Song Stream - Dubstep Club Steel (WAV/MIDI/FL)

Song Stream - Dubstep Club Steel (WAV/MIDI/FL) | 642MB
DubstepClub Steel is a smoking Dubstep product that is very unique. Mixedwith a combination of Club Dubstep, Crazy Dubstep, Techno, and many moreunique styles, this Dubstep product will take your stepping to a higherlevel.
Songstream has created top quality Dubstep sounds,ranging from pounding drums to wonky synth basses, gated sounds, and FXloops.
These 10 multi-track Construction Kits contain over 280loops in total and includes Drum Hit Folders, MP3s and much more. Thisawesome pack is innovative and creative, with unique sounds and patternsto help you step up your Dubstep production game.
Dubstep hasmade the transition over 10 years from an underground sensation to amainstream style, influencing Electro and Dance music. Artists such asSnoop Dogg have begun grinding out Dubstep hits and their grimey, dark,syncopated styles are perfectly captured in Songstreams Dubstep ClubSteel.
You'll find grooves and loops inspired by the likes of Rusko, Benga, Nero, Datsik and Bar 9.
Technical Specifications:
? Fruity Loops
? 24-Bit WAV, FL Studio Files & MIDI
? 10 Multi-track Construction Kits
? Drum Hit Folders Available for Kits
? All tempos are provided
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