Mac OS X 10.7 Lion for the Asus EeePC 1201N, installation / update on the GUID partitioning
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion for the Asus EeePC 1201N, installation / update on the GUID partitioning Mac OS X 10.7 Lion for the Asus EeePC 1201N, installation / update on the GUID partitioning | 3.5 GB Description: The image of the installation stick sold through the Apple online store, my boards for further installation on the 1201N. Year: 2012 Version: 10.7 Developer: Apple Web Developer: Apple Platform: Intel Language: Russian + English System requirements: - Intel Atom 330 - ION GF9400M - Sound ALC269 - Wifi Atheros 9285 (AR5B95) - Ethernet Atheros 8132 WARNING! This image is intended for a clean installation on a hard disk that uses the filesystem layout GUID! Instruction A. 8GB USB Flash on the Format to HFS + via Disk Utility. Two. Expand the image by using the "Restore" button (the image of the stick mount and drag in the graph of the source from the desktop). Three. If you wish to update 10.6.8, then before loading the kernel and be sure to copy the folder from the Extra stick on that one. If a clean install, then skip this step. 4. By default on a flash drive 4GB of RAM for the DSDT. At the bottom of the post download folder and Post Install podsunte in Extra desired. Do not forget to install Chameleon on the USB flash drive, the installer in the folder "to 10.7.0" in the options setup note jackdaws "Chameleon" and "BootCamp Theme". Five. Reboot, we expose the BIOS to default. 6. Boot from the stick, and write in Hama-v arch = i386. 7. Then you'll need a USB mouse. Install as usual. Eight. Attention! If the installation has been going on for more than 30 minutes, then feel free to cancel ... something is wrong, we understand, the installation takes 7-10 minutes. 9. After the installation again loaded with flash, select the section with the Lion and write in Hama hd (0,2) / mach_kernel_atom-v arch = i386 10. Next, go through the process of account setup. Then you'll need a USB keyboard. 11. After successful configuration fall in the Finder. 12. In this post, attached folder Post Install, we'll need a folder for 10.7.0. 13. Set Chamellion specifying options «Chameleon» «BootCamp Theme» «PrefPanel». 14. Extra Copy the folder from the USB Flash to the root partition with a lion. So the same copy mach_kernel_atom. 15. Reboot and boot from the HDD has a key-v arch = i386. 16. Now you can safely update to 10.7.3 Lion or through the "Update" or by downloading a pre combo. Kernel and other pleasures slip is not necessary. Everything happens as labor Poppy =) 17. After a successful update, go to folder "to 10.7.3" and install everything that was included. 18. The need for the introduction of key arch = i386 disappears after installing NullCPUPowerManagement.kext. About windows screenshots: Download Ryushare