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موضوع: Resistance 3 (2011/ENG/PS3/DEMO)

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    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
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    پیش فرض Resistance 3 (2011/ENG/PS3/DEMO)


    Resistance 3 (2011/ENG/PS3/DEMO) | 1.54 Gb
    Year: 2011 | Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person | Platform: PS3 | Language: English | Publication Type: Demo
    Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment | Developer: Insomniac Games

    Set in a brutal, alternate 1950s universe, America has been successfully conquered and destroyed by the deadly Chimeran race, forcing the last remaining human survivors to seek refuge in hiding. Players must take on the role of Joseph Capelli, the last surviving Sentinel from a clandestine military program, as he comes out of hiding to journey across a land of ruin in a heroic fight for survival against the merciless Chimera. In addition to an epic single-player campaign, Resistance 3 will offer two-player online or split-screen co-op through the single-player campaign, and a new, focused progression-based multiplayer experience.

    * Journey as mankind’s last hope, Joseph Capelli, across a devastated America, making your way from Haven, Oklahoma to New York City.
    * Resistance 3 returns with a fully loaded arsenal of innovative weapons, including classics like the Bullseye, Auger, Rossmore, and Marksman, and increase the firepower of each with a new weapon upgrade system. With the return of the fan-favorite weapon wheel, players now have access to the entire sandbox of weaponry, giving them strategic choices for any situation they encounter.
    * Engage smarter and more agile Chimeran enemies – due to Insomniac’s new awareness and cinematic traversal technology that gives the Chimera the ability to traverse any environment to reach you: nowhere is safe. Newly evolved Chimeran species - such as the powerful, leaping Longlegs - are larger and more deadly than ever.
    * Two-player online and local/split-screen co-op gameplay allows players to team up with a friend during Capelli’s journey to New York.
    * A new, more focused, progression-based multiplayer experience builds on Insomniac’s multiplayer pedigree, while allowing players to take part in the global resistance by battling in locations set around the globe.

    Year: 2011
    Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
    Developer: Insomniac Games
    Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
    Platform: PS3

    Publication Type: Demo
    Region: USA
    Language: English
    Size: 1.54 Gb





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