Sinclair OS v.20120224 Multilingual (x86/2012)
Sinclair OS v.20120224 Multilingual (x86/2012) Sinclair OS v.20120224 Multilingual (x86/2012) | 3.25 GB SinclairOS - Operating System based on Linux Ubuntu 10.10, which includes four types of interfaces: MacOSX, Windows7, Ubuntu Classic and Sinclair Ubuntu. The system is fully ready to work in the prescribed form, either from a bootable flash drive or DVD. When you boot the system user is provided with a choice of 4 different shell: - Windows 7 for those who want to work in Linux, but can not wean itself from the Windows registration. Ideal for beginners and lazy users who do not want to get used to the new interface of Linux. - MacOSX: for fans of eye candy in the style of MacOSX. All the effects work. - Sinclair Ubuntu: The original version of the shell of the Sinclair - Classic Ubuntu: Classic good and, unfortunately, dying in the latest versions of Ubuntu Desktop Gnome2. According to statistics, more and more Linux users prefer it with a new modern shells Unity and Gnome Shell Installed Programs: nautilus elementary (revision of the file manager Nautilus) + Plugins libre office 3 (Office & Program) eset nod 32 antivirus for linux (antivirus for flash drives and local drives Windows) unetbootin (creating a bootable flash drive) firefox add-rus + 10: hyper translate to translate foreign language pages, firebug for web-programmers i.t.d testdisc (work with hdd) gloobus preview double-commander (an analog of Total-Commander) umplayer (video player) vlc (video player) audacious (audio player) firefox (update to Firefox 10) musique (like itunes audio player with auto album art) gxneur (switching of the keyboard) wine (windows-run programs) playonlinux (games and applications for windows linux) gimp (an analogue of Photoshop. updated to version 2.7.2) netbeans 7.1 Rus (Programming) compizconfig-settings-manager (management kompiz) rhythmbox (audio player) guake (terminal for F12) audacity (an analog of Sound Forge) rezound (analog adobe audition) tuxguitar (analogue Guitar Pro) deluge (torrent) furiusisomoun (virtual CD) skype ailurus (system setup) google-chrome (browser) ubuntu-tweak (system setup) virtualbox (virtual machine) remastersys (creation of the distribution ubuntu) nero linux (recording discs) shotwell (view photo) puddletag (tag editor mp3) geany (WEB-editor) fbreader (E-book) xmind (mind map) shutter (screenshots) dropbox (data synchronization) alien (rpm to deb converter) conky (information on the desktop) google earth (3d planet) opera (browser) avidemux (to work with avi) tvtime deadbeef (audio player) gnome ppp (dialer) wvdial (dialer, too) rainlendar (calendar on your desktop) Console program: mc (file manager) vim (programming environment) elinks (web-browser) moc (audio player) cmatrix (Matrix screensaver) Games: alien arena (like Quake3) assault cube (an analog of CS) billard-gl (three-dimensional billiards) bomberclone (Bomberman) chromium b.s.u (airplane) tetris ZX-Spectrum (emulator ZX-Spectrum c in several games. River Raid, Spy Hunter, Elite, Robocop, Lode Runner ...) Super Nintendo (Emulator 8-bit console with a huge bunch of games for it) tuxracer (the race with a penguin) From the smallest details in the assembly include: - In the home directory are drivers for NVIDIA cards who need - In the browsers firefox, opera and google chrome VKOPT included for those who use "in contact" - In the home directory will find HELP! where is the information for any emergency, the study Ubuntu, Servers Nod updates, etc. Password cuperpolzovatelya - sinclair System requirements: Processor: Intel Pentium III 450 Mhz or AMD K6-3 450 MHz or equivalent, or a new Memory: 256 MB Video Card: 3D-graphics adapter with 32 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0c Free hard drive space: 2 GB Download Ryushare