Nemetschek Allplan BIM v2012.0 MULTiLANGUAGE-iND

Nemetschek Allplan BIM v2012.0 MULTiLANGUAGE-iND | 1.15 GB
Allplan2012 Architecture Software has really grabbed the attention ofarchitects and designers throughout the world by the range of options itoffers.
The possibilities offered are based on future-orientedfunctionality, a particular focus on enabling networked working methodsvia the internet, the seamless exchange of data and extremely intuitiveuse. The current version offers numerous enhancements that will makeyour work more efficient. The most important new features includeSmartParts (parametric CAD objects), optimized report functions and adirect connection to Allplan Allfa Web.
A newfeature in Allplan 2012 are SmartParts ? they are independent parametricAllplan CAD objects with powerful 3D modeling functionality. Whatsreally special about them is that they contain business logic andtherefore behave intelligently. Object changes, variations andfree-forms can be implemented easily and in real time. Whether the userinserts SmartParts using Drag and Drop or assembles prefabricated partsin CAD ? everything becomes easier to realize. With minimal risk oferror and in a short space of time, you can attain high-quality andrealistic planning documents.
Creating custom and parametric 2D/3D objects
CustomSmartParts can be scripted by you in no time ? with Allplan SmartPartScript. The easy-to-learn programming languages, as well as special helpfunctions, make it possible to create SmartParts in 2D and 3D. Allplanalso reliably protects your creative property against unwanted copyingand usage by third parties with password protected scripts.
Allplan Connect features high-quality CAD content
Allplanusers will now have especially easy access to premium content such asCAD objects, textures and SmartParts with the release of Allplan 2012.Large volumes of high-quality, quality-assured data is now available fordownload in Allplan Connect ? the global service portal; the range ofobjects offered is constantly being expanded.
Optimized CAD-Reports
Forall project phases, Allplan provides clear analyses which have beengraphically reworked and unified. Something new in Allplan 2012 is thelinking of objects in reports and drawings (Zoom function). This featuresignificantly improves the transparency and comprehensibility ofreports. By clicking on specific objects in the report, thecorresponding component is activated and zoomed in on in all views. Thenumber of reports available in Allplan 2012 has also been significantlyexpanded.
Direct connection to web-based facilities management
Allplan2012 also provides a direct link to Allplan Allfa Web: Building datacan be acquired comfortably through this link as well as through the SAPinterface, and then subsequently edited and evaluated. The purely webbased solution Allplan Allfa Web is a central intranet platform that notonly saves time, expense and resources, but which also providesbusinesses with flexibility and mobility in managing properties andfacilities.
Seamless data exchange
Allplan 2012Architecture supports more than 50 file formats, including the DWGformat for AutoCAD 2011/2012. Furthermore, the IFC interface has alsobeen improved. Thanks to extended default settings, it is possible tospecify individually which elements should be transferred. Furthermore,Allplan supports the STL and SKP file formats. With these formats, 3Dmodels can be produced using 3D printers or directly transferred intoGoogle SketchUp or Google Earth.
Convenient building alteration design
Theimproved building alteration functions provide you with the essentialtools needed for alteration work, eliminating the time-consuming anderror-prone processes during the creation of reconstruction plans.Whether you are working in 2D, 3D or a mixture of the two, thealteration functions adapt to your method of working. In addition to theprevious alteration lists, new reports, including component numbers,can now be generated. The correct representation of existing structures,demolition and new construction, as well as the creation and closure ofopenings in existing walls and ceilings is considerably faster andeasier with the new version.
Automatic update
The Allplan2012 Architecture includes an automatic update function. This means youcan rest assured that your software will always be up-to-date. Similarto the Windows update function, you can choose between the fullyautomatic? or the on request? installation. The automatic updatefunction can be set for a single user or an entire work group.
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