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موضوع: Photoshop CS4 Bible _ Paperback

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    مدیر سایت
    نمی‌دانم در کدامین کوچه جستجویت کنم ؟ آسوده بخواب مادر بیمارم
    تاریخ عضویت
    Feb 2010
    محل سکونت
    13 78 57
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    حالت من : Khoonsard
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    Photoshop CS4 Bible _ Paperback

    51wo5K94d7L BO2204203200 PIsitb sticker arrow clickTopRight35 76 AA300 SH20 OU01


    Product Description
    The ultimate comprehensive reference to Adobe now updated and revised to cover the CS4 release!

    * As the industry-standard image-editing software for print and digital media, Photoshop has a phenomenally broad reach and, if you�re a user, then you�re anxious to get started with CS4!
    * This authoritative guide to Photoshop CS4 shows you how to retouch, color correct, manipulate, and combine images
    * Sheds light on optimal ways to create cutting-edge special effects for digital or film-based images, and then use them on the Web or in print
    * More than 1,200 pages are packed with advice that demystifies even the most complex Photoshop tasks
    * Covers everything from image-editing basics to techniques for working with camera raw images
    * Also discusses the file browser, histogram palette, lens blur, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and more


    زندگی در بردگی شرمندگی است * معنی آزاد بودن زندگی است
    سر که خم گردد به پای دیگران * بر تن مردان بود بار گران

  2. کاربر مقابل از Mohamad عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

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