Common Errors in English | اشتباهات متداول
Here we put the errors that language learners commonly make
If you drive too fast, you exceed the speed limit. “Accede” is a much rarer word meaning “give in,” “agree.”
If you offer me Godiva chocolates I will gladly accept them—except for the candied violet ones. Just remember that the “X” in “except” excludes things—they tend to stand out, be different. In contrast, just look at those two cozy “C’s” snuggling up together. Very accepting. And be careful; when typing “except” it often comes out “expect.”
You can adopt a child or a custom or a law; in all of these cases you are making the object of the adoption your own, accepting it. If you adapt something, however, you are changing it.
You can minister to someone by administering first aid. Note how the “ad” in “administer” resembles “aid” in order to remember the correct form of the latter phrase. “Minister” as a verb always requires “to” following it.
You can copyright writing, but you can also copyright a photograph or song. The word has to do with securing
rights. Thus, there is no such word as “copywritten”; it’s “copyrighted