Wolfram Mathematica 8.0.1 for Windows / Linux / Mac OS X + Additions to the Wolfram Mathematica

Wolfram Mathematica 8.0.1 for Windows / Linux / Mac OS X + Additions to the Wolfram Mathematica | 3.18 GB
Wolfram Mathematica - a program designed to perform calculations for the preparation of interactive documents and in the assembly programmirovaniya.Takzhe present Addendum to the Wolfram Mathematica which consist of Neural Networks 1.0, Finance Essentials 1.2, Parallel Computer Toolkit 2.1.0, Time Series 1.4, Wavelet Explorer 1.2 .2, Link for Excel 3.1.
Wolfram Mathematica 8.0.1
Year: 2011
Version: 8.0.1
Developer: Wolfram Research
Bit: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: full time
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System requirements: Pentium 4 2GHz, 1 Gb RAM
Additions to the Wolfram Mathematica
Version: 1.0
Developer: Wolfram Research, Inc.
Language: English
Wolfram Mathematica 8.0.1
Mathematica - a program designed to perform calculations for the preparation of documents and interactive programming. This tool is used in scientific research, engineering analysis and simulation for training in technical schools.
List of changes in version 8.0.1: Mathematica Latest Version and Quick Revision History
Additions to the Wolfram Mathematica
Neural Networks 1.0
Neural Networks application provides a robust environment for modeling data structures. Artificial neural networks have radically changed the way to solve complex practical problems in science, technology, economics and finance. Now users can test and explore models of neural networks faster and easier than ever before, using the processing power and flexibility of the program Mathematica.
Neural Networks package is designed to give professionals and students the tools for training, visualization, and use models of neural networks. Neural Networks application provides a robust environment for modeling data structures. Artificial neural networks have radically changed the way to solve complex practical problems in science, technology, economics and finance. Now users can test and explore models of neural networks faster and easier than ever before, using the processing power and flexibility of the program Mathematica. Neural Networks package is designed to give professionals and students the tools for training, visualization, and use models of neural networks.
Finance Essentials 1.2
Software Wolfram Mathematica Finance Essentials is specially designed for stockbrokers, financial analysts, brokers and other financial sector professionals who are engaged in data analysis and modeling strategies. This package can be used to quickly create a custom application, test and evaluate strategies for hedging and trading value assets using the CAPM.
Finance Essentials works with major financial entities (such as cash flows, option, bond, interest rate) and functions (such as the conversion of the interest rate, option valuation, the measure of sensitivity) and offers an effective way to use them.
Examples help you easily calculate Markowitz efficient portfolio and the moving average.
Parallel Computer Toolkit 2.1.0
Software Parallel Computing Toolkit is designed to solve problems using parallel computing, and application design.
Parallel Computing Toolkit includes many standard parallel programming primitives and includes high-level commands for parallel execution of operations. The package allows you to write platform-independent applications that can run on any computer where you installed the program Mathematica.
Parallel Computing Toolkit is designed for engineers, scientists and analysts who use it to solve complex problems. School teachers use this program to illustrate various aspects of parallel computing in the classroom.
Time Series 1.4
Software Wolfram Mathematica Time Series - a fully integrated environment analysis of time series data for the popular program Mathematica.
Wavelet Explorer 1.2.2
Software Wolfram Mathematica Wavelet Explorer greatly extends the capabilities of Mathematica with a convenient and functional tools for wavelet-analysis used in the study and research of various fields of knowledge - from signal and image processing to analyze statistical data.
Wavelet Explorer offers many tools wavelet-analysis.
Ready-to-use functions and utilities applications Wavelet Explorer allow you to apply a lot of wavelet-transformations to different projects, to generate commonly used filters such as Daubechies' extremal phase, Least asymmetric, Coiflets, Spline, and others.
In addition to an impressive set of powerful tools for analysis and visualization, Wavelet Explorer is an excellent interactive tutorial on wavelet-analysis for beginners. Examples of previous theoretical calculations and methods for studying the properties of wavelet-and then shows how you can apply methods of wavelet-analysis in various fields of knowledge.
Time Series includes tools univariate and multivariate statistical analysis of time series data, allowing the study of both stationary time-dependent models.
Choosing an appropriate model makes it possible to get a preliminary estimate of the parameters and use different methods of statistical data: the method Yule-Walker, the method of Levinson-Durbin, long autoregression method, the method of Hannan-Rissanen and others.
Link for Excel 3.1
The software Mathematica Link for Excel enables sophisticated mathematical computations or data analysis in Excel. System Mathematica, integrated platform to Excel, allows you to use more than one thousand additional features and options at the equations and data. Users will be able to export large data sets from Excel to Mathematica for complex system analysis, and results - back into the spreadsheet.
The system contains built-in Mathematica functions for various calculations by which operations requiring writing macros in Excel, can be performed in Mathematica using a few instructions.
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