Octopus Box Samsung v 1.0.3 - more phones, more features! Check details inside!
Octopus Samsung Software v1.0.3 is out!
We have added support for Anycall SCH-W770, Anycall SCH-W300 and Anycall SCH-W900!
Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.0.3 Release Notes:
SCH-W300 – added Unlock, Firmware Write, Bluetooth address repair, NVM Read/Write/Repair, Factory Reset, Read user code from emergency mode
SCH-W770 – added Unlock, Read codes, Firmware Write, Bluetooth address repair, NVM Read/Write/Repair, Factory Reset
SCH-W900 – added Unlock, Read codes, Firmware Write, Bluetooth address repair, IMEI repair, NVM Read/Write/Repair, Factory and Hard Reset
SCH-W560, SPH-W5200, SPH-W9500, SPH-W7100, SPH-W2900, SCH-W270 – added unlock for one new firmware version
SCH-W390 – added unlock for 2 new firmware versions
A big thanks to all our customers who sent reports, logs and dumps to us.
N.B.: New feature Read user code from emergency mode has been added for the following models: SCH-W270, SCH-W290, SCH-W300, SCH-W330, SCH-W350, SCH-W380, SCH-W390, SCH-W420, SCH-W460, SCH-W460R, SCH-W560, SCH-W590, SCH-W690, SCH-W720, SCH-W750, SPH-W2900, SPH-W4200, SPH-W5000, SPH-W5200, SPH-W7100, SPH-W8400, SPH-W8700.
This feature enables reading user/phone code from emergency mode. It can be useful if phone or service menu access from normal mode is blocked.
N.B.: This feature is currently in beta. Please report to us any successful or unsuccessful attempts of user code reading. Also, please take note that reading of several different codes is possible, but only one of these codes will be correct. Number of attempts of using different codes is unlimited.
Download Octopus Box Samsung Software v1.0.3