قبل از هر چيز يك پروژه جديد باز كنيد واز پالت win32 يك عنصر imagelistرو به فرم اضافه كنيدهمچنين از پالت standard يك عنصر mainmenu را به فرم اضافه كنيد.خاصيتهاي OwnerRedraw و ParentBidiMode

مربوط بهmainmenu را TRUE كنيد.حالا منوی دلخواه خودتون رو تنظيم كنيد

و كدهای زير رو در يونيت فرم يك جايگزين كنيد.
فونتی كه در كد استفاده شده و بارنگ قرمز متمايز شده TAHOMAاست كه شما بدلخواه می تونيد اون رو تغيير بديد .

همچنين با تغييرات مورد دلخواه در بلوکی که با رنگ سبز متمايز شده ميتونيد رنگ خطوط پس زمينه ناحيه انتخابی- پس زمينه کل منو همچنين حاشيه دور ناحيه انتخابی واز همه مهمتر رنگ فونت رو تغيير بديد

Code: unit UNIT1; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Menus, ImgList; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ImageList1: TImageList; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; FileMenu: TMenuItem; procedure DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private procedure MenueDrawItemX(xMenu: TMenu); public end; procedure MenueDrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MenueDrawItemX(Menu); end; procedure TForm1.DrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); begin MenueDrawItem(Sender, ACanvas, ARect, Selected); end; procedure TForm1.MenueDrawItemX(xMenu: TMenu); var i: integer; B: TBitmap; FMenuItem: TMenuItem; begin B := TBitmap.Create; B.Width := 1; B.Height := 1; for i := 0 to ComponentCount - 1 do if Components[i] is TMenuItem then begin FMenuItem := TMenuItem(Components[i]); FMenuItem.OnDrawItem := DrawItem; if (FMenuItem.ImageIndex = -1) and (FMenuItem.Bitmap.width = 0) and (xMenu <> nil) then if FMenuItem.GetParentComponent.Name <> xMenu.Name then FMenuItem.Bitmap.Assign(b); end; B.Free; DrawMenuBar(handle); end; procedure MenueDrawItem(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; Selected: Boolean); var txt: string; B: TBitmap; IConRect, TextRect: TRect; FBackColor, FIconBackColor, FSelectedBkColor, FFontColor, FSelectedFontColor, FDisabledFontColor, FSeparatorColor, FCheckedColor: TColor; i, X1, X2: integer; TextFormat: integer; HasImgLstBitmap: boolean; FMenuItem: TMenuItem; FMenu: TMenu; begin FMenuItem := TMenuItem(Sender); FMenu := FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu; FBackColor := $00E1E1E1; FIconBackColor := $00D1D1D1; FSelectedBkColor := $00DCCFC7; FFontColor := clBlack; FSelectedFontColor := clNavy; FDisabledFontColor := clGray; FSeparatorColor := $00D1D1D1; FCheckedColor := clGray; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then begin X1 := ARect.Right - 20; X2 := ARect.Right; end else begin X1 := ARect.Left; X2 := ARect.Left + 20; end; IConRect := Rect(X1, ARect.Top, X2, ARect.Bottom); TextRect := ARect; txt := ' ' + FMenuItem.Caption; B := TBitmap.Create; B.Transparent := True; B.TransparentMode := tmAuto; HasImgLstBitmap := false; if (FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu.Images <> nil) or (FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages <> nil) then begin if FMenuItem.ImageIndex <> -1 then HasImgLstBitmap := true else HasImgLstBitmap := false; end; if HasImgLstBitmap then begin if FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages <> nil then FMenuItem.Parent.SubMenuImages.GetBitmap(FMenuItem .ImageIndex, B) else FMenuItem.Parent.GetParentMenu.Images.GetBitmap(FM enuItem.ImageIndex, B) end else if FMenuItem.Bitmap.Width > 0 then B.Assign(TBitmap(FMenuItem.Bitmap)); if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then begin X1 := ARect.Left; X2 := ARect.Right - 20; end else begin X1 := ARect.Left + 20; X2 := ARect.Right; end; TextRect := Rect(X1, ARect.Top, X2, ARect.Bottom); ACanvas.brush.color := FBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(TextRect); if FMenu is TMainMenu then for i := 0 to FMenuItem.GetParentMenu.Items.Count - 1 do if FMenuItem.GetParentMenu.Items[i] = FMenuItem then begin ACanvas.brush.color := FIConBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(ARect); if (FMenuItem.ImageIndex = -1) and (FMenuItem.Bitmap.width = 0) then begin TextRect := ARect; break; end; end; ACanvas.brush.color := FIconBackColor; ACanvas.FillRect(IconRect); if FMenuItem.Enabled then ACanvas.Font.Color := FFontColor else ACanvas.Font.Color := FDisabledFontColor; if Selected then begin ACanvas.brush.Style := bsSolid; ACanvas.brush.color := FSelectedBkColor; ACanvas.FillRect(TextRect); ACanvas.Pen.color := FSelectedFontColor; ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; ACanvas.RoundRect(TextRect.Left, TextRect.top, TextRect.Right, TextRect.Bottom, 6, 6); if FMenuItem.Enabled then ACanvas.Font.Color := FSelectedFontColor; end; X1 := IConRect.Left + 2; if B <> nil then ACanvas.Draw(X1, IConRect.top + 1, B); if FMenuItem.Checked then begin ACanvas.Pen.color := FCheckedColor; ACanvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; ACanvas.RoundRect(IconRect.Left, IconRect.top, IconRect.Right, IconRect.Bottom, 3, 3); end; if not FMenuItem.IsLine then begin SetBkMode(ACanvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT); ACanvas.Font.Name := 'Tahoma'; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then ACanvas.Font.Charset := ARABIC_CHARSET; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then TextFormat := DT_RIGHT + DT_RTLREADING else TextFormat := 0; if FMenuItem.Default then begin Inc(TextRect.Left, 1); Inc(TextRect.Right, 1); Inc(TextRect.Top, 1); ACanvas.Font.color := clGray; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); Dec(TextRect.Left, 1); Dec(TextRect.Right, 1); Dec(TextRect.Top, 1); ACanvas.Font.color := FFontColor; end; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); txt := ShortCutToText(FMenuItem.ShortCut) + ' '; if FMenu.IsRightToLeft then TextFormat := DT_LEFT else TextFormat := DT_RIGHT; DrawtextEx(ACanvas.Handle, PChar(txt), Length(txt), TextRect, TextFormat, nil); end else begin ACanvas.Pen.Color := FSeparatorColor; ACanvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left + 10, TextRect.Top + Round((TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top) / 2)); ACanvas.LineTo(ARect.Right - 2, TextRect.Top + Round((TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top) / 2)) end; B.free; end; end.