
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : ترجمه اشعار فريدون مشيري

02-03-2011, 05:36 PM
دوست بدارید


O mankind , what occupies you in this world

How are you spending this precious life

If all there is in the world you attain

You have naught if you don’t have love


Pity you , if your heart to love you don’t entrust

Even if you reach the stars , all will be worthless

Express love

Give love

دوست بدارید

ای همه مردم ، درین جهان به چه كارید ؟
عمر گرانمایه را چگونه گذارید؟
هرچه به عالم بود اگر به كف آربد
هیچ ندارید اگر كه عشق ندارید
وای شما ، دل به عشق اگر نسپارید ،
گر به ثریا نیرزید !
عشق بورزید ،
دوست بدارید !

02-03-2011, 05:37 PM
The Alley کوچه

On a moonlit night, once again
Through the alley, I wandered, without you.
My body, an eye gazing in search of you.
My soul, a cup teeming with anticipation
Of seeing you,
Now, I became the mad lover, anew!

Deep in my soul’s treasure-chest,
A flower, your memory, gleaming.
The garden of a thousand memories, smiling.
The scent of a thousand memories, beaming.

That night, I recalled,
Through the alley, we wandered, side by side.
Wings wide-open, in cherished solitude, soaring.
For a time, by the brook, resting.
You, all the world’s secrets in your black eyes,
I, by your glances, mesmerized.
Clear skies, quiet night,
Faith smiling, time tame.

Moonlight, grapes pouring down into the water.
Tree branches, fingers reaching up to the moon.
The night, the meadow, flowers and rocks,
Silently charmed by the nightingale’s song.

Your words of warning, I recalled,
Avoid this love!
Behold this brook for a while!
Water mirrors timid love.
Today, you care for a glance of your lover,
But, tomorrow, your heart will belong to another.
Leave this town,
Forget this love.

How would I avoid this love,
I do not know how, I said.
How would I leave your side,
I can not now, nor ever, I said.

That first day, my heart became a bird of desire.
Like a dove, I perched on your roof,
Rocks, you cast at me,
I did not fly away.
I did not fall apart.

A prairie deer am I, you the hunter.
Round your traps I wander and wander,
For to be captured by you, to surrender.

How would I avoid this love,
I do not know how, I said.
How would I leave your side,
I can not now, nor ever, I said.

From a branch, a teardrop, falling.
A bitter moan, an owl, flying.
Tears in your eyes, gleaming.
Moon, at your love, beaming.

You fell silent, I recall.
Covered by a blanket of gloom,
I did not fly away.
I did not fall apart.

Many a night have passed in melancholy darkness.
You have abandoned your tormented lover.
You would not set foot in that alley again.
Oh, but how, but how,
Through the alley, I wandered, without you.

02-03-2011, 05:37 PM
همیشه با تو Forever with You

Being with you,
Near, far,
Starving or well-fed,
Free, captive,
Full of sorrow or joy,
The essence of my existence.
A moment spent without you,
May there never be!

To die for your glory,
By your side,
The purpose of my death.
The purpose of my life.

Being with you,
Always with you,
Existing for you,
The meaning of love.
The pathway of my fate

02-03-2011, 05:38 PM
In That Fair World

May I be allowed,
To behold the hue of that fresh blossom
As I stand at the base of this wall?

And, through this bloody, thorny fence,
This barbed wire,
May I drink a sip of springwater?

May I be allowed “Outside, In Front of the Door”1
And to regain my strength,
Rest by this tree, may I?

Or, must I pass through this road,
A stranger, now and always,
Swallow centuries of “YOU MAY NOT,”
Like a dagger piercing my patient throat?

In the shadowland of this vast cerulean tent,
It would have been fair,
If trees, land, water or sunshine,
Did not belong to anyone!
Or, better yet,
Belonged to all.

A world of friends, all familiar,
One big house, this globe, and its dwellers,
One family,
Bond by fibers of their souls!

Together, for one another,
With helpful hands,
Keeping pace.

In that fair world,
Green meadows have the horizon for border!
Flower gardens have walls of breeze!

With each blooming sprout,
The surging of light,
The rapture of love.
In every song,
The warmth of a caress,
The tune of compassion.
Gardeners’ smiles shine like lanterns,
Farmers’ chants soar to heavens!

We toil together.
Hearts, abundant with joy of living,
Faces, fresh as gardens of miniature roses,
Eyes, teeming with love!

We sow love like seeds in soil.
We compose poetry like buds on trees!

We, and everyone alike,
Full of music,
Free of bonds,
Fortunate ...

02-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Let Us Be Humans

A dove was nipping seeds,
A weeping willow was dancing,
A sparrow was building a nest,
The Sun was watching.

From atop the aspen trees, dawn was returning.
With swallow’s merriment, daytime was beginning.

Nature’s musicians freely lay on this wide-open grass,
Making music in Dastan and Nava1 modes.

The meadow was decorated like butterfly wings.
The colorful butterfly, flew here and there, Spring.

I’ve witnessed that in every particle of matter
There’s indeed someone’s loving soul, someone’s bright breath!

This pure and caring soul is blown into all.
This bright breeze pours out of earth’s heart
And blows on all.

If eyes are to both the visible and invisible keen,
They would see the commotion within this scene.

Sun, like a mother, full of kindness, gleams.
Down the sky’s pure mirror, light streams.

Earth’s heart beats to the same tune as Time.
Soundwaves of music of growth! O, what joyful chime!

Clouds arrive, full of giving and self-sacrifice.
Bestow their necklaces to the fields of rice!

So that grass may sing refreshed, river cries.
To turn sap into rosewater, water tries!

Soil toils to let seeds sprout!
Wind dances so buds may sing aloud!

Bird sings so that rock is not alone,
Sun strives to make amber from the stone!

From afar, grapevine steals kisses from the sun, in hundreds.
So that sheaves of grapes may grow, in hundreds!

Cedar helps the newly rising morning glory
Climb up her branches.

Blissful are those who worship sun and earth
For there’s only love and kindness, no hostilities, no hatred.

Suddenly, tears well up in my eyes
I choke in my burning chest, ah!

But why then can we not be this way?.
Come to our senses and wish to be humans

02-03-2011, 05:38 PM
Open the windows
For, the kind breeze is celebrating the birthday of the beautiful flowers
And spring
On each and every branches
Close to each young leaf
Has turned on lovely candles

All swallows have come back
Singing the lovely song of freshness

Our narrow street is filled with spring songs
And the cherry trees
Are all blossoms
To celebrate the birthday of every flower

Open the window my friend
Do you ever remember
That a wild thirst burnt our earh
And all the leaves faded away
Do you ever remember
What the bad thirst did with the liver of the soil

Do you ever remember
What the hands of the bad cold did with our grapvines
And what the unkind wind did with our flowers
In the middle of the dark nights

Do you ever remember that

Now, believe in the miracle of the rain
And look at the generosity
In the eyes of the green meadow
And see the affection
In the soul of the kind breeze
That, with all her empty-handedness
Is celebrating the birthday of the young flowers

The soil is alive again
Why have you turned into silent stores
Why are you so frustrated

open the windows
And believe in the spring
بهاران را باور کن

فریدون مشیری
باز كن پنجره ها را كه نسیم
روز میلاد اقاقی ها را
جشن میگیرد
و بهار
روی هر شاخه كنار هر برگ
شمع روشن كرده است
همه چلچله ها برگشتند
و طراوت را فریاد زدند
كوچه یكپارچه آواز شده است
و درخت گیلاس
هدیه جشن اقاقی ها را
گل به دامن كرده ست

باز كن پنجره ها را ای دوست

هیچ یادت هست
كه زمین را عطشی وحشی سوخت
برگ ها پژمردند
تشنگی با جگر خاك چه كرد
هیچ یادت هست
توی تاریكی شب های بلند
سیلی سرما با تاك چه كرد
با سرو سینه گلهای سپید
نیمه شب باد غضبناك چه كرد
هیچ یادت هست

حالیا معجزه باران را باور كن
و سخاوت را در چشم چمنزار ببین
و محبت را در روح نسیم
كه در این كوچه تنگ
با همین دست تهی
روز میلاد اقاقی ها را
جشن میگیرد

خاك جان یافته است
تو چرا سنگ شدی
تو چرا اینهمه دلتنگ شدی

باز كن پنجره ها را
و بهاران را
باور كن

02-03-2011, 05:39 PM
My Best of Best

Yellow, azure, and purple,
Green, blue, and violet,
I have sat among violets,
Year upon year
Mornings, early.

By the fountain of dawn-
Their heads nestled on each other’s shoulders,
Their wet hair in the hands of the wind,
Their faces concealed in shadows of modesty,
Colors bloomed in the limpid warmth of perfumes.
There flows from their blissful silence
The best of songs,
The best of hymns!

On the velvet glances of the violets
I am borne, lighter than a breeze,
From the garden’s bed of violets
To the violet beds of your eyes
Where, side by side, have grown
Yellow and azure and purple,
Green and blue and violet,
In the same modest silence,
Among the same songs and scents.
The best of all that was and is,
The best of all that is and was.

In the violet garden of your eyes
I have trailed through paradise,
I have reached the best of springtimes.

O, your sorrow, the companion of my life’s best hours!
The moments of my being are filled with you
All day,
All night,
All week,
All month,
In my chambers, in the alley, on the road,
In air, trees, grass, water, soil
In the entangled lines of a book
In the azure realm of sleep!

O, your departure, the best excuse for crying!
Without you, I have come to the summit of regret.

O, your caress, the best hope for living!
By your side, I have passed the summit of ineffable pleasure.

In the violet garden of your eyes,
Yellow and azure and purple leaves,
Green and blue and violet perfumes,
Compose unheard melodies,
Better than all songs and tunes.

On the delicate velvet of your cheeks,
The colorful buds of the humble-plant,
Open fresh leaf upon leaf
Better than all colors and secrets!

O, my darling, how good, how good you are!
How your sweet name intoxicates me,
Better far than wine,
Better than purest poetry!
Your name is the best hymn for living,
Yet, in the divine privacy of my imagination,
I call you by this name my best of best,
“My best of best!”

02-03-2011, 05:39 PM
The Secret

From the realm of sea
With maternal love
Rushed to sandy shores,

Round the sand she turned
Washed away the gloom
Off its dusty face,

Of the sand dwellers,
I am not aware,
What the sandy shore
Told the tender wave.
That to kill herself,
Time and time again
Hit her head against
Rock and stone and sand,

02-03-2011, 05:39 PM

من نمی دانم

و همین درد مرا سخت می آزارد

که چرا انسان ، این دانا

این پیغمبر

در تکاپوهایش :

چیزی از عجزه آن سو تر

ره نبردست به اعجاز محبت ،

چه دلیلی دارد ؟


چه دلیلی دارد
که هنوز
مهربانی را نشناخته است ؟
و نمی داند در یک لبخند ،
چه شگفتی هایی پنهان است !


من بر آنم که درین دنیا

خوب بودن - به خدا - سهل ترین کار است

و نمی دانم
که چرا انسان ،
تا ابن حد ،
با خوبی

بیگانه است .

و همین درد مرا سخت می آزارد !


I don't know
and this plight torments me
why man , this learned ,
this prophet ,
in his pursuits
something beyond a miracle
has not discovered the wonders of compassion
Why ?


What reason is there
that still
he is not acquainted with kindness ?
And does not know
what miracle are concealed in one smile !


I believe that in this world ,
goodness - I swear - is the easiest endeavor .
And I do not know
why man ,
to this extent ,
is a stranger to goodness .
And this plight torments me !