Year: 2010
Genre: 3rd-Person / 3D / Action Shooter
Developer: IO Interactive
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Region: Region Free
Publication Type: license
Firmware: iXtreme 1.61
Language: English
Type of translation: No
Dirty streets of Shanghai - a great place to forget about the bloody haze. Ten bucks, a girl next door, and you are king of the world. But when he's old friend, all this damn thing does not. And the passion for hunting to sit and remember the old days are - but on the horizon, new challenges. But they will have to solve the old-fashioned. After all, when the dregs are disadvantaged in the corner and pulls to get the shotgun and arrange all around the carnage!
A couple of the most cruel and crazy killers in the history of video games is back! Kane and Lynch will tell a story with explosions, hurricane fire and thick streams of blood. Incredible realism of violent events will carry you to the concrete jungle. Here is more dangerous than any ghetto, but these sinister characters - mother of predators. Its skin is more expensive than the life of local bosses. It is better to send to that light the whole city, than to allow someone to escape retribution. When they meet, around the world will collapse. Get ready - Kane and Lynch is near. And they are ready to kill
R.U.S.E. (2010) [Region Free/ENG]
Release date: 07/09/2010
Genre: Strategy (Real-time) / 3D
Developer: Eugen Systems
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Release from: SPARE
Region: RegionFree
Publication Type: License
Firmware: iXtreme: the second wave
Language: English
Type Translation: None (Original)
The game is dedicated to the largest military conflict in human history - World War II. Attention is given to countries involved in the battles of a central place - America, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and the Soviet Union.
The game features historically accurate kinds of troops, each of which is unique to their nation. Military units can be divided into seven types:
• 1.Obronitelnye position - machine-gun, anti-tank positions, anti-aircraft capacity.
• 2.Pehotnye - also include a light vehicle or tank support for infantry.
• 3.Tankovye - the kind of troops are all the main types of tanks, ranging from light to heavy.
• 4.Artilleristskie - include anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, and the usual self-propelled artillery.
• 5.Protivotankovye - from anti-tank guns, to anti-tank.
• 6.Vozdushnye - aircraft and assault troops.
• 7.Prototipy - weapons under development, allows us to use their prototypes on the battlefield.
In the game there are three time periods, 1939, 1942, 1945. Depending on the period, the number of troops could be reduced or increased.
The main feature of RUSE is the system of tricks RUSE, through which the player can hide behind the troops or buildings, to accelerate the rate of movement of their troops, learn about the plans of the enemy or misleading him diversionary tactic. The tactical component is based on the authenticity mappable landscapes - we can ispolzovavt open surface area for movement and basic combat missions, and air will sparkle from the air battles. Water will be the main prepyadstviem and as a consequence of the bridges are important strategic points for which unfold fierce battle. Woods will become a haven for guerrilla warfare, and the city can be controlled by small numbers of troops. After all, in the forests and towns of infantry become invisible and cause more damage to the enemy, who does not know their location. In the game there is no "fog of war", but there is a special class of units - exploration, which allows you to see the enemy's actions and helps to not get in an ambush in the forests and cities.
Artistic style. If most of the game about the Second World War is inherent in a dark visual style, with dirt and smoke, then RUSE the opposite - a bright artistic view of the war. One example will serve as a sunset, illuminating the battlefield, waterfalls and clear blue sky.
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 (2010) [Region Free/ENG]
Year of Manufacture: September 7, 2010
Genre: Simulator (Flight Combat) / 3D
Developer: Ubisoft Bucharest
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Region: Region Free
Publication Type: License
Firmware: iXtreme 6-th wave (iXtreme 1.61 ==> under iXtreme 1.2-1.6 must patch!)
Language: English
Type of translation: No
Continuation of the popular flight simulator, which is presented more fully with the modern and futuristic technically. In the game you will see the F-35 laser-guided bombs, and much more. To fly over Moscow, the Persian Gulf, the Arctic and the Indian Ocean.
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 gives an opportunity to take part in close air battles, night bombing and causing silent strokes by using unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, you have to make takeoffs and landings at the base and aircraft carriers, and during certain missions, even top up directly in the flight.
• Fierce battle on a new level
• Take off and landing at the military bases and aircraft carriers
• Night bombing
• track and destroy targets with the help of drones
• Filling fighter in the air