Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11.5
Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11.5 http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/...nalv115ISO.jpg Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11.5 (Update 02-13-2012) | 2.73 GB So first off, THIS IS A RE-UP of one of the the finest progs out there today......props to GUIDOZ for making it happen. This is a FULL - WORKING & UPDATED version as of 2/13/12. HAVE FUN WITH IT & BUY-IT-IF-U-LIKE-IT! Dragon NaturallySpeaking v11.5 ** Cleaned/Automated "Adrian Dennis" Release ** by GuidoZ I've removed the "Setup.exe" trojan, as well as written a batch file to do the dirty work. (You can see there is no funny business by opening it up in any simple text editor.) To install this, simply double-click "Install by GuidoZ.bat" and follow along. Skip to step 3 below if using the batch file. If you'd rather do it all manually, follow the steps below... **IMPORTANT NOTE** Do not change the directory structure (rename folders, etc) if using the batch file or else it will break it! 1. Under the "Setup v11.0" folder, go into the "ISSetupPrerequisite"?? folder, then the "VCRuntime" folder and double-click the correct VCRuntime. (Use the x64 version if you have a 64-bit operating system.) 2. When finished, go back to the "Setup v11.0" folder and launch "Unwrap.exe" (as Administrator if needed) to start the Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 installer. 3. When asked to enter a serial number, use: 4. Click Next, 5. Select the setup type and click next. 6. Click Install. 7. When the install finishes, select "Print registration form", then close off what opens. - This is better than the "7 days" option, as now it won't bother you again! 8. Uncheck "Yes, Check for program updates" then click Finish. 9. Make sure you're online and start Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11. 10. When asked to activate, select "Activate Now" then "Activate Automatically". 11. When asked to change your serial, use: 12. If ever asked to install an update, cancel it. 13. Once the program is working correctly, close it off. 14. Install the 11.5 update and restart Dragon NaturallySpeaking. 15. OnCe loaded, go to "Tools -> Administrative Settings" and uncheck "Check for product updates at startup". Enjoy! Download
http://shareflare.net/download/52105.5b85eb77fd35b9b091948ee72497/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part01.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/20007.2841870bad8bb10a7a4b387879c3/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part02.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/36072.36e99a5e7459bd187a353231c13a/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part03.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/57240.56571b025705e13b77208cba7f7f/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part04.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/99880.99bda7397aced3f9375dc52fb054/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part05.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/09256.062bc9dea4f10dc30e67e89d062b/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part06.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/79572.73f238595fd748c6a22c99ddfb03/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part07.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/52098.5a873c2c5b76a8dd66928624e982/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part08.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/68945.61d83ab68c34ed566e8bc0d6d6f6/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part09.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/23250.20de46df81a3b205104ef0ff6cde/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part10.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/84076.8ee7656c65599b10b4a2193655d7/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part11.rar.html http://shareflare.net/download/73210.75a7c179aa387f060bab56330a6e/Dragon.NaturallySpeaking.v11.5.Update.02132012.part12.rar.html