Update Pack for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to 6.1.7601.21831 (Multi) 11.11.2011
Update Pack for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to 6.1.7601.21831 (Multi) 11.11.2011
Update Pack for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to 6.1.7601.21831 (Multi) 11.11.2011 | 1.1GB
Collection of updates and patches from Microsoft for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 any revisions.
List added updates:
About the need to install (from Microsoft):
WARNING! For these patches was not carried out a full test. Therefore, they are only for systems or computers, in which specific error occurred as described in one or more Knowledge Base articles, Microsoft. Numbers of articles listed in the hand. These corrections may receive additional testing. Thus, if these corrections have caused any problems with compatibility or installation error, or simply do not bring much inconvenience to these problems, we recommend to defer their decision and wait for the next release of the update. The new pack will contain a fully-tested versions of these patches.
Before installing the patch database
If you decide to install these patches, please note the following information:
Do not deploy patches in a production environment without first checking their work.
Before installing the back up system or a computer, which will be set corrections.
Corrections are designed to solve specific problems.
Use correct only for systems that are experiencing these problems.
Installing the wrong patch can damage your system.
If you are not sure what remedy suited to your system, do not install them.
Fixes included in future service packs, which is safest to install via Microsoft Update.
What to do everything good?
In the general sense of this. We have 3 folders, StaforceBonus.exe and Update-List - the list updated with all the instructions on that when they appeared, which changed to what it s all for updates, etc. etc. Folder called Old Update Remover W7 SP1 need to delete old updates. Description of this program to work within a folder in the file Read me. With regard to the installation. The easiest option (easy level for beginners, as you like) is to run StaforceBonus.exe. Then there by Russian and nothing complicated, just a button yes to press. Do you think it s too easy for you, you can go to the folder that corresponds to your bit systems (for example: x64 - 64-bit and x86 - 32-bit systems ( s capacity for your system, you can click Start, right-click on Computer , properties and look in the System type : )). In your pile of files types Windows6.1-KB ??????- x??. Msu. You can set each of them separately. Or find file Update.exe and run it. He s English, but everything is simple, you press 1 and Enter.
If that was not enough for you or it s too easy for you (or you need the maximum effect of the distribution) find the file Installer For Windows Updates.cmd. Here again, all in English, if you feel that you have sufficient knowledge of language in general and the topic, read, everything is written. If not, do not bother, press C and Enter.
What to do with Old Update Remover?
The purpose of this application is to remove superseded updates from your system. The script reads the KB numbers listed in list.txt, listx64.txt, ldrph.txt, ldrphx64.txt, and removes the appropriate updates.
Delete superseded updates frees up disk space and cleans your system. After running this script is recommended to run Disk Cleanup on which you installed Windows, then defrag. In an ideal.
Updates were not installed on your system, but are listed in list.txt, listx64.txt, ldrph.txt or ldrphx64.txt will be missed.
This uninstaller assumes that you are all top of the hand. If not, then you should do is to run this program.
Initially when you start, you ask: Have you used Installer For Windows Updates.cmd? If yes, press Y, if there is no press N. Click one of the keys of your choice.
In principle, for the average user a big difference in what key you press is not. (If you choose not, just do not take into account files ldrph.txt, ldrphx64.txt, because there are few updates, it is not essential. ), however, would be better if you select yes, and so be it.