توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : لینک یا صفحه release note آنتی ویروس آویرا رو می خواستم(آخرین اصلاحات برنامه)

05-06-2012, 06:01 PM
ممنون میشم اگه راهنمایی کنید

05-06-2012, 06:31 PM
این pdf تغییرات نسخه 2012 رو نشون میده.اطلاعات دقیق مربوط به هر نسخه رو من ندیدم.

05-06-2012, 07:03 PM
سلام در فروم برنامه قبلا تغییرات رو کامل می نوشتند مثلا این تغییرات رو داشته و .... .

05-06-2012, 11:54 PM
بنده بررسی کردم.
توی فروم یه سری تغییراتی که در نسخه جدید قراره اتفاق بیفته زده.قبلیا رو پاک کرده.


fixed the problem with the "scan when writing" feature when copying a file from a Client to a Share.
fixed the blue-screen because of AVGNTFLT.
Drivers will now pass the windows logo test again
fixed - the avconfig.exe crashes when resetting the configuration profile of the Firewall a second time (only in a very special way)
fixed - The MMC might crash when trying to open the configure dialog of a client at the AMC.
fixed - With Windows XP, the Scheduler will not start any job within the first 5 Minutes after a system restart.
fixed - Renaming a file to a potential infected one will sometimes not display the slideup and just move the file to the quarantaine without a hint.
fixed - "Scan when reading"-Option of the Realtime Protection does not detect an infected file on reading.
fixed - Guardgui.exe crashes on Windows Server 2008 x64 if Avira Server Security is installed.
The Reboot message during the update appears more then one time, this should be fixed now.
After applying the KB2679255 for Windows 7 x64, some hidden objects are detected and a popup window will be displayed. This was a False Positive.


heicar.exe does not trigger ProActiv pop up any more
NTFS-streams files / folders not found
Antispam for MailGuard broken due to incompatible binaries in kits
MailGuard does block sending and receiving emails when wrong ports are configured
AV12 MailGuard - Empty Body with scanned Mails from MDaemon Server
Agents crashes due race conditions
Registry repair slider does appear after first reboot from product installation
Error message appears during on-demand scanning after installation [avscplr.dll]
AMC: Upgrade from AVserver10 to AVserver12 ends with Agent Crash
Avira FireWall could not be started right after installation
Process avshadow.exe not running after installation
Privilege Escalation in avadmin.exe
crash when clicking on IPM several times
Limited system user can see also network connections from another system users
MailGuard does block malicious emails even if the email address is whitelisted for malware and spam
(Call #396567) SMC Agent crashes every time when AV Server performs an update
Updater can cause 100% cpu load when canceled after selfupdate due to predicted reboot
Problems with AVIRA-Remote-GUI after deleting content of %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\temp\*.*
MMC did hang-up after re-connection (closing of the 1st GUI-Instance)
Avira Control Center stops working when opening Detection list
(Call #382608) SMC - File Extension list from Avira Security Server and Avira Security Professional is empty
No warning in Setup when Windows Defender is activated
Setup does not propose a system reboot when LSP has been uninstalled
Installed AVSrv-product will be uninstalled if SETUP from AVProf will be launched (fixed)
Black- and whitelisting of identical content in WebGuard
Child Protection On/Off button does not work.
ControlCenter/ConfigCenter do overwrite default update job with invalid values
Computer freeze when changing a rule to log
Mail protection ""Move attachement to quarantine"" does not work as expected
(Call #360775) AV12: Updater GUI can't be started
(Call #406467) AV12 Email Protection blocks Emails with Attachment in Mozilla Thunderbird 8.0
Update does not work via proxy if global settings are used
Update and scan job from fresh installation never started and broken ProductUpdateMode 3
(Call #429070): WebGuard conflicts with Netzmanager version 1.07
Firewall service crashes after upgrade from AV10 to AV12
Unable to set Firewall settings to ""Block all"" security level
FireWall service crashes while shutting down, with AppVerifier enabled
Agent crashes when uninstalling av12 wks build# 1101 on xp
Detection List: search backwards no function
Once a BSOD did occur after unloading the minifilter
AVGNTFLT causes a BSOD (on SBS2011x64 SP1) with VERIFIER
Firewall did allow svchost.exe privileged so not all ports were filtered on tcp port scan
If product update needs reboot the scheduled update job isn´t performed after reboot
AMC: after uninstallation of AMC agent, scheduled update job should be executed
Outlook 2010 reports connection to IMAP server failed with mailguard activated - 297
scheduler crash during uninstallation
Once firewall service crash when starting Firefox in Presentation Mode
BSOD (VISTA_DRIVER_FAULT) from avfwim when closing my notebook to hibernate
(Call #358260) AV10: OnDemand Scanner hangs when Optimized Scan enabled
(Call #374014): Rootkit installation fails
We discovered a crash of the Professional Version when executing a Full-System-Scan from the GUI. (fixed)
