
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : Grand Theft Auto 4 - IV -- CHEATCODE

02-21-2011, 10:55 PM
1, Health And Weapons - GTA-555-0100
2, Weapons - GUN-555-0150
3, Advanced Weapons - GUN-555-0100
4, Health - DOC-555-0100
5, Wanted Level Down - COP-555-0100
6, Wanted Level Up - COP-555-0150
7, Climate Change - HOT-555-0100
8, Spawn Cognoscenti (Mafia Car) - CAR-555-0142
9, Spawn Sanchez (Dirt Bike) - MBK-555-0150
10, Spawn FBI Buffalo - CAR-555-0100
11, Spawn Turismo - CAR-555-0147
12, Spawn NRG900 - MBK-555-0100
13, Spawn Comet - CAR-555-0175
14, Spawn SuperGT - CAR-555-0168
15, Spawn Police Chopper - FLY-555-0100
16, Spawn Jetmax (Boat) - WET-555-0100
health and weapons - 4825550100
health and armour - 3625550100
weapons (adv) - 4865550100
Weapons tier 1 - 4865550150
Weapons tier 2 - 4865550100
Remove Niko's wanted level - 2675550100
Change weather and brightness - 4685550100
LEAVEMEALONE - the cops leave you
BIG BANG - vehicles in the surroundings blast
NOBODYLIKESME - everyone tries to kill you
FANNY MAGNET - girls come attracted towards you
سايت پليس:
Bean Machine Coffee : 555-0110
Emergency Services : 911
Express Car Service : 555-2222
Express Car Service : 555-3333
Fire Proof Doors : 555-5700
Hero Shop : 555-8575
LCPD Recruitment : 555-RECRUIT
Liberty Construction : 555-1274-73
No Problemo Bail Bonds : 555-945-733-92
Storage : 555-221-3877
Superb Deli : 555-4674
The Serrated Edge : 1-800-555-5555
Used Auto Parts : 555-7300
Vinewood Laundromat : 555-5123
ZiT : 948-555-0100
Annihilator - (359)-555-0100
Cognoscenti - (227)-555-0142
Comet - (227)-555-0175
FIB Buffalo - (227)-555-0100
Jetmax - (938)-555-0100
NRG-900 - (625)-555-0100
Sanchez - (625)-555-0150
Super GT - (227)-555-0168
Turismo - (227)-555-0147