
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده میباشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمیکنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : دنیای سورس کد php

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:14 PM
PhpBazar Free Classified Php Script 2.1.1

PhpBazar Free Classified Php Script allows you to manage classified ads on your website.

- The entire web site is built in php language
- The web site has fully automated user registration and login system
- Automatic Dynamic PageBreaks
- User registration including email confirmation
- Lost password function
- Unlimited members
- Unlimited categories and sub-categories
- Users can upload picutres with their ads
- Ad rating, statistics and print functions
- AutoNotify Fuction

دانلود سورس کد PHP (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebscripts.softped ia.com%2FscriptDownload%2FFree-Classified-Php-Script-Download-44346.html)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:17 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif Skinnable Checkboxes 5.0


دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Facidmartin.wemakes ites.net%2FDownloads%2FSkinnableCheckboxes5.0.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:18 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif Richfaces 3.2.1


کتابخانه ای جامع از
Frame Network , ....

دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.jboss.com %2Fjboss-richfaces%2Frichfaces-ui-3.2.1.GA-bin.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:21 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif ShoutBox با PHP



دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.phphq.net%2Fsc ripts.php%3Fp%3Dfree-scripts%26id%3D2)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:23 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif Ajax and PHP Chat


دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fplanetsourcecode.c om%2FUpload_PSC%2Fftp%2FAjax_and_P2114385302008.zi p)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:24 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif phpShop 0.8.1

فروشگاه الکترونیکی به زبان PHP

توضیحات تکمیلی :

phpShop is a PHP-powered shopping cart application. It is released under the GNU General Public License.

The primary purpose of phpShop is to provide a simple shopping cart solution that is easy to customize to suit any purpose.

phpShop has less features that many other shopping cart applications, but is generally easier to customize. All that is required to effectively customize phpShop is a basic knowledge of HTML, PHP, and SQL.

The current list of features are as follows:
- Use of CSS-based themes
- Easily integrated with Dreamweaver for layout design
- Shopping cart per visiting shopper
- Minicart visible for shoppers as they browse site
- Simple search tool for finding products
- Category based navigation of store
- Show current specials
- Sales statistics
- Order management and processing
- Manage multiple order status types
- Update order statuses
- WYSIWYG editing of product descriptions
- Unlimited number of products
- Display products in thumbnail and full size
- Unlimited number of product categories
- Unlimited number of product attributes
- Able to display multiple prices per product
- Pricing based on shopper groups
- SKU based product listings with SKU’s at the product attribute(s) level
- Easy to use web based store administration
- Database driven for dynamic store maintenance
- Administrative user management
- SSL template driven admin and storefront pages
- Upload category, product, and store images via web browser
- Multiple shipping addresses per shopper
- Separate shipping and handling charge calculation
- Customizable zone based tax calculation (city/state & country/region)
- Ability to create shopper groups
- Order management with customizable order status types
- Email notifications of orders
- Live credit card processing through payment processors
- Shoppers can view orders with status
- Ability to set tax rates for multiple countries, states and cities.
- Shoppers registration
- Shoppers have secure account access to view current and previous orders
- Shipping address book for storing multiple shipping or billing addresses
- Zone based shipping methods

دانلود سورس کد فروشگاه رایگان به زبان PHP (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload2us.softpe dia.com%2Fdl%2Fab46549c337f4ca77f3920beb3604807%2F 4942ca43%2F600038903%2Fdownload.softpedia.com%2Fwe bscripts%2Fphp%2Fphpshop-0.8.1.tar.tar)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:24 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/images/icons/icon1.gif QuickPlay 3.8.4


ساخت QPlayer

دانلود (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownloads.sourcefo rge.net%2Fquickplay%2Fqp-3.8.4.zip%3Fmodtime%3D1157212949%26big_mirror%3D0)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:26 PM
اسکریپت همه فن حریف

اسکریپتی کار آمد برای که با نصب آن میتوانید دسته بندی بسازید ؛ لینک دونی بسازید ، صفحه اصلی بسازید و .... .



توضیحات تکمیلی :

- Home Page Featured
- Gallery Featured
- Category Featured
- Bold, and Highlighted Listings
- Slide Show
- Unlimited Categories
- Ask Seller A Question
- Make An Offer
- Self Contained Email System
- Circle Items
- Who's Online for admin
- Buy Now PayPal Integration
- User Feedback and Ratings
- Category By Category Customizability
- User Group Management
- Promo Codes
- Coupon Codes
- Image Thumbnail Previews
- Automatic Thumbnail Generation
- Multicurrency Paypal
- Admin Listing Options
- User Subscriptions
- Free Listing "Tokens"
- Members Only Categorie
- Wildcard and Modifier Searches
- Search Custom Fields
- Saved Searches and Notifications
- Listing Previews
- Real-time Search Suggestions
- Optional Require Approval
- Front-End Admins
- Edit-In-Place Capabilities
- One-Click Froogle Submission
- Add, modify, and remove categories.
- Modify, approve, or reject each link submission.
- Modify, approve, or reject any link modifications.
- Modify, approve, or reject each new review submission.
- Manage Editor Pick links.
- Category permission, allows you to set permissions for each category.
- Hidden categories - you can make some categories invisible.
- Check category structure and view category's hierarchy.
- Search log now records IP address and number of results.
- New Image field type, allows the webmaster to upload images.
- An email will be sent automatically to a link owner to notify them whether their link has been approved or rejected by the administrator.
- Template files support PHP code.
- The ability to customize all email messages that will be sent to the administrator and the webmaster.
- The ability to make full backup of database information and use it to restore the database, if necessary.
- Maintain Broken Link. You can modify the link information, delete the link, or ignore the broken link by deleting broken link report.
- The ability to alter database table. You can define database fields yourself to meet your portal requirements. This feature will enable you to create various database driven websites, such as a web directory, an image gallery, a program/scripts directory, classified ads, or a products catalog.
- Configuration Settings. You can specify how many links for each page, category separator, enable or disable spam-proof mailing list, folder image, and more.

دانلود اسکریپت (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fitechscripts.com%2 Fdownloads%2FiTechClassifieds_v3.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Simple Mozilla-Firefox Bookmarks Checker 0.2

ساخت بوکمارک در فایرفاکس

دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fplanetsourcecode.c om%2FUpload_PSC%2Fftp%2FSimple_Moz2083359142007.zi p)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:27 PM
شمارنده کلیک

دانلود سورس شمارنده کلیک (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload2us.softpe dia.com%2Fdl%2F73b2f8fa05f8e2b4d6d6bfe47a1accf9%2F 497f56ce%2F600044722%2Fwebscripts%2Fphp%2FClickCou nter1.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:31 PM
اسکریپتی مدیریت لینکها

اسکریپتی برای مدیریت لینکها بصورت کار آمد .
کوچک کرن
مدیریت و ...

دانلود اسکریپت مدیریت لینکها (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.phpjunkyard.co m%2Fdnl%2Flinkman15.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:32 PM
اسکریپت نظرخواهی در php

سورس کد اسکریپت نظرخواهی در (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.p30pedia.com %2F) PHP


دانلود سورس (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.p30pedia.co m%2Fuploads%2F1247094480.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:32 PM
اسکریپت ارسال ایمیل به زبان PHP

این اسکریپت کار آمد را میتوانید از لینک زیر دانلود نمائید :

دانلود اسکریپت ارسال ایمیل به زبان php (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.planet-source-code.com%2FUpload_PSC%2Fftp%2F%26%2391%3B_Easiest_ 1782318152004.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:33 PM
اسکریپت آمارگیری به زبان php

به کمک این اسکریپت که میخوام معرفی کنم شما میتوانید آمار بازدید خود را بررسی کنید .

برای استفاده از این اسکریپت به شیوه ی زیر عمل کنید :

یک فایل به نام

بسازید و chmod آن را بر روی 777 تنظیم کنید .
سپس کد زیر را در فایل مذکور بگذارید :

<?php $file="counter.txt"; $handle=fopen($file, "r+"); $hits=fread($handle,filesize("$file")); $hits+=1; fclose($handle); echo "$hits"; $handle=fopen($file, "w"); fwrite($handle, $hits); fclose($handle); ?>

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:33 PM
اسکریپت پیاده سازی چت باکس به زبان PHP

دانلود اسکریپت از لینک زیر

دانلود اسکریپت چت باکس به زبان PHP (http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.planet-source-code.com%2FUpload_PSC%2Fftp%2FBasic_Chat1830461217 2004.zip)

P a R y A
09-19-2010, 03:34 PM
http://forum.irantrack.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.p30pedia.com %2F