Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course "Development of WEB applications and WIN in Visual

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Course "Development of WEB applications and WIN in Visual Studio" | 447MB
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 are a huge number of improvements and additions. The changes affected the development in ASP.NET, WPF, WinForms, SharePoint, Silverlight, the development of multithreaded applications and cloud-programming. VS 2010 also contains thousands of improvements to the core IDE, code editor, language support, planning tools and software testing. Also present in the assembly of Training Course "Development of WEB applications and WIN in Visual Studio".
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
VS 2010 and. NET 4 carry a huge number of improvements and additions. The changes affected the development in ASP.NET, WPF, WinForms, SharePoint, Silverlight, the development of multithreaded applications and cloud-programming. VS 2010 also contains thousands of improvements to the core IDE, code editor, language support, planning tools and software testing.
Team Foundation Server 2010 is now very easy to install (it takes only 20 minutes to install kotrolya code, bug tracking and task performance, and an automated assembly) can be installed on either server in the domain and on the client machine, not connected to domain .
Visual Studio 2010
The line of VS 2010 was uproshena. There are 4 versions:
* Visual Studio Express: Free development environment for Web, VB, C # and C
* Visual Studio 2010 Professional: Professional development environment that can be used with Team Foundation Server. The package also includes 50 hours / month of CPU time in Windows Azure.
* Visual Studio 2010 Premium: Premium version includes the possibility of additional tools and Professional Development (Advanced profiller and debugger, code analyzer), additional database support, utility testinovaniya interfaces, and more. Supplied with 100 hours / month of CPU time in Windows Azure.
* Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate: Ultimate version includes the Premium plus advanced development, testing and design, including Intellitrace (historical debugger), UML, control laboratories, testing, etc. Supplied with 250 hours / month of CPU time in Windows Azure.
Training course on "Development of WEB applications and WIN in Visual Studio"
Two formal training courses from Microsoft Press devoted to the development of Windows and Web-based applications in an environment Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. Contains many illustrations and code examples, is available the material described.
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