SV-MicroPE 2k10 PlusPack CD/USB 2.2.5 (17.11.2011)


SV-MicroPE 2k10 PlusPack CD/USB 2.2.5 (17.11.2011) | 672 MB

Miniature Windows-PE from the SV2004, heavily modified from the original. Features - WIM-assembly, based on the core BS-Explorer, loaded for 50sek. and running very quickly. There is support for SCSI / SATA / RAID. Two variants of loading - with enhanced support for SATA / SCSI / Raid (256MB of RAM) and basic (128MB of memory).
Network / Internet and multimedia support in the assembly are missing (the reason), but only in the extended version - Multiboot 2k10 CD (DVD) / USB.
Main purpose:
Preparing to install the OS (with vozmozhnostyu install Win 2000/XP/2003 - utility or Install_Win WinNTSetup), creation / deployment system images, restore / copy data, resuscitation computer running clean from viruses (trojans), testing the basic components of MS, and more . In general, the drive system administrator.

1. Integrated driver SCSI / SATA / RAID / IDE (@ yahoo005)
2. Full support USB-Flash/HDD hot-plug (since version 2.0 adds support for running controllers USB-3.0).
3. Wim-support images (automatic mounting in B: \ PePrograms), if the file ini - start. (@ Yurkesha)
4. Different logo download (for single and multicore are different). CD-loader - Isolinus, USB-boot Syslinux (3.86). Can be installed on USB-HDD (format the partition, make the primary / active), copy the folder, run the batch file on the disk. An alternate boot Grub4Dos with full menus and extra features.
5. Conductor-based Xplorer2.
6. Restart the shell at startup when connected to a carrier with a marker. The marker is a batch file 2k10 \ WinPE \ SVPE.bat. When loading is bust drive C. .. W, searches for the specified file, control passes to the first found, ie,
C: \ 2k10 \ WinPE \ SVPE.bat ... D: \ 2k10 \ WinPE \ SVPE.bat ...
The batch file installs a folder with the programs (PePrograms) as drive Y: - for the sake of simplicity "bind" connected with the media programs. In addition, the main menu is replaced by BS Explorer and restart the shell. Ie, the main menu (the core), running, if not found a carrier with a marker. And extended (SVPE \ _start.ini, can be easily modified to your own set of programs if necessary) replace the main, if found support. Set of plug-in program shows the last picture. In addition to the Start menu, easy to change other menu, add entries to the registry and "throw" the necessary libraries to the core - all this can be prescribed in 2k10 \ WinPE \ SVPE.bat.bat.
7. All the programs moved out of the nucleus (there were only a file manager FAR, Xplorer2 and partly ERD-2005). For convenience, the labels on some of the utilities are duplicated in different sections - for example, software CD-Roller and IsoBuster (recovery CD / DVD) "prescribed" in section "Data Recovery" and "CD / DVD-utility."
8. The algorithm of memory allocation tempo drive (now in the presence of memory volume increases - up to 1.5GB).
9. In detail: Runscanner to pitting program on "Speed" Windu, SetTargetRoot for the same purpose in the ERD-2005 and so on.
10. Virtually all programs can be used as a portable (self-extracting into TEMP with autoenrollment). When working in XPe from the menu on the possibility to bring on the "Speed" Windu. To use the software under normal wind to serve utility P2Start - it connects to "Start" program builds (Software 2k10).
11. The assembly is entirely in the same folder 2k10. For intergatsii in multisborki just plug them into the menu Build - 2k10 \ SYSLINUX \ syslinux.cfg (for builds on Syslinux) or 2k10 \ GRUB4DOS \ 2K10M.LST (for assemblies GRUB4DOS).
