Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL RU Sata Ahci UpdatePack 120421
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL RU Sata Ahci UpdatePack 120421 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL RU Sata Ahci UpdatePack 120421 | 1.24 GB Build on XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 Volume MSDN en-US integrated: 5er_UpdatePack_XPx64SP2_2012-04_2 and 5er_IE8_Addon_2012-04_1_x64, as well as the critical updates from Update on 21/04/2012. Key is not necessary. It appears on the desktop under the name of the Administrator, all you need - is to specify the disk on which to set and choose Format NTFS Quick. Packages used 5er_UpdatePack_XPx64SP2_2012-04_2 and 5er_IE8_Addon_2012-04_1_x64, and patched the library updated some of the program, added themes and gadgets. Now when you install a window does not pop up the security system. Screenshots 5-7. Build on XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 Volume MSDN en-US integrated: 5er_UpdatePack_XPx64SP2_2012-04_2 and 5er_IE8_Addon_2012-04_1_x64, as well as the critical updates from Update on 21.04.2012, MassStorage_x64_11.8.22 (packet driver SATA AHCI), WMP11, DirectX 9.0 (06.2010), added to Sidebar (gadgets all work), three themes SilverLight, search engines, preset system patched libraries for third-party themes, and a lightweight XnView - instead of scissors. Exit to the desktop in English, just select the PU, Language and Region - all Russian and exit the system and then run the crack WMP 11 on your desktop and then delete it (screens 1-4). Can be installed from the USB device, the disk in your Z-USB everything you need to burn a bootable flash drive 2 GB, with the instruction. Additional information Key is not necessary. It appears on the desktop under the name of the Administrator, all you need - is to specify the disk on which to set and select Format NTFS Quik. It is possible to install clean version without the English localization. Before exiting to the desktop the DOS window to install updates and will be asked - Set Russian language? (Install Russian?) - "Y - Yes, russify" (yes, Russify) - "N - No, leave the English" (No, leave English) From the folder Z-DOTNETFX CD can be installed in addition: Net.Framework 3.5 SP1 x64 - expansion of the system for programming Net.Framework 4.0 x64 - expansion of the system for programming, before installing WIC_X64_ENU.EXE run from the same folder (visualization). - Install only outright CD-ROM from DOS (BIOS)! Added small pieces of software: Defragler, Registry Life, StartUp Manager, HomeChinema, Total, Aida, 7-Zip, WinRAR, UltraISO, XnView, Gismeteo, StopPC. System requirements: RAM 128 mb Video 64 mb HDD 7 mb Download