
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : مخفف عبارات انگلیسی (مرجع)

09-23-2010, 02:19 AM

ANM -----Abbreviation with No Meaning
AAI -----"Abbreviations, Acronyms and Initialisms"
ABD -----abdicated
AXR -----Abdominal X-Ray
AUJ -----Aberdeen University Journal
AZV -----Abfallzweckverband
AYN -----Aboriginal Youth Network
ABT -----About
ABV -----above
AAB -----Above And Beyond
ALQ -----Abraham Lincoln Quarterly
AJM -----Abrasive Jet Machining
AWJ -----Abrasive Water Jet
ABR -----abridged
AJV -----Abrupt Junction Varactor
AWL -----Absent With Leave
ABF -----Absolute Bloody Final (drink)
AOF -----Absolute Open Flow
AQU -----Absolute Quality University
AWT -----Abstract Window Toolkit (java)
AYV -----Abutilon Yellow Virus
AIS -----Academic Instruction School
AYG -----Academic Year Grant
AZG -----Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen
AGK -----Academy of Goju Karate
AIB -----Academy of International Business
AJK -----Academy of Japanese Karate
ACC -----Accelerate
AGP -----Accelerated Graphics Port
ARI -----Accelerated Research Initiative
APG -----Accelerating Population Growth
AQL -----Acceptable Quality Level
AUP -----Acceptable Use Policy
ABU -----Acceptance for Beneficial Use
AII -----Acceptance Inspection Instruction
ATR -----Acceptance Test Report
AHC -----Accepting Houses Committee
AXS -----access
ACL -----Access Control List
ARL -----Access Rights List
ASG -----Access Service Group
ASR -----Access Service Request
AUI -----Access Unit Interface
AIU -----Accident Investigation Unit
ADB -----Accidental Death Benefit
APV -----Accounts Payable Voucher
AIM -----Accuracy In Media
AQJ -----Ace-Queen-Jack
AQX -----Ace-Queen-Unknown
ABE -----Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (solvent)
AXM -----Acetoxycyclohexamide
ACH -----Acetylcholine
ACD -----acid citrate dextrose
ACK -----acknowledged
CUU -----ACM Conference on Universal Usability
ANS -----Acorn NetStation
AUN -----Acorn Universal Networking
ACQ -----acquisition
AQP -----Acquisition Quality Plan
ALR -----Action Leakage Rate
ASH -----Action on Smoking and Health
ACX -----Active Control eXperts
AGN -----Active Galactic Nucleus
AUO -----Active User Object
ADO -----ActiveX Data Objects
AIJ -----Activities Implimented Jointly
AIO -----"Activities, Interests and Opinions"
ABH -----Actual Bodily Harm
AGW -----Actual Gross Weight
AGZ -----Actual Ground Zone
ANP -----Actual Navigation Performance
AML -----Acute Myeloid Leukemia
AMI -----Acute Myocardial Infarction
APU -----Acute Psychiatric Unit
ARF -----Acute Respiratory Failure
AUL -----Acute Undifferentiated Leukemia
AHM -----Acutely Hazardous Materials
AHG -----Ad Hoc Group
ADL -----Ada design language
QVJ -----Adams (Massachusetts) Library
ALN -----Adaptive Learning Network
ACS -----Additional Curates Society
ADR -----Additional Dialogue Recording (film jargon)
ADY -----Additional Duty
AXC -----Additional eXtended Coverage
AEC -----Additional Extended Coverage
AVC -----Additional Voluntary Contributions
AKR -----Address Key Register
AMP -----Adenosine MonoPhosphate
AYP -----Adequate Yearly Progress
ABO -----Adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer
AMF -----Adios My Friend
ADJ -----Adjutant
ADM -----administration
AAJ -----Administrative Appeals Judge
ACO -----Administrative Contract Office
ARE -----Admiralty Research Establishment
ARJ -----Admission Reject
AOX -----Adsorbable Organohalogens
ADV -----advance
AAH -----Advanced Attack Helicopter
AEG -----Advanced Engineering from Germany
AXX -----Advanced Exchange Experiment
AXV -----Advanced Experimental Vehicle
AXL -----Advanced eXtended markup Language
AFW -----Advanced FireWire
AGR -----Advanced Gas-cooled (nuclear) Reactor
AGC -----Advanced Graduate Certificate
AIN -----Advanced Intelligent Network
AIX -----Advanced Interactive eXecutive
AJT -----Advanced Job Training
AJP -----Advanced Joint Planning
APT -----Advanced Passenger Train
AQF -----Advanced Quick Fix
ARS -----Advanced Righting System
ASS -----Advanced Sensor System
ASX -----Advanced Systems eXcellence
ATB -----Advanced Technology Bomber
ATX -----Advanced Technology Extended [Format]
AVS -----Advanced Visual Systems
AWM -----Advanced Warehouse Management
AXF -----Advanced X-Ray Facility
VAN -----adVANtage (tennis)
AEL -----Adverse Effect Level
ACY -----Advocates for Children and Youth
AEQ -----aequalis (Latin: equal)
AOT -----Aerosol Open Test
AET -----"aetatis (Latin: at the end of, aged) "
AFF -----affiliated
AFG -----Afghanistan
AFR -----Africa
ANC -----African National Congress
AVU -----African Virtual University
ACP -----"African, Carribean and Pacific (countries) "
AWB -----Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging (right-wing political party in South Africa)
ZAF -----Afrique du Sud (code ISO de pays)
AFT -----after
ADS -----After Dinner Speaking
AHR -----After Heat Removal
ARO -----After Receipt of Order
AXY -----Aftercastle Yearbook
AOE -----Age Of lEgends
AFP -----Agence France-Presse
ARH -----Agence rgionale de l'hospitalisation
AGY -----agency
AQW -----Agenda Quik-Writing
AGT -----agent
AXT -----AGETOR XML Transformation
AXJ -----Agility Excellent Jumper
AWF -----Aging Waste Facility
AGD -----Agreed
AGE -----Agricultural Engineer
ALT -----Agricultural Lands Tribunal
ARC -----Agricultural Research Council
AUA -----Agricultural Unit of Account
AKE -----Agrotikon Komma Ellados
AHD -----Ahead
AAL -----Aid Association for Lutherans
ANB -----Aids to Navigation Boat
AAK -----"Aim, Attack, Kill"
ACM -----Air Chief-Marshall
ADC -----Air Defence Command
AEM -----Air Efficiency Medal
AFB -----Air Force Base
AFH -----Air Force Handbook
AFM -----Air Force Medal
AHU -----Air Handling Unit
AJX -----Air Japan
AKL -----Air Kilroe
ALO -----Air Liaison Officer
ANG -----Air National Guard
AOA -----Air Officer in charge of Administration
APZ -----Air Patrol Zone
AQA -----Air Quality Assessment
AQC -----Air Quality Control
AQD -----Air Quality Digest
AQG -----Air Quality Guidelines
AQI -----Air Quality Index
AQM -----Air Quality Monitoring
AQS -----Air Quality Standard
AQV -----Air Quality Valuation
ASO -----Air Staff Officer
AAM -----Air to Air Missile
ATC -----Air Traffic Control
ATA -----Air Transport Auxillary
AVH -----Air Vehicle Handler
AWS -----Air Warfare Course
AWI -----Air Water Interface
ABN -----AirBorN
AEW -----Airborne Early Warning
CVW -----Aircraft Carrier Air Wing
AHV -----Aircraft Handling Vehicle
AIK -----Aircraft Installation Kits
AOG -----Aircraft on Ground
ACW -----AirCraftWoman
ACV -----Air-Cushion Vehicle
ALW -----Air-Launched Weapon
AQE -----Airman Qualifying Examination
AOV -----Air-Operated Valve
ATZ -----Airport Traffic Zone
ARP -----Air-Raid Precautions
ASI -----AirSpeed Indicator
AUM -----Air-to-Underwater Missile
AWY -----Airway
ASK -----Akademische Software Kooperation
AGA -----Aktiebolaget Gasackumulator (cooker)
AHK -----Aktiv Hinten Kinematik
ABZ -----"Al, Bill, and Zorn Manufacturing, Inc. "
ALA -----Alabama
AMW -----ALARA Management Worksheet
AEH -----Alarm Event Handler
AKJ -----"Alaska, Juneau"
AKI -----Alaskan Independent Party
AYX -----Alaskan Yukon Explorer
AKY -----Albanian Kosovar Youth
YZA -----Albany Law School Library
AJS -----Albert John Stevens (British motor cycle manufacturer)
AEN -----Alberta Environmental Network
AWP -----Alberta Wheat Pool
ALB -----albumin
ABW -----alcohol by weight (abw)
ATF -----"Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms"
ALD -----Alderman
AXH -----Alexanders Holdings
AYS -----Alexandia (VA) Youth Soccer
ALG -----algebra
AKU -----Algemene Kunstzijde Unie
AVV -----Algemene Vrijinning Vakverbond
ALK -----alkali
AEZ -----Alkaline Earth Zeolite
AKD -----Alkyl Ketene Dimer
AAW -----All Around the World
AAO -----All At Once
ACN -----All Concerned Notified
AFN -----All For Nothing
AIQ -----All Is Quiet
AJW -----All Japan Womens wrestling
ANA -----All Nippon Airways
AOK -----All OK (alright)
AOS -----All Over the Shop
AOW -----All Over the World
APB -----All Points Bulletin (US)
AVT -----All Volatile Treatment
AYB -----All Your Base
AYW -----All Your Work
AKH -----Allegemeines Krankenhaus
QQH -----Allegheny County (Pennsylvania) Planning and Development Library
AEK -----All-Electric Kitchen [ie no gas]
AFJ -----Alliance For Justice
ABY -----Alliance of Baptist Youth
ACE -----"Allied Command, Europe "
AXP -----Allied eXercise Publication
AHQ -----Allied HeadQuarters
AIW -----Allied Industrial Workers
AMG -----Allied Military Government
AIR -----All-India Radio
ATV -----All-Terrian Vehicle
AUR -----All-Up Round
AVF -----All-Volunteer Force
AWX -----All-Weather Aircraft
AUW -----Aloha United Way
AXO -----Alpha Chi Omega
AKX -----Alpha Kappa Chi
AKK -----Alpha Kappa Kappa
AZO -----Alpha Zeta Omega
AAT -----Alpha-1-Anti-Trypsin (treatment for cystic fibrosis)
ANW -----Alpha-Numeric Warning
QOU -----al-Quds Open University
AKA -----Also Known As
AFU -----alt.folklore.urban [Usenet newsgroup]
ASB -----Alternative Service Book (church of england)
AZD -----Alternativer Zustelldienst
AHZ -----Altherrenzirkel
AZS -----Alumina-Zirconia-Silica
AKS -----Aluminum-Potassium-Silicon
AAY -----Always All Yours
ALZ -----Alzheimer's disease
AEU -----Amalgamated Engineering Union
AWA -----Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd.
AAU -----Amateur Athletic Union (america)
APA -----Amateur Press Association
AXG -----Amax Gold
AZJ -----Amazonenjagd
AWQ -----Ambient Water Quality
AOZ -----Ambulantes Operations Zentrum
AMD -----amend
AOL -----America OnLine
ARV -----American (standard) Revised Edition
AAA -----American Academy of Advertising
SWV -----American all-female soul performers
ABA -----American Basketball Association
ABL -----American Basketball League
ABS -----American Broadcasting System
ACJ -----American Communication Journal
ACI -----American Concrete Institute
AEP -----American Electrical Power
AEV -----American Emergency Vehicles
AEF -----American Expeditionary Forces
AEI -----American Express International
AFL -----American Federation of Labor
AFS -----American Field Scholarship
AFI -----American Film Institute
AFC -----American Football Conference
AHI -----American Honey Institute
AJH -----American Jewish History
AJI -----American Jewish Institute
AJY -----American Jewish Youth
AJR -----American Journalism Review (Periodical)
AKF -----American Kidney Fund
ALL -----American Liberty League
AMZ -----American Maritime Zone
AMA -----American Medical Association
AMC -----American Motor Company
AMX -----American Motorcross(X)
AMS -----American Musicological Society
AMJ -----American Muslims for Jerusalem
ANQ -----American Notes and Queries
AJA -----American of Japanese Ancestry
AOU -----American Ornithologists' Union
AOJ -----American Orthoptic Journal
API -----American Petroleum Institute
QQG -----American Philatelic Research Library
APS -----American Psychological Society
TVT -----American record company
ASL -----American Sign Language
ASQ -----American Society for Quality
ASZ -----American Society of Zoologists
ASV -----American Standard Version
UPN -----american television network
AUY -----American Union of Youth
AUH -----American University Hospital
AUK -----American University in Kyrgyzstan
AVD -----American Vetinary Department
AWG -----American Wire Gauge
AWH -----American Women's Hospitals
AYR -----American Year in Review
AYH -----American Youth Hockey
AYY -----American Youth Yoga
AZL -----American Z Lines
AZA -----American Zinc Association
AZC -----American Zionist Council
AZM -----American Zionist Movement
AZY -----American Zionist Youth
AJJ -----Americans for Justice on the Job
ALX -----America's Learning Exchange
MXY -----AMEX Mexico Index
ADK -----Ammosov Delone and Krainov atomic tunnelling model
AWK -----"Amo, Weinberger, Kernighan (programming language)"
AMT -----amount
AMY -----Ampere Modulated Yielding
APK -----Amplitude Phase Keying
AEX -----Amsterdam (stock) EXchange
AAN -----An Amazing Night
AFE -----Analog Front End
AVB -----Analog Video Bandwidth
AAD -----Analogue Analogue Digital (recording technique)
ADD -----Analogue Digital Digital
AQT -----Analytical Query Time
ANE -----Anarchy 'N' Explosives
AOH -----Ancient Order of Hibernians
AOR -----And
AMM -----And Much More
AYA -----And Yet Again
ATK -----Andrew ToolKit
AUE -----Andrew User Environment
AYI -----Angle of Yaw Indicator
ASA -----Angle Side Angle
AZB -----Angular Z-Buffer (ray-tracing algorithm)
ANH -----"Anhang (German: appendix, of a book)"
AGU -----Anhydroglucose Units
AXU -----Animal Expo Unlimited
AFO -----Animal Feeding Operations
AHL -----Animal Health Laboratories
ANN -----annals
ZBX -----Annawan-Alba (Illinois) Township Library
ADZ -----Annual Day Zero
AGM -----Annual General Meeting
ALF -----Annual Licence Fee
APR -----Annual Percentage Rate
APY -----Annual Percentage Yield
AQQ -----Annual Qualifications Questionnaire
AYL -----Annual Yearly Loss
ANR -----another
AMQ -----Another Moronic Question
AFQ -----Answers Facts and Questions
ANT -----antenna
ATU -----Antenna Tuning Unit
APH -----AntePartum Haemorrhage
ALH -----Anterior Lobe Hormone
AKZ -----Antiarmor Kill Zone
ABM -----Anti-Ballistic Missle
ABX -----Antibiotics
ADH -----AntiDuretic Hormone
AHF -----AntiHaemophilic Factor
AIZ -----Anti-Imperialistische Zelle(n) (German)
AJD -----Anti-Jam Display
AJE -----Anti-Jam Equipment
AJF -----Anti-Jam Frequency
AXE -----Antique eXercise Equipment
ASW -----AntiSubmarine Work
ATT -----AntiTetanus Toxoid
AVX -----AntiVirus eXpert
ALY -----Antroposofisen Laaketie**** Yhdistyksen
AOP -----Any Old Place
AOB -----Any Other Business
AQK -----Any Quick Kiss
AOC -----Apellation d'Origine Controlee
AKP -----Apogee Kick Planning
APP -----apparatus
AQY -----Apparent Quantum Yield
ATJ -----Appendices To Journals
ATQ -----AppleTalk Transition Queue
AMK -----Applied Materials Korea (name of a company)
ARM -----Applied Research Methods
ART -----Applied Risc Technologies
AKT -----Apprentice Knowledge Test
ADF -----Approved Deposit Fund
ADI -----Approved Driving Instructor
AQR -----Approximate and Qualitative Reasoning group
APX -----approximately
ASU -----Arab Socialist Union
AUZ -----Arbeitskreis Umfassende Zahnheilkunde
AZK -----Arbeitsnehmer Zentrum Koenigswinter
ARB -----arbitrager
AVW -----Arbor Vitae Woodruff School
ATN -----arc tangent
WXK -----Archaeologie (library cataloguing)
ABP -----Archbishop
ANY -----Architecture New York
AZW -----Architektur Zentrum Wien
AZP -----Archiv fuer die Zivilistische Praxis
AGQ -----Archives Gaies du Quebec
AJU -----Archives Juives
AUB -----Are yoU Bored?
AYC -----Are You Crazy?
RUX -----Are You Experienced?
AYF -----Are You Finished
RUJ -----aRe yoU Joking?
AYK -----Are You Kidding?
RUK -----aRe yoU Kidding?
AAX -----Area of Absolute eXclusion
AAZ -----Areas And Zones
ARG -----arginine
RXZ -----Arginine-Alanine-Proline (proteins)
ANL -----Argonne National Laboratory
AYE -----Argue Your End
ALI -----Argyl Light Infantry
ALU -----Arithmetic and Logic Unit (computing)
ADE -----Arizona Department of Education
AZQ -----Arizona Quarterly
AZX -----Arizona Stock Exchange
AJG -----Arizone Jojoba Growers
ARK -----Arkansas
AHP -----Arkansas Highway Police
AHE -----Armament Handling Equipment
ASD -----Armament Supply Department
APO -----Armed Forces (or Army) Post Office
AMV -----Armored Maintenance Vehicle
AFV -----Armoured Fighting Vehicle
AIV -----Armoured Infantry Vehicle
APC -----Armoured Personnel Carrier
AAC -----Army Air Corps
AAF -----Army Air Force
ACF -----Army Cadet Force
AER -----Army Emergency Reserve
AHN -----Army Health Nurse
AKN -----Army Knowledge Network
AKO -----Army Knowledge On-line
ANV -----Army of Northern Virginia
AOD -----Army Ordnance Department
APD -----Army Pay Department
AQB -----Army Qualifications Battery
ASC -----Army Service Corps
AVR -----Army Volunteer Reserve
AWR -----Army War Reserve
AYT -----Army Youth Team
ARR -----arrangement
AOO -----Art lending Of Ottawa
AON -----Art Of Noise
ATD -----Art Teacher's Diploma
AID -----Artificial Insemination by Donor
AIH -----Artificial Insemination by Husband
AMN -----Artificial Mains Network
AOY -----Artist of the Year
AFY -----Arts For Youth
AHH -----Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase (used in tobacco research)
AZF -----As If
AHS -----Ashland High School
APN -----Asia Pacific Networx
AZN -----Asian (used in singles ads)
AXQ -----Asian Xgames Qualifier
ASN -----asparagine
AMB -----Asparagus Mustard Blancmange (!)
ASP -----aspartic acid
AHB -----Assault Helicopter Battalion
ACZ -----Assembly Coder's Zenith
AEO -----Assication of Exhibition Organisers
AJQ -----Assignment and Justification Questionnaire
AAG -----Assistant Adjutant-General
ACG -----Assistant Chaplain-General
ADG -----Assistant Director-General
APM -----Assistant Provost-Marshall
ARD -----Assistant Resident Director
ASM -----Assistant Stage Manager
AYM -----Assistant Yard Master
ANJ -----Associacao Nacional de Jornais
AND -----Associate Administrator for NAS Development
AAS -----Associate in Applied Science
AFA -----Associate in Fine Arts
AGS -----Associate in General Studies
AKC -----Associate of King's College (London)
AIA -----Associate of the Institute of Actuaries
AGI -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
AIG -----Associate of the Institute of certified Grocers
AIC -----Associate of the Institute of Commerce
AIE -----Associate of the Institute of Education
AIP -----Associate of the Institute of Plumbing
ASF -----Associate of the Institute of Shipping and Forwarded Agents
AIL -----Associate of the Institution of Linguists
ARA -----Associate of the Royal Academy
ATI -----Associate of the Textile Institute
AEB -----Associated Examining Board
AYZ -----Associated Youth for Zion
AKQ -----Association des Kinotherapeutes du Quebec
ASE -----Association for Science Education
ASJ -----Association for Scientific Journals
APF -----Association for the Propogation of the Faith
AAV -----Association of Avian Veterinarians
ABI -----Association of British Insurers
ACU -----Association of Commonwealth Universities
AEJ -----Association of European Journalists
AGB -----Association of Governing Boards
AIT -----Association of Inspectors of Taxes
AJO -----Association of Jensen Owners
AJL -----Association of Jewish Libraries
AKG -----Association of Kew Growers
AME -----Association of Municipal Engineers
AOM -----Association of Ontario Midwives
AUT -----Association of University Teachers
AWO -----Association of Water Officers
AWW -----Association of Women Welders
AYJ -----Association of Yugoslav Jews
AZH -----Association of Zoological Horticulture
AVY -----Association Viticole Yvorne
AZI -----Association Zen Internationale
APL -----Associative Programming Language
ATE -----Associativity Test Equation
AXN -----Assurante Experts Nederland
APE -----Asterisk Placement Executive
ATG -----Asterix The Gaul
ASY -----Astounding Stories Yearbook
AAQ -----Astronomical Association of Queensland
AVZ -----Astronomische Vereinigung Zuerich
APJ -----Astrophysical Journal [Space]
ADW -----Asymptotic Distorted Wave
ATP -----At room Temperature and Pressure
ATM -----At The Moment
ABG -----Aterial Blood Gas
ATY -----Atividades Terapeuticas e Yoga
ATL -----Atlantic
AMR -----Atlantic Missile Range
ANF -----Atlantic Nuclear Force
AST -----Atlantic Standard Time
AUU -----ATM User-to-User
AWV -----Atmospheric Wind Velocity
AEA -----Atomic Energy Authority
AHW -----Atomic Hydrogen Welding
AMU -----Atomic Mass Unit
AWD -----Atomic Weapons Decommissioning
AWE -----Atomic Weapons Establishment
ATW -----ATomic Weight
AYU -----Atomic Youth Ultrasonics
AKW -----Atomkraftwerk
ALE -----"Atropine, Lidocaine, Epinephrine"
ARN -----ATS Route Network
AFX -----Attack Fighter eXperimental
AHX -----Attack Helicopter Experimental
AHO -----Attack Helicopter Operations
ARW -----Attitude Reaction Wheel
AGO -----Attorney General of Ontario
AGG -----Attributed Graph Grammar system
AUD -----Audible
ACR -----Audio Cassette Recorder
ACA -----Audio Compression Algorithm
AES -----Audio Engineering Society
AJB -----Audio Junction Box
ARU -----Audio Response Unit
AVK -----Audio Video Kernel
AVI -----Audio Visual Interleaved
ALM -----AudioLingual Method (in teaching a foreign language)
AVA -----AudioVisual Aids
AVL -----AudioVisual Language
AVP -----AudioVisual Processor
ADQ -----Audits of Data Quality
AEY -----Auger Electron Yield
APW -----Augmented Plane Wave
AUG -----August
AEE -----Auronautical Engineer
AWZ -----Aus- und Weiterbildungszentrum
AQZ -----Ausbildungs- und Qualifizierungszentrum
ABJ -----Austin Business Journal
ANZ -----Australia and New Zealand banking group
AUS -----Australia(n)
AAP -----Australian Associated Press
ABC -----Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ACT -----Australian Capital Territory
ACB -----Australian Cricket Board
ADT -----Australian Digital Theses program
AGL -----Australian Gas Light company
AGH -----Australian General Hospital
AGJ -----Australian Guitar Journal
AHA -----Australian Hotels Association
AIF -----Australian Imperial Forces
AJC -----Australian Jockey Club
AJZ -----Australian Journal of Zoology
ALP -----Australian Labour Party
ALJ -----Australian Law Journal
ANU -----Australian National University
AUQ -----Australian Quarterly
ARY -----Australian Rural Youth
ATO -----Australian Taxation Office
AVJ -----Australian Veterinary Journal
AWC -----Australian Wool Corporation
AWU -----Australian Worker's Union
AXK -----Australian Xbox Killers
AYO -----Australian Youth Orchestra
AYQ -----Australian Youth Quartet
AKB -----Australian-Korean Business
AHY -----Austrian History Yearbook
AUF -----AUthentication Function
AHJ -----Authority Having Jurisdiction
AXZ -----Auto Exchange Zaire
AZZ -----Auto Zentrum Zerbst
AFZ -----Auto-Free Zone
ALS -----Autograph Letter Signed
AED -----Automated External Defibrilator
AGV -----Automated Guided Vehicle
AKM -----Automated Key Management
AQO -----Automated Quality Organization
AWN -----Automated Weather Network
AAE -----Automatic Assemble Editing
ADP -----Automatic Data Processing
ADX -----Automatic Digital eXchange
AFD -----Automatic File Distribution
ALC -----Automatic Level Control
ANK -----Automatic Navigation Kit
ANO -----Automatic Network Operator
ANI -----Automatic Number Identification
AOI -----Automatic Optical Inspection
ARQ -----Automatic Repeat reQuest
AVM -----Automatic Vending Machine
ANX -----Automotive Network Exchange
ALV -----Autonomous Land Vehicle
AUV -----Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
ARZ -----Auto-Restricted Zone
AZR -----Autozentrum Radebeul
TAH -----"Auxilary, Hospital ship, MSC manned (naval ship type) "
AXB -----Auxiliary Boiler
AXW -----Auxiliary Wasteheat
AKV -----"Auxiliary, Cargo, Aircraft"
AGF -----"Auxiliary, General, Flagship"
ATS -----Auxillary Territorial Service (women in Britain 1938-48)
AUX -----auxillary verb
AXD -----Auxilliary Drum
AVO -----Available Vehicle Occupancy
AVE -----Avenue
AVG -----Average
AHT -----Average Holding Time
AOQ -----Average Outgoing Quality
APQ -----Average Picture Quality
AQH -----Average Quarter Hour
AVQ -----Average Voice Quality
AYD -----Average Yearly Demand
ADU -----Avian Demography Unit
AVN -----aviation
AMO -----Aviation Medical Officer
AMH -----Aviation Structural Mechanic (Hydraulics) US Navy Rating
AFK -----Away From Keyboard
AXI -----axiom
QUY -----Ayacucho Quechua
AIY -----Ayshire Imperial Yeomanry
AZE -----Azerbaijan (031) ISO 3-letter country code
AZT -----Azidothymidine
AQN -----Azimuthal Quantum Number
AZU -----azumith

09-23-2010, 02:20 AM

BMB -----B***** Me Backwards
BMG -----Baader-Meinhof Gang
BHK -----Babcock-Hitachi Kaisha
BJV -----Baby and Junior Violence
BAQ -----Bachelor Airmen's Quarters
BEQ -----Bachelor Enlisted Quarters
BAM -----Bachelor of Applied Mathematics
BAJ -----Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
BAO -----Bachelor of Arts in Obstetrics
BBA -----Bachelor of Business Administration
BCA -----Bachelor of Commerce and Administration
BCY -----Bachelor of Culinary Arts Technology
BDS -----Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BED -----Bachelor of Education
EDB -----Bachelor of Education
BHJ -----Bachelor of Human Justice
BIE -----Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
BLA -----Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
BLL -----Bachelor of Laws
LLB -----Bachelor of Laws (legum baccaleureus)
BLS -----Bachelor of Library Science
BMS -----Bachelor of Marine Science
BME -----Bachelor of Medical Engineering
BPE -----Bachelor of Physical Education
BPA -----Bachelor of Professional Arts
BPH -----Bachelor of Public Health
BRE -----Bachelor of Religious Education
BSC -----Bachelor of Science
BSF -----Bachelor of Science in Forestry
BSJ -----Bachelor of Science in Journalism
BSN -----Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSP -----Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
BSS -----Bachelor of Secretarial Science
BCH -----Bachelor of Surgery (Latin: baccalaureus chirurgiae)
BTE -----Bachelor of Textile Engineering
BTP -----Bachelor of Town Planning
BOQ -----Bachelor Officer Quarters
BTO -----Bachman-Turner Overdrive
BCG -----Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
BXU -----Bacillus Xylanase Unit
BAK -----Back At Keyboard
BOH -----Back Of House
BOT -----Back On Topic
BYB -----Back Yard Breeder
BBE -----Background Block Error
BGN -----BackGround Noise
BPR -----Back-Pressure Regulator
BPN -----Back-Propagation Network
BNN -----Back-propagation Neural Network
BKD -----Backscatter Kikuchi Diffraction
BAI -----Backup Aerospace-vehicle Inventory
BDC -----Backup Domain Controller
BUF -----Back-Up Facility
BWH -----Backup WithHolding
BCK -----backward(s)
BWO -----Backward-Wave Oscillator
BYW -----Backyard Wrestling
BLT -----Bacon Lettuce & Tomato
BJE -----Bad Joke Ending
BQI -----Bad Questions Ignored
BHV -----Badischer Handball-Verband
BMK -----Badmintonklubb
BAG -----Baggage
BYK -----Bajaj Youth Cycle
BNT -----Baker-Nunn Telescope
BAL -----Balance
BFB -----Balanced Failure Biasing
BLR -----Balanced Likelihood Ratio
BTI -----Balanced Technology Initiative
BXO -----Balanitis X******a Obliterans
BLW -----Baldwin Locomotive Works
BVH -----Balgownie Veterinary Hospital
BGA -----Ball Grid Array
BBJ -----Ball-Bearing Joint
BAT -----Ballistic Aerial Target
BEE -----Ballistic Electron Emission
BMD -----Ballistic Missile Defence
BLN -----Balloon
BGE -----Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
BHU -----Baltimore Hebrew University
BBV -----Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
BLX -----Banco Latinoamericano de Exportacione
BZN -----Band Zonder Naam
BDQ -----Bande Dessinee Quebecoise
BQL -----Bandial
BXD -----Bandwidth and Delay
BWB -----BandWidth Balancing
BWC -----BandWidth Control
BRQ -----Bandwidth ReQuest
BNH -----Bangkok Nursing Home
BHE -----Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
BEU -----Bank Employees Union
BXQ -----Bank Exchange Quantity
BIS -----Bank for International Settlements
BGZ -----Bank Gospodarki Zywnooeciowej
BOE -----Bank Of England
BOJ -----Bank of Jamaica
BNY -----Bank of New York
BNZ -----Bank of New Zealand
BOS -----Bank of Scotland
BOZ -----Bank of Zambia
BVE -----Bank von Ernst (Liechtenstein)
BKG -----banking
BDW -----Banking Data Warehouse
BKY -----Bankruptcy
BEI -----Banque europeenne d'investissement (French: european investment bank)
BWJ -----Banten West Java
BUV -----Baptist Union of Victoria
BWA -----Baptist World Alliance
BAP -----baptized
BCR -----Bar Code Reader
BHB -----Bar Harbor Bankshares
BSV -----Bar Separated Values
BWU -----Barbados Workers' Union
BBQ -----BarBeQue
BJH -----Barclay James Harvest
BMF -----Bard Music Festival
BAR -----barometer
BKS -----barracks
BBL -----barrels (esp. of oil)
BMR -----Basal Metabolic Rate
BCO -----Base Central Office
BDF -----Base Defense Force
BDZ -----Base Defense Zone
BDB -----Base Development Board
BDD -----Base Development Doctrine
BDP -----Base Development Plan
BXX -----Base Exchange Experiment
BHW -----Base Hazardous Waste
BLO -----Base Level Operations
BPU -----Base Production Unit
BQM -----Base Quartermaster
BSG -----Base Spares Group
BSB -----Base Support Battalion
BIU -----Baseband Interface Unit
BSD -----Baseline System Description
BNA -----Base-Neutral-Acid
BXK -----Bashkir
BAS -----Basic Activity Subset
BCT -----Basic Combat Training
BEC -----Basic Emergency Care
BXR -----Basic eXpandeR
BFT -----Basic Flying Training
BGU -----Basic Generation Unit
BGM -----Basic Guided Missile
BIL -----Basic Insulation Level
BII -----Basic Issue Item
BLU -----Basic Link Unit
BMU -----Basic Measurement Unit
BMT -----Basic Motion Time-study
BNU -----Basic Networking Utilities
BQT -----Basic Qualification Training
BQQ -----Basic Qualifying Question
BRI -----Basic Rate Interface
BCX -----Basic to C Translator
BUT -----Basic Unit Training
BUU -----Basic User Unit
BWP -----Basic War Plan
BZS -----Basic Zirconium Sulphate
BZX -----Basic Zone eXpansion
BOI -----Basis Of Issue
BNK -----"Bass, Nixon, and Kennedy, Consulting Engineers"
BGV -----Basset Griffon Vendeen Club
BLD -----BassLine Design
BTH -----bath
BIW -----Bath Iron Works
BHQ -----Battalion HeadQuarters
BMI -----Battelle Memorial Institute
BDG -----Batten's Disease Gene
BTY -----battery
BBU -----Battery Back-Up
BDU -----Battery Display Unit
BLC -----Battery Level Computer
BRU -----Battery Regulation Unit
BCV -----Battle Command Vehicle
BGI -----Battle Group Interoperability
BMO -----Battle Management Organization
BTT -----Battle Technology Team
BAN -----Battlefield Account Number
BNW -----Battlefield Nuclear Warfare
BFP -----BattleField Period
BPV -----Battlefield Planning and Visualization
BVT -----Battlefield Video Teleconferencing
BVG -----Battlefield Visualization Graphics
BBG -----Battleship Battle Group
BZU -----BattleZone Universe
BQK -----Baubegleitenden Qualitaetskontrolle
BBZ -----Baukologischen Bildungszentrum Bremerhaven
BAV -----Bavaria
BGJ -----"BayanGobi Juulchin Co., LTD"
BMW -----Bayerische Motorenwerke (German: Bavarian Motor Works)
BLZ -----Bayerisches LaserZentrum
BCU -----Bayshore Credit Union
BYC -----Bayview Yacht Club
BWT -----BBroadcast Warning TWX
BLJ -----Be Like Jesus
BRB -----Be Right Back
BRT -----Be Right There
BJU -----Beach Jumper Unit
BHD -----Beachhead
BIC -----Bearer Identification Code
BTQ -----Beat To Quarters
BFO -----Beat-Frequency Oscillator
BPM -----Beats Per Minute
BWZ -----Beautiful White Zombie
BYV -----Beautiful Young Virgin
BNI -----"Bechtel National, Incorporated"
BNB -----Bed aNd Breakfast
BXB -----Bed and Breakfast
BIO -----Bedford Institute of Oceanography
BGQ -----Bee Gees Quarterly
BKQ -----BeeKeepers Quarterly magazine
BCE -----Before Common Era
BOY -----Beginning Of Year
BMN -----Behavioural Medicine & Neurotherapy Clinic
BZV -----Beleghafter Zahlungsverkehr
BFR -----Belgian FRanc
BVD -----Belgische Vereniging voor Do***entatie
BEL -----Belgium
BZD -----Belize Dollar
BDN -----Bell Data Network
BDO -----Bell Data Network
BCI -----Belleville Collegiate Institute
BFC -----Belleville Flying Club
BGH -----Belleville General Hospital
BPW -----Belleville Public Works
BRF -----Below Rig Floor (Drilling Industry)
BKA -----Below the Knee Amputation
BTZ -----Below the Treatment Zone
BZE -----Below Zero Entertainment
BPZ -----Below-the-Primary Zone
BWK -----Belt Weather Kit
BSU -----Bench Scale Unit
BQX -----Bender Quadruplex
BNR -----Bengal Nagpur Railway
BHC -----Benzene Hexochloride
BEZ -----Benzoic Acid
BZM -----BenZoic acid phenylMethylester
BZT -----BenzoTriazole
ZYA -----Benzoyl-Tyrosine-Alanine-Methyl Ketone
BZQ -----Benzquinamide
BZP -----BenzylPiperazine
BDT -----Berkeley Design Technology
BFX -----Berkeley Festival and Exhibition
BQS -----Berkeley Quality Software
BUJ -----Berkeley Undergraduate Journal
BZC -----Berkeley Zen Center
BKO -----Berkelium Oxide
BYT -----Berkhamsted Youth Theatre
BXY -----Berkshire Crossed with Yorkshire
BIZ -----Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung
BSX -----Bermuda Stock Exchange
BJY -----Bernard Johnson Young (architects)
BIK -----Berner Institut fuer Kinesiologie
BQN -----Berufsqualifizierung fuer Nachwuchskraefte
BIQ -----"Beschaeftigung-, Industrieflaechenmanagement- und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft"
BQZ -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungs
BQG -----Besehaeftigungs und Qualifizierungsgesellschaft
BAZ -----Best Atom Zeta (basis set)
BBY -----Best Boats Yachting
BEJ -----Best Engineering Judgement
BEB -----Best Ever Bottled
BFF -----Best Friends Forever
BPJ -----Best Professional Judgment
BXZ -----Beta Chi Zeta
BYX -----Beta Upsilon Chi
BQA -----Beta-test Questions and Answers
BQR -----Beta-test Questions and Responses
BUK -----Betrieblich Unterstuetzte Kinderbetreuung
BHG -----Better Homes and Gardens
BQO -----Better Quasi-Ordering
BTL -----Better Than Life
BKI -----"Bevilacqua-Knight, Inc. (technical consulting firm)"
BYD -----Beyond
BSR -----Beyond Sensor Range
BVR -----Beyond Visual Range
BXW -----Beyond Xtreme Wrestling
BZK -----Bezirkszahnaerztekammer
BJP -----Bharatiya Janata Party (Indian political party)
BKU -----Bharatiya Kisan Union
BIB -----bible
BUZ -----Biblioteca Universitaria de Zaragoza
BJZ -----Bibliothek des Japan-Zentrum
BKW -----Bibliothekskataloge Welt
BMX -----Bicycle Moto-cross(X)
BFQ -----Bid for Quotation
BZJ -----Bielzka Zadymka Jazzowa
BAD -----Big Audio Dynamite
BBT -----Big Bang Theory
BBW -----Big Beautiful Woman
BXF -----Big eXplosion Factory
BXG -----Big eXplosion Generator
BFM -----Big F***-off Manual
BFZ -----Big Fat Zero
BFD -----Big Freakin' Deal
BFH -----Big Freaking Hammer
BFG -----Big Friendly Giant
BFK -----Big Friendly Kiss
BGB -----Big Green Book
BMZ -----Big Movie Zone
BQD -----Big Question Dialogue
BUM -----Big Ugly Monster
BWX -----Big Wide eXpanse
BYG -----Big Yellow Gorilla
BYM -----Big Yoga Muffin (UK band)
BJQ -----"Big, Juicy and Quick"
BJG -----"Big, Juicy, Gorgeous"
BQY -----Bike Quads Youth
BHL -----Bilateral Hearing Loss
BQJ -----Bilateral Quarantine Judgment
BRJ -----Bilingual Research Journal
BOM -----Bill Of Materials
BBD -----Billboard
BJK -----Billie Jean King
BVC -----Billing Validation Center
BEV -----Billion ElectronVolts
BYA -----Billions of Years Ago
BIN -----Binary
BCW -----Binary Chemical Weapon
BCD -----Binary Coded Decimal
BCL -----Binary Coded Language
BIT -----Binary digIT
BXT -----Binary Expression Tree
BIX -----Binary Information eXchange
HQX -----Binhex (File Name Extension)
BNV -----"Binoculars, Night Viewing"
BOD -----Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BET -----Bio-Engineering Team
BGC -----Bio-Geochemical Cycling
BEW -----Biological Equivalent Weight
BWD -----Biological Warfare Defense
BLY -----Biology
BZG -----Biology-Zoology-Genetics
BIG -----Bionet Intelligent Gateway
BPB -----BIOS Parameter Block
BJT -----Bi-polar Junction Transistor
BPY -----bipyridine
BOW -----Birds Of War
BKC -----Birmingham Kennel Club
BWG -----Birmingham Wire Gauge
BTK -----Birth Through Knowledge
BID -----"bis in die (Latin, twice a day, prescription dosage) "
BGO -----Bismuth Germanium Oxide
BER -----Bit Error Rate
BKL -----Bit Keeper Linux
BRR -----Bit Rate Reduction
BTR -----Bit Transfer Rate
BZR -----Bit Zone Recording
BMP -----BitMaP format
BPI -----Bits Per Inch
BPP -----Bits Per Pixel
BPS -----Bits Per Second
BLK -----black
BBR -----Black Body Radiation
BVQ -----Black Voice Quarterly
BWL -----Black Women Lawyers
BCJ -----Blackberry Creek Journal
BYI -----Blackfeet Youth Initiative
BHY -----BlackRock High Yield Trust
BNO -----Bladder Neck Obstruction
BFA -----Blank Firing Attachment
BVM -----Blessed Virgin Mary
BCC -----Blind Carbon Copy
BRC -----Blind Rehabilitation Center
BZW -----Blizzard Warning
BDM -----Block Data Message
BHR -----Block Header Record
BIP -----Block Improvement Program
BSZ -----Block Store Zeros
BQV -----Blocked Quadratic Variance
BBM -----Blocking and Bracing Materials
BUN -----Blood Urea Nitrogen
BKX -----Bloodline Knowledge Exchange
BGD -----Bloody Good Discos
BEH -----Blue Eyed Hottie -----
BHH -----Blue Heaven Hackers -----
BQB -----Bluetooth Qualification Body -----
BOG -----Board Of Governors -----
BOV -----Board Of Visitors -----
BCQ -----Boat Crew Qualification -----
BJI -----Bob Jones University -----
BYQ -----Boca Youth Quarterly -----
BOK -----Body Of Knowledge -----
BPT -----Boiling Point -----
BWR -----Boiling Water (nuclear) Reactor -----Highway through New York City
BTF -----Bold TypeFace -----
BUH -----Boletin de la Universidad de Huelva -----
BOL -----Bolivia -----
BVL -----Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa -----
BBN -----"Bolt, Beranak, and Newman" -----
QZK -----Bolzano (Italy)
BRD -----Bomb Release Distance
BRL -----Bomb Release Line
BYH -----Bomb Your House
BDR -----BombaDieR
BXE -----Bombardment-induced X-ray Emission
BPF -----Bon Pour Francs (French: value in francs)
BVF -----Bon Vivant Foundation
BEY -----Bond Equivalent Yield
BOO -----Bond Order Orbital
BQW -----Bond Quantity Worksheet
BJB -----"Bond, James Bond"
BBF -----Bond-Bending Force
BBO -----Bonding Bond Orbital
BJM -----"Bones, Joints, Muscles"
BWE -----Bonneville Worldwide Entertainment
BIY -----Book Inside You
BCP -----Book of Common Prayer
BGL -----Boost Graph Library
BHX -----Boot Hill Express
BAH -----Booz-Allen and Hamilton
BXH -----Boran and Holstein
BXP -----Border Check Point
BGP -----Border Gateway Protocol
BVW -----Bordering Vegetated Wetland
BOF -----Boring Old Fart
BOR -----borough
BSQ -----Boson Second Quantization
BPL -----Boston Public Library
BSO -----Boston Symphony Orchestra
BLQ -----Both Lower Quadrants
BUE -----Both Upper Extremities
BUQ -----Both Upper Quadrants
BTM -----bottom
BLI -----Bottom Layer Insulation
BBH -----Bouncing Busy Hour
BND -----Bound
BPX -----Boundary Point of Exit
BJW -----Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers
BIV -----Bovine Immunodeficiency Virus
BJD -----Bovine Johne's Disease
BMV -----Bovine Maedi-like Virus
BSE -----Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
BVV -----Bovine Veins Virus
BZI -----Bowlers Journal International
BOX -----BOXcar (railroad)
BXV -----Boxventilator
BSA -----Boy Scouts of America
BXC -----Boys' Cross Country sports team
BOP -----Boy's Own Paper
BTJ -----Boys Town Jerusalem
BYN -----Brachyenteron
BFV -----Bradley Fighting Vehicle
BLP -----Bragg Light Profile
BHP -----Brake HorsePower
BDJ -----Branded Drunk Jiggalo
BBK -----Brauner-Briggs-Klar (Wave Function)
BZF -----Brazil Fund
BGX -----Brazil-Gulf Coast Export
BJJ -----Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
BFJ -----Bread For the Journey
BRK -----Break
BBP -----Break Bulk Point
BDV -----BreakDown Voltage
BKR -----Breaker
BEP -----Break-Even Point
BTB -----BreakThrough Bleeding
BTV -----BreakThrough Volume
BRP -----Breeder Reactor Program
BVY -----Breeding Value Yield
BUP -----Bremer Universal Player
BRG -----Bridge
BDX -----Bridge Data Exchange
BES -----Bridge Erection Set
BVB -----Bridge View Bancorp
BLE -----Bridged LAN Emulation
BGW -----Bridgehead GateWay
BTG -----Bridging The Gap
BDE -----BrigaDE
BGS -----Brigadier General Staff
BRA -----Brigadier Royal Artillery
BYU -----Brigham Young University
BKF -----Brighton Kite Festival
BVZ -----Brig-Visp-Zermatt
BLB -----Brillouin-Levy-Berthier (theorem)
BHA -----Brine Handling Area
BHN -----Brinell Hardness Number
BHT -----Brinell Hardness Test
BAB -----Bring A Bottle
BUG -----Bring Up Grades
BYE -----Bring Your Enemies
BYO -----Bring Your Own
BYR -----Bring Your Reefers
BYY -----Bring Your Young'uns
BZO -----Brinzolamide
BKB -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
KBK -----Brisbane Koala Bushlands
BMY -----Bristol-Myers
BWW -----Brit WorldWide
BZL -----Britannia Zinc Limited
BAE -----British AErospace
BAF -----British Air Force
BAA -----British Astronomical Association
BBC -----British Broadcasting Corporation
BCM -----British Commercial Monomark
BCN -----British Commonwealth of Nations
BCS -----British Computer Society
BCF -----British Cycling Federation
BDA -----British Diabetic Association
BDH -----British Drug House
BGY -----British Energy
BEA -----British Epilepsy Association
BEF -----British Expeditionary Force
BFI -----British Film Institute
UKX -----British Financial Times 100 Index
BHF -----British Heart Foundation
BHS -----British Home Stores
IOT -----British Indian Ocean Territory (086) ISO 3-letter country code
BIF -----British Industries Fair
BIM -----British Institute of Management
BIR -----British Institute of Radiology
BJN -----British Journal of Nursing
BJO -----British Journal of Ophthalmology
BJR -----British Journal of Radiology
BJC -----British Junior Chamber
BKK -----British Karate Kyokushinkai
BLG -----British Light Gun (M119)
BMA -----British Medical Association
BMC -----British Medical Council
BMJ -----British Medical Journal
BMH -----British Military Hospital
BMM -----British Military Mission
BNG -----British National Grid
BNP -----British National Party
BNX -----British Nuclear Executives
BNF -----British Nuclear Fuels
BNJ -----British Numismatic Journal
BOA -----British Olympic Association
BOU -----British Ornithologists Union
BOC -----British Oxygen Company
BPC -----British Pharmaceutical Codex
BQF -----British Quality Foundation
BRM -----British Racing Motors
BRS -----British Road Services
BSM -----British School of Motoring
BSY -----British School of Yoga
BSL -----British Sign Language
BSH -----British Society of Hypnotherapists
BSW -----British Standard Whitworth (type of screw thread)
BSI -----British Standards Institution
BST -----British Summer Time
BTX -----British Telecom eXchange
BTA -----British Theatre Association
BTU -----British Thermal Unit
BTC -----British Transport Commission
BVJ -----British Veterinary Journal
BVA -----British Vetinary Association
BVI -----British Virgin Islands
BWM -----British War Medal
BWI -----British West Indies (historical)
BWY -----British Wheel of Yoga
BWF -----British Woodworking Federation
BYJ -----British Youth Journal
BYS -----British Youth Science
BZA -----British Zeolite Association
BKP -----Broad Key Panel
BWN -----Broadband and Wireless Networking Laboratory
BFW -----Broadband Fixed Wireless
BBI -----BroadBand Interactive
BXM -----Broadband Switch Module
BGT -----Broadcast and Group Translators
BCB -----Broadcast Band
BTS -----Broadcast Technology Society (IEEE)
BPG -----Broadcasting Press Guild
BKN -----Broken
BZB -----Broken Zone Boundary
BPO -----Broker Price Opinion
BXN -----Bromoxynil
BPD -----Bronco Pulmonary Dysplasia
BRX -----Bronx
BXS -----Bronx X-ray Server
BCZ -----Brown City Zoo
BRW -----"Brown Reynolds Watford Architects, Inc. "
BUO -----Brown University Orchestra
BHO -----Browser Helper Object
BTN -----Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
BJX -----Bubble Jet Excellence
BRV -----Bubble Release Vacuum
BKT -----Bucket
BUX -----Budapest Stock Index
BUW -----Budapest Uralic Workshop
BUD -----Budget
BFS -----Budget and Forecasting System
BEG -----Budget Estimate Guidance
BFY -----Budget Fiscal Year
BSK -----Budo Studien Kreis
BVU -----Buena Vista University
ZXS -----Buffalo
BLH -----Buffalo Lake-Hector Schools
BFL -----Buffered Field-effect-transistor Logic
BEM -----Bug Eyed Monster
BYF -----Build Your Future
BEO -----Building Emergency Organization
BJL -----Building Jewish Life
BQU -----Building Quota Unit
BRY -----Building Rugged Youth
BUA -----Built-Up Area
ZZH -----"Bukulan Island, Papua New Guinea"
BDY -----Bulgarian Democratic Youth
BAW -----Bulk Acoustic Wave
BEK -----Bulk Encryption Key
BXL -----Bulk Explosives Limited
BML -----Bulk Material Length
BHI -----Bullet Hit Indicator
BPK -----Bullet Polisher Kit
BUL -----bulletin
BBX -----Bulletin Board eXchange
BBS -----Bulletin Board System
BVK -----Bundesverdienstkreuz
BDL -----bundle
BNQ -----Bureau de Normalisation du Qubc
BIH -----Bureau international de l'heure (French
BNM -----Bureau National de Metrologie
BXA -----Bureau of Export Administration
BIA -----Bureau of Indian Affairs
BJA -----Bureau Of Justice Assistance
BJS -----Bureau of Justice Statistics
BLM -----Bureau of Land Management
BNE -----Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement
BRH -----Bureau Of Radiological Health
BTD -----Bureau of Telecommunications Development (of the ITU)
BVS -----Bureau of Vital Statistics
BVN -----Bureau Voucher Number
BUR -----buried
BAX -----Burlington Air eXpress
BFU -----Burst-Forming Unit
BUC -----Bus Unit Controller
BUI -----Bus Unit Interface
BUS -----Business
BEN -----Business And Educational Network
BAU -----Business As Usual
BXI -----Business Exchange International
BXJ -----Business Expansion Journal
BEX -----Business EXpress
BGG -----Business Generator Group
BIJ -----Business Ink Jet printer
BKH -----Business Know How
BMQ -----Business Migration Questionnaire
BON -----Business Object Notation
BQC -----Business Quality Control
BRZ -----Business Revitalization Zone
BVX -----Business ValueXpress
BUY -----Businesses by Urban Youth
BGR -----Businesses Getting Results
BZY -----Busy
BHM -----Busy Hour Minute
BLF -----Busy Line Field
BLV -----Busy Line Verification
BKM -----Butt Kicking Mode
BUB -----Butt Ugly Babe
BAY -----Buy Another Yearly
BNS -----Buyer No Seller
BVO -----Buyer Value Option
BPQ -----Buying Power Quota
BWQ -----Buzz Word Quotient
BTW -----by the way
BYL -----By Your Leave
BFN -----Bye For Now
BYP -----Bypass
BYZ -----byzantine

09-23-2010, 02:20 AM

ZDJ -----C++ Developer's Journal
CCX -----Cable and Connection Expert
CJZ -----Cable Jacket Zipper
CNN -----Cable News Network
COU -----Cable Orderwire Unit
CRK -----Cable Repair Kit
CTV -----Cable TeleVision
CLQ -----CacheLine Queue
CZT -----Cadmium Zinc Telluride
CCM -----Caffeine Clearance Measurement (medical)
QXJ -----Caixas do Sul (Brazil)
CMZ -----Calcium Magnesium Zirconium
CZD -----Calculated Zenith Distance
CYE -----Calendar Year End
CPK -----California Pizza Kitchen
CYR -----California Young Republicans
CFV -----Call For Votes
CHT -----Call Holding Time
CRV -----Call Reference Value
CRQ -----Call ReQuest
CWD -----Call Waiting Deluxe
CLD -----called
WWV -----Callsign of frequency of accurate time broadcast
CUP -----Cambridge University Press
CUY -----Cambridge University Yachting
CMR -----Cameroon
CWK -----Cam-Net Communications Network
CJL -----Camp Juliette Low
CKY -----Camp Kill Yourself
CQH -----Camp Quaker Haven
CYJ -----Camp Young Judaea
CND -----Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
CRA -----Campaign for Real Ale (aka CAMRA)
ZZE -----"Canac Island, Papua New Guinea"
CAN -----Canada
CDN -----Canadian
CAJ -----Canadian Association of Journalists
CAW -----Canadian Auto Workers
CBC -----Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
CFA -----Canadian Field Artillery
CFL -----Canadian Football League
CGQ -----Canadian Guitar Quartet
CJS -----Canadian Joint Staff
CJX -----Canadian Jorex
CJC -----Canadian Journal of Communication
CKC -----Canadian Kennel Club
CKA -----Canadian Killifish Association
CMA -----Canadian Medical Association
CMQ -----Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly
CNE -----Canadian National Exhibition
CNQ -----Canadian Notes and Queries
CXY -----Canadian Oxy
CWB -----Canadian Wheat Board
CZC -----Canadian Zebra Corporation
CZN -----Canadian Zinc
CZG -----Canal Zone Government
CZP -----Canal Zone Police
CNL -----Cancel
CXL -----Cancel
CXD -----Cancel Approved Departure
CXA -----Cancel Arrival
CTO -----Cancelled To Order
CPF -----Cancer Potency Factor
CXZ -----Can-Ex Resources
CPV -----Canine ParvoVirus
CVB -----Canonical Valence Bond
CRL -----Canonicus Regularis Lateranensis (trans: Canon Regular of the Lateran
CRS -----Can't Remember Squat
CYN -----Canyon
CQP -----Capacitor Qualification Program
YUZ -----"Cape Hooper, Northwest Territories"
CGH -----Cape of Good Hope
CZE -----Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
CZX -----Capillary Zone Yield
CZY -----Capillary Zone Yield
CGT -----Capital Gains Tax
CRF -----Capital Recovery Factor
CTT -----Capital Transfer Tax
CRD -----Capstone Requirements Do***ent
CYW -----Capture Your World
CFR -----Capuchin Franciscans of the Renewal
CLM -----Car Location Message
CAR -----carat
CBZ -----carbobenzyloxy
CHV -----Card Holder Value
CVC -----Card Validation Check
CPR -----CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
CRY -----Care and Relief for the Youth
CJR -----Career Job Reservation
CGO -----cargo
CPY -----Cargo Preference Year
CSY -----Caribbean Sailing Yachts
CVQ -----Caribbean Vocational Qualification
CZJ -----Carl Zeiss Jena
JXI -----Carme (astronomy-Jovian moon)
COK -----Carolina Orienteering Klubb
CYY -----Carpita Corporation
CXR -----Carrier
CAG -----Carrier Air Group
CBG -----Carrier Battle Group
CVL -----"Carrier Vessel, Light (light aircraft carrier)"
CVN -----"Carrier Vessel, Nuclear (nuclear powered aircraft carrier)"
CHH -----Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia
CTN -----carton
JAU -----Cartridge-Actuated Initiator (military)
CSJ -----Case Study and Justification
CBD -----Cash Before Delivery
YXU -----Cash Component per Creation Unit
CFQ -----Cash For Questions
COD -----Cash On Delivery
COH -----Cash On Hand
CTJ -----Cash To Jump
CVD -----Cash Versus Do***ents
CWO -----Cash With Order
CDG -----Cask Designers Guide
CCR -----Cassette Camera Recorder
CGP -----Catalog of Government Publications
CBH -----Catalyst Bed Heater
QCZ -----"Catanzaro, Reggio Calabria"
CRO -----Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
CRT -----Cathode Ray Tube
CWV -----Catholic War Veterans
CNB -----Caught aNd Bowled (cricket)
CAV -----caveat
CAZ -----Ceftazidime
CRX -----Cefuroxime
CXM -----Cefuroxime
CEL -----celesta
CTD -----Cell Transfer Delay
CMI -----Cell-Mediated Immunity
VCL -----cello (from violoncello)
CCY -----Center for Creative Youth
CEK -----Center for Education and Communication
CFJ -----Center for Foreign Journalists [Reston VA]
CJH -----Center for Jewish History
CKM -----Center for Knowledge Management
CKS -----Center for Knowledge Societies
CKU -----Center for Kultursamarbejde med Udviklingslandene
CQS -----Center for Quantitative Science
CWM -----Center for Waste Management
CWQ -----Center for Water Quality
CGY -----Center of GravitY
CGS -----Centimetre-Gram-Second
CEN -----central
CAO -----Central Applications Office
CBJ -----Central Bank of Jordan
CCG -----Central Commission for Germany
CDX -----Central Data eXchange
CEA -----Central Electricity Authority
CEU -----Central Electronic Unit
CET -----Central European Time
CEC -----Central Executive Committee
CFO -----Central Forecasting Office (meteorology)
CIA -----Central Intelligence Agency
CIB -----Central Intelligence Board
CMF -----Central Meditteranean Force
CMU -----Central Michigan University
CMB -----Central Midwives Board
CNS -----Central Nervous System
CNY -----Central New York
CNJ -----Central of New Jersey
COI -----Central Office of Information
CPM -----Central prayer meeting
CPU -----Central Processing Unit
CQX -----Central Quality Exchange
CQU -----Central Queensland University
CRP -----Central Reserve Police
CST -----Central Standard Time (north america)
CSO -----Central Statistical Office
CUN -----Central University for Nationalities
CYG -----Central Youth Group
CZA -----Central Zionist Archives
CHW -----"Central, Handy, Western (high schools in Bay City School District)"
CTR -----centre
CDD -----Centre for Digestive Diseases
CDC -----Centre for Disease Control (american)
CRH -----Centre for Remote Health
CUH -----Centre for Urban History
CHU -----Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
CGG -----Centro Galileo Galilei (CNAA)
CKJ -----Centrum Komputerowo Jezykowe
CKZ -----Centrum koor Kwaliteitzorg
CZV -----Centrum voor Ziekenhuis- en Verplegingswetenschap
CSF -----CerebroSpinal Fluid
CVA -----Cerebrovascular Accident
CIH -----Certificate in Industrial Health
CSS -----Certificate in Social Service
CSE -----Certificate of Secondary Education
CCN -----Certification Control Number
CMM -----Certified Medical Manager
CNX -----Certified Network Expert
CNA -----Certified Nursing Assistant
CQT -----Certified Quality Technician
CVM -----Certified Vendor Memorandum
CZS -----Ceska Zoologicka Spolecnost
CZU -----Ceske Zemedelske Univerzity
CZL -----Ceskoslovenske Zavody Letecke
CCQ -----Chambre de Commerce du Quebec
CXC -----Chandra X-ray Center
CJU -----Chang Jung University
COA -----Change Of Address
CZQ -----Chaogaoya daidan Zidong Quingsao
CWZ -----Chaos Wir Zukunft
CHS -----chapters
CPS -----Characters Per Second
CHG -----charge
CPT -----"Charge conjugation, Parity, and Time reversal (particle physics)"
QEQ -----Charge Equilibrium
CXS -----Charge Exchange Spectroscopy
CXU -----Charge Spotting Bomb Unit
CPW -----Charged Particle Weapon
CCD -----Charged-Coupled Device
CXH -----Charing Cross Hospital
CHA -----charisma
CJV -----Charlie O Beverage
CVY -----Charlie-Victor-Yankee
CIN -----Chart Information Network
CCE -----Chartered Civil Engineer
CII -----Chartered Insurance Institute
CSD -----Chartered Society of Designers
CSP -----Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
CJG -----Chattanooga Junior Golf
CHK -----Check
CYU -----Check Your Understanding
CBW -----Chemical and Biological Warfare
CHE -----CHemical Engineer
CJO -----Chemical Journals Online
CSL -----Chemical Sewer Line
CBR -----"Chemical, Bacteriological, and Radiation"
CGZ -----Chemische Gesellschaft Zuerich
CHY -----Chemistry
UXK -----Chemistry apparatus and machines (library cataloguing)
CHQ -----cheque
CSX -----Chessie System eXpress (railroad)
XAE -----Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society
CFW -----Chicago and Far Western railroad
CTA -----Chicago Transit Authority
DKC -----Chief Disbursing Clerk (Naval Rating)
CEO -----Chief Executive Officer
CKO -----Chief Knowledge Officer
CNO -----Chief Nursing Officer
CMJ -----Chief of Military Justice
COS -----Chief Of Staff
COO -----Chief Operating Officer
CPO -----Chief Petty Officer
CQO -----Chief Quality Officer
CHC -----Child Health Clinic
CSA -----Child Support Agency
CYF -----"Child, Youth and Family"
CYD -----Children and Youth Division
CTW -----Children's Television Workshop
CJN -----China Journal Net
CXN -----China Xin Network
CKX -----China-Korea Express
CHO -----Chinese Hamster Ovary
CJK -----Chinese Japanese Korean (encoding standard for character set)
CHB -----Chirurgiae Baccalaureus (latin
CHM -----Chirurgiae Magister (latin
CUK -----Chirurgische Universitaetsklinik
CFC -----ChloroFluoroCarbons (groovy planet killing gases)
CCK -----CholeCystoKinin
CEH -----Cholesteryl Ester Hydrolase
CYO -----Choose Your Own
CYQ -----Choose Your Question
CIY -----Christ In Youth
CES -----Christian Evidence Society
CSB -----Christian Science Bachelor
CWI -----Christian Witness to Israel
CYI -----Christian Youth International
CDU -----"Christlich-Demokratische Union (German political party, the Christian Democratic Union)"
CJB -----Christlicher Jugendbund
CKQ -----Christliches Krankenhaus Quakenbrueck
CZB -----Christliches Zentrum Brig
CZF -----Christliches Zentrum Forsthaus
CZZ -----Christliches Zentrum Zuerich
CNU -----Christopher Newport University
YXY -----Chromaticity
CKF -----Chronic Kidney Failure
CHR -----Chronicles (bible)
COE -----Church Of England
CHZ -----Ciernohronska Zeleznica
CIR -----circa
COJ -----Circle Of Janus
CKT -----circuit
CEG -----Circuit card Expert Group
CCJ -----Circuit Court Judge
CGB -----Circuit Group Blocking message
CGU -----Circuit Group Unblocking message
CKR -----Circuit Reference
CVP -----Circuit Virtuel Permanent
CIT -----citation
CAB -----Citizen's Advice Bureau
ZXC -----City College of New York Library
CEF -----City Electrical Factors
COZ -----City of Zanesville
CTC -----City Technology College
CIV -----civil
CAA -----Civil Aviation Authority
CCB -----Civil Cooperation Bureau (south africa)
CEX -----Civil Effects eXperiments
CRM -----Civil Rights Movement
CSC -----Civil Service Commission
CSU -----Civil Service Union
CCC -----Civilian Conservation Corps
CJT -----Civilian Jeep Truck
CLF -----Civilian Labor Force
CMY -----Civilian Man-Years
CMP -----Civilian Marksmanship Program
CFY -----Clarify
CBQ -----Class-Based Queueing
CJQ -----Classic Jonny Quest

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ادامه حرف C

CQG -----Classical and Quantum Gravity
CUW -----Clean Up the World
CWC -----Clean Water Commission
CFB -----Clear Frequency Broadcast
CLS -----CLear Screen
CTS -----Clear To Send
CLH -----CLearingHouse
CSZ -----Clearly Seperated Zones
CLK -----Clerk
CPC -----Clerk of the Privy Council
CXO -----C-level eXecutive Officer
CKN -----Clinicians Knowledge Network
KXO -----Clock Crystal Oscillator
CKW -----clockwise
CAS -----Close Air Support
CRZ -----Close Reconnaissance Zone
CUG -----Closed Users Group
CIW -----Close-In Weapon
CER -----Closer Economic Relations
CJA -----Closet Jimmys Anonymous
CLO -----clothing
CLC -----Clover Leaf Cars
CYV -----Clover Yellow Virus
CIU -----Club and Institute Union
CMK -----Club Muenchner Kyakfahrer
CUQ -----Club Universario de Quilmes
CXQ -----Club Xiang Qi
CXB -----Clube de Xadrez de Blumenau
CXP -----Clube de Xadrez de Petropolis
CIJ -----Coalition for International Justice
CNH -----Coalition for Natural Health
CTF -----Coal-Tar Fuels
CWF -----Coal-Water Fuel
CGC -----Coast Guard of Canada
CEJ -----Coastal Engineering Journal
CUE -----Coastal Upwelling Experiment
CZM -----Coastal Zone Management
CKI -----Cockpit Kill Indicator
CCL -----Code of Canon Law
CIC -----Codex Iuris Canonici (Code of Canon Law)
KHX -----Coefficient of Heat Transfer
COP -----Coefficient Of Performance
COG -----cognate
CQE -----Cognizant Quality Engineer
CJF -----Coherent Joint Fires
CMO -----Collection Management Officer
CAE -----College of Advanced Education
CFE -----College of Further Education
YYZ -----College of Lake County (Illinois) Murphy Memorial Library
CRJ -----College Radio Japan
CLN -----Colon
COL -----Colonel
CXF -----Color Exchange Format
CWX -----Colorado Wireless eXchange Cooperative
CSW -----Color-Segregated World
CFK -----Colour Find Key
CBS -----Columbia Broadcasting System
CZR -----Columnar Zone Radius
CBV -----Combat Breacher Vehicle
CEV -----Combat Engineer Vehicle
CPQ -----Combat Pistol Qualification
CRN -----Combat Radio Net
CVK -----Combat Vehicle Kill
CVR -----Combat Vehicle Recognition
CZW -----Combat Zone Wrestling
CSR -----Combat-Stress Reaction
CAX -----Combined Arms eXercise
CCF -----Combined Cadet Force
CHP -----Combined Heat and Power
COC -----Combined Oral Contraceptive
CTX -----Combined Training Exercise
CBP -----Combustion By-Product
CQD -----"Come Quick, Distress"
CWH -----Coming of the great White Handkerchief
CQQ -----Comissoes Qualificacao do Qualiop
CAU -----Command Arithmetic Unit
CLI -----Command Line Interrupt
CMD -----"Command Pape (fourth series, 1918-56) "
CPX -----Command Post Exercise
CDR -----CommanDeR
CBE -----Commander of the British Empire
CRE -----Commander of the Royal Engineers
CVO -----Commander of the royal Victorian Order
CTG -----"Commander, Task Group"
CTU -----"Commander, Task Unit"
CDO -----Commando
CML -----commercial
CDL -----Commercial Driver's Licence
CUV -----Commercial Utility Vehicle
CED -----Committee for Economic Development
CPI -----Committee for Public Information
CQJ -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary
CQN -----Committee for Qualified Judiciary
CAY -----Committee of *****s and Youth
CDP -----Committee of Directors of Polytechnics
CKB -----Commodore Knowledge Base
CMN -----Common
CAC -----Common Access Card
CAP -----Common Agricultural Policy
CBK -----Common Body of Knowledge
CDB -----Common Data Base
CFP -----Common Fisheries Policy
CLX -----Common Lisp Xinterface
CLB -----Common Logic Board
CUF -----Common University Fund
CUI -----Common User Interface
CVI -----Common Variable Immunodeficiency
CVE -----Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CXI -----Common X-windows Interface
CUA -----Commonly Used Acronym(s)
CNF -----Commonwealth Nurses' Federation
CIS -----Commonwealth of Independent States
CEE -----Communaute Economique Europeenne (French
CTB -----Communication ToolBox
CRG -----Communications Relay Group
CCA -----Communist Control Act
CPB -----Communist Party of Britain
CDQ -----Community Development Quota
CHN -----Community Health Nurse
CSV -----Community Service Volunteer
CDV -----Compact Digital
CDA -----Compact Disc Album
CDE -----Compact Disc Erasable
CDI -----Compact Disc Interactive
CDS -----Compact Disc Single
CDZ -----Compact Disc Zone
CDJ -----Compact Disk Jukebox
CGV -----Compagnie Generale de Videotechnique
CDY -----Companion Dog of the Year
CMG -----Companion of (the order of) St. Michael and St. George
CIE -----Companion of (the order of) the Indian Empire
COB -----Companion Of the Bath
CNI -----Companion of the Nautical Institute
CSG -----Companion of the order ofthe Star of Ghana
COY -----Company
CBX -----Company Branch (telephone) eXchange
CSM -----Company Stage Manager
CUO -----Compaq Users Organization
CMW -----Compartmented Mode Workstation
CLU -----Compatible Land Use
CEP -----Compensatory Equipment Package
CFT -----Complement Fixation Test
CAK -----Complete Accessory Kit
CJP -----Complete Joint Penetratation (welding)
CKE -----Complete Kuula Edition
CBU -----Completely Built-Up
CKD -----Completely Knocked Down (of goods for sale)
CXT -----Complexiteitstheorie
CTK -----Composite Tool Kit
CWU -----Composite Weighted (Work) Unit
CPD -----compound
CVH -----Compound Valve-angle Hemispherical-head
CGL -----Comprehensive General Liability (Insurance Policy)
CNG -----Compressed Natural Gas
CVF -----Compressed Volume File
WMZ -----compressed Windows Metafile- Microsoft file extension
CKL -----Compromised Key List
CCP -----Compte Cheque Postal (postal order)
CIX -----Compulink Information eXchange
CPN -----Compuserve Packet Network
CAD -----Computer Aided Design
CAQ -----Computer Aided Quality
CVG -----Computer and Video Games
CCO -----Computer Center Operator
CCZ -----Computer Club Zutphen
ICL -----computer company
CGD -----Computer Game Developer
CGI -----Computer Generated Imagery
CGX -----Computer Graphics
CGA -----Computer Graphics Adapter
CGW -----Computer Graphics World
CIG -----Computer Image Generator
CIL -----Computer Integration Laboratories
CJI -----Computer Jobs in Israel
CNC -----Computer Numerical Control
COM -----Computer Output on Microfilm
ADA -----computer programming language (after Ada Lovelace)
CRU -----Computer Resource Utilization
CSI -----Computer Service Index
CTI -----Computer Telephony Integration
CXE -----Computer to External Environments Interface
CUD -----Computer Underground Digest
CUC -----Computer Users Committee
CAI -----Computer-Aided Instruction
CAL -----Computer-Aided Learning
CAM -----Computer-Assisted Manufacture
CBL -----Computer-Based Learning
CBT -----Computer-Based Training
CAT -----Computerized Axial Tomography
CTM -----Computerized Tomographic Myelography
CZO -----Computerized Zoning Ordinance
CLR -----Computer-Language Recorder
CLT -----Computer-Language Translator
CHI -----Concentration Highway Interface
CRW -----Conceptual Recoilless Weapon
CUZ -----Conditional Use Zoning
CEZ -----Confederacion de Empresarios de Zaragosa
CBI -----Confederation of British Industry
CHJ -----Conference of Historical Journals
CFG -----Configuration
CFN -----Confine
CHL -----Confinement at Hard Labor
CDH -----Congenital Dislocation of the Hip
CHF -----Congestive Heart Failure
CJM -----Congregatio Jesu et Mariae (trans: the Congregation of Jesus and Mary
CBY -----Congregation Beth Yeshua
CKH -----Congregation Kol Halev
CFX -----Congregation of St. Francis Xavier (Xaverian Brothers)
CIO -----Congress of Industrial Organizations
CMH -----Congressional Medal of Honor
CQK -----Conjunctuur
CTE -----Connected Terminal Equipment
CMX -----Connected-Moments eXpansion
CLL -----ConnectionLess Layer
CCH -----Connections per Circuit Hour
CJY -----Conrail Jackson Yard
CLZ -----Conservation Lower Zambesi
CMC -----Conservation Monitoring Centre
CYH -----Consider Yourself Hugged
CYK -----Consider Yourself Kissed
CFF -----Consistent Force Field
CLE -----Console Local Equipment
CTY -----Console TeletYpe
CXK -----Consolidated Norex Resources Corporation
CQV -----Consolidated Suntec Ventures
CGM -----Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
CLV -----Constant Linear Velocity
CVT -----Constant Variable Transmission (in vehicles)
CVJ -----Constant Velocity Joint
CLP -----Constituency Labour Party
CQZ -----Constrained Quartet Zeta (Basis Set)
CIP -----Construction Installation Procedure
CQA -----Construction Quality Assurance
CTL -----Constructive Total Loss
CGJ -----Consulate General of Japan
CGK -----Consulate General of Kenya
CUJ -----Consumers Union of Japan
CLW -----Contaminated Liquid Waste
CPZ -----Contingency Planning Zone
CNT -----continued
CEW -----Continuing Education Workshop
CRI -----Continuity Recheck Incoming
CEM -----Continuous Effluent Monitor
CQI -----Continuous Quality Improvement
CVZ -----Continuous Visibility Zone
CWJ -----Continuous Wave Jammer
CWL -----Continuous Working Level
CBB -----Contract Budget Baseline
CWN -----Contract Work Notification
CQL -----Contractual Quantitation Limit
CBO -----Control Board Operator
CDK -----Control Development Kit
CSN -----Control Symbol Number
CTZ -----Control Traffic Zone
CCV -----Control-Configured Vehicle
CIZ -----Controlled Injury Zone
CQR -----Controlled Quick Release
CON -----Convention
CMS -----Conversational Monitor System
WZX -----Conversion Buffer Overflow
CEY -----Conversion Electron Yield
CWR -----Cooling Water Return
CKG -----Cooperative Key Generation
CPJ -----Cooperative Phantom Jamming
CWS -----Cooperative Wholesale Society
CUT -----Coordinated Universal Time
CWG -----Coordination Working Group
CJW -----Coplanar Joined Wing
COW -----Copy On Write
CRR -----Corby's Royal Reserve
CVU -----Corel-draw and Ventura Users Club
COR -----Corinthians (new testament)
CNR -----Corner
CXJ -----Corner Expansion Joint
CME -----Coronal Mass Ejection
CCU -----Coronary Care Unit
CPL -----Corporal
CNP -----Corporate Network Product
CBF -----Corps Benevolent Fund ( Brit Army Regt in house charities)
CSH -----Corps Support Hospital
CAH -----Cosine = Adjacent
CAF -----Cost And Freight (US)
CBA -----Cost Benefit Analysis
CEB -----Cost Estimate Breakdown
CIF -----Cost Insurance Freight
COQ -----Cost Of Quality
CQM -----Cost Quality Management
CWP -----Cost Work Program
CFI -----"Cost, Freight and Insurance"
COT -----cotangent
CJE -----Council for Jewish Elderly
CLY -----Council for Lutheran Youth
CEI -----Council of Engineering Institutions
CEQ -----Council on Environmental Quality
CCW -----counterclockwise
CSK -----countersink
CLA -----Country Landowner's Association
CMT -----Country Music Television
CNW -----Country 'n' Western (music)
CQW -----Coupled Quantum Well
DHL -----courier company
CDW -----Course Development Workshop
CQB -----Court of Queens Bench
COV -----covariance
CGE -----Cover Gas Equalization
CGF -----Cover Gas Feed
CYA -----Cover Your Ass
CYB -----Cover Your Butt
GXQ -----Coyhaique (Chile)
COF -----Cradle Of Filth (british black metal band)
CDM -----Craft & Design: Metalwork
CDT -----Craft & Design: Technology
CKP -----Crankshaft Position
CBM -----Crash-prone Buggy Machines
CWY -----Crashworthy
CCS -----Creative Curriculuum Software
CLJ -----Credit Lyonnais Japan
CRB -----Cremer-Rao Bound
KQZ -----Cretaceous Quiet Zone
CJD -----Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease
CCI -----Crevice Corrosion Index
CPE -----Crew Procedure Engineer
CVS -----Crime & Victim Support
CWA -----Crime Writers' Association
CID -----Criminal Investigation Department
CJJ -----Criminal Justice Journalists
CFZ -----Critical Friendly Zone
CPA -----Critical Path Analysis
CPG -----Critical Population Group
CTP -----Critical Technical Parameter
CTQ -----Critical To Quality
CVX -----Critical Velocity Experiment
CQC -----Critres-Qualit-Contrles
CGR -----Crop Growth Rate
CXG -----Cross eXamination Game
CXW -----Cross eXamination Work
CQY -----Cross of Queen's Yeoman
XBR -----cross-Band Radar
XBC -----Cross-Border Connection
CWW -----Cruciform Wing Weapon
CVV -----Cryo Vacuum Vessel
CNV -----Crypto Net Variable
CSQ -----Cryptofacility Security Questionnaire
CIK -----Crypto-Ignition Key
CNK -----CryptoNet Key
XBO -----Crystal Beat Oscillator
CZI -----Crystalline Zinc Insulin
CUB -----cubic
CBN -----Cubic Boron Nitride
CFD -----Cubic Feet per Day
CFH -----Cubic Feet per Hour
CFM -----Cubic Feet per Minute
CFS -----Cubic Feet per Second
CKV -----Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming
*** -----***ulative
CCT -----***ulative Cycle Time
CDF -----***ulative Distribution Function
CUR -----currency
CPP -----Current Purchasing Power
IXV -----Current times Voltage
CWE -----Current Work Estimate
CUS -----Customer
CIQ -----Customer Information Quality
CNM -----Customer Network Management
CQF -----Customer Quality Forum
CIM -----Customer-Interface Management
CUX -----Cuxhaven (Germany) (national vehicle registration code)
CKK -----Cyanogen Chloride
CTH -----Cycle Test Hours
CPH -----Cycles Per Hour
CRC -----Cyclic Redundancy Check
CNZ -----Cycling New Zealand
CYP -----Cyclists Yellow Pages
CYX -----Cyclohexane
CHX -----Cyclohexanol
COX -----Cyclooxygenase
CYC -----cyclopedia
CYZ -----Cyclothiazide
CYL -----cylinder
CYM -----Cymric
XAK -----Cyprus Stock Exchange (in Greek)
CYS -----cysteine
CMV -----CytoMegaloVirus
CYT -----Cytosine
CZK -----Czech Koruna
CZH -----Czechoslovak(ian)

09-23-2010, 02:21 AM

DKB -----Daichi Kaigin Bank
DKS -----Daihatsu K-car Spirits
DLY -----Daily
DCQ -----Daily Contract Quality
DFL -----Daily Flight Log
DJC -----Daily Journal of Commerce
DOR -----Daily Operations Report
DXJ -----Daiwa Deluxe Jacket
DAK -----Dakota
DML -----Dakota Mailing List
DBU -----Dallas Baptist University
DAS -----Damage Assessment Strike
DCO -----Damage Control Officer
DWF -----Damaged Weapons Facility
DCB -----Dame Commander (of the order) of the Bath
DBE -----Dame commander (of the order) of the British Empire
DYE -----Damn Your Eyes
DZW -----Danger Zone Wrestling
DHV -----Dangerously High Violence
DAN -----Daniel (bible)
DGF -----Danmarks Gymnastik Forbund
DKO -----Dansk Karate Organisation
DKK -----Dansk Kennel Klub
DPK -----Dansk Parakart Klub
DTK -----Dansk Traekhunde Klubb
DVY -----Daphne Virus Y-poty
DGY -----Dark Grey
DQK -----Dark Queen of Krynn
DAL -----Data Access Line
DAM -----Data Access Manager
DAQ -----Data AcQuisition
DBK -----Data BanK
DCF -----Data Capture Facility
DCD -----Data Carrier Detect
DCR -----Data Command Release
DCE -----Data Communications Equipment
DCW -----Data Control Words
DDF -----Data Decryption Field
DDL -----Data Definition Language
DDE -----Data Dictionary Entry
DED -----Data Element Definition
DEK -----Data Encryption Key
DEU -----Data Encryption Unit
DEB -----Data Evaluation Board
DER -----Data Evaluation Record
DXI -----Data Exchange Interface
DXN -----Data Exchange Navigator
DEI -----Data Export
DXT -----Data eXtractT facility
DFU -----Data File Utility
DFA -----Data Flow Analyst
DFD -----Data Flow Diagram
DIS -----Data Indicate Stopped
DID -----Data Item Description
DLM -----Data Line Monitor
DLO -----Data Line Occupied
DLH -----Data Link layer Header
DMP -----Data Management Plan
DMU -----Data Management Unit
DOV -----Data Over Voice
DPG -----Data Processing Group
DPQ -----Data Processing Quality
DPS -----Data Processing System
DPD -----Data Program Directive
DQA -----Data Quality Assessment
DQC -----Data Quality Control
DQI -----Data Quality Index
DQM -----Data Quality Manager
DQO -----Data Quality Objective
DQV -----Data Quality Verification
DQX -----Data Quality-Pixel
DQY -----Data Query File
DQF -----Data Query Function
DQW -----Data Query Worktable
DRP -----Data Record and Playback
DRF -----Data Reduction Facility
DRT -----Data Reduction Team
DRL -----Data Requirement List
DRU -----Data Retrieval Unit
DRN -----Data Routing Network
DSU -----Data Service Unit
DSG -----Data Systems Group
DTE -----Data Terminal Equipment
DTR -----Data Terminal Ready
DTX -----Data Throughput (enhanced)
DTB -----Data Transfer Bus
DTN -----data transmission network
DUV -----Data Under Voice
DVR -----Data Validation Review
DBF -----DataBase File
DBO -----Database Operation
DQL -----Database Query Language
DOB -----Date Of Birth
DTG -----Date Time Group
DTD -----DateD
DUM -----Dator Utskottet foer Mdstudenter
DAR -----Daughters of the American Revolution
DOK -----Daughters of the King
DLT -----Dave Lee Travis (radio presenter)
DMB -----Dave Matthews Band
DVW -----daVinciWorld Forum
DJL -----Davy Jones' Locker
DKH -----Day Kimball Hospital
DMY -----Day Month Year
DOW -----Day Of Week
DOY -----Day of Year
DST -----Daylight Saving Time
DBD -----Dead By Dawn
DOA -----Dead On Arrival
DUK -----Dead Upon Keyboard
DWT -----Dead Weight Tonnage
DYL -----Dead Yet Living
DDM -----Deadlock Detection Mechanism
DWW -----Deaf World Web
DYT -----Deaf Youth Today
DLF -----Dear Little Friend
DAI -----Death from Accidental Injury
DZF -----Deazafolic Acid
DWS -----Debris Washing System
DIX -----"DEC, Intel, Xerox"
DKL -----DecaLiter
DKT -----Decatherm
DHR -----Decay Heat Removal
DEC -----December
DBL -----DeciBel Limit
DBW -----DeciBel Watt
DBV -----Decibels referenced to 1 Volt
DXZ -----Decimal Dollars
DGD -----Decision Guidance Do***ent
DUC -----Decision Unit Coordinator
DDO -----Decline Definite Offer
DWP -----Decommissioning Work Plan
DSZ -----Decrement and Skip on Zero (assembly language instruction)
DEY -----Decrement Index Register Y
DPW -----Dedicated Professional Workforce
DGR -----Deductible Gift Recipient
DLB -----Deep Listening Band
DRZ -----Deep Reconnaissance Zone
DSV -----Deep Sea Vehicle
DUB -----Deep Underground Basing
DVT -----Deep Vein Thrombosis
DCN -----Defence Communications Network
DIA -----Defence Intelligence Agency
DEF -----Defend
DAD -----Defense Acquisition Deskbook
DAU -----Defense Acquisition University
DAG -----Defense Aerial Gunner
DAH -----Defense Agency Head
DFH -----Defense Family Housing
DFR -----Defense Fuel Region
DGM -----Defense Guidance Memorandum
DIB -----Defense Industrial Base
DII -----Defense Information Infrastructure
DLI -----Defense Language Institute
DLA -----Defense Logistics Agency
DPR -----Defense Performance Review
DSN -----Defense Switched Network
DWM -----Defense Waste Management
DGU -----Defensive Gun Use
DQU -----Deganawidah-Quetzalcoatl University
DJD -----Degenerative Joint Disorder
DEG -----Degree(s)
DGN -----Degrees Grid North
DOF -----Degrees Of Freedom
DEL -----Delaware
DNG -----Delaware National Guard
DHC -----Delayed Hydrogen Cracking
DJE -----Delayed Job Entry
DNC -----Delayed Neutron Counter
DNM -----Delayed Neutron Monitor
DTS -----Delerium TremenS
DNY -----Delight New York
DIQ -----Delivered Image Quality
DFJ -----Delta Force Junkie
DKE -----Delta Kappa Epsilon
DYO -----Delta Youth Orchestra
DHF -----Demand History File
DPU -----Demand Processing Unit
DMZ -----DeMilitarized Zone
DEM -----Democrat
DPJ -----Democratic Party of Japan
DUP -----Democratic Unionist Party
DDZ -----Demo-Digitalzaehler
DHK -----Den Haag Koninklijke-bibliotheek
DXQ -----Denominator times Quotient
DHY -----Dental Hygiene
DYR -----"Dentsu, Young and Rubicam"
DAY -----Denver Archdiocese Youth
DYP -----Denver Young Professionals
DOM -----"Deo Optimo Maximo (trans: to God, the best and greatest)"
NOJ -----Deoxynojirimycin
DNA -----Deoxyribo(se)Nucleic acid
DUD -----Deoxyuridine Diphosphate
DOD -----Department of Defence
DES -----Department of Education and Science
DEQ -----Department of Environmental Quality
DFW -----Department of Fish and Wildlife
DFO -----Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DOH -----Department Of Health
DHH -----Department of Health and Hospitals
DHW -----Department of Health and Welfare
DHS -----Department of Health Services
HEW -----"department of Health, Education and Welfare (US)"
DOJ -----Department of Justice
DJJ -----Department of Juvenile Justice
DMH -----Department of Mental Health
DMV -----Department of Motor Vehicles
DND -----Department of National Defence
DRD -----Department of Redundancy Department
DSS -----Department of Social Services
DAF -----Department of the Air Force
DOT -----Department Of the Treasury
DTI -----Department of Trade and Industry
DVA -----Department of Veterans Affairs
DWJ -----Department of World Justice
DYS -----Department of Youth Services
DNX -----Departmental Network eXchange
DOO -----Departmental Organization Order
DEP -----Departs
DYA -----Dependent Youth Activity
DXH -----Depth by Height
DCG -----Deputy Commanding General
DSM -----Deputy Stage Manager
DBY -----Derbyshire
DIZ -----Description in Zip
DQN -----Desert Quilters of Nevada
DBI -----Design Basis Incident
DBB -----Design Bid Build
DFQ -----Design For Quality
DFT -----Design For Test
DFE -----Design For the Environment
DGW -----Design Gross Weight
DIE -----Design Interface Engineer
DMT -----Design Manufacture and Test
DQT -----Design Qualification Test
DRS -----Design Representation Standard
DRO -----Design Requirements Overview
DRB -----Design Review Board
DUF -----Design Up Front
DWL -----Design WaterLine
DWR -----Design With Reuse
DZM -----Design Zentrum Muenchen
DGZ -----Designated Ground Zero
DQP -----Designated Qualified Person
DTP -----Desktop Publishing
DHA -----Destination Hardware Address
DZK -----Destination Zyklon
DKF -----Det Kooperative Faellesforbund
DTL -----Detail
DFI -----Detailed Facility Information
DLE -----Detailed Ledger Entry
DRW -----Detroit Red Wings
DYC -----Detroit Yacht Club
DET -----"Detroit, Michigan"
DBP -----Deutsche Bundis Post
DDR -----Deutsche Demokratische Republik (German Democratic Republic)
DXY -----Deutsche Energy Index
DEJ -----Deutsche Esperanto Jugend
DFG -----Deutsche ForschungsGemeinschaft [German Community of Research]
DFN -----Deutsche Forschungsnetz Verein (German Research Network Association)
DFV -----Deutsche Frisbeesport Verband
DGK -----Deutsche Geodtische Kommission
DGO -----Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Onkologie
GTZ -----Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit
DHI -----Deutsche Hydrographische Institut
DIN -----Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German industrial standard)
DIK -----Deutsche Internet Kommunikation
DJK -----Deutsche Jugend Kraft
DJR -----Deutsche Jugend Russland
DKV -----Deutsche Kanu-Verband
DKJ -----Deutsche Kommission Justitia
DKP -----Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (German Communist Party)
DMJ -----Deutsche Marine-Jugend
DSJ -----Deutsche Sport Jugend
DUX -----Deutsche Umwelt Index
DUH -----Deutsche Umwelthilfe
DVZ -----Deutsche Verkehrs Zeitung
DVU -----Deutsche Volksunion
DWV -----Deutsche Wasserstoff-Verband
DWZ -----Deutsche Wertungs Zahlen
DWK -----Deutsche Windsurfer Klassenvereinigung
DZZ -----Deutsche Zahnrztliche Zeitschrift
DZJ -----Deutsche Zelt Jugend
ZBW -----"Deutsche ZentralBibliothek fr Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Kiel"
DZG -----Deutsche Zentrale fuer Globetrotter
DZT -----Deutsche Zentrale fuer Tourismus
DZR -----Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei
DVJ -----Deutschen Volleyball Journal
DHB -----Deutscher Hockey Bund
DJV -----Deutscher Jagdschutz Verband
DJB -----Deutscher Judobund
DJZ -----Deutscher Kalibrierdienst
DKD -----Deutscher Kalibrierdienst
DXB -----Deutscher Xianggi Bund
DZV -----Deutscher Zahntechniker Verband
DIJ -----Deutsches Institut fuer Japanstudien
DJH -----Deutsches Jugendherbbergswerk
DKZ -----Deutsches Kartenlege Zentrum
DKI -----Deutsches Kunststoff Institut
DPZ -----Deutsches Primatenzentrum
DRK -----Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
DZN -----Deutsches Zahnarzt-Netz
DZH -----Deutsches Zentraleregister fuer kinlische Hoerstoerungen
DZA -----Deutsches Zentrum fuer Attersfragen
DJG -----Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft
DZX -----Deutz
DCV -----deux cheval-vapeur (aka 2CV)
DAX -----Developer API eXtensions
DRG -----Developer Relations Group
DSE -----Developer Support Engineer
DEV -----development
DBJ -----Development Bank of Japan
DPE -----Development Project Engineer
DSY -----Development School for Youth
QYV -----Deventer (Netherlands)
DWC -----Dever Water Cont.
DCK -----Device Configuration Kit
DDI -----Device Dependent Interface
DUT -----Device Under Test
DUS -----Device Unified Services
DEX -----dexterity
DXM -----Dextromethorphan
DXO -----Dextrorphan
DEZ -----Dezember
DHU -----Dhurga
DKA -----Diabetes Ketoacidosis
DKQ -----Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire
DVN -----Diabetesvereniging Nederland
DYF -----Diabetic Youth Foundation
DXR -----Diagnostic Reasoning
DAZ -----Dial A Zipcode
DSI -----Dial Services Interface
DTF -----Dial Tone First payphone [Telephony]
DTO -----Dial Tone Office
DUN -----Dial Up Networking
DBN -----Dial-Back Number
DDU -----Dialog Data Unit
DDV -----Dialog Data Validation
DUL -----Dial-Up Line
DBH -----Diamater Breast Height
DJQ -----Diamond Jo Quarry
DPH -----Diamond Pyramid Hardness
DQD -----Diamond Quality Do***ent
DQR -----Diamond Quality Report
DQJ -----Diamonds-Queen Jack
DZQ -----Diaziridinylbenzoquinone
DBT -----Di-Butyl Tin
DUY -----Dicamay Agta
DCZ -----Dichlorobenzene
DDT -----DichlororDiphenylTricholoethane (CCl3CH-(C6H4Cl)2)
DNB -----Dictionary of National Biography
DNF -----Did Not Finish
DGS -----Diego Garcia Station
DHG -----Die-Hard Gamer
DZL -----Diesel
DGB -----Diesel Generator Building
DHD -----Diesel Heavy Duty engine
DIF -----difference
DMR -----Differential Microwave Radiometer
DQE -----Differential Quantum Efficiency
DPV -----Differential-Pulse Voltammetry
DXS -----Diffuse X-ray Scattering
DDW -----Digestive Disease Week
DAB -----Digital Audio Broadcasting
DAP -----Digital Audio Processing
DAT -----Digital Audio Tape
DAV -----Digital Audio Video
DAW -----Digital Audio Workstation
DBC -----Digital Battlefield Communications
DXD -----Digital by Digital
DCC -----Digital Compact Cassette
DCT -----Digital Control Transformer
DXX -----Digital Cross Connect
DXC -----Digital Cross-Connect
DDD -----Digital Digital Digital (recording technique)
DDH -----Digital Distributed Hardware
DFX -----Digital Effects
DEE -----Digital Electronic Engine
DEO -----Digital End Office
DXP -----Digital Exchange Product
DFP -----Digital Free Press
DGT -----"Digital Gene Technologies, Inc."
DIL -----Digital Impairment Learning
DIU -----Digital Interface Unit
DJO -----Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
DKX -----Digital Key Exchange
DLN -----Digital Library Network
DLP -----Digital Light Processing
DLG -----Digital Line Graph
DLU -----Digital Line Unit
DMF -----Digital Matched Filter
DMI -----Digital Multiplexed Interface
DNU -----Digital Networking Unit
DOQ -----Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
DPY -----Digital Partners Youth
DPL -----Digital Power Line
DRX -----Digital Radio Receiver
DRH -----Digital Resources for the Humanities
DSX -----Digital Signal Cross-connect
DSP -----Digital Signal Processor
DSL -----Digital Subscriber Line
DTJ -----Digital Technical Journal
DTV -----Digital TeleVision
DTA -----Digital Tone Adapter
DUJ -----Digital Urology Journal
DVD -----Digital Versatile Disc
DVB -----Digital Video Broadcasting
DVC -----Digital Video Cassette

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ادامه حرف D

DVE -----Digital Video Effect
DVG -----Digital Video Graphic
DVI -----Digital Video Interactive
DVL -----Digital Video Link
DVS -----Digital Video Superimpose
DVX -----Digital Voice eXchange
DVK -----Digital Voice Keyer
DVH -----Digital Vortex Heater
DWO -----Digital Ware Osaka
DZC -----Digital Zoom Controller
DGX -----Digoxin
DHP -----Di-Heptyl Phthalate
DHZ -----Dihydrozebularine
DMS -----Di-methyl sulphide
DIM -----Diminuendo
DGQ -----Dimitri Gurevitch Quintette
DNT -----Di-NitroToluene
DLW -----Dinosaurs of the Lost World
DIW -----D-Inside Wire [AT&T]
DPT -----"Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (vaccine)"
DIP -----Diploma
DIC -----Diploma of Imperial College
DSW -----Dirac Scattered-Wave
DXU -----Direccion Xeral de Universidades
DBX -----Direct Branch eXchange
DBS -----Direct Broadcast Satellite
DCH -----Direct Containment Heating
DCX -----Direct Current eXperiment
DXA -----Direct Exchange Activity
DXG -----Direct Exchange-Geothermal
DGI -----Direct Gasoline Injection [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
DGA -----Direct Graphics Access
DKG -----Direct Kick Goal (soccer)
DMA -----Direct Memory Access
DME -----Direct Memory Execution
DOX -----Direct Operation eXchange
DPC -----Direct Program Control
DSB -----Direct Satellite Broadcasting
DTH -----Direct To Home
DZE -----Direct Zone Expansion
DIR -----Director
DGE -----Director General-Environment
DEH -----Director of Engineering and Housing
DIO -----Director of Industrial Operations
DNL -----Director of Naval Laboratories
DON -----Director of Nursing
DPP -----Director of Public Prosecutions
DRE -----Director of Religious Education
DJS -----"Director, Joint Staff"
DGH -----Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
DCP -----Directorate of Civilian Personnel
DGC -----Directors Guild of Canada
DDN -----Directory Distinguished Name
DHT -----Directory Hash Table
DUA -----Directory User Agent
DEN -----Directory-Enabled Networking
DVO -----Direct-View Optics
DRI -----Dirty Rotten Imbeciles [American Punk Band]
DIG -----Disabled Income Group
DRJ -----Disaster Recovery Journal
DOS -----Disc Operating System
DJM -----Disciples of Jesus and Mary
DYY -----Discipline Youth and You
DRQ -----Disengage Request
DFS -----Disk Filing System
DJX -----Disk Jockey Extreme
DUW -----Disk Usage for Windows
DFZ -----Dislocation Free Zone
DNZ -----Disney New Zealand
DSF -----Dispersion-Strengthened Ferritic
DRM -----Display Request Matrix
DPX -----Disposable Pipette eXtraction
DMQ -----Disquieting Muses Quarterly
DGP -----Dissimilar Gateway Protocol
DMW -----Dissimilar-Metal Weld
DXW -----Distance and Weight
DLD -----Distance Learning Directorate
DXV -----Distance Receiver Verification
DEW -----Distant Early Warning
DHN -----Distant Healing Network
DFC -----Distinguished Flying Cross
DFM -----Distinguished Flying Medal
DSC -----Distinguished Service Cross
DSO -----Distinguished Service Order
DVQ -----Distinguished Visitors Quarters
DWA -----Distorted Wave Approximation
DWE -----Distorted-Wave approximation with Exchange
DWX -----Distorted-Wave approximation with eXchange
DAJ -----Distributed Area Jamming
DCA -----Distributed Computing Architecture
DDX -----Distributed Data eXchange
DDP -----Distributed Data Processor
DGL -----Distributed Graphics Language
DOI -----Distributed Object Infrastructure
DQH -----Distributed Query Handler
DQS -----Distributed Queueing System
DQQ -----Distribution Quantity and Quality
DAE -----District Airport Engineer
DCJ -----District Chief Judge
DNV -----District of North Vancouver
DYD -----District Youth Director
DKN -----Distriktkommando Nord-Norges
DTQ -----Ditch The Queen
DTT -----Dithiothreitol
DBG -----Diversified Business Group
DAC -----Divide And Conquer
DTW -----Divide The World
DNN -----Diving Network Nippon
DIV -----Division
DBM -----Division Battle Model
DCS -----Division Combat Support
DHQ -----Division HeadQuarters
DIH -----Division of International Health
DUE -----Division of Undergraduate Education
DWQ -----Division of Water Quality
DOG -----Division Officer's Guide
DTZ -----Division Tactical Zone
DJF -----Divorced Jewish Female
DYB -----Dixie Youth Baseball
DOU -----Dixon Odom University
DYX -----Diyixian
DZY -----DiZzY
DJW -----Djawi
DJI -----Djibouti (262) ISO 3-letter country code
DYI -----Djimini Senoufo
DMC -----DJs Mixing Club
DNE -----Do Not Erase
DNK -----Do Not Know
DNO -----Do Not Open
DNP -----Do Not Print
DNQ -----Do Not Quote
DNR -----Do Not Resuscitate
DYK -----Do You Know
DYM -----Do You Mean ....
DYJ -----Do Yourself Justice
DYZ -----Dockyard Zone
DCL -----Doctor of Civil Law
DDS -----Doctor of Dental Surgery
LLD -----Doctor of Laws (legum doctor)
LJD -----Doctor of Letters of Journalism
DMD -----Doctor of Medical Dentistry
PHD -----Doctor of Philosophy
DPM -----Doctor of Podiatic Medicine
SCD -----Doctor of Science
CHD -----Doctor of Surgery (Latn: Chirugiae Doctor)
DVM -----Doctor of Vetinary Medicine
VMD -----Doctor of Vetinary Medicine
DBQ -----Do***ent Based Question
DDC -----Do***ent Design Center
DHE -----Do***ent Handling Equipment
DLS -----Do***ent Library Services
DRR -----Do***ent Release Record
DNI -----Do***ento Nacional de Identidad (ID)
DBA -----Doing Business As
DIY -----Do-It-Yourself
DSR -----Dolby Sound Reduction
DOL -----Dollar
ZWD -----Dollar (Zimbabwe) (ISO currency code)
DMO -----Domain Management Organization
DNH -----Domain Name Handbook
DNS -----Domain Name Server
DAO -----Dominion Astronomical Observatory
DAA -----Dominion Automobile Association
DXL -----Domino XML Language
DLJ -----"Donaldson, Lufkin, Jenrette [securities firm]"
DYU -----DongYang University
DKY -----Donkey
DFB -----Don't Fight Back
DKM -----Don't Kid Me
DNJ -----Don't kNow Jack
DKW -----Don't Know Why
DMM -----Don't Mock Me
DMN -----Don't Move Now
DRY -----Don't Repeat Yourself (chat rooms)
DTM -----Don't Time Me
DWH -----Don't Walk Here
DWU -----Don't Want yoU
DOP -----Doppelganger
DGV -----Doppler Global Velocimetry
DZU -----Dorfzentrum Unterloisdorf
DLR -----DOS LAN Requester
DJA -----Dotation aux Jeunes Agriculteurs
DLQ -----Dot-matrix Letter Quality
DPI -----Dots Per Inch
DRV -----Douay-Rheims Version (of the Bible)
DDY -----Double DutY
DLK -----Double Lined Kraft
DPF -----Double Point Failure
DZD -----Double Zeta Diffuse
DZP -----Double Zeta Polarization
DDB -----Double-Declining Balance
DSD -----Double-Sided Disc
DSA -----Doughnut Sufferers Anonymous
DYH -----Dover Youth Hockey
DJN -----Dow Jones Newswires
DJT -----Dow Jones Transportation (stock index)
DJU -----Dow Jones Utilities (stock index)
VXZ -----Dowling College Library
DWN -----DoWN
DUZ -----Down Under Zone
DUR -----Down Unloaded Restricted
DYW -----Downingtown Young Whippets
DTU -----Download The Universe
DSK -----DownStream Keyer
DSQ -----DownStream Quartz
DVV -----Downward Vertical Velocity
DOZ -----Dozen
DZB -----DoZy Bugger
DDJ -----Dr. Dobbs Journal
DHJ -----Draft Horse Journal
DJP -----Dragon Jump Pack
DBZ -----DragonBall Z (Japanese anime)
DFK -----Drammen Flyklubb
DWG -----Drawing
DXE -----Drawing Exchange Engine
DXF -----Drawing Exchange Format
DWD -----DrawWorks Designer (software package)
DCY -----Dream Catcher Yachts
DTC -----Dream Theatre Content
DGJ -----Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects
DPB -----Drive Parameter Block
DDK -----Driver Development Kit
DRA -----Driver's Right Away
DUI -----Driving Under the Influence
DWB -----Driving While Blond
DWI -----Driving While Intoxicated
DWY -----Driving While Yakking
DKU -----Drop Kick Ugly
DLZ -----Drop Landing Zone
DEA -----Drug Enforcement Agency
DNW -----Drug Network
DFY -----Drug-Free Youth
DCI -----Drum Corps International
DBR -----Dual Band Radar
DDA -----Dual Digital Audio
DMX -----Dual Motorway eXtension
DPA -----Dual Phone Adapter
DPN -----Dual Processing Node
DQG -----Dubai Quality Group
DCU -----Dublin City University
DFF -----Dublin Film Festival
DGG -----Dublin Games Guild
DIT -----Dublin Institute of Technology
DUO -----Dublin Transportation Office
DHM -----Duct Hardfacing Material
KWS -----duff defunct British pop band
DOE -----Duke Of Edinburgh's award scheme
DUU -----Duke University Union
DHX -----Dump Heat eXchanger
DVF -----Dump Viewing Facility
DMG -----Dungeon Master's Guide
DHO -----Dunster Home Opera
DZI -----Duo-Zone International
DUQ -----Duquesne
DQZ -----Duquesne Light Company
DLV -----Duraguard Laminated Velvet
KLM -----Dutch national airline
DQB -----Dutch QSL Bureau
DRC -----Dutch Reformed Church
DYG -----Dutch Young Generation
DTY -----DuTY
DCM -----Duty Committee Member
DSH -----Dye-Sensitized Heterojunction
DYQ -----Dyna Glass
DKR -----Dynamic Knowledge Repository
DLL -----Dynamic Link Library
DLC -----Dynamic Load Control
DMK -----Dynamic Management Kit
DYV -----Dynamic Vector
DVP -----Dynamic Virus Protection
DZS -----Dynamobau Zeichen Saal
DYN -----Dyne (look it up!)
DUG -----Dynix Users Group
DJY -----Dynojet Yamaha
DZO -----Dzongkha

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EAE -----Each And Every
ENT -----Ear Nose & Throat
EKL -----Earl K. Long Medical Center
EAD -----Earliest Arrival Date
EID -----Earliest Induction Date
ERY -----Early
EEP -----Early Experience Program
EFE -----Early Fuel Evaporation [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EIT -----Early Interface Test (NIMA)
EIP -----Early Intervention Project
ELH -----Early Life History
EMB -----Early Morning Boner
EPT -----Early Pregnancy Test
ERX -----Early Registration Transfer
EUE -----Early User Evaluation
EUT -----Early User Test
EWB -----Early Warning Broadcast
EWL -----Early Warning Line
EWN -----Early Warning Net
EWR -----Early Warning Radar
EYS -----Early Years of Schooling
EYU -----Early Year's Unit
EGR -----Earned Growth Rate
ERA -----Earned Run Average (baseball)
EVF -----Earned Value Function
EVV -----Earned Value Verfahren
ERS -----Earnings-Related Supplement
EAS -----Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
EXI -----Earth Experience International
ESV -----Earth Satellite Vehicle
EQK -----Earthquake
ECV -----"Earthquake Controller, Vertical"
EHZ -----Earthquake HaZard
EQW -----Earthquake Warning
EPY -----Easeful Peaceful Yoga
EAJ -----East Africa Journal
EAP -----East Africa Protectorate
EAC -----East African Community
EBN -----East By North
EBS -----East By South
ECQ -----East Circular Quay
EEH -----East End Hospice
EJR -----East Jersey Railroad
EKR -----"East Kootenay Realty, Ltd."
ELD -----East Longitude Date
ELY -----East Lothian Yeomanry
EME -----East Midlands Electricity
ENE -----East North-East
ESE -----East South-East
ETW -----East to West
YUY -----East Yugur
EZT -----East Zorra-Tavistock
ECF -----Eastern Canadian Federation
EDT -----Eastern Daylight Time (US)
EET -----Eastern European Time
EKY -----Eastern Kentucky
EKN -----Eastern Kentucky Network
EKU -----Eastern Kentucky University
EST -----Eastern Standard Time (US)
ETP -----Eastern Tropical Pacific
EKC -----Eastman Kodak Company
VQJ -----Eastman Kodak Company Engineering Library
VQK -----Eastman Kodak Company Health and Safety Library
EWW -----East-West Winds
EZY -----Easy
EZQ -----Easy Cue
EZX -----Easy Exchange
EZJ -----'easy' Job
EQA -----Easy Questions and Answers
EPC -----Easy-Processing Channel
EBL -----Eat Before Lunchtime
EMC -----Eat My Crap
EYV -----Eat Your Vegetables
EIK -----Eat-In Kitchen (when describing an apartment)
EIG -----Eating Is Good
EZM -----Eccentrity Zero Molding
EPL -----Echo Path Loss
DXK -----Echocardiograph
EVX -----Eclipse Voice Exchange
EMN -----Ecole des Mines de Nantes
EGH -----Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae
ELQ -----Ecology Law Quarterly
ECE -----Economic Commission for Europe
EDC -----Economic Development Committee
EOV -----Economic Order Van
EPQ -----Economic Production Quantity
ERC -----Economic Research Council
EIU -----Economist Intelligence Unit
ENI -----E***enical News International
EGG -----"Edgerton, Gemerhausen, And Grier"
EWA -----Edgewood Arsenal
EHS -----Edgewood High School
EAA -----Edinburgh Architechtural Association
QOZ -----Edison Township (New Jersey) Public Library
EDY -----Edit Data Yourself
EDN -----edition
EJX -----Editor Jboss XML
EYO -----Edmonson Youth Outreach
EHG -----Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
EDU -----education
EED -----Education and Evaluation Division
EDS -----Education Specialist
ESG -----Education Support Grant
EYL -----"Education, Youth and Leisure"
EIS -----Educational Institute of Scotland
EMG -----Educational Management Group
ESW -----Educational Statistics Workshop
ETN -----Educational Telephone Network
ETV -----Educational TeleVision
EWO -----Educational Welfare Officer
ESN -----Educationally Sub-Normal
EDW -----Edward
ERI -----Edwardus Rex et Imperator (Latin: Edward King and Emperor)
EKA -----Eesti Kunstiakadeemia
EBD -----Effective Bill Date
EDE -----Effective Dose Equivalent (of radiation)
EFP -----Effective Fragment Potential Method
EVB -----Effective Valence Bond
EZB -----Effective Zone Boundary
EFX -----Effects
FXP -----effects (FX) Pedal (guitars etc)
FXR -----effects (FX) Return
FXX -----Effects Extreme
EVP -----EGR Valve Position (sensor) [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EGY -----Egypt
EEF -----Egyptian Expeditionary Force
EXG -----Eiffel X Graphics
EKQ -----Eigenkapitalquote
EBK -----Einstein-Brillouin-Keller
EKB -----Einstein-Brillouin-Keller [Quantization Method]
EWZ -----EinWandererZentralstelle
EFZ -----Eisenbahnfreunde Zollernbahn
EZV -----Eisenbahnzustaendigkeitsverordnung
EWK -----Eisenwerke Kaiserlauten
ECZ -----Eislauf-Club Zuerich
EOR -----Either
EYN -----Ekklesiyar Yan'uwa a Nigeria
OXG -----Elaeis Oleifera and Elaeis Guineensis
EAF -----Electric Arc Furnace
EFG -----Electric Field Gradient
EFV -----Electric Field Variant
EGQ -----Electric Guitar Quartet
EHH -----Electric HandHold
ELO -----Electric Light Orchestra
EPF -----Electric Penetration Feedthrough
EVW -----Electric Volkwagen
EWC -----Electric Water Cooler
EAW -----Electrical Association for Women
ELS -----Electrical Load Schedule
ERG -----Electrical Resistance Gauge
ESB -----Electrical Stimulation of the Brain
ETU -----Electrical Trades Union
EEE -----"Electrical, Electronic, Electromechanical"
ECG -----ElectroCardioGram
EKG -----electrocardiogram
EIX -----Electrochemical Ion Exchange
EVD -----Electrochemical Vapor Deposition
ECT -----ElectroConvulsive Therapy
EEJ -----Electroejaculation
EEG -----ElectroEncephaloGram
EGW -----Electro-Gas Welding
EHB -----Electro-Hydraulic Brake [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EHD -----Electro-HydroDynamic
EKP -----Electrokinetic Phenomena
EMF -----ElectroMagnetic Frequency
EMD -----Electromagnetic Manufacturing Development
EMP -----ElectroMagnetic Pulse
EMR -----ElectroMagnetic Radiation
EMW -----Electro-Magnetic Wave
EMI -----Electro-Musical Industries
EBR -----Electron Beam Recording
EBW -----Electron Beam Welder
ECH -----Electron Cyclotron Heating
EIF -----Electron Impact Fluorescence
EIH -----Electron Ion Hybrid
END -----Electron Nuclear Dynamics
EPR -----Electron Paramagnetic Response
EQY -----Electron Quantum Yield
ESR -----Electron Spin Resonance
EAX -----Electronic Automatic eXchange
EBF -----Electronic Beam Fusion
EBX -----Electronic Book Exchange
EBB -----Electronic Bulletin Board
ECR -----Electronic Cash Register
ECN -----Electronic Components News [periodical]
ECM -----Electronic Counter-Measures
EDH -----Electronic Data Handling
EDI -----Electronic Data Interchange
EDP -----Electronic Data Processing
EDR -----Electronic Dictionary Research
EDL -----Electronic Discharge Laser
EEN -----Electronic Engineering News [periodical]
EXV -----Electronic Expansion Valve
EFM -----Electronic Fetal Monitor
EFF -----Electronic Font Foundry
EFN -----Electronic Frontier Norway
EFJ -----Electronic Frontiers Japan
EFI -----Electronic Fuel Injection (of car engines)
EFT -----Electronic Funds Transfer
EGJ -----Electronic Green Journal
EHX -----Electronic House Expo
EHR -----Electronic Human Resource
EIM -----Electronic Image Management
EJC -----Electronic Journal of Communication
EJO -----Electronic Journal of Oncology
EJP -----Electronic Journal of Probability
EKI -----Electronic Knowledge Interchange
ELJ -----Electronic Law Journal
ELA -----Electronic Learning Aid
ELX -----Electronic Learning Exchange
ENG -----Electronic News Gathering
ENP -----Electronic News Processing
EPX -----Electronic Payment Exchange
EPB -----Electronic Preparation of the Battlefield
ERO -----Electronic Return Originator
ETM -----Electronic Technical Manual
ETJ -----Electronic Training Jacket
ETF -----Electronic Transfer of Funds
EVO -----Electronic Vehicle Orifice [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EVS -----Electronic Voice Switching
EVR -----Electronic Voltage Regulator
EWD -----Electronic Warfare Director
EWE -----Electronic Warfare Element
EWM -----Electronic Warfare Monitoring
EWS -----Electronic Warfare System
EWT -----Electronic Warfare Technology
ETO -----Electronics Technology Office
EPM -----Electron-Probe Microanalysis
EOG -----ElectroOculoGram
ERF -----Electrorheological Fluid
ESD -----ElectroStatic Discharge
EQQ -----Electrostatic Quadrupole-Quadrupole
ESU -----ElectroStatic Unit
ETL -----ElecTrotechnical Laboratory
EUF -----Electro-UltraFiltration
ESZ -----Elektrische Strassenbahn Zuerich
EKS -----Elektrizitaetswerk des Kantons Schaffhausen
EKZ -----Elektrizittswerken des Kantons Zrich
EMV -----Elektro-Magnetische Vertrglichkeit
EVK -----Elektronik von Kerschhaggl
EZI -----Elektronische Zahlungssysteme im Internet
EZD -----Elektronischen Zolldokumentation
EZU -----Elektrotechnicky Zkusebni Ustav
EYQ -----Element Youth Quarterly
ENU -----Elementary Neutralization Unit
LLY -----Eli Lilly and Company
EAG -----ELINT Advisory Group
EDQ -----Elite Du Quebec
EGV -----Elk Grove Village
EHK -----Elterninitiative HIV-betroffener Kinder
EOC -----E-mail Of Comment
ECK -----Embedded Component Kit
EDK -----Embedded Development Kit
ETK -----Embedded Toolkit
EZW -----Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet
EMY -----Emergency
EAL -----Emergency Action Level
EAM -----Emergency Action Message
EAO -----Emergency Actions Officer
EEW -----Emergency Equipment Wing
EEV -----Emergency Escape Vehicle
EFW -----Emergency FeedWater
EMH -----Emergency Medical Hologram (from Star Trek)
EMJ -----Emergency Medical Journal
EMT -----Emergency Medical Technician
ENW -----Emergency Nursing World
EOH -----Emergency Operation Headquarters
EOO -----Emergency Operations Officer
EPZ -----Emergency Planning Zone
EPK -----Emergency Product Kit
ERU -----Emergency Rescue Utility
ERD -----Emergency Reserve Decoration
ERN -----Emergency Response Notification
ERH -----Emergency Ride Home
ESI -----Emergency Services Interface
ETG -----Emerging Technologies Group
EVN -----Emerging Venture Network
ELP -----Emerson Lake & Palmer (70s band)
EPG -----Eminent Persons Group
EDZ -----Emission Density Zoning
EKJ -----"Emmett Kelly, Junior (circus)"
EJL -----Emotional Journey Line
EQJ -----Emotional Quotient Japan
EKM -----Empirical Kinetic Model
EWP -----Employee Wellness Program
EVH -----Employers in Voluntary Housing
EIV -----Employment Innovations Victoria (Australia)
ELB -----Employment Law Brief
ELM -----Emulsion Liquid Membrane
ENR -----En Route
EPS -----Encapsulated PostScript
EDJ -----Enchanted Dreams Jewelry
ENC -----enclosed
ENJ -----Encyclopedia of New Jersey
EYD -----Encyclopedia of Yacht Designers
EFR -----End Function Review
EIQ -----End Item Quantity
EOB -----End Of Block
EOE -----End Of Everything
EOF -----End Of File
EOI -----End Of Interrupt
EOJ -----End Of Job
EOL -----End Of Line
EOM -----End Of Message
EON -----End Of Number
EOP -----End Of Process
EOQ -----End Of Quarter
EOT -----End Of Tape
ETX -----End of TeXt
EOW -----End Of Week
EOY -----End Of Year [often used in financial reports]
EOZ -----End Of Zone
ESH -----End System Hello
EUQ -----End Unit Qualification
EUC -----End User Computer
EUU -----End User Update
EUM -----End Users Manual
EIR -----Endangerment Information Report
EDV -----End-Diastolic Volume
EUP -----End-User *****
EUS -----End-User Support
EPW -----Enemy Prisoner of War
EUK -----Energiesparen und Klima
EUB -----Energy and Utilities Board
EUN -----Energy User News
EDX -----Energy-Dispersive X-ray (Spectroscopy)
EER -----Energy-Efficiency Ratio
EZF -----Engaged Zen Foundation
EFH -----Engine Flight Hours
ELE -----Engine Life Expectancy
EOK -----Engine Overhaul Kit
EQT -----Engine Qualification Test
EIC -----Engineer In Chief
ETE -----Engineer Test Equipment
ECJ -----Engineering Change Journal
EFD -----Engineering Flow Diagram
EIA -----Engineering Industries Association
EQF -----Engineering Quality Forum
ERB -----Engineering Review Board
EWH -----Engineering World Health
ENZ -----Engineers of New Zealand
EFL -----English as a Foreign Language
ESL -----English as a Second Language
EBC -----English Benedictine Congregation
EBH -----English Boot House
EDD -----English Dialect Dictionary
EGU -----English Golf Union
EHL -----English Hockey League
ELL -----English Language Laboratory
ELT -----English Language Teaching
ELU -----English Language Unit
ENB -----English National Ballet
ENO -----English National Opera
ZHC -----English Nederlands Zaanse Hockey Club
ERV -----English Revised Version (of the bible)
EYR -----Enhance Your Romance
EFS -----Enhanced Filing System
EGA -----Enhanced Graphics Adapter
EGP -----Enhanced Graphics Processor
EGS -----Enhanced Graphics System
EGE -----Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
EIW -----Enhanced Imagery Workstation
EIO -----Enhanced Input

09-23-2010, 03:11 PM
ادامه حرف E

EJS -----Enhanced JTIDS System
EPE -----Enhanced Privacy and Encryption
EQI -----Enhanced Quality Inspection
ERW -----Enhanced Radiation Weapon
ETB -----Enhanced Technology Base
EVC -----Enhanced Video Connector
EYT -----Enjoy Yourself Tonight
ENL -----enlarge(d)
ENQ -----ENQuiry
EXO -----Enriched Xenon Observatory
ENM -----Enrolled Nurse (Mental)
ENS -----ensemble
EFK -----Enskede Frisbee Klubb
EAB -----Enterprise Access Builder
EAI -----Enterprise Application Integration
EBA -----Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
EJB -----Enterprise JavaBeans
EMX -----Enterprise Messaging eXchange
ERQ -----Enterprise Resource Query
EXA -----Enterprise X Architecture
EZC -----Enterprise Zone tax Credit
ENY -----Entomology
EJQ -----Entraide Jeunesse Quebec
EKV -----Entwicklung Konstruktion Vertrieb
ENV -----envelope
EFB -----Environment and Food Bureau
EYI -----Environment Youth Internship
EMO -----Environmental and Monitoring Office
EAR -----Environmental Aspects Report
EEK -----Environmental Education for Kids
EEU -----Environmental Engineering Unit
EGI -----Environmental Graphical Information
EHA -----Environmental Health Agency
EHC -----Environmental Health Committee
EHJ -----Environmental Health Journal
EHN -----Environmental Health Network
EHO -----Environmental Health Officer
EII -----Environmental Investigations Instruction
EJG -----Environmental Justice Group
ELI -----Environmental Law Institute
ELC -----Environmental Literacy Council
ELZ -----Environmental Living Zone
ENN -----Environmental News Network
EPA -----Environmental Protection Agency (US)
EQB -----Environmental Quality Board
EQD -----Environmental Quality Division
EQM -----Environmental Quality Modeling
EQO -----Environmental Quality Objective
EQS -----Environmental Quality Standard
ERE -----Environmental Restoration Engineering
EUL -----Environmental Unit Leader
EVM -----Environmental Vapor Monitor
EWG -----Environmental Working Group
EYA -----Environmental Youth Alliance
ESA -----Environmentally Sensitive Area
EPH -----Ephesians (new testament)
UXX -----Epic Unreal Tournament 2003 Cache file
EYE -----Epics-General
EYZ -----Epics-Other
EGF -----Epidermal Growth Factor
EYG -----Episcopal Youth Group
EEQ -----Epistula Electronica Quercopolitana
EZP -----Epoxy Zinc Phosphate
EEL -----Epsilon Extension Language
EBV -----Epstein-Barr Virus
EQU -----EQUal
EEO -----Equal Employment Opportunity
EJF -----Equal Justice Foundation
EJI -----Equal Justice Initiative
EAV -----Equalized Assessed Valuation
KEQ -----EQualized Temperature in Degrees Kelvin
EQN -----equation
GNQ -----Equatorial Guinea (226) ISO 3-letter country code
EQZ -----Equiaxed Zone
EIE -----Equilibrium Isotope Effect
EVJ -----Equine Veterinary Journal
EQX -----Equinox
EQP -----equipment
ECO -----Equipment Change Order
EDA -----Equipment Decontamination Area
EMM -----Equipment Maintenance Mission
ENF -----Equipment Not-operationally-ready to Fire
EPN -----Equipment Piece Number
EQL -----Equipment Qualification List
EQR -----Equipment Qualification Record
EQV -----equivalent
EBO -----Equivalent Bond Orbital
EFO -----Equivalent Field Office
EQE -----Equivalent Quantum Efficiency
EQH -----Equivalent Quarter Hour
EZN -----Erfinderzentrum Norddeutschland
EKX -----Ergatikoy Kentroy Xalkidikhs
EIJ -----Eritrean Islamic Jihad
ERR -----Error
EHP -----Error Handling Package
ERL -----Error Reference Line
EUZ -----Erwerbsunfaehigkeits-Zusatzversicherung
EZG -----Erzeugergemeinschaft
EZZ -----Erzeugerzusammenschluesse
EZH -----Erzherzog
ESC -----escape key
EGN -----Escola de Guerra Naval
ESJ -----Escort Support Jammer
EES -----Escrowed Encryption Standard
ESK -----ESKimo
EOA -----Esophageal Obturator Airway
EFY -----Especially For Youth
EIL -----Esprit International Limited
ESQ -----Esquire
ESS -----Es***
EZL -----Estazolam
ECD -----Estimated Completion Date
ETA -----Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD -----Estimated Time of Departure
ETI -----Estimated Time of Interception
ETR -----Estimated Time of Return
EWY -----Estimated Work Years
EBG -----Estonian Beer Guide
ETC -----ET Cetera
HKN -----Eta Kappa Nu
EGX -----Ethernet Gateway
EEY -----Ethics of European Youth
ETH -----Ethiopia(n)
ENH -----Ethiopian News Headlines
KXQ -----Ethyl Alcohol
EOS -----Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
ETY -----Etymology
ENK -----Eukephalin
ECP -----Euro-Commercial Paper
EYK -----Euroopan Ympaeristoekeskuksen
EZK -----Europaeische Zentrum fuer Kriminalpraevention
EIZ -----Europaeischen Informations-Zentrum
EYJ -----Europaeischen Jugendforums
EGK -----Europaeisches Graduierten Kolleg
EMZ -----Europaeisches Migrationszentrum
EVZ -----Europaeisches Verbraucherzentrum
EZA -----Europaeisches Zentrum fuer Arbeitsnehmerfragen
EMK -----Europaministerkonferenz
EUR -----Europe(an)
EAN -----European Academic Network
EAY -----European Alliance of YMCAs
EBJ -----European Biophysics Journal
EBU -----European Broadcasting Union
ECB -----European Chemicals Bureau
ECS -----European Communications Satellite
ECA -----European Confederation of Agriculture
ECX -----European Cultural Exchange
ECU -----European Currency Unit
EDG -----European Democratic Group
EDF -----European Development Fund
EEC -----European Economic Community
EEX -----European Energy Exchange
EEB -----European Environmental Bureau
EFA -----European Fighter Aircraft
EGL -----European Gemological Laboratory
EHI -----European Helicopter Industries
EUH -----European History
EHU -----European Humanities University
EIB -----European Investment Bank
EJD -----European Journal of Dermatology
EJE -----European Journal of Endocrinology
EJM -----European Journal of Mineralogy
EJN -----European Journal of Neuroscience
EJU -----European Journal of Ultrasound
EJA -----European Juggling Association
EKO -----European Karate Organisation
ELG -----European Liaison Group
EMA -----European Monetary Agreement
EMS -----European Monetary System
EMU -----European Monetary Union
ENX -----European Network Exchange
EOU -----European Ornithologists Union
EPO -----European Patent Offic
EPU -----European Payments Union
EPP -----European People's Party
EPJ -----European Physical Journal
ERP -----European Recovery Programme
EUX -----European Recyclers Exchange
ERJ -----European Respiratory Journal
ESF -----European Science Foundation
ESO -----European Southern Observatory
EUD -----European Union of Dentists
EUG -----European Union of Geosciences
EUW -----European Union of Women
EUY -----European Union of Yoga
EUA -----European Unit of Account
EUI -----European University Institute
EVE -----European Videoconferencing Equipment
EVU -----European Virtual University
EWF -----European Wrestling Federation
EYB -----European Yacht Brokerage
EYF -----European Yoga Fellowship
EYP -----European Youth Parliament
EWU -----Europische WhrungsUnion [European Currency Union]
EJZ -----Europisches Jugend Zentrum in Kreta
ESX -----Euro-Sport Experimental
EKE -----Euskal Kultur Erakundea
EVI -----EVacuate Immediately
EVL -----Evaluation
EQG -----Evaluation Qualification Guideline
ELW -----Evangelical Lutheran Women
EMQ -----Evangelical Missions Quarterly
EUJ -----Evangelisation und Juengerschaft
EKK -----Evangelisch Katholischer Kommentar
EKD -----Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
EKH -----Evangelische Krankenhaus-Hilfe
EZE -----Evangelische Zentralstelle fuer Entwicklungshilfe
EJH -----Evangelischen Jugend Hamburg
EJW -----Evangelisches Jugendwerk
EJK -----Evangelisches und Johanniter Klinikum
EVG -----Evangelist
EHY -----"Evans, Hardy, Young Marketing and Advertising Agency"
EFC -----Everton Football Club
EBT -----Every Bloody Time
ECC -----Every Cent Counts
EGB -----Every Good Boy
EOD -----Every Other Day
EFQ -----Everyday Functioning Questionnaire
EYW -----Everything You Want
EYY -----Evini Yapana Yardim
EHW -----Evolvable HardWare
EGD -----Evolved Gas Detection
EXN -----ex new (of shares)
EXM -----EXaMination
EUO -----Examination Under Oath
EYM -----Examine Your Material
EXD -----examined
EXX -----examples
XAX -----eXcellence Above eXpectation
EIY -----Excellence In Youth
ETQ -----Excellence Through Quality
EAH -----Excellence to Affordable Housing
EXC -----excellent
XAM -----Exceptional Asian Market
ECY -----Exceptional Children and Youth
EHE -----Exceptional Human Experience
ELR -----Exceptional Leave to Remain (to UK asylum seekers)
EWQ -----Exceptionally Well Qualified
ERT -----Excess Retention Tax
EXZ -----EXcessive Zeros
XAW -----eXchange and Warranty
ERM -----Exchange Rate Mechanism
EXJ -----Exchange rate-Japanese yen
EPD -----Excluded from Public Domain
EPV -----Exclusion-Principle Violating
EEZ -----Exclusive Economic Zone
EFU -----Exclusive Farm Use
EXR -----EXclusive Rights
EXE -----executable file
ETS -----Executable Test Suite
ECL -----Execution Control List
EXU -----Execution Unit
EBY -----Executive Board of Youth
EBQ -----Executive Bonus Qualified
EKW -----Executive Knowledge Works
EXL -----Executive Lounge
EXB -----Exercise Biology
EBP -----Exhaust Back Pressure [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EGO -----Exhaust Gas Oxygen
EGT -----Exhaust Gas Temperature
EXH -----exhibit
EGZ -----Existenzgruenderzentrum
EXK -----Exkursion
EML -----Expanded Mark-up Language
EXQ -----EXpanded Quota
EYH -----Expanding Your Horizons
EJY -----Expansion Joint Yield
EVT -----Expect Vector To ....
EYX -----Expected-value of dependent Y given independent X
ELV -----Expendable Launch Vehicle
EXS -----expenses
EVY -----Experience Verus Youth
WKX -----Experience Works
XAT -----Experimental Advanced Trainer
XAO -----Experimental Airplane-Observation
XAD -----Experimental Attack Divebomber
XAJ -----Experimental Attack North American Aviation
XBG -----Experimental Bomber-Great Lakes
EIN -----Experimental Integrated Network
EWJ -----Expert Witness Journal
EXY -----Expiry
EWV -----Explore West Virginia
EWI -----Explosive Waste Incinerator
EXP -----exponential
ESM -----Exponential-Series Method
EBZ -----Export Board of Zambia
XBE -----Express Business Effectiveness
EYC -----Express Yourself Clearly
EBM -----Expressed Breast Milk
EAQ -----Extended Average Quality
XBI -----Extended Basic Input
XBM -----eXtended Basic Mode
ECW -----Extended Cold Weather
ECI -----Extended Compressor at Idle [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
EEA -----Extended Euclidian Algorithm
EHQ -----Extended HeadQuarters
EHM -----Extended Hubbard Model
EJT -----Extended Joint Test
EJJ -----Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction
EKF -----Extended Kalman Filter
EKT -----Extended Koopmans Theorem
ENA -----Extended Network Addressing
ERZ -----Extended Reconnaissance Zone
ESY -----Extended School Year
XAF -----Extensible Application Framework
XBF -----Extensible Binary Format
XBL -----Extension Bell
ELK -----Extension Language Kit
EBI -----Extensive Background Information
EXT -----Exterior
EEI -----External Environment Interface
EEM -----External Expansion Module (Sun)
EXF -----EXternal Fire
EJV -----External Jugular Vein
EQC -----External Quality Control
EWX -----External Works
XBA -----eXtra Bases Advanced
XBH -----eXtra-Base Hit
ERK -----Extracellular-signal-Regulated Protein Kinase
EOX -----Extractable Organic Halide
EZO -----Extraction Zone Officer
EHT -----Extra-High Tension
EHV -----Extra-High Voltage
EGM -----Extraordinary General Meeting
ETZ -----Extrapolation-To-Zero
ESP -----Extra-Sensory Perception
EBE -----Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
ETT -----Extra-Terrestrial Toilet
EVA -----Extra-Vehicular Activity
XAA -----eXtreme Activity Addict
EUV -----Extreme Ultra-Violet
EVQ -----Extreme Value Query
EHF -----Extremely High Frequency
ELF -----Extremely Low Frequency
ELN -----Extremely Low Noise
EGC -----Extrememly Gruntled Customer
EXW -----Ex-Works
EPI -----Eysenck Personality Test
EZR -----Ezra (bible)

09-23-2010, 03:12 PM

FTW -----F*** The World
FNP -----F***ing Noisy Prat
FTJ -----Face The Jury
FHZ -----Fachhochschule Zentralschweiz
FGK -----Fachinstitut Gebaeude-Klima
ZKF -----Fachverband der Karosseriebauer und Fahrzeugbauer
FKI -----Fachverband Klebstoffindustrie
FVK -----Fachvereinigung Kaltwalzwerke
FMT -----Facilities Maintenance Team
FSR -----Facilities Support Requirement
FDL -----Facility Data Link
FEP -----Facility Excellence Program
FIP -----Facility Interface Processor
FLE -----Facility Life Extension
FMP -----Facility Management Plan
FPF -----Facility Parameter Field
FRJ -----Facility ReJect message
FSO -----Facility Security Officer
FSE -----Facility Systems Engineer
FUP -----Facility Utilization Plan
FVV -----Facility Verification Vehicle
FCF -----Facsimile Control Field
FES -----Factor Evaluation System
FJR -----Factories Journal Reports
FCE -----Factory Checkout Equipment
FVJ -----Faculdade Vale de Jaguaribe
FCQ -----Faculty Course Questionnaire
FDW -----Faculty Development Workshop
FWE -----Faddeev-Watson Expansion
FPI -----Fade Prior to Intercept
FHT -----fahrenheit (measure of temperature)
FOA -----Failed On Arrival
FVN -----Failed Vector Number
FEQ -----Failure Equation
FFW -----Failure Free Warranty
FTT -----Failure To Train
FPY -----Failures Per Year
FAP -----Fair Access Policy
FWT -----Fair Wear and Tear
FFX -----FairFaX (County)
FJY -----Fairfield Jewish Youth
FYG -----Faith Youth Group
FNP -----Fake News Papers
FQW -----Fake Quote of the Week
FLG -----Falling
FCG -----False Cross or Ground
QYF -----Familia Quan Yin
FJN -----Familial Juvenile Nephrophthises
FMF -----Familial Mediterranean Fever
FJT -----Familiarization Job Training
FHX -----Family History
FHB -----Family Hold Back (when guests are sharing a meal)
FHE -----Family Home Evening
FLM -----Family Law Master
FPA -----Family Planning Association
FPC -----Family Proceedings Court
FQN -----"Family Quarters, Navy"
FSG -----Family Support Group
FVO -----Family Violence Option
FPR -----Fan Pressure Ratio
FAN -----Fanatic
FZN -----Fanfarenzug Niedersachsen
FZO -----Fanfarenzug Oberrut
FAY -----Fantastic Adventures Yearbook
FEV -----Far End Voice
FUV -----Far Ultra-Violet
FUX -----Far Ultraviolet Xerox
FJF -----Farmworker Justice Fund
FGI -----Fashion Group International
FKG -----Fashion Ka Ghar
FUK -----Fashion United Kingdom
FAF -----Fast And Frantic
FBB -----Fast Break-Bulk (Ship)
FBR -----Fast Breeder Reactor
FDP -----Fast Digital Processor
FFT -----Fast Fourier Transform
FFH -----Fast Frequency Hopping
FFG -----Fast FriGate [type of US Naval vessel]
FIB -----Fast Information Block
FKF -----Fast Kalman Filter
FMW -----Fast Magnetosonic Wave
FNA -----Fast Neutron Analysis
FRV -----Fast Reaction Vehicle
FZC -----Fast Zip Cracker
FTL -----Faster Than Light
FBS -----Fasting Blood Sugar
FMV -----Fast-Moving Vehicles
FCD -----Fast-track Committee Draft
FBQ -----Fat Bastard Quotient
FIL -----Father In Law
FDI -----Fault Detection and Isolation
FDV -----Fault Detection Verification
FLF -----Fault Location Facility
FLP -----Fault Location Panel
FLU -----Fault Location Unit
FAV -----Favourite
FIU -----FDDI Interface Unit
FGA -----Feature Group A
FGB -----Feature Group B
FGC -----Feature Group C
FGD -----Feature Group D
FME -----Feature Manipulation Engine
FEB -----February
FGX -----Federacao Gaucha de Xadrez
FVG -----Federacion Venezolana de Golf
FED -----Federal
FAI -----Federal Acquisition Institute
FAA -----Federal Aviation Administration
FBI -----Federal Bureau of Investigations
FCC -----Federal Communications Commission
FCW -----Federal Computer Week (periodical)
FEC -----Federal Election Commission
FEE -----Federal Environmental Executive
FFY -----Federal Fiscal Year
FHL -----Federal Home Loan Bank
FIX -----Federal Information eXchange
FIS -----Federal Information System
FIT -----"Federal Information Technologies, inc. "
FII -----Federal Item Identification
FJO -----Federal Job Offer
FNC -----Federal Networking Council
FPN -----Federal Part Number
FPQ -----Federal Plant Quarantine
FRM -----Federal Reference Method
FRA -----Federal Register Act
FRG -----Federal Republic of Germany
FRK -----Federal Reserve-Kansas City
FSB -----Federal Savings Bank
FSC -----Federal Stock Class
FSI -----Federal Stock Item
FSN -----Federal Stock Number
FTC -----Federal Trade Commission (US)
FUT -----Federal Unemployment Tax
FWS -----Federal Wage System
FEW -----Federally Employed Women
FNS -----Federated Naming Service
FCY -----Federation Canadienne de Yachting
FNQ -----Federation de Natation du Quebec
FVQ -----Federation de Voile du Quebec
FKQ -----Federation des Kinesiologues du Quebec
FQQ -----Federation des Quilles du Quebec
FIA -----Federation Internationale de l'Automobile
FJP -----Federation of Jewish Philantrophies
FQK -----Federation Quebecoise de Karate
FDO -----Fee Determining Official
FTF -----Feed The Famished
FBT -----Feedback Technology
FWQ -----Feedlot Water Quality
FSW -----Feet Sea Water
FDS -----Feline Distraction Syndrome
FXT -----Felixstowe
FBA -----Fellow of the British Academy
FIQ -----Fellow of the Institute of Quarrying
FPS -----Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society
FRS -----Fellow of the Royal Society
FSA -----Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
FZS -----Fellow of the Zoological Society
FOY -----Fellowship Of Youth
FYX -----Fellowship of Youth Experience
FJK -----Female Jedi Knight
FKU -----Feminist Karate Union
FKS -----Fernmelde-Klein-Steckverbindung
FSZ -----Fernstudienzentrum
FVZ -----Fernwaermeversorgung Zwoenitz
FNM -----Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico
FLC -----Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal
FMR -----Ferro-Magnetic Resonance
FFQ -----Ferrosilite-Fayalite-Quartz
FXY -----Ferrous Sulfate-Xylenol
FXG -----Ferrous sulfate-Xylenol-Gelatin
FXC -----Ferrox Cube
FRY -----Ferry
FZM -----Fertigungszentrum Maschinenbau
FLZ -----Festo-LernzentrumFunktionskennzeichen
FDZ -----Fetal Death Zone
FHH -----Fetal Heart Heard
FUO -----Fever of Unknown Origin
FLB -----FForward Logistics Base
FBG -----Fiber Bragg Gratings
FCI -----Fiber Channel Interface
FOG -----Fiber Optic Gyro
FON -----Fiber Optic Network
FIW -----Fiberglass Insulated Wire
FRB -----Fiberglass Rotor Blade
FGF -----Fibroblast Growth Factor
FBN -----Fictitious Business Name
FTN -----Fido Technology Network
FAL -----Field Analysis Laboratory
FCN -----Field Change Notice
FCJ -----"Field Command, Johnston Atoll"
FDN -----Field Designator Number
FEG -----Field Emission Gun
FEX -----Field EXercise
FFC -----Field File Custodian
FGV -----Field Gradient Voltage
FIK -----Field Ionization Kinetics
FKT -----Field Kitchen Trailer
FKM -----"Field Kitchen, Modular"
FNV -----Field Not Valid
FOV -----Field Of View
FRU -----Field Replaceable Unit
FSL -----Field Service Logistics
FTB -----Field Terminal Box
FTK -----Field Test Kit
FTX -----Field Training eXercise
FVT -----Field Validation Test
FWP -----Field Work Proposal
FET -----Field-Effect Transistor
FKN -----Field-Koros-Noves
FPX -----Field-programmable Port Extender
FWA -----Fields Waves & Atoms
FTY -----Fifty
FTS -----Fight The System
FBX -----Fighter Bomber Experimental
FEZ -----Fighter Engagement Zone
FLO -----Fighter Liaison Officer
MIG -----fighter plane
FWW -----Fighter Weapons Wing
FSV -----Fighting System Vehicle
FUC -----Fighting Unreal Cows
FVA -----Fighting Vehicle Armament system
FVS -----Fighting Vehicle System
FIG -----Figure
FJI -----Fiji (242) ISO 3-letter country code
FAT -----File Allocation Table
FCB -----File Cache Buffer
FID -----File Identifier Descriptor
FNT -----File Name Table
FNR -----File Next Register
FSP -----File Slurping Protocol
FTP -----File Transfer Protocol
FUI -----File Update Information
FQH -----Filled Quartz Helix
FNG -----Film News Gathering
FTD -----Film Television and Drama
FCK -----Filter Change Kit
FBP -----Final Boiling Point
FCR -----Final Costs Recovery
FXL -----Final eXplosion Limit
FFL -----Final Firing Line
FLH -----"Final Limit, Hoist"
FPL -----Final Protective Line
FRN -----Final Rulemaking Notice
FTG -----Final Trunk Group
FYZ -----Final Yield of Zero
FOZ -----Finalists' Opportunites Zone
FAG -----Finance and Accounting Group
YVX -----Financial Accounting Data History Restore Transaction
FMU -----Financial Management Unit
FNN -----Financial News Network
FRX -----Financial Reporting Extender
FTR -----Financial Times Report
FWG -----Financial Working Group
FYY -----Finansal Yeniden Yapilandirma
FFI -----Find Further Information
FMB -----Find My Beer
FMM -----Find My Mind
FYO -----Find Your Own
FGS -----Fine Guidance Sensors (on HST) [Space]
FNF -----Finger-Nose-Finger
FEM -----Finite Element Model
FIR -----Finite Impulse Response
FCM -----Finite-Cluster Model
FIN -----Finland
FIM -----FInnish Markka (currency)
FMI -----Finnish Meteorological Institute
FFM -----Fire and Forget Missile
FCS -----Fire Control System
FCX -----Fire Coordination Exercise
FHR -----Fire Hose Rack
FHY -----Fire Hydrant
FSX -----Fire Support eXecution
FUA -----Fire Unit Analyzer
FWZ -----Fire Weather Zone
FBH -----Fire-Baptized Holiness
FWO -----Fire-Weather Office
FPW -----Firing Port Weapon
FBC -----First Baptist Church
FDC -----First Day Cover
FDT -----First Destination Transportation
FFV -----First Families of Virginia (US)
FGT -----First Goal Terror
FGW -----First Goal Wins
FJS -----First Jersey Securities
FJD -----First Judicial District
FNU -----First Name Unknown
FNW -----First Nationwide
FOW -----First Open Water
FPP -----First Past the Post
FRT -----First Responders Team
FTU -----First Training Unit
FUE -----First Unit Equipped
FVF -----First Vertical Flight
FVC -----First Volume Commit
FYW -----First Year Writing
FHW -----First-Hand Witness
FYR -----Fiscal YeaR
FYE -----Fiscal Year End
FYP -----Fiscal Year Plan
FYM -----Fiscal Year-Month
FUZ -----Fisch-Umschlags Zentrum
FWR -----Fish and Wildlife Resources
FCZ -----Fishery Conservation Zone
FOX -----Fishery-Oceanography eXperiment
FYQ -----Fisica Y Quimica
FYH -----Fission Yeast Handbook
FBF -----Five By Five
FXD -----Fixed
FXM -----Fixed Asset Management
FBO -----Fixed Base Operation
FFK -----Fixed Function Keyboard
FLL -----Fixed Loss Loop
FNE -----Fixed Network Equipment
FPG -----Fixed Pattern Generator
FXU -----FiXed point Unit
FPE -----Fixed Price with Escalation
FWV -----Fixed Wing Vehicle
FPD -----Flame Photometric Detector
FVP -----Flash Vacuum Pyrolysis
FWI -----Flash With Information
FXF -----Flash X-ray Facility
FBK -----Flat Back
FST -----Flat Screen Technology
FTM -----Flat Tension Mask [Zenith]
FAD -----Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
FMN -----Flavin Mono-Nucleotide
FGO -----Fleet Gunnery Officer
FPO -----Fleet Post Office
FWC -----Fleet Weather Central
FWF -----Fleet Weather Facility
FLX -----Flexible
FBM -----Flexible Buffer Management
FML -----Flexible Membrane Liner
FWH -----Flexible Working Hours
FTA -----Flexographic Technical Association
FLT -----Flight
FDF -----Flight Dynamics Facility
FIH -----Flight Information Handbook
FMG -----Flight Management Guidance
FMS -----Flight Mission Simulation
FNL -----Flight Navigation License
FPB -----Flight Progress Board
FQS -----Flight Qualified System
FQP -----Flight Quality and Performance
FRO -----Flight Radio Officer
FRF -----Flight Readiness Firing
FTE -----Flight Test Engineer
FWU -----Flight Watch Unit
FAM -----FLIR Alignment Module (FLIR is Forward Looking InfaRed)
FPU -----Floating-Point Unit
FHV -----Flockhouse Virus
FEH -----Flood Estimation Handbook
FLS -----FLood Statement
FLW -----FLood Warning
FDD -----Floppy Disc Drive
FAU -----Florida Atlantic University
FDQ -----Florida Designers Quarterly
FNB -----Florida National BankFunktionskennzeichen
FSU -----Florida State University
FYN -----Florida Yards and Neighborhoods
FAR -----Flow Admission Request
FCV -----Flow Control Valve
FIC -----Flow Indicator Controller
FPV -----Flow Plague Virus
FTI -----Flow Totalizer Indicator
FUN -----Flow Update Notification
FVL -----Flow Volume Loop
FIE -----Flow-Injection Extraction
QXH -----Flowrate by Height
FKE -----Floyd's Knob Elementary
FGR -----Flue Gas Recirculation
FCU -----Fluid Conditioning Unit
FDH -----"Fluor Daniel Hanford, Incorporated"
FLN -----Fluorescence Line Narrowing
FJH -----Flushing Junior High
FBW -----Fly By Wire
FIY -----Fly It Yourself
FRH -----Fly Runway Heading
FLY -----Flywheel
FMX -----FM eXtended-range (Transmission System)
FNH -----Focal Nodular HyperplasiaFunktionskennzeichen
FVH -----Focal Vascular Headache
FFU -----Focus-Forming Unit
FKH -----Foerderkreis Deutsches Heer
FUU -----Foerderkreis Umweltschutz in Unterfranken
FKJ -----Foerderverein der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
FHK -----Foereningen Hallandskatten
FGY -----Foggy
FPK -----Folding Pocket Kodak
FOL -----Folio
FSH -----Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
FNI -----Following Named Individuals
FNO -----Following Named Officers
FQA -----Following Question
FOI -----Follow-On Interceptor
FJG -----"Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville"
FQF -----Fondation Heritage Faune
FJQ -----Fonds Jeunesse Quebec
FNK -----Fonoblok
QZF -----Font Romeu (France)
FHJ -----Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek
FDA -----Food and Drug Administration
FHI -----Food for the Hungry International
FMC -----Food Machinery Corporation
FCP -----Foolscap
FAW -----Football Association of Wales
FFS -----For F***s Sake
FHS -----For Heaven's Sake
FHM -----For Him Magazine
FAO -----For the Attention Of
FYA -----For Your Attention
FYC -----For Your Consideration
FYF -----For Your File
FYI -----For Your Information
FYJ -----For Your Journal
FYL -----For Your Log(s)
FYS -----For Your Signature
FYT -----For Your Trash

09-23-2010, 03:12 PM
ادامه حرف F

FVI -----Forage Value Index
FJV -----Forca Jovem Vasco
FDU -----Force Deployment Update
FER -----Force Exchange Ratio
FRP -----Force Rendezvous Point
FQO -----Forced Quantum Oscillator method
FVE -----"Forced Volume, Expiratory"
YYN -----Ford Cologne 2300 V-6 112 horsepower engine
FKX -----Ford Koeln Experimental
FDK -----Forecastle Deck
FGN -----Foreign
FCO -----Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FXA -----Foreign Exchange Analysis
FXE -----Foreign Exchange Encashment
FXO -----Foreign Exchange Office
FLV -----Foreign LeaVe
FMY -----Foreign Missions of Yarumal
FTO -----Foreign Training Officer
FUG -----Foreningen af Underkendte Genier
FHN -----Forest Hills Northern
FUY -----Forests in the Upper Yangtze
FEY -----Forever Yours
FUF -----"Forges, Usines et Fonderies, Haine St. Pierre"
FKD -----Forked
FEA -----Formal Environmental Assessment
FQR -----Formal Qualification Review
FQT -----Formal Qualification Test
FKA -----Formerly Known As
FLD -----Forming Limit Diagram
FZG -----Forschungsstelle fuer Zahnraeder und Getriebebau
FZB -----Forschungszentrum fuer Bodenfruchtbarkeit
FZI -----Forschungszentrum Informatik
FZJ -----Forschungszentrum Juelich
FZK -----Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
FZL -----Forschungszentrum Lobeda
FZR -----Forschungszentrum Rossendorf
YXJ -----"Fort Saint John, British Columbia"
FSJ -----"Fort St. John (British Columbia, Canada)"
FZH -----Fortbildungszentrum Hofen
FFF -----Fortissimo (very very loud)
FXV -----Fortran Extension for Vax
FEU -----Forty-foot container Equivalent Unit
FJJ -----Forum du Jeune Journaliste
FKL -----Forum fuer Klanglandschaft
FMK -----Forum MobilkommunikationFunktionskennzeichen
FZV -----Forum Zdrave Vyzivy
FZT -----Forum Zubniho Technika
FAC -----Forward Air Controller
FEO -----Forward Engagement Operations
FHQ -----Forward HeadQuarters
FLI -----Forward Looking Infared
FLR -----Forward Looking Radar
FOO -----Forward Observation Officer
FSS -----Forward Supply System
FUB -----Forward Utility Bridge
FVM -----Forward Visibility More than (miles)
FVW -----Forward Volume Wave
FWL -----Forward Working Limit
FOU -----Foundation
FJB -----Foundation for the Junior Blind
FYD -----Foundation for Youth Development
FHU -----Foundation of Human Understanding
FUW -----Foundation of University Women
FDY -----Foundry
FLA -----Four
FCT -----Four Corner Test (4FCT)
FWD -----Four Wheel Drive
FCH -----Fourier Color Hologram
FGH -----Fourier-Grid Hamiltonian
FQM -----Four-Quadrant Multiplier
FGL -----Fourth Generation Language
IVY -----Fourth Infantry
FWJ -----Fourth World Journal
FWM -----Four-Wave Mixing
FXH -----Foxhound
FIF -----Fractal Image Format
FXZ -----Fractal Xtreme Zoom
FYB -----Fractal Xtreme Zoom
FDG -----Fractional Doppler Gate
FGE -----Fractographic Examination
FXK -----Fraesen Extension Kontur
FSM -----Frame Service Module
FSY -----Frame SYnc
FPH -----Frames Per Hour
FPM -----Frames Per Minute
FWK -----Framework
FEJ -----France Europe Jet
FJZ -----Frank Joseph Zamboni
KXZ -----Frank Twist Elastic Constant
FQZ -----Frankenwaelder Querzone
FGM -----Frankford Group Ministry
FAZ -----Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
FKO -----Franz-Keldish Oscillations
FXN -----Frataxin
FOP -----Fraternal Order of Police
FKW -----Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft
FGZ -----Frauengesundheitszentrum
FIZ -----Frauensinformationszentrum
FRL -----Fraulein
FHG -----Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany
IZM -----Fraunhofer Institut fur Zuverlaessigkeit und Mikrointegration
FPJ -----Freddie Prinze Junior
FAS -----Free Alongside Ship
FBZ -----Free Blocking Zone
FBD -----Free Body Diagram
FBE -----Free Buffer Enquiry
FEN -----Free Electron Network
FFZ -----Free Fire Zone
FJE -----Free Jet Expansion
FOC -----Free Of Charge
FOK -----Free Of Knots
FOB -----Free On Board
FOQ -----Free On Quay
FOR -----Free On Rail
FPZ -----Free Port Zone
FSF -----Free Software Foundation
FTZ -----Free Trade Zone
FUQ -----Free University Quarterly
FVY -----Free Vietnam Youth
FZA -----Free Zone Authority
FZQ -----Free Zone Quarterly
FXI -----Freedom of Expression Institute
FWX -----Freedom Worx
FFB -----Free-Fall Bomb
FFD -----FreeForm Diagram
FHD -----FreeHand Drawing
FLJ -----Free-Lance Journalist
FKV -----Freelance Koks Vereniging
FJC -----Freely Joined Chain
FWY -----Freeway
FGJ -----Freezing Gas Jet
FPT -----Freezing Point
FZZ -----Frei Zur Zucht
FDR -----Freie Democratishe Republic
FDJ -----Freie Deutshche Jugend
FMZ -----Freies MusikzentrumFunktionskennzeichen
FAK -----Freight All Kinds
FKK -----FreiKrperKultur (german)
FBJ -----Freiman-Berger-Johnson bound
FZW -----Freizeitzentrum West
FZX -----Freizeitzentrum Xanten
FHO -----"Fremde Heere Ost (German Intelligence Evaluation Service, Eastern Section, WWII)"
BZH -----French Britanny
FKP -----French Kommunist Party
FNY -----French Navy
FQB -----French Quarter Bar
FGQ -----Freqent Gale Questions
FQY -----Frequency
FBV -----Frequency Bias Value
FDM -----Frequency Division Multiplex
FEK -----Frequency Exchange Keying
FIO -----Frequency In and Out
FOT -----Frequency of Optimum Traffic
FSK -----Frequency Shift Keying
FRQ -----Frequent
FAQ -----Frequently Asked Questions
FRE -----Frequently Requested Enhancement
FTQ -----Frequently Tested Questions
FZP -----Fresnel Zone Plate
FKY -----Freundekreis Klassische Yachten
FHP -----Friction Horsepower
FRW -----Friction Welding
FRI -----Friday
FND -----Friday Night Disco
FOF -----Friend Of (a) Friend
FFN -----"Friend, Foe or Neutral"
FFJ -----Friends For Jamaica
FMH -----Friends Meeting House
FJW -----Friends of Jackie Wilson
FJM -----Friends of Johnny Mathis
FOE -----Friends Of the Earth
FKC -----Friends of the Kennedy Center
FNZ -----Friends of the National Zoo
FXQ -----Friends Xiang Qi
FGP -----Frigate-General Purpose
FZE -----Frischezentrum Essen
FGU -----From the Ground Up
FLQ -----Front de Liberation de Quebec (Quebec Liberation Front)
FNJ -----Front National de la Jeunesse
FOH -----Front Of House (theatres)
FUJ -----Front Upset Jaw
FEL -----Front-End Loader
FAJ -----Frontier Adjusters of America
FXW -----Frontier Xtreme Wrestling
FYV -----Fructas y Verduras
FGG -----Fruit Growers Group
FRZ -----Fruity Religious Zealot
FYK -----Frysk Ynterasjonaal Kontakt
FJU -----Fu Jen University
FJX -----Fu Jia Xis
FEF -----Fuel Examination Facility
FHC -----Fuel Handling Cell
FIV -----Fuel Isolation Valve
FQV -----Fuel Quality Value
FQI -----Fuel Quantity Indicator
FUM -----Fuel Unloading Machine
FVD -----Fuel Vapor Detector
FAX -----Fuel-Air eXplosive
FAE -----Fuel-Air Explosive
FQC -----Fuels Quality Control
FQE -----Fuels Quality Engineering
FVX -----Fujitsu Visual Explore
FJL -----Fukushi Jukankyo Link
FUL -----Fulcrum
FBL -----Full Bell Lines
FCL -----Full Container Load
FDB -----Full Data Block
FDX -----Full Duplex
FDE -----Full Duplex Ethernet
FFR -----Full Frequency Recording
FMJ -----Full Metal Jacket
FQG -----Full Quantity Generator
FRC -----Full Rate Codec
FRD -----Full Rate Deployment
FSD -----Full Scale Development
FSQ -----Full-Spectrum Quantization
FTH -----Full-Time Hourly
FUS -----Full-Use Standard
FBU -----Fully Built-Up
FXS -----Fully eXpanded System
FFO -----Fully Functional Operations
FFP -----Fully Functioning Process
FMQ -----Fully Mission Qualified
FQD -----Fully Qualified Domain
FQJ -----Fully Qualified Jerk
FQU -----Fully Qualified Unit
FHA -----Fully-Heated Area
FKB -----Function Key Button
FQX -----Function on Queues of Anything
FJA -----Functional Job Analysis
FOM -----Functional Operational Manager
FQL -----Functional Query Language
FRR -----Functional Review Report
FTV -----Functional Technology Vehicle
FVU -----Functional Verification Unit
FWB -----Functional Well Being
FEI -----Functionally Emulative Increment
FIJ -----Fund for Investigative Journalism
FKR -----Fung Keong Rubber
FKZ -----Funktionskennzeichen
FMD -----Funky Mellow Disco
FLK -----Funny Looking Kid
FXB -----FunXBox
FZD -----Furazolidone
FUR -----Furlong
MFI -----furniture company
FNX -----Furniture 'N' Xtras
FFE -----"Furniture, Fittings and Equipment [in Architecture]"
FUH -----Fuse Holder
FOJ -----Fuse On-Jam
FVR -----Fuse Voltage Rating
FYU -----Fushigi Yuugi
FAH -----Future Attack Helicopter
FBY -----Future Budget Year
FCA -----Future Coconut of America
FFA -----Future Farmers of America
FMA -----Future Mailing Address
FMO -----Future method of operation
FOS -----Future Operations Section
FVB -----Future Villain Band
FWN -----Future World News
FZU -----Fuz Hou University
FZY -----FuZzY
FZF -----Fyzikalni Zaklady Fotoniky

09-23-2010, 03:13 PM

GIM -----Gaining Inventory Manager
GAL -----Galatians (new testament)
GXY -----Galaxy Nutritional Foods
GEM -----Galileo Europa Mission
GGD -----Galizien German Descendant
GPH -----Gallons Per Hour
GPM -----Gallons Per Mile
GGT -----Galloping Governors Toastmasters
GYB -----Galveston Yacht Basin
GDW -----Game Developers World
GJO -----Game Junkie Online
GGX -----Gamma Graphx
GHB -----Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate
GRB -----Gamma Ray Burst
GRO -----Gamma Ray Observatory
IYX -----Gamma Scintillation Camera
GYT -----Ganaraska Youth Theatre
GOF -----Gang Of Four
GKY -----Ganga Kalyan Yojana
GXN -----Ganxianning
GKO -----Ganzheitliche Kieferorthopaedie
GZM -----Ganzheitliche Zahn-Medizin
GZJ -----Ganzjaehrig
GKZ -----Ganzkoerperzaehler
GDN -----Garden
GWL -----Garden Writers mailing List
GQT -----Gardener's Question Time
GSG -----Garment Salesmens Guild
GBB -----Gas Blow Back
GCU -----Gas Charging Unit
GCX -----Gas Chromatograh Transmitter
GXK -----Gas Exchange Kinematics
GFH -----Gas Fired Humidifier
GPF -----Gas ProoF
GTL -----Gas To Liquid [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
GTA -----Gas Tungsten Arc
GTC -----Gas Turbine Compressor
GOX -----Gaseous OXygen
GLC -----Gas-Liquid Chromatography
GED -----Gasoline Engine Driven
GVP -----Gasoline Vapor Pressure
GGE -----Gasoline-Gallon Equivalent
GKS -----Gaspar-Kohn-Sham
QJZ -----Gaston Memorial Hospital Library
GDV -----Gastric dilatation and volvulus
GVX -----Gastric-branch Vagotomy
GEJ -----Gastro-esophageal junction
GUK -----Gate Unicode Kit
GXI -----Gated Xray Imager
GRJ -----Gatekeeper ReJect
GWC -----GateWay Controller
GNX -----Gateway Network eXchange
GGP -----Gateway to Gateway Protocol
GGK -----Gator Gardening for Kids
GBM -----Gaussian Beam Model
GLO -----Gaussian Lobe Orbital
GOE -----Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble
GUE -----Gaussian Unitary Ensemble
GWD -----Gaussian Wave-packet Dynamics
GJQ -----Gauss-Jacobi Quadrature
GLQ -----*** and ******* Quarterly
GAP -----*** and Proud
GDF -----Gaz De France [French Gas Company]
GBX -----Gear BoX
GJR -----Gebirgsjaeger Regiment
GEZ -----Gebuehren Einzugs Zentrale
GKJ -----Gedung Kesenian Jakarta
GWZ -----Gee WhiZ
GZR -----Geezer (band)
GFC -----Gel Filtration Chromatography
GPC -----Gel Permeation Chromatography
GMY -----Geldanamycin
GJX -----"Gem and Jewelry Exchange, L.L.C."
GOO -----Gemeenschappelijke Onderwerpsontsluiting
GBV -----Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund
GVK -----Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog
GJU -----Gemeinschaft Junger Ungarndeutscher
GXV -----Gene Expression Vaccine
GEN -----General
GAO -----General Accounting Office
GAC -----General Advisory Committee
GFO -----General and Flag Officers
GCE -----General Certificate of Education
GCA -----General Council Audit
GCO -----General Counsel Office
GDS -----General Declassification Schedule
GDC -----General Design Criteria
GDY -----General Duty
GDE -----General Dynamic Equation
GET -----General Employee Training
GFU -----General Foul-Up
GFD -----General Functional Description
GGI -----General Graphics Interface
GHQ -----General HeadQuarters
GHH -----General Hospital Humor
GHM -----General Hydrological Model
GIT -----General Information Test
GIR -----General Institutional Requirements
GIA -----General International Area
GKQ -----General Knowledge Question
GLA -----General Ledger Account
GLM -----General Linear Model
GML -----General Modelling Language
GMC -----"General Motors Corp,"
GMH -----General Motors Holden (Australia)
GNC -----General Nutrition Centers [US-based health food store][health store chain]
GOC -----General Officer Commanding
GOR -----General Officer Review
GOQ -----General On-line Query
GPI -----General Paralysis of the Insane
GPP -----General Plant Project
GPL -----General Population Limit
GPO -----General Post Office (extinct)
GPK -----General ***** Kit
GPU -----General Public Utilities
GPV -----General Public Virus
GPR -----General Purpose Register
GQI -----General Quality Inspection
GQS -----General Quarters Station
GSP -----General Strike Plan
GSF -----General Support Forces
GSL -----General Support Laboratory
GSD -----General System Description
GSB -----General Systems Business
GUH -----General University Honors
GUR -----General University Requirements
GUN -----General Usage Network
GUP -----General Use Permit
GWO -----General Watch Officer
GBT -----Generalized Brillouin Theorem
GCV -----Generalized Cross Validation
GDO -----Generalized Diatomic Orbital
GEH -----Generalized Effective Hamiltonian
GGH -----Generalized Geometry Hold-up
GGA -----Generalized Gradient Approximation
GGC -----Generalized Gradient-Corrected
GHF -----Generalized Hartree-Fock method
GHL -----Generalized Heitler-London
GHO -----Generalized Hybrid Orbital
GIL -----Generalized Image Library
GLF -----Generalized Laguerre Function
GLE -----Generalized Langevin Equation
GMO -----Generalized Molecular Orbital
GQF -----Generalized Query Facility
GVQ -----Generalized Vector Quantization
GVA -----Generalized Viterbi Algorithm
GWF -----Generalized Wannier Function
GAQ -----Generally Asked Question
GPE -----General-Purpose Equipment
GBQ -----Generating Bearing Quality
GDG -----Generation Data Group
GXW -----Generation eXtreme Wrestling
GJJ -----Generation Jeunes Journalistes
GYX -----Generation Youth Explosion
GXB -----Generation-X Bears
GAX -----Generator Absorber Heat Exchange
GHW -----Generator(s) of Hazardous Waste
GAE -----Generic Application Environment
GAT -----Generic Application Template
GEE -----Generic Enterprise Ensemble
GXF -----Generic Exchange Format
GIO -----Generic Interface for Operations
GNM -----Generic Network Model
GRC -----Generic Reference Configuration
GUF -----Generic User Folder
GWM -----Generic Window Manager [X]
GGW -----Genesee GateWay
GAH -----Genetically Altered Homosapien
GCG -----Genetics Computer Group
GMQ -----Geneva Message Queuing
GDB -----Genome DataBase
GNF -----Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
GZB -----Genossenschaftliche Zentralbank
GXE -----Genotype by Environment
GZT -----Genzyme Tissue
GLT -----Geochemical Logging Tool
GGL -----Geodesy and Geodynamics Laboratory
GFZ -----Geoforschungszentrum
GEI -----Geographic Enforcement Initiative
GHT -----Geographic Hash Table
GHY -----Geography
GSJ -----Geological Survey of Japan
GGY -----Geology
GLY -----Geology
GEK -----Geomagnetic Electro-Kinetograph
GBD -----Geometric Data Base
GTD -----Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
GIS -----Geopgrahic Information Systems
GJI -----Geophysical Journal International
GRL -----Geophysical Research Letters
GSY -----Geophysical Society of Yugoslavia
GEO -----George
GMU -----George Mason University
GWU -----George Washington University
GCH -----Georgia Children's Home
GFB -----Georgia Factory for the Blind
GKA -----Georgia Karate Academy
GPB -----Georgia Public Broadcasting
GTU -----Georgia Technological University
GCL -----Geosynthetic Clay Liner
GEL -----Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
GER -----German
GDR -----German Democratic Republic (DDR)
GFL -----German Football League
GLK -----German Language Kit
GLJ -----German Law Journal
GTQ -----German Teachers of Queensland
GTF -----German Territorial Forces
GVV -----German Volunteer Votetakers
GWJ -----German With Journalism
GZC -----German Zocker Community
GAD -----Germersheim Army Depot
GEY -----Gerontology
GRG -----Gerontology Research Group
GZW -----Gesamtzuchtwert
GMD -----Gesellschaft fr Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (German National Research Center for Computer Science)
GSI -----Gesellschaft fr Schwerionenforschung (German Federal Research Institute f
GZS -----Gesellschaft fr ZahlungsSysteme
GKU -----Gesellschaft fuer Kommunale Umweltdienste
GMK -----Gesellschaft fuer Medienpaedagogik und Kommunikationskultur
GNK -----Gesellschaft fuer Netzwerk und Kommunikation
GQH -----Gesellschaft fuer Qualifizierung im Handwerk
GQW -----Gesellschaft fuer Qualitaetswissenschaft
GJZ -----Gesellschaft Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler
GZQ -----Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Qualitaets- und Umweltmanagement-Systemen
GKV -----Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung
GVJ -----Gespreksvaardigheden Voor Juristen
GYR -----Gestion Yves Renaud
GZF -----Gesundheitszentrum Fricktal
GQZ -----Get if Queue Zero
GIY -----Get It Yourself
GMJ -----Get More Juice
GQA -----Get Quick Answer
GRQ -----Get Rich Quick
GYH -----Get You Home
GYO -----Get Your Own
GZV -----Gewaesserunterhaltungszweckverband
GJA -----Ghana Journalists Association
GRW -----"Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (physics)"
GJT -----Giant Java Tree
GQD -----Giant Quick Disconnect
GBF -----Gibbs-Bogolyubov-Feynman (Variational Principle)
GIB -----Gibraltar
GMI -----Gibson Music International
GIZ -----Giftinformationszentrum
GIK -----Gifts In Kind
GEV -----GigaElectronWolt
GHZ -----GigaHertz
GWE -----GigaWatt
GWH -----GigaWatt Hour
GOL -----Giggle Out Loud
GLZ -----Gila-Las Cruces Zone
GKC -----Gilbert Keith Chesterton
GJK -----"Gilbert, Johnson, and Keerthi (robotics)"
GVB -----Gilbert-Varshamov Bound
GZN -----Gimelstar Zodiac Newsletter
GUG -----Gimp User Group
GJC -----GIS Jobs Clearinghouse
GEG -----Gitarren Ensemble Graz
GBA -----Give Better Address
GBR -----Give Better Reference
GIV -----Give Items of Value (United Way campaign)
GUW -----Give Us Wings
GOD -----Givers Of Destruction
GBK -----Gladsaxe Bowling Klub
GPZ -----Gladys Porter Zoo
GCS -----Glasgow Coma Scale
GDH -----Glasgow Distributed Haskell
GUU -----Glasgow University Union
GPQ -----Glass Patterns Quarterly
GSK -----GlaxoSmithKline
GHJ -----Glenohumeral Joint
GLI -----Glider
GNZ -----Gliding New Zealand
GAN -----Global Area Network
GAW -----Global Atmospheric Watch
GBN -----Global Business Network
GDX -----Global Data Exchange
GDM -----Global Data Management
GDT -----Global Descriptor Table
GEQ -----Global Economy Quarterly
GEF -----Global Environment Facility
GEC -----Global Environmental Change
GXS -----Global Exchange Services
GXG -----Global Express Guaranteed
GFJ -----Global Finance Journal
GFQ -----Global Food Quarterly
GFW -----Global Forest Watch
GFP -----Global Functional Plane
GGS -----Global Geospace Science
GHX -----Global Healthcare Exchange
GHN -----Global Hunger Network
GIE -----Global Information Environment
GIG -----Global Information Grid
GIH -----Global Information Highway
GII -----Global Information Infrastructure
GIW -----Global Information Warfare
GJN -----Global Jaringan Nusantara
GJG -----Global Joint Guidance
GJV -----Global Justice Volunteers
GKD -----Global Key Distribution
GKI -----Global Key Infrastructure
GKM -----Global Key Management
GKE -----Global Knowledge Exchange
GKG -----Global Knowledge Group
GKP -----Global Knowledge Partnership
GLN -----Global Location Number
GMX -----Global Message Exchange
GMN -----Global Music Network
GNJ -----Global Net Japan
GNA -----Global Network Academy
GNE -----Global New Energy Technology Corporation
GNG -----Global Nomads Group
GOT -----Global Offset Table
GPW -----Global Point Warning
GPS -----Global Positioning System
GPY -----Global Program on Youth
GQK -----Global Quality Kit
GQQ -----Global Quantum Quest
GRS -----Global Retirement System
GSO -----Global Software Outsourcing
GTI -----Global Teamwork Information
GTN -----Global Trends Network
GUD -----Global Union of Democracies
GUA -----Global University Alliance
GUO -----Global Urban Observatory
GVC -----Global Value Chain
GVO -----Global Virtual Organization
GWA -----Global Warming Assessment
GXA -----Global XML Architecture
GYE -----Global Youth Exchange

09-23-2010, 03:13 PM
ادامه حرف G

GYI -----Global Youth Initiative
GYV -----Global Youth Village
GYW -----Global Youth Work
GTJ -----Globe Trotter Japan
GJY -----Globex Japanese Yen
GYJ -----Gloucestershire Young Jazz
GDL -----Glow Discharge Lamp
GMS -----Glycerol MonoStearate
GHC -----Glycinated Herbal Complex
GYG -----Glycogenin
GGV -----Gnome Ghostscript Viewer
GHU -----Gnome Hamradio Utilities
GCC -----Gnu C-language Compiler
GGZ -----Gnu Gaming Zone
GIJ -----Gnu Interpreter for Java
GNO -----GNU Network Object
GPG -----GNU Privacy Guard
GTK -----Gnu Tool Kit
GWV -----Gnutella Worm Victim
GFK -----Go Fly a Kite
GTH -----Go To Hell
GQM -----"Goal, Question, Metric"
GAA -----Goals Against Average
GFA -----Goals For Average
GDI -----God Damn It
GKW -----God Knows Where
GOW -----God Of War
GOK -----God Only Knows
GGO -----God's Great Outdoors Ministry
GAJ -----Godwin Austen Johnson Architects
GEB -----"Goedel, Escher, and Bach (computers)"
GDZ -----Goettingen Digitization Centre
GZL -----Goettinger Zeitschriften Liste
GCQ -----Going Concern Qualification
GTB -----Going To the Bathroom
GKH -----Goju kai Karate do Holland
GKK -----Goju-ryu Karate-do Kyokai
XAU -----Gold and Silver Mining Index
GJS -----Gold Jewel Setting
GQJ -----Gold Quarry Jasperoid
GGB -----Golden Gate Bridge
GGU -----Golden Gate University
GYC -----Golden Years Club
GVF -----Goldmann Visual Field (opthalmological test)
GQX -----Goldquest Exploration
GWX -----Goldwax (records)
GCY -----Golf Club Ybrig
GOY -----Golfer Of the Year
GON -----Gondola
*** -----Good As You
GCP -----Good Clinical Practices
GEP -----Good Engineering Practice
GFG -----Good Fruit Grower Magazine
GGM -----Good Ground Ministry
GHD -----Good Hair Day
GJP -----Good Job Partner
GJF -----Good Jobs First
GMA -----Good Morning America
GMW -----"Good Morning, Washington (DC area local version of Good Morning America)"
GXP -----Good Practice
GRP -----Good Regulatory Practices
GSH -----Good Sense of Humor
GTX -----Good Till eXecuted
GVE -----Good Versus Evil
GLL -----Goodmans Loudspeakers Limited
GST -----Goods and Services Tax (canadian)
GLG -----Goofy Little Grin
GWB -----Gopinathan-Whitehead-Bogdanovic
GAZ -----Gorkovskij Avtomobilnyi Zavod
GRD -----GOSIP Register Database
GOZ -----Gosudarstvennyi Opytnyi Zavod
GTG -----Got To Go
GNN -----Gotham News Network
GGN -----Gotta Go Now
GQB -----Governing Quality Board
GAS -----Government Accounting System
GBL -----Government Bill of Lading
GCN -----Government Computer News [periodical]
GFY -----Government Fiscal Year
GFE -----Government Furnished Equipment
GFF -----Government Furnished Facilities
GFM -----Government Furnished Material
GFS -----Government Furnished Software
GFV -----Government Furnished Vehicle
GIQ -----Government Information Quarterly
GIX -----Government Information Xchange
GLP -----Government Loaned Property
GMG -----Government Manufacturing Group
GOG -----Government Of Guyana
GOI -----Government Of Indonesia
GOJ -----Government Of Japan
GOS -----Government Of Sweden
GVN -----Government of Vietnam
GPN -----Government Packet Network
GQC -----Government Quality Control
GQP -----Government Quality Program
GQR -----Government Quality Review
GRH -----Government Rental Housing
GSN -----Government Satellite Network
GVH -----Government VeHicle
GWG -----Government Working Group
GAK -----Governmental Accessed Keys
GOV -----Governor
GRX -----GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) Roaming Exchange
GLS -----GPS Landing System
GLU -----GPS Landing Unit
GTY -----Grace to You
GYM -----Grace Youth Ministries
GPA -----Grade Point Average
GXT -----Graded Exercise Test
GRE -----Graduate Record Examination
GRA -----Graduate Research Assistant
GSC -----Graduate Student Council
GWP -----Graham Whistler Productions
GAR -----Grain Aspect Ratio
GBJ -----Grain Boundary Junction
GFN -----Grain Fineness Number
GMB -----Grain Marketing Board
GQU -----Grain Quality Unit
GEW -----gram equivalent weight
GBC -----Grammar-Based Code
GMV -----Gram-Molecular Volume
GSM -----Grams per Square Metre (paper measurement)
GMM -----Granada Men and Motors
GTV -----Granada Television
GCJ -----Grand Canyon Journal
GJW -----Grand Junior Warden
GJE -----Grand Jury Europen
GNH -----Grand National Hydroplane
GOM -----Grand Old Man (specifically William Gladstone)
GOP -----"Grand Old Party (american, meaning the Republican Party)"
GQG -----Grand Quartier General
GSQ -----Grand Scale Quarterly
GTR -----Grand Trunk Railway
GTW -----Grand Trunk Western Railroad
GUT -----Grand Unified Theory (physics)
GWK -----Grandmothers` Wisdom Keepers
GOB -----Grants Operations Branch
GXL -----Graph Exchange Language
GXO -----Graphic eXchange Online
GFT -----Graphic Firing Table
GIF -----Graphic Image Format
JPG -----graphic image format
GMF -----Graphic Monitor Facility
GQE -----Graphic Queue Element
GDD -----Graphical Data Display
GQL -----Graphical Query Language
GRR -----Graphical Representation of Relationships
GUI -----Graphical User Interface
GVL -----Graphical View Language
GFX -----Graphics
GXH -----Graphics Hardware
GIN -----Graphics INput
GIU -----Graphics Interface Unit
GKF -----Graphics Kernel File
GKL -----Graphics Kernel Language
GKR -----Graphics Kernel Routine
GLX -----Graphics Language Linux
GPD -----Graphics Products Division -----
GSR -----Graphics Service Request -----
GSX -----Graphics System eXtension -----Electric
GVT -----Graphics Vector Toolkit -----
GWS -----Graphics Work Station -----
GRZ -----Graphische Rechenzentrum -----
GCB -----Graphitized Carbon Black -----
GVG -----Grass Valley Group -----
GCZ -----Grasshopper-Club Zuerich -----
GJH -----Grassy Junior High School -----
GLR -----Grating Light Reflection -----
GLV -----Grating Light Valve -----
GZO -----Grating Zero Order -----
GYS -----GraveYard Shift -----
GAV -----Gravity Assisted Valve -----
GVY -----Gravy -----
GRY -----Gray
GXR -----Grazing Xray Reflectometer
GKB -----Graz-Koeflacher Bahn
GAI -----"Grease, Aircraft, and Instruments"
GBG -----Great Big Grin
GBP -----Great British Pound
GBY -----Great British Youth
GGG -----Great Galactic Ghoul
GIP -----Great Indian Peninsular (railway)
GJD -----Great Japanese Dog
GJM -----Great Jazz Masters
GLW -----Great Lakes Water
GNT -----Great Northern Telegraph
GNW -----Great Northern War (1700-1721)
GUS -----Great Universal Stores (mail order company)
GWR -----Great Western Railway (defunct)
GWN -----Great White North
GEX -----Greater Expectations
GMR -----Greater Manchester Radio
GNY -----Greater New York
GVZ -----Greater Vancouver Zone
GYZ -----Greater Young Zion
GCD -----Greatest Common Divisor
GLB -----Greatest Lower Bound
GRK -----Greek
GPJ -----Greek Politics Journal
GRN -----Green
GBO -----Green Bank Observatory
GJL -----Green Jobs Limited
GJB -----Green June Beetle
GVI -----Green Vegetation Index
GHG -----GreenHouse Gas [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
GWI -----Greenhouse Warming Index
GSZ -----Green-Sellin-Zachor
GQN -----Greenvale Queensland Nickel
GNB -----Greenville National Bank
GVU -----Greenville Update (newsletter)
GWY -----GreenWaY
GCT -----Greenwich Civil Time
GGJ -----Greenwich Glass and Joinery
GMT -----Greenwich Mean Time
GYL -----Greenwich Youth Lacrosse
GYY -----Green-Yellow-Yellow (daffodils)
GZK -----"Greisen, Zatsepin, and Kuzmin (physics)"
GUC -----Grenoble Universite Club
GPX -----Greyhound Package eXpress
GXD -----Greyhound Xpress Delivery
GRU -----Grid Reference Unit
GBH -----Grievous Bodily Harm
GCK -----Griffith College Karachi
GFR -----Grim File Reaper
GUM -----Grip Unique Method
GHK -----"Griswold, Heckel, Kelly Associates, Inc."
GCW -----Gross Combination Weight [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
GDP -----Gross Domestic Product
GNP -----Gross National Product
GQY -----Gross Quantity Yield
GRM -----Gross Revenue Multiplier
GUB -----Gross Ugly Bug
GVM -----Gross Vehicle Mass
GVW -----Gross Vehicle Weight
GBZ -----Grossbritannien-Zentrum
GGQ -----Grote Geschiedenis Quiz
GHV -----Grote HandelsVaart
GND -----Ground
GAB -----Ground Analog Box
GBI -----Ground Based Interceptor
GCM -----Ground Combat Model
GCF -----Ground Communications Facility
GCI -----Ground Control Intercept
GES -----Ground Engineering System
GFI -----Ground Fault Indicator
GGR -----Ground Gunnery Range
GHE -----Ground Handling Equipment
GLD -----Ground Laser Designator
GLH -----Ground Launched Hellfire
GRT -----Ground Reconnaissance Troop
GRI -----Ground Reference Image
GSE -----Ground Support Electronics
GSU -----Ground Support Unit
GTE -----Ground Threat Emitter
GTS -----Ground Training Squadron
GVS -----Ground Vibration Study
GWW -----Ground Water for Windows
GWQ -----Ground Water Quality
GWT -----Ground Water Table
GZX -----Ground Zero Addressinator
GZA -----Ground Zero Attack
GZD -----Ground Zero Damage
GZG -----Ground Zero Games
GZI -----Ground Zero Instruction
GZP -----Ground Zero Performance
GAM -----Ground-to-Air Missile
GAG -----Ground-to-Air-to-Ground
GZE -----GroundZero EntertainmeNT
GHA -----Group Health Association
GHI -----Group Health Insurance
GHP -----Group Health Practitioner
GID -----Group IDentification
GPT -----Group Policy Template
GQV -----Group Qualifying Volume
GUV -----Group Unique Variable
GVD -----Group View Display
GVR -----Group Virtual Reality
GRV -----Group Virtual Reality
GCR -----"Group-Coded Recording (magnetic tape, 6250 bpi)"
GDJ -----Groupe des Jeunes
GZH -----Groupe Zoologique Humain
GAF -----Growing Annuity Factor
GYF -----Growing Your Future
GHR -----Growth Hormone Receptor
GUZ -----Gruen- und Uferschutzzone
GZZ -----Gruendungszentrum Zuerich
GOU -----Grundsaetzen Ordnungsmaessiger Unternehmensleitung
GUQ -----Grundwasserstaende und Quellschuettungen
GQO -----Grupo de Quimica Organometalica
GUJ -----Grupo de Usuarios Java
GUL -----Grupo de Utilizadores de Linux
GXM -----Grupo de Xadrez de Macau (Macau Chess Association)
GNV -----Grupos De No-violentos
GKX -----Guaifenesin-Ketamine-Xylazine
GXU -----Guangxi University
GXZ -----Guangxiangzhan
GZY -----Guangzhou Shipyard
GTP -----Guanosine Triphosphate
GBW -----Guaranteed BandWidth
GIC -----Guaranteed Inferior Compounding
GMP -----Guaranteed Minimum Pension
GTO -----Guaranteed Time Observers
GTM -----Guatemala
GOH -----Guest Of Honour
GKN -----"Guest, Keen & Nettlefold (Engineering company)"
GZU -----Gueterzugumfahrung
GGF -----Guidance and Guarantee Fund
GYD -----Guide
GDQ -----Guide Dogs Queensland
GBU -----Guided Bomb Unit
CGN -----"Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear powered"
GSV -----Guided Space Vehicle
DDG -----Guided-Missile Destroyer
CLG -----Guided-Missile Light Cruiser
GNI -----Guild of Naturopathic Iridologists
GSA -----Guildford School of Acting
GBS -----Guillian-Barre Syndrome
GNS -----Guineas
GOA -----Gulf Of Alaska
GYA -----Gulf Yachting Association
GDU -----Gun Display Unit
GRF -----Gun Range Finder
GSW -----Gun Shot Wound
GAU -----"Gun, Automatic Unit"
GUX -----Guna (India)
GDA -----Gun-Defended Area
GNR -----Gunner
GHS -----Gunner's Helmet Sight
GSS -----Gunner's Sighting Station
GDK -----Guns Don't Kill
GMZ -----Gusenichnyy Mino-Zagraditel (Russian)
GTT -----guttae (drops)
GUY -----Guyana
GKT -----"Guy's, King's and St Thomas' "
GXC -----"GX Computer, Ltd."
GNL -----Gymnastics Newfoundland and Labrador
GYN -----Gynecology
GEA -----Gyro Electronic Assembly
GME -----Gyro Management Electronics
GYQ -----Gyro Yaw Query
GEU -----Gyroscope Electronics Unit
GYP -----Gyroscope Package
GYU -----Gyroscopic Unit

09-23-2010, 03:14 PM

HAB -----Habakkuk (bible)
HFH -----Habitat For Humanity
HSI -----Habitat Suitability Index
HUN -----Hacettepe Ueniversitesi
HUZ -----Hacker Underground Zone
HIT -----Hackers In Touch
HRU -----Hackers 'R' Us
HEU -----Hacking at the End of the Universe (convention)
HXZ -----Hadamard Not Phase-shift
HHM -----Haddonfield Historical Museum
QQX -----Hadronic Cross-Section
HBA -----haemaglobin something
HBS -----haemaglobin something
HGB -----Haemoglobin
HFV -----Haemophilia Foundation Victoria
HOK -----Haerens Operative Kommando
HAG -----Haggai (bible)
HZM -----"Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Bible)"
HDA -----Hail Detection Algorithm
HJZ -----Halbjahreszeugnisse
HWZ -----Halbwertszeit
HLF -----Half
HDX -----Half Duplex
HMM -----Half Molecule Model
HRC -----Half Rate Codec
HAX -----Half-Assed eXamination
HAQ -----Half-Assed Question(s)
HVL -----Half-Value Layer
HOF -----Hall Of Fame
HII -----Hallesche Informationsinitiative
HMC -----Halley Multicolor Camera (on Giotto)
HZR -----Hallische Zertifizierungszentrum fuer Russischkenntnisse
HAA -----Haloacetic Acid
HAF -----Halogen Acid Furnace
HDF -----Halogenated DibenzoFuran
HCP -----Halon Control Panel
HCT -----Hamburger ComputerTage
HZK -----Hamburgische Zimmererkrankenkasse
HRX -----Hamburg-Rosat Xray
HDB -----Hamilton Direct Bank
HJE -----Hamilton-Jacobi Equation
HJX -----Hamilton-Jacobi Inequality
HJB -----Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (mathematics)
QJV -----Hamlet (North Carolina) Hospital Medical Library
HQQ -----Hampshire Quality Quest
HTD -----Hancock-Truhlar-Dykstra
HFM -----Hand and Foot Monitor
HCD -----Hand Carried
HHP -----Hand Held Programmer
HBK -----HandBooK
HXP -----Handcross Park School
HUI -----Handelns Utredningsinstitut
HKZ -----Handelskammer Zentralschweizerische
HHL -----Hand-Held Laser
HHR -----Hand-Held Radar
HQR -----Handling Quality Rating (Aeronautical)
HJC -----Handmaids of Jesus Christ
HOP -----Hand-Off Point
HFT -----Hands Free Telephone
HOU -----Hands-On Universe
HWK -----Handwerkskammer
HWX -----Handwriting Recognition Engine
HTL -----Hanford Technical Library
HTC -----Hanford Training Center
HWS -----Hanford Work Standards
HGR -----Hangar
HEZ -----Hannoversche Erzeugergemeinschaft Zuchtschweine
HEK -----Hanseatic Krankenkasse
HLX -----Hapag-Lloyd Express
HLD -----Happy Little Duck
HNY -----Happy New Year
HDC -----Harbor Defense Command
HCS -----Hard Clad Silica
HDU -----Hard Disk Unit
HLP -----Hard Light Productions
HOH -----Hard Of Hearing
HPD -----Hard Point Defense
HXR -----Hard X-Ray (solar flare emissions)
HXD -----Hard Xray Detector
HXS -----Hard X-ray Spectrometer
HXT -----Hard X-ray Telescope
HXC -----Hardcore Christian
HDW -----Hardware
HAL -----Hardware Abstraction Layer
HGU -----Hardware Group Unblocking signal
HIU -----Hardware Installation Unit
HWL -----HardWare Listing
HMF -----Hardware Mission Failure
HPS -----Hardware Product Services
HSR -----Hardware Specification Review
HWT -----HardWare Testing
HUA -----Hardware-group Unblocking Acknowledgment signal
HKR -----Hare Krishna Report
HKY -----Hare Krishna Youth
HUJ -----Harkat-ul-Jihad
HCZ -----Harlem Children's Zone
HYC -----Harlem Yacht Club
HST -----Harmonised Sales Tax
HJT -----Harper Joy Theatre
HKC -----Harrisburg Kennel Club
HFO -----Hartree-Fock Orbital
HFB -----Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov
HFG -----Hartree-Fock-Gopinathan
HFJ -----Hartree-Fock-Jucys
HFR -----Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
HSL -----Hartwell Subroutine Library
HCO -----Harvard College Observatory
HGL -----Harvard Geospatial Library
HMJ -----Harvard Medical Journal
HRL -----Harvard Robotics Laboratory
HHJ -----Harwich Historical Journal
HNV -----Has Not Voided
HKS -----Hasegawa Kitagawa Sigma
HKJ -----Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
HLV -----Hasta La Vista
HCM -----Hastings County Museum
HYJ -----Hat Yai Junction
HNB -----Hatton National Bank
HZY -----Hauptabteilung Zyklotron
HIB -----Have I Been ....
HGI -----Haven't Got Information
QVQ -----Haverhill (Massachusetts) Municipal Hospital Library
HIG -----Hawaii Institute of Geophysics
HIX -----Hawaii Internet Exchange
HKA -----Hawaii Kiteboarding Association
HOT -----Hawaiian Ocean Time
HLG -----Hawk Logistics Group
HKM -----Hawthorne Key Management
HFN -----Hayward Fault Network
HQB -----"Hayward Quality Builders (Camp Douglas, WI)"
HZD -----HaZarD
HPI -----Hazard Potential Index
HTW -----Hazardous (and) Toxic Waste
HMR -----Hazardous Materials Regulations
HZW -----HaZardous Waste
HWC -----Hazardous Waste Coordinator
HWE -----Hazardous Waste Engineering
HWI -----Hazardous Waste Incineration
HWO -----Hazardous Waste Operations
HWP -----Hazardous Waste Programme
HWU -----Hazardous Waste Unit
HZJ -----Hazardous Zone Job
HRE -----Hazards Research Equipment
HZX -----Hazard-Unknown
HDH -----HDLC Distant Host
HBF -----Head Before Feet
HMD -----Head Mounted Display
HOM -----Head Of Media
HOQ -----Head Of Queue
HXQ -----Head pressure by Flow rate
HDR -----Header
HEC -----Header Error Check [ATM Forum]
HEL -----Header Extension Length
HDG -----Heading
HHN -----Headline Hockey News
HHB -----Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
HHC -----Headquarters and Headquarters Company
HHU -----Headquarters and Headquarters Unit
HQC -----HeadQuarters Company
HQD -----HeadQuarters Detachment
HQF -----HeadQuarters Force
HQG -----Headquarters Garrison
HQI -----HeadQuarters Installation
HOI -----Headquarters Operating Instruction
HQO -----HeadQuarters Operation
HQP -----HeadQuarters Platoon
HQT -----HeadQuarters Troop
HQU -----HeadQuarters Unit
HQA -----"HeadQuarters, Army"
HQY -----"HeadQuarters, Yemen "
HUM -----Heads Up Message
HSA -----Headspace Analysis
HUD -----Heads-Up Display
HLT -----Health
HHS -----Health and Human Services
HSW -----Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974
HSE -----Health and Safety Executive
HSO -----Health and Safety Officer
HBL -----Health Based Level
HHA -----Health Hazard Assessment
HHE -----Health Hazard Evaluation
HIN -----Health Industry Number
HIA -----Health Insurance Associate
HIE -----Health Insurance Enrollment
HLN -----Health Libraries Network
HMO -----Health Maintenance Organisation
HNQ -----Health Needs Questionnaire
HNE -----Health New England
HPK -----Health Partners of Kansas
HPB -----Health Protection Board
HQL -----Health Query Language
HSJ -----Health Service Journal
HSQ -----Health Status Questionnaire
HUC -----Health Unit Co-ordinator
HUO -----Health Unit Operations
HVO -----Health Volunteers Overseas
HAH -----Healthcare Association of Hawaii
HYE -----Healthy Years Equivalent
HYA -----Healthy Young Attitude
HDO -----Hearing Designation Order
HBH -----Heartbreak Hotel
HYU -----Heartland Youth University
HHY -----Hearts and Homes for Youth
HAZ -----Heat Affected Zone
HDT -----Heat Distortion Temperature
HEM -----Heat Exchanger Method
HEN -----Heat Exchanger Network
HXE -----"Heat eXchanger, External"
HXI -----"Heat Exchanger, Internal"
HBI -----Heated Biological Input
HRW -----Heated Rear Window
HTR -----Heater
HCE -----Heater Control Electronics
HOB -----Heater Outlet Box
HFU -----Heat-Flow Unit [unit of geothermal flux]
HEV -----Heavy
HVY -----heavy
HDY -----Heavy Duty
HET -----Heavy Equipment Transporter
HGV -----Heavy Goods Vehicle
HLC -----Heavy Lift Capability
HLH -----Heavy Lift Helicopter
HMK -----Heavy Metal Kids
HNX -----Heavy Nuclei Explorer
HOA -----Heavy Observation Aircraft
HTT -----Heavy Tactical Transport
HUV -----Heavy Utility Vehicle
HWR -----Heavy Water Reactor
HDE -----Heavy-Duty Engine
HDV -----Heavy-Duty Vehicle
HJY -----Heavyweight Jacket-Youth -----
HEB -----Hebrew -----
QYZ -----Heerenveen (Netherlands) -----
HGT -----height -----
HXW -----Height by Width -----
HTU -----Height of Transfer Unit -----
HRF -----Height-Range Finder -----
HZU -----Heilpaedagogischer Zusatzunterricht -----
HTZ -----Heimtierzentrum -----
HZF -----Heimwerkerzentrum -----
HHI -----Heinrich Hertz Institut -----Machine Language
HNI -----Heinz Nixdorf Institut -----
HSN -----HEIS Sample Number -----
HKH -----Helen Keller Hospital -----
HKW -----Helen Keller Worldwide -----
HKF -----Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers -----
HCJ -----Heliborne Common Jammer
HAW -----Helicopter Assault Wave
HAI -----Helicopter Association International
HBD -----Helicopter Battle Damage
HIR -----Helicopter In-flight Refueling
HIS -----Helicopter Inter-Service
HLZ -----Helicopter Landing Zone
HNM -----Helicopter Noise Model
HTA -----Helicopter Training Area
HUX -----"Helicopter, Utility Experimental"
HXM -----Helicopter-Experimental-Medium lift
HJD -----Heliocentric Julian Date
HID -----Helium Ionization Detector
HNO -----Hell NO
HDM -----Hellfire Dummy Missile
HTM -----Hellfire Training Missile
HFF -----Hellmann-Feynman Force
HSS -----Helmet Sight System
HFL -----Help File Lists
HTE -----Help The Elderly
HYN -----Help Your Neighbor
HYR -----Helping Youth Rehabilitation
HJK -----Helsingin JalkapalloKlubi [(Finnish) Helsinki (association) Football Club]
HLK -----Helsingin Lawn-Tennis Klubi
HYO -----Helsingin Yhteiskunnallinen Opisto
HYL -----Helsingin Yhterslyseo
HYY -----Helsingin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunnan
HPY -----Helsinin Puhelin Oyj
HKI -----HelsinKI [(Finnish) abbreviation used in mail addresses]
HQE -----Hemi-Quantal Equations
HQM -----Hemi-Quantal Mechanics
HMN -----Hemmings Motor News
HLY -----Hemolysin
HPX -----Hemopexin
HCK -----Hemopoetic Cell Kinase
HFZ -----Hen Free Zone
HRR -----Henley Royal Regatta
KXJ -----Henry Hill Correctional Center Library
HAV -----Hepatitis A Virus
HBX -----Hepatitis B Virus X
HBV -----Hepatitus B Virus
HMS -----Her Majesty's ship
HGC -----Hercules Graphics Card
HHT -----Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (a hereditary blood disorder)
HXF -----Hereford and Friesian
HXH -----Hereford and Hereford
HXJ -----Hereford and Jersey
HJH -----Heritage Junior Hockey
HQZ -----Herkunfts- und Qualitaetszeichen Baden-Wuerttemberg
HGF -----Hermite Gaussian Function
HYS -----Herndon Youth Soccer
HZO -----Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus
HPL -----Herrick Public Library [Holland MI]
HRD -----Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
HKT -----Herzhaufte Kraeutertropfen
HKK -----Herz-Kreislauf-Klinik
HJP -----Hessische Jugendpresse
HKG -----Hessische Krankenhausgesellschaft
HLB -----Hessische Luftsportbundes
HJV -----Hessischer Judo Verband
HZQ -----Hessisches Zentrum fuer Qualitaetssicherung und Qualitaetsmanagement
HTN -----Heterodyne
HCW -----Heterogeneous Computing Workshop
HLM -----Heterogeneous LAN Manager
HBT -----Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
HMB -----Heteronuclear Multiple-Bond
HMQ -----Heteronuclear Multiple-Quantum
HQH -----Hetletved Quarter Horse
HPJ -----Hewlett-Packard Journal
HCH -----HexachloroCycloHexane
HEX -----hexadecimal
HBN -----Hexagonal Boron Nitride
HXL -----Hexcel Corporation
HXK -----Hexokinase
HXG -----Hexylene Glycol
HPZ -----Hidden Palace Zone
HSM -----Hierarchical Storage Management
HVQ -----Hierarchical Vector Quantization
HGX -----"HieroGraphiX Productions, Inc. "
HAO -----High Altitude Observatory
HAE -----"High Altitude, long-Endurance"
HAD -----High Aluminum Defect
HBE -----High Bay Extension
HBR -----High Bit Rate
HBP -----High Blood Pressure
HCU -----High Capacity Unit
HCV -----High Capacity Voice
HDQ -----High Definition Quincunx
HDS -----High Definition System
HDP -----High Defition Progressive
HDD -----High Density Disc
HDL -----High Density Lipoprotein
HEA -----High Energy Astrophysics
HED -----High Energy Detector
HEI -----High Explosive Incendiary
HFS -----High Fidelity Sound
HFI -----High Frequency Interference
HFP -----High Fuel Pump [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
HGA -----High Gain Antenna(e)
HHV -----High Heating Value
HIZ -----High Impedance
HZP -----High Impedance Probe
HIQ -----High Intelligence Quotient
HJW -----HIgh Jump World
HLI -----High Layer Information
HLA -----High Level Architecture
HLL -----High Level Language
HLQ -----High Level Qualifier
HMX -----High Melting eXplosive
HMT -----High Mobility Trailer
HOV -----High Occupancy Vehicle
HOL -----High Order Language
HPF -----High Pass Filter
HPE -----High Performance Equipment
HPG -----High Performance Generator
HPH -----High Performance Helicopter
HPO -----High Performance Option
HPQ -----High Performance Quad
HPW -----High Performance Workstation [Sun]
HPM -----High Power Microwave
HPR -----High Power Rocketry
HPT -----High Pressure Transducer
HPP -----High Profile Promotion
HQJ -----High Quality Joinery
HQS -----High Quality Stuff
HQV -----High Quality Video
HQW -----High Quality Water
HRI -----High Resolution Imager (on ROSAT) [Space]
HSD -----High Salt Diluent
HSG -----High School Graduate
HTS -----High Temperature Superconductor
HVC -----High Value Compound
HVD -----High Voltage Differential
HVE -----High Voltage Equipment
HVM -----High Volume Manufacturing
HWJ -----High Water Junction
HWM -----High Water Mark
HWA -----High Wind Advisory
HWW -----High Wind Warning
HWH -----High Windy Hall (Hotel and Restaurant)
HYT -----High Year of Tenure
HYI -----High Yield Investment
HYV -----High Yielding Varieties
HCA -----High-Contamination Area
HDI -----High-Density Inclusion
HDJ -----High-Dispersal Jet
HEG -----High-Energy Gas
HHQ -----Higher HeadQuarters
HNC -----Higher National Certificate
HND -----Higher National Diploma
HSC -----Higher State of Consciouness
HCF -----Highest Common Factor
HFW -----High-Frequency Waveform
HLU -----High-gain Line Unit
HXU -----High-gain Multiplexer Unit
HHF -----High-Heat Flux
HIC -----High-Intensity Conflict
HLE -----High-Level Exposure
HLW -----High-Level Waste
HEF -----Highly Enriched Fuel
HTG -----Highly Tactical Glove
HEO -----Highly-inclined Elliptical satellite Orbit
HPA -----High-Powered Amplifier
HQK -----High-Quality Kites
HRA -----High-Radiation Area
HIY -----Highschool Youth
HTF -----High-Temperature Fuel
HTB -----High-Test Bleach
HVT -----High-Value Target
HVU -----High-Value Unit
HVA -----High-Voltage Adapter
HVX -----High-Voltage Switch
HWY -----Highway
HAR -----Highway Advisory Radio
HRP -----Highway Regulating Point
HTP -----Highway Traffic Point
HZA -----Hilfe Zur Arbeit
HZE -----Hilfen Zur Erziehung
HCC -----Hillsborough Community College
HWV -----Hilton Waikoloa Village
HVK -----Hindu Vivek Kendra
HZV -----Hinterbliebenen-Zusatzversicherung
HHZ -----Hip-Hop Zone
HXA -----Hipoxrom Anemiyali
HNF -----HIPPI Network Forum
HJU -----Hiroshima Jogakuin University
HIH -----His
HIM -----His
HSH -----His
HBM -----His
HMG -----His
HMI -----His
HRH -----His
HMV -----His Master's Voice
HRG -----Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein
HEQ -----Histogram Equalization
HCN -----Historical Climatology Network
HZB -----Historischer Zueri-Bus
HSY -----History
HPC -----History of Present Condition
HUU -----History of the University Unit
HMH -----Hit Me Hard
HNH -----Hitch n' Hike
HHG -----Hitch-Hiker's Guide
HER -----Hit-Exchange Ratio
HTK -----Hits To Kill
HKQ -----HIV Knowledge Questionnaire

09-23-2010, 03:14 PM
ادامه حرف H

HLJ -----Hobby Link Japan
HFQ -----Hochfrequenzquelle
HBZ -----Hochschulbibliothekszentrum
HDZ -----Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum
HFK -----Hochschule fuer Kirchenmusik
HKB -----Hochschulekontaktboerse
HHK -----Hochschul-Hyperschall-Kanal
HRZ -----Hochschulrechenzentrum
HRK -----Hochschulrektorenkonferenz
HNA -----Hockey North America
HUY -----Hockey Umpires for Youth
HXB -----Hoehe und Breite
HGZ -----Hoergeschaedlenzentrum
HZS -----Hogere ZeevaartSchool
QGY -----Hogeschool van Amsterdam Bibliotheek
HHD -----Hogshead
HZL -----Hohenzollerische Landesbahn
HUL -----Hoist Up Limit
HAJ -----Hokkaido Arbeit Jidosha
HAY -----Hold A Year
HAM -----Hold And Modify
HIO -----Hole In One
HGW -----Hollow Glass Waveguide
HFX -----Hollywood Effects
HSX -----Hollywood Stock Exchange
HDK -----Holo-Dynamic Kinesiology
HOE -----Holographic Optical Element
HOO -----Holoholo
HCB -----"Holy Cow, Batman!"
HAN -----Home ATM Network
HBO -----Home Box Office
HBG -----Home Buyers Guide
HEY -----Home Educators and Youth
HES -----Home Electronic System
HHO -----Home Heating Oil
HIP -----Home Internet Protocol
HJS -----Home Job Stop
HLR -----Home Location Register
HME -----Home Made Explosive
HMW -----Home Network
HNW -----Home NetWork
HOR -----Home Of Record
HOJ -----Home On Jamming
HRJ -----Home Rabbit Journal
QVC -----home shopping channel (meaning unknown)
HVI -----Home Ventilating Institute
HVR -----Home Video Recorder
HYG -----"Home, Yard, and Garden"
HAS -----Home-A-Syst
HBB -----Home-Based Business
HGK -----Home-Grown Kids
HPN -----Homeless People's Network
HOX -----Homeobox
HZG -----Homeopaten Zonder Grenzen
HOZ -----Homeownership Zone
HQN -----HomeQuest Network
HWF -----Homes for Working Families
HNJ -----Homes Not Jails
HIK -----Homeschoolers In Kitsap
HAT -----Homework And Teachers
HOG -----Homing Optical Guidance
HCY -----Homocystinuria
HZH -----Homoeopathie-Zentrum Hannover
HVN -----Honda Vereniging Nederland
HJL -----Honest John Launcher
HKD -----Hong Kong Dollar
HKL -----Hong Kong Legends
HKO -----Hong Kong Option
HKP -----Hong Kong Phoey
HKU -----Hong Kong University
HKV -----Hong Kong Video
HYF -----Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry
HVZ -----Honnefer Volkszeitung
HFD -----Honolulu Fire Department
HJQ -----Honolulu Jazz Quartet
HTY -----Honolulu Theatre for Youth
HON -----Honorary
HGQ -----Honors Graduate Questionnaire
HAC -----Honourable Artillery Company
QHZ -----"Hoofddorp, Haarlem"
HTH -----Hope This Helps
HVF -----Hope Valley Farms
HYM -----Hope Youth Ministry
HGJ -----Hopital General Juif
HUG -----Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve
HUT -----Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope
HZN -----Horizon
HFY -----Horizon For Youth
HNR -----Horizon Natural Resources
HVP -----Horizontal and Vertical Position
HBW -----Horizontal BeamWidth
HXV -----Horizontal by Vertical
HCR -----Horizontal Control Rod
HTI -----Horizontal Technology Integration
HWD -----Horizontal Weather Depiction
HTV -----Horlicks TeleVision...
HGP -----Hormonal Growth Promotant
HNG -----***** Net Geek
HUF -----***** Unattached Female
HIJ -----Horological Institute of Japan
HOS -----Hosea (bible)
HEP -----Hospital for Elderly People
HGY -----Hospital General Yaguee
HTO -----Hospital Transfer Order
HUQ -----Hospital Under Quarantine
HUB -----"Hospital Unit, Base"
HUH -----"Hospital Unit, Holding"
HUS -----"Hospital Unit, Surgical"
HNS -----Hospitality Network Service
HNL -----Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador
HOY -----Hospitality Yukon
HAP -----Host Access Protocol
HAU -----Host Attachment Unit
HMP -----Host Monitoring Protocol
HOD -----Host On Demand
HSP -----Host System Processing
HNT -----Hostage Negotiating Team
HRT -----Hostage Rescue Team
HTQ -----Hostage Taker Quarterly
HGD -----Hot Gas Diminution
HGG -----Hot Gas Generator
HTJ -----Hot Temporary Jobs
HUP -----Hot Uniaxially Pressing
HDN -----Hotel Discounts Network
HEH -----Hotel Europaeischer Hof
HRY -----Hotel Reservations Yugoslavia
HVJ -----"Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten (Hamburg, Germany)"
HSZ -----HotSpotZone
HBJ -----Hougen-Bunker-Johns
HRS -----Hours
HJR -----House Joint Resolution
HVH -----House Versus Home
HEE -----Household Earnings and Expenditures
HFC -----Household Finance Corporation
HHW -----Household Hazardous Waste
HHX -----Household Serial Number
HIF -----Housing Inspection Foundation
HJN -----Housing Justice Network
HNZ -----Housing New Zealand
HZI -----Housing-Zoning Inspector
ZHO -----Houston (Canada-BC) (location identifier)
HGO -----Houston Grand Opera
HJM -----Houston Journal of Mathematics
HZC -----Houston Zen Community
HIW -----How It Works
HOW -----Howitzer
HWB -----Howitzer Battery
HYH -----How's Your Health?
HYK -----Hoylake
HZT -----Hrvatski Zavod za Telekomunikacije (Croatian Institute of Telecommunications)
HNK -----Hrvatsko Narodno Kazaliste
HZZ -----Hrvatskom Zavodu za Zaposljavanje
HTX -----HTML Extention
HWG -----HTML Writers Guild
HBU -----Hub Bearing Unit [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
HHH -----Hubert Horatio Humphrey (former US Vice President)
HBC -----Hudson Bay Company
HRM -----Hudson River Museum
HSV -----Hue Saturation Value
HSB -----"Hue, Saturation, Brightness"
HVG -----Huettentechnische Vereinigung
HAK -----Hugs And Kisses
HML -----Human
HBY -----Human Biology
HCG -----Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HCI -----Human Computer Interface
HFA -----Human Factors Analysis
HFE -----Human Failure Event
HGM -----Human Genome Meeting
HGN -----Human Genome News
HGS -----Human Genome Sciences
HGH -----Human Growth Hormone
HIV -----Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIL -----Human Interface Link
HJA -----Human Job Analysis
HKE -----Human Knowledge Europe
HLS -----Human Language System
HNP -----Human Nucleotide Polymorphism
HPV -----Human Papilloma Virus
HRB -----Human Resources Board
HRN -----Human Resources Need
HRO -----Human Resources Office
PRH -----Human Resources Partnership
HRQ -----Human Rights Quarterly
HSF -----Human Space Flight
HVS -----Human Visual System
HJJ -----Humanistisch Jeugd- en Jongerenwerk
HUR -----Humanitarno Udruzenje Roma
HJF -----Humboldt Juggling Society
HLO -----Humboldt Light Opera Company
HSU -----"Humboldt State University [Arcata, CA]"
HNU -----Hunan Normal University
HMY -----Hundred Million Years
HYW -----Hundred Years War
CWT -----Hundredweight
HEJ -----Hungarian Electronic Journal
HUE -----Hungarian Exporter
HJO -----Hungry Jack Outfitters
HUK -----Hunter-Killer
HBQ -----Huntington Brass Quintet
HUW -----Hurricane Watch
HWN -----Hurricane Watch Net
HYB -----Hybrid
HMA -----Hybrid Microelectronics Assembly
HNN -----Hybrid Neural Network
HYD -----Hydraulic
HGE -----Hydraulic Grade Elevation
HKX -----Hydraulic Kits for Excavators
HPU -----Hydraulic Pumping Unit
HCX -----Hydrocarbon Extraction
HCL -----HydroChloric Acid
HOC -----Hydrofoil Ocean Combatant
HXX -----Hydrogen Exchange Experiment
HXY -----Hydrogen Exchange Yield
HWQ -----Hydrology and Water Quality
HMU -----Hydromechanical Unit
HMZ -----Hydrometalurgicke Zavody
HYX -----Hydrometeorological Data
BQH -----Hydroxy-Benzoquinone
HCQ -----Hydroxychloroquine
HYZ -----Hydroxyzine
HSK -----Hylleraas Scherr Knight
HYP -----hypertension
HVV -----Hyper-Velocity Vehicle
HVW -----Hyper-Velocity Weapon
HJI -----Hyphenation and Justification Interval
HXO -----Hypohalous acid
HVB -----Hypovereins Bank
HXN -----Hypoxantine
HYQ -----HyTime Query Language

09-23-2010, 03:15 PM

IBD -----I Back Down
IBI -----I Believe It
ICJ -----I Can't Jump
ICM -----I Can't Move
IDC -----I Don't Care
IDK -----I Don't Know
IDS -----I Don't See
IDT -----I Don't Think (so)
IDU -----I Don't Understand
IGI -----I Give In
IYQ -----I Like (Wike) You
ILI -----I Like Ike
ILY -----I Love You
ILU -----I Love You(U)
IMU -----I Miss yoU
ICQ -----i seek you
ITY -----I Thank You
IWM -----I Want Money
IWU -----I Want yoU
IWH -----I Was Here
IVZ -----Ibbenbuerener Volkszeitung
ZYJ -----Ida Coppenbarger School Library
IFO -----Identified Flying Object
ILC -----Idle Load Compensator [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
IIT -----IDX Institute of Technology
NRG -----ie. energy...
IZJ -----Iedereen Zooo Jotje
IIF -----If I Fail
IIL -----If I Leave
IIQ -----If I Quit
IIR -----If I Recall
IIC -----If I'm Correct
IUA -----If yoU Accept
IUC -----If yoU Can
IYC -----If You Care
IUW -----If yoU Want
IYW -----If You Wish
IGP -----Igneous and Geothermal Processes
IGN -----Ignition
IDM -----Ignition Diagnostic Module [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
IYJ -----Ihmisoikeuksien Yleismaailmallinen Julistus
YVZ -----IJsvereniging Zoetermeer
IKZ -----Ikizu
IBB -----I'll Be Back
IKY -----I'll Kill You
IUU -----"Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated"
IDB -----Illicit Diamond Buying
IJJ -----Illini Ju-Jitsu
ILL -----Illinois
IBJ -----Illinois Business Journal
IJY -----Illinois Journalist of the Year
ITW -----Illinois Tool Works
IOE -----Illogical Operation Error
IPB -----Illustrated Parts Breakdown
IFV -----I'm Fully Vested
IVS -----I'm Very Sorry
IUY -----Image Unit Height
IOD -----Images On Demand
IFA -----Imaginative Fruit Arranger
IVM -----Imaging Vector Magnetograph
IED -----Imitative Electronic Deception
IAL -----Immediate Action Limit
IRZ -----Immediate Response Zone
ITI -----Immediate Transient Incapacitation
IEG -----Immediately Early Gene
IGB -----ImmunoGlobulin B (gamma globulin)
IGK -----Immunoglobulin Kappa
IPP -----Impact Point Prediction
ILE -----Impact-Level Evaluation
ZPN -----Impedance Pneumogram
ICI -----Imperial Chemical Industries
IHQ -----Imperial Headquarters
IJF -----Imperial Japanese Forces
IJN -----Imperial Japanese Navy
IKV -----Imperial Klingon Vessel
ISO -----Imperial Service Order
ICN -----Implementation Change Notice
IUT -----Implementation Under Test
ILG -----Import-Led Growth
IPH -----Impressions Per Hour
IPV -----Improve
IRV -----Improved inter-Range Vector
INH -----Improved Nike Hercules
IPM -----Impulses Per Minute
IWV -----ImpulsWahlVerfahren
ISX -----Impurity Study Experiment
IFL -----In a Former Life
IWA -----In Accordance With
IAF -----In Another File
IAW -----In Another World
IAE -----In Any Event
ICW -----In Conjunction With
IGE -----In Ground Effect
IHO -----In Honor Of
INL -----In my Next Life
IMO -----in my opinion
IOQ -----In Order Queue
IOW -----In Other Words
IRL -----In Real Life
IVO -----In View Of
IYD -----In Your Dreams
IYF -----In Your Face
IYL -----In Your Life
IYO -----In Your Opinion
IAI -----Inactive Aircraft Inventory
IQE -----Inadequate Quality Evaluation
IBE -----Inboard Booster Engine
IPS -----Inches Per Second
IBT -----Income Before Tax
ITL -----Incoming Transaction Listing
INC -----incorporated
INY -----Increment on Y-axis
IPW -----Incremental Packet Writing
INR -----Incremented Number Generator
IXZ -----Indeloxazine Hydrochloride
IBX -----Independence Blue Cross
IAB -----Independent Accountability Board
IAC -----Independent Accountability Class
IAP -----Independent Activities Period (January at MIT)
IID -----Independent and Identically Distributed
IBA -----Independent Broadcasting Authority (defunct)
IER -----Independent Evaluation Report
IET -----Independent Evaluation Team
IXN -----Independent Exchange Network
IHV -----Independent Hardware Vendor
IIA -----Independent Inspection Agency
ILR -----Independent Local Radio
ILA -----Independent Logistics Assessment
IOA -----Independent Operational Assessment
IQB -----Independent Quality Board
IQG -----Independent Quasi-Geminals
IRN -----Independent Radio News
ITR -----Independent Task Regiment
ITV -----Independent TeleVision
ITA -----Independent Television Authority
ITC -----Independent Television Committee
ITN -----Independent Television News
IVH -----Independent Variable Hull
IVV -----Independent Verification and Validation
IWB -----Independent Wholesale Brokerage
IDX -----Index
IXB -----Index Book
ILQ -----Index Lexicologique Quebecois
IRW -----Index of Relative Worth
IWI -----Index of Watershed Indicators
IXY -----Index of Yield
IXU -----Index Translation Unit
ICS -----Indian Civil Service
ICC -----Indian Claims Commission (US)
ZIO -----Indian Ocean Zone
IPA -----Indian Pale Ale
IVJ -----Indian Veterinary Journal
IZC -----Indian Zebra Corporation
IEJ -----Indiana English Journal
ILJ -----Indiana Law Journal
IUP -----Indiana University of Pennsylvania
IWX -----Indiana Western Express
IYG -----Indiana Youth Group
IYI -----Indiana Youth Institute
IHP -----Indicated HorsePower
IMN -----Indicated Mach Number
IOH -----Indication of Hostility
IGQ -----Indice de Gitologia Quantitativa
IFK -----Indirect Free Kick (Soccer)
IDH -----Indirect Hire
IJO -----Individual Job Order
IRR -----Individual Ready Reserve
ITD -----Individual Training Division
ITP -----Individual Training Plan
ITQ -----Individual Transferable Quota
IVQ -----Individual Vessel Quota
IQF -----Individually Quick Frozen
IAA -----Indoleacetic Acid
IOJ -----Indonesia Open Jazz
IYS -----Indonesian Youth Society
IAQ -----Indoor Air Quality
IEQ -----Indoor Environmental Quality
IKR -----Indoor Kart Racing
IZB -----Indpendent Zone Boundary
IMT -----Induced Muscular Tension
IEB -----Industrial Evaluation Board
ILV -----Industrial Launch Vehicle [Space]
ILM -----Industrial Light & Magic (special effects company)
IOB -----Industrial Order of Battle
IRJ -----Industrial Relations Journal
IWT -----Industrial Waste Treatment
IWW -----Industrial Workers of the World
IHK -----Industrie- und Handelskammer [Chamber of Commerce & Industry]
IKT -----Industriele Kring Twente
IGF -----Inert Gas Fusion
IGG -----Inert Gas Generator
IGS -----Inert Gas Supply
IGA -----Inert-Gas Atomization
IFS -----Inertia Fuel Shutoff [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
IWC -----Inertia Weight Class [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]

09-23-2010, 03:15 PM
ادامه حرف I

INS -----Inertial Navigation System
INU -----Inertial Navigation Unit
IUS -----Inertial Upper Stage
ICV -----Infantry Combat Vehicle
IHN -----Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis
INF -----infinite
IIS -----Inflationary Impact Statement
IWG -----Informal Working Group
IUZ -----Informatika pro Uzevatele
IEF -----Information Engineering Facility
IEW -----Information Engineering Workbench
INX -----INformation eXchange
IXE -----Information Exchange for Economics
IEL -----Information Exchange List
IEM -----Information Exchange Meeting
IXQ -----Information eXchange Query
IXO -----Information Exploitation Office
IHW -----Information Hiding Workshop
IJA -----Information Junkie Alliance
IMB -----Information Management Branch
INI -----Information Networking Institute
IPF -----Information Presentation Facility
IRM -----Information Resources Management
IRX -----Information Retrieval Experiment
ISW -----Information Survivability Workshop
ISF -----Information Systems Factory
ITB -----Information Technology for Business
ITM -----Information Technology Management
ITZ -----Information Technology Zone
IUB -----Information Technology Zone
IZU -----Informationen zur Umweltpsychologie
IZQ -----Informationszentrum Qualitaetssicherung
IZW -----Informationszentrum Waermepumpen- und Kaeltetechnik
IZG -----Ingenieurs Zonder Grenzen
IWZ -----Ingenieurwissenschaftliches Zentrum Deutz
ZNQ -----Ingolstadt (Germany)
IHF -----Inhomogeneous Hartree-Fock
IAR -----Initial Address Reject
IBH -----Initial BeachHead
IBP -----Initial Boiling Point
ICZ -----Initial Contact Zone
IDR -----Initial Design Review
IDO -----Initial Dissolved Oxygen
IDI -----Initial Domain Identifier
IIV -----Initial Input Variable
IML -----Initial Machine Load
IPO -----Initial Public Offering
IQC -----Initial Qualification Cost
IQT -----Initial Qualification Training
IQQ -----Initial Quantity and Quality
ITG -----Initial Terminal Guidance
IQS -----Initiative Qualitaetssicherung
IWK -----Initiativen Wirtschaft fuer Kunst
ILD -----Injection Laser Diode
IMK -----Injection Molding Kit
IPR -----Injector Pressure Regulator [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
IQJ -----Injector Quadrapole Junction
INJ -----Injury
IJP -----InkJet Printer
WLI -----Inland Buoy Tender (US Coast Guard ship designation)
IRO -----Inland Revenue Office
IWO -----Inland Waterway Operation
IAZ -----Inner Artillery Zone
IBZ -----Inner Border Zone
IQN -----Inner Quantum Number
IQW -----Innovations- und Qualifizierungzentrum Worms
IDE -----Innovative Design Expertise (british company)
IUG -----Innovative Users Group
IKK -----Innungskrankenkassen
IPQ -----In-Process Quality
IOU -----Input
INP -----Input [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
ZIN -----Input Impedance (Z = Impedance)
IME -----Input Method Editor
IQM -----Input Queue Message
IOX -----Input-Output eXpansions
IOS -----Input-Output Storage
INQ -----Inquiry
IQR -----Inquiry
ICP -----Insane Clown Posse
INZ -----Insatsu Zasshi
IGR -----Insect Growth Regulator
IHE -----Insensitive High Explosive
ISI -----In-Service Inspection
IYH -----Inside Your Head
IZS -----Insitute of Zen Studies
IGJ -----Inspeccion General de Justicia
IGZ -----Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg
INM -----Inspector of Naval Machinery
IRD -----Installation Requirement Do***ent
ISL -----Installation System Library
IIG -----Instantaneous Inverse Gain
IBQ -----Institut Biblique du Quebec
IGD -----"Institut fr Graphische Datenverarbeitung [FHG Institute for Computer Graphics, Germany] "
IFW -----Institut fr Wirtschaftsforschung
IBK -----Institut fuer Bildung und Kultur
IEK -----Institut fuer Emotionale Kompetenz
IFZ -----Institut fuer Finanzdienstleistungen Zug
IIZ -----Institut fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit
IPZ -----Institut fuer Politologische Zeitfragen
IUQ -----Institut fuer Umweltschutz und Qualitaetssicherung
IVK -----Institut fuer Verbrennungsmotoren und Kraftfahrwesen
IZF -----Institut fuer Ziegelforschung
IZP -----Institut fuer Zukunftfaehige Projekte
IZT -----Institut fuer Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung
IKJ -----Institut Kirche und Judentum
IMQ -----Institut Maritime du Quebec
IQA -----Institute (of) Quality Assurance [UK]
IGC -----"Institute for Global Communications [provides ConflictNet, EcoNet, LaborNet, PeaceNet, and WomensNet] "
IHR -----Institute for Historical Review
IHD -----Institute for Human Development
IJR -----Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
IKM -----Institute for Knowledge Management
IMV -----Institute for Molecular Biology
INO -----Institute for Naval Oceanography
IPJ -----Institute for Peace and Justice
IQH -----Institute for Quality Healthcare
IRH -----Institute for Reproductive Health
ISJ -----Institute for Social Justice
IAY -----Institute for the Study of Antisocial Behavior in Youth
IWE -----Institute for Wireless Education
IWL -----Institute for Women's Leadership
IWR -----Institute for Wood Research
IAJ -----Institute of Actuaries of Japan
ICE -----Institute of Civil Engineers
IEE -----Institute of Electrical Engineers
IFT -----Institute of Family Therapy
IGT -----Institute of Gas Technology
IOG -----Institute of Groundsmanship
IHM -----Institute of Health Management
IHG -----Institute of Human Genetics
IIB -----Institute of International Bankers
IOL -----Institute of Linguists
IMA -----Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

IMM -----Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
IOO -----Institute of Ophthamology
IOP -----Institute Of Physisists
IQO -----Institute of Quantum Optics
ITE -----Institute of Transportation Engineers
IUL -----Institute of Urban Life
IOV -----Institute of Videography
IWP -----Institute of World Politics
IOZ -----Institute of Zoology
IBV -----Instituto de Biomechanica de Valencia
IEO -----Instituto Espaol de Oceanografa
IZK -----Instituts fuer Zukunftsorientierte Kompetenzentwicklung
IZD -----Institutszentrum Dresden
ILP -----Instruction Level Parallelism
IDQ -----Instructional Design and Quality
IMC -----Instructional Media Center
IMS -----Instructional Media Service
IQI -----Instructional Quality Inventory
ILT -----Instructor Led Training
IFE -----Instrument Flight Examiner
IFR -----Instrument Flight Rules
IIH -----Instrument Interface Hardware
ILS -----Instrument Landing System
IWS -----Instrument Work Station
ITH -----Insulation and Trace Heating
AAR -----insurance against all risks
AXA -----insurance company
IUX -----Insurance Index
IGW -----Integral GateWay
IQV -----Integral Quench-Vertical
IAM -----Integrated Assessment Modeling
IBN -----Integrated Business Network
ICK -----Integrated Circuit Keyset
ICT -----Integrated Concept Team
IXF -----Integrated Exchange Format
IIP -----Integrated Infrastructure Planning
IJI -----Integrated Justice Information
IKS -----Integrated Kanban System
IMP -----Integrated Manpower Program
IPE -----Integrated Programming Environment
IVC -----Integrated Visual Computing (architecture)
IVX -----Integrated Voice Exchange
IVN -----Integrated Voice Network
IVR -----Integrated Voice Response
IWD -----Integrated Weapons Display
IXP -----Integrated X-ray Potential
IJQ -----Integration Jeunesse du Quebec
IQU -----Integriertes Qualitaets- und Umweltmanagement
ITJ -----Intel Technology Journal
ILX -----Intelex
NLX -----Intelex Corporation
IAG -----Intelligence Analysis Group
ICH -----Intelligent Connection Handling
IQX -----Intelligent Exposure Technology
INA -----Intelligent Network Architecture
INE -----Intelligent Network Element
ITS -----Intelligent Tutoring Systems
IQZ -----Intelligent Zoom
IXD -----Intensity times Duration
ICU -----Intensive Care Unit
IXT -----Interaction Cross Talk
ICD -----Interactive Call Distribution
ICG -----Interactive Computer Graphic
IDL -----Interactive Data Language [Space]
IES -----Interactive Estimating System
IGX -----Interactive Graphix
ILF -----Interactive Learning Forum
INK -----Interactive Networked Kiosks
IQP -----Interactive Qualifying Project
IQL -----Interactive Query Language
IVD -----Interactive Video Disc
IVI -----Interactive Video Interface
IVE -----Interactive Visualization Environment
IWQ -----Interactive Web Query
IRT -----Interboro Rapid Transit (one of the subway systems in New York City)
IFF -----Interchange File Format
IEZ -----Interdisziplinaeres Forschungsinstitut fuer Entwicklungzusammenarbeit
IZN -----Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Neurowissenschaften
III -----"Interesting, Informative, Impressive"
IXC -----Inter-eXchange Carrier
IEC -----"Inter-Exchange Carrier [Telephony] (see also IC, IXC) "
IAD -----Interface Analysis Do***ent
IFX -----Interface Configuration x
IDD -----Interface Design Description
IEU -----Interface Electronic Unit
IXX -----Interface Translator
IRI -----Interfaculty Reactor Institute
ZEW -----Interfakultaeres Zentrum fuer Ethik in den Wissenschaften

09-23-2010, 03:16 PM
ادامه حرف I

IRE -----Interferon-Responsive Element
IGM -----InterGalactic Medium
IHA -----Interim Housing Allowance
IOI -----Interim Operating Instructions
ISB -----Interim Safety Basis
ISH -----Interim Scout Helicopter
IUM -----Interim Use Material
IVW -----Interior Volume and Weight
ILZ -----Interkantonale Lehrmittelzentrale
IDV -----Interlibrational Derived Vehicle [Space]
IUV -----Interlibrational Utility Vehicle [Space]
ILK -----Interlock
ICO -----Intermediate Circular (Earth) Orbit
ICR -----Intermediate Common Room
IEH -----Intermediate Effective Hamiltonian
IFM -----Intermediate Frequency Modulation
IHX -----Intermediate Heat Exchange
IPU -----Intermediate Processing Unit
ISD -----Intermediate School District
ITX -----Intermediate Text Block
IMW -----InterMediate Wave
ILW -----Intermediate-Level Waste
IMD -----Intermittent Motion Driver
IBW -----Internal Bore Welding
IDG -----Internal Drive Generator
IFU -----Internal Framing Unit
IGL -----Internal Granule Layer
VXY -----Internal Medicine-Digestive Diseases
VXK -----Internal Medicine-Poisoning
IZR -----Internal Reducer
IRP -----Internal Reflection Photolysis
IRS -----Internal Revenue Service (US)
IRB -----Internal Review Board
INT -----international
IAN -----International Affairs Network
IAS -----International Army Staff
IAX -----International Asset Exchange
IAH -----International Association of Hydrogeologists
PEN -----"International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Essayists and Novelists"
IAU -----International Astronomical Union
IAT -----International Atomic Time
IBU -----International Biathlon Union
IBG -----International Biometric Group
IBF -----International Boxing Federation
IBC -----International Broadcasting Conference
IBO -----International Broadcasting Organization
IBS -----International Broadcasting Standard
IBM -----International Business Machines
ICY -----International Cooperation Year
IDY -----International Design Yearbook
IDA -----International Development Association
IDN -----International Directory Network
IDJ -----International Disk Jockey
IDF -----International Drilling Federation
IEV -----International Electrotechnical Vocabulary
IEA -----International Energy Agency
IEI -----International Environmental Institute
IXG -----International Experimental Ghia
IXW -----International Extreme Wrestling
FHF -----International Federation of Health Funds
IFJ -----International Federation of Journalists
IFC -----International Finance Corporation
IFI -----"International Financial Institutions (IMF, World Bank, etc.) "
IFH -----International Foundation for Homeopathy
IFY -----International Foundation Year
IGU -----International Gas Union
IGY -----International Geophysical Year
IGH -----International Guild of Hypnotists
IHC -----International Harvester Corporation
IHH -----International Head Hunters
IHY -----International Heliophysical Year
IHT -----International Herald-Tribune
IHJ -----International Heroines of Jericho
IHL -----International Hockey League
IHB -----International Hydrographic Bureau
IIW -----International Institute of Welding
IIU -----International Islamic University
IJL -----International Jewellery London
IJC -----International Joint Commission
IJV -----International Joint Venture
IJD -----International Journal of Dermatology
IJE -----International Journal of Epidemiology
IJH -----International Journal of Hyperthermia
IJT -----International Journal of Testing
IJG -----International JPEG Group
IJM -----International Justice Mission
IJS -----International Justice Statistics
IKO -----International Karate Organization
IKF -----International Karting Federation
IKW -----International Khepera Workshop
IKB -----International Klein Blue
IKD -----International Knife Directory
ILO -----International Labour Organisation
ILN -----International Logistics Negotiations
IMG -----International Maintenance Group
IMY -----International Metal Yachts
IMF -----International Monetary Fund
IMH -----International Museum of the Horse
INW -----International Network of Women
ING -----International Notification Group
IOF -----International Oceanographic Foundation
IOC -----International Olympic Committee
IOK -----International Order of Kabbalists
IPI -----International Painting Interactive
IPY -----International Polar Year
IPN -----International Printers Network
IPT -----International Project Team
IQD -----International Quiet Day
IRU -----International Reform University
IRC -----International Reply Coupons
IRF -----International Road Federation
IRG -----International Rogues Guild
ISE -----International Society for Epistecybernetics [scientific knowledge stewardship]
ISK -----International Society of the Knee
ISV -----International Software Vision
ISS -----International Space Station
ISY -----International Space Year
ISG -----International Stratigraphic Guide
ISQ -----International Studies Quarterly
ISN -----International Supernovae Network
ITU -----International Telecommunication Union
ITT -----International Telephone and Telegraph
ITO -----International Trade Organisation
IUE -----International Ultraviolet Explorer
IUF -----International Unicycling Federation
IUJ -----International University of Japan
IVU -----International Vegetarian Union
EAK -----international vehicle registration for (East Africa) Kenya
EAT -----international vehicle registration for (East Africa) Tanzania
EAU -----international vehicle registration for (East Africa) Uganda
EAZ -----international vehicle registration for (East Africa) Zanzibar (=Tanzania)
BRN -----international vehicle registration for Bahrain
ADN -----international vehnicle registration for Yemen
IXI -----International X.25 Interconnect
IXS -----International XAFS Society
IXK -----International Xylophon Kommers
IYK -----International Yamanote Kindergarten
IYE -----International Year of Ecotourism
IYV -----International Year of Volunteers
IYA -----International Youth Advocates
IYB -----International Youth Ballet
IYR -----International Youth Regatta
IYT -----International Youth Travelcard
IZA -----International Zeolite Association
IZE -----International Zoo Educators
IZY -----International Zoo Yearbook
IZI -----International Zoological Imports
IGV -----Internationale Gangpferdevereinigung
IJU -----Internationale Jeugduitwisseling
IJZ -----Internationale Jugendzentrum
IJK -----Internationale Juristen Kommission
IDZ -----Internationales Design Zentrum
IMZ -----Internationales Musikzentrum
ISZ -----Internationales Studienszentrum
IQK -----Interne Qualitaets Kontrolle
IBL -----Internet Baseball League
ICX -----Internet Content Accelerator
IEN -----Internet Engineering Notes
IAK -----Internet explorer Administrator Kit
IEX -----Internet Exposition
IIJ -----Internet Initiative Japan
IJB -----Internet Junk Buster
IKE -----Internet Key Exchange
IKX -----Internet Key eXchange
IKP -----Internet Keyed Payment
IKH -----Internet Know-How
ILB -----Internet Link Business
IMR -----Internet Monthly Report
IPL -----Internet Public Library
IQY -----Internet Query
ISC -----Internet Service Center
ISP -----Internet Service Provider
IPK -----Internet- und Projektkompetenz
IUK -----Internet United Kingdom
IWF -----Internet Watch Foundation
IWN -----Internet Webtrade Nederland
IWJ -----Internet Writing Journal
IYP -----Internet Young Polonia
IZZ -----Internet Zentrum Zwiesel
IKI -----Internet-Kaeyttaejaet Ikuisesti
IKQ -----Internetservice Kontroling Qualitaetssicherung
IPX -----Internetwork Packet Exchange [Novell]
ION -----Internetworking Over NBMA
INN -----InterNode Network
IOR -----Interoperable Object Reference
IDP -----Interplanetary Dust Particle
IRQ -----Interrupt ReQuest
ISR -----Interrupt Service Routine
IST -----Interrupt Service Thread
IVG -----Interrupt Vector Generator
ILH -----Interscholastic League of Hawaii
IXR -----Intersection of Runways
IHU -----Interservice Hovercraft Unit
ICB -----Interstate Computer Bank
ISM -----InterStellar Medium
IRK -----Interswitch Rekeying Key
IUN -----Inter-University Network
IVL -----Intervalometer
IWY -----Intiki World of Yesterday
IYU -----Into Your Underwear
ICF -----IntraCellular Fluid
IPG -----Intranet Process Guide
IUD -----Intrauterine Device
IUI -----Intrauterine Insemination
IVP -----IntraVenous Peripheral
IVT -----IntraVenous Therapy
ITK -----Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
IFD -----Invariant Factor Decomposition
IOY -----Invention of the Year
IAV -----Inventory Adjustment Voucher
IIM -----Inventory Information Management
ZIV -----Inverness Scotrail (UK-Scotland) (location identifier)
IMX -----Inverse Multiplexer
IPD -----Inverse Power Distance
IUH -----Investigation of Unexplained Happenings
IUO -----Investigational Use Only
IDW -----Investigation-Derived Waste
IFG -----Investing For Growth
IXJ -----Investing in Exploration Journal
IIY -----Investing In You
IGO -----Investment Grant Office
IYM -----Investment Year Method (insurance)
IFQ -----Invitation For Bids
IFP -----Invitation For Proposal
IBY -----Invitations By You
INV -----Invoice
IXH -----Ion Exchange Histogram
IXM -----Ion Exchange Module
IIX -----Ion Induced X-ray
IXA -----Ion X-ray Analysis
IPC -----Ion-Pair Chromatography
ISU -----Iowa State University
IEY -----Iranian Engineers Yellowpage
IJX -----Iranian Java Experts
IRY -----Iraya
IZL -----Irgun Zva'i Le'umi [Hebrew for National Military Organization]
IKC -----Irish Kennel Club
IKA -----Irish Kidney Association
IMJ -----Irish Medical Journal
IRA -----Irish Republican Army
IFB -----Is Finished By (Time or Date)
IKL -----Isaenmaallinen Kansanliike
IHI -----Ishikawagima-Harima Heavy Industries
ISA -----Isiah (bible)
IAO -----Isis Apophis Osiris
IIO -----Islamic Information Office
IUR -----Islamic University of Rotterdam
IKN -----Islamsk Kvinnegruppe Norge
IOM -----Isle Of Man
IEP -----IsoElectric Point
IKG -----Isolde Kurz Gymnasium
INB -----Israel Numismatic Bulletin
IMI -----Israeli Military Industries
IIK -----Issue In Kind
IKU -----Istanbul Kultur Universitesi
SZX -----Isuzu (trucks)
IZO -----Iszultzaile Zerbitsu Ofiziala
IJW -----It Just Works
IHZ -----Italia Hotel Zentrale
ITF -----Italic TypeFace
ICA -----Item Control Area
IFN -----Item For Negotiation
IIN -----Item Identification Number
IBR -----It's Been Real
IYN -----It's Your Net
NUF -----I've Had Enough
IZH -----Izhmash
IZV -----Izvidjacki

09-23-2010, 03:17 PM

JJB -----J J Broughton
JXY -----Jaccaid Index (genetics)
JBX -----Jack in the Box
JLA -----"Jack L. Albritton (famous broadcaster in US, founder of WJLA-TV) "
JHP -----Jacketed Hollow Point
JCZ -----Jackie Chan Zone
JQK -----Jack-Queen-King
JCC -----Jackson Community College
JNL -----Jackson National Life Insurance
JNV -----Jackson Nugent Vintners
JTU -----Jackson Turbidity Unit
ZLQ -----Jacksons Bay (New Zealand)
ZJX -----Jacksonville Air Route Traffic Control Center
JSU -----Jacksonville State University
JUU -----Jacksonville University Union
JKJ -----Jacob Koppel Javits
JHV -----Jacobetti Home for Veterans
JCG -----Jacobi Conjugate Gradient
JSI -----Jacobi Semi-Iterative
JNH -----Jacquinth Nursing Homes
JBG -----Jadgbombergeschwader (FRG)
JGK -----Jaeren Golfklubb
JIY -----Jaffari Islamic Youth
JXK -----Jaguar Experimental-11th generation
JFV -----Jahrbuch fuer Volksliedforschung
JZT -----Jahrzeiten
JFX -----Jakarta Futures Exchange
JGC -----Jakarta Golf Club
JIX -----Jakarta Internet Exchange
JJM -----Jakarta Job Market
JSX -----Jakarta Stock Exchange
JLJ -----Jalantol Lingkarluar Jakarta
JBU -----Jamaica Baptist Union
JBM -----Jamaica Bauxite Mines
JTA -----Jamaica Teachers Association
JMD -----Jamaican Dollar
JKZ -----Jamarski Llub Zeleznicar
JXJ -----James and James (publishers)
JBL -----James Bullough Lansing (audio
JIK -----"James I, King of England"
JJC -----James Jones Company
JJQ -----James Joyce Quarterly
JMU -----James Madison University
JTQ -----James Taylor Quartet
JWQ -----James Watt Queensway
JYP -----James Youth Program
JYC -----Jamestown Yacht Club
JYL -----Jamestown Youth League
JKX -----Jamie Kennedy Experiment
JKQ -----Jamiyah Khadamatil Quran
JMK -----Jamska
JDU -----Jane's Defence Upgrades
JDW -----Jane's Defence Weekly
JAN -----January
JEX -----Japan Airline Express
JKP -----Japan and Korea Program
JBR -----Japan Best Rescuesystem
JCJ -----Japan Congress of Journalists
JEF -----Japan Economic Foundation
JEY -----Japan Encounter for Youth
JFB -----Japan Federation of The Blind
JFA -----Japan Fisheries Agency
JGA -----Japan Gas Association
JGU -----Japan Geomorphological Union
JGN -----Japan Gigabit Network
JHN -----Japan Hotel Network
JIJ -----Japan Industrial Journal
JII -----Japan Information Infrastructure
JIN -----Japan Information Network
JIL -----Japan Institute of Labor
JIS -----Japan Institute of Standards
JJF -----Japan Juggling Federation
JKF -----Japan Karate Federation
JKO -----Japan Karate-do Organization
JKR -----Japan Karate-do Ryobu-kai
JKA -----Japan Keirin Association
JKC -----Japan Kennel Club
JMA -----Japan Management Association
JNC -----Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
JQN -----Japan QOL net
JSB -----Japan Satellite Broadcasters Inc.
JSV -----Japan Silver Volunteers Inc
JTY -----Japan Times Yokohama
JTI -----Japan Tobacco International
JUS -----Japan Unix Society
JWX -----Japan Weather Exchange
JWE -----Japan Wind Ensemble
JYH -----Japan Youth Hostels
JYV -----Japan Youth Volunteers
JUV -----"Japan, USA and Vietnam"
JEI -----Japana Esperanto Institute
JEJ -----Japana Esperanto-Junularo
JFD -----Japanese Federation of the Deaf
JGY -----Japanese *** Youth
JGL -----Japanese ***s and *******s
JJN -----Japanese Journal of Nursing
JJO -----Japanese Journal of Ophthamology
JJP -----Japanese Journal of Physiology
JLE -----Japanese Language Enveronment
JLI -----Japanese Language Institute
JLK -----Japanese Language Kit
JLS -----Japanese Language System
JNA -----Japanese Nursing Association
JPO -----Japanese Patent Office
JTH -----Japanese Traditional House
JVR -----Japanese Voltage Reducer
JWS -----Japanese Women in Sport
JWP -----Japanese Word Processor
JXS -----Japanese XAFS Society
JPY -----Japanese Yen
JYX -----Japanese Yen Exchange
JNP -----Jasper National Park
JWF -----Jastrow Wave Function
JKL -----Jaunuju Konservatriu Lyga
JCK -----Java (platform) Compatibility Kit
JAI -----Java Advanced Imaging
JXA -----Java and Ada
JCW -----Java Callable Wrapper
JXR -----Java Cross-Reference
JXD -----Java Crossword Designer
JCE -----Java Cryptographic Extension
JDO -----Java Data Object
JDC -----Java Developer Connection
JDJ -----Java Developers Journal
JGF -----Java Grande Forum
JMX -----Java Management eXtensions
JMF -----Java Media Framework
JMQ -----Java Message Queue
JMS -----Java Message Service
JMM -----Java Multi-Meter
JNI -----Java Native Interface
JNT -----Java Network Technology
JOX -----Java Objects in XML
JPX -----Java Plus XML
JQV -----Java Quality Value
JQD -----Java Query Designer
JQX -----Java Query Exchange
JQB -----Java Question Book
JSP -----Java Server Pages
JTK -----Java ToolKit
JTS -----Java Transaction Service
JVG -----Java Vector Graphics
JVM -----Java Virtual Machine
JXO -----Java XML Object
JXQ -----Java XML Quarterly
JXT -----Java XML Toolbox
JXU -----Java XML Unit
JXV -----Java XML View
JXW -----Java XML Word
JZQ -----Java Zero Query
JAX -----"Java, Apache, and XML"
JZX -----Java-based Sinclair ZX emulator
JXL -----Java-Excel
JVN -----Javanese
JPQ -----Java-Powered Queueing
JRY -----Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
JNU -----Jawaharlal Nehru University
JFW -----Jaws For Windows
JAZ -----"jaz format disc drive, meaning unknown"
JAH -----Jazz After Hours
JZH -----Jazz Hour
JMY -----Jazz Music Yesterday
JZZ -----JaZz Zone
JZM -----Jazzman Resources
JWB -----J-base Web Builder
JJR -----Jean-Jacques Rousseau
JMJ -----Jean-Michel Jarre
ZJF -----Jebel-ali Free Zone
ZJS -----"Jeep Grand Cherokees, 1993-98"
JKD -----Jeet Kune Do
JCH -----Jefferson County Hospital
JGH -----Jefferson General Hospital
JGQ -----Jefferson Grant Quintet
JLO -----Jennifer Lopez
JLH -----Jennifer Love Hewitt
QKJ -----Jennu Kurumba (language)
JER -----Jeremiah (old testament)
JOW -----Jerk of the Week
JSH -----Jersey Shore Hospital
JBK -----Jerusalem Bible-Koren
JQF -----Jerusalem Quarterly File
JVP -----Jerusalem Venture Partners
JDM -----Jesse Duplantis Ministries
JCF -----JESSI (Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative) Common Framework
JEV -----Jesuit European Volunteers
JRS -----Jesuit Refugee Service
JRH -----Jesuit Retreat House
JLX -----Jesuiten Lexikon
IHS -----Jesus (original printing IHS)
JFH -----Jesus Freak Hideout
JLY -----Jesus Loves You
JOY -----Jesus Offers You
JOK -----Jesus Orienteering Klubb
JTJ -----Jesus To Japan
JVV -----Jesus Verbindet Volker
JJY -----"Jesus, Journey, and You"
JAL -----Jet Approach Landing
JBD -----Jet Blast Deflector
JBP -----Jet Boat Performance
JFI -----Jet Flight Information
JGO -----Jet Grind Online
JPL -----Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JXM -----Jet-X Millennium
JBV -----Jeugbuitenverblijven
JFN -----Jeugd Filatelie Nederland
JGZ -----Jeugdgezondheidszorg
JNW -----Jeugdnatuurwacht
JNQ -----Jeune Notariat du Quebec
JVY -----Jeunesse Volontaire de Yopougon
JWL -----Jewel
JBT -----Jewelers Board of Trade
JDD -----Jewellery Design Development
JFR -----Jewish Foundation for the Righteous
JFJ -----Jewish Fund for Justice
JGS -----Jewish Genealogical Society
JGB -----Jewish Guild for the Blind
JHE -----Jewish Home for the Elderly
JNF -----Jewish National Fund
JQS -----Jewish Quality Singles
JRI -----Jewish Records Index
JSQ -----Jewish Studies Quarterly
VXJ -----Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library
JUF -----Jewish United Fund
JVL -----Jewish Virtual Library
JVS -----Jewish Vocational Service
JWV -----Jewish War Veterans
JWD -----Jewish Watchdog
JWW -----Jewish Webnet Week
JWI -----Jewish Women International
JWA -----Jewish Women's Archive
JWN -----Jewish Women's Network
JAP -----Jewish-American Princess
JYZ -----Jia Ying Zhou (city)
JKK -----Jidosha Kiki Kaisha
JRW -----Jig Raw Image
JVW -----Jimmy's Value World
JJH -----Jin Jiang Hotel
JXH -----Jing Xi Hotel
JZJ -----Jing Zhi Jie
JRZ -----Jitter Ring Zone
JZG -----Jiu Zhai Gou
JAC -----Job Assistance Center
JCV -----Job Component Validation
JCQ -----Job Content Questionnaire
JCA -----Job Control Administrator
JCN -----Job Cost Number (accountancy)
JDV -----Job Deck View
JDF -----Job Description Form
JDQ -----Job Do***entation Questionnaire
JES -----Job Entry System
JFT -----Job File Table
JHA -----Job Hazard Analysis
JHB -----Job Hazard Breakdown
JIM -----Job Information Memorandum
JIQ -----Job Information Questionnaire
JKT -----Job Knowledge Test
JML -----Job Material List
JOE -----Job Openings for Economists
JOB -----Job Opportunities for the Blind
JPM -----Job Performance Management
JPF -----Job Planning Form
JQI -----Job Quality Index
JQO -----Job Query Opening
JRQ -----Job Requirements Questionnaire
JSA -----Job Safety Analysis
JTD -----Job Task Data
JTP -----Job Training Package
JTM -----Job Transfer and Manipulation
JCL -----Job-Control Language (computing)
JEE -----Job-Employee-Employer Model
JWK -----Jobless White Kids
JLT -----Jobs and Labor Turnover
JFG -----Jobs for Florida's Graduates
JKG -----Jobs for Kentucky's Graduates
JWJ -----Jobs With Justice
JSO -----Job-Specific Orientation
JSJ -----Jodeit Schelmztecknik Jena
JQJ -----Joder Que Juegos
JGJ -----Joenkoeping Gripensbergs Jaernvag
JYK -----Joensuun Yhteiskoulun
JHC -----Joffna Hindu College
JVO -----Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (passenger liner)
JKU -----Johannes Kepler University
JUH -----Johanniter Unfallhilfe (medical help organisation)
JCY -----John C Yesno Education Centre
JCU -----John Carroll University
FXJ -----John Fairfax
JHK -----John H. Kallenburger
JHF -----John Hancock Financial Services
JKV -----John Knox Village
JLF -----"John Lemmon Films, Inc. "
JPJ -----John Paul Jones
JQP -----John Q Public
JQW -----John Q Witness
JQA -----John Quincy Adams
JWY -----John Watts Young (US astronaut)
JZD -----John Zachery Delorean (automotive pioneer)
JHU -----Johns Hopkins University
JZI -----John's Island
JNJ -----Johnson and Johnson (consumer products)
JSZ -----Johnson Shear Zone
JSC -----Johnson Space Center (NASA) [Space]
JUK -----Johnson UKulele
JYR -----Johnson-Yokogawa Recorder
JAB -----Joint Activity Briefing
JAG -----Joint Advisory Group
JAR -----Joint Airworthiness Requirement
JAT -----Joint Analysis Team
JAW -----Joint Analytic Warfare
JAD -----Joint Application Development
JBI -----Joint Battlespace Infosphere
JBE -----Joint Blind Equalization
JCS -----Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCX -----Joint Committee on Taxation
JCI -----Joint Communications Instruction
JCM -----Joint Conflict Model
JDB -----Joint Data Base
JDL -----Joint Data Library
JDA -----Joint Deployment Agency
JDS -----Joint Deployment System
JDP -----Joint Development Plan
JDT -----Joint Development Team
JDZ -----Joint Development Zone
JDX -----Joint Dumping Experiment
JEC -----Joint Economic Committee [of Congress]
JEW -----Joint Electronic Warfare
JEZ -----Joint Engagement Zone
JET -----Joint European Torus (fusion research)
JEG -----Joint Evaluation Group
JXC -----Joint Exercise Control
JEM -----Joint Experts Meeting
JFP -----Joint Fabrication Project
JFQ -----Joint Forces Quarterly (journal)
JGI -----Joint Genome Institute
JHQ -----Joint HeadQuarters
JHX -----Joint Hospital Examinations
JHD -----Joint House Department
JIB -----Joint Information Bureau
JIF -----Joint Integrated Firepower
JIG -----Joint Integration Group
JIA -----Joint Interest Audiovisual
JJE -----Joint job Evaluation
JLP -----Joint Logic Project
JLC -----Joint Logistics Commanders
JLG -----Joint Logistics Group
JLM -----Joint Logistics Management
JLQ -----Joint Logistics Quarterly (meeting)
ZLT -----Joint Logistics Training
JMB -----Joint Management Board
JMO -----Joint Management Office
JMP -----Joint Management Plan
JMT -----Joint Management Team
JMG -----Joint Meteorological Group
JMC -----Joint Movement Center
JOD -----Joint Occupancy Date
JOI -----"Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc."
JOA -----Joint Operating Agreement
JOF -----Joint Operating Facility
JOP -----Joint Operating Procedures
JOG -----Joint Operation Group
JOR -----Joint Operational Requirement
JOT -----Joint Operational Test
JOC -----Joint Organizing Committee

09-23-2010, 03:17 PM
ادامه حرف J

JPI -----Joint Packaging Instrumentation
JPA -----Joint Permitting Agreement
JPB -----Joint Planning Board
JPC -----Joint Planning Committee
JPD -----Joint Planning Do***ent
JPN -----Joint Planning Network
JPP -----Joint Planning Process
JPS -----Joint Precision Strike
JPR -----Joint Program Review
JPT -----Joint Project Team
JQR -----Joint Qualification Review
JQT -----Joint Qualification Testing
JQG -----Joint Question Group
JRT -----Joint Rapporteur Team
JRG -----Joint Rapporteurs Group
JRE -----Joint Readiness Exercise
JRX -----Joint Readiness Exercise
JRA -----Joint Rear Area
JRB -----Joint Reconnaissance Board
JRP -----Joint Relief Partnership
JRV -----Joint Requirement Validation
JRL -----Joint Requirements List
JRO -----Joint Requirements Office
JRR -----Joint Requirements Review
JRC -----Joint Research Centre
JSE -----Joint Second Echelon
JSG -----Joint Service Guidance
JSD -----Joint Standards Do***ent
JSR -----Joint Strategy Review
JSF -----"Joint Strike Fighter (new US all-forces jet, still in development)"
JSL -----Joint Support List
JSS -----Joint Surveillance System
JTC -----Joint Tactical Centre
JTF -----Joint Tactical Fusion
JTR -----Joint Tactical Radio
JTT -----Joint Tactical Terminal
JTB -----Joint Targeting Board
JTE -----Joint Targeting Enhancements
JTL -----Joint Targets List
JTG -----Joint Task Group
JTO -----Joint Tasking Order
JTX -----Joint Telephone eXtension
JUW -----Joint Unconventional Warfare
JUA -----Joint Underwriting Association (insurance)
JUP -----Joint Underwriting Participation (insurance plan used by Hawaii)
JUM -----Joint Union Management
JUO -----Joint Urban Operation
JUC -----Joint Users' Committee
JVA -----Joint Venture Authorization
JVF -----Joint Venture Funding
JVT -----Joint Venture Team
JVE -----Joint Verification Experiments
JVX -----"Joint Vertical Lift Aircraft, Experimental (V-22 Osprey)"
JVI -----Joint Vienna Institute
JVB -----Joint Visitor Bureau
JWR -----Joint War Room
JWC -----Joint Warfare Center
JWG -----Joint Working Group
JZY -----Joint Zionist Yout
JGG -----Jolly Green Giant
JHJ -----Jolly Holly Jog
JBJ -----Jon Bon Jovi (rock music artist)
JON -----Jonah (bible)
JIU -----Jones International University
JME -----Jones Matrix Eigenanalysis
JHM -----Joods Historisch Museum
JHH -----Joods Historisch Museum
ZEY -----Jordan Catholic School Center Library
JKB -----Jordan Kuwait Bank
JQM -----Jordan Quality Mark
JTV -----Jordan Television
JAS -----Jordanian Astronomical Society
JVJ -----Jornal Voz Jovem
JRU -----Jose Rizal University
JOS -----Joseph (bible)
JCB -----Joseph Cyril Bamford
JPK -----Joseph Patrick Kennedy
JRF -----Joseph Rowntree Foundation
JJT -----Josephson Junction Transistor
JKS -----Jouhou Koukai Services
JSK -----Jouhou System Kogaku
JHZ -----Joule-Hertz
JDE -----Journal de Enfants
JBW -----Journal of Basic Writing
JCP -----Journal of Chemical Physics
JDR -----Journal of Dental Research
JEL -----Journal of Economic Literature
JEP -----Journal of Electronic Publishing
JEN -----Journal of Emergency Nursing
JEU -----Journal of Emergency Ultrasonography
JEH -----Journal of Environmental Hydrology
JEQ -----Journal of Environmental Quality
JEO -----Journal of Evolutionary Optimisation
JEB -----Journal of Experimental Biology
JXB -----Journal of Experimental Botany
JXE -----Journal of Experimental Education
JFE -----Journal of Financial Economics
JGE -----Journal of General Education
JGP -----Journal of General Physiology
JGR -----Journal of Geophysical Research
JGT -----Journal of Graphics Tools
JHS -----Journal of Hebrew Scripture
JHG -----Journal of Historical Geography
JHR -----Journal of Human Resources
JID -----Journal of Infectious Diseases
JIP -----Journal of Internet Purchasing
JIR -----Journal of Irreproducible Results
JIH -----Journal of Israeli History
JJL -----Journal of Japanese Linguistics
JJS -----Journal of Japanese Studies
JLR -----Journal of Liberal Religion
JMR -----Journal of Magnetic Resonance
JMI -----Journal of Medical Imaging
JOM -----Journal of Metals
JMH -----Journal of Modern History
JNN -----Journal of Neonatal Nursing
JNM -----Journal of Nuclear Medicine
JNE -----Journal of Nursing Education
JOL -----Journal of Online Law
JOO -----Journal of Oregon Ornithology
JPH -----Journal of Policy History
JPE -----Journal of Political Economy
JQL -----Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
JQE -----Journal of Quantum Electronics
JRM -----Journal of Range Management
JSM -----Journal of Sport Management
JUR -----Journal of Undergraduate Research
JOV -----Journal of Visualization
JWH -----Journal of Women's History
JYI -----Journal of Young Investigators
JZU -----Journal of Zhejiang University
JZR -----Journal of Zoological Research
JOZ -----Journal of Zoology
JED -----Journaliste En Danger
JFS -----Journalized File System
JIV -----Journee Internationale des Voluntaires
JOH -----Journey of Hope
JWO -----Journey With Olds
JUX -----Joviak Unterhaltungen zu Unix
JQY -----Joy Global
JNX -----Joyful Noise Express
JNG -----JPEG Network Graphics
JQU -----JPEG Quality Unit
JLN -----Judaica Library Network
JYE -----Judeo-Yemeni
JQC -----Judicial Qualifications Commission
JGX -----Judicial-Granted Extension
JUD -----Judith (Apocrypha)
JVH -----Judo Vereinigung Hannover
JZW -----Judo Zewa-Wasserstop
JGM -----Juedische Gemeinde Mannheim
JZO -----Juedische Zeitung fuer Ostdeutschland
JMW -----Juedisches Museum Wien
JMV -----Jugador Mas Valioso
JBH -----Jugenbegegnung Herten
JAV -----Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung
JAK -----Jugendarbeitskreis
JUB -----Jugendberatung
JFZ -----Jugendfeuerwehr Zug
JGW -----Jugendgemeinschaftswerk
JGD -----Jugendgottesdienst
JHW -----Jugendhilfswerk
JIZ -----Jugendinformationszentrum
JUI -----Jugendinitiative
JKW -----Jugendkunstswerkstatt
JMZ -----Jugendmedienzentrum
JPZ -----Jugendpastoraleszentrum
JRK -----Jugendrotkreuz
JWZ -----Jugendserien-Wertungszahl
JVK -----Jugendverbandsklasse
JZP -----Jugendzeltplatz
JUZ -----Jugendzentrum
JZE -----Jugendzentrum Essen
JZL -----Jugendzentrum Leichlinger
JZN -----Jugendzentrum Nord
JVD -----Jugular Vein Distention
JJD -----Ju-Jitsu Do
JJX -----Ju-Jitsu Experience
JJW -----Ju-Jitsu Wuerttemberg
JJZ -----Jukebox Jazz
JDN -----Julian Day Number
JZB -----Julian Jazz Band
JUL -----July
JRD -----Jumbo Random Driver
JBF -----Jump Back-Forwards
JDK -----Jump Don't Kick
JNB -----Jump if Bit Not Set
JNZ -----Jump if Not Zero
JXP -----Jump if X-register Positive
JXX -----Jump Instructions Table
JNO -----Jump Not Overflow
JXZ -----Jump on X-register Zero
JZF -----Jump on Zero Flag
JTZ -----Jump To Zero
JTN -----Jump Tomorrow's News
JIO -----Jumper In
JUT -----Jumpin' Jive Tour
JJJ -----Jump-Juggle Jest
JNK -----Jun N-terminal Kinase
JCT -----Junction
JXN -----Junction
JSN -----Junction Switch Number
JIW -----Junction-Isolated Wafer
JSW -----Junctor SWitch
JUE -----June
JUN -----June
JJA -----June-July-August
JLZ -----Jung Lesben Zentrum
JZS -----Junge Zukunft Schweiz
JGV -----Junggesellen Verein
JWT -----Jungle Warfare Training
JZV -----Jungzuechtervereinigung
JNR -----Junior
JBQ -----Junior Bible Quiz
JBA -----Junior Boys Academy
JBO -----Junior Boy's Own (record label)
JCR -----Junior Common Room
JFC -----Junior File Clerk
JHY -----Junior High Youth
JHL -----Junior Hockey League
JHI -----Junior Home Internationals
JHO -----Junior House Officer
JJK -----Junior Jedi Knight
JJV -----Junior Junior Varsity
JKH -----Junior Kernel Hacker
JLB -----Junior League of Bakersfield
JLD -----Junior League of Denver
JLL -----Junior League of London
JLV -----Junior League of Victoria
JLW -----Junior League of Washington
JOQ -----Junior Olympics Qualifications
JRJ -----Junior Riders Journal
WJL -----Junior Women Lightweight
JYA -----Junior Year Abroad
JYF -----Junior Year in France
JYM -----Junior Year in Munich
JYS -----Junior Year in Spain
JYG -----Junior Youth Group
JYO -----Junior Youth Orchestra
JYQ -----Junior Yukon Quest
JZC -----Junior Zoo Crew
JZK -----Junior Zoo Keeper
JUJ -----Juniper-Japanese
JYN -----Junk Yard Network
JYW -----Junk Yard Wars
JYB -----Junkyard Band
JYD -----Junkyard Dog
JYJ -----JunkYard Jeans
JPV -----Juntos Pela Vida
JEK -----Junularo Esperantista Kanad
JQZ -----Jurassic Quiet Zone
JUY -----Juray
JBB -----Juridische Banenbank
JCD -----"Juris Canonici (sive Civilis) Doctor (trans: Doctor of Canon, or Civil, Law)"
JTW -----Jurisdictional Transfer Workgroup
JDY -----Jury Duty
JQQ -----Just a Quick Question
JUQ -----Just a Useless Question
JAA -----Just Another Acronym
JAE -----Just Another Explanation
JAF -----Just Another Fight
JAJ -----Just Another Joke
JAO -----Just Another Observer
JAY -----Just Another Youth
JBN -----Just Be Natural
JBY -----Just Be Yourself
JBC -----Just Because (I) Can
JDI -----Just Do It
JFF -----Just For Fun
JFK -----Just For Kicks
JFL -----Just For Laughs
JFM -----Just For Me
JFO -----Just For Openers
JFU -----Just For Us
JFY -----Just For You
JIC -----Just In Case
JIE -----Just In Explanation
JIT -----Just In Time
JJG -----Just Jazz Guitar
JKM -----Just Keep Moving
JKI -----Just Kill It
JNY -----Just Not Yet
JND -----Just Noticeable Difference
JOJ -----Just Off the Jet
JPW -----Just Plain Weird
JSY -----Just Say Yes
JWU -----Just When yoU...
JYT -----Just Your Type
JST -----justice
JVU -----Justice and Victims Unit
JWM -----Justice and Witness Ministries
JDG -----Justice Design Group
JKE -----Justice Knowledge Exchange
JKN -----Justice Knowledge Network
JPU -----Justice Programs Unit
JUG -----Justice Under God
JCO -----Justification for Conditional Operation
JMN -----Justification for Mission Need
JNS -----Justification for New Start
JAM -----Justified Ancients of Mummus
JVZ -----Justitieele Verslavingszorg
JBZ -----Justitio en Binnenlandse Zaken
JLU -----Justus Liebig Universitaet
JQH -----Jutlands Quarter Horse
JDH -----Juvenile Detention Home
JJI -----Juvenile Justice Initiative
JJU -----Juvenile Justice Unit
JOU -----Juvenile Offenders Unit
JVQ -----Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire
JXG -----Juvenile Xanthogranuloma
JRN -----Juventud Renovacion Nacional
JYU -----Jyvaekylaen University
JYY -----Jyvaelkylaen Yliopiston Ylipilaskunta
JKY -----Jyvaeskylaen Kirjatyoentekijaein

09-23-2010, 03:17 PM
XAH -----Kahayan

KZQ -----Kaike (language)
QKQ -----Kaimbe
KLU -----Kaiser Aluminum Corporation
KBD -----Kaiser Broadcasting Detroit
KBS -----Kaiser Broadcasting System (radio network)
KEO -----"Kaiser Electro-Optics, Inc."
KFN -----Kaiser Ferdinands Nordbahn
KAS -----Kalamazoo Astronomical Society
KHU -----Kalamazoo Handicappers United
KND -----"Kaleva Norman Dickson School District (Brethren, Mich.)"
KTX -----Kaliotoxin
KLQ -----Kaltlichtquellen
QKH -----Kambiwa
KFW -----KampFWagen
KOA -----Kampground of America
QKY -----Kamu
KLB -----Kanados Lietuviu Bendruomenes
KTE -----Kanchanjangha Tea Estate
KXV -----Kangaroo Pox Virus
KNU -----Kangwon National University
KRP -----Kano River Project
KTV -----Kansai Television
KAN -----Kansas
KAT -----Kansas Area Tigers
KAD -----Kansas Army Depot
KAQ -----Kansas Art Quilters
KBI -----Kansas Bureau of Investigation
KCD -----Kansas City District (Corps of Engineers)
KCS -----Kansas City Southern
KCE -----"Kansas Consulting Engineers, Inc."
KGA -----Kansas Golf Association
KGJ -----Kansas Government Journal
KHF -----Kansas Health Foundation
KHC -----Kansas Humanities Council
KJL -----Kansas Job Link
KPW -----Kansas Press Women
KUS -----Kansas Ultrarunners' Society
KWA -----Kansas Walleye Association
KWO -----Kansas Water Office
KZC -----Kansas Zen Center
KZW -----Kanton Zentralstelle fuer Wohnungsbau
KZO -----Kantonsschule Zuercher Oberland
KZU -----Kantonsschule Zuercher Unterland
KCZ -----Kanu-Club Zuerich
KZS -----Kapitan Zur See (German Naval Rank = Captain)
KXA -----Kappa Chi Alpha
KXE -----Kappa Chi Epsilon Fraternity
KEZ -----Kappa Epsilon Zeta
KKG -----Kappa Kappa Gamma
KKY -----Kappa Kappa Psi
KON -----Kappa Omicron Nu
KQE -----Kappa Theta Epsilon
KXI -----Kappa Xi
KZX -----Kappa Zeta Chi
KKX -----Kar Kraft Experimental
KPT -----Karachi Port Trust
KSE -----Karachi Stock Exchange
KUJ -----Karachi Union of Journalists
KKH -----Karakorum Highway
KHE -----Karaoke Home Entertainment
KTC -----Karate Tournament Central
KWF -----Karate-no-michi World Federation
KPZ -----Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (physics)
KLT -----Karhunen-Loeve Transform [image compression]
YUJ -----Karkar-Yuri
KIV -----Karlsruhe Interactive Verifier
KGK -----Karlsruher Gesamtkatalog
KVK -----Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog
KQA -----Karnataka Quiz Association
KWI -----Karst Waters Institute
KRM -----"Kart Racing Motorsports, Inc."
KKJ -----Kartastokoordinaattijaerjestelmae
KVJ -----Kartell Juedischer Vereine
KZV -----Kartell Zionistischer Verbindungen
VZX -----"Kasba Lake, Northwest Territories"
KAV -----Kaspersky Anti-Virus
KBV -----Kassenaerztliche Bundesvereinigung
KIL -----Katechetisches Institut Luzern
KWM -----Katedra Wytrzymalosci Materialow
KRO -----Katherine Regional Office
KVF -----Kathmandu Vineyard Fellowship
KLJ -----Katholieke Landelijke Jeugd
KUL -----Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
KUN -----Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen
KEB -----Katholische Erwachsenenbildung
KGI -----Katholische Glaubensinformation
KHJ -----Katholische Hochschuljugend
KJN -----Katholische Jugend Nackenheim
KJQ -----Katholische Jugend Quickborn
KJF -----Katholische Jugendfuersorge
KJS -----Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit
KJZ -----Katholische Jugendzentrale
KJG -----Katholische Junge Gemeinde
KSZ -----Katholische Sozialwissenschaftliche Zentralstelle
KSJ -----Katholische Studierende Jugend
KJA -----Katholischen Jugendamt
KNI -----Katmai New Instructions
KAI -----Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna
KJT -----Katolicka Jednota Texaskaa
KJY -----Kattassery Joseph Yesudas (music)
KRE -----Kauffman Racing Equipment
KGT -----Kawasaki Grand Touring
KHI -----Kawasaki Heavy Industries
KMX -----Kawasaki Motocross
KYB -----Kayaba Industry Company
KYZ -----Kayabi (language)
XAY -----Kayan Mahakam
KNG -----Kayan National Guard
KXY -----Kayong (language)
KZR -----Kazahk Republic
KPB -----Kazakhstan Pharmaceutical Bulletin
KVZ -----Kazanskii Vertoletnyi Zavod
KJX -----Kddi Java Extensions
KGX -----KDE with GNU
KFD -----Kearny Fire Department
KLD -----Kedit Language Definition
KBW -----"Keefe, Bruyette, & Woods, Inc. Securities dealer"
KNO -----"Keel-, Neus-, en Oorheelkunde "
KAC -----Keep America Connected
KDW -----"Keep Digging, Watson"
KHW -----Keep Hawaii Wild
KIT -----Keep In Touch
KIB -----Keep Iowa Beautiful
KKB -----Keep Knoxville Beautiful
KTB -----Keep Texas Beautiful
KTZ -----Keep the Zoo Committee
KTR -----Keep Them Rolling
KVO -----Keep Vein Open
KYH -----Keep Your Head
KYJ -----Keep Your Job
KYN -----Keep Your Nick
KLX -----Keeper Linux
KPS -----Keeper of the Privy Seal
KFH -----Keeping Families Healthy
KII -----Keeping Independents Independent
KTF -----Keeping The Faith
KIM -----Keep-In-Memory
KUC -----KEEPRITE Unit Cooler
KSY -----Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
KAZ -----Keio Advanced ZEV (Zero Emissions Vehicle)
KBB -----Kelley Blue Book
KKN -----Keluarga Kudus Nazaret
KRQ -----Kema Registered Quality
KUI -----Kemija u Industiriji
KQG -----Kempenfelt Quilters' Guild
KDO -----Kempense Darts Organisatie
KPC -----"Kenai Peninsula College, Alaska"
KIW -----Kenan Institute in Washington
KHN -----Kendall Hill Nursery
KVR -----Kenilworth Vehicle Rental Company
KSV -----Kenmac Steam Vaporizer
KKI -----Kennedy Krieger Institute
KSC -----Kennedy Space Center
KHR -----Kennedy Space Center Historical Report
KVY -----Kennedya Y potyvirus
KLG -----Kennelm Lee Guinness (auto parts)
KHT -----Kensington Housing Trust
KVC -----Kensington Valley Conference
KWW -----Kent and the Wider World
KBG -----Kent Bat Group
KEF -----Kent Engineering and Foundry (loudspeakers)
KIJ -----Kent International Jamboree
KKA -----Kent Korfball Association
KSU -----Kent State University
KWT -----Kent Wildlife Trust
KYP -----Kentriky Yperesia Plerophorion
KCU -----Kentuckiana Choral Union
KAR -----Kentucky Association of Realtors
KBA -----Kentucky Broadcasters Association
KCA -----Kentucky Conservatory of Arts
KCG -----Kentucky Contest Group
KDE -----Kentucky Department of Education
KER -----Kentucky Equine Research
KFG -----"Kentucky Financial Group, Inc."
KYF -----Kentucky First Bancorp
KFC -----Kentucky Fried Chicken
KGQ -----Kentucky Gray Quartz
KHO -----Kentucky Heartland Outreach
KYL -----Kentucky Law Reporter
KLA -----Kentucky Library Association
KMA -----Kentucky Motorcycle Association
KPR -----Kentucky Population Research
KQP -----Kentucky Quilt Project
KRZ -----Kentucky Reptile Zoo
KYS -----Kentucky State (university)
KSP -----Kentucky State Police
KVU -----Kentucky Virtual University
KWP -----Kentucky Works Program
KYD -----Kentucky Young Democrats
KKW -----Kenwood Knights Wrestling
KBC -----Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
KNM -----Kenya National Museum
KTN -----Kenya Television Network
KIX -----Kenyan Internet eXchange
KNH -----Kenyatta National Hospital
KSX -----Kerala Sub-contract Exchange
KZY -----Keratec Zirconia-Yttrium
KGF -----Keratinocyte Growth Factor
KPF -----Kerio Personal Firewall
KRV -----Kern River Valley
KHG -----Kernel Hacking Guide
KLL -----Kernersville Little League
KVI -----Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut
KZB -----Kernzeitbetreuung
QQK -----Keuru (language)
KDQ -----Kevin Dorrian Quartet
KAM -----Key Account Management
KCR -----Key Component Review
KCT -----Key Construction Test
KCV -----Key Customer Value
KDP -----Key Decision Point
KDT -----Key Definition Table
KDC -----Key Distribution Center
KDL -----Key Distribution List
KEI -----Key Enabling Investment
KET -----Key English Test
KES -----Key Escrow System
KFL -----Key Facilities List
KGR -----Key Generator Receiver
KIP -----Key Intelligence Position
KMC -----Key Management Center
KMF -----Key Management Facility
KMI -----Key Management Infrastructure
KML -----Key Management List
KMP -----Key Management Protocol
KMS -----Key Management System
KPI -----Key Performance Indicator
KPP -----Key Performance Parameter
KPU -----Key Personnel Update
KPA -----Key Process Area
KPK -----Key Production Key
KPE -----"Key Professional Engineers, Inc."
KRA -----Key Recovery Alliance
KSH -----Key Strokes per Hour
KSF -----Key Success Factors
KTA -----Key Technical Area
KTP -----Key Technologies Plan
KTS -----Key Telephone Set
KTU -----Key Telephone Unit
KVQ -----Key Value Question
KVG -----Key Variable Generator
KVE -----Key Vision Event
KWY -----Key Way
KWQ -----Key Words in Questions
KAK -----Key-Auto-Key
KMM -----Keyboard
KDS -----Keyboard Display Station
KDU -----Keyboard Display Unit
KBX -----Keyboard Extension
KID -----Keyboard Input Device
KBP -----KeyBoard Processor
KSO -----Keyboard Send Only
KSR -----Keyboard Send Receive
KVM -----"Keyboard, Video and Mouse "
KCJ -----Keymen's Club of Japan
KOL -----Key-Oriented List
KFK -----Keys For Kids
KAU -----Keystation Adapter Unit
KBU -----Keystone Builders Unlimited
KOZ -----Keystone Opportunity Zones
KPY -----Keystone Partnership for Youth
KXW -----Keyword Index
KXU -----Keyword Transformation Unit
KGN -----Khachoe Ghakyil Nunnery
KIG -----Kholvad Islam Gymkhana
KCF -----Kibaale Childrens Fund
KAH -----Kick A Hamster
KYX -----Kicks
KFR -----Kidnapping For Ransom
KUF -----Kidney Urology Foundation
KLS -----"Kidney, Liver, Spleen"
KUH -----"Kidney, Urologic, and Hematologic Diseases "
KUB -----"Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder"
KAY -----Kids and Youth
KCW -----Kids Computer Workshop
KDJ -----Kid's Denim Jacket
KDN -----Kid's Design Network
KGC -----Kids Get Care
KLO -----Kids Like Ours
KOB -----Kids On the Block
KOW -----Kids On the Web
KOS -----Kids Over Shoulder
KPJ -----Kid's Polar Jacket
KQN -----Kid's Quilt Night
KSN -----Kids Sports Network
KSW -----Kids Stories Writer
KVH -----Kids Voting Hawaii
KWR -----Kids Who Read!
KWK -----Kids with Kites
KNW -----"Kielder Newport West, Limited"
KTD -----Kiev Traktor Detal
KMZ -----Kievskii Mototsikletnyi Zavod
KAA -----Kill All Animals
KBN -----Kill Bad Name
KBQ -----Kill Before Questionning
KDB -----Kill Da Bastards
KEA -----Kill the Enemies of America
KYT -----Kill Your Television
KDR -----Kill-Detection Ratio
KBH -----Killer Beez Hive
KWL -----Killers Without Limits
KHY -----Killifish Hobbyist of the Year
KQC -----Kill-Quick Charlie
KFO -----Killybegs Fishermen`s Organisation
KBY -----Kilobyte
KEV -----Kilo-ElectronVolt
KFT -----KiloFeeT
KGY -----Kilogrey
KHZ -----KiloHertZ
KLY -----Kilo-Langley
KIH -----Kilometers In the Hour
KPH -----Kilometres Per Hour
KMQ -----Kilometro Quadrato
KXH -----Kilometros por Hora
KSI -----Kilopounds per Square Inch
KQH -----Kilo-Quadergy-Hour
KVA -----KiloVolt-Ampere
KWB -----KiloWatt Breakdown
KWE -----KiloWatt Electric
KWH -----KiloWatt-Hour
KQR -----Kimaragang
KIY -----Kimberley Indigenous Youth
ZKY -----Kimberly Clark Corporation Technical Library
KKC -----Kind Kids Club
KJJ -----Kinder- en Jeugdjury
KKZ -----Kinder Kirchen Zeitung
KJH -----Kinder- und Jugendhaus
KJI -----Kinder- und Jugendinitiative
KJE -----"Kinder-, Jugend und Erwachsenenhilfe "
KTY -----Kindergarten Transition Year
KHB -----Kinderhilfe Bethlehem
KZH -----Kinderzahnheilkunde
KZM -----Kinderzahnmedizin
KVD -----Kinematics for precise Variance Detection
KNS -----Kinesiology and Nutritional Science
KCP -----Kinetic Cavity Preparation
KEW -----Kinetic Energy Weapon
KIE -----Kinetic Isotope Effect
KKV -----Kinetic Kill Vehicle
KPQ -----Kinetic Priority Queue
KFF -----King Faisal Foundation
KFU -----King Faisal University
KGV -----King George V
KJB -----King James Bible
KJC -----King James Colony
KJO -----King James Onlyist
KJV -----King James Version (of the Bible)
KKU -----King Khalid University
KKQ -----King King Queen
KOE -----King Of England
KOG -----King Of Glory
KOF -----King Of the Forest
KOM -----King of the Mountains
KOY -----King Of Yuma
KXB -----King Takes Bishop
KXR -----King Takes Rook
KWC -----King William's College
KJK -----"King, Jack, King"
KBM -----Kingdom Building Ministries
KFM -----Kingdom Faith Ministries
KMT -----Kingdom Magic Travel
KSQ -----Kingdom Seekers Quartet
KVN -----Kingdom Vision Network
KQO -----King-Queen Off-suit
KQJ -----King-Queen-Jack
KQQ -----King-Queen-Queen
KQX -----King-Queen-Unknown
KGS -----Kings (bible)
KCY -----Kings Church York
KXP -----Kings Cross Partnership
KXT -----King's Cross Team
KGL -----King's German Legion
KHQ -----King's Harmonica Quintet
KOO -----Kings Of Oblivion
KOQ -----Kings of Queen
KQW -----King's Quickening Word
KRH -----Kings River-Hardwick Elementary School
KRR -----King's Rules and Regulations
KQS -----Kingston Quay Stadium
KRU -----Kingston Road United Church
KHD -----Kingsville Historic District
KHA -----Kingsville History Association
KFP -----Kinkos File Prep Tool
KLN -----Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg
KQM -----Kinsman Quartz Monzonite
KNQ -----Kintaq
KVL -----Kirchoff's Voltage Law
KPO -----Kirin Plaza Osaka
KSA -----Kirkwood Superposition Approximation
KNV -----"Kirstein, Neidig, Vance Chartered Accountants"
KGD -----Kiruna Geophysical Data
KJR -----Kiski Junction Railroad
KUG -----Kiso Ultraviolet-excess Galaxy
KMG -----Kiss My Grits
KVX -----Kissei-Vertex (pharmaceuticals)
KUA -----Kissimmee Utility Authority
KPL -----Kit Parts List
KDA -----Kitchen Distributors of America
KAP -----Kite Aerial Photography
KCQ -----Kittyhawk Clarinet Quartet
KEY -----Kiwanis Educating Youth
KRD -----Kiwi Ride Distribution
KBO -----Klamath Bird Observatory
KLZ -----Kleeneze
KMU -----Kleine und Mittelgroesse Unternehmen
KAG -----Klingon Assault Group
KPV -----Klingon Privateer Vessel
KLH -----"Kloss, Lowe, and Hoffman (audio products)"
KKK -----Klu Klux Klan
KDG -----Klub der Grossen in Deutschland
KIK -----Klub Inteligencji Katolickiej
KOT -----Klub Otomotif Timor
KUV -----Knapheide Utility Van
KJP -----Knee Jerk Politican
KFS -----"Knife, Fork, and Spoon"
KNT -----Knight
KCB -----Knight Commander (of the order) of the Bath
KBE -----Knight commander of the British Empire
KSG -----Knight of Saint Gregory
KSS -----Knight of Saint Silvester
KHS -----Knight of the Holy Sepulchre
GBE -----Knight or Dame Grand Cross (of the order of) the British Empire
KRT -----Knight Ridder-Tribune

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ادامه حرف K

KRI -----"Knight-Ridder, Incorporated"
KOC -----Knights Of Columbus
KGE -----Knights of the Golden Eagle
KLC -----Knights of the Lambda Calculus
KOV -----Knights Of the Vine
KOU -----Knights Of Unity
KOX -----Knights Of Xentar
KRY -----Knights Rugby Youth
KTO -----Knights Templar Oasis
KAE -----Knigliches Athenum Eupen
KCK -----Knik Canoers and Kayakers
KIO -----Knock It Off
KYO -----Knock Yourself Out
KDF -----Knocked Down Flat
KOD -----Knocked Out
KHH -----Knockranny House Hotel
KBF -----Knott's Berry Farm
KNL -----Know No Limits
KYC -----Know Your Customer
KYG -----Know Your Government
KYI -----Know Your Insect
KYR -----Know Your Rights
KIS -----Knowbot Information Service
KUU -----Knowing the Unknowable Universe
KAW -----Knowledge Acquisition Workshop
KIN -----Knowledge and Innovation Network
KUW -----Knowledge and Understanding of the World
KBT -----Knowledge Based Targeting
KCM -----Knowledge Center Management
KCC -----Knowledge Consistency Checker
KDD -----Knowledge Discovery in Databases
KEP -----Knowledge Economy Partnership
KEE -----Knowledge Engineering Environment
KEL -----Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
KEN -----Knowledge Exchange Network
KXS -----Knowledge Exchange System
KEX -----Knowledge Explorer
KGH -----Knowledge Gap Hypothesis
KIF -----Knowledge Interchange Format
KMN -----Knowledge Management Network
KMO -----Knowledge Management Officer
KNC -----Knowledge Navigation Center
KNE -----Knowledge Network Explorer
KNB -----Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity
KOJ -----Knowledge Of Jesus
KOP -----Knowledge Oriented Policy
KQL -----Knowledge Query Language
KQU -----Knowledge Quest University
KQV -----Knowledge Quest Ventures
KRL -----Knowledge Representation Language
KST -----Knowledge Sharing Technology
KSL -----Knowledge Systems Lab
KWX -----Knowledge Worker Exchange
KBL -----Knowledge-Based Logistics
KXG -----Knowledgexchange
KYW -----KnowYourWater.org
KXD -----Knox D'Arcy Trust
KTK -----Kobenhavns Triathlon Klub
KOI -----Kobe-Osaka International
KCI -----Koch Crime Institute
KFX -----Kodak Foto-Enhancer
KPG -----Kodak Polychrome Graphics
KXF -----Kodak X-ray Film
KNJ -----Kodaly New Jersey
KXM -----Koeksmaestare
QKU -----"Koeln-Deutz, Rheinland"
KIQ -----Koelner Initiative Qualifizierungstransfer
KIU -----Koelner Internet Union
KKT -----Koelner Kuenstler Theater
KVB -----Koelner Verkehrs-Betriebe
KNF -----Koh-i-Noor Foundation
KKR -----"Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts"
KYQ -----Kokizz Y Que
KAF -----Kol Adonai Foundation
KEU -----Kolding Erhvervsudvikling
KAX -----Kollection of Archived Graphix
KCX -----Komatsu Castex
KUE -----Komatsu Utility Europe
KZA -----Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Holland Committee On Southern Africa)
KGB -----Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti (big nasty USSR secret people)
KHM -----Komitor Healing Method
KSK -----Kommando Spezialkraefte
KTI -----Kommission fuer Technologie und Innovation
KZG -----Kommission fuer Zeitgeschichte
KKE -----Kommounistiko Komma Elladas
KBZ -----Kommunikations- und Begegnungszentrum
KFB -----Kommunikationsforskningsberedningen
KED -----Kommunistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands
KPD -----Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
KMD -----Komodo Manchester Debugger
KUQ -----Kompetenz und Qualifikation fuer junge Menschen
KZK -----Kompetenz Zentrum Kommunal
KEG -----Kompetenzzentrum fuer Elektronischen Geschaeftsverkehr
KHV -----Kona Hawaiian Village
KEK -----Konferenz Europaeischer Kirchen
KDY -----Kongelig Dansk Yachtklub
KNK -----Kongra Netewiya Kurdistan
KPN -----"Koninklijke PTT [Post, Telegraaf, Telefoon] Nederland"
KRC -----Koninklijke Racing Club
KSB -----Koninklijke Sterrenwacht van Belgie
KZZ -----Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
KAJ -----Kontaktstelle Arbeit und Jugend
KVP -----Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungs Proze [Siemens process]
KLV -----Kontrol Limitation Vitesse
KZL -----Konzentrationslager
KTQ -----Kooperation fuer Transparenz und Qualität
KKS -----Koordinierungszentrum fuer Klinische Studien
KQY -----Koorete (language)
KEC -----Kootenai Electric Cooperative
KUD -----Koperasi Unit Desa
KLF -----Kopyright Liberation Front
KOR -----Korea
KDI -----Korea Defense Intelligence
KDM -----Korea Direct Marketing
KEJ -----Korea Esperanto-Junularo
KLI -----Korea Life Insurance
KMJ -----Korea Metal Journal
KNX -----Korea Network Exchange
KPX -----Korea Power Exchange
KQT -----Korea Quartz Technology
KSD -----Korea Securities Depository
KTJ -----Korea Telecom Japan
KTL -----Korea Testing Laboratory
KTG -----Korea Tobacco Group
KUT -----Korea University of Technology
KAL -----Korean Air Lines
KDZ -----Korean Defense Zone
KDX -----Korean Destroyer Experimental
KDH -----Korean Direct Hire
KFA -----Korean Financial Association
KFQ -----Korean Foundation for Quality
KGP -----Korean Ginseng Products
KHL -----Korean Heritage Library
KIA -----Korean Inferior Automobile
KLP -----Korean Language Program
KLE -----Korean Linux Extension
KMH -----Korean Multi-purpose Helicopter
KNR -----Korean National Railroad
KRX -----Korean Recycler's Exchange
KRS -----Korean Register of Shipping
KSM -----Korean Service Medal
KUP -----Korean United Pharmaceutical
KWV -----Korean War Veterans
KRW -----Korean Won (currency)
KXC -----Korean X-ray Crystallographer
KGG -----Koreanische Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik
KNY -----Koreans in New York
KNZ -----Korfball New Zealand
KFY -----Korn-Ferry International
KWZ -----Kornwestheimer Zeitung
KHK -----Koronare Herzkrankheit
KQB -----Korzh Query Builder
KCH -----Kosciusko Community Hospital
KIC -----Kosova Information Center
KWN -----Kosova Women's Network
KYE -----Kosova Young Ecologists
KLR -----Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
KRB -----Kourou Reflexe Badminton
KMB -----Kowloon Motor Bus
KZN -----Kozani
KGO -----Kozmikus Geodeziai Obszervatorium
KFZ -----Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe
KWU -----"Kraftwerk Union, AG"
KZD -----Krajowy Zjazd Delegatow
KTT -----Kran- und Transportdienstleistungen Thueringen
KEH -----Krankenkasse Eintracht Heusenstamm
KTW -----Krankentransportwagen
KVT -----Krasnovian Variant Tank
KMW -----Krauss-Maffei Wegmann
KWG -----Kreditwesengesetz
KJU -----Kreis Junger Unternehmer
KJW -----Kreisjazzwerkerschaft
KJD -----Kreisjugenddienst
KKM -----Kreiskolbenmotor
KLW -----Kreislaufwirtschaft
KKF -----Kreitman Foundation Fellowship
KDV -----Kriegsdienstverweigerung
KZT -----Kriminaltechnischen Zentralstelle
KRK -----Krisen Reaktions Kraefte
KYM -----Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram
KFI -----Krishnamurti Foundation India
KKD -----Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
KOK -----Kristiansand Orienteringsklubb
KRN -----Kristna Radionatet
KZJ -----Krivicnog Zakona Jugoslavije
KYV -----Kriya Yoga Vigyan
KQI -----Krogman-Quaid International (Private Investigations)
KRJ -----"Kromm, Rikimaru, and Johansen Architects"
KTM -----"Kronreif und Trunkenpolz, Mattighofen (motorcycles)"
KNP -----Kruger National Park
KRG -----Kruger Research Group
KRF -----KRypton Flouride laser
NXK -----Krysslistearkiv for Karplanter
KLK -----Kuala Lumpur Kepong
KAO -----Kuiper Airborne Observatory
KUX -----Kukatja
KUK -----Kultur- und Kongresszentrum
KKL -----Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern
KIZ -----Kulturinformationszentrum
KUM -----Kulturministeriet
KMK -----Kultusministerkonferenz
KCN -----Kumamoto Cable Network
KUO -----Kumukio
KZF -----Kundenzufriedenheit
KZI -----Kundenzufriedenheitsindex
KFE -----Kung Fu Exchange
KTH -----Kungl Tekniska Hoegskolan
KAB -----"Kunsan Air Base, Korea"
KVS -----Kunststoff-Verband Schweiz
KUZ -----Kunststoff-Zentrum
KYY -----Kuopion Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta
KFJ -----Kuratorium fuer Journalistenausbildung
KFV -----Kuratorium fuer Verkehrssicherheit
KGM -----Kuratorium Ganzheitliches Management
KWJ -----Kuratorium Wiener Jugendwohnhaeuser
KKP -----Kurdistan Komunist Partisi
KNN -----Kurdistan National Network
KKO -----Kurpfaelzisches Kammerorchester
KZE -----Kurzzeitexperten
KWD -----Kuwaiti Dinar
KMY -----Kvaerner Masa-Yards
KVV -----Kvinner Viser Vei
KMR -----Kwajalein Missile Range
KGU -----Kwansei Gakuin University
KUY -----Kwanyama
KZP -----Kwartalnik dla Historji Zydow w Polsce
KYA -----Kwaya
KYK -----Kyklos
KIR -----Kyocera Image Refinement
KPM -----Kyocera PrintMonitor
KBJ -----Kyoto Business Journal
KCL -----Kyoto Common LISP
KDK -----Kyoto Daiichi Kogaku
KEM -----Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing
KJM -----Kyoto Jazz Massive
KMV -----Kyoto Musik Verein
KUR -----Kyoto University Reactor
KGZ -----Kyrghyzstan
KME -----Kyushu Matsushita Electric Company
KYU -----Kyushu University

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LKI -----Labor fur Kuenstliche Intelligenz
LZM -----Laboraoatorno Zavodyskoy Modul
LAQ -----Laboratorio de Analises Quimicas
LKT -----Laboratorium fuer Kunststofftechnik
LDQ -----Laboratory and Data Quality
LAI -----Laboratory Audit Inspection
LDP -----Laboratory Data Products
LNC -----Laboratory for Neural Computation
LQO -----Laboratory for Quantum Optics
LEK -----Laboratory of Electron Kinetics
LQC -----Laboratory Quality Control
LQI -----Laboratory Quality Initiative
LTC -----Laboratory Training Center
LOF -----Lack Of Fit
LAX -----Lacrosse
LDH -----Lactate Dehydrogenase
LHJ -----Ladies Home Journal
LYH -----Lagos Youth Hostel
LNK -----Laisvas Nepriklausomas Kanalas
LYP -----Lakeshore Youth Philharmonic
LJH -----Lamar Journal of the Humanities
LXA -----Lambda Chi Alpha
LKK -----Lambda Kappa Kappa
LKZ -----Lambda Kappa Zeta
LUK -----Lamellen und Kupplungsbau
LAM -----Lamentations (bible)
LFZ -----Laminar Flow Zone
LOM -----Laminated Object Manufacture [rapid prototyping]
LHF -----Lamp Heat Flux
LCU -----LAN CID Utility
LNM -----LAN Network Manager
LZU -----Lan Zhou University
LND -----Land
LDU -----Land Down Under
LNS -----Land Navigation System
LRP -----Land Reclamation Program
LRX -----Land Rover Exchange
ZQZ -----Land vehicles-environmental impact
LWU -----Land Warfare University
LWA -----Land Withdrawal Act
LKS -----Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
LEJ -----Landesamt fuer Ernaehrungswirtschaft und Jagd
LAK -----Landesapothekerkammer
LBV -----Landesbund fuer Vogelschutz
LGZ -----Landesgericht fuer Zivilrechtssachen
LJV -----Landesjagdverband
LJF -----Landesjugendkonvent
LJO -----Landesjugendorchester
LKV -----Landes-Kanu-Verband
LNV -----Landesnaturschutzverband
LPK -----Landespressekonferenz
LZO -----Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg
LZG -----Landeszentrale fuer Gesundheit
LZZ -----Landeszentrum fuer Zuwanderung
LFG -----Landfill Gas
LCI -----Landing Craft Infantry
LCL -----Landing Craft Large
LCP -----Landing Craft Personnel
LCG -----"landing Craft, Gun "
LCH -----"Landing Craft, Hospital"
LCS -----"Landing Craft, Small"
LCT -----"Landing Craft, Tank (US)"
LHA -----Landing Helicopter Assault
LHD -----Landing Helicopter Dock
LPD -----Landing Personnel Dock
LPH -----Landing Personnel Helicopter
LSH -----Landing Ship Hospital
LSM -----Landing Ship Medium
LST -----Landing Ship Tank
LSU -----Landing Ship Utility
LVA -----Landing Vehicle Assault
LVW -----"Landing Vehicle, Wheeled"
LVH -----Landing Vessel-Hydrofoil
LZA -----Landing Zone Approval
LZL -----Landing Zone Locator
LZQ -----Landing Zone reQuest
LKA -----"Landing, Cargo, Assault (Ship type)"
LJA -----Landjugendakademie
LOZ -----Landsbond van de Onafhankelijke Ziekenfondsen
LGF -----Landsgardeforeningen
LZE -----Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Ebenrain
LJB -----Langenthal Jura Bahn
LCF -----Language Control Facility
LPT -----Language Proficiency Test
LUI -----Language User Interface
LSQ -----Langue des Signes Quebecois
LRF -----Lantbrukarnas riksfrbund
LWX -----LAN-WAN Exchange
LBY -----Lao Baptist Youth
LNY -----Lao New Year
LYU -----Lao Youth Union
LJS -----Lap Joint Strength
LYY -----Lapin Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta
LYK -----Lapin Ympaeristoekeskus
LKO -----Lappeenrannan Kaupunginorkesteri
LXL -----Large and Extra Large
LBT -----Large Binocular Telescope
LCW -----Large Caliber Weapon
LDF -----Large Deployable Reflector [Space]
LGL -----Large Granular Lymphocyte
LJN -----Large Jail Network
LMC -----Large Magellanic Cloud
LQG -----Large Quantity Generator
LVQ -----Large Vehicle Quota
LSG -----Large-Scale Geostrophic
ZWY -----Lasalle County Genealogy Guild Library
LBD -----Laser Beam Detector
LDD -----Laser Designator Detector
LEI -----Laser Enhanced Ionization
LGB -----Laser Guided Bomb
LGM -----Laser Guided Missiles
LID -----Laser Implant-Deposition
LLS -----Laser Light Scattering
LLT -----Laser Luminescence Tomography
LMP -----Laser Microprobe
LRR -----Laser Radition Receiver
LTS -----Laser Telemetric System
LTK -----Laser Thermal Keratoplasty
LHM -----Laser-Hardened Materials
LIG -----Laser-Imagery Generated
LSF -----Laser-Saturated Fluorescence
LSB -----LASH or SEABEE Ship
LIM -----Last Interglacial Maximum
LKG -----Last Known Good
LKP -----Last Known Point
LKU -----Last Known Use
LNU -----Last Name Unknown
LTT -----Last Train To...
LTB -----Last Trunk Busy
LYM -----Last Year's Model
LKW -----LastKraftWagen [German: truck]
QYW -----Late Holocene Young Wash Deposits (geology)
LLZ -----Late Licence Zone
LFM -----Lateral Force Microscopy
LAD -----Latest Arrival Date
LQY -----Latin Quarter Youth
LXQ -----Latin-American Extreme-Games Qualifier
LAT -----Latitude
LDS -----Latter Day Saints
LKR -----Latvijas Kristigais Radio
LYC -----Lauderdale Yacht Club
LWK -----Laufwasserkraftwerk
LAU -----Launch
LEE -----Launch Electronics Equipment
LEU -----Launch Enable Unit
LOW -----Launch On Warning
LVX -----Launch Vehicle Experimental
LZF -----Launch Zone Flag
LNH -----Launching Nose Heavy
LAJ -----Law And Justice
LXJ -----Law and Justice
LFK -----Law For Kids
LJX -----Law Journal Extra
LJI -----Law Journals Index
LQR -----Law Quarterly Review
LRK -----Law Review of Kenya
LRJ -----"Law, Research, and Journalism"
LTA -----Lawn Tennis Association
LBL -----Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
LMH -----Lawrence Memorial Hospital
LRL -----Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
LYR -----Layer
LMI -----Layer Management Interface
LZB -----LaZy Bugger(s)
BVP -----Le Bureau de Vrification de la Pense
LQF -----Le Quartier Francais
LQJ -----Le Quotidien Jurassien
LAA -----Lead Agency Attorney
LZY -----Lead and Zinc Yield
LAS -----Lead Angle Sensor -----
LJR -----Lead Joint Runner -----
LMW -----Lead Mobility Wing -----
LSA -----Lead Standardization Activity -----
LBQ -----Leader Behaviour Questionnaire -----
LAP -----Leadership Assessment Program -----
LNJ -----Leadership New Jersey -----
LPR -----Leadership Potential Rating -----
LTQ -----Leadership Through Quality -----British-Jamaican reggae artist-poet
LDG -----Leading -----
LAC -----Leading AirCraftman -----
LRM -----Leaflet Rolling Machine -----
LFY -----Leafy -----
LPF -----League for Programming Freedom -----
LYI -----League for Yiddish Incorporated -----
LCY -----League of Communists of Yugoslavia -----
LXG -----League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
LWV -----League of Women Voters
LDI -----Leak Detector Indicator
LDE -----Leak-Detection Element
LMY -----Lean Meat Yield
LTY -----Leaning Tower YMCA
LNQ -----Learning Network Queensland
LRC -----Learning Resource Center
LTW -----Learning Through Work
LAL -----Leased Access Line
LVT -----Leasehold Valuation Tribunal
LFU -----Least Frequently Used
LKB -----Leathercraft Knowledge Base
LMA -----Leave Me Alone
LVG -----Leaving
LEW -----Lech-Elektrizitaetswerke
LMZ -----Leder- und Motorradclub Zuerich
LWZ -----Lederwaren Zeitung
LBF -----"Lee Bird Field, North Platte, Nebraska, USA "
LUU -----Leeds University Union
LHR -----Left Hand Rule
LHT -----Left Hand Turn
LLL -----Left Lower Lobe
LLQ -----Left Lower Quadrant (medical abbreviation for area of the abdomen)
LMB -----Left Mouse Button
LTX -----Left Teradyne (at) Xmas
LTR -----Left To Right
LUL -----Left Upper Lobe
LUQ -----Left Upper Quadrant
LVV -----Left Ventricular Volume
LHG -----Left-Hand Grip
LHP -----Left-Handed Pitcher
LBW -----Leg Before Wicket (cricket)
LDM -----Legacy Data Management
LIS -----Legacy Information System
LEG -----Legal
LAB -----Legal Aid Board
LAO -----Legal Assistance Officer
LDK -----Legal Development of Kazakstan
LWI -----Legal Writing Institute
LXS -----Legislative Exhibition Series
LLO -----Legislative Liaison Officer
LYV -----Legume Yellow Virus
LVY -----Lehigh Valley
LSZ -----Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmerman
LGY -----Lehramt an Gymnasien
LZV -----Lehrkraeftezulagenverordnung
LKN -----Lehrstuhl fuer Kommunikationsnetze
LUR -----Lehrstuhl fuer Umweltverfahrenstechnik und Recycling
LZK -----Lehrzielkatalog
LRZ -----Leibniz Rechenzentrum
LDY -----Leicestershire and Derbyshire Yeomanry
LIY -----Leicestershire Imperial Yeomanry
LAZ -----Leichtathletikzentrum
LJZ -----Leipziger Juedische Zeitung
LQN -----Leistungs- und Qualitaetsnachweise
LUZ -----Leistungspruefung und Zuchtwertschaetzung
LQH -----Leiurus Quinquestriatus Hebraeus
LGK -----Leksell Gamma Knife
LLK -----Lelak
LJQ -----Lemon Juice Quartet
LZH -----Lempel-Ziv-Huffman Algorithm
LZS -----Lempel-Ziv-Stac (compression scheme)
LZW -----Lempel-Ziv-Welch (compression algorithm used in GIF image format)
LLU -----Lending Library Unit
LXH -----Length by Height
LXW -----Length by Width
LQU -----Length of Queue Understood
LMJ -----Leningrad Mathematical Journal
LVK -----Leon Vignetter Kit
LIK -----Lernsystem Informationskompetenz
LZI -----Lernzentrum Informatik
LQS -----Les Quatre Saisons
LTZ -----Less Than Zero
LDA -----Lesson Design Approach
LFR -----Let Freedom Ring
LMG -----Let Me Go
LMK -----Let Me Know
LNL -----Let Nicaragua Live
LGR -----Lethal Ground Range
LYZ -----Lethal Yellowing Zone
LGW -----Let's Go Wings
LOC -----Letter Of Comment
LOO -----Letter Of Offer
LOR -----Letter Of Request
LOU -----Letter of Undertaking
LQP -----Letter Quality Printer
LBX -----Letterbox
LBM -----Letter-Box Mode
LUD -----Letting Us Down
LYD -----Letting Yourself Down
LMV -----Lettuce Mosaic Virus
LIF -----Leukemia Inhibitory Factor
LOQ -----Level Of Quantitation
LZP -----Level Zero Processing
LVR -----Lever
LEV -----Leviticus (bible)
LEX -----"Lewisham Extension (of Docklands Light Railway, UK)"
LXK -----"Lexington, Kentucky"
LZD -----Lezard Dramatique
LUO -----Libera Universita Omosessuale
LEY -----Liberal European Youth
LPC -----Liberal Party of Canada
LRY -----Liberal Religious Youth
LLJ -----Liberation of the Lingonberry Juice
LIJ -----Liberia Institute of Journalism
LYJ -----Libertad Y Justicia
LNF -----Libertarian Nation Foundation
LAY -----Library Association Yearbook
LBH -----Library for the Blind and Handicapped
LJY -----Library Journal Yearbook
LMQ -----Library Management Quarterly
LWW -----Library Without Walls
LXB -----Library Xpress Base
LXN -----Library Xpress Neo
LNA -----Licenced National Agent
LPN -----Licensed Practical Nurse
LVN -----Licensed Vocational Nurse
STL -----Licentiate of Sacred Theology
LVB -----Liechtensteiner Volksblatt
LKL -----Lietuvos Krepsino Lyga
LEQ -----Life Effectiveness Questionaire
LEF -----Life Extension Foundation
LOJ -----Life Of Jamaica
LSY -----Life Support Youth
LUE -----"Life, the Universe and Everything"
LLX -----Lifelong Learning Excellence
LIO -----Lifescience Industry Organization
LLG -----Lifetime Learners of Georgia
LUJ -----Lift Up Jamaica
LYO -----Lift Your Own
LGT -----Light
LTE -----light
LAF -----Light Attenuating Filter
LHE -----Light Helicopter Experimental
LHX -----Light Helicopter Experimental
LIB -----Light Infantry Brigade
LLH -----Light Lift Helicopter
LSW -----Light Support Weapon
LUH -----Light Utility Helicopter
LVC -----Light Vehicle Component
LWC -----Light Water Content
LWP -----Light Weight Process
LDR -----Light-Dependant Resistor
LED -----Light-Emitting Diode
LXE -----Lightguide eXpress Entry
LYS -----Lighthouse Youth Services
LWS -----Lightning Warning Set
LTF -----Lightwave Terminating Frame
UXC -----Lightweight Digital Facsimile Machine
LWL -----Light-Weight Launcher
LNR -----Ligue Nationale de Rugby
LKQ -----Like Kind and Quality
LJT -----Limburgs Jeugdtheater
LTD -----LimiTeD company
LDO -----Limited Duty Officer
LFI -----Limited Field Investigation
LFQ -----Limited Flying Quality
LIP -----Limited Installation Program
LLC -----Limited Liability Corporation
LLP -----Limited Liability Payout
LNO -----Limited Nuclear Option
LRD -----Limited Rate Deployment
LUT -----Limited User Test
LVS -----Limited Visibility Study
LWO -----Limited Weather Observation
LMF -----Limiter-Matched Filter
LIR -----Limiting Infiltration Rate
LNZ -----Limmat-Nixen Zuerich
ZYV -----Lincoln (Illinois) Correctional Center Library
LGH -----Lincoln General Hospital
LBO -----Line Build-Out
LCR -----Line Control Register
LES -----Line Errored Seconds
LGC -----Line Group Controller
LIT -----Line Insulation Test
LIU -----Line Interface Unit
LIE -----Line Islands Experiment
LLN -----Line Link Network
LBI -----Line of Bearing Intersection
LOB -----Line Of Building
LOE -----Line Of Engagement
LOH -----Line Overhead
LPQ -----Line Printer Queue
LPU -----Line Protection Unit
LQA -----Line Quality Analysis
LRI -----Line Replaceable Item
LSV -----Line Status Verifier
LTG -----Line Trunk Group
LVM -----Line Verification Module
LIN -----Linear
LFD -----Linear Finite-Difference
LFB -----Linear Frame Buffer [ISA PC technology]
LGQ -----Linear Gaussian Quadratic
LKF -----Linear Kalmann Filter
LQE -----Linear Quadratic Equation
LRS -----Linear Referencing System
LTO -----Linear Tape Open
LTL -----Linear Temporal Logic
LXF -----Linear Xenon Flash
LMN -----Lineman
LOD -----Lines Of Defense
LOP -----Lines Of Position
LPI -----Lines Per Inch
LFA -----Link Field Address
LIV -----Link Integrity Verification
LPP -----Link Peripheral Processor
LQM -----Link Quality Monitoring
LSL -----Link Support Layer
LUA -----Link Uninhibit Acknowledgment
LUM -----Link Utilization Monitor
LTV -----Link-Temco Vought
LUP -----Link-Up Point
LXM -----Lintex Minerals
LKJ -----Linton Kwesi Johnson
LNX -----Linux

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ادامه حرف L

LXR -----Linux Cross-Reference
DLX -----Linux Distribution List
LGP -----Linux Game Publishing
LKH -----Linux Kernal Hack
LMX -----Linux Multiplexer
LQT -----Linux Quebec Technologies
LWN -----Linux Weekly News
LKE -----Liontrust Knowledge Economy Trust
LPG -----Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LIQ -----Liquid
LCD -----Liquid Crystal Display
LXP -----Liquid Crystal Prototype
LQX -----Liquid Exchange
LHW -----Liquid Hot Water
LHY -----Liquid HYdrogen
LII -----Liquid Injection Incinerator
LOX -----Liquid Oxygen eXplosive
LRV -----Liquid Reactor Vessel
LSK -----Liquid Sample Kit
LSR -----Liquid Slip Ring
LWG -----Liquid Water in Grams
LZC -----Liquid Zone Control
LQW -----Liquidation World
LXC -----Liquid-ion Exchange Chromatography
LLA -----Liquid-Level Alarm
LNG -----Liquified Natural Gas
LML -----Lisp Markup Language
LOA -----List Of Abbreviations
LOT -----List Of Tables
LDN -----Listed Directory Number
LQZ -----Lithic Quartz
LXY -----Lithium Exchange Yield
LIH -----Lithium Hydride
LTU -----Lithuania (440) ISO 3-letter country code
LJU -----Lithuanian Journalist Union
LIL -----little
LHC -----Little Happy Creatures (from Sleaze Castle)
LJL -----Little John Launcher
LKC -----Little Kanawha Conference
ZXV -----Little Rock Township Public Library
LYB -----Littleton Youth Baseball
LZJ -----Liturgija na Znakovnom Jeziku
LFX -----Live Fire eXercise
LWD -----Live Wire Danger
LQL -----Liverpool Quiz Links
LWH -----Liverpool Women's Hospital
LGD -----Livestock Guardian Dog
LPJ -----Living Presence Journal
LWE -----Living With the Earth
LIZ -----Lizard
LZR -----Lizenzreglement
LBE -----Load Bearing Equipment
LCE -----Load Carrying Equipment
LHZ -----Load Half and Zero
LXD -----Load Index from Decrement
LJM -----Lobachevskyi Journal of Mathmatics
LNT -----Local and National Transport
LAN -----Local Area Network
LBZ -----Local Brittle Zone
LBP -----Local Broadcast Procedure
LCB -----Local Control Box
LCN -----Local Control Number
LDB -----Local Data Base
LDV -----Local Defence Volunteers
LDC -----Local Departmental Committee
LDT -----Local Descriptor Table
LEA -----Local Examination Authority
LEC -----Local Exchange Carrier
LXT -----Local Exchange Terminal
LFT -----Local Fault Testing
LGG -----Local Government Group
LGO -----Local Government Ombudsman
LGS -----Local Government Session
LHU -----Local Health Unit
LHI -----Local Heritage Initiative
LJE -----Local Job Entry
LJP -----Local Job Processing
LKD -----Local Key Distribution
LKM -----Local Key Manager
LMD -----Local Management Device
LMT -----Local Mean Time
LNP -----Local Number Portability
LON -----Local Operating Network
LPB -----Local Peripheral Bus
LPW -----Local Point Warning
LRN -----Local Range Network
LRA -----Local Reproduction Authorized
LSS -----Local Switching System
LUG -----Local Users Group
LYA -----Local Yokel Anglers
LZX -----Local Zone Exchange
LZT -----Local Zone Time
LGI -----Locally Generated Income
LTN -----Location
LDZ -----Location Developer's Zone
LRQ -----Location Request
LUS -----Location Update Service
LFW -----Loch Fyne Whiskies
LFE -----Lockheed Furnished Equipment
LQV -----Locus Questions in Vision
LPY -----Log Periodic Yagi
LAG -----Logical Address Group
LBA -----Logical Block Address
LGN -----Logical Group Number
LLI -----Logical Link Identifier
LPL -----Logical Page List
LSN -----Logical Session Number
LUN -----Logical Unit Number
LUW -----Logical Unit of Work
LSC -----Logistic Services Craft
LRU -----Logistical Replacement Unit
LSP -----Logistical Support Planning
LOG -----Logistics
LCX -----Logistics Coordination eXercise
LFF -----Logistics Factors File
LIA -----Logistics Integration Agency
LRE -----Logistics Readiness Element
LRO -----Logistics Readiness Officer
LRG -----Logistics Review Group
LVO -----Loire Valley Online
LKY -----Lokoya
LNE -----London and North-Eastern (railway)
LBG -----London Benchmarking Group
LBN -----London Bereavement Network
LBC -----London Broadcasting Company
LCC -----London County Council (defunct)
LGU -----London Guildhall University
LMS -----London Mathematical Society
LME -----London Metal Exchange
LMR -----"London Midland Region (formerly, part of British Rail)"
LNI -----London Nursing Initiative
LOK -----London Orienteering Klubb
LRW -----London Radio Workshop
LSE -----London School of Economics
LSJ -----London School of Journalism
LSX -----London Sustainability Exchange
LWT -----London Weekend Television
LWJ -----Lone Wolf James
LBB -----Long Back Board
LFN -----Long Fat Network
LGV -----Long Goods Vehicle
LHL -----Long Haul Link (data communications)
LIW -----Long Instruction Word
LLV -----Long Leg Vertical
LRT -----Long Range Transport
LTM -----Long Term Memory
LWF -----Long Wave Frequency
LWR -----Long Wavelength Redundant
LWB -----Long Wheel Base
LDX -----Long-Distance eXtender
LHN -----Long-Haul Network
LHB -----Longhorn Band
LHK -----Lonrho Hotels Kenya
LLF -----"Look and Learn, Fool"
LHS -----Loop Handling System
LIC -----Loop Insertion Cell
LGE -----Loop- or Ground-start Exchange
LPE -----Loop Preparation Equipment
LPM -----Loop Preparation Machine
LQQ -----Loop Qualification Query
LRB -----Loop Reverse Battery
LCO -----Loopback Command Off
LCA -----"Loopback Command, Audio loop request"
LCV -----"Loopback Command, Video loop request"
LFS -----Loopback File System
LSO -----Loopback Service Option
ONJ -----l'Orchestre National de Jazz
LCJ -----Lord Chief Justice
LJC -----Lord Jesus Christ
LJG -----Lord Justice General
LJJ -----Lords Justices
LQK -----Lorenskog Quilteklubb
LET -----Lorentz Ether Theory
LTJ -----Lose The Jerk
LYW -----Lose Your Way
LDW -----Loss Damage Waiver
LER -----Loss Exchange Ratio
LOS -----Loss Of Signal
LPS -----Loss Prevention Staff
LGJ -----Lost Generation Journal
LTI -----Lost Time Injury
LWY -----Lost Without You
LZN -----Lotnicze Zaklady Naukowe
LOL -----Lots Of Love
OYZ -----Lotus Approach Alternate dBASE Index file
LNN -----Lotus Notes Network
LNW -----Louisiana and Northwest
LBU -----Louisiana Baptist University
LEH -----Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
LHQ -----Louisiana Historical Quarterly
LJW -----Louisiana Jazz World
LYG -----Louisville Youth Group
LUV -----love
LVE -----love
LCQ -----Love Comes Quickly
LUF -----Love yoU Forever
LYL -----Love You Lots
LYT -----Love You Tons
LAR -----Low Angle Reentry
LBR -----Low Bit Rate
LCZ -----Low Cloud Zone
LEO -----Low Earth Orbit
LEZ -----Low Emission Zone
LEP -----Low Energy Particle
LEN -----Low Entry Networking
LFC -----Low Fan Control [See also Hawkman's Automotive Webspace]
LFO -----Low Frequency Orchestra
LFP -----Low Frequency Prediction
LGA -----Low Gain Antenna(e)
LHV -----Low Heating Value
LMO -----Low Mars Orbit (NASA)
LNB -----Low Noise Block
LOV -----Low Observation Visibility
LPA -----Low Profile Additive
LPX -----Low Profile eXtended
LVP -----Low Vapor Pressure
LVI -----Low Vision International
LVD -----Low Voltage Differential
LVJ -----Low Voltage Junction
LVU -----Low Voltage Unit
LWM -----Low Water Mark
LDL -----Low-Density Lipoprotein
LEB -----Low-Energy Beam
LFL -----Lower Flammability Limit
LHO -----Lower Hatch Open
LCM -----Lowest Common Multiple
LEL -----Lowest Effect Level
LQD -----Lowest Quantity Determinable
LUC -----Lowest Unit Charge
LFJ -----Low-Frequency Jammer
LIX -----Low-Intensity Xray
LLE -----Low-Level Earthquake
LLW -----Low-Level Waste
LPZ -----Low-Population Zone
LXO -----Low-power Crystal Oscillator
LRH -----Lowrider Haven
LVL -----Low-Velocity Layer
LVZ -----Low-Viscosity Zone
LWQ -----Low-Water Quadrature
LVF -----Loyalist Volunteer Force
LOY -----Loyalty
LAW -----"Lubricant, Arctic Weather"
LUB -----Lubrication
LMU -----Ludwig Maximilians Universitt (Mnchen)
LJK -----LuftJgerKorps
LEM -----Lunar Excursion Module
LFH -----Lunar Far Horizon
LFV -----Lunar Flight Vehicle
LLR -----Lunar Laser Ranging
LOI -----Lunar Orbit Insertion
LPV -----Lunar Piloted Vehicle [NASA OEXP]
LTP -----Lunar Transient Phenomenon
LTH -----Luteotropic Hormone
LHH -----Lutheran Hospice of Hope
LMM -----Lutheran Men in Mission
LYE -----Lutheran Youth Encounter
LYX -----Lutheran Youth Exchange
LYF -----Lutheran Youth Fellowship
LYQ -----Lutheran Youth of Queensland
LBK -----Lutherska Bekaennelsekyrkan
LXZ -----Luxembourg Zoo
LUX -----Luxembourgeois
LXU -----Luxtec Corporation
LUY -----Luyia
LAE -----Lyman Alpha Emitter
LAV -----Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus
LCK -----Lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase
LKX -----Lymphokine Extract
LBJ -----Lyndon Baines Johnson
LYN -----Lynx
LSD -----LySergic acid Diethylamide
LAH -----Lyster Army Hospital

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ادامه حرف M

MKE -----Mobil Knowledge Exchange
MBL -----Mobile
MDI -----Mobile Data Initiative
MDM -----Mobile Depot Maintenance
MES -----Mobile Earth Station
MEC -----Mobile Equipment Console
MFS -----Mobile File Sync
MGV -----Mobile Gateway Van
MIK -----Mobile Internet Kit
MKG -----Mobile Knowledge Group
MML -----Mobile Multi-Link
MOB -----Mobile Operating Base
MTX -----Mobile Telephone eXchange
MTS -----Mobile Telephone Service
MTM -----Mobile Test Model
MVN -----Mobile Virtual Network
MLZ -----Mobiles Laser Zentrum
MGJ -----Mobilization for Global Justice
MPM -----Mobilization Policy Model
MBV -----Model Based Vision
MRG -----Model Resource Group
MUN -----Model United Nations
MXE -----ModelSim Xilinx Edition
MFQ -----Modern Folk Quartet
MLJ -----Modern Language Journal
MLQ -----Modern Language Quarterly
MUH -----Modern University for the Humanities
MTF -----Modernization Task Force
MDZ -----Modernize
MAS -----Modified Armament System
MFJ -----Modified Final Judgement
MMJ -----Modified Modular Jack
MRF -----Modified Record File
MCU -----Modular Component Unit
MDE -----Modular Design Environment
MCW -----Modulated Continuous Wave
MIF -----Module Interconnection Facility
MZE -----Moebel Zentral Einkauf
MUW -----Monadnock United Way
MON -----Monday
MTW -----"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday"
MAO -----Monoamine Oxidase
MSG -----MonoSodium Glutamate
MSP -----Mono-Sodium Phosphate
MZD -----Montgomery Zukerman Davis marketing company
MDY -----Month-Day-Year
MNQ -----Moore News Quarterly
MRA -----Moral Re-Armament
MZK -----Moravska Zemska Knihovna (Moravian Regional Library)
MBN -----More Bad News
MFG -----More Friendly Garbage
MRT -----Morning Readiness Test
MZG -----MOS Zone Guidance
MSU -----Moscow State University
MFN -----Most Favored Nation
MFU -----Most Frequently Used
MVP -----Most Valuable Player
MHP -----Mostly Harmless Planet
MFZ -----Motherf***ing Zero
MWM -----MOTIF Window Manager
MVD -----Motion Vector Data
MVI -----Motion Video Instructions
MVS -----Motion Video Society
MXJ -----Motocross Journal
MXW -----Motocross World
MXZ -----Motocross Zubehoer
MBY -----Motor Boat & Yachting (magazine)
MBO -----Motor BurnOut
MCE -----Motor Carrier Evaluation
MTB -----Motor Torpedo-Boat
MVA -----Motor Vehicle Accident
MNZ -----"Motorcycling New Zealand, Inc."
MHX -----Motorhandstueck Xenox
MUZ -----Motorrad Und Zweiradwerk
MWS -----MotorWay Services
ZGZ -----Moultrie-Colquitt County Library
MDT -----Mountain Daylight Time (north America)
MST -----Mountain Standard Time (north America)
MGC -----Mouse Genome Conference
MEJ -----Mouvement Eucharistique des Jeunes
MQQ -----Mouvement Quebecois de la Qualite
MCV -----Movable Closure Valve
MRB -----Move Right Back
MJW -----"Move, Jump, Walk"
MDJ -----Movement Disorders Journal
MMO -----Movement Management Officer
MRU -----Movement Release Unit
MRN -----Movement Request Number
MRZ -----Movement Restriction Zone
MJL -----Movimiento de Juventud Lautaro
MFA -----Moving Filter Assembly
MWD -----Moving Window Display
MZV -----Muellabfuhrzweckverband
MYZ -----Muenchner Yoga-Zentrum
MPZ -----Muggle Pride Zone
MVH -----Mulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz
MWH -----Mulliken-Wolfsberg-Helmholz
MET -----Multibutton Electronic Telephone
MTP -----Multicast Transport Protocol
MZR -----Multi-cast Zone Routing
MYX -----Multicultural Youth eXchange
MDL -----Multi-Disciplinary Laboratory
MFD -----Multi-Function Display
MFK -----Multi-Function Keyboard
MLF -----Multi-Lateral Force
MTN -----Multilateral Trade Negotiations
MLP -----Multi-Layer Perceptron
MLE -----MultiLine Entry
MXB -----Multimedia eXension Board
MXC -----Multimedia eXtension Connector
MIX -----multimedia internet exchange
MMG -----Multimedia Management Group
MMC -----Multimedia Marketing Council
MTZ -----Multimedia Transfer Zentrum
MMV -----Multi-Media Video
MMW -----Multi-MegaWatt
MNF -----Multi-National Force
MNA -----Multi-Network Area
MXL -----Multi-player Xtreme League
MAI -----Multiple Access Interference
MBJ -----Multiple Blinking Jammer
MDC -----Multiple Drone Control
MEI -----Multiple Extension Interworking
MHF -----Multiple Hearth Furnace
MLI -----Multiple Link Interface
MLT -----Multiple Logical Terminals
MPU -----Multiple Port Unit
MPI -----Multiple Protocol Interface
MQF -----Multiple Quantum Filter
MQW -----Multiple Quantum Well
MSJ -----Multiple Selective Reject
MSE -----Multiple Simultaneous Engagement
MSO -----Multiple Systems Operator
MUP -----Multiple Uniform naming convention Provider
MVL -----Multiple Virtual Line
MWX -----Multiple Way eXamination
MZW -----Multiple Zone Width
MPX -----MultiPleX
MDX -----Multiplex Data Exchange
MUX -----Multiplexer
MCO -----Multiplexer Control Option
MXU -----MultipleXer Unit
MCN -----Multipoint Command Negating MCS
MDS -----Multipoint Distribution Service
MIM -----Multipoint Indicate Master
MIZ -----Multipoint Indicate Zero-communication
MIL -----Multipoint Indication
MIV -----Multipoint Indication Visualization
MJU -----Multipoint Junction Unit
MPR -----Multi-Port Repeater
MPL -----Multi-Position Loader
MPA -----Multi-Purpose Additive
MPC -----Multi-Purpose Communication
MVQ -----Multi-resolution Vector Quantization
MKL -----Multi-space Karhunen-Loeve transform
MTE -----Multisystem Test Equipment
MUB -----Multi-Use Bearer service
MUD -----Multi-User Dungeon
MUG -----Multi-User Game
MXH -----Multivariate Extended Hypergeometric
MWC -----Multi-Warfare Control
MYP -----Multi-Year Procurement
MXK -----Mundah by Keel
MWW -----Municipal Waste Water
MDB -----Munitions Demilitarization Building
MEA -----Munitions Effects Assessment
MHA -----Munitions Handling Area
MHE -----Munitions Handling Equipment
MHT -----Munitions Handling Trailer
MHB -----Munitions Holding Building
MHI -----Munitions Holding Igloo
MUA -----Munitions Unpack Area
MDK -----Murder Death Kill
MCQ -----Musee de la Civilisation de Quebec
MNK -----Museum fuer Neue Kunst
MOK -----Museum fuer Ostasiatische Kunst
MMK -----Museum Moderner Kunst
MCZ -----Museum of Comparative Zoology
MMT -----Museum of Modern Technology
MNH -----Museum of Natural History
MSI -----Museum of Science and Industry
MYI -----Museum Youth Initiative
MVC -----Music and Video Club
MVM -----Music and Video Manufacturers
MVZ -----Music and Video Zone
MFC -----Music Feature Card
MFP -----Music For Pleasure
MFY -----Music for Youth
MYL -----Music of Your Life
MTV -----Music Television
MUU -----Music Union Underground
MUJ -----Musicians Union of Japan
MRW -----Muskegon River Watershed
MYV -----Muskmelon Yellows Virus
MYG -----Muslim Youth Group
MBZ -----Must Be Zero
MHJ -----Must Have Juice
MHS -----Must Have Love
MZZ -----Mutual Zugzwang (chess)
MAD -----Mutually Assured Destruction
MBD -----Muzzle Boresight Device
MVV -----Muzzle Velocity Variation
MFV -----My Funny Valentine
MHO -----My Humble Opinion
MLH -----My Left Hand
MLM -----My Lovely Mummy
MRH -----My Right Hand
MMM -----Mysteria Mystica Maxima

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NFA -----Name Field Address
NRS -----Name Registration Scheme
VIZ -----"namely, that is to say, in other words (from Latin videlicet) "
NIS -----Names Information Socket
NID -----Namespace IDentifier
NSS -----Namespace Specific String
NJU -----Nan Jing University
NEE -----Nano-Electrode Ensemble
NEU -----Naphthylethyl Urea
NUO -----Naropa University Oakland
NNF -----Narrowband Nebular Filter
NSK -----Narrowband Shift Keying
NMI -----NASA Management Instruction
NRP -----NASA Resource Protection
NIF -----NASCOM Interface Facilities
NDX -----NASDAQ 100 Index
VXN -----NASDAQ 100 Volatility Index
NKI -----Nash-Kelvinator International
NDV -----NASP Derived Vehicle [Space]
NZF -----Nassauische Zentralstudienfonds
NZI -----Nationaal Ziekenhuisinstituut
NAT -----National
NFC -----National (american) Football Conference
NFL -----National (american) Football League
NAE -----National Academy of Engineering
NAC -----National Aerobic Championship
YXA -----National Airports Authority of India
NAA -----National Airspace Analysis
NAM -----National Association of Manufacturers
NAW -----National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
NAO -----National Audit Office
NBY -----National Bank of Yugoslavia
NBA -----National Basketball Association
NBN -----National Black Network
NBR -----National Breakdown Register
NBI -----National Bridge Inventory
NBC -----National Broadcasting Company
NBS -----National Bureau of Standards (renamed NIST) [US Government]
NCF -----National Coaching Federation
NCB -----National Coal Board (defunct)
NCM -----National Coal Model
NCY -----National Collaboration for Youth
NCI -----National College of Ireland
NCA -----National Command Authority
NCH -----National Committee on Housing
NCU -----National Communications Union
NCC -----National Consumer Council
NDT -----National Debate Tournament
NEA -----National Education Association (nmerican)
NET -----National Educational Television
NER -----National Emissions Report
NEP -----National Energy Plan
NES -----National Energy Strategy
NEC -----National Exhibition Centre
NFU -----National Farmer's Union
NFB -----National Film Board (Canada)
NFT -----National Film Theatre
NFN -----National Fire News
NFH -----National Fish Hatchery
NGG -----National Gamers Guild
NGA -----National Geographical Association
NGL -----National Grid for Learning
NGB -----National Guard Bureau
NGR -----National Guard Regulation
NHI -----National Health Insurance
NHS -----National Health Service
NHU -----National Hispanic University
NHP -----National Historical Park
NHL -----National Hockey League (ice hockey)
NIM -----National Impact Model
NII -----National Information Infrastructure
NIP -----National Inspection Plan
NIB -----National Institute of Biology
NIJ -----National Institute of Justice
NIH -----National Institutes of Health
NIC -----National Insurance Contributons
NJI -----National Judicial Institute
NKC -----National Kidney Center
NKF -----National Kidney Foundation
NKD -----National Kids Day
NLV -----National Language Version
NLJ -----National Law Journal
NLC -----National Liberation Council
NLM -----National Library of Medicine
NLW -----National Library Week
NLB -----National Lighthouse Board
NMM -----National Maritime Museum
NML -----National Media Laboratory
NMB -----National Mediation Board
NMD -----National Missile Defence
NNI -----National Nanotechnology Initiative
NNS -----National Natality Survey
NNR -----National Nature Reserve
NNB -----National Needlecraft Bureau
NNC -----National Neighborhood Coalition
NNG -----National Network of Grantmakers
NNO -----National Night Out (community crime prevention program)
NND -----National Number Dialing
NOF -----National Oceanographic Facility
NOQ -----National Online Quilters
NPS -----National Park Service
NSP -----National Park Service (US)
NPN -----National Particulate Network
NPW -----National Payroll Week
NPL -----National Physics Laboratory
NPP -----National Priority Program
NPM -----National Program Manager
NPF -----National Provider File
NPR -----National Public Radio (America)
NQC -----National Quality Control
NQF -----National Quality Forum
NQM -----National Quality Month
NQS -----National Quality Standard
NQW -----National Quality Week
NQL -----National Quick Lube
NQB -----National Quotation Bureau
NRO -----National Reconnaissance Office
NRH -----National Rehabilitation Hospital
NRB -----National Religious Broadcasters
NRX -----National Research Experiment
NRU -----National Research Universal
NRF -----National Retail Federation
NRA -----National Rivers Authority
NSB -----National Savings Bank
NSF -----National Science Foundation
NSA -----National Security Agency
NSC -----National Security Council
NSD -----National Security Directive
NSM -----National Security Medal
NSR -----National Security Review
NSL -----National Sedimentation Laboratory
NSJ -----National Sojourners
NSO -----National Standard Organization
NSN -----National Stock Number
NTU -----National Technological University
NTF -----National Test Facility
NTD -----National Theater of the Deaf
NTW -----National Tire Wholesalers
NTB -----National Tire Wholesalers
NTS -----National Transportation Statistics
NTN -----National Trends Network
NUJ -----National Union of Journalists
NUM -----National Union of Mineworkers
NUN -----National Union of Nailtechs
NUR -----National Union of Railwaymen (defunct)
NUS -----National Union of Students
NUT -----National Union of Teachers
NUH -----National University Hospital
NVN -----National Videotex Network
NVQ -----National Vocational Qualification
NVW -----National Volunteer Week
NVF -----National Voter Fund
NWQ -----National Water Quality
NWS -----National Weather Service
NWI -----National Wetlands Inventory
NWF -----National Wildlife Federation
NWA -----National Wrestling Alliance
NYB -----National Youth Band
NPD -----Nationaldemokratishce Partei Deutschlands (national democratic party of Germany)
NQK -----Nationale Qualitätskonferenz
NPZ -----Nationales Pferdezentrum
NLU -----National-Louis University
NAY -----Native American Youth
NLS -----Native Language Support
NIU -----NATO Interface Unit
NLA -----NATO Lot Acceptance
NUZ -----Natur- und Umweltschutz-Zentrum
NBO -----Natural Bond Orbital
NDH -----Natural Draft Heat
NGX -----Natural Gas Exchange
NGV -----Natural Gas Vehicle
NHQ -----Natural Hazards Quarterly
NHZ -----Natural Heritage Zone
NHM -----Natural History Museum
NHO -----Natural Hybrid Orbital
NMO -----Natural Magnetic Orbital
NRC -----Natural Resources Canada
NEZ -----Natur-Erfahrungs-Zentrum
NJJ -----Naturschutzjugend Jordsand
NQZ -----Naturschutzqualitaetsziele
NSZ -----Naturschutzzentrum
NAV -----Naval
NDW -----Naval District Washington
NEJ -----Naval Engineering Journal
NEK -----Naval Equerry to the King
NFO -----Naval Flight Officer
NGF -----Naval GunFire
NIW -----Naval Information Warfare
NIG -----Naval Inspector General
NLO -----Naval Liaison Officer
NOU -----Naval Ordnance Unit
NPG -----Naval Post-Graduate School
NRL -----Naval Research Laboratory
NRR -----Naval Research Reactor
NUC -----Naval Undersea Center
NWP -----Naval War Pamphlet
NPU -----Navigation Processor Unit
NBT -----Navigator Bombardier Training
NVY -----Navy
NEX -----Navy Exchange
NUB -----Navy Uniform Board
NWL -----Navy Warfare Library
NWG -----Navy Working Group
NHV -----Nea Helliniki Vivliothiki
NFR -----Near Field Recording
NLQ -----Near Letter Quality
NTQ -----Near Toll Quality
NUV -----Near Ultra-Violet
NDE -----Near-Death Experience
NLF -----Nearest Landing Field
NRY -----Nearly
NBW -----Necessary BandWidth
NUG -----Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
NUD -----Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
NJA -----Nederlands Jazz Archief
NGK -----Nederlandse Gereformeerde Kerk
NJV -----Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging
NKO -----Nederlandse Katholieke Oudervereniging
NKV -----Nederlandse Kitesurf-Vereinigung
NNV -----Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging (The Dutch Physical Society)
NVJ -----Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten
NVZ -----Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Zwembadmedewerkers
NVU -----Nederlandse Volks-Unie
NZV -----Nederlandse Zeehengelsport Vereniging
NZG -----Nederlandse Zeevogelgroep
NTK -----Need-To-Know
NGZ -----Negative Grey Zone
NLL -----Negative Logic Level
NDO -----Neglect of Differential Overlap
NGT -----Negotiable
NOW -----Negotiated Order of Withdrawal
NTA -----Negotiated Testing Agreement
NEH -----Nehemiah (Bible)
QZX -----Neoforma Incorporated Equity Option
NXE -----Neon Exodus Evangelion
NNJ -----Neonatal Jaundice
KXL -----Nepali Kurux
NHT -----Nernst Heat Theorem
NCV -----Nerve Conduction Velocity
NGM -----Nested Grid Model
YXD -----Net Accrued Dividend
YXN -----Net Asset Value
NBV -----Net Book Value
NEW -----Net Explosive Weight
NFV -----Net Future Value
NPV -----Net Present Value
NRI -----Net Radio Interface
NHJ -----Netherlands Heart Journal
NJG -----Netherlands Journal of Geosciences
NJS -----Netlab.Cz Jabber Server
NXC -----Netlinx Card
NDD -----NetWare Directory Database
NUK -----Netwerk und Know-how
NAG -----Network Architecture Group
NAU -----Network Attachment Unit
NBX -----Network Business Exchange
NDC -----Network Data Collection
NDL -----Network Database Language
NDF -----Network Definition Facility
NDU -----Network Device Utility
NEF -----Network Element Function
NEI -----Network Equipment Identifier
NXL -----Network Exchange Limited
NXW -----Network Expander
NXU -----Network Extension Unit
NFS -----Network File Server
NFD -----Network Flow Diagram
NIA -----Network Information Access
NIR -----Network Information Registry
NIO -----Network Input
NIT -----Network Integration Test
NJE -----Network Job Entry
NJM -----Network Joint Management
NKS -----Network Knowledge Server
NMA -----Network Management Architecture
NMC -----Network Management Center
NMF -----Network Management Forum
NMX -----Network Modular Extension
NNM -----Network Node Manager
NNX -----Network Numbering eXchange
NXX -----network numbering exchange
NOC -----Network Operations Center
NPE -----Network Planning and Engineering
NPT -----Network Planning Tool
NQE -----Network Queueing Environment
NQX -----Network Queueing Extension
NRM -----Network Reference Model
NSG -----Network Services Group
NSI -----"Network Solutions, Inc."
NSE -----Network SouthEast
NTY -----Network Teletype
NTE -----Network Terminal Equipment
NTO -----Network Terminal Option
NTP -----network time protocol
NTR -----Network Timing Reference
NUA -----Network User Address
NUI -----Network User Interface
NVT -----Network Virtual Terminal
NVE -----Network Visible Entity
NWW -----Network World Wide
NTX -----Networking and Expansion
NWX -----Networking Index
NNQ -----Networking North Queensland
NJW -----Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
NKZ -----Neue Kronen Zeitung
NWZ -----Neue Wuerttembergische Zeitung
NZA -----Neue Zeitschrift fuer Arbeitsrecht
NZM -----Neue Zeitschrift fuer Missionswissenschaft
NZZ -----Neue Zeurcher Zeitung (Swiss newspaper)
NJZ -----Neuen Juedischen Zeitung
NBK -----Neuer Berliner Kunstverein
NKQ -----Neues Kunstquartier
NKB -----Neurokinin B
NLK -----Neuroleukin
NMZ -----Neuromuskuläres Zentrum
NPY -----Neuropeptide Y
NFF -----Neutral File Format
NPH -----Neutral Protamine Hagerdorn
NZN -----Neutral Zone Network
NQV -----Neutraler Quartierverein
NHW -----Neutralized High-level Waste
NSX -----Neutron Star X-ray
NEV -----Nevada
NAB -----New American Bible
NCJ -----New City Jack
NXG -----New Cross Gate
NEO -----New Employee Orientation
NEB -----New English Bible
NED -----New English Dictionary
NEN -----New Eyes for the Needy
NGC -----New General Catalogue (astronomy)
NGD -----New Generation Desktop
NHH -----New Hampshire Hospital
NHG -----New High German
NIV -----New International Version (Holy Bible)
NJD -----New Jersey Devils (NHL)
NJF -----New Jersey Future
NJH -----New Jersey History
NJL -----New Jersey Lottery
NJN -----New Jersey News (cable news station)
NJT -----New Jersey Transit
NJB -----New Jerusalem Bible
NKM -----New Kach Movement
NKT -----New Kadampa Tradition
NKL -----New Keel
NKJ -----New King James
NKE -----New Korea Electric
NLY -----New Life Youth
NME -----New Musical Express
NNP -----New National Party
NOS -----New Old Stock
NOT -----New Organization Training
NPO -----New Personnel Orientation
NPI -----New Product Information
NRE -----New Relationship Energy
NSW -----New South Wales
NTH -----New Training Helicopter
NUU -----New Universal Union
NUP -----New User Password
NWY -----New Wave Youth
NWV -----New Worker Visa
NWD -----New World Disorder
NWO -----New World Order
NXO -----New X Order
NYW -----New Yankee Workshop
ZNY -----New York Air Route Traffic Control Center
NYE -----New York and Erie
NYC -----New York City
NYD -----New York District
NYG -----New York Giants (football team)
NYH -----New York Hospital
NYJ -----New York Jets
NYL -----New York Life
NYM -----New York Mets
NYN -----New York Network
NYO -----New York Office
NYP -----New York Police
NYQ -----New York Quarterly
NYS -----New York State
NYT -----New York Times
NYU -----New York University
NYV -----New York Volunteers (Infantry regiments)
NYY -----New York Yankees
NZB -----New Zealand Bloodstock
NZC -----New Zealand Cricket
NZD -----New Zealand Dollar
NZX -----New Zealand Express
NZH -----New Zealand Herald
NZJ -----New Zealand Journal
NZL -----New Zealand Lamb
NZO -----New Zealand Obese
NZP -----New Zealand Pharmaceuticals
NZQ -----New Zealand Quilter
NZR -----New Zealand Rail
NZS -----New Zealand Soccer
NZT -----New Zealand Time
NZU -----New Zealand University
NZW -----New Zealand White
NZY -----New Zealand Youth
ZJY -----Newberry-Saluda (South Carolina) Regional Library
NBZ -----Newbie Zone
NGW -----Newly Generated Waste
NOY -----Newspaper of the Year
NPA -----Newspaper Publishers' Association
NIE -----Newspapers In Education
NWJ -----Newsweek Japan
NVP -----Newton Variational Principle
NRT -----Newtonian Reflector Telescope
NXY -----Nexen Incorporated
NXT -----Next
NGI -----Next Generation Internet
NGN -----Next Generation Network
NGP -----Next Generation Program
NGY -----Next Generation Yoga
NHA -----Next Higher Authority
NOK -----Next of Kin
NXA -----Nextair
NXS -----Nexus International
NEY -----Neyo

09-23-2010, 03:32 PM
ادامه حرف N

NKP -----Nickel Plate
NXR -----Nicolet X-Ray
NTJ -----Nigeria Trade Journal
NFE -----Night Fighting Equipment
NFQ -----Night Frequency
NOH -----Night Observation Helicopter
NVB -----Night Vision Binoculars
NVG -----Night Vision Goggles
NVI -----Night Vision Instrument
NVL -----Night Vision Laboratory
NVS -----Night Vision Sight
NVV -----Night Vision Viewfinder
NKX -----Nikon Coolpix
NBM -----Nil by mouth
NIN -----Nine Inch Nails (rock band)
IXL -----Ninth Lancers
NHK -----Nippon Hoso Kyokai
NTT -----Nippon Telephone and Telegraph
NBH -----Nitrogen Blower Heater
NUE -----Nitrogen Use Efficiency
NPK -----"Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium"
NCN -----Nixdorf Communications Network
NJX -----NJStar do***ent
NAL -----No Action Level
NBD -----No Big Deal
NBG -----No Bloody Good
NBU -----No Bloody Use
NCD -----No Can Do
NCR -----No Carbon Required
NCE -----No Change in Estimates
NXN -----No Christian Name
NDG -----No Damn Good
NDQ -----No Difficult Questions
NDZ -----No Discharge Zone
NDM -----No Disrespect Meant
NEL -----No Effect Level
NXV -----No Exact Value
NXQ -----No Excuse
NFG -----No F***ing Good
NFW -----No F**king Way
NFK -----No Flaming Kids
NFI -----No Friggin' Idea
NGJ -----No Greater Joy
NHB -----No Holds Barred
NKA -----No Known Allergies
NLT -----No Later Than
NLN -----No Longer Needed
NMN -----No Middle Name
NMW -----No More Work
NNN -----No New News
NOB -----No Other Business
NQY -----No Quakes Yet
NRK -----No Quakes Yet
NQG -----No Quarter Given
NQA -----No Questions Asked
NRD -----No Record of Destination
NRN -----No Reply Necessary
NTM -----No Target Model
NTZ -----No Transgression Zone
NTL -----No Transport Layer
NUL -----No Upper Limit
NVD -----No Value Declared
NWR -----NOAA Weather Radio
NYF -----Noc Ya Flat
OFQ -----Nociceptin (Orfanin FQ)
NAS -----Noise Abatement Society
NVH -----"Noise, Vibration, and Harshness"
NLZ -----No-Lone Zone
NDP -----Nom De Plume
NQO -----Nomenclatura de Química Orgánica
NOM -----Nominal
NRQ -----Nominal Requirements Questionnaire
NSU -----Nominal Service Unit
NSY -----Nominal Service Unit
NBB -----Non Blow Back
NXB -----Non X-ray Background
NAK -----Non-Acknowledgement
NAF -----Non-Appropriated Fund
NCQ -----Non-Cognitive Questionnaire
NCZ -----Non-Combat Zone
NCO -----Non-Commisioned Officer
NDN -----Non-Delivery Notice
NDI -----Non-Destructive Inspection
NDR -----Non-Destructive Read
NDS -----Non-Developmental Software
NDB -----Non-Directional Beacon
NDA -----Non-Disclosure Agreement
NXD -----Non-Executive Director
NXH -----Non-Exempt Hourly
NXM -----Non-Existent Memory
NXI -----Non-Existing Integer
NGU -----NonGonococcal Urethritis
NGQ -----Non-Government Quarters
NGS -----Non-Government Standard
NGO -----Non-Governmental Organisation
NHR -----Non-Hierarchical Routing
NHN -----Non-Hunting Number
NJR -----Non-Job-Routed
NJP -----Non-Judicial Punishment
NKH -----Non-Ketotic Hyperglycinemia
NQT -----Non-language Qualification Test
NMV -----Non-Meaningful Value
NMY -----Non-muscle Myosin
NNT -----Non-Nodal Terminal
NNK -----Non-Nuclear Kill
NNL -----Non-Nuclear LANCE (Missile)
NPB -----Non-Persistent Blood
NPC -----Non-Player Character
NSH -----Non-powered Space Heater
NCT -----Nonrated Crew Trainer
NDY -----Non-resonant Deflection Yoke
NRZ -----Non-Return to Zero
NRV -----Non-Review
NTV -----Non-Tactical Vehicle
NUQ -----Non-Uniform Quantization
NVO -----Non-Virtual Ocean
NVM -----Non-Volatile Memory
NVR -----Non-Volunteer Registry
NZK -----Norddeutschen Zentralkatalogs
NJC -----Nordic Journal of Computing
NNU -----Nordic Numismatic Union
NWK -----Nordjydsk Windsurfing Klub
NCS -----Norfolk Careers Service
NNY -----Norfolk Navy Yard
NHE -----Normal Hydrogen Electrode
NIX -----Normal Incidence X-ray
NLP -----Normal Link Pulse
NOZ -----Normal Operating Zone
NQQ -----Normal Quantile-Quantile
NTC -----Normal Test Condition
NWH -----Normal Working Hours
NGH -----Normalized Greedy Heuristic
NIQ -----Normalized Inhibitory Quotient
YVQ -----"Norman Wells, Northwest Territory"
NCK -----Norsk Collie Klubb
NHY -----Norsk Hydro
NJK -----Norsk Jernbaneklubb
NKK -----Norsk Kennel Klub
NMK -----Norsk Motor Klubb
NAX -----"North American Express Transportation, Inc."
NVX -----North American Vaccine
NBF -----North Bristol Feeder
NCP -----North Celestial Pole
NCX -----North China Express
NDJ -----"North Dakota, Jamestown"
NFM -----North Finding Module
NIZ -----North Island Zone
QJU -----North Junin Quechua
NKN -----North Korea Navy
NNE -----North North-East
NNW -----North North-West
NVA -----North Vietnamese Army
NWN -----North Wales Newspapers
NZE -----North Zenith East
NLR -----Northampton & Lamport Railway
NHX -----Northeast Health Experiment
NYX -----Northern and Yorkshire eXcellence
NAZ -----Northern Arizona
NIK -----Northern Ireland Korfball
NJO -----Northern Journey Online
NKY -----Northern Kentucky
NMU -----Northern Michigan University
NQN -----Northern Quarter Network
NWT -----NorthWest Territories
NMT -----North-West Territories
NVC -----Northwest Vista College
NWC -----NorthWestern College (minnesota usa)
NWU -----Northwestern University
NLH -----Norwegian Library House
NSV -----Norwich Sports Village
NLG -----Nose Landing Gear
NAN -----Not A Number
NAR -----Not According to Routine
NAI -----Not All Inclusive
NNA -----Not aNother Acronym
NAJ -----Not Another Joke
NAQ -----Not Another Query
NAP -----Not At Present
NBL -----Not Bloody Likely
NCW -----Not Complied With
NEQ -----Not EQual
NFP -----Not For Profit
NHD -----Not Heard
NLD -----Not in the Line of Duty
NIY -----Not Invented Yet
NJY -----Not Just Yarn
NLI -----Not Logged In
NMJ -----Not My Job
NMP -----Not My Problem
NMQ -----Not My Query
NMS -----Not My Solution
NAD -----Not on Active Duty
NOL -----Not on Line
NOA -----Not Operationally Assigned
NOP -----Not Our Publication
NPQ -----Not physically qualified (military)
NQD -----Not Quite Dead
NQH -----Not Quite Heroes
NQJ -----Not Quite Justice
NQU -----Not Quite Us
NTG -----Not Too Good
NWB -----Not Weight Bearing
NYA -----Not Yet Available
NYI -----Not Yet Implemented
NYR -----Not Yet Returned
NBE -----Not-Below-or-Equal
NGE -----Not-Greater-or-Equal
NMH -----Nothing Much Here
NOD -----Notice Of Deficiency
NOE -----Notice Of Exception
NOI -----Notice Of Inquiry
NON -----Notice Of Noncompliance
NOO -----Notice Of Obligation
NOR -----Notice Of Revision
NLE -----Not-Less-or-Equal
NJQ -----Notorious Jazz Quartet
NDK -----Novell Developer Kit
NTI -----Novell Technology Institute
NOV -----November
NXZ -----Nu Xi Zeta
NXF -----Nuclear Export Factor
NFZ -----Nuclear Free Zone
NMR -----Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NOG -----Nuclear Ordnance Group
NPJ -----Nuclear Plant Journal
NUW -----Nuclear Power Plant Warning
NQI -----Nuclear Quadrupole Interaction
NQR -----Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance
NST -----Nuclear Seismic Technology
NWE -----Nuclear Weapon Effects
NWM -----Nuclear Weapons Maintenance
NBQ -----"Nuclear, Biológica y Química"
NUX -----Nucleo Estudinal de Linux
NVK -----Nucleo Estudinal de Linux
NXP -----Nu-Diltiaz
NCL -----Null Convention Logic
NRW -----Null-Reflecting Water
NHC -----Numatec Hanford Corporation
NNH -----Number Needed to Harm (medical)
NNZ -----Number of Nonzeros (in a matrix)
NCG -----Numbering Consulting Group
NEG -----Numerical Experimentation Group
NHF -----Numerical Hartree-Fock
NMG -----Numerical Master Geometry
NPX -----Numerical Processor Extension
NUY -----Nunggubuyu
NSQ -----Nursing Science Quarterly
NBJ -----Nutrition Business Journal
NFY -----Nutrition Fitness and Youth
NQP -----Nutrition Quackery Prevention
NKW -----Nutzkraftwagen
NXJ -----Nyadu
NYZ -----Nyamwezi
NYK -----Nyelvtudomanyi Koezlemenyek
NFJ -----Nylon Flight Jacket

09-23-2010, 03:33 PM
MNE ---
--M N Eight -> Emenate
MXN -----Mac Experts Network
MGX -----Mac Graphics
MJD -----Machado Joseph Disease
MKH -----Machinefabriek Klein Hesselink
MZI -----Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
MZM -----Mach-Zehnder Modulator
MPW -----Macintosh Programmers Workshop
MWJ -----Macintosh Weekly Journal
YZY -----"MacKenzie, British Columbia"
MRJ -----MacOS Run-time for Java
MQU -----Macquarie University
MAY -----Mad About You
MME -----Madame (French)
MKU -----Madurai Kamraj University
MOZ -----Maerkischen Oder Zeitung
MUI -----Magic User Interface
MJV -----Magistral Joint Venture
MXV -----Magix Video
MSZ -----Magnesia-Stabilized Zirconia
MCD -----Magnetic Circular Dichroism
MGF -----Magnetic Field
MFM -----Magnetic FlowMeter
MNX -----Magnetic Nozzle Experiment
MRI -----Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MTJ -----Magnetic Tunnel Junction
MOI -----Magneto Optical Imaging
MHD -----MagnetoHydroDynamic
MMF -----MagnetoMotive Force
MRX -----Magneto-Resistive Extended
MKZ -----Magnitogorskii Kalibrovochnyi Zavod
MLK -----Mail List Key
MBT -----Main Battle Tank
MDF -----Main Distribution Frame
MLN -----Main Listed Number
ZXH -----Main Street Elementary School Library
MFL -----Maintain Flight Level
MWO -----Maintainance Work Order
MNT -----Maintenance
MAM -----Maintenance Assist Module
MAV -----Maintenance Assistance Vehicle
MCK -----Maintenance Check
MEE -----Maintenance Engineering Evaluation
MER -----Maintenance Evaluation Report
MFB -----Maintenance Free Battery
MGE -----Maintenance Ground Equipment
MJR -----Maintenance Job Request
MRD -----Maintenance Requirements Do***ent
MMZ -----Mainzer Musikalien-Zentrum
MZJ -----Mainzer Zeitschrift fuer Jurisprudenz
MAJ -----Major
MHC -----Major Histocompatability Complex (of proteins involved in immunity)
MIE -----Major Item of Equipment
MLB -----Major League Baseball
MLY -----Major League Yardball
MQP -----Major Qualifying Project
MAE -----Make An Ending
MFW -----Make the First Wave
MQK -----Make the Quick Kill
MYO -----Make Your Own
MYR -----Make Your Request
MAL -----Malachi (bible)
MHY -----Malakoff-Humbug-Yuba Project
MCP -----Male Chauvinist Pig
MNM -----Male Nurse Magazine
MYK -----Malmo Yacht Klubb
MMI -----Man
MIO -----Man In Office
MOY -----Man Of the Year
MOS -----Man On the Street
MDN -----Managed Data Network
MGT -----ManaGemenT (american)
MBI -----Management By Initiative
MBW -----Management By Walking
MGL -----Management Guidance Letter
MIS -----Management Information Systems
MPQ -----Management Performance Quality
MPD -----Management Policy and Directives
MRM -----Management Review Meeting
MUR -----Management Update and Retrieval
MGR -----Manager
MBK -----"Managing Business Knowledge, Inc."
MTY -----Managing To Yield
MBS -----Manchester Business School
MCT -----Manchester College of Technology
MGS -----Manchester Grammar School
MCX -----Mandatory Center of Excellence
MPN -----Mandatory Parts Number
MNO -----Manganese Oxide
MJQ -----Manhattan Jazz Quintet
MJS -----Manipulator Jettison System
MAN -----Manitoba
MEN -----Manitoba Eco-Network
MKP -----ManKind Project
MMS -----Man-Made Substance
MLL -----Manned Lunar Landing
MZQ -----Mann-Zeichen-Quotienten
MDV -----Manprint Domain Verification
MNL -----Manual
MJE -----Manual Journal Entry
MRK -----Manual Remote Keying
MXO -----Manually eXtended Operation
MAT -----Manufacture And Test
MUL -----Manufacture Under Licence
MFX -----ManuFactured eXcellence
MVX -----Manufacturers of Vaccines
MWP -----Manufacturer's Wholesale Price
MFT -----manufacturing
MKF -----manufacturing failure
MWQ -----Manufacturing Without Quality
MSF -----"Manufacturing, Science and Finance"
ZUQ -----Manugistics Group Equity Options
MYS -----Man-Year-Space
MYF -----Mapping Your Future
MCG -----"Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy"
MAR -----March
MUY -----Marginal Utility
MZL -----Marginal-Zone Lymphoma
MJB -----Marianische Jugendbewegung -----
MLX -----Maricopa Learning eXchange -----
ZMJ -----Maridjabin -----
MMH -----Mariette Memorial Hospital -----
MEQ -----Marine Environmental Quality -----
MEB -----Marine Expeditionary Brigade -----
MEF -----Marine Expeditionary Force -----
MEU -----Marine Expeditionary Unit -----
MEW -----Marine Expeditionary Wing -----
VMF -----Marine Fighter Squadron -----
MGG -----Marine Geology & Geophysics Division -----
MJP -----Marine Jet Power -----Loop
MSL -----Marine Sciences Laboratory -----
MSB -----Maritime Subsidy Board -----
MKX -----Mark Ten -----
MKD -----Marked -----
MKR -----Marker
MKT -----Market
MMQ -----Market Milk Quota
MQN -----Market Quotation Notification
ZXJ -----Maroa-Forsyth Junior-Senior High School Library
MBA -----Married But Available
MOQ -----Married Officers' Quarters
MWF -----Married White Female (dating)
MEM -----Mars Excursion Module
MVY -----Martha's Vineyard
MZS -----Marwell Zoological Society
MCC -----Marylebone Cricket Club
MGH -----Massachusetts General Hospital
MIT -----Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MYN -----Massachusetts Yoga Network
MCR -----Master Control Room
MFR -----Master Facility Register
MJA -----Master Job Authorization
MJO -----Master Job Order
MED -----Master of EDucation
EDM -----Master of Education
MFH -----Master of FoxHounds
LLM -----Master of Laws (legum magister)
MSC -----Master of Science
MCH -----Master of Surgery (magister chirurgiae)
MPB -----Master Planning Board
MUT -----Master Upper Tester
MVT -----Master Validation Table
MMX -----Mastergroup Multiplexer
PLT -----material abbr. for lead lanthanum titanate
PZT -----material abbr. for lead zirconate titanate
MAB -----Material Advisory Board
MHN -----Material Hold Notice
MMP -----Material Management Plan
MFO -----Materiel Fielding Operations
MOV -----Materiel Obligation Validation
MRR -----Materiel Readiness Repository
MKM -----Mathematical Knowledge Management Workshop
MUM -----Mathematical Ulterior Motives
MQE -----Mathematics Qualifying Examination
MGA -----Matrox Graphics Adapter
MCY -----Matsuoka-Clementi-Yoshimine Potential Function
MOF -----Matter Of Fact
MYJ -----"Matthaei, Young, and Jones (electronics)"
MKO -----Mauna Kea Observatory
MKW -----Max K. Willscher Urology Center
MAX -----Maximum
MXI -----MaXImum
MXA -----MaXimum Acceleration
MDR -----Maximum Desired Result
MXF -----MaXimum Frequency
MGW -----Maximum Gross Weight
MGQ -----Maximum Guaranteed Quantity
MOL -----Maximum Operating Level
MQD -----Maximum Quality Distillate
MXQ -----Maximum Queuing
MRQ -----Maximum Release Quantity
MSV -----Maximum Safe Velocity
MSW -----Maximum Shipping Weight
MSY -----Maximum Sustainable Yield
MTU -----Maximum Transmission Unit
MUF -----Maximum Usable Frequency
MPJ -----May Present to Jury
MKA -----Maybe Known As ....
MNY -----Maybelline New York
MJM -----McGill Journal of Medicine
MIJ -----"Meaconing, Intrusion, and Jamming"
MRE -----Meals Ready to Eat
MHW -----Mean High Water
MLW -----Mean Low Water
MBG -----Mean-Bearing Grouping
MMR -----Measles Mumps and Rubella (vaccine)
MQJ -----Measurement Quality Jumper
MQO -----Measurement Quality Objective
MTK -----Measurement Table Kit
MOO -----Measures Of Outcome
MCM -----Mechanical Current Meter
MVR -----Mechanical Vapor Recompression
MDO -----Mechanized Desert Operations
MTR -----Mechanized Time Reporting
MUV -----Mechanized Utility Vehicle
MZH -----Mechatronik-Zentrum Hannover
MII -----Media Independent Interface
TDK -----media manufacturers
MTG -----Media Task Group
MVF -----Media Viability Fund
MXM -----Media Xchange Manager
MZT -----Media Zone Tray
MCA -----Median Case Analysis
MAA -----Medical Assistance Administration
MXS -----Medical Exchange Solutions
MOH -----Medical Officer of Health
MRC -----Medical Research Council
MWI -----Medical Waste Incinerator
MWL -----MedicaMunicipal Waste Leachate
YXH -----"Medicine Hat, Alberta"
MKN -----Medienkompetenznetzwerk
MAG -----Medium Assurance Guard
MEO -----Medium Earth Orbit
YTM -----Medium Harbor Tug
MLV -----Medium Launch Vehicle
MWB -----Medium Wheel Base
MWV -----Medium-Wave Voices
MZB -----Medizinische Zentralbibliothek
MYM -----Meet Your Maker (chat)
MEG -----Mega Evil Grin
MCS -----MegaCycles per Second
MEV -----Mega-ElectronVolt
MHZ -----Megahertz
MWE -----MegaWatt Electric
MZX -----Megazeux
MHK -----"Meisterschule fuer Handwerker, Kaiserslautern"
MSH -----Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
MKK -----Melbourne Kyokushin Karate
MJH -----Melissa Joan Hart
MBQ -----Melody Boys Quartet
MPT -----Melting Point
MBR -----Member
MEP -----Member of European Parliament
MBE -----Member of the British Empire
MHR -----Member of the House of Representatives (in the US and Australia)
MJI -----Member of the Institute of Journalists
MLA -----Member of the Legislative Assembly
MLC -----Member of the Legislative Council
MPP -----Member of the Provincial Parliament
MQG -----Member of the Quiet Group
MVO -----Member of the Victorian Order
MQB -----Membership Quality Board
MOP -----Memorandum Of Policy
MOU -----Memorandum Of Understanding
MPO -----Memorandum Purchase Order
MAK -----Memory AcKnowledge
MXT -----Memory Expansion Technology
MMU -----Memory Management Unit
MQH -----Memory Queue Handler
MTD -----Memory Technology Driver
MTH -----Memory Translator Hub
MIB -----Men In Black
MIY -----Men In Yellow
MVG -----MengenVerbrauchsGuttern (German: Mass Consumption Goods)
MYW -----Mennonite Your Way Tours
MSQ -----Mental Status Questionnaire
MYU -----Mercer Youth University
MFE -----Mercury Film Electrode
ZXG -----Meridian Community Unit School District Library
MUC -----Meritorious Unit Commendation
MUE -----Meritorious Unit Emblem
MXG -----Merrill's Expanded Guide
QVY -----Merrimac (Massachusetts) Public Library
MCF -----Message ConFirmation
MDG -----Message Design Guidelines
MID -----Message Input Device
MLG -----Message Level Gateway
MQX -----Message Queue Exchange
MQI -----Message Queuing Interface
MQM -----Message Queuing Middleware
MRO -----Message Review Officer
MWN -----Message Waiting Notification
MUK -----Messe Und Kommunikation
MBB -----Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm
MZP -----Messzeitpunkten
MAZ -----Metallaufbereitung Zwickau
MWA -----Meteorological Watch Advisory
MCL -----Method Calibration Limit
MQL -----Method Quantification Limit
MKQ -----Methode der Kleinsten Fehlerquadrate
MCB -----Methodist College Belfast
MYQ -----Methodist Youth Quest
MXP -----Methods of Experimental Physics
MEK -----Methyl Ethyl Ketone
MPK -----Methyl Propyl Ketone
MVE -----Methyl Vinyl Ether
MVK -----Methyl Vinyl Ketone
MKS -----Metre-Kilogram-Second
MPS -----Metres Per Second
MGM -----Metro Goldwym Mayer (film company)
MBC -----Metropolitan Borough Council
MTA -----Metropolitan Toronto Area
MKJ -----Metsaestaejaein Keskusjaerjestoe
MNW -----METU New York
MRY -----Meuse-Rhine-Yssel (livestock)
MEX -----Mexico
MZN -----Mezannine
MIC -----Micah (bible)
MJK -----Michael Jackson Kids
MJJ -----Michael Joseph Jackson
MBU -----Michigan Beaver Union
MBP -----Michigan Biodiversity Project
MBM -----Michigan Board of Medicine
MGP -----Michigan Grower Products
MKC -----Michigan Karst Conservancy
MNB -----Michigan National Bank
MNG -----Michigan National Guard
MQC -----Michigan Quality Council
MVU -----Michigan Virtual University
MYE -----Michigan Youth Ensemble
MYH -----Michigan Youth Horseman Newsletter
MYT -----Michigan Youth Theater
MZC -----Michigan Zen Center
MJN -----Micro Java Network
MXR -----Micro-beam X-Ray
MIR -----Micro-Instruction Register
MHH -----"Microphone, Hand-Held"
MSA -----Microscopy Society of America
MKB -----Microsoft Knowledge Base
MSN -----MicroSoft Network
WXX -----Microsoft Windows-all versions
DOC -----microsoft word DO***ent
MSD -----Micro-Systems Development
MVB -----MicroVax Business
MWR -----MicroWave Radiometer
MTT -----Microwave Theory and Techniques (IEEE Society)
MNU -----MidAmerica Nazarene University
MGU -----Midcourse Guidance Unit
MSX -----Midcourse Space Experiment
MHG -----MIddle High German
MMB -----Middle Mouse Button
MOR -----Middle Of the Road
MNJ -----Middletown & New Jersey Railway Company
MTC -----Midlands Technical Centre
MVJ -----Midsize Video Jack
MJX -----Mid-Week Jacksonville Express
MCJ -----Midwest Conservative Journal
MEH -----Midwest Express Holdings
MYA -----Midwest Young Artists
MZF -----Mid-west Zonal Forum
MWU -----MidWestern University
MWY -----Midwifery
MUO -----Might Use Others
MQV -----"Mighty, Quiet, Versatile"
MZO -----Migration to Zero-Offset
MGZ -----Mikroskopische Gesellschaft Zuerich
MZU -----Mikrozensus-Zusatzerhebung
MJG -----Milano Jazz Gang
MHM -----Mile High Member
MHL -----Mile-High Limits
MIH -----Miles In an Hour
MPG -----Miles Per Gallon
MPH -----Miles Per Hour
MPY -----Miles Per Year
MRP -----Militarized Reconfigurable Processor
MAU -----Military Adjustment Unit
MAC -----Military Aircraft Command
MAQ -----Military Allowance for Quarters
MBF -----Military Banking Facility
MDW -----Military District of Washington
MFF -----Military Free Fall
MGI -----Military Geographic Information
MGO -----Military Government Officer
MHQ -----Military HeadQuarters
MJT -----Military Judge Team
MJC -----Military Junior College
MLO -----Military Liaison Officer
MMY -----Military Man-Years
MPV -----Military Pay Voucher
MQS -----Military Qualification Standard
MQT -----Military Qualifications Test
MTI -----Military Training Instructor
MYC -----Military Youth Corps
MOM -----Milk Of Magnesia
MWG -----Milky Way Galaxy
MKY -----Milkyway Networks
MGD -----Miller Genuine Draft (beer)
MGK -----Milli Guvenlik Kurulu
MAH -----Milliampere-Hour
MCI -----Millicurie
MJY -----Millijansky
MWT -----Millimeter Wave Technology
MGY -----Million Gallons per Year
MGN -----Mils Grid North
MMN -----Mils Magnetic North
MQZ -----Mind the Quiet Zone
MDU -----Mine Disposal Unit
MNV -----Mine Neutralization Vehicle
MIW -----MIne Warfare
MYB -----Minerals Yearbook
MRV -----Mini Rotary Viscometer
MHV -----Miniature Homing Vehicle
MKV -----Miniature Kill Vehicle
MSR -----Miniature Satellite Receiver
MOG -----Minicomputer Operations Group
MDD -----MiniDisc Deck
MDP -----MiniDisc Player
MHU -----Minimal Household Unit
MLS -----Minimal Language Skills
MAF -----Minimum Audible Field
MDQ -----Minimum Deliverable Quantity
MIQ -----Minimum Identifiable Quantity
MLR -----Minimum Lending Rate
MLD -----Minimum Lethal Dose
MMA -----Minimum Maneuver Area
MNC -----Minimum Necessary Change
MQY -----Minimum Qualifying Yield
MRL -----Minimum Reporting Level
MSK -----Minimum Shift Keying
MYY -----Minimum Yearly Yield
MQA -----Mining Qualifications Authority
MVW -----Minisink Valley Wrestling
MIN -----Minister
MNI -----Ministerial Network International
MZA -----Ministerium fuer Zivile Angelegenheiten
MWK -----Ministeriums fuer Wissenschaft und Kunst
MGB -----Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti (Russian- Ministry of State Security)
MOD -----Ministry Of Defence
MEY -----Ministry of Education and Youth
MOJ -----Ministry Of Justice
MNR -----Ministry of Natural Resources
MSS -----Ministry of State Security
MOE -----Ministry of the Environment
MOT -----Ministry Of Transport
MTQ -----"Ministry of Transport, Quebec"
MTO -----Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
MDH -----Minnesota Department of Health
MJF -----Minnesota Justice Foundation
MBX -----Minority Business eXchange
MNP -----Mirocom Networking Protocol
MSM -----Mirror Signal Maneouvre (in driving)
MEL -----Misappropriation of the English Language
MLU -----Miscellaneous Live Unit
MUQ -----Miss Universe Queen
MEZ -----Missile Engagement Zone
MIP -----Missile Impact Predictor
MIU -----Missile Interface Unit
MIA -----Missing In Action
MKI -----Missing Kids International
MAW -----Mission Adaptive Wing
MND -----Mission Need Determination
MNS -----Mission Need Statement
MNN -----Mission Network News
MOC -----Mission Operation Cell
MOW -----Mission Operations Wing
MPE -----Mission Peculiar Equipment
MPF -----Mission Planning Forecast
MQR -----Mission Quality Requirements
MTL -----Mission Tasking Letter
MUS -----Mission Unique Software
MRS -----Mistress (married woman title)
MBH -----Mit Beschrnkter Haftung (with Limited Liability)
MAP -----Mitogen Activated Protein
MJZ -----Mitteldeutsche Jugend Zeitung
MWZ -----Mitwohnzentrale
MXD -----Mixed
MMD -----Mixed Mode Disc
MOX -----Mixed OXide
MZY -----Mizuya

09-23-2010, 03:33 PM

OGV -----Oak Glen Varsity
OLC -----Oak Leaf Cluster
OJW -----Oaktown Jazz Workshops
OYS -----Oakville Yacht Squadron
OKH -----Ober-Kommando der Heer
OKL -----Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
OKW -----Ober-Kommando der Wehrmacht
OJZ -----Obersten Gerichtshofes in Zivilsachen
OSZ -----Oberstufenzentrum
OZD -----Oberzolldirektion
OAK -----Object Application Kernel
OCO -----Object Code Only
ODE -----Object Database and Environment
ODL -----Object Description Language
OID -----Object IDentifier
OMT -----Object Management Technique
OOD -----Object Orientated Design
OOP -----Object Orientated Program(ming)
OOE -----Object Oriented Engineering
OQL -----Object Query Language
OWL -----Object Windows Library
OWF -----Object World Frankfurt
OAF -----Objective Award Fee
OIS -----Objective Instrumentation System
OOR -----Object-Oriented Requirements
OMI -----Oblatus Mariae Immaculate (trans: Oblate of Mary Immaculate)
OSC -----Oblatus Sancti Caroli (trans: Oblate of Saint Charles)
OBV -----OBligated Volunteer
OBG -----Obligation
OZP -----Observatoire des Zones Prioritaires
OFZ -----Obstacle Free Zone
OPL -----Obvious Panty Line
OUG -----OCCAM User Group
OEV -----Occupational Exposure Values
OHH -----Occupational Health and Hygiene
OHU -----Occupational Health Unit
OII -----Occupational Injury or Illness
OOH -----Occupational Outlook Handbook
OSH -----Occupational Safety and Health
OTS -----Occupational Therapy Studies
OAB -----Ocean Affairs Board
ODP -----Ocean Drilling Program
OEX -----Ocean Explorer
OIB -----Ocean Island Basalt
OMW -----Ocean Monitoring Workstation
OPC -----Ocean Products Center
ORI -----Ocean Research Institute
OSN -----Ocean Science News
OSV -----Ocean Station Vessel
OYT -----Ocean Youth Trust
OJU -----Oceania Judo Union
OAC -----Oceanic Area Control
OCT -----October
OTX -----Ocwen Technology Xchange
OEK -----Oda Ekonomike e Kosovs (Kosova Chamber of Commerce)
OGQ -----Odendahl Gitarrenquartett
OUH -----Odense University Hospital
OVZ -----Odin von Zero
OZE -----Odnawialne Zrodla Energii
OHO -----Oduduwa Heritage Organization
OAL -----OEM Abstraction Layer
OPK -----OEM Pre-installation Kit
OZO -----Oesterreichische Zoo Organisation
OKV -----Oesterreichischer Kanuverband
ORF -----Oesterreichischer Rundfunk
OPX -----Off Premise Extension
OCH -----Off-Campus Housing
OJO -----Offene Jugendarbeit Overath
OFF -----Offense
OEW -----Offensive Electronic Warfare
OOB -----Offensive Operations Branch
OSO -----Offensive System Operator
OCM -----Office Carrier Module
OCU -----Office Channel Unit
OCY -----Office for Children and Youth
OIV -----Office International de la Vigne et du Vin
OIE -----Office Internationale Epizootique (International Office of Epizootics)
OAR -----Office of Air and Radiation
OAQ -----Office of Air Quality
OCP -----Office of Civilian Personnel
OCL -----Office of Congressional Liaisons
ODY -----Office of Dineh Youth
OES -----Office of Earthquake Studies
OEO -----Office of Economic Opportunity
OEP -----Office of Economic Preparedness
OET -----Office of Economic Transition
OEY -----Office of Employment and Youth
OER -----Office of Environmental Restoration
OFP -----Office of Fair Practice
OFT -----Office of Fair Trading
OFI -----Office of Financial Institutions
OFA -----Office of Fiscal Administration
OFB -----Office of Foreign Buildings
OGR -----Office of Geologic Repositories
OGH -----Office of Global Health (US CDC)
OGP -----Office of Global Programs
OGW -----"Office of Ground Water, US Geological Survey"
OHE -----Office of Hanford Environment
OHM -----Office of Hazardous Materials
OHS -----Office of Highway Safety
OHD -----Office of Hydrologic Development
OIM -----Office of Industrial Mobilization
OIP -----Office of Industrial Programs
OIA -----Office of International Activities
OJA -----Office of Justice Assistance
OJJ -----Office of Juvenile Justice
OMB -----Office of Management and Budget
OMH -----Office of Minority Health
OMV -----Office of Motor Vehicles
ONR -----Office of Naval Research
OPM -----Office of Personnel Management
OPS -----Office of Personnel Systems
OPI -----Office of Planning and Integration
OPB -----Office of Plans and Budget
OPR -----Office of Primary Responsibility
OQC -----Office of Quality Control
OQD -----Office of Quality Development
OQV -----Office of Quality Verification
OSR -----Office of Science and Research
OST -----Office of Science and Technology (american)
OSW -----Office of Solid Waste
OOF -----Office Of the Future
OGC -----Office of the General Counsel
OIG -----Office of the Inspector General
ORH -----Office of the Regional Hydrologist
OUE -----Office of Undergraduate Education
OUT -----Office of Undergraduate Transcripts
OUD -----Office of Urban Development
OVE -----Office of Values and Ethics
OWI -----Office of Waste Isolation
OWM -----Office of Waste Management
OWP -----Office of Waste Programs
OWQ -----Office of Water Quality
OWC -----Office of Web Consultation
OOY -----Office On Youth
ORB -----Office Repeater Bay
ORK -----Office Resource Kit
OGO -----Officer Grade Objectives
OMF -----Officer Master File
OOW -----Officer Of the Watch
OPD -----Officer Personnel Directorate
OTC -----Officer Training Corps
OFL -----Official
OAG -----Official Airline Guide
OJL -----Official Journal -Legislation
SIC -----official supplement to NGC
OTD -----Official Table of Distances
OXM -----Official XBox Magazine
OUO -----Official-Use Only
OZA -----Officina Zaccaria Agricolmeccanica
OGK -----Offiziersgesellschaft Kreuzlingen
OLX -----Off-Line eXpress
OLR -----Offline Reader
ORW -----Off-Road Warrior
ORZ -----Off-Roader Zubehoer
OSJ -----Offshore Support Journal
OQI -----Offsite Quality Inspection
OQS -----Offsite Quality Surveillance
OVG -----Off-site Verification Group
OXN -----Ofloxacin
OYU -----Ogaden Youth Union
OUM -----Oglethorpe University Museum
OBH -----Oh Bloody Hell
OFH -----Oh F***ing Hell
OFW -----Oh F***ing Well
OMG -----Oh My God
OYD -----Oh Yeah Designs
OIC -----"Oh, I see!"
OZS -----Ohavay Zion Synagogue
ODH -----Ohio Department of Health
OIH -----Ohio Industries for the Handicapped
OJN -----Ohio Job Net
OMX -----Ohio Material eXchange
ONG -----Ohio National Guard
ONN -----Ohio News Network
OSU -----Ohio State University
OUZ -----Ohio University-Zanesville
OVH -----Ohio Veterans Home
OVI -----Ohio Volunteer Infantry
OWN -----Ohio Watershed Network
OWO -----Ohio Watersheds Online
OWU -----Ohio Wesleyan University
OGJ -----Oil & Gas Journal
OGB -----Oil and Gas Board
OCB -----Oil Circuit Breaker
OVN -----Ojai Valley News
OUC -----Okanagan University College
OKF -----Okinawan Karate Federation
OKU -----OKlahoma University
OVF -----Oklahoma Venture Forum
OKD -----Okodia
OOZ -----Okolnosti Osvetluje Jan Zavrel
OHK -----Okresni Hospodarska Komora
OKT -----Oktober
OZI -----Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (physics)
OAP -----Old Age Pensioner
OBB -----Old Battleship
OCW -----Old Cars Weekly
OCS -----Old Church Slavonic
ODB -----Old Dirty Bastard
ODX -----Old Dominion X-Press
OEA -----Old Etonian Association
OFR -----Old FRench
OHG -----Old High German
OKJ -----Old King James
OLZ -----Old Level Zero
OMO -----Old Man Out (old brand of soap powder)
OVJ -----Old Village Jazzband
OWK -----Old West Kansas
OCX -----OLE Control eXtensions
ODG -----Oligodendroglioma
OMQ -----Olimpiada Metropolitana de Química
OZC -----Olympia Zen Center
ONF -----Olympic National Forest
OQG -----Omaha Quilters' Guild
OXE -----Omega Chi Epsilon
ODW -----Omega DropWindsonde
OHI -----Omega Healthcare Investors
OKZ -----Omega Kappa Zeta Fraternity
OZU -----Omicron Zeta Upsilon
OWX -----Omnia-WebX
OAW -----On Another World
OBZ -----On Beyond Zebra
OTB -----On The Ball
OTF -----On The Floor
OTJ -----On The Job
OJP -----On the Job Performance
OJR -----On the Job Review
OTE -----On Track Earnings
ONW -----ON Watch
OYK -----On Your Knees
OYO -----On Your Own
OZF -----Onafhankelijk Ziekenfonds
OBC -----On-Board Computer
OBP -----On-Board Processing
OWV -----Onderlinge Watersport Vereniging
OKN -----Ondernemerskring Nieuwegein
ODO -----One Dog's Opinion
OEI -----One Engine Inoperative
OEJ -----One Eyed Jack
CXV -----One Hundred Fif****
CXX -----One Hundred Twenty
OKQ -----One Key Question
OSG -----One Stop-Go
MXX -----One Thousand Twenty
OTO -----One Time Only
OWY -----One Wild Youth
OWJ -----One World Journeys
OYR -----One Year Recall
OYV -----One Year Volunteer
OBW -----"OneBlueWorld, Inc."
OCE -----One-Center Expansion
OEH -----One-Electron Hamiltonian
OFD -----One-Function Diagram
OZH -----One-or-Zero Helpdesk
OAZ -----Ones And Zeros
OQQ -----Ongoing Questions and Queries
OZW -----Onkologisches Zentrum Westpfalz
OLB -----Online Bible
OBD -----Online Bugs Database
ODT -----Online Debugging Technique
ODK -----Online Disk Suite (Sun Solaris Product)
OGN -----Online Gaming Network
OHJ -----Online Help Journal
OIN -----Online Investor Network
OJB -----Online Journal of Bioinformatics
OLL -----OnLine Library
OLM -----OnLine Monitor
OMY -----Online Muslim Youth
OLP -----On-Line Provisioning
ORX -----Online Racing Extreme
OLT -----On-Line Testing
OLW -----On-Line World
OZJ -----Online Zoo Journal
OOS -----Only One Shot
OOK -----On-Off Key
OZB -----Onroerende-Zaakbelastingen
ONT -----Ontario
OAA -----Ontario Automobiel Association
OHL -----Ontario Hockey League
OJF -----Ontario Job Futures
OKA -----Ontario Kinesiology Association
OPA -----Ontario Podiatry Association
OWD -----Ontario Women's Directorate
OJE -----On-the-Job Evaluator
OJT -----On-the-Job Training
OJI -----On-the-John Interruption
OKS -----Ontopia Knowledge Suite
OVM -----On-Vehicle Materiel
OOX -----Oophorectomized Rat

09-23-2010, 03:34 PM
ادامه حرف O

OAI -----Open Applications Interface
OAD -----Open Architecture Driver
OBI -----Open Bolt Indicator
OBN -----Open Business Network
OCI -----Open Circuit Interval
OCN -----Open Computer Network
ODA -----Open Data Application
OEB -----Open e-Book standard
OFX -----Open Financial eXchange
OGF -----Open Gaming Foundation
OGL -----Open General License
OIW -----Open Information Warehouse
OJV -----Open Jongeren Vereniging
OJH -----Open Junior High School
OKI -----Open Knowledge Initiative
OKR -----Open Knowledge Resource
OME -----Open Messaging Environment
OMJ -----Open Mind Journals
OML -----Open Modeling Language
OMS -----Open Music System
ONK -----Open Nederlandse Kampioenschap
ONA -----Open Network Architecture
ONM -----Open Network Management
ONP -----Open Network Provision
ONX -----Open Node Syntax
OOL -----Open Objects Library
OPT -----Open Protocol Technology
OQW -----Open Query Window
OSI -----Open System Interconnection
OTI -----Open Telecom Infrastructure
OTA -----Open Test Assembly
OUK -----Open University of Kaohsiung
OUY -----Open University of York
OUW -----Open University Worldwide
OVS -----Open Video Services
OWS -----Open Wound Surgery
OZX -----Open Zone for Exchange
OZL -----Openbaar Zeister Lyceum
OVW -----OpenView Windows
OIK -----Operaen i Kristiansund
OEE -----Operating Equipment Efficiency
OLD -----Operating Level Days
OSX -----Operating System Ten
OYG -----Operating-Year Guidance
OPN -----Operation
OMM -----Operation and Maintenance Manual
OMP -----Operation and Maintenance Phase
ZJW -----Operation Enduring Freedom
OEU -----Operation Eyesight Universal
OFK -----Operation FitKids
OHN -----Operation Healthy Neighborhoods
OJG -----Operation Joint Guard
OJC -----Operation Just Cause
OQH -----Operation Quality Handbook
OAE -----Operational Area Evaluation
OCG -----Operational Coordination Group
ODZ -----Operational Defense Zone
OEF -----Operational Efficiency Factor
OEG -----Operational Exposure Guide
OGE -----Operational Ground Equipment
OHR -----Operational Hazard Report
OLS -----Operational Level Support
OMR -----Operational Management Review
ONS -----Operational Need Statement
OPE -----Operational Proficiency Examination
ORR -----Operational Readiness Rate
ORT -----Operational Readiness Training
ORC -----"Operational Research Consultants, Inc."
ORM -----Operational Rules Model
OSL -----Operational Safety Limit
OSS -----Operational Support System
OTN -----"Operational Test, Non-major"
OTU -----Operational Training Unit
OVT -----Operational Verification Test
OVU -----Operational Vulnerability Update
OCV -----Operational-Compliance Value
OMA -----"Operations and Maintenance, Army"
OMN -----"Operations and Maintenance, Navy"
OCF -----Operations Control Facility
ORO -----Operations Research Office
ORS -----Operations Research Service
OSE -----Operations Simulations Engineer
OTM -----Operations Training Manual
OTR -----Operations Training Record
OIL -----Operator Identification Language
OIU -----Operator Interface Unit
ONI -----Operator Number Identification
OQF -----Operator's Question Forum
OQP -----Operator's Question Procedure
OQT -----Operator's Question Time
OQA -----Operator's Questions and Answers
OQR -----Operator's Questions and Responses
OGS -----Operator-to-General Support
OTG -----Ophthalmic Trainees Group
ORJ -----Ophthalmology Review Journal
OBK -----Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers
OPW -----Opportunities & Products Warehouse
ORY -----Opportunities and Rolemodels for Youth
OFY -----Opportunities for Youth
OYX -----Opportunities for Youth Exchange
OIO -----Opportunities In Options
OFG -----Opportunity For Growth
OPP -----Opposite
OCA -----OPTEC Contracting Authority
ONH -----Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
OAM -----Optical Absorption Microscope
OBR -----Optical Beam Rider
OBS -----Optical Boresight System
OCR -----Optical Character Recogntion
OXC -----Optical Cross Connect
ODN -----Optical Data Network
ODU -----Optical Density Unit
ODI -----Optical Digital Imagery
ODD -----Optical Disk Drive
OXJ -----Optical Experiments Journal
OFU -----Optical Fiber Unit
OKE -----Optical Kerr Effect
OLA -----Optical Laboratories Association
OLO -----Optical Local Oscillator
ONU -----Optical Network Unit
OPG -----Optical Parametric Generator
OPO -----Optical Parametric Oscillator
ORV -----Optical Retardation Velocity
OUN -----Optical User Network
OVD -----Optical Video Disk
OWG -----Optical WaveGuide
ONV -----Optics for Night Vision
OZK -----Optik-Zentrum Konstanz
OPZ -----Optimal Performance Zone
OQN -----Optimal Quality Network
OQO -----Optimal Quality Operation
OYB -----Optimize Your Business
ODR -----Optimized Dynamic Routing
OVC -----Optimized Valence Configuration
OYI -----Optimizing Your Income
OLJ -----Optimum Learning Japanese
OQM -----Optimum Quality Management
OZR -----Option Zero Racing
OAT -----Optometry Admission Test
OBO -----Or Best Offer
ONO -----Or Near(est) Offer
OZY -----Or Zarua Youth
OWB -----Oracle Warehouse Builder
OHX -----Oral Health
OHW -----Oral History Workshop
ORA -----Oral Pharangeal Airway
OPV -----Oral Polio Vaccine
ORU -----Oral Roberts University
OTV -----Oral Typhoid Vaccine
OBT -----Orange Blossom Trail
OFS -----Orange Free States
OJX -----Orange Juice Discography
OPF -----Orbiter Processing Facility
ORL -----Orbiting Research Laboratory
OXO -----Orbiting X-ray Observatory
OMD -----Orchestral Maneouvres in the Dark
OYY -----Ordata Ylang
OSM -----Order and Servants of Mary
OFE -----Order For Engagement
ODC -----Order of Discalced Carmelites (look it up!)
OFM -----Order of Friars Minor
OHY -----Order of Hsu Yun
OOJ -----Order Of Johns
OSA -----Order of Saint Augustine
OSB -----Order of Saint Benedict
OSF -----Order of Saint Francis
OBE -----Order of the British Empire
OGG -----Order of the Georges and Georgettes
OUF -----Order of Use File
OXK -----Order of Xmas Knights
OTP -----Order Transaction Processing
OVY -----Order Validation and Yield
ODF -----Ordering & Distribution Facility
OBF -----Ordering and Billing Forum
OPH -----Orders Per Hour
ORD -----Ordinary
OLV -----Ordinary Leave
ONC -----Ordinary National Certificate
OND -----Ordinary National Diploma
OXW -----Ordini per Web
OCC -----Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatarum (trans: the Order of Calced (Shod) Carmelites)
OCD -----Ordo Carmelitarum Discalceatarum (trans: the Order of Discalced (barefooted) Carmelites
OSD -----"Ordo Sancti Dominici (trans: the Order of Saint Dominic, Dominicans) "
OCQ -----Ordre des Chimistes du Québec
OIQ -----Ordre des Ingnieurs du Qubec
ONQ -----Ordre des Naturotherapeutes du Quebec
OOQ -----Ordre des optometristes du Quebec
OPQ -----Ordre des pharmaciens du Quebec
OUQ -----Ordre des Urbanistes du Qubec
ORE -----Oregon
OAJ -----Oregon Athletics Journal
OFO -----Oregon Field Ornithologists
OFN -----Oregon Flora Newsletter
OGI -----Oregon Graduate Institute
OHQ -----Oregon Historical Quarterly
OIX -----Oregon Internet Exchange
OJM -----Oregon Jewish Museum
OJD -----Oregon Judicial Department
OLY -----Oregon Lutheran Youth
OPU -----Oregon Parents United
OUS -----Oregon University System
OWW -----Organic Wash Waste
OWT -----Organic Weather Team
OVA -----Organic-Vapor Analyzer
ZWO -----Organisatie voor Zuiverwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands)
OAU -----Organisation of African Unity
OAS -----Organisation of American States
ONY -----Organisation of Native Youth
OQZ -----Organisation Qualitaetszirkel
OIZ -----Organisationsloesungen und Informatikloesungen Zuerich
OYQ -----Organismos Ydreyshs Qessalonikhs
OZN -----Organizacija zdruzenih narodov
OIJ -----Organizacion Iberoamericana de Juventud
ONZ -----Organizacja Narodow Zjednoczonych
OJQ -----Organizatat Jo Qeveritare
JXF -----Organization by Study (art archeology)
OQE -----Organization for Quality Education
OYE -----Organization for Youth in Entertainment
OJS -----Organization Jointly Shared
ONL -----Organization Net List
OAH -----Organization of American Historians
OKY -----Organization of Kurdish Youth
OLU -----Organization of Lukumi Unity
ODM -----Organizational Domain Modeling
OEQ -----Organizational Effectiveness Questionnaire
OEL -----Organizational Equipment List
OLQ -----Organizational Leadership and Quality
OUI -----Organizational Unit Identifier
OUA -----Organizational User Agent
ORG -----Organize
OKM -----Organizing for Knowledge Management
OLH -----Oriental Longhair
ONB -----Orienteering New Brunswick
OLK -----Orientierungslauf Klub
OAV -----Original Animation Videos
OEM -----Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEN -----Original Equipment Number
OLI -----Originating Line Information
OXV -----Orizzontale per Verticale
OVV -----Orlando Villa Vacations
OHB -----Orleans HomeBuilders
OYP -----Orleans Young Players
OKG -----Ornithine alpha-Keto-Glutarate
OXR -----Orthochromatic X-Ray
OCJ -----Orthodox Church in Japan
OGZ -----Orthogonal Gelfand-Zetlin (algebra)
OPJ -----Orthogonal Persistence for Java
ORQ -----Orthogonal Range Query
OVB -----Orthogonalized Valence Bond
OTZ -----Orthopaedisch-Traumatologisches Zentrum
OQX -----Orthoquadrangle Index
OGU -----Osaka Gakuin University
OSK -----Osaka Shosen Kaisha
OYN -----Osaka Youth Network -----
OBL -----Osama Bin Laden -----
OQB -----Oscillation Quasi-Biennale -----Ylang perfume
OBU -----OSIS Baseline Upgrade -----
OWR -----Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome (a hereditary blood disorder) -----
OMK -----Oslo Maritime Kulturvernsenter -----
OSQ -----Oslo String Quartet -----
OUU -----Oslo Urologiske Universitetsklinikk -----
OVK -----Oslobodilacka Vojska Kosova -----
OKB -----Osoboe Konstructorskoe Buro -----
OVO -----Osservatorio Vesuviano -----
OEZ -----Ost Europische Zeit (East European Time) -----
OJK -----Ostdeutsche Jaehrliche Konferenz -----
OIF -----Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation -----
ODJ -----OsterDowJones -----
OHZ -----Osterholz -----
OCK -----Ostroleckie Centrum Kultury
OWZ -----Ost-West Kooperationszentrum
OKO -----Osuuspankkien Keskuspankki Oyj
OJY -----Otaniemen Jyllaeaejaet
OMC -----Otara Millionaire's Club
OKP -----Otdelny Kremlyovsky polk
ODQ -----Other Dueling Questions
OEC -----Other Exchange Company
OGA -----Other Government Agency
OIR -----Other Information Requirements
ONE -----Other Network Entities
OSP -----Other Service Program
OGY -----"Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke (mathematics)"
OBJ -----Ottawa Business Journal
OKC -----Ottawa Kennel Club
OYL -----Ottawa Youth for Life
OUJ -----Oulujoki
OZQ -----Ounces-Quantity
OZT -----Ounce-Troy
OXU -----Our Expanding Universe
OFJ -----Our Family Journal
OLG -----Our Lady of Grace School
OVX -----Our Voices Xposed
OUX -----Ourococcus
OPY -----Out and Proud Youth
OIY -----Out In York
OOA -----Out Of Area
OOC -----Out Of Character
OOG -----Out Of Gauge
OOI -----Out Of Interest
OON -----Out Of Network
OOO -----Out Of Order
OOT -----Out Of Town
OOU -----Out of Use
OOV -----Out Of View
OYC -----Out Year Cost
OBM -----Outboard Motor
OAX -----Outdoor Aluminum Planks
OLN -----Outdoor Life Network
ORN -----Outdoor Recreation Network
OBX -----Outer Banks
OGX -----Outgoing Exchange
OGM -----Out-Going Message
OGT -----OutGoing Trunk
OTQ -----Out-going Trunk Queuing
OWA -----Outlook Web Access
OSY -----Out-of-School Youth
OBY -----Outreach Baptist Youth
OOM -----Outside Office Memo
OAY -----Outstanding Airman of the Year
OYF -----Outstanding Young Farmers
OYJ -----Outstanding Young Journalist
OYM -----Outstanding Young Man
OYW -----Outstanding Young Wilmingtonian
OVR -----Over
OAO -----Over And Out
OTH -----Over The Horizon
OTK -----Over The Knee
OTT -----Over The Top
OTW -----Over The Wall
OYH -----Over Your Head
OCZ -----Overclockers (computers)
OFV -----OverFlow Valve
OHC -----OverHead Camshaft
ODS -----Overhead Data Stream
OHF -----OverHead Fire
OGD -----Overhead Garage Door
OHP -----OverHead Projector
OHT -----OverHead Transmission tower
OHV -----OverHead Valve
OLF -----Over-Land Flow
OVL -----OVerLay
OHA -----Overseas Housing Allowance
OQU -----Overseas Qualification Unit
OUB -----"Overseas Union Bank, Ltd. "
OAN -----Overshoot Amplitude Noise
ODV -----Overspeed and Drain Valve
OTL -----Overtime Loss
OWH -----Overtime Work Hours
OBQ -----Overture for Brass Quintet
OUV -----Over-Under Voltage
OVP -----Over-Voltage Protection
OWE -----Over-Worked Excuse
OZG -----Overzeese Zending Gemeenschap
OMU -----Owensboro Municipal Utilities
OXL -----Oxalate Ion
OXQ -----Oxamniquine
OXD -----Oxazole Dielectric
OXZ -----Oxethazaine
OXF -----Oxford
OQJ -----Oxford award Quilt-lined Jacket
OED -----Oxford English Dictionary
OXI -----Oxford Internet
OXP -----OXford Paper Company
OQY -----Oxford Quilt-lined Youth-style jacket
OUP -----Oxford University Press
OYA -----Oxford Yacht Agency
OKK -----Oxfordshire Kadet Karting
OIT -----Oxidation Induction Time
ORP -----Oxidation-Reduction Potential
OXB -----Oxidative Burst
NOX -----Oxides of Nitrogen
OXH -----Oxon Hill
OXA -----Oxydimethylene
OXY -----Oxygen
OBA -----Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
OXX -----Oxygen Exchange
OMZ -----Oxygen Minimization Zone
OXS -----OXygen Sensor
OUR -----Oxygen Utilization Rate
OFC -----Oxygen-Free Copper
OXT -----Oxytocin
OZV -----Oxyzinc Varistor
OUL -----Ozark Underground Laboratory
OZM -----Ozeanischen Zirkulationsmodelle
ZAO -----Ozolotepec Zapoteco (language)
OZZ -----Ozone Zone

09-23-2010, 03:34 PM

PBN -----Pacific Bell Network
PCX -----Pacific Exchange
PJI -----Pacific Jazz Institute
PJM -----Pacific Journal of Mathematics
PJR -----Pacific Journalism Review
PNW -----Pacific Northwest
PNL -----Pacific Northwest Laboratory
PST -----Pacific Standard Time
PKG -----package
PUF -----Package Unpack Facility
PXP -----Packet eXchange Protocol
PSN -----Packet Switch Network
PSS -----Packet Switching Service
PVP -----Packet Video Protocol
PHZ -----Paedagogische Hochschule Zentralschweiz
PZB -----Paedagogische Zentralbibliothek
PZV -----Paedagogischer Zeitschriftenverlag
PZN -----Paedagogisches Zentrum Nationalpark
PWT -----Page Write-Through
PHJ -----Paint Horse Journal
PNO -----Pair Natural Orbital
PTJ -----Pakistan Textile Journal
POK -----Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir
PLO -----Palestine Liberation Organisation
PIJ -----Palestine-Israel Journal
PHG -----Palestinian Hydrology Group
PJU -----Panamericana Union de Judo
PZX -----Pancreatic Carcinoma Xenograft
PTZ -----Pan-Tilt-Zoom
PKW -----Panzer KampfWagen (German Tank)
PZH -----PanzerHaubitze (German: armored self-propelled howitzer)
PJD -----Papers of Jefferson Davis
PNG -----Papua New Guinea
PQW -----Parabolic Quantum Well
PLF -----Parachute Landing Fall
PVH -----Paradise Valley Hospital
QQZ -----Paraguana (Venezuela)
PFB -----Parallel Filter Banks
PVM -----Parallel Virtual Machine
PGI -----Parameter Group Identifier
PVL -----Parameter Value Language
PRE -----Para-Rescue Element
PMZ -----Pardon My Zinger
PTF -----Parent Teacher Fellowship
PTM -----Parent Teacher Meeting
PTA -----Parents and Teachers Association
PLM -----Paris-Lyons-Meditteraneon (railway)
PWS -----Parks and Wildlife Service
PKY -----Parkway
PJQ -----Parlement Jeunesse du Quebec
PLP -----Parliamentary Labour Party
PCC -----Parochial Church Council
PNH -----Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
PVQ -----Parti Vert du Quebec
PYS -----Partial Yield Spectroscopy
PZD -----Partial Zona Dissection
POY -----Partially Oriented Yarn
PSZ -----Partially-Stabilized Zirconia
PIV -----Particle Image Velocimetry
POX -----Particulate Organic Halogen
PNV -----"Partido Nacionalista Vasco (spanish, Basque National Party)"
PRI -----Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Mexican
PVZ -----Partij voor Zeeland
PKT -----Partition Knowledge Table
PKK -----Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan
PQN -----Partner Quality Network
PFP -----Partnership For Peace
PSW -----Partnership for Safe Water
PPB -----Parts Per Billion
PPM -----Parts Per Million
PTH -----Part-time Hourly
PFS -----Pas Filtration System
PPK -----"Pass, Punt, and Kick"
PBK -----Passbook
PSC -----Passed Staff College (military)
PNR -----Passenger Name Record
PCV -----Passenger-Carrying Vehicle
PWX -----Password Expiration
PAT -----Patent
PNZ -----Patent- und Normenzentrum
PIZ -----Patentinformationszentrum
PPW -----Patient Protective Wrap
PHV -----Patienten Heimversorgung
PHF -----Patrick Henry Field
PBR -----Patrol Boat Reconaissance
PBY -----"Patrol Bomber, (built by) Consolidated Aircraft Company (WW II Catalina)"
PCH -----"Patrol Craft, Hydrofoil "
PGH -----"Patrol Gunboat, Hydrofoil"
PGM -----"Patrol Gunboat, Missile "
PHQ -----Patrol Headquarters
PHM -----"Patrol Hydrofoil, Missile"
WPY -----Patrol Yacht (US Coast Guard)
PJT -----Paul Johnson Transport
PKX -----Pawn
PXN -----Paxillin
PED -----Pay Entry Date
POD -----Pay on Delivery
PPV -----Pay Per View
PYU -----Payap University
PDI -----Payload Defect Indicator
PMG -----PayMaster General
PYJ -----Paz y Justicia
PXI -----PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation
PJO -----Peace Journalism Option
PWJ -----Peace Winds Japan
PKO -----PeaceKeeping Operations
PWN -----Peacenet World News
PBH -----Peak Busy Hour
PBJ -----Peanut Butter and Jelly
PAA -----Peer Access Approval
PXW -----Peer Exchange Workshop
PID -----Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PUJ -----Pelvi-Ureteric Junction
PYY -----"Pendleton Yacht Yard, Islesboro, Maine"
PJA -----Pendulum Java Applet
PYB -----Peninsula Youth Ballet
PFX -----Penning Fusion Experiment
QUW -----Pennsauken (New Jersey) Free Public Library
PJW -----Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling
PYW -----Penn-York Wrestling
PNJ -----Pensacola News Journal
PUG -----Pentax Users Gallery
PPL -----People
PLA -----People's Liberation Army
PCT -----Per CenT (american abbreviation)
PAQ -----Perceived Air Quality
PEM -----Performance Evaluation Material
PHT -----"Performance Hydraulic Technologies, Inc."
PTX -----Performance ToolboX
PWQ -----Performance Work Quality
PBF -----Performance-Based Fee
PAJ -----Performing Arts Journal
PAU -----Performing Arts Unit
PRS -----Performing Rights Society
PBQ -----Perfume Bottle Quarterly
PCI -----Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDK -----Peripheral Developers Kit
PXU -----Peripheral Expansion Unit
PPD -----Peripheral Pulse Distributor
PXX -----Peri-Xanthenoxanthene
PFT -----Permanent Full Time
PPT -----Permanent Part Time
PUS -----Permanent Under-Secretary
PCY -----Perogative Court of York (historial term)
PIQ -----Person in Question (who talking to or about someone and don't want the other to know)
PWK -----Person With Kids
PWA -----Person With Kids
PAN -----Personal Account Number
PAB -----Personal Address Book
PSE -----Personal and Social Education
PCF -----Personal Call Forwarding
PDA -----Personal Data Assistant
PDW -----Personal Defense Weapon
PEV -----Personal Electric Vehicle
PEP -----Personal Equity Plan
PIN -----Personal Identification Number
PIY -----Personal Inventory for Youth
PMV -----Personal Mobility Vehicle
PNC -----Personal Number Calling
PPO -----Personal Protection Order
PQV -----Personal Qualifying Volume
PQI -----Personal Quality Inspection
PUK -----Personal Unblocking Key
PUM -----Personal User Mobility
PZE -----Personalzeiterfassung
PDD -----Personnel Detection Device
PHA -----Personnel Holding Area
PRD -----Personnel Resource Do***ent
PSQ -----Personnel Security Questionnaire
PSO -----Personnel Services Officer
PPH -----Persons Per Household
PUR -----Persons Using Radio
PUT -----Persons Using Television
PFJ -----Perspective for Java
PUU -----Peruvian Union University
PGU -----Pestalozza Gymnasium Unna
PEX -----Pesticide EXposure
PRZ -----Pesticide Root Zone
PSB -----Pet Shop Boys
PWL -----Pete Waterman Limited
PBC -----Peter Bruntnell Combination
PNK -----Petri Net Kernel
PKZ -----Petroczy-Karman-Zurovec
PCJ -----Petroleum Company of Jamaica
PGK -----Petroleum Geologische Kring
PGF -----Petroleum Ground Fuels
PVE -----Petroleum Violation Escrow
PQU -----Petroquimica Uniao
PEZ -----Pfefferminz
PZS -----Pflegezentrum Sonnenallee
PUW -----Pforzheimer UhrenWerke
PGO -----Phantom Group Orbital
PGX -----Pharmacogenomics Group
PLX -----"Pharmacy, Laboratory, and Radiology (X-ray) "
PAL -----Phase Alternation Line (colour TV system in UK)
QXY -----Phase Angle Shift (data acquisition)
PLL -----Phase Locked Loop
PSK -----Phase-Shift Keying
PCP -----phencyclidine
PKU -----phenylketonuria
PTC -----phenylthiocarbamide
PXE -----Phenyl-Xylylethane
PTK -----Phi Theta Kappa (International Honor Society)
PBU -----Philadelphia Biblical University
PHX -----Philadelphia Exchange
PHK -----Philadelphia Keystones (baseball)
PNY -----Philadelphia Navy Yard
PYM -----Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Religious Society of Friends)
PGB -----Philosophische Gesellschaft Bern
PXH -----Phoenixville Hospital
PNT -----Phone-line Network Transceiver
PXK -----Phosphorous and Potassium
PSG -----PhosphoSilicate Glass
PNU -----Photo Net Union
PIX -----Photographic Information eXchange
PLE -----Photo-Luminescence Excitation
PLY -----Photo-Luminescence Yield
PBG -----Photonic Band Gap
PXC -----Photonic Cross Connect
PDV -----Photorealistic Data Visualization
PRK -----Photo-Refractive Keratectomy
PTD -----PhotoThermal Deflection
PDS -----Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
PAG -----Phreaks Against Geeks
PES -----Physical Education Studies
PEW -----Physical Education Women
PFU -----Physical Fitness Uniform
PHY -----Physical Layer
PTG -----Physical Technology Group
PTI -----Physical Training Instructor
PUB -----Physical Unit Block
PCZ -----Physically-protected Control Zone
PDR -----Physician's Desk Reference
PFN -----Physicians Financial News
PFQ -----Physicians For Quality
PHU -----Physicians' Health Update
PBZ -----Physiologica and Biochemical Zoology
PZU -----Physiotherapie-Zentrum Uetersen
PUN -----Physique in Upper Norwood
PSM -----"Pia Societas Missionum (trans: the Religious Society of Missions, Pallottini)"
PYO -----Pick Your Own
PYP -----Pick Your Poison
PZC -----Pickup Zone Coordinator
PUI -----Picoscopic User Interface
PXT -----Picture and Text
PLB -----Picture Level Benchmark
PMI -----Picture Music Industries
PJG -----Pilot Junior Grade
PNF -----Pilot Not Flying
PVI -----Pilot-Vehicle Interface
PGJ -----Pin Game Journal
PKF -----Pine Knot Farms
PGZ -----Pioglitazone
PVO -----Pioneer Venus Orbiter
PPG -----Pittsburgh Plate Glass
PUX -----Pittsburgh Urban Exploration
PMQ -----Pizza Marketing Quarterly
PBE -----Plain Both Ends
PEC -----Plain English Campaign
PPI -----Plan Position Indicator (in radar)
PHH -----Planar Halogenated Hydrocarbon
PWO -----Plane Wave Orbital
PFH -----Planet Field Hockey
PFO -----Planned Facility Order
PFL -----Plant Fuel Load
PHC -----Plant Health Committee
PAW -----Plasma Arc Welding
PJB -----plastic junction box
PET -----plastic used in bottle manufacture
PWP -----Plasticized White Phosphorous
PRW -----Plastics and Rubber Weekly
PAF -----Platelet Activating Factor
PLK -----Platform Library Kit
PBW -----Play By Web
PHB -----Player's HandBook
PSX -----PlayStation X-format
PTO -----Please Turn Over
PXA -----Pleomorphic Xnthoastrocytoma
PJH -----PLRS (Position Location Reporting System)
PCA -----Plug-in Compliant Application
PIU -----Plug-In Unit
ZXT -----Plummer (Idaho) Public Library
PYH -----Plymouth Youth Hockey
PHP -----Pneumatic HydroPulse
PJN -----Poder Judicial de la Nacion
PJK -----Poeldijks Jongerenkoor
PAK -----Point And Kill
POE -----Point Of Entry
POI -----Point Of Information
POP -----Point Of Presence
POS -----Point Of Sale
POT -----Point Of Termination
POU -----Point Of Use
POV -----Point Of View
PPP -----Point to Point Protocol
PCE -----"Point, Click, Explode"
PJC -----Pointer Justification Count
POZ -----Point-of-Sale Ohne Zahlungsgarantie
PFZ -----Polar Frontal Zone
PRL -----Polar Research Laboratory
PXR -----Polarized X-Ray
PQJ -----Police de Questions Juives
PJP -----Polish Journal of Pharmacology
PYF -----Polish Youth Federation
PAC -----Political Action Committee
PRQ -----Political Research Quarterly
PLS -----PoLitical Science
PCU -----Politically Correct University
PQT -----Politician's Question Time
PPE -----"Politics, Philosophy and Economics"
PJZ -----Polizei- und Justizzentrum
QVX -----Pollard (Massachusetts) Memorial Library
PPZ -----Polska Partia Zielonych
PKL -----Polski Koleje Linowe
PKN -----Polski Koncern Naftowy
PZJ -----Polski Zwiazek Jakajacych
PZW -----Polski Zwiazek Wedkarski
PZZ -----Polski Zwiazek Zapasniczy
PAH -----PolyAromatic Hydrocarbons
PEK -----Poly-Ether-Ketone
PIB -----PolyIsoButylene
PJX -----Polyjohns Express
PCR -----Polymerase Chain Reaction
PZF -----Polynomial Zero-Finding
PYV -----Polyomavirus
PVK -----Poly-Vinyl (K)Carbazole
PVA -----PolyVinyl Acetate
PVB -----PolyVinyl Butyral
PVF -----Poly-Vinyl Fluoride
PVC -----PolyVinylChloride (***y plastic)
PXV -----Polyxylylviologen
PBI -----Poor Bloody Infantry
PJY -----Poorn-Jnana Yoga
PAO -----Poppy Appeal Organiser
PZP -----Porcine Zona Pellucida
PJV -----Porgera Joint Venture
PFY -----****-Free Youth
PZK -----Porsche Zentrum Koblenz
PBM -----Portable Bit-Map
PDF -----Portable Do***ent Format
PEA -----Portable Electrical Appliance
PGN -----Portable Game Notation
PIH -----Portable Instrument House
PVR -----Portable Vehicular Ramp
PXB -----Portable X-ray Betatron
PCQ -----Ports Corporation of Queensland
PCW -----Post Consumer Waste
PEQ -----Post Entry Quarantine
PGY -----Post Graduate Year
POB -----Post Office Box
POO -----Post Office Order
PCK -----Postal Corporation of Kenya
PBV -----Post-Boost Vehicle
PLZ -----Postleitzahlen
PMK -----Postmark
POG -----Post-Orogenic Granitoid
PPS -----Post-Post-Script
PTR -----Post-Traumatic Recurrence
PTS -----Post-Traumatic Stress
PZO -----Postzeitungsdienst
PZL -----Postzeitungsliste
PKB -----"Pot, Kettle, Black "
KBR -----Potassium Bromide
KXN -----Potassium by Nitrogen
KHP -----Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate
KOH -----Potassium Hydroxide
KGW -----Potassium-Gadolinium Tungstate
PLH -----Potato Leafhopper
PVX -----Potato Virus X
PBP -----Potbellied Pig
PXJ -----Potential Exchange Junction
PHE -----Potentially Harmful Element
PVW -----Potomac Valley Watercolorists
PFK -----Poulet Frit au Kentucky (Canadian
LBS -----Pounds (weight
PSI -----Pounds per Square Inch
PPC -----Pour Prendre Conge (French
PXD -----Powder X-ray Diffraction
PAE -----Power Added Efficiency
PMY -----Power and Motoryacht
PER -----Power Enhancement Ratio
PLW -----Power League Wrestling
PQX -----Power Quest Index
PRT -----Power Recovery Train
PTP -----Power to The People
PUE -----Power Up Edition
PUQ -----Power User Questionnaire
PWU -----Power Workers Union
WXJ -----PowerJ Workspace file
PMU -----PowerMeter Unit
PTB -----Powers That Be

parkour star
10-11-2010, 10:59 PM
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