
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : برنامه نويسي

02-22-2011, 04:02 PM
در این تاپیک کتابهای مرتبط با برنامه نویسی گذاشته میشود.

عنوان اثر : آموزش ساخت کتابخانه مجازی با c#

موضوع : برنامه نويسي

نويسنده : افسانه کتابی

مترجم :

فرمت : Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF

توضيحات : آموزش ساخت کتابخانه مجازی با c#

دانلود (http://www.p30upload.com/download.php?id=A4DF83C9)

02-22-2011, 04:02 PM
Herb Schildt's Java Programming Cookbook


Herb Schildt's Java Programming Cookbook
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | November 5, 2007 | English | ISBN:9780072263152 | 524 pages | PDF | 1.8 MB

Legendary programming author Herb Schildt shares some of his favorite programming techniques in this high-powered Java "cookbook." Organized for quick reference, each recipe shows how to accomplish a practical programming task. A recipe begins with a list of key ingredients (the classes, methods, and interfaces) followed by step-by-step instructions that show how to assemble them into a complete solution. Detailed discussions explain the how and why behind each step, and a full code example puts the recipe into action. Each recipe ends with a list of options and alternatives that suggest ways to adapt the technique to fit a variety of situations. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro, you'll find recipes that are sure to satisfy your Java programming appetite!

* Topics include:
o String Handling
o Regular Expressions
o File Handling
o Applets
o Servlets
o Swing
o The Collections Framework
o Multithreading
o Formatting Data

http://rapidshare.com/files/86171155...k.Nov.2007.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/86171155/JavProg.Cookbook.Nov.2007.rar)

02-22-2011, 04:03 PM
Genomic Perl: From Bioinformatics Basics to Working Code


In this introduction to computational molecular biology, Rex Dwyer explains many basic computational problems and gives concise, working programs to solve them in the Perl programming language. With minimal prerequisites, he covers the biological background for each problem, develops a model for the solution, and then introduces the Perl concepts needed to implement the solution. The chapters discuss pairwise and multiple sequence alignment, fast database searches for homologous sequences, protein motif identification, genome rearrangement, physical mapping, phylogeny reconstruction, satellite identification, sequence assembly, gene finding, and RNA secondary structure. Concrete examples and a step-by-step approach enable readers to grasp the computational and statistical methods.




02-22-2011, 04:03 PM
Next Generation Java Testing: TestNG and Advanced Concepts


Enterprise Java developers must achieve broader, deeper test coverage, going beyond unit testing to implement functional and integration testing with systematic acceptance. Next Generation Java™ Testing introduces breakthrough Java testing techniques and TestNG, a powerful open source Java testing platform.

Cédric Beust, TestNG’s creator, and leading Java developer Hani Suleiman, present powerful, flexible testing patterns that will work with virtually any testing tool, framework, or language. They show how to leverage key Java platform improvements designed to facilitate effective testing, such as dependency injection and mock objects. They also thoroughly introduce TestNG, demonstrating how it overcomes the limitations of older frameworks and enables new techniques, making it far easier to test today’s complex software systems.

Pragmatic and results-focused, Next Generation Java™ Testing will help Java developers build more robust code for today’s mission-critical environments.

This book
Illuminates the tradeoffs associated with testing, so you can make better decisions about what and how to test
Introduces TestNG, explains its goals and features, and shows how to apply them in real-world environments
Shows how to integrate TestNG with your existing code, development frameworks, and software libraries
Demonstrates how to test crucial code features, such as encapsulation, state sharing, scopes, and thread safety
Shows how to test application elements, including JavaEE APIs, databases, Web pages, and XML files
Presents advanced techniques: testing partial failures, factories, dependent testing, remote invocation, cluster-based test farms, and more
Walks through installing and using TestNG plug-ins for Eclipse, and IDEA
Contains extensive code examples

Whether you use TestNG, JUnit, or another testing framework, the testing design patterns presented in this book will show you how to improve your tests by giving you concrete advice on how to make your code and your design more testable.


http://rapidshare.com/files/83897541...03104.rar.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/83897541/0321503104.rar.html)


02-22-2011, 04:03 PM
Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C#


Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# shows how to design and create stunning professional reports with the SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005 Reporting Services.
The only comprehensive guide to client-side Reporting Services
Practical, step-by-step instruction on designing, developing, and deploying real-world reports
Quickly turns beginners into sophisticated report writers
Gives expert tips on handling complex reporting scenarios

The power of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services is now available for client-side reporting in Visual Studio 2005, with or without SQL Server. This hands-on guide takes you step by step through the design, development, and deployment of a variety of professional reports for Windows, web, and mobile clients. It is the most complete single source of information on this exciting and important new technology.
What you’ll learn
Discover the huge potential and utility of client-side reporting.
See how to use Report Builder and Report Viewer like a pro.
Master reporting with Windows Forms, ASP.NET 2.0 Web Forms, and Mobile Clients.
Learn how to automate reports with Windows Services.
Explore server-side Reporting Services and consume them from local clients.
Move from Crystal Reports to Reporting Services.
Who is this book for?

Any VS user with any kind of reporting need can now easily create professional, enterprise-level reports with Reporting Services. Report designers, report writers, business analysts, and decision-makers will all find that Client-Side Reporting with Visual Studio in C# empowers them to get the information they need–when and how they want it. Since VS and SQL Server now share the same reporting interface, VS users will also become comfortable with server-side reporting, while SQL Server developers and DBAs will see how they can leverage their server-side expertise for client-side reporting.
Related Titles from Apress
Pro SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Pro VS 2005 Reporting using SQL Server and Crystal Reports

http://rapidshare.com/files/79305944...598547_.pdf.7z (http://rapidshare.com/files/79305944/Client-Side.Reporting.with.Visual.Studio.in.C.Sharp._1590 598547_.pdf.7z)

http://rapidshare.com/files/79245268...7.eBook-BBL.ra (http://rapidshare.com/files/79245268/Apress.Client.Side.Reporting.with.Visual.Studio.in .C.Sharp.Sep.2007.eBook-BBL.ra)


02-22-2011, 04:04 PM
Managing Software Projects


A book for software engineering students and project management professionals in the IT and software industry. It focuses on the four phases of management–planing, organizing, monitoring, and adjusting–tailors them to applications on software projects.

http://rapidshare.com/files/79661687...0763725463.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/79661687/9780763725464-0763725463.rar)

02-22-2011, 04:04 PM
Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g (Expert’s Voice in Oracle


Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g shows how to take advantage of Oracle Database’s built-in feature set for working with location-based data. A great deal of the information used in business today is associated with location in some way, and analysis of that data is becoming ever more important in today’s mobile and highly connected world. In Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g, authors Ravi Kothuri and Albert Godfrind address

* The special nature of spatial data and its role in professional and consumer applications
* Issues in spatial data management such as modeling, storing, accessing, and analyzing spatial data
* The Oracle Spatial solution and the integration of spatial data into enterprise databases
* How spatial information is used to understand business and support decisions, to manage customer relations, and to better serve private and corporate users

When you read Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g, you’re learning from the very best. Ravi Kothuri is a key member of Oracle’s Spatial development team. Albert Godfrind consults widely with Oracle clients on the implementation of Oracle Spatial, develops training courses, and presents frequently at conferences. Together they have crafted a technically sound and authoritative fountain of information on working with spatial data in the Oracle database.
What you’ll learn

Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g delivers in helping you fully understand Oracle’s spatial data feature set. In reading the book, you’ll learn

* About new Oracle Spatial features in Oracle Database 11g, including support for the European Petroleum Standards Group (EPSG) data model, the ability to publish to Google Earth, integration with Google Maps, and much more
* The use of Oracle’s built-in SDO_GEOMETRY data type for storing location-based data
* How to geocode your data, beginning with postal addresses and ending with SDO_GEOMETRY objects that enable future analysis as well as forming the foundation of working with spatial data within Oracle
* How to create and display maps to help you visualize and analyze your geocoded data
* About network modeling, which is useful in computing routes, travel distances, and proximity based upon travel time
* How to optimize analysis of your spatial data by creating spatial indexes and custom operators

Who is this book for?

Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g is aimed at software developers who wish to develop applications using Oracle’s extensive and strong support for working with spatial, or geocoded, data.
About the Apress Pro Series

The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.

You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard-won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.
Related Titles from Apress

* Expert Oracle Database Architecture: 91 and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions
* Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus


02-22-2011, 04:04 PM
Accelerated C# 2008


C# 2008 offers powerful new features, and Accelerated C# 2008 is the fastest path to mastering them, and the rest of C#, for both experienced C# programmers moving to C# 2008 and programmers moving to C# from another object-oriented language. Many books introduce C#, but very few also explain how to use it optimally with the .NET common language runtime (CLR). This book teaches both core C# language concepts and how to wisely employ C# idioms and object-oriented design patterns to exploit the power of C# and the CLR.

his book is both a rapid tutorial and a permanent reference. You’ll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. You’ll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the right way, right from the start?

Comprehensively and concisely explains both C# 2005 and C# 2008 features
Focuses on the language itself and on how to use C# 2008 proficiently for all .NET application development
Concentrates on how C# features work and how to best use them for robust, high-performance code.

www.megaupload.com/?d=NR48M6MN (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NR48M6MN)

02-22-2011, 04:05 PM
Oracle Automatic Storage Management: Under-the-Hood & Practical Deployment Guide


Build and manage a scalable storage infrastructure with Oracle Automatic Storage Management

Streamline data management and provisioning using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and the detailed information contained in this exclusive Oracle Press resource. Written by a team of database experts, Oracle Automatic Storage Management: Under-the-Hood & Practical Deployment Guide explains how to build and maintain a dynamic, highly available Oracle database storage environment. Inside, you’ll learn how to configure storage for Oracle ASM, build disk groups, use data striping and mirroring, and optimize performance. You’ll also learn how to ensure consistency across server and storage platforms, maximize data redundancy, and administer Oracle ASM from the command line.

Manage Oracle ASM Instances and configure Oracle RDBMS instances to leverage Oracle ASM
Define, discover, and manage disk storage under Oracle ASM
Create external, normal-redundancy, and high-redundancy disk groups
Add and remove Oracle ASM storage without affecting RDMS instance availability
Learn how Oracle ASM provides even I/O distribution
Work with Oracle ASM directories, files, templates, and aliases
Improve storage performance and integrity using the ASMLIB API
Simplify system administration with the Oracle ASM command line interface
Understand key internal Oracle ASM structures and algorithms

rapidshare.com/files/79749675/McGraw.Hill.Oracle.Automatic.Storage.Management.No v.2007.eBook-BBL.rar.html
www.filefactory.com/file/844d9d/ (http://www.filefactory.com/file/844d9d/)

02-22-2011, 04:05 PM
مروری بر زبان های برنامه نويسی محيط لينوکس

سيستم عامل لينوکس را می توان از جنبه برنامه نويسی يك سيستم عامل منحصربه فرد دانست چون به تمام کاربران خود اين امكان
را می دهد که در توسعه سيستم عامل سهيم و دخيل شوند. البته تنوع زبان های برنامه نويسی موجود در اين سيستم عامل می تواند
برای کسانی که می خواهند برنامه نويسی در اين محيط را آغازکنند، عامل سردرگمی شود.

در اين مقاله به معرفی اجمالی برخی زبان های برنامه نويسی پرکاربردتر در اين محيط می پردازيم و آنها را از بعضی جنبه های کليدی با يكديگر مقايسه می کنيم.
تمرکز اين مطلب بر مرور اين زبان های برنامه نويسی است و تلاشی برای تعيين اينكه کداميك بهترين گزينه برای برنامه نويسان
هستند، صورت نخواهد گرفت. در واقع هرکدام از اين زبان ها می توانند نيازها و سليقه های خاص کاربران خود را برآورده کنند و
هيچيك را نمی توان به طور مطلق برتر از سايرين دانست. به همين دليل مطالعه بيشتر در مورد هرکدام از اين زبان ها را می توان
مفيد دانست.


http://rapidshare.com/files/78475737...Programing.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/78475737/Linux_Programing.rar)

Pass: www.farsibooks.ir (http://www.farsibooks.ir/)

02-22-2011, 04:05 PM
Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA


ISBN: 1584502622
Author: Brian Hochgurtel
Publisher: Charles River Media
Edition: 1 edition (March 11, 2003)
Paperback: 386 pages

As the need for application-to-application communication and platform interoperability continues to grow, Web service developers need to be skilled in the technologies and languages that make this communication possible. Web services provide a language and platform independent standard for creating and connecting code that allows software applications (remote objects) to communicate with each other and users, via a network or the Web. Rather than focus on one specific technology or language, Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# and Java teaches how to integrate the various technologies of Web services using the two languages expected to dominate this growing area

http://rapidshare.com/files/5493037/...part1.rar.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/5493037/Charles.River.Media.Cross-Platform.Web.Services.Using.C.Sharp.And.Java.eBook-LiB.part1.rar.html)

http://rapidshare.com/files/5489389/...part2.rar.html (http://rapidshare.com/files/5489389/Charles.River.Media.Cross-Platform.Web.Services.Using.C.Sharp.And.Java.eBook-LiB.part2.rar.html)

02-22-2011, 04:05 PM
مقایسه برنامه نویسی C و Pascal

نمی دانم تا به حال به مشکل " زبانها " برخورد کرده اید یا نه ... به نظر من تمامی زبانها در 99 درصد موارد شبیه بهم هستند ...
این مطلب پایه تحقیقی شد برای اینکه یکی از دوستان خوبمان بنام " اردلان شاهقلی " این مطلب را تهیه و یکی از دوستان دیگرمان سرکار خانم " نادری " زحمت تایپ آنرا بکشند ...
امیدوارم این مطلب هر چند ناقص کمک خوبی برای یادگیری هر دو زبان باشد.

دانلود کنید با حجم 100 کیلوبایت


Pass : www.farsibooks.ir (http://www.farsibooks.ir/)

02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
بانک مقالات سایت IranAsp.Net

در IranASP.NET مطالب متعددی تحت عنوان مقاله در زمينه ASP.NET موجود است که اين مقالات بصورت موضوعی دسته بندی شده اند. شما با انتخاب موضوع مربوطه، احتمالا می توانيد مقاله مورد نظر خود را بيابيد.
همچنين می توانيد با استفاده از امکان جستجو در مقالات، مقاله مورد نظر را پيدا کنيد.

ADO.NET و پايگاه داده (۹ مقاله)
مقالاتی راجع به کلاسهای ADO.NET و دستيابی به بانکهای اطلاعاتی تحت وب.

ASP کلاسيک (۳۸ مقاله)
ASP مخفف Active Server Pages است که در مقابل ASP.NET که نسل بعدی آن است، اصطلاحا ASP کلاسيک ناميده می شود. ASP روشی کارا و آسان جهت توليد سايتهای پويای وب و برنامه های تحت وب می باشد.

آشنايی با #C (۲ مقاله)
شامل مقالاتی در مورد آموزش و قابليتهای زبان برنامه نويسی #C.

آشنايی با VB.NET (۵ مقاله)
مقالاتی جهت آشنايی و فراگيری زبان ويژوال بيسيک دات نت شامل نحوه تعريف متغير،عملگرها، ساختارهای شرطی، توابع و ساير مواردی که برای يادگيری يک زبان مورد نياز است.

سرويس های XML وب (۸ مقاله)
شامل مقالاتی جهت آشنائی با XML و سرويس های XML وب. اين سرويس ها نقشی اساسی در توليد برنامه های توزيع يافته در سطح وب دارند.

فارسی در وب (۱۲ مقاله)
اين گروه از مقالات به موضوع خط فارسی در وب و سهم ايران يا زبان فارسی در دات نت می پردازد و سعی دارد تا کارهائی که در اين زمينه انجام می شود را حمايت و معرفی نمايد.

فرم های وب (۳۰ مقاله)
فرم های وب يکی از اجزای مهم فناوری ASP.NET است که با استفاده از آنها می توان صفحات پيشرفته وب را به آسانی ايجاد نمود.

گفتگو (۳ مقاله)
گفتگو با متخصصان ASP.NET و IT.

کليات ASP.NET (۶۲ مقاله)
مقالاتی جهت آشنائی با ASP.NET و مجموعه دات نت و شناخت ويژگيها و توانمنديهای آن و ساير موارد مربوطه.

کل این کتابخانه مقالات رو میتونید در اختیار داشته باشید.


Pass: www.farsibooks.ir (http://www.farsibooks.ir/)

02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
جاوا اسکریپت

Javascript for breakfast


Tom Dell’Aringa
Technologies DHTML, JavaScript | 225 Pages | ISBN:907739706X | PDF | 3 Mb

Let’s face the facts. JavaScript is an essential tool to have in your toolbox. Even if you create your HTML pages with an application that creates scripts for you, there will come a time when you need a script that can’t be automatically generated. There also might come a time when you want to modify one of those scripts. Most importantly, companies look to hire developers with a diverse toolset. In today’s challenging job market, this can be essential to your success. This book is for anyone with an interest in developing their Javascript skills, the book uses very clear examples that enable you to master the programming language. It’s also a useful reference for developers

Download from Rapidshare


Download from depositfiles


02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
آموزش سی شارپ

Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional


Publisher:Apress | 2007-11-12 | ISBN:1590598695 | Pages:487 | PDF | 6.5 MB

Download from Rapidshare

http://rapidshare.com/files/75796570...ningCS2008.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/75796570/BeginningCS2008.rar)
pass : nps

02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
برنامه سازی پیشرفته ++C

منبع درسی رشته کامپیوتر
تالیف و تدوین : دکتر احمد فراهی

حجم 2 مگ

دانلود کنید


Pass: www.farsibooks.ir (http://www.farsibooks.ir/)

02-22-2011, 04:06 PM
کتاب آموزش ویژوال بیسیک 6 بزرگترین معضل تمام دانش آموزان و دانشجویانی که به برنامه نویسی علاقمند هستند , انتخاب زبان برنامه نویسی است . البته نباید ازین نکته غافل شد که زبان برنامه نویسی نیز از مهمترین مولفه های یک برنامه موثر و کارا میباشد اما گاها این حساسیت به قدری زیاد میشود که به وسواس تبدیل شده و دانشجو را تا مدتها از پیگیری دوره های آموزشی باز میدارد چرا که فکر دریافت کتاب الکترونیکی , دانلود ایبوک آموزش برنامه نویسی , آموزش ویژوال بیسیک 6میکند هنوز بهترین زبان برنامه نویسی دنیا را پیدا نکرده است . . .
در مورد اینکه کدام زبان برنامه نویسی بهتر است و چرا , ان شاء الله در پست های بعدی بیشتر با هم بحث خواهیم کرد اما آنچه امروز قصد معرفی آن را دارم , کتاب آموزش ویژوال بیسیک 6 است که توسط دوست عزیزم آقا احسان در سالهای پیش تالیف گردیده است . اینجانب به عنوان کسی که خود نیز برنامه نویسی را با زبان ویژوال بیسیک 6 و با همین کتاب آغاز کردم , خواندن این کتاب را به تمام دوستان و علاقمندان به برنامه نویسی پیشنهاد میکنم و مطمئن نیز هستم که از مطالعه این کتاب سودمند و پرمحتوا پشیمان نخواهید شد .

لینک دریافت (http://depositfiles.com/files/sp761qc2s)