Edubuntu 11.04 [I386] (X86 & X64)

Edubuntu 11.04 [I386] (X86 & X64) | 5.71 GB
Edubuntu - the distribution of the operating system Linux, based on the distribution Ubuntu. Focuses on the use of educational institutions. In Edubuntu includes Linux Terminal Server Project and a large number of programs of educational areas, such as.
- GCompris
- KDE Education Project
- SchoolTool Calendar (en - school management information system)
List of programs:
- Kanagram - jumble word puzzle for KDE 4
- Khangman - Hangman word puzzle for KDE 4
- Ktuberling - stamp drawing toy for KDE
- Gcompris - Educational games for small children
- Tuxpaint - A paint program for young children program for children
- Blinken - KDE 4 version of the Simon electronic memory game
- Ktuberling - stamp drawing toy for KDE
- Kanagram - jumble word puzzle for KDE 4
- Khangman - Hangman word puzzle for KDE 4
- Ktouch - touch typing tutor for KDE 4
- Kstars - desktop planetarium for KDE 4
- Kalzium - periodic table and chemistry tools for KDE 4
- Kturtle - Logo educational programming environment for KDE 4
- Kmplot - mathematical function plotter for KDE 4
- Kbruch - fraction learning aid for KDE 4
- Kig - interactive geometry tool for KDE 4
- Kwordquiz - flashcard learning program for KDE 4
- Parley - vocabulary trainer for KDE 4
- Marble - Marble globe and map widget
- Step - interactive physical simulator for KDE 4
- Kalgebra - algebraic graphing calculator for KDE 4
- Gcompris - Educational games for small children
- Tuxpaint - A paint program for young children
- Tuxmath - math game for kids with Tux
- Tuxtype - Educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux
- Vym - mindmapping tool
- Ri-li - a toy train simulation game
- Ktuberling - stamp drawing toy for KDE
- Ktouch - touch typing tutor for KDE 4
- Kstars - desktop planetarium for KDE 4
- Kalzium - periodic table and chemistry tools for KDE 4
- Kturtle - Logo educational programming environment for KDE 4
- Kmplot - mathematical function plotter for KDE 4
- Kbruch - fraction learning aid for KDE 4
- Kig - interactive geometry tool for KDE 4
- Kwordquiz - flashcard learning program for KDE 4
- Parley - vocabulary trainer for KDE 4
- Marble - Marble globe and map widget
- Step - interactive physical simulator for KDE 4
- Kalgebra - algebraic graphing calculator for KDE 4
- Qcad - professional CAD system
- Inkscape - vector-based drawing program
- Dia-gnome - Diagram editor (GNOME version)
- Vym - mindmapping tool
- Ri-li - a toy train simulation game
- Ktouch - touch typing tutor for KDE 4
- Kstars - desktop planetarium for KDE 4
- Kalzium - periodic table and chemistry tools for KDE 4
- Kturtle - Logo educational programming environment for KDE 4
- Kmplot - mathematical function plotter for KDE 4
- Marble - Marble globe and map widget
- Step - interactive physical simulator for KDE 4
- Qcad - professional CAD system
- Inkscape - vector-based drawing program
- Dia-gnome - Diagram editor (GNOME version)
- Vym - mindmapping tool
- Gcompris - Educational games for small children
- Childsplay - Suite of educational games for young children
- Tuxpaint - A paint program for young children
- Tuxmath - math game for kids with Tux
- Tuxtype - Educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux
- Laby - Learn how to program with ants and spider webs
- Ubuntu-edu-preschool - Preschool (<5 years old) educational application bundle
- Ubuntu-edu-primary - Primary (ages 6-12) educational application bundle
- Ubuntu-edu-secondary - Secondary (ages 13-18) educational application bundle
- Ubuntu-edu-tertiary - Tertiary (university level) educational application bundle
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