVI -----Audio Visual Interleaved
    ALM -----AudioLingual Method (in teaching a foreign language)
    AVA -----AudioVisual Aids
    AVL -----AudioVisual Language
    AVP -----AudioVisual Processor
    ADQ -----Audits of Data Quality
    AEY -----Auger Electron Yield
    APW -----Augmented Plane Wave
    AUG -----August
    AEE -----Auronautical Engineer
    AWZ -----Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum
    AQZ -----Ausbildungs- und Qualifizierungszentrum
    ABJ -----Austin Business Journal
    ANZ -----Australia and New Zealand banking group
    AUS -----Australia(n)
    AAP -----Australian Associated Press
    ABC -----Australian Broadcasting Corporation
    ACT -----Australian Capital Territory
    ACB -----Australian Cricket Board
    ADT -----Australian Digital Theses program
    AGL -----Australian Gas Light company
    AGH -----Australian General Hospital
    AGJ -----Australian Guitar Journal
    AHA -----Australian Hotels Association
    AIF -----Australian Imperial Forces
    AJC -----Australian Jockey Club
    AJZ -----Australian Journal of Zoology
    ALP -----Australian Labour Party
    ALJ -----Australian Law Journal
    ANU -----Australian National University
    AUQ -----Australian Quarterly
    ARY -----Australian Rural Youth
    ATO -----Australian Taxation Office
    AVJ -----Australian Veterinary Journal
    AWC -----Australian Wool Corporation
    AWU -----Australian Worker's Union
    AXK -----Australian Xbox Killers
    AYO -----Australian Youth Orchestra
    AYQ -----Australian Youth Quartet
    AKB -----Australian-Korean Business
    AHY -----Austrian History Yearbook
    AUF -----AUthentication Function
    AHJ -----Authority Having Jurisdiction
    AXZ -----Auto Exchange Zaire
    AZZ -----Auto Zentrum Zerbst
    AFZ -----Auto-Free Zone
    ALS -----Autograph Letter Signed
    AED -----Automated External Defibrilator
    AGV -----Automated Guided Vehicle
    AKM -----Automated Key Management
    AQO -----Automated Quality Organization
    AWN -----Automated Weather Network
    AAE -----Automatic Assemble Editing
    ADP -----Automatic Data Processing
    ADX -----Automatic Digital eXchange
    AFD -----Automatic File Distribution
    ALC -----Automatic Level Control
    ANK -----Automatic Navigation Kit
    ANO -----Automatic Network Operator
    ANI -----Automatic Number Identification
    AOI -----Automatic Optical Inspection
    ARQ -----Automatic Repeat reQuest
    AVM -----Automatic Vending Machine
    ANX -----Automotive Network Exchange
    ALV -----Autonomous Land Vehicle
    AUV -----Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
    ARZ -----Auto-Restricted Zone
    AZR -----Autozentrum Radebeul
    TAH -----"Auxilary, Hospital ship, MSC manned (naval ship type) "
    AXB -----Auxiliary Boiler
    AXW -----Auxiliary Wasteheat
    AKV -----"Auxiliary, Cargo, Aircraft"
    AGF -----"Auxiliary, General, Flagship"
    ATS -----Auxillary Territorial Service (women in Britain 1938-48)
    AUX -----auxillary verb
    AXD -----Auxilliary Drum
    AVO -----Available Vehicle Occupancy
    AVE -----Avenue
    AVG -----Average
    AHT -----Average Holding Time
    AOQ -----Average Outgoing Quality
    APQ -----Average Picture Quality
    AQH -----Average Quarter Hour
    AVQ -----Average Voice Quality
    AYD -----Average Yearly Demand
    ADU -----Avian Demography Unit
    AVN -----aviation
    AMO -----Aviation Medical Officer
    AMH -----Aviation Structural Mechanic (Hydraulics) US Navy Rating
    AFK -----Away From Keyboard
    AXI -----axiom
    QUY -----Ayacucho Quechua
    AIY -----Ayshire Imperial Yeomanry
    AZE -----Azerbaijan (031) ISO 3-letter country code
    AZT -----Azidothymidine
    AQN -----Azimuthal Quantum Number
    AZU -----azumith
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  2. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  3. #2
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
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    تشکر تشکر کرده 
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    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

      BMB -----B***** Me Backwards
        BMG -----Baader-Meinhof Gang 
        BHK -----Babcock-Hitachi Kaisha
        BJV -----Baby and Junior Violence
        BAQ -----Bachelor Airmen's Quarters
        BEQ -----Bachelor Enlisted Quarters
        BAM -----Bachelor of Applied Mathematics 
        BAJ -----Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
        BAO -----Bachelor of Arts in Obstetrics
        BBA -----Bachelor of Business Administration 
        BCA -----Bachelor of Commerce and Administration 
        BCY -----Bachelor of Culinary Arts Technology
        BDS -----Bachelor of Dental Surgery 
        BED -----Bachelor of Education 
        EDB -----Bachelor of Education 
        BHJ -----Bachelor of Human Justice 
        BIE -----Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
        BLA -----Bachelor of Landscape Architecture 
        BLL -----Bachelor of Laws
        LLB -----Bachelor of Laws (legum baccaleureus)
        BLS -----Bachelor of Library Science
        BMS -----Bachelor of Marine Science
        BME -----Bachelor of Medical Engineering 
        BPE -----Bachelor of Physical Education
        BPA -----Bachelor of Professional Arts 
        BPH -----Bachelor of Public Health
        BRE -----Bachelor of Religious Education 
        BSC -----Bachelor of Science 
        BSF -----Bachelor of Science in Forestry
        BSJ -----Bachelor of Science in Journalism
        BSN -----Bachelor of Science in Nursing
        BSP -----Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy 
        BSS -----Bachelor of Secretarial Science 
        BCH -----Bachelor of Surgery (Latin: baccalaureus chirurgiae) 
        BTE -----Bachelor of Textile Engineering 
        BTP -----Bachelor of Town Planning
        BOQ -----Bachelor Officer Quarters 
        BTO -----Bachman-Turner Overdrive
        BCG -----Bacillus Calmette-Guerin 
        BXU -----Bacillus Xylanase Unit 
        BAK -----Back At Keyboard
        BOH -----Back Of House
        BOT -----Back On Topic 
        BYB -----Back Yard Breeder
        BBE -----Background Block Error
        BGN -----BackGround Noise
        BPR -----Back-Pressure Regulator
        BPN -----Back-Propagation Network
        BNN -----Back-propagation Neural Network
        BKD -----Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction
        BAI -----Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory 
        BDC -----Backup Domain Controller
        BUF -----Back-Up Facility
        BWH -----Backup WithHolding
        BCK -----backward(s)
        BWO -----Backward-Wave Oscillator
        BYW -----Backyard Wrestling
        BLT -----Bacon Lettuce & Tomato
        BJE -----Bad Joke Ending
        BQI -----Bad Questions Ignored
        BHV -----Badischer Handball-Verband 
        BMK -----Badmintonklubb
        BAG -----Baggage
        BYK -----Bajaj Youth Cycle
        BNT -----Baker-Nunn Telescope
        BAL -----Balance
        BFB -----Balanced Failure Biasing
        BLR -----Balanced Likelihood Ratio
        BTI -----Balanced Technology Initiative
        BXO -----Balanitis X******a Obliterans 
        BLW -----Baldwin Locomotive Works
        BVH -----Balgownie Veterinary Hospital
        BGA -----Ball Grid Array
        BBJ -----Ball-Bearing Joint
        BAT -----Ballistic Aerial Target
        BEE -----Ballistic Electron Emission
        BMD -----Ballistic Missile Defence
        BLN -----Balloon
        BGE -----Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
        BHU -----Baltimore Hebrew University
        BBV -----Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
        BLX -----Banco Latinoamericano de Exportacione 
        BZN -----Band Zonder Naam 
        BDQ -----Bande Dessinee Quebecoise
        BQL -----Bandial
        BXD -----Bandwidth and Delay 
        BWB -----BandWidth Balancing
        BWC -----BandWidth Control
        BRQ -----Bandwidth ReQuest
        BNH -----Bangkok Nursing Home
        BHE -----Bangor Hydro-Electric Company 
        BEU -----Bank Employees Union
        BXQ -----Bank Exchange Quantity
        BIS -----Bank for International Settlements 
        BGZ -----Bank Gospodarki Zywnooeciowej 
        BOE -----Bank Of England
        BOJ -----Bank of Jamaica
        BNY -----Bank of New York
        BNZ -----Bank of New Zealand
        BOS -----Bank of Scotland
        BOZ -----Bank of Zambia
        BVE -----Bank von Ernst (Liechtenstein)
        BKG -----banking
        BDW -----Banking Data Warehouse 
        BKY -----Bankruptcy
        BEI -----Banque europeenne d'investissement (French: european  investment bank) 
        BWJ -----Banten West Java 
        BUV -----Baptist Union of Victoria
        BWA -----Baptist World Alliance
        BAP -----baptized
        BCR -----Bar Code Reader
        BHB -----Bar Harbor Bankshares 
        BSV -----Bar Separated Values
        BWU -----Barbados Workers' Union
        BBQ -----BarBeQue
        BJH -----Barclay James Harvest
        BMF -----Bard Music Festival
        BAR -----barometer 
        BKS -----barracks 
        BBL -----barrels (esp. of oil) 
        BMR -----Basal Metabolic Rate
        BCO -----Base Central Office
        BDF -----Base Defense Force
        BDZ -----Base Defense Zone
        BDB -----Base Development Board
        BDD -----Base Development Doctrine
        BDP -----Base Development Plan
        BXX -----Base Exchange Experiment
        BHW -----Base Hazardous Waste
        BLO -----Base Level Operations
        BPU -----Base Production Unit
        BQM -----Base Quartermaster
        BSG -----Base Spares Group
        BSB -----Base Support Battalion
        BIU -----Baseband Interface Unit
        BSD -----Baseline System Description
        BNA -----Base-Neutral-Acid
        BXK -----Bashkir
        BAS -----Basic Activity Subset
        BCT -----Basic Combat Training
        BEC -----Basic Emergency Care 
        BXR -----Basic eXpandeR
        BFT -----Basic Flying Training
        BGU -----Basic Generation Unit
        BGM -----Basic Guided Missile
        BIL -----Basic Insulation Level
        BII -----Basic Issue Item
        BLU -----Basic Link Unit 
        BMU -----Basic Measurement Unit 
        BMT -----Basic Motion Time-study
        BNU -----Basic Networking Utilities
        BQT -----Basic Qualification Training
        BQQ -----Basic Qualifying Question
        BRI -----Basic Rate Interface
        BCX -----Basic to C Translator
        BUT -----Basic Unit Training
        BUU -----Basic User Unit
        BWP -----Basic War Plan
        BZS -----Basic Zirconium Sulphate
        BZX -----Basic Zone eXpansion
        BOI -----Basis Of Issue
        BNK -----"Bass, Nixon, and Kennedy, Consulting Engineers"
        BGV -----Basset Griffon Vendeen Club 
        BLD -----BassLine Design 
        BTH -----bath 
        BIW -----Bath Iron Works
        BHQ -----Battalion HeadQuarters
        BMI -----Battelle Memorial Institute
        BDG -----Batten's Disease Gene
        BTY -----battery
        BBU -----Battery Back-Up
        BDU -----Battery Display Unit
        BLC -----Battery Level Computer
        BRU -----Battery Regulation Unit
        BCV -----Battle Command Vehicle
        BGI -----Battle Group Interoperability
        BMO -----Battle Management Organization
        BTT -----Battle Technology Team
        BAN -----Battlefield Account Number
        BNW -----Battlefield Nuclear Warfare
        BFP -----BattleField Period
        BPV -----Battlefield Planning and Visualization
        BVT -----Battlefield Video Teleconferencing
        BVG -----Battlefield Visualization Graphics
        BBG -----Battleship Battle Group
        BZU -----BattleZone Universe
        BQK -----Baubegleitenden Qualitaetskontrolle 
        BBZ -----Baukologischen Bildungszentrum Bremerhaven 
        BAV -----Bavaria
        BGJ -----"BayanGobi Juulchin Co., LTD"
        BMW -----Bayerische Motorenwerke (German: Bavarian Motor Works)
        BLZ -----Bayerisches LaserZentrum
        BCU -----Bayshore Credit Union
        BYC -----Bayview Yacht Club
        BWT -----BBroadcast Warning TWX
        BLJ -----Be Like Jesus
        BRB -----Be Right Back
        BRT -----Be Right There
        BJU -----Beach Jumper Unit
        BHD -----Beachhead
        BIC -----Bearer Identification Code
        BTQ -----Beat To Quarters
        BFO -----Beat-Frequency Oscillator 
        BPM -----Beats Per Minute
        BWZ -----Beautiful White Zombie
        BYV -----Beautiful Young Virgin
        BNI -----"Bechtel National, Incorporated"
        BNB -----Bed aNd Breakfast
        BXB -----Bed and Breakfast 
        BIO -----Bedford Institute of Oceanography
        BGQ -----Bee Gees Quarterly
        BKQ -----BeeKeepers Quarterly magazine
        BCE -----Before Common Era 
        BOY -----Beginning Of Year
        BMN -----Behavioural Medicine & Neurotherapy Clinic
        BZV -----Beleghafter Zahlungsverkehr 
        BFR -----Belgian FRanc
        BVD -----Belgische Vereniging voor Do***entatie 
        BEL -----Belgium 
        BZD -----Belize Dollar 
        BDN -----Bell Data Network
        BDO -----Bell Data Network 
        BCI -----Belleville Collegiate Institute
        BFC -----Belleville Flying Club
        BGH -----Belleville General Hospital
        BPW -----Belleville Public Works
        BRF -----Below Rig Floor (Drilling Industry)
        BKA -----Below the Knee Amputation
        BTZ -----Below the Treatment Zone
        BZE -----Below Zero Entertainment
        BPZ -----Below-the-Primary Zone
        BWK -----Belt Weather Kit
        BSU -----Bench Scale Unit
        BQX -----Bender Quadruplex
        BNR -----Bengal Nagpur Railway 
        BHC -----Benzene Hexochloride
        BEZ -----Benzoic Acid
        BZM -----BenZoic acid phenylMethylester 
        BZT -----BenzoTriazole
        ZYA -----Benzoyl-Tyrosine-Alanine-Methyl Ketone 
        BZQ -----Benzquinamide
        BZP -----BenzylPiperazine
        BDT -----Berkeley Design Technology
        BFX -----Berkeley Festival and Exhibition 
        BQS -----Berkeley Quality Software
        BUJ -----Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
        BZC -----Berkeley Zen Center
        BKO -----Berkelium Oxide
        BYT -----Berkhamsted Youth Theatre 
        BXY -----Berkshire Crossed with Yorkshire 
        BIZ -----Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung
        BSX -----Bermuda Stock Exchange
        BJY -----Bernard Johnson Young (architects)
        BIK -----Berner Institut fuer Kinesiologie
        BQN -----Berufsqualifizierung fuer Nachwuchskraefte
        BIQ -----"Beschaeftigung-, Industrieflaechenmanagement- und  Qualifizierungsgesellschaft"
        BQZ -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungs
        BQG -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft
        BAZ -----Best Atom Zeta (basis set)
        BBY -----Best Boats Yachting
        BEJ -----Best Engineering Judgement
        BEB -----Best Ever Bottled
        BFF -----Best Friends Forever
        BPJ -----Best Professional Judgment
        BXZ -----Beta Chi Zeta
        BYX -----Beta Upsilon Chi
        BQA -----Beta-test Questions and Answers
        BQR -----Beta-test Questions and Responses
        BUK -----Betrieblich Unterstuetzte Kinderbetreuung
        BHG -----Better Homes and Gardens
        BQO -----Better Quasi-Ordering 
        BTL -----Better Than Life 
        BKI -----"Bevilacqua-Knight, Inc. (technical consulting firm)"
        BYD -----Beyond
        BSR -----Beyond Sensor Range
        BVR -----Beyond Visual Range
        BXW -----Beyond Xtreme Wrestling
        BZK -----Bezirkszahnaerztekammer
        BJP -----Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian political party)
        BKU -----Bharatiya Kisan Union
        BIB -----bible 
        BUZ -----Biblioteca Universitaria de Zaragoza
        BJZ -----Bibliothek des Japan-Zentrum
        BKW -----Bibliothekskataloge Welt
        BMX -----Bicycle Moto-cross(X)
        BFQ -----Bid for Quotation
        BZJ -----Bielzka Zadymka Jazzowa
        BAD -----Big Audio Dynamite
        BBT -----Big Bang Theory
        BBW -----Big Beautiful Woman
        BXF -----Big eXplosion Factory
        BXG -----Big eXplosion Generator
        BFM -----Big F***-off Manual 
        BFZ -----Big Fat Zero
        BFD -----Big Freakin' Deal
        BFH -----Big Freaking Hammer
        BFG -----Big Friendly Giant 
        BFK -----Big Friendly Kiss
        BGB -----Big Green Book
        BMZ -----Big Movie Zone
        BQD -----Big Question Dialogue
        BUM -----Big Ugly Monster
        BWX -----Big Wide eXpanse
        BYG -----Big Yellow Gorilla
        BYM -----Big Yoga Muffin (UK band)
        BJQ -----"Big, Juicy and Quick"
        BJG -----"Big, Juicy, Gorgeous"
        BQY -----Bike Quads Youth
        BHL -----Bilateral Hearing Loss
        BQJ -----Bilateral Quarantine Judgment
    BRJ -----Bilingual Research Journal 
        BOM -----Bill Of Materials
        BBD -----Billboard
        BJK -----Billie Jean King
        BVC -----Billing Validation Center
        BEV -----Billion ElectronVolts 
        BYA -----Billions of Years Ago
        BIN -----Binary
        BCW -----Binary Chemical Weapon 
        BCD -----Binary Coded Decimal 
        BCL -----Binary Coded Language 
        BIT -----Binary digIT
        BXT -----Binary Expression Tree 
        BIX -----Binary Information eXchange
        HQX -----Binhex (File Name Extension)
        BNV -----"Binoculars, Night Viewing"
        BOD -----Biochemical Oxygen Demand 
        BET -----Bio-Engineering Team
        BGC -----Bio-Geochemical Cycling
        BEW -----Biological Equivalent Weight
        BWD -----Biological Warfare Defense
        BLY -----Biology
        BZG -----Biology-Zoology-Genetics
        BIG -----Bionet Intelligent Gateway
        BPB -----BIOS Parameter Block
        BJT -----Bi-polar Junction Transistor
        BPY -----bipyridine
        BOW -----Birds Of War
        BKC -----Birmingham Kennel Club
        BWG -----Birmingham Wire Gauge 
        BTK -----Birth Through Knowledge
        BID -----"bis in die (Latin, twice a day, prescription dosage) "
        BGO -----Bismuth Germanium Oxide
        BER -----Bit Error Rate
        BKL -----Bit Keeper Linux
        BRR -----Bit Rate Reduction
        BTR -----Bit Transfer Rate
        BZR -----Bit Zone Recording
        BMP -----BitMaP format 
        BPI -----Bits Per Inch
        BPP -----Bits Per Pixel
        BPS -----Bits Per Second 
        BLK -----black 
        BBR -----Black Body Radiation
        BVQ -----Black Voice Quarterly
        BWL -----Black Women Lawyers
        BCJ -----Blackberry Creek Journal
        BYI -----Blackfeet Youth Initiative
        BHY -----BlackRock High Yield Trust 
        BNO -----Bladder Neck Obstruction
        BFA -----Blank Firing Attachment 
        BVM -----Blessed Virgin Mary 
        BCC -----Blind Carbon Copy 
        BRC -----Blind Rehabilitation Center
        BZW -----Blizzard Warning
        BDM -----Block Data Message
        BHR -----Block Header Record
        BIP -----Block Improvement Program
        BSZ -----Block Store Zeros
        BQV -----Blocked Quadratic Variance
        BBM -----Blocking and Bracing Materials
        BUN -----Blood Urea Nitrogen
        BKX -----Bloodline Knowledge Exchange 
        BGD -----Bloody Good Discos
        BEH -----Blue Eyed Hottie -----
        BHH -----Blue Heaven Hackers -----
        BQB -----Bluetooth Qualification Body -----
        BOG -----Board Of Governors -----
        BOV -----Board Of Visitors -----
        BCQ -----Boat Crew Qualification -----
        BJI -----Bob Jones University -----
        BYQ -----Boca Youth Quarterly -----
        BOK -----Body Of Knowledge -----
        BPT -----Boiling Point -----
        BWR -----Boiling Water (nuclear) Reactor -----Highway through New  York City
        BTF -----Bold TypeFace -----
        BUH -----Boletin de la Universidad de Huelva -----
        BOL -----Bolivia -----
        BVL -----Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa -----
        BBN -----"Bolt, Beranak, and Newman" -----
        QZK -----Bolzano (Italy)
        BRD -----Bomb Release Distance
        BRL -----Bomb Release Line
        BYH -----Bomb Your House
        BDR -----BombaDieR
        BXE -----Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission
        BPF -----Bon Pour Francs (French: value in francs)
        BVF -----Bon Vivant Foundation 
        BEY -----Bond Equivalent Yield
        BOO -----Bond Order Orbital
        BQW -----Bond Quantity Worksheet 
        BJB -----"Bond, James Bond"
        BBF -----Bond-Bending Force
        BBO -----Bonding Bond Orbital
        BJM -----"Bones, Joints, Muscles"
        BWE -----Bonneville Worldwide Entertainment
        BIY -----Book Inside You
        BCP -----Book of Common Prayer
        BGL -----Boost Graph Library
        BHX -----Boot Hill Express 
        BAH -----Booz-Allen and Hamilton 
        BXH -----Boran and Holstein
        BXP -----Border Check Point
        BGP -----Border Gateway Protocol
        BVW -----Bordering Vegetated Wetland 
        BOF -----Boring Old Fart 
        BOR -----borough
        BSQ -----Boson Second Quantization
        BPL -----Boston Public Library
        BSO -----Boston Symphony Orchestra
        BLQ -----Both Lower Quadrants
        BUE -----Both Upper Extremities
        BUQ -----Both Upper Quadrants
        BTM -----bottom
        BLI -----Bottom Layer Insulation
    BBH -----Bouncing Busy Hour
        BND -----Bound
        BPX -----Boundary Point of Exit
    BJW -----Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers
        BIV -----Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus
        BJD -----Bovine Johne's Disease 
        BMV -----Bovine Maedi-like Virus 
        BSE -----Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy 
        BVV -----Bovine Veins Virus
        BZI -----Bowlers Journal International 
        BOX -----BOXcar (railroad)
        BXV -----Boxventilator
        BSA -----Boy Scouts of America 
        BXC -----Boys' Cross Country sports team
        BOP -----Boy's Own Paper 
        BTJ -----Boys Town Jerusalem
        BYN -----Brachyenteron
        BFV -----Bradley Fighting Vehicle
        BLP -----Bragg Light Profile
        BHP -----Brake HorsePower
        BDJ -----Branded Drunk Jiggalo
        BBK -----Brauner-Briggs-Klar (Wave Function)
        BZF -----Brazil Fund
        BGX -----Brazil-Gulf Coast Export 
        BJJ -----Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
        BFJ -----Bread For the Journey 
        BRK -----Break
        BBP -----Break Bulk Point
        BDV -----BreakDown Voltage
        BKR -----Breaker
        BEP -----Break-Even Point
        BTB -----BreakThrough Bleeding 
        BTV -----BreakThrough Volume
        BRP -----Breeder Reactor Program
        BVY -----Breeding Value Yield
        BUP -----Bremer Universal Player
        BRG -----Bridge
        BDX -----Bridge Data Exchange 
        BES -----Bridge Erection Set
        BVB -----Bridge View Bancorp
        BLE -----Bridged LAN Emulation
        BGW -----Bridgehead GateWay
        BTG -----Bridging The Gap
        BDE -----BrigaDE
        BGS -----Brigadier General Staff 
        BRA -----Brigadier Royal Artillery 
        BYU -----Brigham Young University
        BKF -----Brighton Kite Festival
        BVZ -----Brig-Visp-Zermatt 
        BLB -----Brillouin-Levy-Berthier (theorem)
        BHA -----Brine Handling Area
        BHN -----Brinell Hardness Number
        BHT -----Brinell Hardness Test
        BAB -----Bring A Bottle 
        BUG -----Bring Up Grades
        BYE -----Bring Your Enemies 
        BYO -----Bring Your Own
        BYR -----Bring Your Reefers
        BYY -----Bring Your Young'uns
        BZO -----Brinzolamide
        BKB -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
        KBK -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
        BMY -----Bristol-Myers
        BWW -----Brit WorldWide
        BZL -----Britannia Zinc Limited 
        BAE -----British AErospace
        BAF -----British Air Force
        BAA -----British Astronomical Association 
        BBC -----British Broadcasting Corporation
        BCM -----British Commercial Monomark
        BCN -----British Commonwealth of Nations
        BCS -----British Computer Society 
        BCF -----British Cycling Federation 
        BDA -----British Diabetic Association 
        BDH -----British Drug House
        BGY -----British Energy
        BEA -----British Epilepsy Association 
        BEF -----British Expeditionary Force 
        BFI -----British Film Institute 
        UKX -----British Financial Times 100 Index
        BHF -----British Heart Foundation
        BHS -----British Home Stores
        IOT -----British Indian Ocean Territory (086) ISO 3-letter country  code 
        BIF -----British Industries Fair
        BIM -----British Institute of Management 
        BIR -----British Institute of Radiology
        BJN -----British Journal of Nursing
        BJO -----British Journal of Ophthalmology
        BJR -----British Journal of Radiology
        BJC -----British Junior Chamber
        BKK -----British Karate Kyokushinkai
        BLG -----British Light Gun (M119)
        BMA -----British Medical Association 
        BMC -----British Medical Council 
        BMJ -----British Medical Journal
        BMH -----British Military Hospital
        BMM -----British Military Mission
        BNG -----British National Grid
        BNP -----British National Party 
        BNX -----British Nuclear Executives
        BNF -----British Nuclear Fuels 
        BNJ -----British Numismatic Journal 
        BOA -----British Olympic Association 
        BOU -----British Ornithologists Union 
        BOC -----British Oxygen Company 
        BPC -----British Pharmaceutical Codex 
        BQF -----British Quality Foundation 
        BRM -----British Racing Motors
        BRS -----British Road Services 
        BSM -----British School of Motoring
        BSY -----British School of Yoga
        BSL -----British Sign Language 
        BSH -----British Society of Hypnotherapists
        BSW -----British Standard Whitworth (type of screw thread)
        BSI -----British Standards Institution 
        BST -----British Summer Time 
        BTX -----British Telecom eXchange
        BTA -----British Theatre Association 
        BTU -----British Thermal Unit 
        BTC -----British Transport Commission 
        BVJ -----British Veterinary Journal
        BVA -----British Vetinary Association 
        BVI -----British Virgin Islands
        BWM -----British War Medal 
        BWI -----British West Indies (historical) 
        BWY -----British Wheel of Yoga 
        BWF -----British Woodworking Federation 
        BYJ -----British Youth Journal
        BYS -----British Youth Science
        BZA -----British Zeolite Association
        BKP -----Broad Key Panel
        BWN -----Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory
        BFW -----Broadband Fixed Wireless
        BBI -----BroadBand Interactive
        BXM -----Broadband Switch Module
        BGT -----Broadcast and Group Translators
        BCB -----Broadcast Band
        BTS -----Broadcast Technology Society (IEEE)
        BPG -----Broadcasting Press Guild 
        BKN -----Broken
        BZB -----Broken Zone Boundary
        BPO -----Broker Price Opinion
        BXN -----Bromoxynil
        BPD -----Bronco Pulmonary Dysplasia
        BRX -----Bronx
        BXS -----Bronx X-ray Server
        BCZ -----Brown City Zoo
        BRW -----"Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. "
        BUO -----Brown University Orchestra
        BHO -----Browser Helper Object
        BTN -----Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
        BJX -----Bubble Jet Excellence
        BRV -----Bubble Release Vacuum
        BKT -----Bucket
        BUX -----Budapest Stock Index
        BUW -----Budapest Uralic Workshop 
        BUD -----Budget
        BFS -----Budget and Forecasting System
        BEG -----Budget Estimate Guidance
        BFY -----Budget Fiscal Year
        BSK -----Budo Studien Kreis
        BVU -----Buena Vista University
        ZXS -----Buffalo
        BLH -----Buffalo Lake-Hector Schools
        BFL -----Buffered Field-effect-transistor Logic
        BEM -----Bug Eyed Monster 
        BYF -----Build Your Future 
        BEO -----Building Emergency Organization
        BJL -----Building Jewish Life
        BQU -----Building Quota Unit 
        BRY -----Building Rugged Youth
        BUA -----Built-Up Area
        ZZH -----"Bukulan Island, Papua New Guinea"
        BDY -----Bulgarian Democratic Youth 
        BAW -----Bulk Acoustic Wave
        BEK -----Bulk Encryption Key
        BXL -----Bulk Explosives Limited 
        BML -----Bulk Material Length
        BHI -----Bullet Hit Indicator
        BPK -----Bullet Polisher Kit
        BUL -----bulletin
        BBX -----Bulletin Board eXchange
        BBS -----Bulletin Board System 
    BVK -----Bundesverdienstkreuz
    BDL -----bundle
        BNQ -----Bureau de Normalisation du Qubc
        BIH -----Bureau international de l'heure (French
        BNM -----Bureau National de Metrologie 
        BXA -----Bureau of Export Administration
        BIA -----Bureau of Indian Affairs
        BJA -----Bureau Of Justice Assistance
        BJS -----Bureau of Justice Statistics
        BLM -----Bureau of Land Management
        BNE -----Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement 
        BRH -----Bureau Of Radiological Health
        BTD -----Bureau of Telecommunications Development (of the ITU)
        BVS -----Bureau of Vital Statistics
        BVN -----Bureau Voucher Number
        BUR -----buried 
        BAX -----Burlington Air eXpress 
        BFU -----Burst-Forming Unit
        BUC -----Bus Unit Controller
        BUI -----Bus Unit Interface
        BUS -----Business
        BEN -----Business And Educational Network
        BAU -----Business As Usual
        BXI -----Business Exchange International
        BXJ -----Business Expansion Journal
        BEX -----Business EXpress
        BGG -----Business Generator Group
        BIJ -----Business Ink Jet printer
        BKH -----Business Know How
        BMQ -----Business Migration Questionnaire
        BON -----Business Object Notation
        BQC -----Business Quality Control
        BRZ -----Business Revitalization Zone
        BVX -----Business ValueXpress
        BUY -----Businesses by Urban Youth 
        BGR -----Businesses Getting Results
        BZY -----Busy
        BHM -----Busy Hour Minute
        BLF -----Busy Line Field
        BLV -----Busy Line Verification
        BKM -----Butt Kicking Mode
        BUB -----Butt Ugly Babe
        BAY -----Buy Another Yearly
        BNS -----Buyer No Seller 
        BVO -----Buyer Value Option
        BPQ -----Buying Power Quota
        BWQ -----Buzz Word Quotient
        BTW -----by the way 
        BYL -----By Your Leave
        BFN -----Bye For Now
        BYP -----Bypass
        BYZ -----byzantine
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  4. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  5. #3
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
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    تشکر تشکر کرده 
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    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ZDJ -----C++ Developer's Journal
        CCX -----Cable and Connection Expert
        CJZ -----Cable Jacket Zipper
        CNN -----Cable News Network 
        COU -----Cable Orderwire Unit
        CRK -----Cable Repair Kit
        CTV -----Cable TeleVision 
        CLQ -----CacheLine Queue 
        CZT -----Cadmium Zinc Telluride
        CCM -----Caffeine Clearance Measurement (medical) 
        QXJ -----Caixas do Sul (Brazil)
        CMZ -----Calcium Magnesium Zirconium
        CZD -----Calculated Zenith Distance
        CYE -----Calendar Year End
        CPK -----California Pizza Kitchen
        CYR -----California Young Republicans
        CFV -----Call For Votes
        CHT -----Call Holding Time
        CRV -----Call Reference Value
        CRQ -----Call ReQuest
        CWD -----Call Waiting Deluxe
        CLD -----called 
        WWV -----Callsign of frequency of accurate time broadcast
        CUP -----Cambridge University Press 
        CUY -----Cambridge University Yachting
        CMR -----Cameroon
        CWK -----Cam-Net Communications Network
        CJL -----Camp Juliette Low
        CKY -----Camp Kill Yourself
        CQH -----Camp Quaker Haven
        CYJ -----Camp Young Judaea
        CND -----Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 
        CRA -----Campaign for Real Ale (aka CAMRA) 
        ZZE -----"Canac Island, Papua New Guinea"
        CAN -----Canada 
        CDN -----Canadian 
        CAJ -----Canadian Association of Journalists
        CAW -----Canadian Auto Workers
        CBC -----Canadian Broadcasting Corp. 
        CFA -----Canadian Field Artillery 
        CFL -----Canadian Football League
        CGQ -----Canadian Guitar Quartet
        CJS -----Canadian Joint Staff
        CJX -----Canadian Jorex
        CJC -----Canadian Journal of Communication
        CKC -----Canadian Kennel Club
        CKA -----Canadian Killifish Association 
        CMA -----Canadian Medical Association 
        CMQ -----Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
        CNE -----Canadian National Exhibition
        CNQ -----Canadian Notes and Queries
        CXY -----Canadian Oxy 
        CWB -----Canadian Wheat Board 
        CZC -----Canadian Zebra Corporation
        CZN -----Canadian Zinc
        CZG -----Canal Zone Government
        CZP -----Canal Zone Police
        CNL -----Cancel
        CXL -----Cancel
        CXD -----Cancel Approved Departure
        CXA -----Cancel Arrival
        CTO -----Cancelled To Order 
        CPF -----Cancer Potency Factor
        CXZ -----Can-Ex Resources
        CPV -----Canine ParvoVirus
        CVB -----Canonical Valence Bond
        CRL -----Canonicus Regularis Lateranensis (trans: Canon Regular of  the Lateran
        CRS -----Can't Remember Squat
        CYN -----Canyon
        CQP -----Capacitor Qualification Program
        YUZ -----"Cape Hooper, Northwest Territories"
        CGH -----Cape of Good Hope
        CZE -----Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
        CZX -----Capillary Zone Yield 
        CZY -----Capillary Zone Yield 
        CGT -----Capital Gains Tax
        CRF -----Capital Recovery Factor
        CTT -----Capital Transfer Tax
        CRD -----Capstone Requirements Do***ent
        CYW -----Capture Your World 
        CFR -----Capuchin Franciscans of the Renewal 
        CLM -----Car Location Message
        CAR -----carat 
        CBZ -----carbobenzyloxy
        CHV -----Card Holder Value 
        CVC -----Card Validation Check
        CPR -----CardioPulmonary Resuscitation 
        CRY -----Care and Relief for the Youth
        CJR -----Career Job Reservation
        CGO -----cargo
        CPY -----Cargo Preference Year
        CSY -----Caribbean Sailing Yachts
        CVQ -----Caribbean Vocational Qualification
        CZJ -----Carl Zeiss Jena
        JXI -----Carme (astronomy-Jovian moon)
        COK -----Carolina Orienteering Klubb
        CYY -----Carpita Corporation
        CXR -----Carrier 
        CAG -----Carrier Air Group
        CBG -----Carrier Battle Group
        CVL -----"Carrier Vessel, Light (light aircraft carrier)"
        CVN -----"Carrier Vessel, Nuclear (nuclear powered aircraft  carrier)"
        CHH -----Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia
        CTN -----carton 
        JAU -----Cartridge-Actuated Initiator (military)
        CSJ -----Case Study and Justification
        CBD -----Cash Before Delivery 
        YXU -----Cash Component per Creation Unit 
        CFQ -----Cash For Questions
        COD -----Cash On Delivery 
        COH -----Cash On Hand 
        CTJ -----Cash To Jump
        CVD -----Cash Versus Do***ents 
        CWO -----Cash With Order 
        CDG -----Cask Designers Guide
        CCR -----Cassette Camera Recorder
        CGP -----Catalog of Government Publications
        CBH -----Catalyst Bed Heater
        QCZ -----"Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria"
        CRO -----Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 
        CRT -----Cathode Ray Tube 
        CWV -----Catholic War Veterans
        CNB -----Caught aNd Bowled (cricket)
        CAV -----caveat 
        CAZ -----Ceftazidime
        CRX -----Cefuroxime
        CXM -----Cefuroxime
        CEL -----celesta 
        CTD -----Cell Transfer Delay
        CMI -----Cell-Mediated Immunity 
        VCL -----cello (from violoncello) 
        CCY -----Center for Creative Youth
        CEK -----Center for Education and Communication
        CFJ -----Center for Foreign Journalists [Reston VA]
        CJH -----Center for Jewish History 
        CKM -----Center for Knowledge Management
        CKS -----Center for Knowledge Societies
        CKU -----Center for Kultursamarbejde med Udviklingslandene 
        CQS -----Center for Quantitative Science 
        CWM -----Center for Waste Management
        CWQ -----Center for Water Quality
        CGY -----Center of GravitY
        CGS -----Centimetre-Gram-Second 
        CEN -----central 
        CAO -----Central Applications Office
        CBJ -----Central Bank of Jordan
        CCG -----Central Commission for Germany 
        CDX -----Central Data eXchange
        CEA -----Central Electricity Authority 
        CEU -----Central Electronic Unit
        CET -----Central European Time 
        CEC -----Central Executive Committee
        CFO -----Central Forecasting Office (meteorology) 
        CIA -----Central Intelligence Agency 
        CIB -----Central Intelligence Board 
        CMF -----Central Meditteranean Force 
        CMU -----Central Michigan University
        CMB -----Central Midwives Board 
        CNS -----Central Nervous System 
        CNY -----Central New York
        CNJ -----Central of New Jersey
        COI -----Central Office of Information 
        CPM -----Central prayer meeting 
        CPU -----Central Processing Unit 
        CQX -----Central Quality Exchange
        CQU -----Central Queensland University
        CRP -----Central Reserve Police 
        CST -----Central Standard Time (north america) 
        CSO -----Central Statistical Office 
        CUN -----Central University for Nationalities
        CYG -----Central Youth Group
        CZA -----Central Zionist Archives
        CHW -----"Central, Handy, Western (high schools in Bay City School  District)"
        CTR -----centre 
        CDD -----Centre for Digestive Diseases 
        CDC -----Centre for Disease Control (american) 
        CRH -----Centre for Remote Health
        CUH -----Centre for Urban History
        CHU -----Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
        CGG -----Centro Galileo Galilei (CNAA) 
        CKJ -----Centrum Komputerowo Jezykowe
        CKZ -----Centrum koor Kwaliteitzorg
        CZV -----Centrum voor Ziekenhuis- en Verplegingswetenschap
        CSF -----CerebroSpinal Fluid 
        CVA -----Cerebrovascular Accident 
        CIH -----Certificate in Industrial Health 
        CSS -----Certificate in Social Service 
        CSE -----Certificate of Secondary Education 
        CCN -----Certification Control Number
        CMM -----Certified Medical Manager
        CNX -----Certified Network Expert
        CNA -----Certified Nursing Assistant
        CQT -----Certified Quality Technician
        CVM -----Certified Vendor Memorandum
        CZS -----Ceska Zoologicka Spolecnost
        CZU -----Ceske Zemedelske Univerzity
        CZL -----Ceskoslovenske Zavody Letecke
        CCQ -----Chambre de Commerce du Quebec
        CXC -----Chandra X-ray Center
        CJU -----Chang Jung University
        COA -----Change Of Address 
        CZQ -----Chaogaoya daidan Zidong Quingsao
        CWZ -----Chaos Wir Zukunft
        CHS -----chapters 
        CPS -----Characters Per Second 
        CHG -----charge 
        CPT -----"Charge conjugation, Parity, and Time reversal (particle  physics)"
        QEQ -----Charge Equilibrium 
        CXS -----Charge Exchange Spectroscopy
        CXU -----Charge Spotting Bomb Unit
        CPW -----Charged Particle Weapon
        CCD -----Charged-Coupled Device 
        CXH -----Charing Cross Hospital
        CHA -----charisma
        CJV -----Charlie O Beverage
        CVY -----Charlie-Victor-Yankee
        CIN -----Chart Information Network 
        CCE -----Chartered Civil Engineer 
        CII -----Chartered Insurance Institute
        CSD -----Chartered Society of Designers 
        CSP -----Chartered Society of Physiotherapists 
        CJG -----Chattanooga Junior Golf 
        CHK -----Check
        CYU -----Check Your Understanding
        CBW -----Chemical and Biological Warfare 
        CHE -----CHemical Engineer 
        CJO -----Chemical Journals Online
        CSL -----Chemical Sewer Line
        CBR -----"Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation"
        CGZ -----Chemische Gesellschaft Zuerich
        CHY -----Chemistry
        UXK -----Chemistry apparatus and machines (library cataloguing)
        CHQ -----cheque
        CSX -----Chessie System eXpress (railroad)
        XAE -----Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society
        CFW -----Chicago and Far Western railroad
        CTA -----Chicago Transit Authority
        DKC -----Chief Disbursing Clerk (Naval Rating) 
        CEO -----Chief Executive Officer 
        CKO -----Chief Knowledge Officer
        CNO -----Chief Nursing Officer 
        CMJ -----Chief of Military Justice
        COS -----Chief Of Staff 
        COO -----Chief Operating Officer
        CPO -----Chief Petty Officer 
        CQO -----Chief Quality Officer
        CHC -----Child Health Clinic 
        CSA -----Child Support Agency 
        CYF -----"Child, Youth and Family"
        CYD -----Children and Youth Division
        CTW -----Children's Television Workshop
        CJN -----China Journal Net 
        CXN -----China Xin Network
        CKX -----China-Korea Express
        CHO -----Chinese Hamster Ovary
        CJK -----Chinese Japanese Korean (encoding standard for character  set)
        CHB -----Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (latin
        CHM -----Chirurgiae Magister (latin
        CUK -----Chirurgische Universitaetsklinik 
        CFC -----ChloroFluoroCarbons (groovy planet killing gases) 
        CCK -----CholeCystoKinin
        CEH -----Cholesteryl Ester Hydrolase
        CYO -----Choose Your Own
        CYQ -----Choose Your Question
        CIY -----Christ In Youth
        CES -----Christian Evidence Society
        CSB -----Christian Science Bachelor 
        CWI -----Christian Witness to Israel
        CYI -----Christian Youth International
        CDU -----"Christlich-Demokratische Union (German political party,  the Christian Democratic Union)"
        CJB -----Christlicher Jugendbund
        CKQ -----Christliches Krankenhaus Quakenbrueck
        CZB -----Christliches Zentrum Brig
        CZF -----Christliches Zentrum Forsthaus 
        CZZ -----Christliches Zentrum Zuerich
        CNU -----Christopher Newport University
        YXY -----Chromaticity
        CKF -----Chronic Kidney Failure
        CHR -----Chronicles (bible) 
        COE -----Church Of England 
        CHZ -----Ciernohronska Zeleznica
        CIR -----circa 
        COJ -----Circle Of Janus
        CKT -----circuit
        CEG -----Circuit card Expert Group
        CCJ -----Circuit Court Judge 
        CGB -----Circuit Group Blocking message
        CGU -----Circuit Group Unblocking message
        CKR -----Circuit Reference
        CVP -----Circuit Virtuel Permanent 
        CIT -----citation 
        CAB -----Citizen's Advice Bureau
        ZXC -----City College of New York Library
        CEF -----City Electrical Factors
        COZ -----City of Zanesville
        CTC -----City Technology College 
        CIV -----civil 
        CAA -----Civil Aviation Authority 
        CCB -----Civil Cooperation Bureau (south africa) 
        CEX -----Civil Effects eXperiments
        CRM -----Civil Rights Movement
        CSC -----Civil Service Commission 
        CSU -----Civil Service Union 
        CCC -----Civilian Conservation Corps 
        CJT -----Civilian Jeep Truck
        CLF -----Civilian Labor Force
        CMY -----Civilian Man-Years
        CMP -----Civilian Marksmanship Program 
        CFY -----Clarify
        CBQ -----Class-Based Queueing
        CJQ -----Classic Jonny Quest
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  6. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  7. #4
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف C
    CQG -----Classical and Quantum Gravity
        CUW -----Clean Up the World
        CWC -----Clean Water Commission
        CFB -----Clear Frequency Broadcast 
        CLS -----CLear Screen
        CTS -----Clear To Send 
        CLH -----CLearingHouse
        CSZ -----Clearly Seperated Zones
        CLK -----Clerk
        CPC -----Clerk of the Privy Council 
        CXO -----C-level eXecutive Officer
        CKN -----Clinicians Knowledge Network
        KXO -----Clock Crystal Oscillator
        CKW -----clockwise
        CAS -----Close Air Support 
        CRZ -----Close Reconnaissance Zone
        CUG -----Closed Users Group
        CIW -----Close-In Weapon
        CER -----Closer Economic Relations
        CJA -----Closet Jimmys Anonymous
        CLO -----clothing
        CLC -----Clover Leaf Cars 
        CYV -----Clover Yellow Virus 
        CIU -----Club and Institute Union
        CMK -----Club Muenchner Kyakfahrer
        CUQ -----Club Universario de Quilmes
        CXQ -----Club Xiang Qi
        CXB -----Clube de Xadrez de Blumenau
        CXP -----Clube de Xadrez de Petropolis
        CIJ -----Coalition for International Justice
        CNH -----Coalition for Natural Health
        CTF -----Coal-Tar Fuels 
        CWF -----Coal-Water Fuel
        CGC -----Coast Guard of Canada
        CEJ -----Coastal Engineering Journal
        CUE -----Coastal Upwelling Experiment
        CZM -----Coastal Zone Management
        CKI -----Cockpit Kill Indicator
        CCL -----Code of Canon Law
        CIC -----Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law) 
        KHX -----Coefficient of Heat Transfer
        COP -----Coefficient Of Performance
        COG -----cognate 
        CQE -----Cognizant Quality Engineer
        CJF -----Coherent Joint Fires
        CMO -----Collection Management Officer
        CAE -----College of Advanced Education 
        CFE -----College of Further Education 
        YYZ -----College of Lake County (Illinois) Murphy Memorial Library
        CRJ -----College Radio Japan
        CLN -----Colon
        COL -----Colonel 
        CXF -----Color Exchange Format
        CWX -----Colorado Wireless eXchange Cooperative 
        CSW -----Color-Segregated World
        CFK -----Colour Find Key
        CBS -----Columbia Broadcasting System 
        CZR -----Columnar Zone Radius
        CBV -----Combat Breacher Vehicle
        CEV -----Combat Engineer Vehicle
        CPQ -----Combat Pistol Qualification
        CRN -----Combat Radio Net
        CVK -----Combat Vehicle Kill
        CVR -----Combat Vehicle Recognition
        CZW -----Combat Zone Wrestling
        CSR -----Combat-Stress Reaction
        CAX -----Combined Arms eXercise
        CCF -----Combined Cadet Force 
        CHP -----Combined Heat and Power
        COC -----Combined Oral Contraceptive 
        CTX -----Combined Training Exercise
        CBP -----Combustion By-Product
        CQD -----"Come Quick, Distress"
        CWH -----Coming of the great White Handkerchief
        CQQ -----Comissoes Qualificacao do Qualiop
        CAU -----Command Arithmetic Unit
        CLI -----Command Line Interrupt 
        CMD -----"Command Pape (fourth series, 1918-56) "
        CPX -----Command Post Exercise
        CDR -----CommanDeR 
        CBE -----Commander of the British Empire 
        CRE -----Commander of the Royal Engineers 
        CVO -----Commander of the royal Victorian Order 
        CTG -----"Commander, Task Group"
        CTU -----"Commander, Task Unit"
        CDO -----Commando
        CML -----commercial 
        CDL -----Commercial Driver's Licence
        CUV -----Commercial Utility Vehicle
        CED -----Committee for Economic Development
        CPI -----Committee for Public Information 
        CQJ -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary
        CQN -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary 
        CAY -----Committee of *****s and Youth
        CDP -----Committee of Directors of Polytechnics
        CKB -----Commodore Knowledge Base
        CMN -----Common
        CAC -----Common Access Card
        CAP -----Common Agricultural Policy 
        CBK -----Common Body of Knowledge
        CDB -----Common Data Base
        CFP -----Common Fisheries Policy
        CLX -----Common Lisp Xinterface
        CLB -----Common Logic Board
        CUF -----Common University Fund
        CUI -----Common User Interface
        CVI -----Common Variable Immunodeficiency
        CVE -----Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
        CXI -----Common X-windows Interface
        CUA -----Commonly Used Acronym(s) 
        CNF -----Commonwealth Nurses' Federation
        CIS -----Commonwealth of Independent States 
        CEE -----Communaute Economique Europeenne (French
        CTB -----Communication ToolBox
        CRG -----Communications Relay Group
        CCA -----Communist Control Act 
        CPB -----Communist Party of Britain
        CDQ -----Community Development Quota
        CHN -----Community Health Nurse
        CSV -----Community Service Volunteer
        CDV -----Compact Digital
        CDA -----Compact Disc Album 
        CDE -----Compact Disc Erasable 
        CDI -----Compact Disc Interactive
        CDS -----Compact Disc Single 
        CDZ -----Compact Disc Zone
        CDJ -----Compact Disk Jukebox
        CGV -----Compagnie Generale de Videotechnique
        CDY -----Companion Dog of the Year
        CMG -----Companion of (the order of) St. Michael and St. George 
        CIE -----Companion of (the order of) the Indian Empire 
        COB -----Companion Of the Bath
        CNI -----Companion of the Nautical Institute
        CSG -----Companion of the order ofthe Star of Ghana
        COY -----Company 
        CBX -----Company Branch (telephone) eXchange
        CSM -----Company Stage Manager 
        CUO -----Compaq Users Organization
        CMW -----Compartmented Mode Workstation
        CLU -----Compatible Land Use
        CEP -----Compensatory Equipment Package
        CFT -----Complement Fixation Test
        CAK -----Complete Accessory Kit
        CJP -----Complete Joint Penetratation (welding)
        CKE -----Complete Kuula Edition
        CBU -----Completely Built-Up
        CKD -----Completely Knocked Down (of goods for sale)
        CXT -----Complexiteitstheorie
        CTK -----Composite Tool Kit
        CWU -----Composite Weighted (Work) Unit
        CPD -----compound
        CVH -----Compound Valve-angle Hemispherical-head
        CGL -----Comprehensive General Liability (Insurance Policy)
        CNG -----Compressed Natural Gas 
        CVF -----Compressed Volume File
        WMZ -----compressed Windows Metafile- Microsoft file extension
        CKL -----Compromised Key List 
        CCP -----Compte Cheque Postal (postal order) 
        CIX -----Compulink Information eXchange
        CPN -----Compuserve Packet Network 
        CAD -----Computer Aided Design 
        CAQ -----Computer Aided Quality
        CVG -----Computer and Video Games
        CCO -----Computer Center Operator
        CCZ -----Computer Club Zutphen
        ICL -----computer company
        CGD -----Computer Game Developer
        CGI -----Computer Generated Imagery 
        CGX -----Computer Graphics
        CGA -----Computer Graphics Adapter 
        CGW -----Computer Graphics World 
        CIG -----Computer Image Generator
        CIL -----Computer Integration Laboratories
        CJI -----Computer Jobs in Israel
        CNC -----Computer Numerical Control
        COM -----Computer Output on Microfilm 
        ADA -----computer programming language (after Ada Lovelace) 
        CRU -----Computer Resource Utilization
        CSI -----Computer Service Index 
        CTI -----Computer Telephony Integration
        CXE -----Computer to External Environments Interface
        CUD -----Computer Underground Digest
        CUC -----Computer Users Committee
        CAI -----Computer-Aided Instruction 
        CAL -----Computer-Aided Learning 
        CAM -----Computer-Assisted Manufacture 
        CBL -----Computer-Based Learning
        CBT -----Computer-Based Training
        CAT -----Computerized Axial Tomography 
        CTM -----Computerized Tomographic Myelography 
        CZO -----Computerized Zoning Ordinance
        CLR -----Computer-Language Recorder 
        CLT -----Computer-Language Translator
        CHI -----Concentration Highway Interface
        CRW -----Conceptual Recoilless Weapon
        CUZ -----Conditional Use Zoning
        CEZ -----Confederacion de Empresarios de Zaragosa
        CBI -----Confederation of British Industry
        CHJ -----Conference of Historical Journals
        CFG -----Configuration
        CFN -----Confine
        CHL -----Confinement at Hard Labor
        CDH -----Congenital Dislocation of the Hip
        CHF -----Congestive Heart Failure
        CJM -----Congregatio Jesu et Mariae (trans: the Congregation of  Jesus and Mary
        CBY -----Congregation Beth Yeshua
        CKH -----Congregation Kol Halev
        CFX -----Congregation of St. Francis Xavier (Xaverian Brothers)
        CIO -----Congress of Industrial Organizations 
        CMH -----Congressional Medal of Honor
        CQK -----Conjunctuur
        CTE -----Connected Terminal Equipment
        CMX -----Connected-Moments eXpansion
        CLL -----ConnectionLess Layer
        CCH -----Connections per Circuit Hour
        CJY -----Conrail Jackson Yard
        CLZ -----Conservation Lower Zambesi
        CMC -----Conservation Monitoring Centre
        CYH -----Consider Yourself Hugged
        CYK -----Consider Yourself Kissed
        CFF -----Consistent Force Field
        CLE -----Console Local Equipment
        CTY -----Console TeletYpe 
        CXK -----Consolidated Norex Resources Corporation
        CQV -----Consolidated Suntec Ventures
        CGM -----Conspicuous Gallantry Medal 
        CLV -----Constant Linear Velocity
        CVT -----Constant Variable Transmission (in vehicles)
        CVJ -----Constant Velocity Joint
        CLP -----Constituency Labour Party
        CQZ -----Constrained Quartet Zeta (Basis Set)
        CIP -----Construction Installation Procedure
        CQA -----Construction Quality Assurance
        CTL -----Constructive Total Loss
        CGJ -----Consulate General of Japan
        CGK -----Consulate General of Kenya
        CUJ -----Consumers Union of Japan
        CLW -----Contaminated Liquid Waste
        CPZ -----Contingency Planning Zone
        CNT -----continued
        CEW -----Continuing Education Workshop
        CRI -----Continuity Recheck Incoming
        CEM -----Continuous Effluent Monitor
        CQI -----Continuous Quality Improvement
        CVZ -----Continuous Visibility Zone
        CWJ -----Continuous Wave Jammer
        CWL -----Continuous Working Level
        CBB -----Contract Budget Baseline
        CWN -----Contract Work Notification
        CQL -----Contractual Quantitation Limit
        CBO -----Control Board Operator
        CDK -----Control Development Kit
        CSN -----Control Symbol Number
        CTZ -----Control Traffic Zone
        CCV -----Control-Configured Vehicle
        CIZ -----Controlled Injury Zone
        CQR -----Controlled Quick Release
        CON -----Convention 
        CMS -----Conversational Monitor System 
        WZX -----Conversion Buffer Overflow
        CEY -----Conversion Electron Yield
        CWR -----Cooling Water Return
        CKG -----Cooperative Key Generation
        CPJ -----Cooperative Phantom Jamming
        CWS -----Cooperative Wholesale Society 
        CUT -----Coordinated Universal Time
        CWG -----Coordination Working Group
        CJW -----Coplanar Joined Wing
        COW -----Copy On Write
        CRR -----Corby's Royal Reserve
        CVU -----Corel-draw and Ventura Users Club
        COR -----Corinthians (new testament) 
        CNR -----Corner 
        CXJ -----Corner Expansion Joint
        CME -----Coronal Mass Ejection
        CCU -----Coronary Care Unit
        CPL -----Corporal 
        CNP -----Corporate Network Product
        CBF -----Corps Benevolent Fund ( Brit Army Regt in house charities)
        CSH -----Corps Support Hospital
        CAH -----Cosine = Adjacent
        CAF -----Cost And Freight (US) 
        CBA -----Cost Benefit Analysis
        CEB -----Cost Estimate Breakdown
        CIF -----Cost Insurance Freight 
        COQ -----Cost Of Quality
        CQM -----Cost Quality Management
        CWP -----Cost Work Program
        CFI -----"Cost, Freight and Insurance"
        COT -----cotangent
        CJE -----Council for Jewish Elderly
        CLY -----Council for Lutheran Youth
        CEI -----Council of Engineering Institutions
        CEQ -----Council on Environmental Quality
        CCW -----counterclockwise 
        CSK -----countersink
        CLA -----Country Landowner's Association
        CMT -----Country Music Television
        CNW -----Country 'n' Western (music)
        CQW -----Coupled Quantum Well
        DHL -----courier company 
        CDW -----Course Development Workshop
        CQB -----Court of Queens Bench 
        COV -----covariance 
        CGE -----Cover Gas Equalization
        CGF -----Cover Gas Feed
        CYA -----Cover Your Ass
        CYB -----Cover Your Butt
        GXQ -----Coyhaique (Chile)
        COF -----Cradle Of Filth (british black metal band)
        CDM -----Craft & Design: Metalwork 
        CDT -----Craft & Design: Technology 
        CKP -----Crankshaft Position
        CBM -----Crash-prone Buggy Machines
        CWY -----Crashworthy
        CCS -----Creative Curriculuum Software 
        CLJ -----Credit Lyonnais Japan
        CRB -----Cremer-Rao Bound
        KQZ -----Cretaceous Quiet Zone 
        CJD -----Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease 
        CCI -----Crevice Corrosion Index
        CPE -----Crew Procedure Engineer 
        CVS -----Crime & Victim Support 
        CWA -----Crime Writers' Association
        CID -----Criminal Investigation Department 
        CJJ -----Criminal Justice Journalists
        CFZ -----Critical Friendly Zone
        CPA -----Critical Path Analysis 
        CPG -----Critical Population Group
        CTP -----Critical Technical Parameter
        CTQ -----Critical To Quality
        CVX -----Critical Velocity Experiment 
        CQC -----Critres-Qualit-Contrles
        CGR -----Crop Growth Rate
        CXG -----Cross eXamination Game
        CXW -----Cross eXamination Work
        CQY -----Cross of Queen's Yeoman
        XBR -----cross-Band Radar
        XBC -----Cross-Border Connection
        CWW -----Cruciform Wing Weapon
        CVV -----Cryo Vacuum Vessel 
        CNV -----Crypto Net Variable 
        CSQ -----Cryptofacility Security Questionnaire
        CIK -----Crypto-Ignition Key
        CNK -----CryptoNet Key
        XBO -----Crystal Beat Oscillator
        CZI -----Crystalline Zinc Insulin
        CUB -----cubic
        CBN -----Cubic Boron Nitride
        CFD -----Cubic Feet per Day 
        CFH -----Cubic Feet per Hour
        CFM -----Cubic Feet per Minute 
        CFS -----Cubic Feet per Second 
        CKV -----Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming
        *** -----***ulative
        CCT -----***ulative Cycle Time
        CDF -----***ulative Distribution Function
        CUR -----currency 
        CPP -----Current Purchasing Power 
        IXV -----Current times Voltage
        CWE -----Current Work Estimate
        CUS -----Customer
        CIQ -----Customer Information Quality
        CNM -----Customer Network Management
        CQF -----Customer Quality Forum
        CIM -----Customer-Interface Management
        CUX -----Cuxhaven (Germany) (national vehicle registration code)
        CKK -----Cyanogen Chloride
        CTH -----Cycle Test Hours
        CPH -----Cycles Per Hour 
        CRC -----Cyclic Redundancy Check 
        CNZ -----Cycling New Zealand
        CYP -----Cyclists Yellow Pages
        CYX -----Cyclohexane
        CHX -----Cyclohexanol
        COX -----Cyclooxygenase
        CYC -----cyclopedia
        CYZ -----Cyclothiazide
        CYL -----cylinder 
        CYM -----Cymric
        XAK -----Cyprus Stock Exchange (in Greek)
        CYS -----cysteine
        CMV -----CytoMegaloVirus 
        CYT -----Cytosine 
        CZK -----Czech Koruna
        CZH -----Czechoslovak(ian)
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  8. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  9. #5
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    DKB -----Daichi Kaigin Bank 
        DKS -----Daihatsu K-car Spirits
        DLY -----Daily
        DCQ -----Daily Contract Quality 
        DFL -----Daily Flight Log
        DJC -----Daily Journal of Commerce
        DOR -----Daily Operations Report
        DXJ -----Daiwa Deluxe Jacket
        DAK -----Dakota 
        DML -----Dakota Mailing List
        DBU -----Dallas Baptist University
        DAS -----Damage Assessment Strike
        DCO -----Damage Control Officer
        DWF -----Damaged Weapons Facility
        DCB -----Dame Commander (of the order) of the Bath
        DBE -----Dame commander (of the order) of the British Empire
        DYE -----Damn Your Eyes
        DZW -----Danger Zone Wrestling
        DHV -----Dangerously High Violence
        DAN -----Daniel (bible)
        DGF -----Danmarks Gymnastik Forbund
        DKO -----Dansk Karate Organisation
        DKK -----Dansk Kennel Klub
        DPK -----Dansk Parakart Klub
        DTK -----Dansk Traekhunde Klubb
        DVY -----Daphne Virus Y-poty
        DGY -----Dark Grey
        DQK -----Dark Queen of Krynn
        DAL -----Data Access Line
        DAM -----Data Access Manager
        DAQ -----Data AcQuisition
        DBK -----Data BanK 
        DCF -----Data Capture Facility
        DCD -----Data Carrier Detect
        DCR -----Data Command Release
        DCE -----Data Communications Equipment
        DCW -----Data Control Words
        DDF -----Data Decryption Field
        DDL -----Data Definition Language
        DDE -----Data Dictionary Entry 
        DED -----Data Element Definition
        DEK -----Data Encryption Key
        DEU -----Data Encryption Unit
        DEB -----Data Evaluation Board
        DER -----Data Evaluation Record
        DXI -----Data Exchange Interface
        DXN -----Data Exchange Navigator
        DEI -----Data Export
        DXT -----Data eXtractT facility
        DFU -----Data File Utility
        DFA -----Data Flow Analyst
        DFD -----Data Flow Diagram
        DIS -----Data Indicate Stopped
        DID -----Data Item Description
        DLM -----Data Line Monitor
        DLO -----Data Line Occupied
        DLH -----Data Link layer Header
        DMP -----Data Management Plan
        DMU -----Data Management Unit
        DOV -----Data Over Voice
        DPG -----Data Processing Group
        DPQ -----Data Processing Quality
        DPS -----Data Processing System 
        DPD -----Data Program Directive
        DQA -----Data Quality Assessment
        DQC -----Data Quality Control
        DQI -----Data Quality Index
        DQM -----Data Quality Manager
        DQO -----Data Quality Objective
        DQV -----Data Quality Verification
        DQX -----Data Quality-Pixel
        DQY -----Data Query File
        DQF -----Data Query Function
        DQW -----Data Query Worktable
        DRP -----Data Record and Playback
        DRF -----Data Reduction Facility
        DRT -----Data Reduction Team
        DRL -----Data Requirement List
        DRU -----Data Retrieval Unit
        DRN -----Data Routing Network
        DSU -----Data Service Unit
        DSG -----Data Systems Group
        DTE -----Data Terminal Equipment
        DTR -----Data Terminal Ready
        DTX -----Data Throughput (enhanced)
        DTB -----Data Transfer Bus
        DTN -----data transmission network
        DUV -----Data Under Voice
        DVR -----Data Validation Review
        DBF -----DataBase File
        DBO -----Database Operation
        DQL -----Database Query Language
        DOB -----Date Of Birth
        DTG -----Date Time Group 
        DTD -----DateD 
        DUM -----Dator Utskottet foer Mdstudenter
        DAR -----Daughters of the American Revolution
        DOK -----Daughters of the King
        DLT -----Dave Lee Travis (radio presenter)
        DMB -----Dave Matthews Band
        DVW -----daVinciWorld Forum 
        DJL -----Davy Jones' Locker
        DKH -----Day Kimball Hospital
        DMY -----Day Month Year
        DOW -----Day Of Week
        DOY -----Day of Year
        DST -----Daylight Saving Time
        DBD -----Dead By Dawn
        DOA -----Dead On Arrival
        DUK -----Dead Upon Keyboard
        DWT -----Dead Weight Tonnage
        DYL -----Dead Yet Living
        DDM -----Deadlock Detection Mechanism
        DWW -----Deaf World Web
        DYT -----Deaf Youth Today
        DLF -----Dear Little Friend 
        DAI -----Death from Accidental Injury 
        DZF -----Deazafolic Acid
        DWS -----Debris Washing System
        DIX -----"DEC, Intel, Xerox"
        DKL -----DecaLiter
        DKT -----Decatherm
        DHR -----Decay Heat Removal
        DEC -----December 
        DBL -----DeciBel Limit 
        DBW -----DeciBel Watt
        DBV -----Decibels referenced to 1 Volt
        DXZ -----Decimal Dollars
        DGD -----Decision Guidance Do***ent
        DUC -----Decision Unit Coordinator
        DDO -----Decline Definite Offer
        DWP -----Decommissioning Work Plan
        DSZ -----Decrement and Skip on Zero (assembly language instruction) 
        DEY -----Decrement Index Register Y
        DPW -----Dedicated Professional Workforce
        DGR -----Deductible Gift Recipient
               DLB -----Deep Listening Band
              DRZ -----Deep Reconnaissance Zone
              DSV -----Deep Sea Vehicle 
              DUB -----Deep Underground Basing
              DVT -----Deep Vein Thrombosis
              DCN -----Defence Communications Network
              DIA -----Defence Intelligence Agency
              DEF -----Defend
              DAD -----Defense Acquisition Deskbook
              DAU -----Defense Acquisition University
              DAG -----Defense Aerial Gunner
              DAH -----Defense Agency Head
              DFH -----Defense Family Housing
              DFR -----Defense Fuel Region
              DGM -----Defense Guidance Memorandum
              DIB -----Defense Industrial Base
              DII -----Defense Information Infrastructure
              DLI -----Defense Language Institute
              DLA -----Defense Logistics Agency
              DPR -----Defense Performance Review
              DSN -----Defense Switched Network 
              DWM -----Defense Waste Management
              DGU -----Defensive Gun Use
              DQU -----Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University
              DJD -----Degenerative Joint Disorder
              DEG -----Degree(s)
              DGN -----Degrees Grid North
              DOF -----Degrees Of Freedom
              DEL -----Delaware
              DNG -----Delaware National Guard
              DHC -----Delayed Hydrogen Cracking
              DJE -----Delayed Job Entry
              DNC -----Delayed Neutron Counter
              DNM -----Delayed Neutron Monitor
              DTS -----Delerium TremenS
              DNY -----Delight New York
              DIQ -----Delivered Image Quality
              DFJ -----Delta Force Junkie
              DKE -----Delta Kappa Epsilon 
              DYO -----Delta Youth Orchestra
              DHF -----Demand History File
              DPU -----Demand Processing Unit
              DMZ -----DeMilitarized Zone
              DEM -----Democrat
              DPJ -----Democratic Party of Japan
              DUP -----Democratic Unionist Party
              DDZ -----Demo-Digitalzaehler
              DHK -----Den Haag Koninklijke-bibliotheek
              DXQ -----Denominator times Quotient
              DHY -----Dental Hygiene
              DYR -----"Dentsu, Young and Rubicam"
              DAY -----Denver Archdiocese Youth
              DYP -----Denver Young Professionals
              DOM -----"Deo Optimo Maximo (trans: to God, the best and  greatest)"
              NOJ -----Deoxynojirimycin
              DNA -----Deoxyribo(se)Nucleic acid 
              DUD -----Deoxyuridine Diphosphate
              DOD -----Department of Defence
              DES -----Department of Education and Science 
              DEQ -----Department of Environmental Quality
              DFW -----Department of Fish and Wildlife
              DFO -----Department of Fisheries and Oceans
              DOH -----Department Of Health 
              DHH -----Department of Health and Hospitals
              DHW -----Department of Health and Welfare
              DHS -----Department of Health Services
              HEW -----"department of Health, Education and Welfare (US)"
              DOJ -----Department of Justice
              DJJ -----Department of Juvenile Justice
              DMH -----Department of Mental Health
              DMV -----Department of Motor Vehicles
              DND -----Department of National Defence 
              DRD -----Department of Redundancy Department
              DSS -----Department of Social Services 
              DAF -----Department of the Air Force
              DOT -----Department Of the Treasury 
              DTI -----Department of Trade and Industry
              DVA -----Department of Veterans Affairs
              DWJ -----Department of World Justice
              DYS -----Department of Youth Services
              DNX -----Departmental Network eXchange
              DOO -----Departmental Organization Order
              DEP -----Departs 
              DYA -----Dependent Youth Activity
              DXH -----Depth by Height
              DCG -----Deputy Commanding General
              DSM -----Deputy Stage Manager 
              DBY -----Derbyshire
              DIZ -----Description in Zip
              DQN -----Desert Quilters of Nevada 
              DBI -----Design Basis Incident
              DBB -----Design Bid Build
              DFQ -----Design For Quality
              DFT -----Design For Test
              DFE -----Design For the Environment 
              DGW -----Design Gross Weight
              DIE -----Design Interface Engineer
              DMT -----Design Manufacture and Test
              DQT -----Design Qualification Test
              DRS -----Design Representation Standard
              DRO -----Design Requirements Overview
              DRB -----Design Review Board
              DUF -----Design Up Front
              DWL -----Design WaterLine
              DWR -----Design With Reuse
              DZM -----Design Zentrum Muenchen 
              DGZ -----Designated Ground Zero
              DQP -----Designated Qualified Person
              DTP -----Desktop Publishing
              DHA -----Destination Hardware Address
              DZK -----Destination Zyklon
              DKF -----Det Kooperative Faellesforbund
              DTL -----Detail
              DFI -----Detailed Facility Information
              DLE -----Detailed Ledger Entry
              DRW -----Detroit Red Wings
              DYC -----Detroit Yacht Club
              DET -----"Detroit, Michigan"
              DBP -----Deutsche Bundis Post
              DDR -----Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic  Republic) 
              DXY -----Deutsche Energy Index
              DEJ -----Deutsche Esperanto Jugend
              DFG -----Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft [German Community of  Research] 
              DFN -----Deutsche Forschungsnetz Verein (German Research  Network Association)
              DFV -----Deutsche Frisbeesport Verband
              DGK -----Deutsche Geodtische Kommission
              DGO -----Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Onkologie
              GTZ -----Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
              DHI -----Deutsche Hydrographische Institut
              DIN -----Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German industrial standard)
              DIK -----Deutsche Internet Kommunikation
              DJK -----Deutsche Jugend Kraft
              DJR -----Deutsche Jugend Russland
              DKV -----Deutsche Kanu-Verband
              DKJ -----Deutsche Kommission Justitia
              DKP -----Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (German Communist  Party) 
              DMJ -----Deutsche Marine-Jugend
              DSJ -----Deutsche Sport Jugend
              DUX -----Deutsche Umwelt Index
              DUH -----Deutsche Umwelthilfe
              DVZ -----Deutsche Verkehrs Zeitung
              DVU -----Deutsche Volksunion 
              DWV -----Deutsche Wasserstoff-Verband
              DWZ -----Deutsche Wertungs Zahlen
              DWK -----Deutsche Windsurfer Klassenvereinigung
              DZZ -----Deutsche Zahnrztliche Zeitschrift
              DZJ -----Deutsche Zelt Jugend
              ZBW -----"Deutsche ZentralBibliothek fr  Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Kiel"
              DZG -----Deutsche Zentrale fuer Globetrotter
              DZT -----Deutsche Zentrale fuer Tourismus
              DZR -----Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei
              DVJ -----Deutschen Volleyball Journal
              DHB -----Deutscher Hockey Bund
              DJV -----Deutscher Jagdschutz Verband
              DJB -----Deutscher Judobund
              DJZ -----Deutscher Kalibrierdienst
              DKD -----Deutscher Kalibrierdienst 
              DXB -----Deutscher Xianggi Bund
              DZV -----Deutscher Zahntechniker Verband
              DIJ -----Deutsches Institut fuer Japanstudien
              DJH -----Deutsches Jugendherbbergswerk
              DKZ -----Deutsches Kartenlege Zentrum
              DKI -----Deutsches Kunststoff Institut
              DPZ -----Deutsches Primatenzentrum
              DRK -----Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
              DZN -----Deutsches Zahnarzt-Netz
              DZH -----Deutsches Zentraleregister fuer kinlische  Hoerstoerungen
              DZA -----Deutsches Zentrum fuer Attersfragen
              DJG -----Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft
              DZX -----Deutz
              DCV -----deux cheval-vapeur (aka 2CV)
              DAX -----Developer API eXtensions
              DRG -----Developer Relations Group
              DSE -----Developer Support Engineer
              DEV -----development
              DBJ -----Development Bank of Japan
              DPE -----Development Project Engineer
              DSY -----Development School for Youth 
              QYV -----Deventer (Netherlands)
              DWC -----Dever Water Cont. 
              DCK -----Device Configuration Kit
              DDI -----Device Dependent Interface
              DUT -----Device Under Test
              DUS -----Device Unified Services
              DEX -----dexterity
              DXM -----Dextromethorphan
              DXO -----Dextrorphan
              DEZ -----Dezember
              DHU -----Dhurga
              DKA -----Diabetes Ketoacidosis
              DKQ -----Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire
              DVN -----Diabetesvereniging Nederland
              DYF -----Diabetic Youth Foundation
              DXR -----Diagnostic Reasoning
              DAZ -----Dial A Zipcode
              DSI -----Dial Services Interface
              DTF -----Dial Tone First payphone [Telephony]
              DTO -----Dial Tone Office
              DUN -----Dial Up Networking
              DBN -----Dial-Back Number
              DDU -----Dialog Data Unit
              DDV -----Dialog Data Validation
              DUL -----Dial-Up Line
              DBH -----Diamater Breast Height
              DJQ -----Diamond Jo Quarry
              DPH -----Diamond Pyramid Hardness
              DQD -----Diamond Quality Do***ent
              DQR -----Diamond Quality Report
              DQJ -----Diamonds-Queen Jack
              DZQ -----Diaziridinylbenzoquinone
              DBT -----Di-Butyl Tin
              DUY -----Dicamay Agta
              DCZ -----Dichlorobenzene
              DDT -----DichlororDiphenylTricholoethane (CCl3CH-(C6H4Cl)2)
              DNB -----Dictionary of National Biography
              DNF -----Did Not Finish
              DGS -----Diego Garcia Station
              DHG -----Die-Hard Gamer
              DZL -----Diesel
              DGB -----Diesel Generator Building
              DHD -----Diesel Heavy Duty engine
              DIF -----difference 
              DMR -----Differential Microwave Radiometer
              DQE -----Differential Quantum Efficiency
              DPV -----Differential-Pulse Voltammetry
              DXS -----Diffuse X-ray Scattering
              DDW -----Digestive Disease Week
              DAB -----Digital Audio Broadcasting 
              DAP -----Digital Audio Processing
              DAT -----Digital Audio Tape 
              DAV -----Digital Audio Video
              DAW -----Digital Audio Workstation
              DBC -----Digital Battlefield Communications 
              DXD -----Digital by Digital
              DCC -----Digital Compact Cassette 
              DCT -----Digital Control Transformer
              DXX -----Digital Cross Connect
              DXC -----Digital Cross-Connect 
              DDD -----Digital Digital Digital (recording technique)
              DDH -----Digital Distributed Hardware
              DFX -----Digital Effects
              DEE -----Digital Electronic Engine
              DEO -----Digital End Office
              DXP -----Digital Exchange Product
              DFP -----Digital Free Press 
              DGT -----"Digital Gene Technologies, Inc."
              DIL -----Digital Impairment Learning
              DIU -----Digital Interface Unit
              DJO -----Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
              DKX -----Digital Key Exchange
              DLN -----Digital Library Network
              DLP -----Digital Light Processing
              DLG -----Digital Line Graph
              DLU -----Digital Line Unit
              DMF -----Digital Matched Filter
              DMI -----Digital Multiplexed Interface 
              DNU -----Digital Networking Unit
              DOQ -----Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
              DPY -----Digital Partners Youth
              DPL -----Digital Power Line
              DRX -----Digital Radio Receiver
              DRH -----Digital Resources for the Humanities
              DSX -----Digital Signal Cross-connect
              DSP -----Digital Signal Processor
              DSL -----Digital Subscriber Line 
              DTJ -----Digital Technical Journal
              DTV -----Digital TeleVision
              DTA -----Digital Tone Adapter
              DUJ -----Digital Urology Journal
              DVD -----Digital Versatile Disc
              DVB -----Digital Video Broadcasting
              DVC -----Digital Video Cassette
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  10. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  11. #6
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف D
    DVE -----Digital Video Effect
              DVG -----Digital Video Graphic 
              DVI -----Digital Video Interactive
              DVL -----Digital Video Link
              DVS -----Digital Video Superimpose
              DVX -----Digital Voice eXchange
              DVK -----Digital Voice Keyer
              DVH -----Digital Vortex Heater
              DWO -----Digital Ware Osaka
              DZC -----Digital Zoom Controller
              DGX -----Digoxin
              DHP -----Di-Heptyl Phthalate
              DHZ -----Dihydrozebularine
              DMS -----Di-methyl sulphide
              DIM -----Diminuendo
              DGQ -----Dimitri Gurevitch Quintette
              DNT -----Di-NitroToluene
              DLW -----Dinosaurs of the Lost World
              DIW -----D-Inside Wire [AT&T]
              DPT -----"Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (vaccine)"
              DIP -----Diploma
              DIC -----Diploma of Imperial College
              DSW -----Dirac Scattered-Wave
              DXU -----Direccion Xeral de Universidades
              DBX -----Direct Branch eXchange
              DBS -----Direct Broadcast Satellite 
              DCH -----Direct Containment Heating
              DCX -----Direct Current eXperiment
              DXA -----Direct Exchange Activity
              DXG -----Direct Exchange-Geothermal
              DGI -----Direct Gasoline Injection [See also Hawkman's  Automotive Webspace] 
              DGA -----Direct Graphics Access
              DKG -----Direct Kick Goal (soccer)
              DMA -----Direct Memory Access
              DME -----Direct Memory Execution
              DOX -----Direct Operation eXchange
              DPC -----Direct Program Control 
              DSB -----Direct Satellite Broadcasting 
              DTH -----Direct To Home
              DZE -----Direct Zone Expansion
              DIR -----Director
              DGE -----Director General-Environment
              DEH -----Director of Engineering and Housing
              DIO -----Director of Industrial Operations
              DNL -----Director of Naval Laboratories
              DON -----Director of Nursing
              DPP -----Director of Public Prosecutions
              DRE -----Director of Religious Education
              DJS -----"Director, Joint Staff"
              DGH -----Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
              DCP -----Directorate of Civilian Personnel
              DGC -----Directors Guild of Canada
              DDN -----Directory Distinguished Name
              DHT -----Directory Hash Table
              DUA -----Directory User Agent
              DEN -----Directory-Enabled Networking
              DVO -----Direct-View Optics
              DRI -----Dirty Rotten Imbeciles [American Punk Band] 
              DIG -----Disabled Income Group
              DRJ -----Disaster Recovery Journal
              DOS -----Disc Operating System
              DJM -----Disciples of Jesus and Mary
              DYY -----Discipline Youth and You
              DRQ -----Disengage Request
              DFS -----Disk Filing System
              DJX -----Disk Jockey Extreme
              DUW -----Disk Usage for Windows
              DFZ -----Dislocation Free Zone
              DNZ -----Disney New Zealand
              DSF -----Dispersion-Strengthened Ferritic
              DRM -----Display Request Matrix
              DPX -----Disposable Pipette eXtraction
              DMQ -----Disquieting Muses Quarterly
              DGP -----Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
              DMW -----Dissimilar-Metal Weld
              DXW -----Distance and Weight
              DLD -----Distance Learning Directorate
              DXV -----Distance Receiver Verification
              DEW -----Distant Early Warning
              DHN -----Distant Healing Network
              DFC -----Distinguished Flying Cross 
              DFM -----Distinguished Flying Medal
              DSC -----Distinguished Service Cross 
              DSO -----Distinguished Service Order
              DVQ -----Distinguished Visitors Quarters 
              DWA -----Distorted Wave Approximation
              DWE -----Distorted-Wave approximation with Exchange
              DWX -----Distorted-Wave approximation with eXchange
              DAJ -----Distributed Area Jamming
              DCA -----Distributed Computing Architecture 
              DDX -----Distributed Data eXchange
              DDP -----Distributed Data Processor
              DGL -----Distributed Graphics Language
              DOI -----Distributed Object Infrastructure
              DQH -----Distributed Query Handler
              DQS -----Distributed Queueing System
              DQQ -----Distribution Quantity and Quality
              DAE -----District Airport Engineer
              DCJ -----District Chief Judge
              DNV -----District of North Vancouver
              DYD -----District Youth Director
              DKN -----Distriktkommando Nord-Norges
              DTQ -----Ditch The Queen
              DTT -----Dithiothreitol
              DBG -----Diversified Business Group
              DAC -----Divide And Conquer 
              DTW -----Divide The World
              DNN -----Diving Network Nippon
              DIV -----Division 
              DBM -----Division Battle Model
              DCS -----Division Combat Support
              DHQ -----Division HeadQuarters
              DIH -----Division of International Health
              DUE -----Division of Undergraduate Education
              DWQ -----Division of Water Quality
              DOG -----Division Officer's Guide
              DTZ -----Division Tactical Zone
              DJF -----Divorced Jewish Female
              DYB -----Dixie Youth Baseball
              DOU -----Dixon Odom University
              DYX -----Diyixian
              DZY -----DiZzY
              DJW -----Djawi
              DJI -----Djibouti (262) ISO 3-letter country code
              DYI -----Djimini Senoufo 
              DMC -----DJs Mixing Club
              DNE -----Do Not Erase
              DNK -----Do Not Know
              DNO -----Do Not Open
              DNP -----Do Not Print
              DNQ -----Do Not Quote
              DNR -----Do Not Resuscitate 
              DYK -----Do You Know
              DYM -----Do You Mean ....
              DYJ -----Do Yourself Justice 
              DYZ -----Dockyard Zone
              DCL -----Doctor of Civil Law
              DDS -----Doctor of Dental Surgery 
              LLD -----Doctor of Laws (legum doctor)
              LJD -----Doctor of Letters of Journalism 
              DMD -----Doctor of Medical Dentistry 
              PHD -----Doctor of Philosophy 
              DPM -----Doctor of Podiatic Medicine 
              SCD -----Doctor of Science 
              CHD -----Doctor of Surgery (Latn: Chirugiae Doctor)
              DVM -----Doctor of Vetinary Medicine
              VMD -----Doctor of Vetinary Medicine
              DBQ -----Do***ent Based Question
              DDC -----Do***ent Design Center
              DHE -----Do***ent Handling Equipment
              DLS -----Do***ent Library Services
              DRR -----Do***ent Release Record
              DNI -----Do***ento Nacional de Identidad (ID)
              DBA -----Doing Business As 
              DIY -----Do-It-Yourself
              DSR -----Dolby Sound Reduction
              DOL -----Dollar
              ZWD -----Dollar (Zimbabwe) (ISO currency code)
              DMO -----Domain Management Organization
              DNH -----Domain Name Handbook
              DNS -----Domain Name Server
              DAO -----Dominion Astronomical Observatory 
              DAA -----Dominion Automobile Association
              DXL -----Domino XML Language
              DLJ -----"Donaldson, Lufkin, Jenrette [securities firm]"
              DYU -----DongYang University 
              DKY -----Donkey
              DFB -----Don't Fight Back
              DKM -----Don't Kid Me
              DNJ -----Don't kNow Jack
              DKW -----Don't Know Why
              DMM -----Don't Mock Me
              DMN -----Don't Move Now
              DRY -----Don't Repeat Yourself (chat rooms)
              DTM -----Don't Time Me
              DWH -----Don't Walk Here
              DWU -----Don't Want yoU 
              DOP -----Doppelganger 
              DGV -----Doppler Global Velocimetry
              DZU -----Dorfzentrum Unterloisdorf
              DLR -----DOS LAN Requester
              DJA -----Dotation aux Jeunes Agriculteurs
              DLQ -----Dot-matrix Letter Quality
              DPI -----Dots Per Inch
              DRV -----Douay-Rheims Version (of the Bible)
              DDY -----Double DutY
              DLK -----Double Lined Kraft
              DPF -----Double Point Failure
              DZD -----Double Zeta Diffuse
              DZP -----Double Zeta Polarization
              DDB -----Double-Declining Balance
              DSD -----Double-Sided Disc
              DSA -----Doughnut Sufferers Anonymous
              DYH -----Dover Youth Hockey
              DJN -----Dow Jones Newswires 
              DJT -----Dow Jones Transportation (stock index)
              DJU -----Dow Jones Utilities (stock index)
              VXZ -----Dowling College Library
              DWN -----DoWN
              DUZ -----Down Under Zone
              DUR -----Down Unloaded Restricted
              DYW -----Downingtown Young Whippets
              DTU -----Download The Universe 
              DSK -----DownStream Keyer
              DSQ -----DownStream Quartz 
              DVV -----Downward Vertical Velocity
              DOZ -----Dozen
              DZB -----DoZy Bugger
              DDJ -----Dr. Dobbs Journal
              DHJ -----Draft Horse Journal
              DJP -----Dragon Jump Pack 
              DBZ -----DragonBall Z (Japanese anime)
              DFK -----Drammen Flyklubb
              DWG -----Drawing
              DXE -----Drawing Exchange Engine
              DXF -----Drawing Exchange Format
              DWD -----DrawWorks Designer (software package)
              DCY -----Dream Catcher Yachts 
              DTC -----Dream Theatre Content 
              DGJ -----Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects
              DPB -----Drive Parameter Block
              DDK -----Driver Development Kit
              DRA -----Driver's Right Away 
              DUI -----Driving Under the Influence
              DWB -----Driving While Blond
              DWI -----Driving While Intoxicated
              DWY -----Driving While Yakking 
              DKU -----Drop Kick Ugly
              DLZ -----Drop Landing Zone
              DEA -----Drug Enforcement Agency
              DNW -----Drug Network
              DFY -----Drug-Free Youth
              DCI -----Drum Corps International
              DBR -----Dual Band Radar
              DDA -----Dual Digital Audio
              DMX -----Dual Motorway eXtension 
              DPA -----Dual Phone Adapter
              DPN -----Dual Processing Node
              DQG -----Dubai Quality Group
              DCU -----Dublin City University
              DFF -----Dublin Film Festival
              DGG -----Dublin Games Guild
              DIT -----Dublin Institute of Technology 
              DUO -----Dublin Transportation Office
              DHM -----Duct Hardfacing Material
              KWS -----duff defunct British pop band
              DOE -----Duke Of Edinburgh's award scheme 
              DUU -----Duke University Union
              DHX -----Dump Heat eXchanger
              DVF -----Dump Viewing Facility
              DMG -----Dungeon Master's Guide
              DHO -----Dunster Home Opera
              DZI -----Duo-Zone International
              DUQ -----Duquesne
              DQZ -----Duquesne Light Company
              DLV -----Duraguard Laminated Velvet 
              KLM -----Dutch national airline
              DQB -----Dutch QSL Bureau
              DRC -----Dutch Reformed Church
              DYG -----Dutch Young Generation
              DTY -----DuTY
              DCM -----Duty Committee Member 
              DSH -----Dye-Sensitized Heterojunction
              DYQ -----Dyna Glass
              DKR -----Dynamic Knowledge Repository
              DLL -----Dynamic Link Library
              DLC -----Dynamic Load Control
              DMK -----Dynamic Management Kit
              DYV -----Dynamic Vector
              DVP -----Dynamic Virus Protection
              DZS -----Dynamobau Zeichen Saal
              DYN -----Dyne (look it up!)
              DUG -----Dynix Users Group
              DJY -----Dynojet Yamaha
              DZO -----Dzongkha
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  12. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  13. #7
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    EAE -----Each And Every
              ENT -----Ear Nose & Throat 
              EKL -----Earl K. Long Medical Center
              EAD -----Earliest Arrival Date
              EID -----Earliest Induction Date 
              ERY -----Early
              EEP -----Early Experience Program
              EFE -----Early Fuel Evaporation [See also Hawkman's Automotive  Webspace]
              EIT -----Early Interface Test (NIMA)
              EIP -----Early Intervention Project 
              ELH -----Early Life History
              EMB -----Early Morning Boner
              EPT -----Early Pregnancy Test 
              ERX -----Early Registration Transfer 
              EUE -----Early User Evaluation
              EUT -----Early User Test
              EWB -----Early Warning Broadcast
              EWL -----Early Warning Line
              EWN -----Early Warning Net
              EWR -----Early Warning Radar
              EYS -----Early Years of Schooling
              EYU -----Early Year's Unit 
              EGR -----Earned Growth Rate 
              ERA -----Earned Run Average (baseball) 
              EVF -----Earned Value Function
              EVV -----Earned Value Verfahren
              ERS -----Earnings-Related Supplement 
              EAS -----Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 
              EXI -----Earth Experience International
              ESV -----Earth Satellite Vehicle
              EQK -----Earthquake
              ECV -----"Earthquake Controller, Vertical"
              EHZ -----Earthquake HaZard
              EQW -----Earthquake Warning
              EPY -----Easeful Peaceful Yoga 
              EAJ -----East Africa Journal
              EAP -----East Africa Protectorate 
              EAC -----East African Community
              EBN -----East By North
              EBS -----East By South
              ECQ -----East Circular Quay
              EEH -----East End Hospice 
              EJR -----East Jersey Railroad 
              EKR -----"East Kootenay Realty, Ltd."
              ELD -----East Longitude Date
              ELY -----East Lothian Yeomanry
              EME -----East Midlands Electricity
              ENE -----East North-East
              ESE -----East South-East
              ETW -----East to West
              YUY -----East Yugur
              EZT -----East Zorra-Tavistock 
              ECF -----Eastern Canadian Federation 
              EDT -----Eastern Daylight Time (US) 
              EET -----Eastern European Time
              EKY -----Eastern Kentucky
              EKN -----Eastern Kentucky Network
              EKU -----Eastern Kentucky University
              EST -----Eastern Standard Time (US) 
              ETP -----Eastern Tropical Pacific
              EKC -----Eastman Kodak Company
              VQJ -----Eastman Kodak Company Engineering Library
              VQK -----Eastman Kodak Company Health and Safety Library
              EWW -----East-West Winds
              EZY -----Easy
              EZQ -----Easy Cue
              EZX -----Easy Exchange
              EZJ -----'easy' Job
              EQA -----Easy Questions and Answers
              EPC -----Easy-Processing Channel 
              EBL -----Eat Before Lunchtime
              EMC -----Eat My Crap
              EYV -----Eat Your Vegetables 
              EIK -----Eat-In Kitchen (when describing an apartment)
              EIG -----Eating Is Good 
              EZM -----Eccentrity Zero Molding
              EPL -----Echo Path Loss
              DXK -----Echocardiograph
              EVX -----Eclipse Voice Exchange
              EMN -----Ecole des Mines de Nantes
              EGH -----Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae 
              ELQ -----Ecology Law Quarterly
              ECE -----Economic Commission for Europe
              EDC -----Economic Development Committee 
              EOV -----Economic Order Van
              EPQ -----Economic Production Quantity
              ERC -----Economic Research Council 
              EIU -----Economist Intelligence Unit
              ENI -----E***enical News International
              EGG -----"Edgerton, Gemerhausen, And Grier"
              EWA -----Edgewood Arsenal
              EHS -----Edgewood High School
              EAA -----Edinburgh Architechtural Association 
              QOZ -----Edison Township (New Jersey) Public Library
              EDY -----Edit Data Yourself
              EDN -----edition
              EJX -----Editor Jboss XML
              EYO -----Edmonson Youth Outreach
              EHG -----Edmonton Homebrewers Guild 
              EDU -----education 
              EED -----Education and Evaluation Division
              EDS -----Education Specialist 
              ESG -----Education Support Grant
              EYL -----"Education, Youth and Leisure"
              EIS -----Educational Institute of Scotland 
              EMG -----Educational Management Group 
              ESW -----Educational Statistics Workshop
              ETN -----Educational Telephone Network
              ETV -----Educational TeleVision
              EWO -----Educational Welfare Officer 
              ESN -----Educationally Sub-Normal 
              EDW -----Edward
              ERI -----Edwardus Rex et Imperator (Latin: Edward King and  Emperor)
              EKA -----Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
              EBD -----Effective Bill Date 
              EDE -----Effective Dose Equivalent (of radiation)
              EFP -----Effective Fragment Potential Method
              EVB -----Effective Valence Bond
              EZB -----Effective Zone Boundary
              EFX -----Effects
              FXP -----effects (FX) Pedal (guitars etc)
              FXR -----effects (FX) Return
              FXX -----Effects Extreme
              EVP -----EGR Valve Position (sensor) [See also Hawkman's  Automotive Webspace]
              EGY -----Egypt
              EEF -----Egyptian Expeditionary Force 
              EXG -----Eiffel X Graphics
              EKQ -----Eigenkapitalquote
              EBK -----Einstein-Brillouin-Keller
              EKB -----Einstein-Brillouin-Keller [Quantization Method]
              EWZ -----EinWandererZentralstelle 
              EFZ -----Eisenbahnfreunde Zollernbahn
              EZV -----Eisenbahnzustaendigkeitsverordnung
              EWK -----Eisenwerke Kaiserlauten
              ECZ -----Eislauf-Club Zuerich
              EOR -----Either
              EYN -----Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria 
              OXG -----Elaeis Oleifera and Elaeis Guineensis
              EAF -----Electric Arc Furnace
              EFG -----Electric Field Gradient
              EFV -----Electric Field Variant
              EGQ -----Electric Guitar Quartet
              EHH -----Electric HandHold
              ELO -----Electric Light Orchestra
              EPF -----Electric Penetration Feedthrough
              EVW -----Electric Volkwagen
              EWC -----Electric Water Cooler
              EAW -----Electrical Association for Women
              ELS -----Electrical Load Schedule
              ERG -----Electrical Resistance Gauge
              ESB -----Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
              ETU -----Electrical Trades Union
              EEE -----"Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical"
              ECG -----ElectroCardioGram
              EKG -----electrocardiogram
              EIX -----Electrochemical Ion Exchange
              EVD -----Electrochemical Vapor Deposition
              ECT -----ElectroConvulsive Therapy 
              EEJ -----Electroejaculation
              EEG -----ElectroEncephaloGram
              EGW -----Electro-Gas Welding
              EHB -----Electro-Hydraulic Brake [See also Hawkman's  Automotive Webspace]
              EHD -----Electro-HydroDynamic
              EKP -----Electrokinetic Phenomena
              EMF -----ElectroMagnetic Frequency 
              EMD -----Electromagnetic Manufacturing Development
              EMP -----ElectroMagnetic Pulse 
              EMR -----ElectroMagnetic Radiation
              EMW -----Electro-Magnetic Wave
              EMI -----Electro-Musical Industries 
              EBR -----Electron Beam Recording
              EBW -----Electron Beam Welder 
              ECH -----Electron Cyclotron Heating
              EIF -----Electron Impact Fluorescence 
              EIH -----Electron Ion Hybrid
              END -----Electron Nuclear Dynamics
              EPR -----Electron Paramagnetic Response
              EQY -----Electron Quantum Yield 
              ESR -----Electron Spin Resonance 
              EAX -----Electronic Automatic eXchange
              EBF -----Electronic Beam Fusion
              EBX -----Electronic Book Exchange 
              EBB -----Electronic Bulletin Board 
              ECR -----Electronic Cash Register
              ECN -----Electronic Components News [periodical]
              ECM -----Electronic Counter-Measures 
              EDH -----Electronic Data Handling 
              EDI -----Electronic Data Interchange
              EDP -----Electronic Data Processing 
              EDR -----Electronic Dictionary Research
              EDL -----Electronic Discharge Laser
              EEN -----Electronic Engineering News [periodical]
              EXV -----Electronic Expansion Valve 
              EFM -----Electronic Fetal Monitor
              EFF -----Electronic Font Foundry
              EFN -----Electronic Frontier Norway
              EFJ -----Electronic Frontiers Japan
              EFI -----Electronic Fuel Injection (of car engines)
              EFT -----Electronic Funds Transfer
              EGJ -----Electronic Green Journal
              EHX -----Electronic House Expo
              EHR -----Electronic Human Resource 
              EIM -----Electronic Image Management 
              EJC -----Electronic Journal of Communication
              EJO -----Electronic Journal of Oncology
              EJP -----Electronic Journal of Probability
              EKI -----Electronic Knowledge Interchange
              ELJ -----Electronic Law Journal
              ELA -----Electronic Learning Aid
              ELX -----Electronic Learning Exchange 
              ENG -----Electronic News Gathering 
              ENP -----Electronic News Processing
              EPX -----Electronic Payment Exchange
              EPB -----Electronic Preparation of the Battlefield
              ERO -----Electronic Return Originator
              ETM -----Electronic Technical Manual
              ETJ -----Electronic Training Jacket
              ETF -----Electronic Transfer of Funds
              EVO -----Electronic Vehicle Orifice [See also Hawkman's  Automotive Webspace] 
              EVS -----Electronic Voice Switching
              EVR -----Electronic Voltage Regulator 
              EWD -----Electronic Warfare Director
              EWE -----Electronic Warfare Element
              EWM -----Electronic Warfare Monitoring
              EWS -----Electronic Warfare System
              EWT -----Electronic Warfare Technology
              ETO -----Electronics Technology Office
              EPM -----Electron-Probe Microanalysis
              EOG -----ElectroOculoGram
              ERF -----Electrorheological Fluid
              ESD -----ElectroStatic Discharge 
              EQQ -----Electrostatic Quadrupole-Quadrupole
              ESU -----ElectroStatic Unit 
              ETL -----ElecTrotechnical Laboratory
              EUF -----Electro-UltraFiltration
              ESZ -----Elektrische Strassenbahn Zuerich 
              EKS -----Elektrizitaetswerk des Kantons Schaffhausen
              EKZ -----Elektrizittswerken des Kantons Zrich
              EMV -----Elektro-Magnetische Vertrglichkeit
              EVK -----Elektronik von Kerschhaggl
              EZI -----Elektronische Zahlungssysteme im Internet 
              EZD -----Elektronischen Zolldokumentation
              EZU -----Elektrotechnicky Zkusebni Ustav
              EYQ -----Element Youth Quarterly
              ENU -----Elementary Neutralization Unit
              LLY -----Eli Lilly and Company
              EAG -----ELINT Advisory Group
              EDQ -----Elite Du Quebec
              EGV -----Elk Grove Village
              EHK -----Elterninitiative HIV-betroffener Kinder 
              EOC -----E-mail Of Comment 
              ECK -----Embedded Component Kit
              EDK -----Embedded Development Kit
              ETK -----Embedded Toolkit
              EZW -----Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet
              EMY -----Emergency
              EAL -----Emergency Action Level
              EAM -----Emergency Action Message 
              EAO -----Emergency Actions Officer
              EEW -----Emergency Equipment Wing
              EEV -----Emergency Escape Vehicle
              EFW -----Emergency FeedWater
              EMH -----Emergency Medical Hologram (from Star Trek)
              EMJ -----Emergency Medical Journal
              EMT -----Emergency Medical Technician
              ENW -----Emergency Nursing World
              EOH -----Emergency Operation Headquarters
              EOO -----Emergency Operations Officer
              EPZ -----Emergency Planning Zone
              EPK -----Emergency Product Kit
              ERU -----Emergency Rescue Utility
              ERD -----Emergency Reserve Decoration
              ERN -----Emergency Response Notification
              ERH -----Emergency Ride Home
              ESI -----Emergency Services Interface
              ETG -----Emerging Technologies Group
              EVN -----Emerging Venture Network
              ELP -----Emerson Lake & Palmer (70s band)
              EPG -----Eminent Persons Group
              EDZ -----Emission Density Zoning
              EKJ -----"Emmett Kelly, Junior (circus)"
              EJL -----Emotional Journey Line
              EQJ -----Emotional Quotient Japan
              EKM -----Empirical Kinetic Model
              EWP -----Employee Wellness Program
              EVH -----Employers in Voluntary Housing
              EIV -----Employment Innovations Victoria (Australia)
              ELB -----Employment Law Brief
              ELM -----Emulsion Liquid Membrane
              ENR -----En Route
              EPS -----Encapsulated PostScript
              EDJ -----Enchanted Dreams Jewelry
              ENC -----enclosed 
              ENJ -----Encyclopedia of New Jersey
              EYD -----Encyclopedia of Yacht Designers
              EFR -----End Function Review
              EIQ -----End Item Quantity
              EOB -----End Of Block 
              EOE -----End Of Everything 
              EOF -----End Of File
              EOI -----End Of Interrupt
              EOJ -----End Of Job
              EOL -----End Of Line
              EOM -----End Of Message 
              EON -----End Of Number
              EOP -----End Of Process 
              EOQ -----End Of Quarter
              EOT -----End Of Tape
              ETX -----End of TeXt
              EOW -----End Of Week
              EOY -----End Of Year [often used in financial reports] 
              EOZ -----End Of Zone
              ESH -----End System Hello
              EUQ -----End Unit Qualification
              EUC -----End User Computer
              EUU -----End User Update
              EUM -----End Users Manual
              EIR -----Endangerment Information Report
              EDV -----End-Diastolic Volume
              EUP -----End-User *****
              EUS -----End-User Support
              EPW -----Enemy Prisoner of War
              EUK -----Energiesparen und Klima
              EUB -----Energy and Utilities Board
              EUN -----Energy User News
              EDX -----Energy-Dispersive X-ray (Spectroscopy) 
              EER -----Energy-Efficiency Ratio
              EZF -----Engaged Zen Foundation
              EFH -----Engine Flight Hours
              ELE -----Engine Life Expectancy
              EOK -----Engine Overhaul Kit
              EQT -----Engine Qualification Test
              EIC -----Engineer In Chief
              ETE -----Engineer Test Equipment
              ECJ -----Engineering Change Journal
              EFD -----Engineering Flow Diagram
              EIA -----Engineering Industries Association 
              EQF -----Engineering Quality Forum
              ERB -----Engineering Review Board
              EWH -----Engineering World Health
              ENZ -----Engineers of New Zealand
              EFL -----English as a Foreign Language 
              ESL -----English as a Second Language 
              EBC -----English Benedictine Congregation
              EBH -----English Boot House
              EDD -----English Dialect Dictionary 
              EGU -----English Golf Union
              EHL -----English Hockey League
              ELL -----English Language Laboratory
              ELT -----English Language Teaching 
              ELU -----English Language Unit
              ENB -----English National Ballet
              ENO -----English National Opera
              ZHC -----English Nederlands Zaanse Hockey Club
              ERV -----English Revised Version (of the bible)
              EYR -----Enhance Your Romance
              EFS -----Enhanced Filing System
              EGA -----Enhanced Graphics Adapter
              EGP -----Enhanced Graphics Processor
              EGS -----Enhanced Graphics System
              EGE -----Enhanced Greenhouse Effect 
              EIW -----Enhanced Imagery Workstation
              EIO -----Enhanced Input
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  14. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  15. #8
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف E
    EJS -----Enhanced JTIDS System
              EPE -----Enhanced Privacy and Encryption
              EQI -----Enhanced Quality Inspection
              ERW -----Enhanced Radiation Weapon
              ETB -----Enhanced Technology Base
              EVC -----Enhanced Video Connector
              EYT -----Enjoy Yourself Tonight
              ENL -----enlarge(d) 
              ENQ -----ENQuiry
              EXO -----Enriched Xenon Observatory 
              ENM -----Enrolled Nurse (Mental)
              ENS -----ensemble 
              EFK -----Enskede Frisbee Klubb
              EAB -----Enterprise Access Builder 
              EAI -----Enterprise Application Integration
              EBA -----Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 
              EJB -----Enterprise JavaBeans
              EMX -----Enterprise Messaging eXchange
              ERQ -----Enterprise Resource Query
              EXA -----Enterprise X Architecture 
              EZC -----Enterprise Zone tax Credit
              ENY -----Entomology
              EJQ -----Entraide Jeunesse Quebec 
              EKV -----Entwicklung Konstruktion Vertrieb
              ENV -----envelope 
              EFB -----Environment and Food Bureau
              EYI -----Environment Youth Internship 
              EMO -----Environmental and Monitoring Office
              EAR -----Environmental Aspects Report 
              EEK -----Environmental Education for Kids
              EEU -----Environmental Engineering Unit
              EGI -----Environmental Graphical Information
              EHA -----Environmental Health Agency
              EHC -----Environmental Health Committee
              EHJ -----Environmental Health Journal
              EHN -----Environmental Health Network
              EHO -----Environmental Health Officer
              EII -----Environmental Investigations Instruction
              EJG -----Environmental Justice Group
              ELI -----Environmental Law Institute
              ELC -----Environmental Literacy Council
              ELZ -----Environmental Living Zone
              ENN -----Environmental News Network
              EPA -----Environmental Protection Agency (US) 
              EQB -----Environmental Quality Board
              EQD -----Environmental Quality Division
              EQM -----Environmental Quality Modeling
              EQO -----Environmental Quality Objective
              EQS -----Environmental Quality Standard
              ERE -----Environmental Restoration Engineering
              EUL -----Environmental Unit Leader
              EVM -----Environmental Vapor Monitor
              EWG -----Environmental Working Group
              EYA -----Environmental Youth Alliance
              ESA -----Environmentally Sensitive Area 
              EPH -----Ephesians (new testament) 
              UXX -----Epic Unreal Tournament 2003 Cache file
              EYE -----Epics-General
              EYZ -----Epics-Other
              EGF -----Epidermal Growth Factor
              EYG -----Episcopal Youth Group
              EEQ -----Epistula Electronica Quercopolitana 
              EZP -----Epoxy Zinc Phosphate 
              EEL -----Epsilon Extension Language 
              EBV -----Epstein-Barr Virus
              EQU -----EQUal
              EEO -----Equal Employment Opportunity 
              EJF -----Equal Justice Foundation
              EJI -----Equal Justice Initiative
              EAV -----Equalized Assessed Valuation
              KEQ -----EQualized Temperature in Degrees Kelvin
              EQN -----equation
              GNQ -----Equatorial Guinea (226) ISO 3-letter country code
              EQZ -----Equiaxed Zone 
              EIE -----Equilibrium Isotope Effect
              EVJ -----Equine Veterinary Journal
              EQX -----Equinox
              EQP -----equipment
              ECO -----Equipment Change Order
              EDA -----Equipment Decontamination Area
              EMM -----Equipment Maintenance Mission
              ENF -----Equipment Not-operationally-ready to Fire
              EPN -----Equipment Piece Number
              EQL -----Equipment Qualification List
              EQR -----Equipment Qualification Record
              EQV -----equivalent
              EBO -----Equivalent Bond Orbital
              EFO -----Equivalent Field Office
              EQE -----Equivalent Quantum Efficiency
              EQH -----Equivalent Quarter Hour
              EZN -----Erfinderzentrum Norddeutschland 
              EKX -----Ergatikoy Kentroy Xalkidikhs
              EIJ -----Eritrean Islamic Jihad
              ERR -----Error
              EHP -----Error Handling Package
              ERL -----Error Reference Line
              EUZ -----Erwerbsunfaehigkeits-Zusatzversicherung 
              EZG -----Erzeugergemeinschaft
              EZZ -----Erzeugerzusammenschluesse 
              EZH -----Erzherzog
              ESC -----escape key 
              EGN -----Escola de Guerra Naval
              ESJ -----Escort Support Jammer
              EES -----Escrowed Encryption Standard
              ESK -----ESKimo
              EOA -----Esophageal Obturator Airway
              EFY -----Especially For Youth
              EIL -----Esprit International Limited
              ESQ -----Esquire 
              ESS -----Es*** 
              EZL -----Estazolam
              ECD -----Estimated Completion Date
              ETA -----Estimated Time of Arrival
              ETD -----Estimated Time of Departure 
              ETI -----Estimated Time of Interception 
              ETR -----Estimated Time of Return
              EWY -----Estimated Work Years
              EBG -----Estonian Beer Guide
              ETC -----ET Cetera
              HKN -----Eta Kappa Nu
              EGX -----Ethernet Gateway
              EEY -----Ethics of European Youth
              ETH -----Ethiopia(n)
              ENH -----Ethiopian News Headlines 
              KXQ -----Ethyl Alcohol 
              EOS -----Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
              ETY -----Etymology
              ENK -----Eukephalin
              ECP -----Euro-Commercial Paper
              EYK -----Euroopan Ympaeristoekeskuksen 
              EZK -----Europaeische Zentrum fuer Kriminalpraevention 
              EIZ -----Europaeischen Informations-Zentrum
              EYJ -----Europaeischen Jugendforums 
              EGK -----Europaeisches Graduierten Kolleg 
              EMZ -----Europaeisches Migrationszentrum 
              EVZ -----Europaeisches Verbraucherzentrum 
              EZA -----Europaeisches Zentrum fuer Arbeitsnehmerfragen
              EMK -----Europaministerkonferenz
              EUR -----Europe(an)
              EAN -----European Academic Network
              EAY -----European Alliance of YMCAs
              EBJ -----European Biophysics Journal
              EBU -----European Broadcasting Union 
              ECB -----European Chemicals Bureau
              ECS -----European Communications Satellite
              ECA -----European Confederation of Agriculture 
              ECX -----European Cultural Exchange 
              ECU -----European Currency Unit 
              EDG -----European Democratic Group
              EDF -----European Development Fund
              EEC -----European Economic Community
              EEX -----European Energy Exchange
              EEB -----European Environmental Bureau
              EFA -----European Fighter Aircraft
              EGL -----European Gemological Laboratory
              EHI -----European Helicopter Industries
              EUH -----European History
              EHU -----European Humanities University
              EIB -----European Investment Bank 
              EJD -----European Journal of Dermatology 
              EJE -----European Journal of Endocrinology
              EJM -----European Journal of Mineralogy
              EJN -----European Journal of Neuroscience
              EJU -----European Journal of Ultrasound
              EJA -----European Juggling Association
              EKO -----European Karate Organisation
              ELG -----European Liaison Group
              EMA -----European Monetary Agreement
              EMS -----European Monetary System 
              EMU -----European Monetary Union 
              ENX -----European Network Exchange
              EOU -----European Ornithologists Union
              EPO -----European Patent Offic
              EPU -----European Payments Union
              EPP -----European People's Party 
              EPJ -----European Physical Journal
              ERP -----European Recovery Programme 
              EUX -----European Recyclers Exchange
              ERJ -----European Respiratory Journal
              ESF -----European Science Foundation
              ESO -----European Southern Observatory
              EUD -----European Union of Dentists
              EUG -----European Union of Geosciences
              EUW -----European Union of Women
              EUY -----European Union of Yoga 
              EUA -----European Unit of Account
              EUI -----European University Institute
              EVE -----European Videoconferencing Equipment
              EVU -----European Virtual University
              EWF -----European Wrestling Federation
              EYB -----European Yacht Brokerage
              EYF -----European Yoga Fellowship 
              EYP -----European Youth Parliament
              EWU -----Europische WhrungsUnion [European Currency Union] 
              EJZ -----Europisches Jugend Zentrum in Kreta
              ESX -----Euro-Sport Experimental
              EKE -----Euskal Kultur Erakundea
              EVI -----EVacuate Immediately
              EVL -----Evaluation
              EQG -----Evaluation Qualification Guideline
              ELW -----Evangelical Lutheran Women
              EMQ -----Evangelical Missions Quarterly
              EUJ -----Evangelisation und Juengerschaft
              EKK -----Evangelisch Katholischer Kommentar 
              EKD -----Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
              EKH -----Evangelische Krankenhaus-Hilfe
              EZE -----Evangelische Zentralstelle fuer Entwicklungshilfe 
              EJH -----Evangelischen Jugend Hamburg
              EJW -----Evangelisches Jugendwerk 
              EJK -----Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum
              EVG -----Evangelist
              EHY -----"Evans, Hardy, Young Marketing and Advertising  Agency"
              EFC -----Everton Football Club
              EBT -----Every Bloody Time
              ECC -----Every Cent Counts 
              EGB -----Every Good Boy
              EOD -----Every Other Day 
              EFQ -----Everyday Functioning Questionnaire 
              EYW -----Everything You Want
              EYY -----Evini Yapana Yardim
              EHW -----Evolvable HardWare
              EGD -----Evolved Gas Detection
              EXN -----ex new (of shares)
              EXM -----EXaMination
              EUO -----Examination Under Oath
              EYM -----Examine Your Material
              EXD -----examined
              EXX -----examples
              XAX -----eXcellence Above eXpectation
              EIY -----Excellence In Youth
              ETQ -----Excellence Through Quality 
              EAH -----Excellence to Affordable Housing 
              EXC -----excellent 
              XAM -----Exceptional Asian Market
              ECY -----Exceptional Children and Youth 
              EHE -----Exceptional Human Experience
              ELR -----Exceptional Leave to Remain (to UK asylum seekers)
              EWQ -----Exceptionally Well Qualified
              ERT -----Excess Retention Tax
              EXZ -----EXcessive Zeros
              XAW -----eXchange and Warranty
              ERM -----Exchange Rate Mechanism 
              EXJ -----Exchange rate-Japanese yen
              EPD -----Excluded from Public Domain 
              EPV -----Exclusion-Principle Violating
              EEZ -----Exclusive Economic Zone
              EFU -----Exclusive Farm Use 
              EXR -----EXclusive Rights 
              EXE -----executable file
              ETS -----Executable Test Suite
              ECL -----Execution Control List
              EXU -----Execution Unit
              EBY -----Executive Board of Youth 
              EBQ -----Executive Bonus Qualified
              EKW -----Executive Knowledge Works
              EXL -----Executive Lounge
              EXB -----Exercise Biology 
              EBP -----Exhaust Back Pressure [See also Hawkman's Automotive  Webspace] 
              EGO -----Exhaust Gas Oxygen
              EGT -----Exhaust Gas Temperature 
              EXH -----exhibit
              EGZ -----Existenzgruenderzentrum
              EXK -----Exkursion
              EML -----Expanded Mark-up Language
              EXQ -----EXpanded Quota
              EYH -----Expanding Your Horizons
              EJY -----Expansion Joint Yield
              EVT -----Expect Vector To ....
              EYX -----Expected-value of dependent Y given independent X
              ELV -----Expendable Launch Vehicle
              EXS -----expenses
              EVY -----Experience Verus Youth
              WKX -----Experience Works 
              XAT -----Experimental Advanced Trainer
              XAO -----Experimental Airplane-Observation
              XAD -----Experimental Attack Divebomber
              XAJ -----Experimental Attack North American Aviation
              XBG -----Experimental Bomber-Great Lakes
              EIN -----Experimental Integrated Network
              EWJ -----Expert Witness Journal
              EXY -----Expiry
              EWV -----Explore West Virginia
              EWI -----Explosive Waste Incinerator
              EXP -----exponential 
              ESM -----Exponential-Series Method
              EBZ -----Export Board of Zambia 
              XBE -----Express Business Effectiveness
              EYC -----Express Yourself Clearly 
              EBM -----Expressed Breast Milk
              EAQ -----Extended Average Quality
              XBI -----Extended Basic Input
              XBM -----eXtended Basic Mode
              ECW -----Extended Cold Weather
              ECI -----Extended Compressor at Idle [See also Hawkman's  Automotive Webspace] 
              EEA -----Extended Euclidian Algorithm 
              EHQ -----Extended HeadQuarters
              EHM -----Extended Hubbard Model
              EJT -----Extended Joint Test
              EJJ -----Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction 
              EKF -----Extended Kalman Filter
              EKT -----Extended Koopmans Theorem
              ENA -----Extended Network Addressing
              ERZ -----Extended Reconnaissance Zone
              ESY -----Extended School Year
              XAF -----Extensible Application Framework
              XBF -----Extensible Binary Format
              XBL -----Extension Bell
              ELK -----Extension Language Kit
              EBI -----Extensive Background Information 
              EXT -----Exterior 
              EEI -----External Environment Interface 
              EEM -----External Expansion Module (Sun) 
              EXF -----EXternal Fire
              EJV -----External Jugular Vein
              EQC -----External Quality Control
              EWX -----External Works
              XBA -----eXtra Bases Advanced
              XBH -----eXtra-Base Hit
              ERK -----Extracellular-signal-Regulated Protein Kinase
              EOX -----Extractable Organic Halide
              EZO -----Extraction Zone Officer
              EHT -----Extra-High Tension
              EHV -----Extra-High Voltage
              EGM -----Extraordinary General Meeting 
              ETZ -----Extrapolation-To-Zero
              ESP -----Extra-Sensory Perception 
              EBE -----Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
              ETT -----Extra-Terrestrial Toilet
              EVA -----Extra-Vehicular Activity 
              XAA -----eXtreme Activity Addict
              EUV -----Extreme Ultra-Violet
              EVQ -----Extreme Value Query
              EHF -----Extremely High Frequency 
              ELF -----Extremely Low Frequency 
              ELN -----Extremely Low Noise
              EGC -----Extrememly Gruntled Customer
              EXW -----Ex-Works
              EPI -----Eysenck Personality Test 
              EZR -----Ezra (bible)
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  16. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  17. #9
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    FTW -----F*** The World
              FNP -----F***ing Noisy Prat
              FTJ -----Face The Jury
              FHZ -----Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz
              FGK -----Fachinstitut Gebaeude-Klima
              ZKF -----Fachverband der Karosseriebauer und Fahrzeugbauer
              FKI -----Fachverband Klebstoffindustrie
              FVK -----Fachvereinigung Kaltwalzwerke
              FMT -----Facilities Maintenance Team
              FSR -----Facilities Support Requirement
              FDL -----Facility Data Link
              FEP -----Facility Excellence Program
              FIP -----Facility Interface Processor 
              FLE -----Facility Life Extension
              FMP -----Facility Management Plan
              FPF -----Facility Parameter Field
              FRJ -----Facility ReJect message
              FSO -----Facility Security Officer
              FSE -----Facility Systems Engineer
              FUP -----Facility Utilization Plan
              FVV -----Facility Verification Vehicle
              FCF -----Facsimile Control Field
              FES -----Factor Evaluation System
              FJR -----Factories Journal Reports
              FCE -----Factory Checkout Equipment
              FVJ -----Faculdade Vale de Jaguaribe
              FCQ -----Faculty Course Questionnaire 
              FDW -----Faculty Development Workshop
              FWE -----Faddeev-Watson Expansion
              FPI -----Fade Prior to Intercept
              FHT -----fahrenheit (measure of temperature)
              FOA -----Failed On Arrival
              FVN -----Failed Vector Number
              FEQ -----Failure Equation
              FFW -----Failure Free Warranty
              FTT -----Failure To Train
              FPY -----Failures Per Year
              FAP -----Fair Access Policy
              FWT -----Fair Wear and Tear
              FFX -----FairFaX (County)
              FJY -----Fairfield Jewish Youth
              FYG -----Faith Youth Group
              FNP -----Fake News Papers
              FQW -----Fake Quote of the Week 
              FLG -----Falling
              FCG -----False Cross or Ground 
              QYF -----Familia Quan Yin 
              FJN -----Familial Juvenile Nephrophthises
              FMF -----Familial Mediterranean Fever
              FJT -----Familiarization Job Training
              FHX -----Family History
              FHB -----Family Hold Back (when guests are sharing a meal)
              FHE -----Family Home Evening
              FLM -----Family Law Master
              FPA -----Family Planning Association
              FPC -----Family Proceedings Court
              FQN -----"Family Quarters, Navy"
              FSG -----Family Support Group
              FVO -----Family Violence Option
              FPR -----Fan Pressure Ratio
              FAN -----Fanatic
              FZN -----Fanfarenzug Niedersachsen
              FZO -----Fanfarenzug Oberrut 
              FAY -----Fantastic Adventures Yearbook
              FEV -----Far End Voice
              FUV -----Far Ultra-Violet
              FUX -----Far Ultraviolet Xerox
              FJF -----Farmworker Justice Fund
              FGI -----Fashion Group International
              FKG -----Fashion Ka Ghar
              FUK -----Fashion United Kingdom
              FAF -----Fast And Frantic
              FBB -----Fast Break-Bulk (Ship)
              FBR -----Fast Breeder Reactor
              FDP -----Fast Digital Processor
              FFT -----Fast Fourier Transform
              FFH -----Fast Frequency Hopping
              FFG -----Fast FriGate [type of US Naval vessel]
              FIB -----Fast Information Block
              FKF -----Fast Kalman Filter 
              FMW -----Fast Magnetosonic Wave
              FNA -----Fast Neutron Analysis
              FRV -----Fast Reaction Vehicle
              FZC -----Fast Zip Cracker
              FTL -----Faster Than Light 
              FBS -----Fasting Blood Sugar
              FMV -----Fast-Moving Vehicles
              FCD -----Fast-track Committee Draft
              FBQ -----Fat Bastard Quotient
              FIL -----Father In Law
              FDI -----Fault Detection and Isolation
              FDV -----Fault Detection Verification
              FLF -----Fault Location Facility
              FLP -----Fault Location Panel
              FLU -----Fault Location Unit
              FAV -----Favourite
              FIU -----FDDI Interface Unit
              FGA -----Feature Group A
              FGB -----Feature Group B
              FGC -----Feature Group C 
              FGD -----Feature Group D
              FME -----Feature Manipulation Engine
              FEB -----February 
              FGX -----Federacao Gaucha de Xadrez
              FVG -----Federacion Venezolana de Golf
              FED -----Federal
              FAI -----Federal Acquisition Institute
              FAA -----Federal Aviation Administration
              FBI -----Federal Bureau of Investigations
              FCC -----Federal Communications Commission 
              FCW -----Federal Computer Week (periodical) 
              FEC -----Federal Election Commission 
              FEE -----Federal Environmental Executive 
              FFY -----Federal Fiscal Year
              FHL -----Federal Home Loan Bank 
              FIX -----Federal Information eXchange 
              FIS -----Federal Information System
              FIT -----"Federal Information Technologies, inc. "
              FII -----Federal Item Identification
              FJO -----Federal Job Offer
              FNC -----Federal Networking Council
              FPN -----Federal Part Number
              FPQ -----Federal Plant Quarantine
              FRM -----Federal Reference Method
              FRA -----Federal Register Act
              FRG -----Federal Republic of Germany
              FRK -----Federal Reserve-Kansas City
              FSB -----Federal Savings Bank
              FSC -----Federal Stock Class
              FSI -----Federal Stock Item
              FSN -----Federal Stock Number 
              FTC -----Federal Trade Commission (US)
              FUT -----Federal Unemployment Tax
              FWS -----Federal Wage System
              FEW -----Federally Employed Women
              FNS -----Federated Naming Service
              FCY -----Federation Canadienne de Yachting
              FNQ -----Federation de Natation du Quebec
              FVQ -----Federation de Voile du Quebec
              FKQ -----Federation des Kinesiologues du Quebec
              FQQ -----Federation des Quilles du Quebec
              FIA -----Federation Internationale de l'Automobile
              FJP -----Federation of Jewish Philantrophies
              FQK -----Federation Quebecoise de Karate
              FDO -----Fee Determining Official
              FTF -----Feed The Famished
              FBT -----Feedback Technology
              FWQ -----Feedlot Water Quality
              FSW -----Feet Sea Water 
              FDS -----Feline Distraction Syndrome
              FXT -----Felixstowe
              FBA -----Fellow of the British Academy
              FIQ -----Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying
              FPS -----Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society 
              FRS -----Fellow of the Royal Society
              FSA -----Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries 
              FZS -----Fellow of the Zoological Society
              FOY -----Fellowship Of Youth
              FYX -----Fellowship of Youth Experience
              FJK -----Female Jedi Knight
              FKU -----Feminist Karate Union
              FKS -----Fernmelde-Klein-Steckverbindung
              FSZ -----Fernstudienzentrum
              FVZ -----Fernwaermeversorgung Zwoenitz
              FNM -----Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico
              FLC -----Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
              FMR -----Ferro-Magnetic Resonance
              FFQ -----Ferrosilite-Fayalite-Quartz
              FXY -----Ferrous Sulfate-Xylenol
              FXG -----Ferrous sulfate-Xylenol-Gelatin 
              FXC -----Ferrox Cube
              FRY -----Ferry
              FZM -----Fertigungszentrum Maschinenbau
              FLZ -----Festo-LernzentrumFunktionskennzeichen 
              FDZ -----Fetal Death Zone
              FHH -----Fetal Heart Heard
              FUO -----Fever of Unknown Origin
              FLB -----FForward Logistics Base
              FBG -----Fiber Bragg Gratings
              FCI -----Fiber Channel Interface 
              FOG -----Fiber Optic Gyro
              FON -----Fiber Optic Network
              FIW -----Fiberglass Insulated Wire
              FRB -----Fiberglass Rotor Blade
              FGF -----Fibroblast Growth Factor
              FBN -----Fictitious Business Name
              FTN -----Fido Technology Network
              FAL -----Field Analysis Laboratory
              FCN -----Field Change Notice
              FCJ -----"Field Command, Johnston Atoll"
              FDN -----Field Designator Number
              FEG -----Field Emission Gun
              FEX -----Field EXercise
              FFC -----Field File Custodian 
              FGV -----Field Gradient Voltage
              FIK -----Field Ionization Kinetics
              FKT -----Field Kitchen Trailer
              FKM -----"Field Kitchen, Modular"
              FNV -----Field Not Valid
              FOV -----Field Of View
              FRU -----Field Replaceable Unit
              FSL -----Field Service Logistics
              FTB -----Field Terminal Box
              FTK -----Field Test Kit
              FTX -----Field Training eXercise
              FVT -----Field Validation Test
              FWP -----Field Work Proposal 
              FET -----Field-Effect Transistor
              FKN -----Field-Koros-Noves
              FPX -----Field-programmable Port Extender
              FWA -----Fields Waves & Atoms
              FTY -----Fifty
              FTS -----Fight The System
              FBX -----Fighter Bomber Experimental
              FEZ -----Fighter Engagement Zone
              FLO -----Fighter Liaison Officer
              MIG -----fighter plane
              FWW -----Fighter Weapons Wing
              FSV -----Fighting System Vehicle
              FUC -----Fighting Unreal Cows
              FVA -----Fighting Vehicle Armament system
              FVS -----Fighting Vehicle System 
              FIG -----Figure
              FJI -----Fiji (242) ISO 3-letter country code
              FAT -----File Allocation Table 
              FCB -----File Cache Buffer
              FID -----File Identifier Descriptor
              FNT -----File Name Table
              FNR -----File Next Register 
              FSP -----File Slurping Protocol
              FTP -----File Transfer Protocol
              FUI -----File Update Information
              FQH -----Filled Quartz Helix
              FNG -----Film News Gathering
              FTD -----Film Television and Drama 
              FCK -----Filter Change Kit
              FBP -----Final Boiling Point
              FCR -----Final Costs Recovery
              FXL -----Final eXplosion Limit
              FFL -----Final Firing Line
              FLH -----"Final Limit, Hoist"
              FPL -----Final Protective Line
              FRN -----Final Rulemaking Notice
              FTG -----Final Trunk Group
              FYZ -----Final Yield of Zero
              FOZ -----Finalists' Opportunites Zone
              FAG -----Finance and Accounting Group
              YVX -----Financial Accounting Data History Restore Transaction
              FMU -----Financial Management Unit
              FNN -----Financial News Network 
              FRX -----Financial Reporting Extender
              FTR -----Financial Times Report
              FWG -----Financial Working Group
              FYY -----Finansal Yeniden Yapilandirma
              FFI -----Find Further Information
              FMB -----Find My Beer
              FMM -----Find My Mind
              FYO -----Find Your Own
              FGS -----Fine Guidance Sensors (on HST) [Space] 
              FNF -----Finger-Nose-Finger
              FEM -----Finite Element Model 
              FIR -----Finite Impulse Response
              FCM -----Finite-Cluster Model
              FIN -----Finland
              FIM -----FInnish Markka (currency) 
              FMI -----Finnish Meteorological Institute
              FFM -----Fire and Forget Missile
              FCS -----Fire Control System 
              FCX -----Fire Coordination Exercise
              FHR -----Fire Hose Rack
              FHY -----Fire Hydrant
              FSX -----Fire Support eXecution
              FUA -----Fire Unit Analyzer
              FWZ -----Fire Weather Zone
              FBH -----Fire-Baptized Holiness
              FWO -----Fire-Weather Office
              FPW -----Firing Port Weapon
              FBC -----First Baptist Church
              FDC -----First Day Cover
              FDT -----First Destination Transportation
              FFV -----First Families of Virginia (US)
              FGT -----First Goal Terror
              FGW -----First Goal Wins
              FJS -----First Jersey Securities
              FJD -----First Judicial District
              FNU -----First Name Unknown
              FNW -----First Nationwide
              FOW -----First Open Water
              FPP -----First Past the Post 
              FRT -----First Responders Team
              FTU -----First Training Unit
              FUE -----First Unit Equipped
              FVF -----First Vertical Flight
              FVC -----First Volume Commit
              FYW -----First Year Writing
              FHW -----First-Hand Witness
              FYR -----Fiscal YeaR
              FYE -----Fiscal Year End
              FYP -----Fiscal Year Plan
              FYM -----Fiscal Year-Month
              FUZ -----Fisch-Umschlags Zentrum
              FWR -----Fish and Wildlife Resources
              FCZ -----Fishery Conservation Zone
              FOX -----Fishery-Oceanography eXperiment
              FYQ -----Fisica Y Quimica
              FYH -----Fission Yeast Handbook
              FBF -----Five By Five 
              FXD -----Fixed
              FXM -----Fixed Asset Management
              FBO -----Fixed Base Operation 
              FFK -----Fixed Function Keyboard
              FLL -----Fixed Loss Loop
              FNE -----Fixed Network Equipment
              FPG -----Fixed Pattern Generator
              FXU -----FiXed point Unit
              FPE -----Fixed Price with Escalation
              FWV -----Fixed Wing Vehicle
              FPD -----Flame Photometric Detector
              FVP -----Flash Vacuum Pyrolysis
              FWI -----Flash With Information
              FXF -----Flash X-ray Facility
              FBK -----Flat Back
              FST -----Flat Screen Technology
              FTM -----Flat Tension Mask [Zenith]
              FAD -----Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
              FMN -----Flavin Mono-Nucleotide
              FGO -----Fleet Gunnery Officer
              FPO -----Fleet Post Office
              FWC -----Fleet Weather Central
              FWF -----Fleet Weather Facility
              FLX -----Flexible
              FBM -----Flexible Buffer Management
              FML -----Flexible Membrane Liner
              FWH -----Flexible Working Hours
              FTA -----Flexographic Technical Association
              FLT -----Flight
              FDF -----Flight Dynamics Facility
              FIH -----Flight Information Handbook
              FMG -----Flight Management Guidance
              FMS -----Flight Mission Simulation
              FNL -----Flight Navigation License
              FPB -----Flight Progress Board
              FQS -----Flight Qualified System
              FQP -----Flight Quality and Performance
              FRO -----Flight Radio Officer
              FRF -----Flight Readiness Firing
              FTE -----Flight Test Engineer
              FWU -----Flight Watch Unit
              FAM -----FLIR Alignment Module (FLIR is Forward Looking  InfaRed)
              FPU -----Floating-Point Unit
              FHV -----Flockhouse Virus
              FEH -----Flood Estimation Handbook
              FLS -----FLood Statement
              FLW -----FLood Warning
              FDD -----Floppy Disc Drive
              FAU -----Florida Atlantic University
              FDQ -----Florida Designers Quarterly
              FNB -----Florida National BankFunktionskennzeichen 
              FSU -----Florida State University
              FYN -----Florida Yards and Neighborhoods
              FAR -----Flow Admission Request
              FCV -----Flow Control Valve
              FIC -----Flow Indicator Controller
              FPV -----Flow Plague Virus
              FTI -----Flow Totalizer Indicator
              FUN -----Flow Update Notification
              FVL -----Flow Volume Loop
              FIE -----Flow-Injection Extraction
              QXH -----Flowrate by Height
              FKE -----Floyd's Knob Elementary
              FGR -----Flue Gas Recirculation
              FCU -----Fluid Conditioning Unit
              FDH -----"Fluor Daniel Hanford, Incorporated"
              FLN -----Fluorescence Line Narrowing
              FJH -----Flushing Junior High
              FBW -----Fly By Wire
              FIY -----Fly It Yourself
              FRH -----Fly Runway Heading
              FLY -----Flywheel 
              FMX -----FM eXtended-range (Transmission System)
              FNH -----Focal Nodular HyperplasiaFunktionskennzeichen 
              FVH -----Focal Vascular Headache
              FFU -----Focus-Forming Unit
              FKH -----Foerderkreis Deutsches Heer
              FUU -----Foerderkreis Umweltschutz in Unterfranken
              FKJ -----Foerderverein der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
              FHK -----Foereningen Hallandskatten
              FGY -----Foggy
              FPK -----Folding Pocket Kodak
              FOL -----Folio
              FSH -----Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
              FNI -----Following Named Individuals
              FNO -----Following Named Officers
              FQA -----Following Question
              FOI -----Follow-On Interceptor
              FJG -----"Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville"
              FQF -----Fondation Heritage Faune
              FJQ -----Fonds Jeunesse Quebec
              FNK -----Fonoblok
              QZF -----Font Romeu (France)
              FHJ -----Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek
              FDA -----Food and Drug Administration 
              FHI -----Food for the Hungry International 
              FMC -----Food Machinery Corporation
              FCP -----Foolscap
              FAW -----Football Association of Wales
              FFS -----For F***s Sake
              FHS -----For Heaven's Sake 
              FHM -----For Him Magazine
              FAO -----For the Attention Of
              FYA -----For Your Attention 
              FYC -----For Your Consideration
              FYF -----For Your File
              FYI -----For Your Information 
              FYJ -----For Your Journal
              FYL -----For Your Log(s)
              FYS -----For Your Signature

    FYT -----For Your Trash

    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  18. 2 کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند.

  19. #10
    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
    نوشته ها
    تشکر تشکر کرده 
    تشکر تشکر شده 
    تشکر شده در
    4,905 پست
    حالت من : Khoonsard
    قدرت امتیاز دهی

    پیش فرض

    ادامه حرف F
    FVI -----Forage Value Index
              FJV -----Forca Jovem Vasco
              FDU -----Force Deployment Update
              FER -----Force Exchange Ratio 
              FRP -----Force Rendezvous Point
              FQO -----Forced Quantum Oscillator method
              FVE -----"Forced Volume, Expiratory"
              YYN -----Ford Cologne 2300 V-6 112 horsepower engine
              FKX -----Ford Koeln Experimental
              FDK -----Forecastle Deck
              FGN -----Foreign
              FCO -----Foreign and Commonwealth Office
              FXA -----Foreign Exchange Analysis
              FXE -----Foreign Exchange Encashment 
              FXO -----Foreign Exchange Office
              FLV -----Foreign LeaVe
              FMY -----Foreign Missions of Yarumal
              FTO -----Foreign Training Officer
              FUG -----Foreningen af Underkendte Genier
              FHN -----Forest Hills Northern 
              FUY -----Forests in the Upper Yangtze
              FEY -----Forever Yours
              FUF -----"Forges, Usines et Fonderies, Haine St. Pierre"
              FKD -----Forked
              FEA -----Formal Environmental Assessment
              FQR -----Formal Qualification Review
              FQT -----Formal Qualification Test
              FKA -----Formerly Known As
              FLD -----Forming Limit Diagram
              FZG -----Forschungsstelle fuer Zahnraeder und Getriebebau
              FZB -----Forschungszentrum fuer Bodenfruchtbarkeit
              FZI -----Forschungszentrum Informatik
              FZJ -----Forschungszentrum Juelich
              FZK -----Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
              FZL -----Forschungszentrum Lobeda
              FZR -----Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
              YXJ -----"Fort Saint John, British Columbia"
              FSJ -----"Fort St. John (British Columbia, Canada)"
              FZH -----Fortbildungszentrum Hofen
              FFF -----Fortissimo (very very loud)
              FXV -----Fortran Extension for Vax
              FEU -----Forty-foot container Equivalent Unit
              FJJ -----Forum du Jeune Journaliste
              FKL -----Forum fuer Klanglandschaft
              FMK -----Forum MobilkommunikationFunktionskennzeichen 
              FZV -----Forum Zdrave Vyzivy
              FZT -----Forum Zubniho Technika
              FAC -----Forward Air Controller 
              FEO -----Forward Engagement Operations 
              FHQ -----Forward HeadQuarters
              FLI -----Forward Looking Infared
              FLR -----Forward Looking Radar 
              FOO -----Forward Observation Officer
              FSS -----Forward Supply System
              FUB -----Forward Utility Bridge
              FVM -----Forward Visibility More than (miles)
              FVW -----Forward Volume Wave
              FWL -----Forward Working Limit
              FOU -----Foundation
              FJB -----Foundation for the Junior Blind
              FYD -----Foundation for Youth Development
              FHU -----Foundation of Human Understanding
              FUW -----Foundation of University Women 
              FDY -----Foundry
              FLA -----Four 
              FCT -----Four Corner Test (4FCT)
              FWD -----Four Wheel Drive 
              FCH -----Fourier Color Hologram
              FGH -----Fourier-Grid Hamiltonian
              FQM -----Four-Quadrant Multiplier
              FGL -----Fourth Generation Language
              IVY -----Fourth Infantry
              FWJ -----Fourth World Journal
              FWM -----Four-Wave Mixing
              FXH -----Foxhound
              FIF -----Fractal Image Format 
              FXZ -----Fractal Xtreme Zoom
              FYB -----Fractal Xtreme Zoom 
              FDG -----Fractional Doppler Gate
              FGE -----Fractographic Examination
              FXK -----Fraesen Extension Kontur 
              FSM -----Frame Service Module
              FSY -----Frame SYnc
              FPH -----Frames Per Hour
              FPM -----Frames Per Minute
              FWK -----Framework
              FEJ -----France Europe Jet
              FJZ -----Frank Joseph Zamboni
              KXZ -----Frank Twist Elastic Constant
              FQZ -----Frankenwaelder Querzone
              FGM -----Frankford Group Ministry
              FAZ -----Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
              FKO -----Franz-Keldish Oscillations 
              FXN -----Frataxin 
              FOP -----Fraternal Order of Police
              FKW -----Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft
              FGZ -----Frauengesundheitszentrum
              FIZ -----Frauensinformationszentrum
              FRL -----Fraulein
              FHG -----Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany
              IZM -----Fraunhofer Institut fur Zuverlaessigkeit und  Mikrointegration
              FPJ -----Freddie Prinze Junior
              FAS -----Free Alongside Ship 
              FBZ -----Free Blocking Zone
              FBD -----Free Body Diagram
              FBE -----Free Buffer Enquiry
              FEN -----Free Electron Network
              FFZ -----Free Fire Zone
              FJE -----Free Jet Expansion
              FOC -----Free Of Charge
              FOK -----Free Of Knots
              FOB -----Free On Board
              FOQ -----Free On Quay
              FOR -----Free On Rail
              FPZ -----Free Port Zone
              FSF -----Free Software Foundation
              FTZ -----Free Trade Zone
              FUQ -----Free University Quarterly
              FVY -----Free Vietnam Youth
              FZA -----Free Zone Authority
              FZQ -----Free Zone Quarterly
              FXI -----Freedom of Expression Institute
              FWX -----Freedom Worx
              FFB -----Free-Fall Bomb
              FFD -----FreeForm Diagram
              FHD -----FreeHand Drawing
              FLJ -----Free-Lance Journalist
              FKV -----Freelance Koks Vereniging
              FJC -----Freely Joined Chain
              FWY -----Freeway
              FGJ -----Freezing Gas Jet
              FPT -----Freezing Point
              FZZ -----Frei Zur Zucht
              FDR -----Freie Democratishe Republic
              FDJ -----Freie Deutshche Jugend 
              FMZ -----Freies MusikzentrumFunktionskennzeichen 
              FAK -----Freight All Kinds
              FKK -----FreiKrperKultur (german)
              FBJ -----Freiman-Berger-Johnson bound
              FZW -----Freizeitzentrum West
              FZX -----Freizeitzentrum Xanten
              FHO -----"Fremde Heere Ost (German Intelligence Evaluation  Service, Eastern Section, WWII)"
              BZH -----French Britanny 
              FKP -----French Kommunist Party
              FNY -----French Navy
              FQB -----French Quarter Bar
              FGQ -----Freqent Gale Questions
              FQY -----Frequency
              FBV -----Frequency Bias Value 
              FDM -----Frequency Division Multiplex
              FEK -----Frequency Exchange Keying
              FIO -----Frequency In and Out
              FOT -----Frequency of Optimum Traffic
              FSK -----Frequency Shift Keying
              FRQ -----Frequent
              FAQ -----Frequently Asked Questions
              FRE -----Frequently Requested Enhancement
              FTQ -----Frequently Tested Questions
              FZP -----Fresnel Zone Plate
              FKY -----Freundekreis Klassische Yachten
              FHP -----Friction Horsepower 
              FRW -----Friction Welding
              FRI -----Friday
              FND -----Friday Night Disco
              FOF -----Friend Of (a) Friend
              FFN -----"Friend, Foe or Neutral"
              FFJ -----Friends For Jamaica
              FMH -----Friends Meeting House
              FJW -----Friends of Jackie Wilson
              FJM -----Friends of Johnny Mathis
              FOE -----Friends Of the Earth
              FKC -----Friends of the Kennedy Center
              FNZ -----Friends of the National Zoo
              FXQ -----Friends Xiang Qi 
              FGP -----Frigate-General Purpose
              FZE -----Frischezentrum Essen
              FGU -----From the Ground Up
              FLQ -----Front de Liberation de Quebec (Quebec Liberation  Front)
              FNJ -----Front National de la Jeunesse
              FOH -----Front Of House (theatres)
              FUJ -----Front Upset Jaw
              FEL -----Front-End Loader
              FAJ -----Frontier Adjusters of America
              FXW -----Frontier Xtreme Wrestling
              FYV -----Fructas y Verduras
              FGG -----Fruit Growers Group
              FRZ -----Fruity Religious Zealot
              FYK -----Frysk Ynterasjonaal Kontakt
              FJU -----Fu Jen University
              FJX -----Fu Jia Xis
              FEF -----Fuel Examination Facility 
              FHC -----Fuel Handling Cell 
              FIV -----Fuel Isolation Valve
              FQV -----Fuel Quality Value
              FQI -----Fuel Quantity Indicator
              FUM -----Fuel Unloading Machine
              FVD -----Fuel Vapor Detector
              FAX -----Fuel-Air eXplosive
              FAE -----Fuel-Air Explosive 
              FQC -----Fuels Quality Control
              FQE -----Fuels Quality Engineering
              FVX -----Fujitsu Visual Explore
              FJL -----Fukushi Jukankyo Link
              FUL -----Fulcrum
              FBL -----Full Bell Lines
              FCL -----Full Container Load
              FDB -----Full Data Block 
              FDX -----Full Duplex
              FDE -----Full Duplex Ethernet
              FFR -----Full Frequency Recording
              FMJ -----Full Metal Jacket
              FQG -----Full Quantity Generator
              FRC -----Full Rate Codec
              FRD -----Full Rate Deployment
              FSD -----Full Scale Development
              FSQ -----Full-Spectrum Quantization
              FTH -----Full-Time Hourly
              FUS -----Full-Use Standard
              FBU -----Fully Built-Up
              FXS -----Fully eXpanded System
              FFO -----Fully Functional Operations
              FFP -----Fully Functioning Process
              FMQ -----Fully Mission Qualified
              FQD -----Fully Qualified Domain
              FQJ -----Fully Qualified Jerk
              FQU -----Fully Qualified Unit
              FHA -----Fully-Heated Area
              FKB -----Function Key Button
              FQX -----Function on Queues of Anything
              FJA -----Functional Job Analysis
              FOM -----Functional Operational Manager
              FQL -----Functional Query Language
              FRR -----Functional Review Report
              FTV -----Functional Technology Vehicle
              FVU -----Functional Verification Unit
              FWB -----Functional Well Being 
              FEI -----Functionally Emulative Increment 
              FIJ -----Fund for Investigative Journalism
              FKR -----Fung Keong Rubber
              FKZ -----Funktionskennzeichen
              FMD -----Funky Mellow Disco 
              FLK -----Funny Looking Kid
              FXB -----FunXBox
              FZD -----Furazolidone
              FUR -----Furlong
              MFI -----furniture company 
              FNX -----Furniture 'N' Xtras
              FFE -----"Furniture, Fittings and Equipment [in Architecture]"
              FUH -----Fuse Holder
              FOJ -----Fuse On-Jam
              FVR -----Fuse Voltage Rating
              FYU -----Fushigi Yuugi
              FAH -----Future Attack Helicopter
              FBY -----Future Budget Year
              FCA -----Future Coconut of America
              FFA -----Future Farmers of America
              FMA -----Future Mailing Address
              FMO -----Future method of operation
              FOS -----Future Operations Section
              FVB -----Future Villain Band
              FWN -----Future World News
              FZU -----Fuz Hou University
              FZY -----FuZzY
              FZF -----Fyzikalni Zaklady Fotoniky
    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  20. 2 کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده اند.

صفحه 1 از 4 1234 آخرینآخرین

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  • شما امکان ارسال پاسخ را ندارید
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  • شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید
