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06-10-2011, 08:18 AM
http://pic.azardl.com/images/29964797967077232230.jpg (http://pic.azardl.com/)

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings v.1.2-DLC-Mods-Bonus (2011/MULTI2/2xDVD5/RePack/Pc/Eng/Rus)
Year: 2011 l PC Games l Eng, Rus l Developer: CD Projekt l Publisher: Atari l 8.60 GB
Genre: RPG
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TheWitcher 2 Killer of Kings - the second part of the saga of thewhite-haired Witcher Geralt, created after the series of novels byAndrzej Sapkowski, stands out not only a thrilling story, but also anew game engine, as well as the original battle system, based onreal-life styles of martial arts and possession of knives .

Vague, bad times enveloped the northern kingdoms of the world game TheWitcher 2. Powerful forces that hide under the cloak of darkness,waging a fierce war, in order to strengthen its influence and power. Topersons of royal blood is declared a bloody hunting. Sinking deeper anddeeper into a sticky fear of death, the rulers of attracting to itselfthe troops, trying to delay the inevitable. But nothing can prevent allthe new victims. Each new attempt is pushing the world into the embraceof chaos. Now a law they do cruelty and violence ...
Failing toprevent the killing of King Foltesta, Geralt was in the center of themaelstrom of political intrigue, but his first priority, Witcher, stillconsiders the protection of the life of the monarch. In the RPG TheWitcher 2 Killer kings you will be with White Wolf unwinding of astring is cunningly devised an attempt to figure out whose hand wasdriven by a mysterious killer.
Boundless realistic world! PlayingWitcher 2 invites you to plunge into an incredible atmosphere livingtheir lives in the world! The majestic castle of La Valette will openits gates in front of you, the town dwarves Wergen, surround you hustleand bustle of its streets. Ancient forest will take you under theirarches, and will give you their innermost secrets. Waiting for youFlotzam - nodal outpost joins two kingdoms and castles distant frontier.
Nonlinear, adult, rich history! Your fate is in your hands! Your everydecision affects the outcome. More than 40 hours of excitingadventures, 4 possible beginning and 16 ending in the game The Witcher2. From the prologue to the last minute finale full of unpredictableplot will keep you in constant tension.
Dynamic and spectacularbattle! The Witcher 2 Kings Assassin features a fully upgraded battlesystem! Your numerous enemies are humans and monsters. Engage them inmelee, use a variety of techniques tactics - parry, dodge andcounterattack. Also in your arsenal will be a variety of weapons, usedon long distances, such as bombs and throwing knives, and magic spells,including a completely new sign - Heliotrope. You will be able tosecretly attack and stun opponents, set traps and bait.
The newgraphics engine! Even with minimal computer configuration, the engineREDengine, Developed by CD Projekt RED, provides high quality graphicsand performance.
Are you ready to feel for himself, he feels theblade wedged between a rock and a hard place Do you dare alone tochallenge the powers that the world game The Witcher 2 Do you have thespirit

Heroes do not change. The player will be back in theskin of the White Wolf - a professional exterminator of evil witcherGeralt, descended from the pages of a fantasy saga by Andrzej Sapkowski.
New level of freedom. Three randomly intertwined storylines. Theplayers actions depend on each key event leading to one of severalalternative endings.
Alive world. Every event that happens in RPGThe Witcher 2 Killers Kings are interconnected and form a single chainof cause and effect. Each NPC has its own character and acts by virtueof their beliefs and goals.
Individual style. The player candevelop his character, according to his wishes, by combining the threeparameters - the art of magic, sword and alchemy.
Plenty of optionsfor development. Effects of each skill can be modified, depending onyour preferences, using a new system of mutagens. In the game TheWitcher 2 can now create nearly two hundred different items - armor,belt, greaves, gloves and other - using skill handicraft, as well asselect the best equipment.
With sword in hand. Built in thetradition of the first part, an updated battle system Witcher 2assassins of kings, has greater freedom to make tactical decisions andhas high dynamics.

System requirements:
Os: Windows XP SP3 / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Cpu: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz, or something similar from AMD
Video: Nvidia GeForce 8800 with 512 MB of onboard memory, or something similar from ATI
Audio: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0
Ram: 1GB (XP) / 2GB (Vista / 7)
Hdd: 16,5 GB

All Bonus and Exclusive content
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Original Soundtrack (Collectors Edition)
Title: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Original Soundtrack
Composer: Adam Skorupa & Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz
Length: 1:13:02
Publication Type: tracks
Quality: 320 kbps
01. Assassins of Kings (02:08)
02. A Nearly Peaceful Place (04:08)
03. The Path of a Kingslayer (01:28)
04. Dwarven Stone upon Dwarven Stone (07:35)
05. Through the Underworld (03:48)
06. The Lone Survivor (01:18)
07. Into the Fields (05:49)
08. An Army Lying in Wait (03:55)
09. Easier Said than Killed (01:11)
10. A Watering Hole in the Harbor (02:38)
11. Within the Mist (03:04)
12. Regicide (01:49)
13. The Wild Hunt (01:20)
14. Vergen_by Night (07:30)
15. For a Higher Cause (01:15)
16. Souls in Ruin (04:47)
17. A Quiet Corner (03:16)
18. The Assassin Looms (01:06)
19. The Camp by Night (03:19)
20. Dreary Stronghold (04:13)
21. Howl of the White Wolf (01:56)
22. Sorceresses (02:02)
23. The End is Never the Same (03:16)

List of DLC:
Troll Trouble (trouble with trolls):
New side quests (the description on the screenshot)

Mysterious Merchant (Mysterious merchant):
Unlocks a special merchant, who appears in every part of the game. Hewill buy things that are otherwise available only for the side quests.

Roche Commando Jacket (Jerkin special squad Roche):
Unique piece of equipment. One of the best jackets in the game.Suitable for a hero-oriented fencing. Improves mastery of the sword.

Ultimate Alchemy Suit (Exceptional Alchemists set):
Unique piece of equipment. Increases the number of alchemicalingredients, which can be found in locations. Increases the duration ofelixirs.

Ultimate Magical Suit (exclusive magic set):
Unique piece of equipment. Adds a new game - the sixth - the magicmark. Increases the efficiency of all characters. Suitable for ahero-oriented magic.

Swordsman suit
A set of uniqueitems. They increase the performance and the likelihood of additionaleffects in the melee. Intended for a hero, and skills of swordsman.
Two new animation pushing for stroke. Techniques by using MotionCapture technology specifically for this set. Advanced fightingtechnique.
Barbers and hairdressers (Barbers and Coiffeuses)
Some merchants will now provide a hairdressing service. For a smallfee, Geralt can change them my hair. Look for bulletin boards forinformation about the barber and hairdresser, offering their servicesin your area. In Flotzame, in the first chapter, these services areavailable from Einar Gusselya in Old Curiosity Shop. In the secondchapter, the Sambora in camp or at Henselta Felicia Cory in Vergene.This student witch also provide us with hairdressing in Locke Muin, inthe third chapter.
CD Project Red released their first free DLC for RPG The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings called Troll Trouble.
In this quest, Geralt must solve a problem with a troll living in the woods near the destroyed bridge and prevents its repair.
Main salt in the fact that some people believe a good burglar, and others - a very dangerous creature.

Patch 1.1
1. A simpler and more reliable installation and activation of the game. More information coming soon.
2. Fixed bug with free DLC Troll trouble. Now it is included in thepatch and do not need to download and install it separately.
3.Fixed a bug that prevented some users from downloading free DLC (withpre-orders and other digital bonuses). Launcher is now correctlydisplays a list of available DLC and installation.
4. Increasedproductivity: from 5% to 30% increase in fps and faster downloads,depending on system type and version of the game. Owners of the retailversions can expect even greater improvements.
5. Fixed random crashes happening on some systems, especially after saving and loading.
6. Now you can change the management of the arrow.
7. Added ability to invert mouse.
8. nVidia 3D Vision now works correctly.
9. More fine-tuning the system with the option automatically detect settings. Will help improve game performance.
10. Fixed a bug that prevented complete the quest Blood Curse.
11. Fixed a bug with the monk, playing in the bone (found in the tavern Flotzama).
12. Captions GOG.com is now working correctly.

Patch 1.2
Changes in version 1.2:
New DLC:
Barbers and hairdressers (Barbers and Coiffeuses)
Some merchants will now provide a hairdressing service. For a smallfee, Geralt can change them my hair. Look for bulletin boards forinformation about the barber and hairdresser, offering their servicesin your area. In Flotzame, in the first chapter, these services areavailable from Einar Gusselya in Old Curiosity Shop. In the secondchapter, the Sambora in camp or at Henselta Felicia Cory in Vergene.This student witch also provide us with hairdressing in Locke Muin, inthe third chapter.
Corrections / amendments patch 1.2 (06/03/2011)
1. All previously released DLC included in patch 1.2:
Blue Stripes Combat Jacket
Ultimate Alchemists Outfit
Ultimate Mages Outfit
Ultimate Swordsmans Outfit
Finisher Pack
Mysterious Merchant
Troll Trouble
2. Patch 1.2 adds a new free DLC called barbers and hairdressers. Touse the services of barber, find Einar Gusselya in the first chapter inthe second chapter in the camp Henselta Sambora, or Felicia Cory inVergene, as Felicia will serve us in the third chapter.
3. The game will automatically compress save, so they take up less space on your hard drive.
4. In the main menu option is added to the delete conservation.
5. Menu of the game is now loaded much faster.
6. Now the game supports the headset, and other Logitech G35 USB headphones on built-in sound cards.
7. Several changes in migration management (now the action can be assigned to the numeric keypad and arrow keys).
8. Analog joysticks and gamepads now work correctly in the panel GUI.
9. A lot of times or the balance introduced in the Prologue.
10. Now targeting not break when the target moves at a great distance.
11. Fixes to the principles of production units. Geralt better respondto commands and can attack more than one target in the usual battle.
12. A number of corrections to the statistics display panel craft.
13. Conservation of the first Witcher is now imported correctly.
14. Added auto-save before the fight with DRAUG.
15. Time of action bomb Torch is now two minutes.
16. Fixed a bug where you could use the bomb (and other things), even if they are not in a backpack hero.
17. The game has been replaced / removed texture similar to Islamic.
18. Several fixes in the dialogues in the game.
19. Fixed problem with blocking the passage to the next level early in the third chapter.
20. Fixed a bug due to which Geralt posed as T after the destruction of nests nakerov.
21. The guards are no longer able to block the blows of Geralt as he on the stairs.
22. Knives do not have an effect on friendly NPC.
23. Fixed a bug with some boxes.
24. Tenek (component necessary to complete the quest) will no longer be sold.
25. In a game added ingredients necessary to complete the quest Heart Melitele.
26. Fixes in the quest The trouble with a troll, now head trollihi can be won in the bone.
27. Ghosts now do not kill the spirit of the brown banners.
28. A bug due to which the steward was considered neutral, and it could kill, do not starting a conversation.
29. Introduced a number of fixes, preventing jams NPC (the king in asiege tower, knights, destroying the gate in the Prologue, etc.).
30. In the quest Little Sisters Fixed a bug with the door. Now it remains open after completion of the quest.
31. Fixed many issues, such as blocking of meditation, the inability tosave the game, blocking a fight after the use of static cameras (eg,the game could not be maintained after completion of the questproposition).
32. Fixed a bug in a battle with a dragon (it was impossible to properly inspect objects).
33. Fixed a bug in a battle with Detmold (where he remains at his barrier, and does nothing).
34. Fixed bug (black screen) in the quest The shop incense.
35. Fixed bug that occurred after unsuccessful completion of the ritual with Aneshkoy.
36. Fixed bug that occurred during the dialogue on the shore in the job hangover.

Features RePacka
- Do not cut / no recoded
- Video clips do not cut 100%
- Sound 100% (RUS / ENG)
- Install patch 1.1 - 1.2
- Full and Complete Russian version English version
- Any combination of voice acting and text (RUS / ENG)
- There is All Exclusive content / folder Bonus

06-10-2011, 08:19 AM


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