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    مدير باز نشسته
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    دانلود بازی های xbox360 ، با لینک مستقیم ...

    سلام ...

    در این تاپیک قصد داریم بازی های کنسول XBOX 360 رو به همراه لینک مستقیم قرار بدیم .

    اگر بازی خاصی مد نظرتون بود در همین تاپیک بفرمایید تا لینک در اختیارتون گذاشته بشه .

    در تمام پست ها ریجن بازی ها ذکر میشه ولی توجه کنید همیشه ممکنه اشتباه پیش بیاد و بازی به دستگاه شما نخوره .
    اما سعی میکنیم هیچوقت این اشکال پیش نیاد .
    بیشتر بازی ها FREE ریجن هستند .

    کاور بازی هارو به صورت لینک قرار مدیم که تاپیک سنگین نشه ...

    بنا به درخواست دوستان نحوه رایت بازی ها رو هم میگم که خیلی ساده هستش .
    ابتدا نرم افزار ImgBurn رو از اینجا دانلود بفرمایید .
    وقتی وارد نرم افزار میشوید در تب tools به settings برید و تب write رو باز کنید و چک مارک گزینه ی user specified رو بزنید و عدد sectors in L0 رو روی 1913760 بزارید و OK کنید .

    حالا قسمت write image file to disk باز کنید .
    در قسمت source گزینه ی view write queue رو بزنید و بعد browse for a file رو بزنید .
    در این قسمت فایل دانلود شده که با پسوند DVD. ( اگر هم این فایل dvd رو نداشتید همون iso رو ادد کنید ) هستش رو انتخاب کنید و بعد OK .


  2. کاربر مقابل از shmp30 عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  3. #2
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    با جدید ترین بازی ها شروع میکنیم :

    N3II: Ninety-Nine Nights PAL/ENG

    Release date: 29 th June, 2010pic
    Genre: Action (Slasher) / 3D / 3rd Personpic
    Developer: Feelpluspic
    Publisher: Konamipic
    Dating Game: Linkpic
    Release from: COMPLEXpic
    Region: PALpic
    Publication Type: Licensepic
    Firmware: iXtreme: 2nd volnapic
    Verified to work relizerom: Yes √ pic
    Language: Angliyskiypic
    Type Translation: None (Original) pic
    GameRankings: 51.71% pic
    N3II is a direct continuation of the original game. A player playing for one of the five factions, including humans, elves and goblins, will not only cut out hundreds of enemies, but also look at the storyline from five different points of view. Destroy the endless crowds of monsters will also be in the online co-op.



    Halo: Reach (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: September 14, 2010

    Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

    Developer: Bungie Studios
    Publisher: Microsoft
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: Retail
    Firmware: iXtreme second wave
    Language: English

    Type of translation: No


    First-person shooter based on the fiction novel Halo: The Fall of Reach 2001 edition of the universe Halo. It is a prequel and the third part of the Halo story of creation Supersoldier Project Spartan-II, the first attack on the covenants on people and the destruction of the impregnable citadel of earthlings on the planet Reach, then and started a bloody war with the aggressive space creatures.


    • A stunning story in the tradition of Halo!

    • New units!
    • New costumes and weapons!
    • Incredible detail of the terrain and characters Halo Reach!
    • The system of priorities for your soldiers, so that they will not simply be cannon fodder!

    • A first-class action movie plot!







    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: 2K Czech
    Publisher: 2K Games
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)

    Language: English
    Type of translation: No
    Choose one of the largest mafia clans and recovered respect for other members of the group. From your choice depends on your fate.

    And remember: informed - armed! Your intelligence is influenced by information. Read the newspaper, my friend, and you'll know everything about everything.

    So, you Vito, ended the second world war. You live in a beautiful city and is a member of one of the steep clans. People on the streets of the city live their lives - talking, reading, walking.
    And Vito has to go to the next task. It would be nice to go to a restaurant and how to fortify the Cause. And then buy my gear, in case the appearance of the tail. Stop by the station, refuel ...... and for the cause.
    - "What do I do with the corpses" - thinks Vito - "Quite simply, placing them in a trunk." Thoughts Vito, heavy, and the music sounds tragic - recalling the danger of death, and his hard life, Vito, once a poor boy who dreams to become rich and happy, and now desperately brave a dangerous man.

    * To be a gangster. Vivid images of credible, strong story and great presentation - it all allow you to feel the drama and unpredictability of the relationship between mafia clans and those in them is.

    * Forget peace. Thrilling car chases, violent fights and frantic shooting - a combination of these elements provides a rich and varied gameplay.

    * To live in the metropolis. With the latest graphics engine Illusion Engine ™ players can explore a vast world, without wasting time waiting for the next boot: a stroll through the picturesque streets of Empire Bay, covers an area of over 25 square kilometers, or go inside the buildings and enjoy an elaborated interiors.

    * Learn America. Cars, advertising, clothing - all the signs of American life 1940-50-ies, recreated as accurately as possible, changes over time in the game in accordance with the historical realities.

    * Play the classics. A selection of the best songs the mid XX century will immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the American golden age.
    Roman4ik: Phenom 18-0



  4. #3
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: 3rd-Person / 3D / Action Shooter
    Developer: IO Interactive
    Publisher: Eidos Interactive
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 1.61
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    Dirty streets of Shanghai - a great place to forget about the bloody haze. Ten bucks, a girl next door, and you are king of the world. But when he's old friend, all this damn thing does not. And the passion for hunting to sit and remember the old days are - but on the horizon, new challenges. But they will have to solve the old-fashioned. After all, when the dregs are disadvantaged in the corner and pulls to get the shotgun and arrange all around the carnage!

    A couple of the most cruel and crazy killers in the history of video games is back! Kane and Lynch will tell a story with explosions, hurricane fire and thick streams of blood. Incredible realism of violent events will carry you to the concrete jungle. Here is more dangerous than any ghetto, but these sinister characters - mother of predators. Its skin is more expensive than the life of local bosses. It is better to send to that light the whole city, than to allow someone to escape retribution. When they meet, around the world will collapse. Get ready - Kane and Lynch is near. And they are ready to kill

    R.U.S.E. (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Release date: 07/09/2010
    Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D
    Developer: Eugen Systems
    Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
    Release from: SPARE
    Region: RegionFree
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme: the second wave
    Language: English
    Type Translation: None (Original)

    The game is dedicated to the largest military conflict in human history - World War II. Attention is given to countries involved in the battles of a central place - America, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and the Soviet Union.
    The game features historically accurate kinds of troops, each of which is unique to their nation. Military units can be divided into seven types:
    • 1.Obronitelnye position - machine-gun, anti-tank positions, anti-aircraft capacity.
    • 2.Pehotnye - also include a light vehicle or tank support for infantry.
    • 3.Tankovye - the kind of troops are all the main types of tanks, ranging from light to heavy.
    • 4.Artilleristskie - include anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, and the usual self-propelled artillery.
    • 5.Protivotankovye - from anti-tank guns, to anti-tank.
    • 6.Vozdushnye - aircraft and assault troops.
    • 7.Prototipy - weapons under development, allows us to use their prototypes on the battlefield.

    In the game there are three time periods, 1939, 1942, 1945. Depending on the period, the number of troops could be reduced or increased.
    The main feature of RUSE is the system of tricks RUSE, through which the player can hide behind the troops or buildings, to accelerate the rate of movement of their troops, learn about the plans of the enemy or misleading him diversionary tactic. The tactical component is based on the authenticity mappable landscapes - we can ispolzovavt open surface area for movement and basic combat missions, and air will sparkle from the air battles. Water will be the main prepyadstviem and as a consequence of the bridges are important strategic points for which unfold fierce battle. Woods will become a haven for guerrilla warfare, and the city can be controlled by small numbers of troops. After all, in the forests and towns of infantry become invisible and cause more damage to the enemy, who does not know their location. In the game there is no "fog of war", but there is a special class of units - exploration, which allows you to see the enemy's actions and helps to not get in an ambush in the forests and cities.
    Artistic style. If most of the game about the Second World War is inherent in a dark visual style, with dirt and smoke, then RUSE the opposite - a bright artistic view of the war. One example will serve as a sunset, illuminating the battlefield, waterfalls and clear blue sky.

    Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year of Manufacture: September 7, 2010
    Genre: Simulator (Flight Combat) / 3D
    Developer: Ubisoft Bucharest
    Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    Continuation of the popular flight simulator, which is presented more fully with the modern and futuristic technically. In the game you will see the F-35 laser-guided bombs, and much more. To fly over Moscow, the Persian Gulf, the Arctic and the Indian Ocean.
    Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 gives an opportunity to take part in close air battles, night bombing and causing silent strokes by using unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, you have to make takeoffs and landings at the base and aircraft carriers, and during certain missions, even top up directly in the flight.

    • Fierce battle on a new level
    • Take off and landing at the military bases and aircraft carriers
    • Night bombing
    • track and destroy targets with the help of drones
    • Filling fighter in the air


  5. کاربر مقابل از shmp30 عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  6. #4
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Alan Wake (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action Adventure> Modern
    Developer: Remedy Entertainment
    Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
    Publication Type: license
    Platform: Xbox 360
    Region: Region Free
    Firmware: iXtreme 1.61 (iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: ENG
    Type of translation: Text

    A psychological thriller Alan Wake, created by the authors dilogii Max Payne, immerses players in a world where the most terrible nightmares come to life and the hidden fears. Unexpected plot twists await at every turn - the game captures and holds the voltage from first to last frame.

    The protagonist of the game - the writer, Alan Wake, a recognized master of thrillers, is experiencing a creative crisis. In search of inspiration, he sent along with the bride in a quiet town of Bright Falls. However, there love Alan mysteriously disappears, and the series begins chilling nightmares. Reality and fantasy are mixed, and to survive, to Alan will have to use all available means. And his most powerful ally in the struggle with darkness becomes light.

    Crackdown 2 (2010) [Region Free / ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: Ruffian Games
    Publisher: Microsoft
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)

    Language: ENG
    Type of translation: the text sound
    Pacific City - a huge metropolis, the streets which is a real war. Violent thugs, murderous mutants, anti-government organization "Network" - they are all pursuing their goals and everywhere sow chaos and disorder, keeping in constant fear of ordinary residents. In the role of police cyborg player will have to wage an irreconcilable struggle against criminals and mercilessly punish the perpetrators of the bloody lawlessness reigning everywhere, speaking judge and executioner in one person.
    Roman4ik: Phenom 18-0


    Clash of the Titans (2010) [PAL/ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: Game Republic
    Publisher: Namco Bandai
    Region: PAL
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    The game, inspired by the movie "Clash of the Titans", happening in the world of ancient Greek mythology, where there is a grand battle between the people and the powerful gods - Aidom and Zeus.

    Born of God, but well-bred man, Perseus at the head of fearless warriors is sent to a desperate campaign against the Aida, which is intent on arrange a hell on earth. Their way is through the dark land, full of demons and ferocious beasts. To survive, the hero must accept his divine power and begin to create the destiny of their own hands.

    Traveling with Perseus in the swamps, mountains and underground kingdom, you can relive events of the film and take part in the battles behind the scenes. Coping with the enemies will impressive arsenal of weapons and abilities. As the world Clash of the Titans can travel alone or together with his comrades courageously encountering any enemy, whether it is Medusa, Krakow or any other mythical beasts.

    "Interactive adventure, rethinking the movie promises an unprecedented sensation as fans game and the movie" - said director of marketing and public relations company NAMCO BANDAI Games America Todd Thorson.


  7. #5
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Red Dead Redemption (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Released: 2010
    Genre: Action
    Developer: Rockstar San Diego
    Publisher: Rockstar Games
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: ENG

    Red Dead Redemption, recall, is a continuation published in 2004 the game Red Dead Revolver. The project, being developed by Rockstar San Diego, has become a kind igroversiey classic Westerns. The action will unfold at the turn of XX century in the Wild West. Speaking as a former gangster, player pretty postranstvuet of America, looking at the small picturesque town and mastering the secret mountain trails. But most importantly - her heart's content shoot, because the goal he most that neither is correct: to acquaint with the law, even the most remote corners of the American cowboy.

    It is interesting that when talking about the game, developers promise us "a real Grand Theft Auto, only in the entourage of the Wild West" and with a lot of side quests. Assist in the implementation of such an ambitious task has its own graphics engine RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine), which is reportedly "locked up" under the huge free for research space. "An epic Western" - that's how they call it. Well, to revitalize the landscape, we offer a dynamic change of weather and seasons, more than 40 species of animals walking across the digital prairies, horse riding, trips to the diligence, on the trains ...

    The character, John Marston outlawed, faced a terrible choice that determines the storyline Red Dead Redemption. He will face robbery, ambushes, attacks of wild animals and even hanging.

    In Red Dead Redemption combines the spirit of the old westerns with the latest gaming experience. Do you have an opportunity to plunge into the unique atmosphere of the Wild West, with its vast expanses of prairie and brutal battles. And all this is accompanied by original music.

    Red Dead Redemption - shooter about the Wild West, the game westerns of our beloved Rockstar. Corporate identity is observed everywhere: a huge world, open gameplay with lots of additional jobs, a strong story, splendid shooting, beautiful graphics - well, downright ordinary GTA, only in unusual decor.

    Lost Plane 2


    Dante's Inferno (2010\ENG) Region Free XBOX360

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Action (Slasher) / 3D / 3rd Person
    Developer: Visceral Games
    Publisher: EA Games
    Platform: Xbox 360
    Region: Region Free
    Firmware: iXtreme 4-th wave
    Language: English
    Release for PC: Do not be

    Dante's Inferno - a new project studio EA Redwood Shores, the creator of the stunning Dead Space. It became known that "Dante's Inferno" - a game in the genre action-advenrure, igroizatsiya poem Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. " If you've never heard of the medieval work, which defined the modern glance to hell and purgatory, then you have the time to get acquainted with him - just to leave the game. "Divine Comedy" was written in the 14 th century in Italian and became a real literary shedverom.
    Jonathan Knight, producer Dante's Inferno added: "We want to tell gamers that story and include many details that may have been previously unknown." The protagonist of the project - Dante during the game he would have to go through all the legendary nine circles of hell in order to save his beloved Beatrice

    * Ten circles of hell. Meeting with the legendary historical figures.
    * Battles with demons, to become a giant monster rider.
    * Fighting for the choice, Dante is able to fight in close combat, and at a distance incinerate enemy fire.
    * Improving the "Net" and "evil" points that can be spent on the development of weapons.
    * Exciting and violent storyline.


  8. کاربر مقابل از shmp30 عزیز به خاطر این پست مفید تشکر کرده است:

  9. #6
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Toy Story 3: The Video Game (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Arcade / Action / 3D
    Developer: Avalanche Software
    Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: License
    Firmware: iXtreme 6 Wave
    Language: ENG
    Type of translation: No

    Toy Story 3: The Video Game - a game created after the plot same cartoon, in which you are waiting for new adventures, cowboy Woody, Buzz and the rest of the hero's friends in the magical world of toys.
    Everything starts from when our heroes learn that Andy is preparing to go to college and, accordingly, to toys he simply will not have time. Thus, his pets to worry about their future and the future to figure out how to put them life after these changes.
    In addition, the game will present a new regime of Toy Box, representing a box full of toys up to the top: space rangers, cowboys, dinosaurs, and green aliens, using which you can come up with unique stories, create your own levels and missions.
    Ulatek: Ulatek


    Skate 3 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]

    Year: 2010
    Genre: Sport
    Developer: EA Black Box
    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Region: Region Free
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
    Language: English
    Type of translation: No

    Players can now join the team via the Internet or on a single console, and then take part in the trials in the mode of playing together. In addition, SKATE 3, they will be able to compete with teams of rivals and become famous, learning spaces of the new paradise for skateboarders, known as Port Carverton.

    Players are waiting for the dizzying fall in the modified mode Hall of Meat and improve their skills in the mode skate.School. SKATE series continues to expand opportunities for creative expression: in SKATE 3 will be an innovative mode skate.Create, which will show their talent to create your own design elements, videos and sites.

    "Gaming Series SKATE always gave the players ample opportunities to communicate, but never before has there been such a scale as in SKATE 3, - says executive producer Jason DeLong - We offer players a unique opportunity to create a team of friends or team up with other players from the Internet . And after this you will only prove to everyone that you are the best.
    Ulatek: Ulatek


    Dead Rising (2006) [PAL/ENG]

    Year: 2006
    Genre: Survival horror / Action adventure
    Developer: Capcom Production Studio 1
    Publisher: Capcom
    Region: PAL
    Publication Type: license
    Firmware: iXtreme Compatible
    Language: English

    History of photojournalist Frank West, who is trying to find out why the military cordoned off the small town of Willamette. To this end, the hero lands on the roof of a hypermarket, ordering the pilot to return to them in exactly three days. However, it is only to Frank to get inside, as it turns out that the mall was chosen an imposing army of the undead. Now the protagonist is as much as 72 hours to get acquainted with their new boyfriends, while at the same time consider the plan as soon as possible to escape. Of course, in the future hero to find out where all those rotten kids there, what they need and how to send them back. To do this, your hands will and the weapons and various vehicles. And do not forget that night zombies much stronger than in the afternoon ...
    Ulatek: Ulatek


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    پیش فرض

    برای دانلود کار خاصی لازم نیست انجام بدید .
    فقط لینک مورد نظر ( با پسوند ISO ) رو داخل آدرس بار بندازید و دانلود منیجر خود به خود دانلود رو شروع میکنه .


    فایل های با پسوند DVD. زیاد مهم نیستن فقط لایر بریک رو برای رایت توش نوشته !

    بازم اگه مشکلی بود بگید ....

    اگه روی آدرس کلیک راست کنید و NEW TAB رو بزنید دانلود شروع نمیشه !
    فقط کپی پیست کنید .

  11. #8
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    پیش فرض

    دقیقا . اشتباه انجام دادن که شما گفتید نیو تب رو نزنم . ممنون هم بخاطر این هم بخاطر لینک مستقیم

  12. #9
    مدير باز نشسته
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    به درخواست دوستان آموزش رایت بازی ها در پست اول قرار گرفت .


    EED for Speed: Undercover (2008) Rus / ingenieurswese XBOX360

    Monster, 09:31, 16 Augustus 2009, 14:05, 16 Augustus 2009

    Genre: Race
    Released: 2008
    Ontwikkelaar: EA Black Box
    Publisher: Electronic Arts
    Taal (Localizer): Russies (teks + klank), Engels (original)

    Wie sou kon dink dat jou lewe sal lei tot die uitoefening, waar jy is - die spel, dan is die jagter. Kry agter die wiel, 'n skaamtelose internasionale misdaad sindikaat binne te dring en hulle te haal. Die man wat jy na - 'n maniac agter die wiel. Hy was, soos hang af ry op sy lewe, en miskien is die manier waarop hulle word. Hy het die antwoorde op al jou vrae, en jou taak - om hulle te verdryf van dit. Nodeloos om te sê, dat die vloot van die polisie kruisers in jou truspieël nie, sal jou lewe makliker te maak. Al wat jy weet hoe, elke druppel van jou vaardighede nodig sal wees om weg te kom van die wet, om die vyand te verslaan en ontdek die waarheid dat 'n einde aan hierdie jaag eens en vir altyd.

    * Diep in die ondergrondse - verpak verhaal van die uitoefening en verraad. Neem op die bane en meeding in wedlope te bewys jouself en haal 'n internasionale misdaad sindikaat.
    * Veg op die snelweg - 'n oorwinning polisie en ruiters, breek om hulle te stukke in hoë spoed jaag met' n hoë verbintenis. Nuwe en 'n baie beter kunsmatige intelligensie wat die polisie slimmer en meer aggressief. Nou is dit hier wil hê jy moet neem en nou deur enige beteken.
    Die oorwinning in die oop wêreld - skeur oor die massiewe snelweg stelsel in die oop-wêreld Gulf Coast Tri-City - met drie unieke stede met mekaar verbind deur 'n uitgebreide snelweg stelsel.
    * Akrobatiek motor - 'n heeltemal nuwe spel enjin sal toelaat om unieke stunts en ry op die rand van die moontlike uit te voer.

    Streek: PAL
    Firmware: iXtreme Versoenbaar


  13. #10
    مدير باز نشسته
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    Feb 2010
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    چنتا بازی فوق جدید !

    Dead Rising 2 [Region Free/ENG]


    Jaar: September 24, 2010
    Genre: Aksie (Shooter) / 3D / 3e persoon
    Ontwikkelaar: Capcom Spele Vancouver
    Publisher: Capcom Vermaak
    Vrylating uit: MARVEL
    Streek: Streek Vry
    Publication Type: lisensie
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf
    Taal: Engels
    Soort van die vertaling: Geen

    Nuus Dead Rising 2 is twee jaar na die beroemde inval van zombies in Mette. Ongelukkig het die virus nie opgehou, en het begin versprei oor die VSA. Die spel vertel oor die land waar die verspreiding van die virus het verwoestende skaal, en die meerderheid van die stede verdrinking in die helfte-dooie liggame. Plot van die spel sal ontvou in Fortune City - 'n virtuele analoog van die dobbel stad in die wêreld - Las Vegas. Dus in Dead Rising 2 jy sal verwag word om elke casino, nagklubs, zombie strippers en mees belangrik - baie meer maniere om hierdie afskuwelike wesens te vernietig.

    • Die hoofkarakter Chuck nodig is vir 'n beperkte tydperk (72 uur) haar dogter te vind gesogte' n dwelm Zombrex en konfronteer die duisende zombies, wat deur 'n dors na bloed besit is. In werklikheid, as Chuck kan nie die dwelm kry, sy enigste dogter word soveel van 'n monster, soos dit is.
    • Die belangrikste kenmerk van die spel Dead Rising 2 kan genoem word 'n heeltemal nuwe tegnologie wat jou sal toelaat om gelyktydig ontwikkelaars plek op' n skerm oor 'n duisend vyande. Die spel het 'n groot aantal wapens van massa vernietiging, en die stelsel van die kombinasie, toelaat dat die skepping van dodelike toestelle direk in die gesig van gevaar, met elke moontlike middel aan die hand.
    • En die belangrikste, vernietig duisende moontlik zombies saam met die regime van samewerkende gang.

    Quantum Theory (2010) [PAL / ENG]


    Jaar: 2010
    Genre: Shooter
    Ontwikkelaar: Tecmo KOEI
    Publisher: Tecmo
    Streek: Pal
    Publication Type: lisensie
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf (1,61 iXtreme ==> onder iXtreme 1,2-1,6 moet pleister!)
    Taal: Eng
    Soort van die vertaling: Geen


    Kwantum Teorie - 'n derde persoon skieter in' n geweldige omgewing. Die speler neem die rol van Sid - "donker held" wat groot geweer en Filion weerspannige wielded heldin, het sy swaard en pistool kan gebruik. In die verhaal van die twee metgeselle is probeer om aan die bopunt van 'n groot toring, op grond van verskillende doelwitte te bereik. Sid wil die toring te vernietig, terwyl Philena wil om te voldoen aan saam met sy pa, volgens sommige spekulasie, kan hy op die top van die toring.
    Op die oomblik is, is die kwaad in die vorm van 'n groot torings, is' n lewende, intelligente en baie vyandig ****oor die organisme.


    F1 2010 [Region Free/ENG]


    enre: Race (Karre) / Simulator / 3D
    Released: 2010
    Ontwikkelaar: Code Studios Birmingham
    Publisher: Code
    Taal (Localizer): Engels (original)
    Vrygestel van die rekenaar: geskeduleer vir September 21, 2010

    'N duik in die sjarme en lewenstyl van die loods van een van die mees opwindende sport - Formule 1 ™! Kompeteer met die amptelike bestuurders en hul spanne in die lang verwagte spel in 2010 van die International Automobile Federation (FIA) - Formule Een wêreldkampioen CHAMPIONSHIP ™.
    Kompeteer met ware racers Formule 1 ™ soos Vitaly Petrov, Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso. Jy kan 'n ware wenner van die Grand Prix van Kanada word, om deel te neem in' n dramatiese nag ras in Singapoer en neem die eerste plek op die nuwe pad, die Grand Prix van Korea.
    Behalwe die wat deelneem aan kompetisies wat jy nodig het om ten volle te integreer in die atleet se lewe - om deel te neem in die pers konferensies verhoudings te bou met die span. Al hierdie sal grootliks die spel beïnvloed - lojale borge (geld wat die kar kan verbeter), goed gekoördineerde span en nog baie meer.
    Die nuwe motor uit die Code «EGO Game Tegnologie» gee jou 'n pragtige visuele spesiale effekte, dinamiese weer verander, en absoluut ongelooflik realisties skade model. Dit alles sal nie net gevoel word in 'n spel, maar in die kompetisies met vriende op multiplayer.

    Stelsel: Streek Vry
    Firmware: iXtreme 6-de golf (1,61 iXtreme ==> onder iXtreme 1,2-1,6 moet pleister!)


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