
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : آبدیتهای جدید باكس قدرتمنتدatf

08-25-2011, 03:02 PM
ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! 08 Feb 11!!

Common Changes:

New LogiCore 9.02.10 Firmware for ATF Chrome (Big ATF) and ATF Lightning (Small ATF)
Updated Nokia.ini with very old and very new Phone listings
New Nokia Connectivity Driver
Update Important Files Button is now RE-Activcated (Updates Loaders, PM, DCC files etc...)
Built-In Log File Viewer can now View the Current Session
Full Package Flash File Download Server automatically selects non BUSY servers
Fixed USER.INI files loading Bug (This also fixes Manually Loaded flash files)
Added Manual Selection of BOX TYPE for Restore Box Function
Updated the SKINS for the Software Interface

BB5 Changes:

Stand-Alone Super Dongle Keys Repair for all phones with Supported HASH
Stand-Alone SX-4 Authorization for all phones with Supported HASH
FBUS Loaders Updated to Release
Original Dynamic camera Configuration Files (DCC) Compatibility
Automatically Fixes DCC Problems using Original DCC files (not PM Files)
Erase Flash Chip can now SCAN active Flash Chips and automatically Erases Selected Flash Chips
CMT and APE PAPUBKEYS are now Compared during Buscheck (just in case it was damaged by other Boxes)
Flash Loader Information (Version, Revision, Protocol Type) are now Displayed during Buscheck
Added Manual ERASE PM 1 and PM 309 file: ERASE_1_309.pm
Added New Detection Method for 64k page Flash Chips for 5130c, 3110c etc...
By Default, RAP3Gv30 New Loaders are not used unless ENABLED in Expert Settings Menu
Fixed Old Protocol + Old Loaders flashing for N95, N95-8GB and other Phones with Secondary APE CPU
Backup Certificates (RPL) for APE Subsystem is now Enabled

iTablet Changes:

Now Supports EMMC Flashing for N900 RX-51 Variants

Infineon Changes:

C1-01 and other Infineon USB Phones can now be flashed with PPM and CNT files only. This will save you some time if you want to skip MCU Flashing. Just make sure that the currect MCU Firmware version matches the PPM and CNT files you want to upload. Actually, you can skip CNT flashing as well if you only want to change the Language Pack.

DCT4 Changes:

Original Dynamic camera Configuration Files (DCC) Compatibility
Automatically Fixes DCC Problems using Original DCC files (not PM Files)

TIPS and Tricks:

Before Updating your Box Firmware to LogiCore 9.02.10, make sure you have:

1. Added "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Virus Scanner Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications

2. Added "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Windows Firewall Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications

3. DO NOT disable the Microsoft Windows Firewall!!!

4. DO NOT disable your ANTI-VIRUS! Go to your anti-virus WEBSITE and get information on how to add AdvanceBox.exe to the Excemption/Exclusion List

5. Make sure you have done Steps 1-2-3-4

For N95-8GB, N95 RM-159 and other N95 Variants, it is BEST to use "Old Loaders" for Flashing.

Using "New Loaders" for N95 flashing is 100% safe, but depending on your CABLE QUALITY,
you might get stuck at "FUR_Control_AddClient_BB5() ASIC_INDEX_APE (Ready)".
If you do get stuck, then go to Settings --> Nokia Settings --> BB5 Flash Loader Selection --> Old Loaders


__________________________________________________ ________________________

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! Public discussion thread:

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! Public discussion thread:

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
Chinese support forum : ATF Box
Vietnam: Saigonmobile
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

The Master Piece

08-25-2011, 03:03 PM
ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! 08 Feb 11!!

Common Changes:

New LogiCore 9.02.10 Firmware for ATF Chrome (Big ATF) and ATF Lightning (Small ATF)
Updated Nokia.ini with very old and very new Phone listings
New Nokia Connectivity Driver
Update Important Files Button is now RE-Activcated (Updates Loaders, PM, DCC files etc...)
Built-In Log File Viewer can now View the Current Session
Full Package Flash File Download Server automatically selects non BUSY servers
Fixed USER.INI files loading Bug (This also fixes Manually Loaded flash files)
Added Manual Selection of BOX TYPE for Restore Box Function
Updated the SKINS for the Software Interface

BB5 Changes:

Stand-Alone Super Dongle Keys Repair for all phones with Supported HASH
Stand-Alone SX-4 Authorization for all phones with Supported HASH
FBUS Loaders Updated to Release
Original Dynamic camera Configuration Files (DCC) Compatibility
Automatically Fixes DCC Problems using Original DCC files (not PM Files)
Erase Flash Chip can now SCAN active Flash Chips and automatically Erases Selected Flash Chips
CMT and APE PAPUBKEYS are now Compared during Buscheck (just in case it was damaged by other Boxes)
Flash Loader Information (Version, Revision, Protocol Type) are now Displayed during Buscheck
Added Manual ERASE PM 1 and PM 309 file: ERASE_1_309.pm
Added New Detection Method for 64k page Flash Chips for 5130c, 3110c etc...
By Default, RAP3Gv30 New Loaders are not used unless ENABLED in Expert Settings Menu
Fixed Old Protocol + Old Loaders flashing for N95, N95-8GB and other Phones with Secondary APE CPU
Backup Certificates (RPL) for APE Subsystem is now Enabled

iTablet Changes:

Now Supports EMMC Flashing for N900 RX-51 Variants

Infineon Changes:

C1-01 and other Infineon USB Phones can now be flashed with PPM and CNT files only. This will save you some time if you want to skip MCU Flashing. Just make sure that the currect MCU Firmware version matches the PPM and CNT files you want to upload. Actually, you can skip CNT flashing as well if you only want to change the Language Pack.

DCT4 Changes:

Original Dynamic camera Configuration Files (DCC) Compatibility
Automatically Fixes DCC Problems using Original DCC files (not PM Files)

TIPS and Tricks:

Before Updating your Box Firmware to LogiCore 9.02.10, make sure you have:

1. Added "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Virus Scanner Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications

2. Added "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Windows Firewall Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications

3. DO NOT disable the Microsoft Windows Firewall!!!

4. DO NOT disable your ANTI-VIRUS! Go to your anti-virus WEBSITE and get information on how to add AdvanceBox.exe to the Excemption/Exclusion List

5. Make sure you have done Steps 1-2-3-4

For N95-8GB, N95 RM-159 and other N95 Variants, it is BEST to use "Old Loaders" for Flashing.

Using "New Loaders" for N95 flashing is 100% safe, but depending on your CABLE QUALITY,
you might get stuck at "FUR_Control_AddClient_BB5() ASIC_INDEX_APE (Ready)".
If you do get stuck, then go to Settings --> Nokia Settings --> BB5 Flash Loader Selection --> Old Loaders


__________________________________________________ ________________________

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! Public discussion thread:

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update!! Public discussion thread:

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/

ATF Standalone SD Repair, SX-4!! v6.60 Update

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP
Chinese support forum : ATF Box
Vietnam: Saigonmobile
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::.
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

08-25-2011, 03:04 PM
SL3 SD Repair!! ATF Network!! ATF v7.00 Update

he Long Wait is finally over...

ATF Team Launches the New ATF Network with Cutting Edge Services
that will help you become a step ahead of your competition.

[Super Dongle Repair for ALL SL3 Phones]

ATF Team is Proud to present to you SL3 Super Dongle Repair for
ALL BB5 Phones in the Market via the "Phone Authorization" Service
offered by The ATF Network (FBUS Cable Required).

This Unique service allows you to Fix Super Dongle problems on ALL
BB5 Phones and it will even allow you FULLY DOWNGRADE any BB5Phone to any compatible Firmware Version you want.

All you need is to activate your ATF Network account and start using
ATF Credits so you can finally Repair all the NEW Phones in the Market!!!

[SX-4 Stand Alone for ALL SL3 Phones]

Through the "Phone Authorization" Service of The ATF Network, you can also enjoy stand Alone SX-4 Authorization for ALL SL3 Phones in the market.

What is Phone Authorization?

Phone Authorization is a Service Offered by The ATF Network that will
allow you to utilize more Repair Options for ALL SL3 Phones in the Market.
Once a Phone is "Authorized", Super Dongle Repairs and SX-4 Authorizationcan be performed via Stand Alone Mode.

Which Phones are supported?

All BB5 Phones are supported, but currently it only supports FBUS Connection.
USB Connection "may" be supported in the future, but we still do not have a definite date for this to happen.

Is the "Phone Authorization" Service Free?

No, it is not free. You need to purchase ATF Credits from your nearest
ATF Reseller.
You will first need to Create an ATF Network Account, then you can start using our Phone Authorization service for merely 5 Credits Per Phone. (5 credits is about 5 USD).

So ALL phones needs to be Authorized now?

No, you ONLY NEED to Authorize the New BB5 Phones which have New HASHES that are NOT Supported by any other Team in the world. If your phone is using OLD HASH, then you can still work with it without paying for Authorization.

Why do I need to pay for this service? I want free!!!

If you promise to Repair all your Customer's Phones for FREE, then we
will give you a free Activation for the ATF Network and some FREE Credits so you can Authorize Phones for free. But do not forget, you also need to repair ALL PHONES in your shop for FREE! Do you agree? Email us if you agree to repair phones for Free.

How Many times do I need to Authorize the Phone?

You only need to Authorize the phone 1 time. Once it is authorized, you
no longer need to perform authorization again.

Can you repair Simlocks and IMEI from 100% erased SL3 and SIMLOC30 phones?
No. We cannot repair or rebuild Simlocks for SL3 and SIMLOC30 phones. You can only repair these phones if you have a PM 120 Backup and an RPL Backup.

Can I SD Repair and Authorize new SIMLOC30 phones?

YES, YES, YES... The ATF Network Supports ALL BB5 Phones in the Market.
You just need to use FBUS Connection if you want to Authorize Phones.

Which NEW HASHES are currently Supported by The ATF Network?

The ATF Network currently supported ALL 22 New HASHES released
as of March 1, 2011.


OLD HASHES are also supported, but you DO NOT NEED The ATF Network for OLD HASHES!!!

How much do I need to pay to Activate my ATF Network Account?
You need 99 Credits = 99 USD to Activate your ATF Network Account.
Then you will only need to spend 5 Credits (5 USD) for EACH Phone you want to Authorize.

Do I need Internet Connection to connect to the ATF Network?

Of course dear :O) But the good news is, after you have successfully
Authorized your phone, you do not need the internet connection anymore
to perform SD Repairs and SX4 Authorization. It will be Stand Alone.

How long do I need to wait before my phone is Authorized?

Average time is 10 to 20 seconds, depending on your Internet Connection.

Ok last question, do you support the E7-00 which is the NEWEST BB5 Phone in the Market?

Yes, E7-00 HASH is supported by The ATF Network... However, you first need to find an FBUS Cable for E7-00 beause The ATF Network DOES NOT SUPPORT USB Connection as of the moment.

USB Connection will be supported in the future, but we cannot give you an actual date on when it will be released.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

SL3 SD Repair!! ATF Network!! ATF v7.00 Update!! Public Discussion thread:

SL3 SD Repair!! ATF Network!! ATF v7.00 Update!! Public Discussion thread: (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/sl3-sd-repair-atf-network-atf-v7-00-update-public-discussion-thread-1217894/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com (http://www.advance-box.com/)

08-25-2011, 03:05 PM
SL3 Local Brute Force for ALL BB5 HASHES vis FBUS Cable

*** SL1/SL2 Stand Alone Unlock and Rebuild Simlocks via Simlock RPL ***

Requirements For Service:

You need to have an ACTIVATED account in The ATF Network if your phone is NEW HASH.


Authorization Cost for EACH NEW HASH Phone is still just 5 Credits

After phone is AUTHORIZED, you can do the following tasks in Stand Alone Mode:

1. Super Dongle Repair
2. SX-4 Stand Alone Authorization
3. Decrypt SL3 PM 120 HASHES

Supported BB5 New HASHES via FBUS (Cost 5 Credits):




__________________________________________________ ________________________

Download From:
Use Auto Update function To download it.

SL3 Local Brute Force for ALL BB5 HASHES!! ATF 7.10 Update!! Public Discussion thread:

SL3 Local Brute Force for ALL BB5 HASHES!! ATF 7.10 Update!! Public Discussion Thread (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/sl3-local-brute-force-all-bb5-hashes-atf-7-10-update-public-discussion-thread-1221812/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/ (http://www.advance-box.com/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/)
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) (http://gsmindonesia.com/forumdisplay.php/66-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph (http://www.gsmph.com/forum/vbb/forumdisplay.php/210-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29-official-support-in-Philippines)
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP (http://www.gsmvip.com/forums/182-%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29)
Chinese support forum : ATF Box (http://www.gsmhosting.cn/bbs/forum291.html)
Vietnam: Saigonmobile (http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/advance-turbo-flasher/)
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::. (http://www.gsmindia.in/forum/advance-box/)
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM (http://www.asangsm.com/)
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile (http://www.dhakamobile.com/advance-box/)
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

The Master Piece

08-25-2011, 03:07 PM
Freeloaders are 100% Stand Alone loaders that allow you to perform
Super Dongle Repairs, SX-4 Authorization and PA_SL3 or PA_SIMLOC30
PM 120 HASH Decryption. These Loaders DO NOT need an ATF Network
Account or Credits. It is completely Stand Alone just like the other
OLD Hashes.

RAPUYAMA Phones Currently Supported:
ROOT HASH = 25B977A055BE9B5DEC0C38A2A279C695

E52-1 (RM-469)
E72-1 (RM-530)
E72-2 (RM-529)
E73 (RM-658)
6700c-1, 6700c (RM-470)
6700s (RM-576)
6710s navigator (RM-491)
6720c (RM-424)
6730c-1 (RM-547)

RAP3Gv40 Phones Currently Supported:
ROOT HASH = 7B045400E1752022F9EB80B0DEA9C65D

X3-00 (RM-540)
6303ci (RM-638)
7230 (RM-604)
3710a-1 (RM-509)

The Phones listed above do NOT require Credits or Internet Connection.

For NEW RAPUYAMA and NEW RAPIDO Phones, you STILL need to have an ACTIVATED
ATF NETWORK Account and 5 Credits for each New Phone you want to Authorize.

*** PA_SIMLOC30 HASHES are now Supported for PM 120 HASH Extraction ***

Tested on "REAL" PA_SIMLOC30 Phones: X3-02 RM-639 and C2-01

لینک دانلود

08-25-2011, 03:07 PM

Advance Turbo Flasher v7.20
Release Date: March 10, 2011

محتوا فقط برای کاربران قابل مشاهده است

Freeloaders for RAPUYAMA and RAP3Gv40 Phones Released

Freeloaders are 100% Stand Alone loaders that allow you to perform
Super Dongle Repairs, SX-4 Authorization and PA_SL3 or PA_SIMLOC30
PM 120 HASH Decryption. These Loaders DO NOT need an ATF Network
Account or Credits. It is completely Stand Alone just like the other
OLD Hashes.

RAPUYAMA Phones Currently Supported:
ROOT HASH = 25B977A055BE9B5DEC0C38A2A279C695

E52-1 (RM-469)
E72-1 (RM-530)
E72-2 (RM-529)
E73 (RM-658)
6700c-1, 6700c (RM-470)
6700s (RM-576)
6710s navigator (RM-491)
6720c (RM-424)
6730c-1 (RM-547)

RAP3Gv40 Phones Currently Supported:
ROOT HASH = 7B045400E1752022F9EB80B0DEA9C65D

X3-00 (RM-540)
6303ci (RM-638)
7230 (RM-604)
3710a-1 (RM-509)

The Phones listed above do NOT require Credits or Internet Connection.

For NEW RAPUYAMA and NEW RAPIDO Phones, you STILL need to have an ACTIVATED
ATF NETWORK Account and 5 Credits for each New Phone you want to Authorize.

*** PA_SIMLOC30 HASHES are now Supported for PM 120 HASH Extraction ***

Tested on "REAL" PA_SIMLOC30 Phones: X3-02 RM-639 and C2-01 RM-721

Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

Download From:

Offical Rapidshare Mirror (http://rapidshare.com/files/451762139/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar)
Offical Hotfile Mirror (http://hotfile.com/dl/109489708/aba94de/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar.html)
Offical Mirrorcreator Mirror (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/J0KXA3IE/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar_links)

08-25-2011, 03:08 PM
AdvanceBox 7.24

Download from official links:

AdvanceBox 7.24 - rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/452154191/AdvanceBox724.rar)
AdvanceBox 7.24 - hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/109799196/73ad528/AdvanceBox724.rar.html)
AdvanceBox 7.24 - mirrorcreator (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/GOCOOLWN/AdvanceBox724.rar_links)

08-25-2011, 03:09 PM
AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher full Installer - download links!

AdvanceBox_7.20 full installer links:

Download From:

Offical Rapidshare Mirror (http://rapidshare.com/files/451762139/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar)
Offical Hotfile Mirror (http://hotfile.com/dl/109489708/aba94de/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar.html)
Offical Mirrorcreator Mirror (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/J0KXA3IE/ATF_v7.20_Full_Installer.rar_links)

AdvanceBox_v7.24 mirror update links:

Download From:

AdvanceBox 7.24 - rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/452154191/AdvanceBox724.rar)
AdvanceBox 7.24 - hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/109799196/73ad528/AdvanceBox724.rar.html)
AdvanceBox 7.24 - mirrorcreator (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/GOCOOLWN/AdvanceBox724.rar_links)

P.S: You need to install 1st full installer 7.20 after You can update software to 7.24 by copy paste 7.24 Advancebox.exe to appropriate folder. Where you have installed full installer, mostly: C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher


08-25-2011, 03:09 PM
<b>ورژن 7.30 بتا باکس atf

ورژن 7.30 بتا باکس atf

رفع ایراد باگهای قبلی برای ترمیم و آنلاک sl3

http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609...75/index2.html (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/atf-7-30-beta-1237775/index2.html)

لینک دانلود
Download Advance Box rar (http://turboupload.com/71rsec4mg6iw)


08-25-2011, 03:09 PM
<b>Advance Turbo Flasher v7.40

Advance Turbo Flasher v7.40 Update!! 04 April 11!!



Advance Turbo Flasher v7.40






DCT4 Updates:


Stand Alone RPL Calculation via "REPAIR IMEI" button for ALL DCT4 Phones ASICs (2, 5, 6, 7 and 11)
Master Code Calculator Version 2.0 can now Correctly Calculate the 10-digit Master Code for ALL DCT4 PHONES

BB5 Updates:

Stand Alone BB5 SL3 15-digit NCK Calculator for ighashgpu Brute Force Result
PA_SIMLOC30 NCK Code Sending now supported for New 20-digit Code
RAPUYAMA and RAP3Gv40 Booting Fixed

Common Changes:

Fixed Full Factory Settings Command
Fixed Product Search and Phone Search Menu
Self-Test Actual Status is now Displayed




*** It is advised that you should use i****l_Dark.skn

1. YOU MUST Add "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Virus Scanner Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications


2. YOU MUST Add "C:\AdvanceBox Turbo Flasher\AdvanceBox.exe" to your Windows Firewall Excemption/Exclusion List of Trusted Applications


3. DO NOT disable the Microsoft Windows Firewall!!!


4. DO NOT disable your ANTI-VIRUS! Go to your anti-virus WEBSITE and get information on how to add AdvanceBox.exe to the Excemption/Exclusion List


5. Make sure you have done Steps 1-2-3-4




Download From:


Offical download area (

Offical Rapidshare Mirror (http://rapidshare.com/files/455880532/ATF_v7.40_Full_Installer.rar)

Offical Hotfile Mirror (http://hotfile.com/dl/113312842/a6cd0e2/ATF_v7.40_Full_Installer.rar.html)

Offical Mirrorcreator Mirror (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0BC8SJKB/ATF_v7.40_Full_Installer_0.rar_links)


08-25-2011, 03:10 PM
ATF Update v7.49 - REAL ALL HASHES Support for 1 Time Activation Only!!!

For a 1 time Activation of 49 Credits, Joining The ATF Network
will allow you to perform UNLIMITED TASKS to ANY BB5 FBUS HASH
for all BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection in Planet Earth...

Update and Activate to ATF v7.49 Now and Enjoy the following supported TASKS:

Unlimited SL3 PM 120 HASH Decryption for ALL NEW HASH BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SL2 Direct Unlock for 6120c, 6760s and 6790s NEW HASH 479Cxxxx Phones
Unlimited Super Dongle Repair for ALL NEW HASH BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SX-4 Authorization (Customized Keys) for ALL BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SL3 Downgrade for phones with ENO files available

Activate Now and get a chance to Participate and WIN FREE RAPIDO NEW HASH Unlocking!!!

Special SL3 LBF Tools for Hashcat v0.05 by atom on v7.49
Supports Manual IMEI and HASH input or input via LOG files (*.log, *.bcl and *.sha)
Resume or Skip Brute Force Jobs at any Percentage % you want
Divide Brute Force Jobs to 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 Super Computers (Distributed Cracking)
Specify Temperature Limit (85, 90, 95, 100 or NO LIMIT)
Improve your BF time by guessing ODD or EVEN for last digit in the Master Code!

General Updates Added on v7.49

Infineon X1-00 RM-732, X1-00.1 RM-733 Flashing Support Added
Fixed FTDI Read Timeout Bug on BB5 OLD LOADER + OLD PROTOCOL Flashing
Self Test Status Report Updated

Additional Information:

For End users who paid 99 Credits for ATF Network Activation since March 2011,
you will all get a 50 Credits Rebate which will be delivered back into your
account within 24 hours.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Download From:
Click the auto update button in exe.

Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/atf-advance-turbo-flasher-authorized-distributors-resellers-list-926919/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/)
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) (http://gsmindonesia.com/forumdisplay.php/66-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph (http://www.gsmph.com/forum/vbb/forumdisplay.php/210-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29-official-support-in-Philippines)
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP (http://www.gsmvip.com/forums/182-%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29)
Chinese support forum : ATF Box (http://www.gsmhosting.cn/bbs/forum291.html)
Vietnam: Saigonmobile (http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/advance-turbo-flasher/)
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::. (http://www.gsmindia.in/forum/advance-box/)
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM (http://www.asangsm.com/)
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile (http://www.dhakamobile.com/advance-box/)
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

The Master Piece

08-25-2011, 03:11 PM
ATF Update v7.49 - REAL ALL HASHES Support for 1 Time Activation Only!!!

For a 1 time Activation of 49 Credits, Joining The ATF Network
will allow you to perform UNLIMITED TASKS to ANY BB5 FBUS HASH
for all BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection in Planet Earth...

Update and Activate to ATF v7.49 Now and Enjoy the following supported TASKS:

Unlimited SL3 PM 120 HASH Decryption for ALL NEW HASH BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SL2 Direct Unlock for 6120c, 6760s and 6790s NEW HASH 479Cxxxx Phones
Unlimited Super Dongle Repair for ALL NEW HASH BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SX-4 Authorization (Customized Keys) for ALL BB5 Phones with FBUS Connection
Unlimited SL3 Downgrade for phones with ENO files available

Activate Now and get a chance to Participate and WIN FREE RAPIDO NEW HASH Unlocking!!!

Special SL3 LBF Tools for Hashcat v0.05 by atom on v7.49
Supports Manual IMEI and HASH input or input via LOG files (*.log, *.bcl and *.sha)
Resume or Skip Brute Force Jobs at any Percentage % you want
Divide Brute Force Jobs to 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 Super Computers (Distributed Cracking)
Specify Temperature Limit (85, 90, 95, 100 or NO LIMIT)
Improve your BF time by guessing ODD or EVEN for last digit in the Master Code!

General Updates Added on v7.49

Infineon X1-00 RM-732, X1-00.1 RM-733 Flashing Support Added
Fixed FTDI Read Timeout Bug on BB5 OLD LOADER + OLD PROTOCOL Flashing
Self Test Status Report Updated

Additional Information:

For End users who paid 99 Credits for ATF Network Activation since March 2011,
you will all get a 50 Credits Rebate which will be delivered back into your
account within 24 hours.

__________________________________________________ ________________________

Download From:
Click the auto update button in exe.

Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/atf-advance-turbo-flasher-authorized-distributors-resellers-list-926919/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/)
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) (http://gsmindonesia.com/forumdisplay.php/66-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph (http://www.gsmph.com/forum/vbb/forumdisplay.php/210-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29-official-support-in-Philippines)
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP (http://www.gsmvip.com/forums/182-%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29)
Chinese support forum : ATF Box (http://www.gsmhosting.cn/bbs/forum291.html)
Vietnam: Saigonmobile (http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/advance-turbo-flasher/)
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::. (http://www.gsmindia.in/forum/advance-box/)
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM (http://www.asangsm.com/)
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile (http://www.dhakamobile.com/advance-box/)
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

The Master Piece

08-25-2011, 03:12 PM
<b>ATF 7.65 Minor Update!!! Public Discussion Thread:

Advance Turbo Flasher v7.65

Release Date: June 22, 2011

*** Minor Bug Fixes for 7.60 Release***

++ RPL Write Problem for OLD Protocol and RAPIDOYAWE Phones Fixed
++ PM Writing when PM files contains blank empty lines fixed
++ USB Booting on Rapuyama phones adjusted
++ RAPIDOYAWE Simlock RPL and SD RPL Data fixed

Known Issues:
* Mass Memory Files should be FLASHED separately and should NOT BE Flashed
together with MCU, PPM or CNT files...

Download Links:

Download ATF_v7.65_Full_Installer.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/CNDHSVHN/ATF_v7.65_Full_Installer.rar_links)

Download ATF_v7.65_Full_Installer.rar from Mirrorcreator - Upload files to multiple file sharing sites (http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/CNDHSVHN/ATF_v7.65_Full_Installer.rar_links)

You can also Auto Update using the 7.60 EXE by enabling "Check Auto Update" Function in the Settings.


08-25-2011, 03:12 PM
What's New?

+ Added SCH-B159 TYPE 2 version 1 click safe unlock.. our older tool do not make phone dead like other.. World First & Only In World

+ Added Software core detection on server and local at log window.

+ Updated Magic level to 5

+ Updated All button, menu, etc tool tip and help.

+ Fixed all rebuild bug which come after port scanning great sorry to all users.

+ Fixed C200 and wrote unlocking from scratch...
Huawei-CDMA TOOL 15-07-11
What's New?

+ Just public release nothing new at moment


+ Updated Magic level to 5

+ For all model cable and cable type will be show after selecting model and moving mouse on interface area.
ZTE-CDMA TOOL 15-07-11
What's New?

+ Added S1602 New type of sp calculation via credit (GetSP) or unlimited base activation. World First & Only In World

+ Added ZTE S300 Kazakhstan phones all version supported from now. World First & Only In World

+ Added full build scanning + internal version check + internal date scan..

+ Updated tool tip for some button.

+ Updated Magic level to 5

LG-CDMA TOOL 15-07-11
What's New?

+ Updated Magic level to 5

+ Improved older type of unlock and boot loader..

+ Improved readinfo and other speed problem with older crap or phone do not have 115200 default.


all version of advance cdma tool is tested and verify by 10 beta testers they are from our team and working with us from long time.. but its still possible that some phone make problem.

Reporting bug error should be at here only..
BUG REPORT / HELP Only at here.. (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f614/bug-report-help-only-here-1309113/)

Our official support section

Advance CDMA products (http://www.mygsmforum.com/f109/)

Advance Cdma Products - GSM-Forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f614/)

Advance cdma - Cdma Gsm Forum Mygsmindia. (http://www.mygsmindia.com/vbb/advance-cdma/)


Download from support area "COMBO LIGHT FULL SETUP13.RAR" AND SETUP IT...

08-25-2011, 03:13 PM
<b>ATF Read Flash + SL3 Server + Infineon Mass Memory v7.70 Update!! Public Discussion:

BB5 Major Functions Added:

Read Flash Enabled for RAPUYAMA Phones via USB or FBUS

Read Flash Enabled for RAP3Gv40 Phones via FBUS and USB (USB Limited to 8MB per Session)

Read Flash Enabled for RAPIDO Phones via FBUS ONLY

Extract Phonebook Contacts from Symbian ^3 and Symbian Anna Flash Dumps made by the Read Flash Function

Supports International Unicode Characters for Contacts Extraction (Chinese, Arabic, Thai etc...)

Recover Videos, Pictures, Music and Documents from ALL Flash Dumps made by the Read Flash Function

SL3 Bruteforce Server Added:

SL3 Bruteforce JOB Uploading is now OPEN to ATF Network Users (Paid Service... Contact Your Reseller)

Upload JOBS, Cancel JOBS and Check JOB Status with just a click of a button

Only accepts "JOB" files generated by ATF Software's Decrypt PM 120 Function

Infineon Major Functions Added:

Mass Memory (SD Card) Flashing Added for the NEWEST Infineon Phones (C2-02, C2-03, C2-05, C2-06, C2-07 and C2-08)

Common Updates:

New BB5 Flash Loaders Version

New Nokia Connectivity Driver

Support Site Updates:

Special ATF ENO Files are NOW AVAILABLE for new RAPUYAMA PHONES (N8-00, C7-00, X7-00, E7-00 etc...)

These ENO Fies were Dumped by the ATF Team and you can ONLY FIND them at the ATF Support Site

Bug Fixes:

E6-00 and X5-01 Nitro Flashing Speed FIXED

Rapido ADL Flashing Bug for E71, E63 etc.. FIXED

USB ADL Flashing Format Partitions FIXED

BB5 Booting Speed FIXED

MMC Password Reading now Supports Unicode Characters

Frequently Asked Question:

Q: Do I need to pay ATF Network Activation in order to use the READ FLASH Functions of ATF 7.70 ?
A: NO, this new Feature is FREE.

Q: Do I need to pay Credits if I want to upload a Bruteforce JOB File ?
A: Yes, Contact your Reseller for more Infomation.

Q: How Long Does it take to Read FULL Flash an N8-00 with a 1 Gigabyte Flash Chip ?
A: Via USB, it will take about 12 minutes... Via FBUS, it will take MANY + MANY HOURS...

Q: Can I Read FULL Flash a 5130c or a 3110c Phone?
A: No. As of now, RAP3Gv3 Phones are NOT YET Supported... But it will be!

Q: Can I Recover My Contacts from a DEAD 5800 phone?
A: No, only Symbian^3 and Symbian Anna Flash DUMPS are Currently Supported for Phonebook Extraction. We will first Support the Latest most HIGH END phones before proceeding to the OLDER Models.

Q: Will you support ALL Symbian S60 Contacts Recovery in the Next Updates ?
A: Yes, we will support them when we have more time.

Q: Can I recover Picture and Videos from my DEAD 5800 Phone ?
A: Yes, ALL BB5 Phone DUMPs are supported for FILE Recovery just as long as they are not reformatted.

Q: I have a DEAD 5800 Phone and I have Flashed it a FEW TIMES already but it is still dead... Can I still DUMP the Pictures and Videos from it?
A: Flashing will most likely REFORMAT the Phone... So your chances of Retrieval are Lower. Then Best thing to do is to DUMP the Flash first before trying to FIX it via Flashing. If the FILES inside the Phone are very important, then you should always AVOID Flashing before you try to RECOVER the IMPORTANT FILES.

A: Because of HARDWARE Limitations on the FBUS Channel, the READ Speed is severely Compromised.

Q: Can I Flash Read a Phone with a Special Language PACK inside and use the Flash DUMP to put the Special Language PACK to my other Phones ?
A: This is possible, only if the ROOT HASH is the SAME, but it still REQUIRES you to have Knowledge on how to convert BINARY DUMPS into FPSX Formatted BB5 Files.


Who will buy this if you can get more in ATF?

Buy only from ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] authorized resellers:
ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] Authorized Distributors and Resellers List (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/atf-advance-turbo-flasher-authorized-distributors-resellers-list-926919/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official web sites:
International - http://www.advance-box.com/ (http://www.advance-box.com/)

ATF [Advance Turbo Flasher] official support forums:
World Wide: Advance Turbo Flasher - GSM-Forum (http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f609/)
Indonesia: ATF (Advance Turbo Flasher) (http://*******nesia.com/forumdisplay.php/66-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher))
Philippine: Gsmph (http://www.gsmph.com/forum/vbb/forumdisplay.php/210-ATF-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29-official-support-in-Philippines)
Syria: Arabic Support (Syria) GsmVIP (http://www.gsmvip.com/forums/182-%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%83%D8%B3-%28Advance-Turbo-Flasher%29)
Chinese support forum : ATF Box (http://www.gsmhosting.cn/bbs/forum291.html)
Vietnam: Saigonmobile (http://saigonmobile.vn/forum/advance-turbo-flasher/)
India: Advance Box - .:: GsmIndia ::. (http://www.gsmindia.in/forum/advance-box/)
Official Iran Support Forum : ASANGSM FORUM (http://www.asangsm.com/)
Bangladesh: Advance Box - Dhaka Mobile (http://www.dhakamobile.com/advance-box/)
Chinese Support forum : www.yananliuhuan.com (http://www.yananliuhuan.com/)

The Master Piece


08-25-2011, 03:14 PM
لینک دانلود از مدیا فایر باحجم 41.34مگابایت

http://www.kord-gsm.com/pic/images/2u8eqonvf6yphy7ay8qk.png (http://www.mediafire.com/?nz4hde7fdw66mw3#1)

ATF_v7.70_Full_Installer(awatgsm1).rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?nz4hde7fdw66mw3#1)

08-26-2011, 02:06 PM
باکس چیه؟
این باکس واسه چه گوشی هایی کاربرد داره؟
نحوه آپدیت کردن این باکس چه جوریه؟

جواب منو ندادین؟؟؟؟

بهتر نبود به جای اسپم زدن متن ها را میخوندین ؟
حتما باید گزارش خلاف داد ؟
باکس برای تعمیرات گوشیهایی که سیستم اونها دچار نقص و ایراد شده به طور مثال کاربر داره و گوشی های هر رده هم تو توضیحات هر تاپیک و سایت اصلی که در اون لینکش قرار داده شده گذاشته شده پس لطفا اگر علاقه دارید اونها را برید و مطالعه کنید و اگر قسمتی نا مفهوم بود سوال کنید نه اینکه مثل تاپیک سرگرمی هر 5 دقیقه یک اسپم بزنید و پست زیاد کنید .

08-26-2011, 02:16 PM
یعنی شما متن ها را خوندی و ندیدی ؟
اگه یک دفعه دیگه اسپم بدید مجبور میشم گزارش کنم
